Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #202
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Info-Mac Digest             Sun, 01 Nov 98       Volume 16 : Issue 202

Today's Topics:

      [*] 32bitBEiconsb5.sit.hqx
      [*] A Better Finder Rename 1.3
      [*] A Better Finder Select 1.4.1
      [*] Address Book 4.0
      [*] DeskPix 1.1
      [*] Desktop Cleaner 1.0
      [*] eudora-batch-find-101.hqx
      [*] FileMaker Text Reader 1.1
      [*] Formula 1 Lite 1.1.9r4 Freeware
      [*] iMacGeddon 1.5
      [*] Image-In Engine 1.0.1
      [*] Irish Accessories
      [*] OneApp Address Book
      [*] PageMark 2.0: Scrollbar extension shows page end  
      [*] PrintCalendar FAT 1.0 calendar printer/viewer
      [*] SoundThemeChanger
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5 - German version
      [*] Web Confidential 1.0.2 - French Version

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Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:40:01 -0700
Subject: [*] 32bitBEiconsb5.sit.hqx

Here are a few BE style icons redone with 32 bit color. Also included are
a resource file with the icns and a modified BE Kaliedoscope scheme with
these icons.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/32-bit-be-icons.hqx; 159K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:40:12 -0700
Subject: [*] A Better Finder Rename 1.3


"A Better Finder Rename" is a contextual menu plugin for the Macintosh
Finder which allows users to quickly rename multiple files. "A Better
Finder Rename" is ideally suited for Macintosh webmasters, users who need
to transfer files from or to Windows or Unix, as well as for all other
Macintosh users who deal with large numbers of files.

Feature list:

* interactive/ automatic modes
* create numbered lists (e.g. image1, image2, image3, etc.)
* replace anywhere in the file name
* replace at the beginning of the file name
* replace at the end of the file name
* add at the beginning of the file name
* add at the end of the file name
* convert to uppercase
* convert to lowercase
* remove characters at the beginning of the file name
* remove characters at the end of the file name
* examples for each mode
* all settings are "remembered" from one usage to the next
* fully integrated with the Macintosh Finder

For more information, as well as a demonstration of ABFR, please visit:



A PowerMacintosh with MacOS 8 or later.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/abfrename-13.hqx; 585K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:37 -0700
Subject: [*] A Better Finder Select 1.4.1


"A Better Finder Select" is a contextual menu plug-in for the Macintosh
Finder, which allows users to quickly select all files matching a given
criterum. The utility implements selection based on file name, creator and
type. It also supports Linux-type wildcards. "A Better Finder Select" is a
simple, yet surprisingly powerful utility which is fully integrated into
the Macintosh Finder.

This new version contains many improvements and new features, including:

* selection based on the file and creator type both separately and in
combination (e.g. select all gif image files created by Adobe Photoshop)

For more information, as well as a demonstration of ABFS, please visit our
web site at:



A PowerMacintosh with MacOS 8 or later.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/abfselect-141.hqx; 571K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:50 -0700
Subject: [*] Address Book 4.0

Address Book 4
The original code for Address Book was written by Jim Leitch, deceased.
Smith Productions have modified that code to create Address Book 4. The
only changes made were to support the current MacOS, 8.1 and to build the
application using Metrowerks's CodeWarrior. No additional features were
added. The primary changes made to this document has been to eliminate
contact information for the original author. I will support user with
previous version of Address Book when ever possible, however as I do not
have the source code for version prior to 3.7.2.. If you have an older
version of Address Book it is recommended that you upgrade to Address Book

Address Book 4 is an easy-to-use, fast and powerful way to manage and
control lists of names, addresses, and phone numbers. The Application works
on Macs from the Plus to the latest PowerMacs.

* preset fields for easy set-up and data entering
* memory-resident list for fast finding and sorting
* multiple sort capabilities
* import utilities allow importing from other databases, word processing
programs, and Personal Information Managers
* exports to mail merge, databases, word processors, and spreadsheets, and
palmtop computers, including Newton, Psion 3a, Sharp Wizard, and HP95LX
* prints envelopes, labels, business cards, postcards, Rolodex, standard
and custom address books, and lists, in color if your printer supports it
* prints postal bar codes
* phone dialing through modems, the Mac speaker, Hyperdialer=81, and Desktop
* log file for logging calls, taking notes
* call timer
* macros
* on-line help
* multiple language capability
* password protection
* regular updates will be available on the Internet from regular download

Address Book, is year 2000 ready. Address Book makes use of the built-in
Macintosh date routines, which function correctly well pass the year 3000.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/address-book-40.hqx; 776K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:39 -0700
Subject: [*] DeskPix 1.1

DeskPix 1.1 is a desktop picture randomizer for MacOS 8.5. Tell DeskPix
which pictures you want it to choose from, by one of several different
selection methods, and it will randomly set a new desktop picture each time
you restart your computer.

The major change between Version 1.0 and 1.1 is to update DeskPix to be
compatible with MacOS 8.5.

DeskPix 1.1 requires a PowerPC-based Mac running MacOS 8.5. It will not work
with MacOS 8.1 or earlier. MacOS 8.5 requires at least 16 MB RAM.

If you use MacOS 8.0 or 8.1, you can use DeskPix 1.0, which supports your
system-version. Version 1.0 is available at the SearchWare Solutions

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/deskpix-151.hqx; 640K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Desktop Cleaner 1.0

Desktop Cleaner maintains specified icons on the desktop and moves any other
unwanted icons to the trash. For example, some people like to have many
icons on there desktop all the time. Then they go on a downloading spree and
have a bunch of new files on the desktop afterward. Running Desktop Cleaner
will remove these additional and unwanted files. (Great for teachers, hence
the reason why it was written).

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/desktop-cleaner-10.hqx; 127K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:34 -0700
Subject: [*] eudora-batch-find-101.hqx

this is a small update to Eudora Batch Find, a little utility written in
AppleScript that offers batch search for the email program Eudora (versions
1.5 and above). It lets you search for a string within a subset or all of
your mailboxes in one go and will display all matches in a list. A click on
a match will then show the start of the message, open that message's window
in Eudora or create a new message with a reply.

Note that you need to install some Scripting Additions before you can run
this AppleScript (apart from the one included); a html file with download
addresses is part of the distribution. All the necessary Scripting
Additions are free. They are: Dialog Director v0.7, Jon's Commands and GTQ
Library (from which only the Sort command is needed).

This utility is free; AppleScript source is included (as text file).

What's new in version 1.0.1 (changes since version 1.0)

- The package also includes a version that should run on System 7.0. It
doesn't show its dialogs floating above all Eudora windows; if you prefer
it this way, you can run this version under Systems later than 7.0.

- For the AppleScript versions with floating dialogs: it's now possible to
close the Batch Find application even when its dialogs are no longer
visible because Eudora is not open anymore (or when the Batch Find
application is in front while its dialogs are displayed above Eudora's
windows). Just press Command-Period to close Batch Find. If you have Eudora
3.1 or later, you can use the plug-in "Quit Batch Find" included in this

- The AppleScripts applications are now compiled as read-only, which has
several advantages:
  - less memory required to run (500 KB on 68k Macs, 600 KB for Power Macs)
  - closing the script is much faster
  - opening seems to be slightly faster as well
  - file sizes are much smaller (about 60 KB)

- The "Reply" button in the result dialog will now close the message that
is replied to if its window was open.

- Since AppleScript stores global variables in the script file itself,
antivirus programs might be triggered if they note changed file size or
modification date after you run Batch Find. This is now mentioned in the

- Several small changes (see beginning of the file "Read Me First" for a
complete list).

The size of the archive is 198 KB (StuffIt archive). It contains the
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/eudora-batch-find-101.hqx; 268K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:40:11 -0700
Subject: [*] FileMaker Text Reader 1.1

FileMaker Text Reader db, Import scattered text files.

Select a folder or a disk, and read every text & ttro file in it into this no
password protection FileMaker Pro 4.x db. Clean up those Read Me's.

Open FileMaker Text Reader db, switch to the Finder and select a folder. Come
back to the database by clicking on its window or by selecting FileMaker from
the Applications menu (so that you leave your folder selected).

Type Command-1 to read every text file in the first layer of the selected
folder into this database as individual records. Field "Text 1"  will contain
the file path, and field "Text 2" will contain the text.

Type Command-2 to read in every text file of the selected folder, and*  read
all of the text files in every subfolder of the selected folder.

Type Command-3 to read in every text file of the selected folder, and*  read
all of the text files in every subfolder of the selected folder way faster.
Needs Jon's Commands scripting addition. Jon's Commands can be found here:
.hqx or

Type Command-4 to move the original file contained in the current record to
the trash. Be carefull, some text files (like preferences) need to stay around.

Have Fun

[Archived as /info-mac/data/filemaker-text-reader-11.hqx; 23K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:36 -0700
Subject: [*] Formula 1 Lite 1.1.9r4 Freeware

=46ormula 1Lite is a communication module that improves the performance of
fidonet point. F1 can be used as a replacement for the Call module of
Copernicus, but it can be used with CounterPoint, MacWoof, Alice and
Pizza too.

=461 is now shipped with a free copy of ZipExtract 2.0 that allows you
to receive 'zipped' mail packets and is compatible with PkZip 2.0x.

The included documentation is a MacWrite 5 file. It can be opened by
virtually all Macintosh word processors, let me know if you have any

=46ormula 1Lite is now released as freeware. I submit it with the author's

=46ormula 1 Lite - Copyright =A91992-96 M. Senna
	Massimo Senna
	via Calchi 5
 Fax : +39 0382 304741

----end abstract

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/f1-lite-119r4-free.hqx; 570K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:40:03 -0700
Subject: [*] iMacGeddon 1.5

In this more or less pointless game you toss iMacs out of the windows of a
pickup truck in an insane attempt to squash as many people as you can (the
people resemble the propriator of a fairly large software corporation...

Minimum requirements are any mac with an 800x600 color resolution capable
monitor and at least 8 megs of RAM.

A serious error in the last version that prevented music from playing has
been fixed for this version.

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/imac-geddon-15.hqx; 6255K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Image-In Engine 1.0.1

Image-In Engine is a simple program for downloading multiple
pictures/binaries from UUNET newsgroups.

John Spicer
H: (302) 730-8836 W: (302) 678-8100x114

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/image-in-engine-101.hqx; 581K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:41 -0700
Subject: [*] Irish Accessories

Net friends, here's an updated version of Install Irish Accessories,
compatible with Mac OS 7 through 8.5.

Irish Accessories provides
 * An Irish Keyboard mapping for easy keyboard access to
   accented vowels (fadas),
 * Irish language Date, Time and Currency resources to enable the Mac
   to generate Irish dates, times and currency layouts automatically,
 * Enhanced bit-mapped versions of popular Mac fonts, providing fadas on all
   vowels (needed up to Mac OS 8.5).

Irish Accessories is suitable for any English-language Macintosh, including
US, Australian and British Macintoshes and is compatible with all the
English language features of your Mac. The accessories provide extra
features for your English language Mac, and don't remove or replace and
pre-existing features. In addition, all the accessories may be enabled or
disabled at will.

Irish Accessories is shareware and may be included on CD-ROMS provided that
it is included in Installer form only.


[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/irish-accessories.hqx; 583K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:49 -0700
Subject: [*] OneApp Address Book

Description for Italian version:
OneApp Address Book e' una praticissima rubrica per Macintosh che ti
consente di gestire in modo pratico e veloce indirizzi, numeri di telefono,
nomi e indirizzi Internet. In un unico posto potrai trovare tutte le
informazioni che prima erano distribuite in block notes, bigliettini,
agende, rubriche telefoniche ed anche in vari programmi per la posta
elettronica, browser Internet e database. Con OneApp Address Book
finalmente potrai trovare rapidamente quello che cerchi. OneApp Address
Book puo' aiutarti nel tuo lavoro quotidiano alla scrivania o puo' seguirti
insieme al tuo PowerBook. OneApp Address Book e' integrato con Internet,
dall'interno del programma puoi aprire collegamenti con pagine Web e
inviare messaggi Email utilizzando i tuoi programmi preferiti per la posta
e per la consultazione Web. Il programma, inoltre, ti assiste con la
funzionalit=E0 di dettatura dei numeri telefonici. Dispone inoltre di un
praticissimo calendario che si apre in una piccola finestra separata.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/address-book-131-ita.hqx; 1634K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:43 -0700
Subject: [*] PageMark 2.0: Scrollbar extension shows page end  

PageMark is a Macintosh extension which flashes a bar to mark the end of
the previous page when you use the scrollbar or the Page Down key to
scroll down a page and reach the end of a document.

When you reach the end of a document, often the page has scrolled up just a
few lines rather than a whole page... and you have to scan back over a
whole page you've already read to find the new lines at the end.

With PageMark, you won't waste time figuring out where you are, since the
flashing indicator shows you exactly where the previous page ended.

PageMark can also be configured to flash the marker when scrolling reaches
the top of a document, or the left or right margin, with different settings
for different applications.  The "flashes" popup menu lets you select the
number of flashes; selecting "No flashes" will turn off the marker flashes
for the selected application.  If the "Persistent bar" checkbox is on,
PageMark leaves the marker on, clearing it when you press a key or the
mouse button.

PageMark requires Macintosh System 7.0 or later.  The PageMark Extension is
packaged in a Control Panel.  PageMark works with almost all Macintosh
windows which have scrollbars, including Netscape and Internet Explorer
windows (the only major exceptions appear to be Finder windows under MacOS
8 and the Alpha text editor).

PageMark is $5 shareware.  You can test PageMark for 30 days without
registering; after 30 days the PageMark Extension is disabled.
(PageMark is Copyright =A91998 Kevin Eric Saunders a/k/a bonze blayk,
All Rights Reserved.)

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or bug reports, please
contact the author at <>.

PageMark can be downloaded from the HyperArchive and other Macintosh
shareware distribution servers.


   bonze   /

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/pagemark-20.hqx; 100K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:48 -0700
Subject: [*] PrintCalendar FAT 1.0 calendar printer/viewer

I'm happy to announce the final v1.0 release of PrintCalendar,
a very versatile little application that displays great looking
calendars on your desktop and can print them out too. Best of
all, it's free!

PrintCalendar features include:

    A vast array of options to display repeating and non-repeating
        events in the calendar. You can even specify things like
        "the Tuesday after the first Monday of every month" and
        "Every 2 weeks from Jan 1, 1997"
    Ability to display a background image behind the calendar
        with varying degrees of "presence"
    Run more than one copy of PrintCalendar - each with its own
    Two different calendar views - standard and two-column
    Automatic calculation of Easter and related dates.

This version fixes printing memory problems that plagued earlier
beta and final candidate versions.

Download PrintCalendar v1.0 at <>

You can email me at <>

Ken Worley

Ken, Mary, and Gillian Worley
See Gillian's web page at

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/print-calendar-10.hqx; 174K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:44 -0700
Subject: [*] SoundThemeChanger

SoundThemeChanger is an application which allows you to change Sound
Sets used in MacOS 8.5. Besides the ability to change Sound Sets you
can also record your own sounds for use in the soundset (max 10 sec.).
The registered version even lets you extract sounds from files, if
these sounds are stored in the snd resource. For example it is
possible to extract sounds from different sound sets and to create
your own sound set with it.

Because it is very hard to get all sound resources documented,
SoundThemeChangers has a section with undefined resources, these are
sounds in the theme file which don't have a name or category assigned
yet. However SoundThemeChanger has the unique capability to add sound
resources, all you have to do is give a unique resource number (the
resource number has to be used by the system otherwise it will never
be played) name and assign it to a category.

System requirements :
Memory 2 MB
Mac OS 8.5 or Mac OS 8.1 + soundset file


[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sound-theme-changer-10.hqx; 487K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:45 -0700
Subject: [*] SwitchRes 1.5 - German version

SwitchRes is an extension that allows you to control the resolutions
of all your displays. A Control Panel is joined, which lets you change
its preferences, and a Control Strip Module and a Contextual Menu
extension are bundled. You can change all your resolutions with just
one mouse click on the Finder desktop, or just by pressing one key.

It also allows you to:

* use *all* avaiable resolution of your video cards, not only those the
  MacOS choose for you
* automatically switch resolution and color depth of all monitors when
  launching an application, and restore your settings when quitting
* position the desktop icons where you want, at every resolution change
  and at startup
* configure the menus by choosing which resolutions and what bitdepths
  will be displayed (Control Strip Module menu, Contextual Menu)

and a lot of other features...

SwitchRes requires MacOS 8, and a multisync monitor may be useful...
Of course, SwitchRes works fine under MacOS 8.5
It is distributed as a $9 shareware, but you can try the application
for 7 days.

Bugs corrected and news in version 1.5:

* All SwitchRes menus are definable independently: you can decide to
  show the depths only in the Control Strip Module and the resolutions
  only in the Contextual Menu, if you want
* SwitchRes can restore the display and sound settings when an
  application quits
* You can prevent SwitchRes to re-apply an application defined setting
  when you change the frontmost application.
* You can prevent an application to change the resolution. It's
  useful when a game is designed to work in a resolution that the
  programmer decided to use.
* More NuBus based Macs are supported, including PowerMacs
6100/7100/8100 AV
  and Powerbooks 520, 540 and 1400.

* The Appearance of the control panel has radically chaged: You can
  the Control Panel's window, and the lists are sortable by name, screen
  size, etc.
* The Control Panel is now more compatible with some Kaleidoscope
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/switch-res-15-de.hqx; 321K]


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:27:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Web Confidential 1.0.2 - French Version

Password organizer with strong cryptography (448-bit encryption).

Web Confidential is an intuitive, easy-to-use program for
managing user IDs, passwords, registration numbers, and the like. Thanks
to the use of a number of advanced features of the Mac operating system,
Web Confidential can be used in close conjunction with popular Mac
Internet software, such as Netscape Navigator, Explorer and Eudora.

Web Confidential allows Web surfers to store URLs, user IDs, and
passwords in one secure location. Web Confidential can automate the
process of logging into a password-secured Web page by automatically
passing URL, user ID, and password to your Web browser.

For opening pages containing personal account information at commercial
sites, Web Confidential offers you the one-click convenience of its
Password Shared Menu, saving you from having to retype your user ID and
password each time you log in.

To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains
confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using
state-of-the-art encryption technology.

Web Confidential is shareware. After a trial period of thirty days,
users are encouraged to register the program for US$25.

The Home Page of Web Confidential is:


Contact Alco Blom at: <>

[Archived as /info-mac/app/web-confidential-102-fr.hqx; 511K]



End of Info-Mac Digest