Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #198
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 28 Oct 98       Volume 16 : Issue 198

Today's Topics:

       Cookie question re IExplorer
      (C) QuickKeys 3.5.3 crashes MacOS 8.5
      (C) QuickKeys 3.5.3 crashes MacOS 8.5
      (R) help (ISP needs Mac knowledge)
      Advice for the Port-deprived?
      ATI graphics accellerator (software extension)
      Auction Tracking
      Can't Dock My PowerBook
      Can't tap-and-drag on PB trackpad
      Desktop Pictures
      Drivers for 44 & 20 meg bernoulli iomega
      Fwd: Appearance Control (Q)
      Fwd: NN - IE4
      Fwd: Trash warning persists!
      How to View TidBITS Files?
      Microsoft Office98
      Netscape 4.5 and Stuffit
      newton connection response
      NN - IE4
      OS 8.5 (C)
      outlook express
      Problems with Zip Plus and All-in-one G3-FREEZING
      sleeping mac

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Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 18:05:04 -0500
From: "Jim (James G) Hardwick CPA" <>
Subject:  Cookie question re IExplorer


I learned long ago how to make the cookie cookies "crumble" in Netscape
(put the magiccookie file inside a folder of the same name--mac os will not
allow a folder to be replaced by a file).  Now I need to know how to avoid
the recording of IE cookies (IE 3.x that came with my G3 pbk).  Is there a
painless way, as in NScape, without actually letting on that you are not
accepting them?

I would be most appreciative for advice on how to do that.


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 17:35:33 -0500
From: Simon Kidd <>
Subject: (C) QuickKeys 3.5.3 crashes MacOS 8.5

At 6.51 am -0500 25/10/98, abrody wrote:
>Dear Digest readers,
>Despite CE Software's claims on its web page to the contrary, the QuicKeys
>3.5.3 upgrade available from them does not promote MacOS 8.5 compatibility.
>In fact it disables the Control Strip, and the Launcher (which are redundant
>anyway if it worked), but worse yet, run BBEdit, GraphicConverter, AppDisk
>Internet Explorer crash with Type 1 errors and applications quit even when
>not activating a macro.  It may work with MacOS 8.1 or earlier, but I
>wouldn't attempt running it just yet on MacOS 8.5.   Disable QuicKeys and
>Type 1 errors will disappear.
>Oh you might have the occasional Type 1 error, but not because of QuickKeys
>but another non-Apple extension getting in the way.

People should try this out for themselves. Im using OS8.5 on a G3 series 
PB, my experience seems to mirror CE statement (posted on the QK's list), 
the control strip, GraphicConverter and BBEdit (light) all function happily 
with the latest QK (v 3.53, no powerplugs). I cant comment on IE, Launcher 
and Appdisk as I dont use them. Beyond the problems mentioned in CE's 
posting QK's is working fine.




Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 13:58:19 -0800
From: Rich Pizor <>
Subject: (C) QuickKeys 3.5.3 crashes MacOS 8.5

At 6:51 AM -0500 10/25/98, abrody wrote:
>Dear Digest readers,
>Despite CE Software's claims on its web page to the contrary, the QuicKeys
>3.5.3 upgrade available from them does not promote MacOS 8.5 compatibility.

Hmm...that's most curious...I have version 3.0.2 installed on my StarMax
5500 (604e/200) and it runs just fine with 8.5...if you have been a user
for a while and can downgrade, this might be a workable option...In fact I
haven't had a single unanticipated crash since I upgraded to 8.5, which may
be the first version Apple's system software I can say that of. :)

 Rich Pizor, Macintologist        | "She asked for my love
 ICQ# 11846038                    |  And I gave her a dangerous mind"  |      -- David Bowie, "Scary Monsters"
  Percentage of U.S. government agencies rated as being in full compliance
with the Electronic Freedom of Information Act: 0 (


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 21:36:41 -0500
From: shorton <>
Subject: (R) help (ISP needs Mac knowledge)

Hi Roger,

Learning a new operating system can be a chore, but I'm sure that it will 
be quite manageable for you if you are curious and motivated. The MacOS 
is not difficult.

If I were in your shoes, I would buy a cheap, used Mac from Small dog 
electronics ( or a similar place with a 6GB or more hard 
disk. Perhaps a PPC 604e or G3 for the CPU and preferably an internal 
SCSI bus. Don't worry too much about reving up the CPU clock speed, 
you'll have plenty of horsehower for tech support and you can always get 
a faster machine. Cosider formatting multiple 500Mb or so partitions on 
the drive and install multiple sequential versions of the MacOS, one 
version to each partition and name each partition accordingly. (The MacOS 
has a startup disk control panel to make startup selection easy). The 
similarities among them are much greater than the differences, and you'll 
have it figured out in no time. If a customer is using system 7.6.1, boot 
it up; if they are using 8.1, boot that, etc.... I'm not sure how far 
you'll need to go back to to satisfy your customers, but perhaps drawing 
the line at 7.5.3 or so would be reasonable. 

There will be costs in getting system software, of course, but perhaps a 
lot of the older stuff is available for free or a nomimal charge. Buy a 
copy of 8.5 of course and visit version traker  on the web once in a 
while to check on updates to any commerical or other sofware that you're 
running. Installing popular dialer software such as free, "Free PPP" and 
compare it to Apple's dialer and that should just about do it.

You might even have some fun.

Good luck in your venture,


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:23:38 -0500
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Advice for the Port-deprived?

One way I've skirted the port dilema on our Quadra is to connect my two
printer via a PhoneTalk network. This would require only one of your two
native ports, provided, however that both of your printers will support
AppleTalk networking.

Good Luck

Marlon Deason


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 12:47:45 +0100
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: ATI graphics accellerator (software extension)

In the extensions folder I found three extensions from ATI (Graphics
Accelerator, 3D  Accelerator and Video Memory Manager). It is not clear to
me if these extension works with the PMac G3 normal video setup or just
with a PCI video card from ATI.

**   Arch. Paolo Bartoli


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:35:56 -0500
From: polky <>
Subject: Auction Tracking


I have recently started combing the on-line auctions and amassed quite a 
pile of Mac-specific items. The chore of tracking all these auctions and 
results is becoming overwhelming. I seem to recall reading about a 
FileMaker Pro database that was set up to track just this information. 
For the life of me, I can't remember where I saw it. I've spent a wwek 
searching, to no avail (just ordered OS 8.5; maybe that will help). Does 
anyone remember seeing this also, and if so, where? I'm beginning to 
question my memory :-)



Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:35:31 -0500
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Can't Dock My PowerBook

One thing that occurs to me is that your 'PowerBook Setup' control panel
could be missing, have a corrupted preference file, or be set to an
occupied SCSI address. (remember that #0 and 7 are taken up by the
motherboard and the HD and that #3 is usually reserved for the CD.) 

I don't believe that the 'PowerBook Setup' prefs are reset by zapping
the PRAM, but I could be wrong.

Marlon Deason


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:50:31 -0500
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Can't tap-and-drag on PB trackpad

I don't think Apple offically supports 'the clickable trackpad' on the
PB 5300. 

One thing you could try is to copy the control panel from your PB 190 to
the PB 5300 and see what it does. 

OTOH, the are a few shareware answrs to this question, 'Click-Pad' is
one example.

BTW - The best and fastest way to find shareware (next to the wonderful
Info-Mac archive of course!) is, it is yet to fail me.

Marlon Deason


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:23:25 -0500
From: (Stan Hadley)
Subject: Desktop Pictures

In article <715anb$rjb$>, wrote:

> >Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 12:43:55 +0100
> >From: Tina <>
> >Subject: Desktop Pictures
> >
> >
> >Ok I've had this problem for ages now with Mac OS 8 and 8.1
> >I have a PM 8100/110 and the desktop pictures will appear
> >for a split second when I choose them and then vanish and
> >revert to a pattern instead, its driving me crazy, I've rebuilt
> >the desktop, deleted finder prefs ....can anyone help me?!!!!
> >

I seem to remember that there was a conflict between MacOS 8.0 and
Conflict Catcher (version 3.0 I think.) It kept Desktop Pictures from
working. I remember because I thought I had done a bad install and spent
half a day reinstalling 8.0. Of course Conflict Catcher wouldn't find the
conflict with itself. This got fixed in Conflict Catcher 4.

Hope this helps,

Stanton W. Hadley             
Oak Ridge National Laboratory           Bldg 4500-N, MS 6205 
P.O. Box 2008                           Room G-28                              
Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6205               (423)574-8018, fax:(423)574-8884


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 20:09:13 -0500
From: Diane & David Turner <>
Subject: Drivers for 44 & 20 meg bernoulli iomega

Have you tried ? I found this
on the Iomega site at after
clicking the Complete Software Index link at the left.

Hope this helps.

David Turner
Centerville, OH

>I picked up to 44 meg bernoulli and 1 double 20 meg bernoulli drives from my
>company ($5.00 each) and require copies of the software that came with these
>so I can format etc.
>These machines will be used by my nephew who has my old MacPlus.
>I'm assuming there is software.
>I tried the Iomega FTP site but they only have the zip and jazz drivers.
>If you have the drivers or know if any special software is required then
>please email me. Thank you.


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 17:26:39 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: Appearance Control (Q)

Abrody asked:

>At long last Apple has included in the Desktop Pictures part of the
>Appearance Control Panel the ability to read GIF files in MacOS 8.5.  But
>strange as it may seem there is no contextual menu addon that allows you to
>"Set as Wallpaper" with Netscape and Internet Explorer, even though that has
>been an ability of Windows 95 and NT for the longest time.   Please somebody
>write a contextual menu plugin that allows one to automatically set the
>wallpaper from a GIF that is displayed in the web browser.  If such a beast
>exists already, please let me know where to find it?

Why not just open the View/Page Info window in Netscape and click on the
background GIF listed there, then drag the image to your Appearance Control
Panel? It's not as quick as a dedicated utility, but it's not much slower,



Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 17:36:18 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: NN - IE4

LoboMacpeter asked:

>>I want to transfer my bookmarks in Netscape Navigator 4.05 over to
>>Internet Explorer 4.01. If this is possible, would someone explain how?

Here is a note I posted to another list the other day. You might check it out.


>Thought I'd pass this on, because the subject comes up now and then of
>needing to translate email address books from one client or another. A
>local computer newsletter here, called "ComputorEdge" published an article
>by J. R. Wilson in its 23 Oct 98 issue, called "Now for Something
>Different: Making Life Easier." In the article  Wilson mentioned a service
>on the web called InterGuru, where you an move address books and mail
>folders between just about any email program formats. I visited it at
> and it seems to be true. You can translate one
>email address book, then he asks for a $20 donation for a lifetime right to
>the service. It's basically a shareware fee.
>	Also for a small fee, he offers an address book online backup
>service so that you can access your email address book wherever you are,
>and in case of crash it is right there, safe. (I can speak from several
>hours' experience now, having nearly lost my address book in switching over
>to system 8.5, that this would have been worth a lot to me!).
>	Anyway, there might be some people interested in changing email
>clients who could make use of the conversion service he offers.


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 17:38:56 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: Trash warning persists!

Dan Riley wrote:

>Perhaps someone out there can help. I have been unable to stop the warning
>window which appears when you try to empty trash. Despite unchecking the "Warn
>before emptying" box in Trash information, the window reappears if the machine
>has been restarted or shut down. I have zapped P-ram, rebuilt desktop - even
>reloaded OS 8.1 from scratch - still won't remember my wish to skip the
>warning. I'm running 8.1 (not HFS+) on a 6500/225 PowerPC.

Have you tried trashing the Finder Preferences file? That has worked for me
in the past.



Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 21:54:57 -0500
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Help

For older Macs I would suggest obtaining a copy of Apple's Internet
Connection Kit. I was still current and bundled with Mac OS 7.5 (which
was the last OS to run on  Mac hardware all the way back to the Mac Plus

Anybody with a Mac older than '96 is likely to not have any
pre-installed internet software and Apple's ICK will serve most
connection needs.

Newer Macs (and more adventurous older Mac owners) will probably have
installed (or had the opportunity to install) Open Transport (OT) with
OS 7.5 or later. The documentation from ICK covers OT. Open transport is
roughly equivelent to Microsoft's 'dial up networking'. 

Also, worth checking out, are PPP ( and  the shareware
control panel 'Internet Config' ( IC keeps all your
Internet preferences in one convienent place, and most Mac internet apps
are IC savvy. Apple even used it as the basis for thr 'Internet' control
panel in the new Mac OS 8.5.

Another option is to pick up a copy of any major ISP's trialware (i.e.
Earthlink) to get a look at what they are using.

But possibly the best way to learn (and appreciate) the Internet on a
Macintosh is to buy one. (Just don't buy an iMac, terrible learning
experience, literally two clicks and your online :-)

Marlon Deason


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 14:36:52 -0800
From: "Adam C. Engst" <>
Subject: How to View TidBITS Files?

>The setext documents don't require any special naming convention; they
>just must be plain text documents formatted according to setext
>standards (TidBITS and Info-Mac digests are, together with most other
>listserv digests).

Actually, TidBITS <> and MWJ <> 
are setexts, but most digests like Info-Mac are not. Easy View could read a 
number of different text file formats, including setext and standard mail 

cheers... -Adam
Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Publisher <>


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 11:03:30 -0500
From: "Norman R. Friedman" <>
Subject: Microsoft Office98

Hi, my problem is with Microsoft Office 98. I have installed from the CD
onto my hard drive of my Power PC . I have plenty of RAM  space. The
installation runs well and I find all the parts on my disk. I then attempt
to open the various applications. Office Excel opens and runs well, as does
Power Point. Problem is with the one app. that I want worst-Office Word.
Application starts correctly, but then this message occurs:
"The Visual Basic Editor could not be loaded. There may not be enough free
memory to load the libraries or files may have been deleted or moved from
their originally installed locations", which causes a restart. Since I have
not deleted or moved anything I cannot imagine what I am doing to cause
this. I have tried to restart with extensions off, etc. and always get the
same message. Any ideas would be really appreciated
Thanks for all advice


  (Norman R. Friedman & Mishpocha)


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 23:12:46 -0700
From: "Dennis L. Davis" <>
Subject: Netscape 4.5 and Stuffit

At 4:14 PM -0400 10/23/98, Bob Worts wittily wrote:

> 1.  My downloads from Info-Mac often just disappear before they've
> been un-stuffed.
> 2.  Now the Expander won't un-stuff the .hqx files and all I get
> is the "suggestion" that I could have un-stuffed them if I would
> purchase "enhancer".
> Have I jiggled something I shouldn't have?  Where could the
> downloads go instead of staying in the folder they were directed to?
> Stuff-up and tired of it.

I am not sure as I have never used Netscape 4.5 and don't {won't} use any
browser to do FTP.

I use Anarchie Pro {shareware} to do my FTP as it is much superior FTP
client and I also have Fetch {shareware} which also does FTP very well.

You should get Anarchie Pro or Fetch for FTP and since both of them are
well behaved and use internetConfig {which Netscape doesn't} you can set
the destination folder and since they use IC's settings, such problems as
you are having should disapear.

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
Blessings, Denny <>


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 09:24:01 +0100
From: dead nancy <>
Subject: newton connection response

hi, everybody.

thanks to everyone who offered help on my search for newton connection
software. the big answer was that i need "newton connection"
(discontinued apple shareware)  as opposed to the "newton connection
UTILITIES" (discontinued apple commercial software.)

(and i learned that it's an OMP, not a MP100. i'm not sure what useful
tasks they managed to get this thing to in 1993, but trying to get
handwriting recognition to interpret BEAT UP MARTIN correctly makes a
great party game.)

thanks again.

dead nancy


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 23:03:21 -0700
From: "Dennis L. Davis" <>
Subject: NN - IE4

At 12:37 AM +0000 10/25/98, Peter Grundy wittily wrote:

> I want to transfer my bookmarks in Netscape Navigator 4.05 over to
> Internet Explorer 4.01. If this is possible, would someone explain how?

This is very simple just make a copy of the bookmarks file
{Bookmarks.html} from Netscape =9F {or whatever the Netscape Navigator 4.05
folder is named} which is in the Preferences folder and change its name to
=46avorites.html and put that file in the Explorer folder {or whatever the
Internet Explorer 4.01 folder is named} in the Preferences folder.

If you want you can sync them by making one an alias of the other. Just
remember the different naming conventions.

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
Blessings, Denny <>


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 17:48:53 -0500 (EST)
From: Leslye Bloom <>
Subject: OS 8.5 (C)

I *finally* got an update to Virex (5.9) with virus definitions more
recent than August 1. Whoopie.

I and my secretary are registered owners of Virex 5.8, but we sure have
not heard anything from NAI (the new Virex owner) about the upgrade.

Our university (Virginia Tech) got a site license for Virex this year.
I've been chatting with the comp center contact about the apparent
silliness of having a site license for a virus product that hasn't
seen a new "defs" file in three months. That period encompasses one
new true virus and gawd alone knows how many Microsoft Word macro

He sort of got me off his back today by pointing me to the URL for
the new Virex 5.9 (No, don't ask if you don't have a address).

Then he told me that no existing virus program works worth naughtyword
under System 8.5. Including today's Virex 5.9.

Hoo boy! I had already checked with the vendors of my various external
drive formatters/drivers. As usual Iomega was useless. Why, oh why,
did I think ZIPs were a good idea for my machines? LaCie and VST, on
the other hand, responded promptly. Both suggested I hold off installing
OS/8.5 on anything I am fond of.

Sort of dampens my enthusiasm for the 8.5 upgrade.

Al Bloom


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 23:09:30 +0800
From: "yickming wong" <>
Subject: outlook express


excuse me if this has been asked before
i have just recently switched to outlook express from eudora

i am not receiving the digests correctly. they arrive as a truncated message
with an attachment. saving the attachment gives the same truncated digest.
are there any settings that i have not done correctly? viewing in easy-view
doesn't work either.

pls reply direct to above address



Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 14:34:19 -0500
From: Louis Bergeron <>
Subject: Problems with Zip Plus and All-in-one G3-FREEZING

I have received a few message about that, but freezing problem is not
solved. I would like to know if I could use a standard cable instead of
Iomega's special cable on a Zip Plus to try to resolve a SCCI problem
without damaging the Iomega zip Plus. Have anyone tried a standard cable?

I have a Macintosh Power Macintosh G3 All-in-one. I have two external
devices on the SCSI chain which are An Iomega Zip Plus and a La Cie. I had
the same setup on a LC520 (68030 at 25mhz) without any problem.

The problem I have is that if both the Zip Plus and La Cie are plugged, the
La Cie will freeze when copying on or from it. The Zip Plus is used with
the original cable and plugged first and given number 5. The La Cie is
given number 6 and plugged in the Zip Plus. If either of the SCSI device is
plugged alone, all is fine. Both product are working perfectly and rapidly
at that time.

I have installed the newest driver from the Iomega site and the problem was
not solved. I have in fact tried everything. I tried managing the Zip with
a La Cie driver to drive the Zip plus. Now, I have HDT driver 2.5.3 which
works fine when the Zip is plugged alone. I can format, give password,
optimize, etc.

I suspect the cable which is not fast enough when copying from the internal
hard disk (IDE 4.3 Quantum) to the external hard disk. The data have to use
the zip cable to get through the Zip Plus and then to the La Cie and I
think the problem is there.

I have tried booting with and without extensions, changing SCCI numbers,
etc. But, the problem seems to be in the cable from what is happening. In
HDT's manual, they indicates that sometimes problems like that happens
because of difference in cables impedance.

Can I use a simple 25-25 cable instead of the dedicated zip cable used in
the Zip plus?

Louis Bergeron
Louis Bergeron C.P. 936 Rouyn Rouyn-Noranda Qc Canada J9X 5C8
Telephone-Phone (819) 764-3862  Telecopieur-Fax (819) 764-3758


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:58:44 +0100
From: dead nancy <>
Subject: sleeping mac

hi, everybody.

re: sleeping mac:

:: I also expected to find energy saver 
:: the problem but it was not on there.

as i said, to get the machines to stop sleeping, i had to make sure
energy saver WAS present, set to not sleep.

the following conditions resulted in sleeping macs:
1. energy saver control panel & extension installed & turned on (obviously.)
2. energy saver control panel & extension not installed.
3. energy saver control panel & extension installed but deactivated with
extensions manager.

(and zapping the pram did nothing for me.)

so: does auto-sleep actually live in the roms of new(er) macs? pretty
annoying, having conservation thrust on me like that. (cupertino is way
too close to san francisco, baby.)

dead nancy
now 100% java free!



End of Info-Mac Digest