Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #227
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 30 Dec 98       Volume 16 : Issue 227

Today's Topics:

      (A) I overlooked something in my MacOS 8.5 install
      (a): Free Email Services
      (C) RealPlayer G2 beta for the Mac is fake!
      (Q) Norton Filesaver Crashes
      (Q) WriteNow enhancer & MacOS 8.5.1
      [A] looking for 8.1 WYSIWYG fonts menu
      [A]: changing to HFS+
      Applescript to hide running apps
      Appletalk defaulting to printer port
      ASIP Web Admin Beta Seed 1
      broken clicker on PowerBook 2400
      cd kopieren
      cd kopieren
      Finder Problems?
      FONT Tool - You know what would be cool?
      G3 capabilities
      G3 speed
      Iomega Jaz / IomegaWare 1.0
      Keyboard Woes
      Modemless G3 Powerbook [R]
      No Netcaster
      os 8.5.1 increases system heap
      OT/PPP freezes Mac using v90 but not v32bis
      PB 540C/Paperport 3.0/OS 8.0
      Sluggish Netscape 4.5 and Mac OS 8.5.1
      WordPerfect and OS 8.5

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Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 18:43:54 -0700

Please embargo this release until 8:00 a.m.12/22/98. We will have the updater posted by that time.


Conflict Catcher 8.0.4

Casady & Greene announces the release of Conflict Catcher 8.0.4. This update will provide our customers with a better experience under Mac OS 8.5.1. When running previous versions of Conflict Catcher 8 with Mac OS 8.5.1 you could lose your Mac OS All and Base sets. This has been corrected with Conflict Catcher 8.0.4.  

When running the Clean-Install System Merge with Mac OS 8.5.1 an unnecessary warning came up. This has been corrected with Conflict Catcher 8.0.4.

Conflict Catcher 8.0.4 has an expanded Reference Library of 4,100 + descriptions up from 3,900 in the previous version.

All owners of Conflict Catcher 8 may download this free updater from our downloads page at


Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 20:45:04 -0500
Subject: (A) I overlooked something in my MacOS 8.5 install

Dear Digest readers,
On a previous digest I reported that WriteNow Enhancer wasn't working 
in MacOS 8.5.   Well it seems I have made a fool of myself.   Found 
the original installer program, ran it, and now it works again. 
Looks like I must have chucked an INIT that looked useless during my 
clean install of MacOS 8.5, and that's why it didn't work.   Seem to 
have solved my own problem this time.  Thank you one and all for your 

It works well now.



Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 14:46:02 -0800 (PST)
From: mjm - deSIGN EVOLution <>
Subject: (a): Free Email Services

Regarding free email accts. There are many free services offering AOL
style accts, that can be accessed from any browser. 
I had mailexcite ( for awhile, but their service is
absolutely the worse I've ever been unfortunate enough to suffer
through. Constant service down and various other messages when I
needed to get email, and worse yet it seems I couldn't or didn't
receive emails, especially consistant, those sent from hotmail
accounts. Hotmail is also a free email service, but sponsored and
managed by the house of Bill, and we all know how good they are at
preserving privacy and maintaining safe mailing lists and user info.
I've been using Yahoo ( with great success and
satisfaction. It offers great flexibility and is very customizable.
Their My.Yahoo service is actually pretty awesome too, and really
let's you customize a useful news and services page with little ad



Get your free address at


Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 21:31:06 -0500
Subject: (C) RealPlayer G2 beta for the Mac is fake!

Dear Digest readers,
I am running with extensions off on MacOS 8.5.1.
The installer that extracts runs merrily along until the last second 
doing its own bit of decompressing, and a dialog box comes up:

"There is no installer component present inside this file. 
Installation cannot be performed."

Now granted this is a beta version, but if it is a beta version Real 
should supply a working installer to install the beta version. 
Otherwise, how do they expect people to experiment with it?

I downloaded it from:

Please somebody who can get in contact with Real, let them know they 
should use a different installer than the one they used for their 
beta version.    I can't seem to find a real contact person (pun is 
not intended).

I don't suspect the problem is with my download, as it wasn't the 
.hqx file that had trouble being extracted.  In fact extracting the 
.hqx file yielded a .sit file.   Expanding that yields  the 
RealPlayer Installer.   It was when finishing running the RealPlayer 
installer, that I come across this error.   Everything before that 
went smoothly.

I even tried installing with extensions enabled, under the 
presumption it might have been looking for the RealPlayer PNI 
extensions that installed when I installed RealPlayer 5.0.   End 
result was a Type 2 error upon finishing that installation.

Anybody have a working copy of the G2 Player beta for the Mac?

Thank you.

Anybody know what it could mean


Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 14:26:47 +1100
From: Graham Haultain <>
Subject: (Q) Norton Filesaver Crashes

Is anyone having any problems with this (latest) Norton utility? It is in 
three parts, Norton Filesaver Extension, Norton File saver (the control 
panel) and Norton Filesaver Assistant. The booting up procedure goes to 
about the last file then the hard disk appears to hunt with the cursor 
remaining as an arrow. This occurred _after_ I has converted my HD to 
HFS+ using Plusmaker. Everything else worked perfectly after this change 
though. I have done all the usual things. Conflict Catcher seemed to 
think it was Apple Menu Option file, but this did not solve the problem. 
I have done a clean install, removal of prefs both visible and 
invisible.I have started a new Conflict Catcher set with only MacOs 8.5.1 
and FS and this has worked until I trash a file or some other action. 
Most peculiar. Norton NAV is not giving out any virus alert. If you have 
any ideas I would welcome your comment and suggestions.

Graham Haultain


Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 21:15:16 -0500
From: "abrody" <>
Subject: (Q) WriteNow enhancer & MacOS 8.5.1

Dear comp.sys.mac.* readers (this is a crosspost),
It appears as though my MacEase WriteNow Enhancer no longer works after a
clean system install to System 8.5.1.  The MacEase control panel still runs
fine, but when it comes to activating the pallete it creates for WriteNow,
it is nowhere to be found.   Anybody know where specific files need to be
for WriteNow enhancer to work?  Am I missing an extension?
Thank you.


Date: 21 Dec 98 22:19:39 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: [A] looking for 8.1 WYSIWYG fonts menu

Yakov KOTLYAROV <> writes:
>Does anybody know the tool that can do Now WYSIWYG Menu job in OS 8.1?
>Thanks. Yakov.

Symantek's Suitcase offers WYSIWYG font menus. It's configurable to be
there all the time, never, or when a hot key is used. It seems to disagree
with OS 8.5 but I it's been fine under 8.1.

Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 10:39:56 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A]: changing to HFS+


Since you have both an internal & external HD, this should be a relatively 
safe exercise. HFS+ is really only useful with Drive larger than about 
500M. It works fine on my 750M drive and I gained about 10-15% in storage 

Clearly you should do this in a series of incremental steps (sounds like 
you know this already):

1) Back up Internal
2) Reformat to HFS+
3) Restore
4) Test (Run for a couple of weeks)
5) Repeat with External drive.

I used Apple's HD Setup and had no problems, however it does not give the 
flexibility of selecting the minimum file size. I have heard of problems 
with some of the clones and the latest System releases...



Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 14:59:22 -0500
From: (John Rethorst)
Subject: Applescript to hide running apps

>Does anyone know of a way to get applescript to hide all running 
>applications except the finder?

The Application Menu osax does this. Should be at scriptweb.

John Rethorst

Please delete the x for email.


Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 11:18:17 +0900
From: Tito and Shari Poza <>
Subject: Appletalk defaulting to printer port

I have a G3 DT/266 connected to a PPC 6200/72 via an ethernet crossover
cable. It works great but when I turn on the G3 first or simply do not turn
on the 6200 at all, the AppleTalk connection switches from ethernet to the
printer port. I can't print unless I turn on the 6200 even when I don't
really need or want to turn it on because I cannot access the printer port.

Is there any way to stop AppleTalk from switching ports when the other
computer is not available? Even if I go into the AppleTalk control panel
and turn AppleTalk off, I still cannot use the printer port once this has
happened and have to turn on the 6200.

The G3 has an ISDN modem on the modem port and an Epson Stylus Color
printer on the printer port.

Any advice/comments would be appreciated.




Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 19:15:56 EST
Subject: ASIP Web Admin Beta Seed 1


I am finally about to take the leap with AppleShare v6.x.  Before its release,
Apple put out ASIP Web Admin Beta Seed 1.  In the readme file it indicated
that there was a ASIP Web Admin Beta Seed 2 at its appleshareip web site.
When I go there, I can not find it.  Can anyone forward me ASIP Web Admin Beta
Seed 2 or any later edition?  I would greatly appreciate it...




Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 15:33:03 -0700
From: "Roger B. Marks" <>
Subject: broken clicker on PowerBook 2400

The clicker button (below the trackpad) on my PowerBook 2400 is virtually dead. Anyone know how to remove/clean/renovate it?



Dr. Roger B. Marks  <>           
Chair, IEEE 802 Study Group on Broadband Wireless Access
National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed (N-WEST) <>
National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO
phone: 1-303-497-3037  fax: 1-303-497-7828


Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 13:56:45 +0100
From: "J.Molegraaf" <>
Subject: cd kopieren


Ik kopieer nogal eens cd's.
Maar nu heb ik een probleem.
De cd die ik wou kopieren, wilde hij niet kopieren, hij is misschien wel
Kunnen jullie mij hierbij helpen?
M.B.V. software of iets anders, alles kan.


            ~Groeten Martijn Molegraaf.

Mail me terug:


Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 13:55:34 +0100
From: "J.Molegraaf" <>
Subject: cd kopieren


Ik kopieer nogal eens cd's.
Maar nu heb ik een probleem.
De cd die ik wou kopieren, wilde hij niet kopieren, hij is misschien wel
Kunnen jullie mij hierbij helpen?
M.B.V. software of iets anders, alles kan.


            ~Groeten Martijn Molegraaf.

Mail me terug:


Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 18:31:23
From: Charles Edward Farrugia <>
Subject: Finder Problems?

Hello! Recently I've been getting the following message after doing a
number of consecutive operations (e.g. pasting textures into Texture
Installer; aligning windows; etc.). The message reads:

"The command could not be completed, because there isn't enough memory
available. Closing windows or quitting application programs can make more
memory available"

The problem is, there's heaps of memory (around 15Meg) so I don't know
what's happening - especially as this message has not come up before!! The
only two applications that I've loaded recently are Kaleidoscope v2.1 and
GoMac (which both appear to be working OK). Quitting the Finder seems to
fix the problem, but after a while the same message comes up again.
Ultimately, a Restart is the only way to go (and even when I do a Restart,
I get the same message, but the Restart proceeds OK). I gather that the
Finder thinks that it has run out of memory but how can this be and what is
causing it? More _importantly_ how do I fix it????

Thanking anyone with some answers in advance!!!

Charles Farrugia
Griffith University
Brisbane (Sunny one day, Perfect the next!), Australia
    __o          o__      o__      o__      o__     There's one
  _ \<,_        _.>/ _   _.>/ _   _.>/ _   _.>/ _   in every
 (_)/ (_)      (_) \(_) (_) \(_) (_) \(_) (_) \(_)  crowd...


Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 11:00:54 -0500
From: Philip Emery <>
Subject: FONT Tool - You know what would be cool?

Here's an idea for a shareware Font utility that I think would make the
author a very rich man.

There are lots of tools for printing out sample pages of one's type
library. What would be really cool is a program that would provide an
'on-line' database of your fonts (By 'on-line' I mean on your computer not
a web based thing).

This tool would be able to take a disk (or CD-ROM, zip etc) of fonts and go
through it and catalog what fonts you have (it would have to be able to go
through a directory structure like:

		 Big stuff/

as this is often how ad agencies organize their fonts). It would allow you
to print out your whole library (even if it took all weekend) by just a
couple of clicks. But more importantly, it would provide an 'on-screen'
bitmap preview of 4 or 5 letters in a data base form. Along with the
preview, one could add 'keywords' to each entry so you could find all
fonts that are 'traditional or 'Script' or whatever.

I realize that this might be tricky from a programming point of view but in
conversations with design folks and ad agencies this is a tool that we
REALLY NEED and would gladly pay for! I would be happy to help the
programmer with graphics and beta testing and that sort of thing.

I can hardly wait!



Date: 21 Dec 98 22:07:53 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: G3 capabilities

<> writes:
>I want to buy a Powermac G3/266, but I have some older SCIS devices
>(between 7 and 3 years old) that I would like to hook up. Is that
>If so, do I need SCSI controller card that plugs into a PCI slot or are
>there other solutions? Most important is that I can use my Panasonic
>LF-1000 MO drive which has a funny narrow SCSI plug. Will that be a
>Can I hook up a modem and printer simultaneously to the G3/266, as well?

The G3s have two serial ports so, yes, you can connect a modem and printer
or a serial device and LocalTalk network devices.
Some SCSI device drivers don't know how to cope with the newer SCSI Manager
(I think that's what it is) and/or Macs with dual SCSI buses. I've got that
problem with an old Abaton scanner. I got one to work on an 8100 under
7.6.1 but I can't get it to work at all under any OS version on a 7600.
If the manufacterer still exists, check with them.

Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 21:03:41 -0500
From: gene nail <>
Subject: G3 speed

I've read and used so many tips from info mac that i thought i'd offer
one that i tried recently and was amazed (although I shouldn't have
been) how well it worked.  For my 266 Mac G3 i purchased a new and
relatively cheap (less than $150) 2.1 gig SCSI hard disk and installed
it myself (it was my first and it was easy enough) in the open bay just
above the factory installed ZIP drive.  then i moved my system software
and most of my applications to the SCSI drive, leaving mostly data on
the factory 4.1  gig  IDE drive.  I knew the SCSI interface was supposed
to be faster, but this is better than a processor upgrade.  I'd highly
recommend this for any G3 owner who wants a improved performance but it
not ready to spend $1,000 for a new ZIF processor upgrade.
gene nail


Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 17:02:31 -0500
From: "Quattlebaum.Bill" <>
Subject: Iomega Jaz / IomegaWare 1.0

I manage a staff of 18 that provides day-to-day Mac and PC support. I have
purchased 50+ Iomega Jaz Drives for the Mac and have begun seeing new
problem. We have used Bernoulli's and the Jaz drives in my staff for years.

> Beginning with the Iomega Tools version 6.0.2 (aka Iomegaware 1.0) Iomega
> did away with "boot support" for most older non-PowerMac systems. A small
> handfull of 68040's are still supported for booting from the Jaz cartridge
> according to their ReadMe file.
> I however find I cannot boot even one model they claim is compatible
> (PowerBook 540c) and I have problems even getting the Jaz cartridge to
> show up on the desktops of ANY non-PowerMac. (That is booting from an
> internal HD but having the Jaz show as a drive is very difficult even with
> the shift key down.) I think their document show have read that all
> Non-PowerMac support is gone and I will be trying to reach tech support
> about this question. Of course there is no e-mail tech support and their
> WWW Site has NOTHING to be found about older Mac compatibility.
> Beginning now I will be using FWB's Hard Disk Toolkit for all Jaz
> formatting. I have tested and confirmed that I can create bootable Jaz
> drives for any model Mac with the correct Mac OS version.
Have others seen similar quirks?

Bill Quattlebaum
DIR Scientific Computing Lab


Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 11:14:53 -0500
From: Ed Ver Hoef <>
Subject: Keyboard Woes

I am experiencing a very mysterious situation with respect to my Mac. I
have a Performa 6116CD and am running OS8.1. Starting just a few days ago,
if I leave my computer unattended for a little while (10 - 15 minutes) when
I try to resume using it there is no response to any keyboard input. It
still responds to mouse movements and clicks and my mouse goes through the
keyboard so I doubt that it is a loosening connection between the keyboard
and the computer. Rebooting doesn't solve the problem but rebuilding the
desktop does. The only thing that I can think of as a recent activity sort
of immediately preceding this situation is that I installed Quicken Delux 7
from CD and keep the CD on my desktop. Can Info-Mac guru shed some light on
this matter? All suggestions will be much appreciated. TIA

Ed Ver Hoef


Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 22:04:26 +0800
From: (Ngiam Shih Tung)
Subject: Modemless G3 Powerbook [R]

I didn't see the original post so I don't know whether you are referring
to the original PB G3 or to the newer PB G3 series computers. The
original PB G3 was supplied with a ethernet+modem card in the United
States, but an ethernet-only card outside the US. The dealer therefore
might have been correct in saying that is not (legally) possible to
install an internal modem in the PB. Don't know about France, but US
telephone equipment certainly works in Singapore, except that it is
illegal to hook it up to the local telephone network.

<Long diatribe about silly government regulations deleted...>

Bon Annee !

Shih Tung


Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 13:18:05 -0800
From: Mark Hurty <>
Subject: Netcaster

Netcaster is, for all intents and purposes, defunct. It was part of
Netscape's "push" technology and allowed (among other things) a user to
access what netscape called "channels." It also allowed developers to
create immersive, desktop browser environments (kind of like the
integration of Windows98 and Internet Explorer). You could create what
Netscape at one time referred to as a "webtop." Your desktop was
replaced by a webpage (or channel) displayed in what was essentially a
full-screen, chromeless window. Some of the same technology is still
available through signed javascripts. The help file you're reading is an
artifact. Netcaster was never fully functional on the Mac. 

Mark Hurty

> Hi InfoMac readers>
> Can anyone tell me how I can get hold of Netcaster? Is it part of Netscape
> Communicato? which I do not have running. I use Navigator, and its help
> file has a section on Netcaster and how to use it, but it assumes that one
> has it already, saying to start it click on its window. Well I can't find
> any Netcaster window, or logo, or anything relating to it, except in the
> help file.
> Thanks,
> > Ezra


Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 11:26:35 +0100
From: "dmease" <>
Subject: No Netcaster

I have, for sometime, been using the pointcast viewer and chanels, but,
after hearing that pointcast will no longer have a mac version, would like
to find an alternative. I thought I had found it with netscape netcaster,
but for some reason can not get it to install on my mac. I have download
the full version of communicator 4.0 and 4.5 but still cannot find it. It
is listed as a feature on the netscape site and is also listed as a feature
when communicator is starting up, along with collabra, composer, etc. Does
anybody know what is happening.         dmease@neo.rrcom


Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 11:54:51 +0800
From: "yickming wong" <>
Subject: os 8.5.1 increases system heap

I have just installed os 8.5 and updated to 8.5.1

The "about this computer" box shows that the ram occupied by the os creeps
up gradually from about 12Mb to 30+Mb ! The control panel Sleeper cannot get
the hard disk to sleep although it worked under os 7.5 previously. Disk
Firstaid (8.5.1) was unable to complete its verification scan and reports
that another program is using the hard disk. Disk Firstaid works and does
not find any problems if I reboot with all extensions off. I have checked
with Process Watcher under my normal configuration but there were no suspect
background processes.

My mac is a 6100/66 powerPC with 40 Mb (physical) ram installed. Anybody
encountered the same problem and any suggestions?



Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 11:22:13 +0100
From: "Dr. Stefan P. Mueller" <>
Subject: OT/PPP freezes Mac using v90 but not v32bis

I am having serious problems getting a fast PPP conection under v90 with an
ELSA Microlink 56k modem (Powermac 9500 with NewerTech 275 MHz G3 card, 256
MB RAM, System 8.1). I am using the supplied modem script and a PC modem
cable cable connected to the hardware handshaking cable which came with my
previous V32bis modem. With this configuration I am having no problems to
connect to a terminal server which supports 14,400 bps connections under
v32bis and heavily use this connection with simultaenous FTP transfers, WWW
browsing, and e-mail checking. This makes me confident that it is not a
cabling problem. I am unable, however, to achieve any usable conection on a
v90 Ascend system using the same cable and modem script. These are the

The modem connects properly, OT/PPP negotiates the network protocol (see
log), and PPP reports "Connection established".

12/3/98	10:42	CCL write: "AT\13"
12/3/98	10:42	CCL match: "OK\13\10"
12/3/98	10:42	CCL write: "AT&F&D2\13"
12/3/98	10:42	CCL match: "OK\13\10"
12/3/98	10:42	Dialing without tone
12/3/98	10:42	CCL write: "ATX3\13"
12/3/98	10:42	CCL match: "OK\13\10"
12/3/98	10:42	Dialing 0,24010
12/3/98	10:42	CCL write: "ATDT0,24010\13"
12/3/98	10:43	CCL match: "CONNECT"
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: Sending Configuration Request.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Async Map = 0x00000000.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Magic Number = 0x2CAEBED9.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Protocol Compression On
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Address/Control Compression On
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: Received Configuration Request.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Unknown type: 0x00000000.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Async Map = 0x000A0000.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Auth Protocol = 0x0000C023.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Protocol Compression On
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Address/Control Compression On
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Unknown type: 0x00000011.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Unknown type: 0x00000013.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Unknown Option Rejected.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: Sending Configuration Reject.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: Received Configuration Ack.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: Received Configuration Request.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Async Map = 0x000A0000.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Auth Protocol = 0x0000C023.
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Protocol Compression On
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: >> Address/Control Compression On
12/3/98	10:43	LCP: Sending Configuration Ack.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: Sending Configuration Request.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: >> IP-Compression-Protocol = Van Jacobson, max. slot:
15, comp. slot: off.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: >> IP-Address =
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: Received Configuration Nak.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: Sending Configuration Request.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: >> IP-Compression-Protocol = Van Jacobson, max. slot:
15, comp. slot: off.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: >> IP-Address =
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: Received Configuration Ack.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: Sending Configuration Request.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: >> IP-Compression-Protocol = Van Jacobson, max. slot:
15, comp. slot: off.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: >> IP-Address =
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: Received Configuration Ack.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: Received Configuration Request.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: >> IP-Compression-Protocol = Van Jacobson, max. slot:
15, comp. slot: off.
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: >> IP-Address =
12/3/98	10:43	IPCP: Sending Configuration Ack.
12/3/98	10:43	PPP ready for TCP/IP with IP address
12/3/98	10:43	Connection established.

When I launch MacTCP Watcher 2.0 now, the system freezes before MacTCP
Watcher's menu bar is drawn. When I drop into MacsBug, it tells me that
MacTCP Watcher is hanging and I can escape with ES. This is the StdLog
(full listing available):

  MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98

 NMI (user entered MacsBug on purpose)

  3-Dec-1998 11:23:07 AM (since boot = 24 minutes)
  Current application is "MacTCP Watcher 2.0"
  Machine = 67 (PowerMac9500), System $0810, sysu = $01008000
  ROM version $077D, $28F1, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000)
  VM is off
  NIL^ = $FFC10000
  Stack space used = +254894544
 Address 003BD548 is in the System heap at 00002800 at
 It is in the CFM fragment "OTKernelLib" at 003BA150
 It is 000033F8 bytes from the start of the fragment
  and 00003378 bytes into a non-writeable code section at 003BA1D0
 It is 000033F8 bytes into this heap block:
     Start    Length      Tag  Mstr Ptr Lock Prg  Type   ID   File      Name
  * 003BA150 00037828+0C   N
 PowerPC 740/750 Registers

Something seems to be going on with the "OTKernelLib" but I know next to
nothing about low-level debugging.

By this time, PPP still reports "Connection established". When I try to
disconnect , I get foever the message "Waiting for PPP termination...".
Rebooting the Mac causes a system crash bringing up MacsBug which
identifies the current application as the Finder. I can restart with RS
now. The following is the beginning of the StdLog (again, full listing

  MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98

PowerPC access exception at 003EAA90

  3-Dec-1998 10:58:09 AM (since boot = 12 minutes)
  Current application is "Finder"
  Machine = 67 (PowerMac9500), System $0810, sysu = $01008000
  ROM version $077D, $28F1, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000)
  VM is off
  NIL^ = $FFC10000
  Stack space used = +260146460
 Address 003EAA90 is in the System heap at 00002800
 It is in the CFM fragment "OTKernelLib" at 003BA150
 It is 00030940 bytes from the start of the fragment
  and 000308C0 bytes into a non-writeable code section at 003BA1D0
 It is 00030940 bytes into this heap block:
     Start    Length      Tag  Mstr Ptr Lock Prg  Type   ID   File      Name
  * 003BA150 00037828+0C   N
 PowerPC 740/750 Registers

Again "OTKernelLib" seems to be implicated.

I can use other internet applications with the same results, Anarchie 3
freezes suring the startup screen with "Initializing...", Eudora Light 3.1
brings up the dialog box "Establishing PPP Connection" with the message
"connecting..." and it lets me quit gracefully with the "STOP" Button.

I have tried the usual steps, rebuilding the desktop, restting the PRAM,
trashing the Finder Pref's, replacing the Finder and System files, and
finally doing a clean install - no change. Again, there are no problems
with slower v32bis PPP connections.

Do you have an idea what is going on here?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Dr. Stefan P. Mueller, Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinikum, D-45122 Essen,
 FR Germany, e-mail:, FAX: <49> (201) 723-4146
                 for replies remove X from e-mail address


Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 22:04:24 +0800
From: (Ngiam Shih Tung)
Subject: PB 540C/Paperport 3.0/OS 8.0

The Paperport Vx I have is the serial-based version, not the SCSI one.
Even more confusingly, I call it a Paperport Vx, but it is actually the
one that was OEM'd for HP and sold as a Scanjet 4s. The software
supplied was from Visioneer, however. The control panel dates from
System 7.5 days, though, and I presume its a 68K binary. Strange that it
works on a PowerPC PB G3, but dies on a 68K PB 540. Unfortunately, I
loaded MacOS 8.0 before trying out the Paperport software, so I don't
know if the problem is PB 540-specific or whether it is an interaction
with MacOS 8.

Shih Tung


Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 22:57:51 -0500
Subject: Sluggish Netscape 4.5 and Mac OS 8.5.1

I recently installed both Netscape Communicator 4.5 and Mac OS 8.5.1 on my
PowerMac 8500/150 and observed the following problem.  I would appreciate
hearing about any diagnoses, solutions, or workarounds.

Whenever Netscape is accessing a web page, everything else freezes for 5-25
seconds at a time.  It won't respond to mouse clicks in Netscape, the
Finder, or anything else.  Occasionally I see activity on the modem, at
which time it responds to the most recent mouse click before freezing
again.  Web pages are loaded in small bursts separated by long pauses, even
from sites and at times of day that are normally quite fast.

A friend reports the same behavior, also with 8.5.1 and 4.5.

I sent inquiries to Netscape and Apple, but Netscape does not accept email
and Apple did not respond.

Tom Fortmann

Please reply to:  tom(at)


Date: 21 Dec 98 22:04:40 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: Virex

"abrody" <> writes:
>Have the top three Mac virus detection utility programs merged?   I went
>Virex's home page at Dr. Solomon and they say to download the beta version
>of Virex from McAfee's web site
>So is now Datawatch part of Dr. Solomon, Part of McAfee, Part of Network
>Then how come does Network Associate's web page show version 3.0 of its
>Viruscan, where it is linked up to McAfee's listing of Virex?
>I am totally confused.   Also the beta version 5.9 available from that
>was released last July.  I thought I remember reading in the Digest
>has gotten a release version newer than August.  But it isn't available at
>PC/MacConnection, MacZone, or MacWareHouse so I wonder where they got

Network Associates has purchased Dr. Solomon's Virex, relabeled it as their
own and released it as 5.9 . Viruscan 3.0.1 is pretty much defunct. They're
abandoning it in favour of Virex. Small loss as Viruscan stunk. They
realized this and in aquiring Virex have the superior scanning engine from
Dr. Solomon that they're using in all their products - Mac and PC.
In our tests (we're not a lab - just a couple guys with a couple captured
worms) we've found that Virex is catching strains of the Autostart 9805
worm that Viruscan and NAV both miss. It does cause finder copy errors in
some configurations but we've yet to determine what conflicts with it to
bring this about.

Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 14:58:58 -0500
From: (John Rethorst)
Subject: WordPerfect and OS 8.5

>Has anyone had this problem? I upgraded to OS 8.5, now a number of
>applications (e.g. Filemaker, Word Perfect) won't print, though other
>like ClarisWorks will.   I am using a Color StyleWriter 4100, and I've
>installed the latest upgrade printer driver (v1.1) from Apple. Help!

Have you updated WordPerfect to 3.5.4 (free at the Corel ftp site)? Better
yet, get 3.5e (e for enhanced) from Corel for $25, and patch it (3.5e
patch is free, at Corel and Info-Mac).

John Rethorst

Please delete the x for email.



End of Info-Mac Digest