Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #203
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 02 Nov 98       Volume 16 : Issue 203

Today's Topics:

       (R) help (ISP needs Mac knowledge)
      (C) MacOS 8.5 features
      3 problems
      3Com fails again!
      [A] Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      automated server logon under At Ease
      Can't tap-and-drag on PB trackpad
      Can't Trash Hell Folder - Summary of Replies
      Claris 4.0v5
      clarisworks translator for word pc ? help 
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict  TRY ANARCHIE PRO 3
      flashcards for studing foreign language
      FreePPP and OS 8.5
      FreePPP and OS 8.5
      Fwd: Info-Mac Digest V16 #200
      Fwd: Info-Mac Digest V16 #200
      How to View TidBits Files?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #200
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #200
      keeping file sharing active on G3 pbk/266
      Mac printing to HP LaserJet via NT
      MacOS 8.5 and virtual memory (summary)
      MacOS 8.5 breaks the TCP/IP speed record on @home
      OS 8.5 and Free PPP
      OT/PPP modem scripts
      PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      Summary: Monitor purchase advice (kinda long)
      tricking the processor (OS installation)

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Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 10:21:32 -0700 (MST)
From: Neil Fiertel <>

	Well, just by good luck  and a fair bit of time I solved a  problem
with intermittent freezes and crashes with a jaz and or zip drive without
Iomega's non help.
	This might be of use to some of you down the road. I found that in
my configuration using an Adaptec 2940 scsi board that its 50 pin connector
when coupled to a 50 pin jaz worked very well but when I strung onto that
scsi chain the zip drive using its 25 pin to a  50 pin connector and
terminated that as the end of the scsi chain, I was able to repeat the
intermitent crashes that had kept me hopping for weeks now. Apparently this
is not a compatible arrangement but nowhere did I find a caveat not to do
this typical scsi  situation. I have the very same arrangement working fine
with scanners, CD-rw burners and so forth but clearly the iomega products
interact with one another or with the Adaptec board in  quite different
ways. Considering that the jaz and zips are often found on the same set up
it is most curious that such a situation could have been allowed to
develop. I spent much time trying to solve this as I did not find any error
message nor an intermittent scsi conflict or anything like that. It seems
that bits were being lost in the shuffle somehow and that is why my drive
would freeze on and the system lock up. As soon as I pulled the plug on the
zip, all was well with the jaz drive. This does give me a little faith in
the drive itself though not in the company's lack of support.
	Incidentally, I understand the CD-RW is fully compliant with the
specs used with DVD of all colours and flavours so it should not be an
issue to use this for flexible data backing up and storage except for the
cost. CD-Rs seem now to be the best compromise and stability is of course
	For example, at the university, I suggested to my tech that we
invest not in a needed hard drive, jaz or zip but rather with the same
funds that we go for a cd burner so that we end up with data files that are
very safe from student tampering and though we lose speed which is
irrelevant in this particular circumstance, we gain universality and the
ability for our students to make portfolios and so forth . At the same time
we have an infinite capacity to store data and images. This would have been
a zip drive for the flexibility (though not for archiving) but for a little
more money we get universality and security and with barely any hit for
speed of retrieval. Further to that LaCie ( the burner that I use and hope
to get the university to purchase)  has GREAT technical help.


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 11:39:09 +0900
From: "Leslie C. Coles" <>
Subject:  (R) help (ISP needs Mac knowledge)

>I thought that with multiple partitions, even though you set a particular
>partition as startup using the Control Panel, the Mac will ALWAYS boot from
>the first (alphabetically) partition.

I have three partions: I'm running 8.5 on "Hal the Bad" and 7.5 on
"Scratch". I nominate which disk I want to boot from using the "Startup
Disk" control panel. No problems.


Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 04:06:04 -0500
From: abrody <>
Subject: (C) MacOS 8.5 features

Dear Digest readers,
Now being two weeks since I got MacOS 8.5 and I didn't know about a really
neat feature of the application switching pallete.   Shift-option on the
resize button of the pallete, viola horizontal pallete.   Option on it goes
back to verticle.  Special thanks to an article on Webintosh for pointing it
out.   Probably stated somewhere in the documentation.    Of course for
those who didn't know it yet:

1. click on the resize button, with no modifier keys and you switch back and
forth from seeing just icons to seeing the icon and the name of the

2. drag a document to the pallete, and open that document with the open
application you dragged the document to.  Very handy.

3. command-tab switches between applications.

4. drag the hashed lines to the left of the application icon in the menubar
to the right or left if you want to switch from seeing just the icon, or the
icon and application name.

5. tear off the application menu to present the afore mentioned application
pallete wherever you want it on your screen.

Some other features:

Sherlock keyboard shortcuts:

command - F is find file
command - G is find by content
command - H is to use the internet search engine part of Sherlock.

Any other features anybody like to share?



Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 07:34:12 EST
Subject: 3 problems

i have 3 problems that may or may not be connected.

1. when copying files across an appletalk network on my Powerbook 1400 i get
an estimated time of 1.9 billion minutes. I know this is due to a trashed
prefs file but i forgot which one, i read it somewhere but I can't find the
article. (initial stages of C.R.S.{can't remember S#&*}).

2. on my desktop system (6100) during screen draws (in netscape, loading pages
after they've downloaded) i get a hang for 1-5 seconds then the data appears.
(Both Netscape 3x and 4.0.6)

3. lately while the two machines are linked via appletalk i get system freezes
that affect BOTH machines at once. This happens during file and folder
syncronization using either MacUpDate or Apple's File assistant. Not everytime
nor even during large file updating. this is usually solved by a restart of
both machines after they are initially linked and filesharing has been

Both machines are running system 8.1, Conflict catcher 8, Open Transport, and
the usual assortmen that goes with it. I use several startup configurations,
and the Linking configuration has mostly just whats needed for appletalk, any
unnecessary extensions, C/P's off.

On another problem, I'm looking for the updater/patch for word 6.0. I've tried
looking on Microslugs site and after a 20 minute search i got to the "tell us
where you want to go today" link. I told them, "to your update/patch page".
Needless to  say i didn't get the update. If anyone could direct me to another
site that still has it I'd appreciate it.

John McGibney


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 10:46:45 -0700
From: Dick Landis <>
Subject: 3Com fails again!

3Com's Pilot Desktop crashes under System 8.5.  Though not a good
product to start with, it is the only inferface with the Palm Pilot
Organizer.  There is no memtion of this problem on their support web
page.  A call to tech support yeild a not supported response.  We are
also told that we must wait for their new software version due at the
"end of fall".  Mac users are again short changes, if not shut out, by
3Com.  You would think they would learn.


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 14:13:00 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] Fetch 3.0.3 conflict

We have universally turned OFF Norton CrashGuard for similar behaviors. The
only other problem that is more subtle is if you have a copy of
"ObjectSupportLib" in your extensions folder. That causes all sorts of
strange problems. Do a Find File and remove ALL copies.



Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 09:04:53 +0100
From: Kai Gramke <>
Subject: automated server logon under At Ease

I am currently setting up several student computers (MacOS 8.1, At Ease) 
and I also want each student to have some personal space on our server 
(NT 4.0). 
Is it possible to use the information they provide under At Ease to 
automatically logon to our server - an applescript, for example ?
I do not want them to logon twice manually. (too much student interaction 
with the system always leads to trouble for the administrator ;-)))

Any help is appreciated. I am also happy to learn about other solutions. 

Thanks KAI


Date: 31 Oct 98 21:49:51 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: Can't tap-and-drag on PB trackpad

>I own a PowerBook 190, which is equipped with a trackpad....tapping
>twice on the pad with
>your finger, which is the equivalent of clicking-and-holding the
>trackpad button, but far less cumbersome.
>I recently received a 100 mh PowerBook 5300 at work.  This machine also
>has a trackpad.  But double-tapping on the pad does nothing.  The
>trackpad control panel (System 7.5.2) does not contain the third pane
>which on my 190 allows me to activate double-tapping.  However, a
>clean-install of System 7.5.5 made no difference--the control panel is
>still two-paned.  My 190 trackpad double-tapped A-OK under 7.5.2, 7.5.5,
>8.0 and currently, 8.1, and the trackpad control panel always showed all
>three panes regardless of the system software I was using.  Any ideas?
>Could it be that this series of 5300 just doesn't support
>double-tapping?  Or could it be a malfunction of the trackpad?  Thanks.

I didn't know the 190 could do that! That's never been the standard on Mac
PBs. The track-pads first appeared ion the 500 series and then the 5300.
They definitely weren't designed with that ability. The 1400 and newer I've
never tested but that's the sort of thing that I would have thought would
have been bragged about. PeeCee laptops that used the track-pad were able
to do that ages ago but not Macs. I'm sure there was good reason for that -
probably something like why we have one-button mice.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 23:38:49 -0800
From: andy jukes <>
Subject: Can't Trash Hell Folder - Summary of Replies

In Digest #200, I posted a question about an old Preferences folder from a
de-installed system that I couldn't trash. At least 10 of you wrote to me
immediately, and more replies are still pouring in - what a helpful bunch
of people.

To summarize the replies to date:

- Several people recommended one or all of the three following steps:

A. Option-Empty Trash.
B. Boot from a system disk, then you should be able to dump it.
C. Create a new folder with same name, then drag 'n' drop to Hell Folder's
parent folder, hitting "yes" when asked if I actually wanted to replace H.F.

Actually, I had already tried all three of these, several times, before I
posted in desperation. But I appreciate the generous Mac users' spirit in
which they were offered.

- Jack Countryman and Aaron Crossman recommended applications: Hell Folder
=46ixer and Burn24, which I'm going to search for in the Info-Mac archives.

- Ryan Cirigliano had an interesting theory: the type -127 error means I
have already trashed the folder but a ghost image of it is still lurking on
my desktop. Ryan recommends rebuilding my desktop. The thing is, I'm kind
of retentive about my desktop - I re-build it every time there's a hint of
a problem, and it hasn't helped in this case. Still, Ryan's theory would
explain a lot, although I remain unable to get rid of the darn thing.

- John Erak says error #-127 is a "fsDSIntErr Internal file system error."
My (old) MacErrors app says a -127 is "hMenuFindErr" which means "could not
find hMenu's parent in MenuKey." Sounds like they sorta mean the same
thing. John and others recommend running Norton, but I haven't yet upgraded
System 8.x, HFS+ compatible yet.

- Aaron Crossman recommended something so simple yet elegant that I'm not
even sure I've tried it - leave the folder in the trash and re-start the
computer. Presumably this would remove whatever "blessed"-ness the folder
has, and then I can trash it. Thanks, Aaron, I'll give it a try.

- Daniel Milligan and Fran=E7ois Boucher have a similar Hell Folder and wrot=
to offer their sympathy! Daniel also asked if my hard drive was HFS+
formatted like his, and it is. Could it have something to do with that?

- Thomas Donaghey recommended starting with extensions off and/or zapping
the PRAM, both of which I'm embarassed to admit I haven't yet tried. But I
will now...

- "gregcls" offered a new twist - use Stuffit's "trash file after stuffing"
pref to stuff, then eliminate, the bad folder, then trash the StuffIt
archive, too. Nifty idea, Greg - I'll try it.

Thanks to all who offered their advice. The computer is now locked away in
my office for the weekend, but I'll take another whack at it on Monday, and
summarize to the list, especially if I'm successful.

"Computers are useless. They only give you answers."

                  - Pablo Picasso

andy jukes, hopkins landing, b.c.


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 11:13:39 -0400
Subject: Claris 4.0v5

Can anyone help me with a simple problem? I want to change the default font in
the Claris 4.0v5 word processor but can't find the key. Macworld had a short
bit on a workaround but my aged brain forgot that.  Email me at you.


Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 17:28:09 +0100
From: Lionel OSTROWSKI<>
Subject: clarisworks translator for word pc ? help 

Hello :-)

I need send 200 old ClarisWorks text files (CW2 and CW4) to a pc user which
use word97..

what is the convenientest way doing that ?

- a pc version of clarisworks ?
- a clarisworks translator for word ?

Many thanks for help :-)))

<> -- 06220 Vallauris --France--Europe--Earth


Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 17:22:04 +0100
From: (Hartmut Buhrmester)
Subject: Fetch 3.0.3 conflict

> Nevertheless, every time I try to launch Fetch, Norton Crash Guard gives
> me a message saying that the application has crashed - unmapped memory
> exception.  I threw away Fetch's preferences, tried zapping the PRAM,
> rebuilding the desktop, running disk doctor and first disk aid.  I also
> tried running Fetch using only Mac OS 8.1 extensions, but nothing has
> worked.  Has anyone experienced a similar problem?

I found that the handling of the Macintosh clipboard is too simple. On
launch, Fetch tries to import everything, whatever there may be in the
clipboard -- even large images of about 500 kb. I noticed that when I
copied a whole JPEG image in JPEGView, to paste it into another
application that could not handle JPEG images by itself. Later, when I
tried to launch Fetch, it would crash with an error 15. A related
symptom was that the clipboard file in the System folder grew to about
500 kb -- just the size of the copied image. 

You may try to copy something small (a few words in a text editor) to
the clipboard and see if it works again. You should also raise the
preferred memory partition to about 1024 kb.

I already sent a bug report to Dartmouth College, so they are aware of
this problem. They may fix it "in a future release".

Hartmut Buhrmester <>


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 15:09:32 -0600
From: Ted Logan <>
Subject: Fetch 3.0.3 conflict

At 08:22 -0600 on 10/30/1998, Egidio Leitao wrote:

> Is there any other FTP shareware similar to Fetch 3.0.3?  Until recently, I
> had no problems with Fetch.  Other than updating FIleMaker Pro to v. 4.02,
> Netscape Communicator 4.5 and Norton Utilities v. 4.01, nothing has really
> changed in my Mac's configuration.  Nevertheless, every time I try to
> launch Fetch, Norton Crash Guard gives me a message saying that the
> application has crashed - unmapped memory exception.  I threw away Fetch's
> preferences, tried zapping the PRAM, rebuilding the desktop, running disk
> doctor and first disk aid.  I also tried running Fetch using only Mac OS
> 8.1 extensions, but nothing has worked.  Has anyone experienced a similar
> problem?
> Egidio

Your problem may be Norton's Crashguard.  Try disabling it.


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 23:35:20 -0700
From: "Dennis L. Davis" <>
Subject: Fetch 3.0.3 conflict

At 8:22 AM -0600 10/30/98, Egidio Leitao wittily wrote:

> Is there any other FTP shareware similar to Fetch 3.0.3?  Until recently, I
> had no problems with Fetch.  Other than updating FIleMaker Pro to v. 4.02,
> Netscape Communicator 4.5 and Norton Utilities v. 4.01, nothing has really
> changed in my Mac's configuration.  Nevertheless, every time I try to
> launch Fetch, Norton Crash Guard gives me a message saying that the
> application has crashed - unmapped memory exception.  I threw away Fetch's
> preferences, tried zapping the PRAM, rebuilding the desktop, running disk
> doctor and first disk aid.  I also tried running Fetch using only Mac OS
> 8.1 extensions, but nothing has worked.  Has anyone experienced a similar
> problem?
> Egidio

Firstly,  I would get rid of Norton Crash Guard as it is known to cause
multiple problems, BTW that is the opinions of others as I have never used
it. :-}

To answer your question though, get Anarchie Pro 3.0, I think it is great
{I was one of the beta testers}, it does FTP very well also it has more
features while being easy to use.

You will find it on one of these:
Stairways (Australia)
Stairways (Japan)
Stairways (Switzerland)
Stairways (USA, AMUG)
Stairways (USA, AOL)
Switch (Switzerland)

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
Blessings, Denny <>


Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 08:59:17 -0800
From: Cyrus Roton <>
Subject: Fetch 3.0.3 conflict

Egidio Leitao <> wrote:

>Nevertheless, every time I try to launch Fetch, Norton Crash Guard 
>gives me a message saying that the application has crashed - 
>unmapped memory exception.  I threw away Fetch's preferences, tried 
>zapping the PRAM, rebuilding the desktop, running disk doctor and 
>first disk aid.  I also tried running Fetch using only Mac OS 8.1 
>extensions, but nothing has worked.  Has anyone experienced a similar

You did not say whether you re-installed Fetch. Maybe the program is 
corrupted. From the stories I have read, you might be better off to 
trash Crash Guard, and thus greatly reduce chances for crashes.


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 16:58:28 -0500
From: Louis Bergeron <>
Subject: Fetch 3.0.3 conflict  TRY ANARCHIE PRO 3

Anarchie Pro 3 is great and bug free for me on a Power Mac with System 8.1
and all the stuff. Try it. It is better then Fetch and can do HTTP. It used
a NEW internet config version 2 which is good.


>Is there any other FTP shareware similar to Fetch 3.0.3?  Until recently, I
>had no problems with Fetch.  Other than updating FIleMaker Pro to v. 4.02,
>Netscape Communicator 4.5 and Norton Utilities v. 4.01, nothing has really
>changed in my Mac's configuration.  Nevertheless, every time I try to
>launch Fetch, Norton Crash Guard gives me a message saying that the
>application has crashed - unmapped memory exception.  I threw away Fetch's
>preferences, tried zapping the PRAM, rebuilding the desktop, running disk
>doctor and first disk aid.  I also tried running Fetch using only Mac OS
>8.1 extensions, but nothing has worked.  Has anyone experienced a similar

Louis Bergeron C.P. 936 Rouyn Rouyn-Noranda Qc Canada J9X 5C8
Telephone-Phone (819) 764-3862  Telecopieur-Fax (819) 764-3758


Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 09:31:17 +0200
From: "Dr. Peter Stoyanov" <>
Subject: flashcards for studing foreign language

Hi all,

Could you advise me on a good shareware/freeware/comercial program for
making (on-screen or printed) flashcards for learning foreign language (I'm
learning german right now but that doesn't matter). The ability to enter my
own new words would be nice.

anyway, if someone have ever used such kind of program, please share




Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 11:49:43 -0600
From: Ted Logan <>
Subject: FreePPP and OS 8.5

A possible memory leak problem was reported with FreePPP running in OS 8.5.
Memory leaks can cause system slowdowns as less and less RAM is available
to run applications (rebooting restores RAM but usually doesn't correct the
underlying problem).  Here is the response I received from Brian Chen of
the Rockstar (FreePPP) team:

We are fairly positive that FreePPP itself is not leaking memory.  There
*may* be a leak in PPP Menu that we haven't tracked down but have only
heard reports of this.   PPPMenu does check the OS during system tasks to
determine if the connection is up, but this should not cause slowdowns.

There may be a disconnect on FreePPP memory leaks vs. Internet application
memory leaks.  For instance, perhaps the memory leaks are being reported
after continual usage of Internet Explorer browsing.  IE uses temp memory
and some have noted memory leaks after continual browsing.  None of our
internal tests of running FreePPP for an  extended period of time, alone,
without other apps, would suggest internal memory leakage.

If some users would like to help out the FreePPP effort, running some
isolation tests would be one way to help.

Meanwhile I've had to send my backup hardware out for repair, so I have not
yet attempted to install 8.5 (still running 8.1).  But several people have
written to say they have no problems with FreePPP 2.6.2 and OS 8.5.  I
found Chen's comments about leaks during constant browsing with Internet
Explorer interesting because memory leaks are reputed to be commonplace
with Microsoft software.

For those of us using USRobotics Sportster 56kx2v90 modems, I'm still
sorting out messages about the best initiation string for a conventional
dialup ISP account.  AT&F1&D0 still works best for me on a 7100/80 with OS
7.6.1 and a G3 with OS 8.1, both connecting over copper phone lines to a
$20/month dialup ISP with FreePPP 2.6.2 and FreePPP Menu 2.0.3.


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 18:14:50 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: FreePPP and OS 8.5

At 2:50 PM -0600 10/29/98, Ted Logan wrote:
>And I read something about OT 2.0 in 8.5 now including Applescripting.
>Does that mean we can now write our own OT/PPP modem scripts with proper
>initiation strings?

8.5 does include more scripting support in OT; you can now do things like
change configurations via script.

>I hesitate to install 8.5 until I know I'm not forced back to using OT/PPP
>with a built-in, uneditable modem script that doesn't work.

OT/PPP's modem scripts are just text files.  You can edit them with any
text editor.  They do ordinarily have a special filetype and creator [which
allows the Finder to route them into the Modem Scripts folder when you drop
them onto the System Folder icon], but they work just fine without that
special type/creator.  The modem script I was using with my USR 56K [until
going to ADSL] was a BBEdit text file; I'd added some additional connection
messages and so forth and since I use BBEdit I just changed the file to a
BBEdit file.  OT/PPP didn't care.

The process is described here:

and the contents of modem scripts are documented here:

Major changes are not for the squeamish; the script structure is a bit
opaque.  However, changing the INIT string is not difficult at all.

For example, here's the relevant section from the "US Robotics Universal"
script from OT/PPP 1.0.1:

...begin snippet...
! Setup the modem for the following:
!   Reset to factory settings
!   Standard compression/reliablity
!   Lock serial port speed
!   Serial port hardware handshaking, turn off software handshaking
!   Verbose responces and compression/protocol results
!   CONNECT returns DCE speed
!   Turn off answering
!   Reset or return to command mode on DTR toggle (optional)
pause 5
matchstr 1 4   "OK\13\10"
matchstr 2 101 "ERROR\13\10"
write "AT&FE0&D2&H1&R1&B1Q0X4&A3S7=75S0=0\13"
matchread 30
iftries 3 101
...end snippet...

that "write "AT...."" line is the INIT string.  Change it as desired, save
the file, and you're done.



Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 05:27:04 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: Info-Mac Digest V16 #200

Andy Jukes asked:

>I've got a folder I can't get rid of, and I'm hoping for some advice.
>After a bad crash on my 6500/300, I re-installed System 8.1. I'm now
>gradually dumping stuff from the "Previous System Folder" but I can't get
>rid of the old Preferences folder.
>I've examined it with FileTyper and it doesn't contain any invisible files.
>I've tried renaming it, but it still won't go away. I've tried creating a
>new folder with the same name, but it won't let me replace the hell folder.
>I can move it to the trash, but I can't empty it from the trash. I get one
>of three dialogs: saying it can't be removed because it contains items that
>are in use; saying an (unspecified) disk error occurred; or saying an error
>of type -127 (I think) occurred.

I would try starting up with extensions off (holding Shift key down during
startup) and trashing it. If that didn't work, I would start up from the
System CD and then trash it. If that doesn't work, please let me know and
we can work it out. For instance, you can throw out its contents
individually and empty trash each time until you come to the single item
that won't delete, and then you'll know what it is and can work on it
specifically. There's an old shareware called "HellFolderFix" that
sometimes helps. Or one time, I had a file that wouldn't delete and I
opened it in File Buddy and changed it to the File Type and Creator Code of
a SimpleText document, and that permitted me to delete it. But first, I bet
that if you start from the CD you will be able to delete the whole thing.



Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 05:32:05 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: Info-Mac Digest V16 #200

Egidio Leitao asked:

>Is there any other FTP shareware similar to Fetch 3.0.3?  Until recently, I
>had no problems with Fetch.  Other than updating FIleMaker Pro to v. 4.02,
>Netscape Communicator 4.5 and Norton Utilities v. 4.01, nothing has really
>changed in my Mac's configuration.  Nevertheless, every time I try to
>launch Fetch, Norton Crash Guard gives me a message saying that the
>application has crashed - unmapped memory exception.  I threw away Fetch's
>preferences, tried zapping the PRAM, rebuilding the desktop, running disk
>doctor and first disk aid.  I also tried running Fetch using only Mac OS
>8.1 extensions, but nothing has worked.  Has anyone experienced a similar

I think the best advice is for you to get rid of CrashGuard. It is famous
for causing crashes. Once it is gone, test and see if Fetch works properly.
It probaby will.



Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 23:19:31 +0100
From: (Vittorio Barabino)
Subject: How to View TidBits Files?

> From: Gib Henry <>

> Incidentally, Easy View is a terrific way to view Info-Mac Digests,
> too.  Put the digests into the folder with the Info-Mac template and
> open the template.
> The setext documents don't require any special naming convention; they
> just must be plain text documents formatted according to setext
> standards (TidBITS and Info-Mac digests are, together with most other
> listserv digests).

I'd really love to see in Easy-Wiew (for storing on cd-rom) another
mailing list: Science-Fiction Lovers (Rutgers -- online since 1979): 

Apparently the formatting is identical to info-mac, 
but the EasyView settings for I-M don't work for it... 
I can't see each mail in its own frame and all subjects 
listed... :'-( 

any suggestion to modify the setting?

Anybody a ready-done setting? =:-)

Many thanks!

Ciao,        \+----------+  "La risposta e' dentro di te...
   Vittorio --| : )    o |      ...MA E' SBAGLIATA!!!"
Enciclopedia d.Fantascienza:


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 16:20:59 -0700
From: Bruce Johnson <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #200

> Subject: Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
> Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 08:22:20 -0600
> From: Egidio Leitao <>
> Is there any other FTP shareware similar to Fetch 3.0.3?  Until recently, I
> had no problems with Fetch.  Other than updating FIleMaker Pro to v. 4.02,
> Netscape Communicator 4.5 and Norton Utilities v. 4.01, nothing has really
> changed in my Mac's configuration.  Nevertheless, every time I try to
> launch Fetch, Norton Crash Guard gives me a message saying that the
> application has crashed - unmapped memory exception.  I threw away Fetch's
> preferences, tried zapping the PRAM, rebuilding the desktop, running disk
> doctor and first disk aid.  I also tried running Fetch using only Mac OS
> 8.1 extensions, but nothing has worked.  Has anyone experienced a similar
> problem?
> Egidio

Is Fetch crashing, or is it simply that Norton's is telling you it is?
>From what I've heard about Nortons latest, I wouldn't let that program
within a _mile_ of my hard drive.

Try turning off crash guard and seeing what's happening. I'm using
Netscape 4.5 and fetch works like a charm as always...

OTOH, if the Fetch app has become corrupted on disk, nothing you've done
will fix it. Just reinstall Fetch from a clean copy...

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 20:23:45 -0400
From: Henry Wagner <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #200

Have you tried booting with extensions off (hold shift key down while
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 23:54:32 -0500
From: "Jim (James G) Hardwick CPA" <>
Subject: keeping file sharing active on G3 pbk/266


My new pbk is showing an aggravating problem.  Every time I bring it out of
sleep & connect it to our ethernet nwk, I find that file sharing has to
restart itself b4 the other macs will see it in their choosers.  And it
seems to take forever for FShg to restart, seems like 15 mins or more!  The
unpartitioned 4 gig HD (hfs+) is a little over half full, due mainly to
"backing up" files from other macs on the nwk.

Has anyone else seen this sort of problem?  I would appreciate any
help/suggestions you could give.


Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 17:58:56 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: Mac printing to HP LaserJet via NT

I can't print from a mac to our Ethernetted HP LaserJet 5M via our NT
server's spool.

All I get is an error message [Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: ]. PC's
can print OK through Ethernet and printing via mac's printer port is also

I've tried HP LaserJet 8.3.1 and LaserWriter 8.5.1. I've also telnetted to
the LaserJet and set EtherTalk active but this didn't help either.

As usual, our support staff don't want to learn macs (they almost got me
into believing that there was no Exchange client for mac!).

Any help is appreciated,

Matti Haveri <>


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 16:27:04 -0500
From: abrody <>
Subject: MacOS 8.5 and virtual memory (summary)

Dear Digest readers, 
A couple weeks back I made a question about MacOS 8.5 and virtual memory. 
It turns out my fears were unfounded.   The truth is MacOS 8.5 requires 24MB
of RAM, however if it finds less it will turn Virtual Memory on, as several
helpful digest readers pointed out to me.



Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 18:17:50 -0500
Subject: MacOS 8.5 breaks the TCP/IP speed record on @home

Dear Digest readers,
As you probably have read, ethernet speeds are vastly improved in MacOS
8.5.   The cable internet provider @Home says the maximum speed seen on
their system is about 5000kbits per second for downloads.   Normally I
don't even see 1/10th the speed.  But I sent a request for a 3300kbyte file
from using Anarchie Pro 3.0 today.  It
downloaded in 3 seconds!   That's almost 1MByte per second.  or 8Mbits per
second.     This on a slow PowerMac 7200/75.   Remember the maximum speed
of the ethernet port is 10Mbits per second.  But to see that on a cable
internet provider that limits the speed of its users is remarkable.  Even
more remarkable it was done at about 5pm.

YMMV, but if you can move to a cable internet serviced neighborhood with a
10base-T ethernet Mac and MacOS 8.5, the Mac's abilities can really shine

I knew MacOS 8.5 was fast, but not that fast.  I'm going to have to give it
a speeding ticket!

Don't be jealous.  Usually cable internet only gives me about 100 -
600kbits per second.


Check out my index of over 500 internet sites updated monthly at:


Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 08:59:41 -0800
From: Cyrus Roton <>
Subject: OS 8.5 and Free PPP

Ted Logan <> wrote:

>To make 8.5 matters worse, it apparently doesn't handle FreePPP correctly,
>either.  That leaves us stuck with OT/PPP, using Apple's opaque modem
>scripts, which don't work for my USR56kx2v90, resulting in dropped or
>simply failed connections.

I have been using Free PPP 2.6.2 with OS 8.5 with no problems for a couple
of weeks now. My machine is a Umax C-600. A friend of mine is using a
slightly older version of Free PPP on his Radius Mac clone with OS 8.5

As a user group newsletter editor, I am anxious to learn more about the
experiences of others on this matter.


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 23:27:55 +0000
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: OT/PPP modem scripts

Ted Logan <> wrote:

> And I read something about OT 2.0 in 8.5 now including Applescripting.
> Does that mean we can now write our own OT/PPP modem scripts with proper
> initiation strings?

Hi Ted, 

The modem scripts used in OT/PPP have nothing to do with AppleScript.
But you can easily create your own with Apple's "modem script
generator", an officially unsupported application which may be available
on Apple's internet sites. If it is not, let me know and I can find it
for you. 

The modem scripts are pure text files and can also be opened by BBEdit,
for example, and edited manually. 

For both methods, you need to have a complete reference of your modem's
AT commands at hand.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser  -  phone (+41-56) 491 0877
Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>


Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 10:19:20 +0000
From: Ezra Nathan <>
Subject: PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5

Fellow info-Mac readers>

Has anyone got a PowerComputing machine with systems 8.1 or 8.5 running?
I've heard mixed and confusing reports of how this clone handles the new
systems. In MacUser (UK) an important Apple employee was quoted as saying
"We make no guarantee the Mac OS 8.5 will work on a Mac clone."  Hmmm,
great! Particularly frustrating and worrying as 8.5 is being reviewed as a
'must-have' upgrade. I have a PowerCentre minitower 150 that is still good
for me and at the time I bought it was better than any machine Apple had to
offer. I intend buying an external HD to try out the new systems before I
commit to either, but I would like to hear others' experience.

> Ezra


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 22:52:59 -0500
From: Carolyn Barry <>
Subject: Summary: Monitor purchase advice (kinda long)


First of all, let me thank everyone again for their help! I received very
thoughtful and useful advice. The short answer is that I'm most interested
in the Optiquest V75 because its refresh rate seems to be the fastest at
any given resolution when compared to the other monitors, and I've read
very good reviews of it. But I need to actually go look more closely at the
actual screens before I make my final decision. I would also like to
recommend a  monitor tutorial site (set up by Optiquest I think) which
explains how monitors work, and what some of the terminology actually
means. Good basic functional descriptions:

I received a lot of excellent advice which is outlined below, but some of
the best and more general comments that I received are:

You can search for almost any computer product at
and see a price comparison of the exact product that you're looking for.
This most excellent piece of advice saved me over $100 from the MacZone
prices that I quoted which allows mew to either save the money, or upgrade
(I'm going to save the money). seemed to beat
everyone for most/all products that I looked at, and the company came
highly recommended as a vendor. Several people recommended these sites, and
they are well worth a visit!

Several people also pointed out that since I will spend so many hours
staring at the darn thing that I should actually go and look at them before
making any decision. I had (sort of) done this at CompUSA, but will go
back, now that I have specific products in mind. Kinda foolish of me to
overlook this obvious point!

"Just don't buy a refurbished monitor".

Shop in PC oriented catalogs/stores:
"Any monitor will work with an appropriate PC-Mac adaptor.
Often, you will find better prices looking in PC-only
catalogs, and a larger selection as well. "
My research has shown that both ViewSonic and Optiquest (and most
companies, according to CompUSA) will send you the Mac adapter for free
when you give them the serial number of your monitor. It generally takes
only a few days, I've been told. So I will buy the PC version (which may be
part of the  price difference between MacZone and BuyComp. (This is not
just MacZone vs BuyComp, this is the norm).

About Optiquest:
-"I would steer away from the OptiQuest, because they tend to cut a lot of
corners on that brand that they wouldn't otherwise."
-"I have two Optiquest V775s. They really are a great value. I was able to
get this 17" monitor when I had only been budgeted for a 15", and when the
MIS director came in to check it out he had to comment on how crisp it
was--much nicer than he had anticipated. If anything, it might be a little
darker than some monitors I have seen, but it's never been an issue. I am
extremely happy with Optiquest, both in their products and my dealings with
them directly."

About Viewsonic:
-"I've heard nothing but good news about ViewSonic.... ViewSonic appears to
be have been around as long as any other manufacturer in the industry, and
appears to only make monitors.   For a monitor manufacturer to be able to
last as long as it has on one product, it has to be good."
-excellent clarity and picture
--"Re: the Viewsonic GS771
We have two of these (plus a ViewSonic P655 15" which is fantastic, by the
way). We bought them because ViewSonic has a great quality reputation, they
provide a free VGA->Mac adaptor, and are great for the price. My boss loves
his GS771, and felt it was real sharp and easy on his eyes, but he works
mostly at 800x600. I find that it is maybe average at higher resolutions
compared to my beautiful Apple ColorSync 17" at home. With the GS771 on my
G3/233 DT (4MB VRAM) I can only get 1280x1024 @ 60Hz, which is too flickery
to use. I greatly appreciate the short tube..."

A different comment about Apple's Colorsync monitor:
"...don't get an Apple Colorsync monitor. I
did, and although the picture is acceptable, it doesn't match the clarity
of the Viewsonic. The main problem is convergence, and all my efforts at
adjusting this have not worked. The picture corners are not crisp. I
checked with a technician at our university computer store, and he concurs
- recent Apple monitors seem to have this problem. I'm disappointed,
because the tube is a Sony Trinitron."

Further comments about the Sony trinitron:
-"I can recommend the Sony Trinitrons with no
hesitation. We just bought our third (we gave one away). They are the
crispiest (?? except for Frito-Lay?) and most have on-screen controls to
keep your lines straight."
-"Anything with a Trinitron screen is a LOT easier
to look at for longer periods of time.  Any screen with
a .25 dot pitch(or less)  is a Trinitron screen, or a
close copy of the technology.
Frankly, anything less than .25 dot pitch will be fuzzy
at 2-page mode(1152*870), which is a desirable resolution
to be able to read - especially on the web.  A .27 monitor
will only be easily readable at 1024*768.
We have their 200ES models here at work and they are superb.
Another nice thing about Sony monitors are that they make
Apple's better monitors, and they will automatically switch
between resolutions like it was an Apple monitor.  The
Viewsonic may do this, but the Optiquest probably lacks
the ability to do so.
Sony also has a superb repair and warranty program, as well
as customer service."

I also received:
-one enthusiastic vote for Hitachi ("incredibly clean and nice to look at")
-one vote for Princeton Graphics:"I have a Princeton Graphics EO series
monitor (the 19"), but they make a 17 in the series. I love it. Excellent
MacWorld rating. (best buy)"
-NEC:"NEC is the other big monitor guru out there.   There really is no
such thing as a bad NEC monitor.  They have anti-glare coating on all their
and for that matter the dot pitch on all their monitors is better than
anyone in the industry.   So if you can afford an NEC I would get that even
over a ViewSonic.  But if ViewSonic is the only one available then go for
the best priced ViewSonic."

Thank you again to everyone!


Date: Sun, 1 Nov 98 11:02:14 -0500
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: tricking the processor (OS installation)

I recently read on the MacAddict web site that it is possible, using 
MacsBug, to trick the installer of an OS into thinking that it is 
installing on a "qualified" machine.  The example I seem to remember had 
the individual successfully installing OS 8.5 on his Performa 475 
(although he DID have the PPC upgrade card).

Does ANYONE know if this might be implemented to install OS 8.o or even 
8.1 on an '030 Mac?  If these OSs work on '040 machines, then they SHOULD 
also work on the '030s...


Mark Fiske
Fake-8 Technologies.



End of Info-Mac Digest