Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #293
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 24 Apr 99       Volume 16 : Issue 293

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3dmf-for-mathematica-123.hqx
      [*] Asset Basset 2.51
      [*] AutoCat 2.3 - Catalog Different
      [*] AutoCat 2.3 FR - Catalog Different
      [*] Awesome Resurrection I
      [*] Bottin 1.0
      [*] CharToReturn
      [*] Compact Maps Set 6
      [*] Computer Cuisine Deluxe v1.1
      [*] directMAIL.sit
      [*] DiskCatalogMaker 2.2 - Freeware
      [*] DL1er
      [*] DownLog1
      [*] Edwin's Power Tools 2.3
      [*] FileCM 1.0 Contextual Menu Plugin
      [*] FindText
      [*] GetWeb1.2
      [*] InfoPopup 1.1
      [*] LogTransporter 1.2
      [*] MacChef Cook's Recipes 2.0
      [*] MagicalKeys 1.5.2
      [*] NOVA-31-PPC.hqx'
      [*] pppop-204-ppc-jp.hqx - PPP Operator Utility Japanese Version
      [*] pppop-204-ppc-nl.hqx - PPP Operator Utility Dutch Version
      [*] Quit It v2.1
      [*] QXP 3/4 check 1.1
      [*] Rotary Club Admin 5.0
      [*] setfolders
      [*] Site Ranger 1.1
      [*] Site Ranger 1.1.1
      [*] SiteEater 2.0
      [*] SoBig 1.4.1
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.2.0
      [*] Starcraft 1.0
      [*] StartOnce 1.2
      [*] Substitute 1.7.5 FAT; General purpose utility.
      [*] SuperHex 1.0b5 abstract
      [*] Switch-It 1.9.6
      [*] TimeCache 2.08 upload
      [*] TypeMaster 2.0.0
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.8 - dictionary, spellchecker, text-translator
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.3.7 - foreign language learning
      [*] Vokabeltrainer
      [*] Wallaby version 1.2.2
      [*] WINGMAKERS icons/art

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:19:55 -0700
Subject: [*] 3dmf-for-mathematica-123.hqx

The '3DMF for MATHEMATICA'  is software for QuickDraw3D Metafile and
It contains QuickDraw3DViewer and MATHEMATICA packages "QD3D`QuickDraw3D`*".
QuickDraw3DViewer is a tool to show, convert, and printout 3DMF files. And the
MATHEMATICA packages "QD3D`QuickDraw3D`*" are designed to import and export
There are two modes ( Text and Binary ) and three types ( Normal, Stream, and
Database ) in QD3D. QuickDraw3DViewer  supports conversion among these formats.
In some case, it's useful to save an object as a plain text. A user can save a
file for 'Simple Text', 'CodeWarrior', and 'MATHEMATICA'. The archive
"3dmf-for-mathematica-xxx.hqx" is created by DropStuff 5.1. To extract this
archive, StuffIt Expander 5.1 or later is required.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/3dmf-for-mathematica-123.hqx; 1430K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:41 -0700
Subject: [*] Asset Basset 2.51

Asset Basset tracks investments, specializing in asset allocation. It will
perform the following useful functions:

1) It tracks allocation in various asset classes (foreign/domestic,
equity/bond, small-cap/large-cap, etc.). A unique feature is the ability to
allocate percentage amounts within a single investment; for example, a
mutual fund 60% in stock and 40% in bonds can be accurately represented in
Asset Basset By enabling percentage allocations within an investment, Asset
Basset lets you monitor the allocation and performance of your investments
with a precision limited only by your knowledge of your own investments.
2) It lets you define portfolios using allocation criteria, e.g., "foreign"
or "foreign fixed-income" and monitor the performance of the portfolio.
3) It calculates the cost-basis of each investment, using either the
average-cost or first-in-first-out methods, and generates tax-reports of
capital gains and distributions for any year.
4) It calculates total profit using the time-value of money, with methods
such as the internal rate of return, and the discounting/compounding of cash
5) It keeps track of total worth, out-of-pocket cost, and so on.

"Asset Basset 2.51 app" is a standalone application (previous versions were
Hypercard stacks). Asset Basset will be very slow on a 68K Mac without a
math co-processor. It requires a minimum of 1.1 MB of RAM.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/asset-basset-251.hqx; 1304K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:04 -0700
Subject: [*] AutoCat 2.3 - Catalog Different

- Catalog all your removable volumes in a very Macintosh way.
- Navigate through your catalog directly from the Finder.
- Navigate through your catalog from Open/Save dialogs.
- No application to launch to navigate through your catalog.
- Use the Finder's 'Find' command to search your catalog.
- Works in the background.
- Appearance-savvy, Navigation Services-savvy.

What's new in AutoCat 2.3
- 'Eject after cataloging' option.
- 'Autoscan when inserted' option.

AutoCat works with all PowerMacintoshes with Mac OS 7.6 or better, but
it's optimized for Mac OS 8.5.

AutoCat can be included in CD-ROMs.

Happy AutoCataloging!

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/autocat-23.hqx; 249K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:02 -0700
Subject: [*] AutoCat 2.3 FR - Catalog Different

AutoCat a obtenu 4 souris a Macdownload.

Points forts:
- Cataloguez tous vos supports extractibles fa=E7on Macintosh.
- Naviguez dans le catalogue directement a partir du Finder.
- Naviguez dans le catalogue a partir des dialogues Ouvrir/Enregistrer.
- Aucune application n'est necessaire pour naviguer dans le catalogue.
- Utilisez la commande 'Chercher' du Finder pour effectuer des recherches
dans le catalogue.
- Travaille en tache de fond.
- Compatible avec Appearance, compatible avec les Services de Navigation.

Les ameliorations apportees a AutoCat 2.3
- Option d'ejection apres catalogage
- Option d'analyse automatique a l'insertion

Configuration materielle
- Un Macintosh couleur avec le Systeme 7.6 ou ulterieurs.

AutoCat peut etre inclus dans les CD-ROMs.

Bon AutoCatalogage!

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/autocat-23-fr.hqx; 242K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:19:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Awesome Resurrection I

Awesome Resurrection

36 Wolfenstein 3D Scenarios

Wolfenstein may be six years old, but it isn't dead yet. Here are 36
scenarios created by me and other Wolfenstein scenario authors to get you
hooked back onto Wolfenstein 3D.

Castle Wolfenstein Beta-20 action-packed, challenging, and thrilling levels.
My latest scenario to date. Certainly one of the best scenarios out there.

Also with...
Dragon Cavern, Spear of Destiny, Arena of Death, Auf Wiedersehen Adolf,
Beavis and Butt-head's Dog, Boy Meets Unidentified Humanoid, Bring Home the
Cheese, Call in Sherlock Holmes, Castle Claustrophobia, Castle Xeen Dungeon,
Cooka Shoots a Cow, Four Giants and a Pistol, Fresh Prince of Castleview,
Hans Runs for His Life, If You Look Closely Enough, Just Crazy About
Killing, Let's Play Tag, Mutants' Lair, Nous Sommes Moche, Ogre/Nazi
Blowout, Operation-Annihilate, Pinky and the Brain Conquer, Road Runner
Madness, Rumble in the Bronx, Se=F1or Yap Gets Angry, Take Your Pick-Life or
Death, The Diary of a Moose, The Killer Yodelers, Tiger Cavern, Treasure
Hunt Deluxe, Treasures for Breakfast, Wild Fat Boars, WolfMade, and The
Shadow Men

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at

Visit my site at

Josh Mills

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/wolf/aw2.hqx; 1656K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:19 -0700
Subject: [*] Bottin 1.0

Bottin is a Adressmanaging Tool for everybody. It is based on
FileMaker 4.0.

System requirements:
* System 7.0 or later
* 68040 better Power Macintosh with at least 16 MB of RAM
* 3 MB on the hard drive
* 15 Monitor with 256 Colors

[Archived as /info-mac/data/bottin-1.hqx; 2491K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:09 -0700
Subject: [*] CharToReturn

Platform: Macintosh
OS: 7.0
Category: FileMaker PlugIn, Developer Editord, Text Utility
Licence: Shareware
Author: Lorenzo Puleo
Download at:

FileMaker exports text file with "char 11" (a little rectangle) instead
of the real carriage RETURN? This shareware converts the exported text
files on the fly and sets the "char 11" into  the real RETURN. Therefore
You can use these right files as you want (eg. import directly in
XPress). Two little FileMaker and XPress files are included in this

FileMaker, PlugIn, Char11, Char13, RETURN, Utilities, TextFiles, Text,
Macintosh, XPress, Carriage Return, Text, char 11, char 13.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/char-11-toreturn.hqx; 140K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:19:58 -0700
Subject: [*] Compact Maps Set 6

Compact Maps Set 6

Four one-level scenarios with levels taken from Temple of Doom and Castle
Wolfenstein 3.8.1

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D.

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at

Visit my site at

Josh Mills

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/wolf/c6.hqx; 373K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Computer Cuisine Deluxe v1.1

Inaka Software Announces Computer Cuisine Deluxe-- the complete
stand-alone recipe database solution for both Windows and Macintosh users.

OAKLAND, Calif., April 9, 1999 -- Inaka Software today announced that it
has released a completely new recipe database solution called Computer
Cuisine Deluxe. Computer Cuisine Deluxe is by far the most efficient and
simple way to manage your home recipe database. It's features include a
well designed layout that makes adding, viewing, sorting, finding and
printing a snap. In addition to the simple, yet highly graphical layout,
Computer Cuisine Deluxe allows you to add an infinite number of your own
recipes to the existing database.  Computer Cuisine Deluxe no longer
requires any other application to run. Simply launch Computer Cuisine
Deluxe, and enjoy.

Computer Cuisine Deluxe:

* Completely stand-alone, no longer requires any other application to run!

* Version 1.1 now includes enhanced dictionary files for spell checking,
as well as utlities for enhanced data recipe importing for other

* Over 1,000 recipes already entered for your convenience!

* Added commands which take advantage of email & web features!

* Enhanced graphical layout with simple to use menus and icons!

* Expanded conversion menu for easy calculations to and from U.S.
Standard and Metric!

* List your recipes by item, category, type, or servings! You can choose!

* A print menu which gives users the option of printing in color or b&w,
and in a small or large format! (The small format folds to fit perfectly
onto a 3x5" recipe card).

* Expanded sorting functions! The ability to sort huge recipe lists with
one simple click!

* Fully compatible for both Macintosh and Windows users!


Buttons are located at the top of the layout for added convenience. For
example, just one of the buttons can sort all of your recipes with the
click of your mouse! In the main menu, Computer Cuisine Deluxe will
alphabetically sort all of your recipes and give you a listing of your
[Archived as /info-mac/data/computer-cuisine-deluxe-11.hqx; 8376K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:11 -0700
Subject: [*] directMAIL.sit

directMAIL is a cross-platform contact manager and mass-mail producer that
simplifies direct-mail campaigns. Instead of using separate contact and
word-processing software to send letters, directMAIL users can handle these
tasks in one place. Letters can be sent to any group of contacts, either
via print or e-mail.

directMAIL also allows FileMaker Pro developers to easily add a
correspondence module to their custom database solutions.This version is a
set of FileMaker Pro templates. A stand-alone version and more information
is available at

directMAIL Features:

* directMAIL is fully cross-platform. It is available as a stand-alone
  application or as a set of FileMaker Pro templates.
* directMAIL contains a basic contact manager with the ability to
  store first and last names, company name, address, e-mail, web address,
  four phone numbers (with editable phone type labels), and comments for
  each contact.
* Contacts can be assigned to one or more user-definable groups for
  quick printing or searching.
* Contacts are fully searchable.
* Form letters can be edited, previewed and saved.
* Merge fields matching the Contacts database can be inserted into
  a form letter with the click of a button.
* Spell check services are available when editing form letters.
* Letters can be sent to a printer, to contacts via e-mail, or output
  as Avery 5160 mailing labels.
* Letters and labels can be sorted by name, company, or zip code.
* Letters can be sent to the current contact, a group of contacts, or
  a found set of contacts.
* Full, extensive on-line help is available from every screen.
* You can import existing data into the contacts database.
* Developers can purchase an unlocked version of directMAIL to
  implement into their own custom FileMaker Pro solutions.

Jeff Nesheim

[Archived as /info-mac/data/directmail.hqx; 289K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:05 -0700
Subject: [*] DiskCatalogMaker 2.2 - Freeware

DiskCatalogMaker 2.2 (A Disk Management Tool) Freeware

DiskCatalogMaker is a simple disk management tool which catalogs disks.

- Finder 7.x like look and feel.
- Supports Finder AppleEvents. (Select original, and open original)
- Supports drag and drop. (Copy, clip, trash, and catalog disks.)
- Supports StuffIt / CompactPro / LHA archive Formats.

DiskCatalogMaker requires MacOS/System 7.0 or later.

Katsuya Fujiwara <>

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/disk-catalog-maker-22.hqx; 304K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:16 -0700
Subject: [*] DL1er

DownLog E/R - a utility designed to track where all those downloads on your
machine are coming from. DownLog is available as a stand-alone application
or as a logging extension/reader application combination. Either way
DownLog lets you know where you got what you did. To use DownLog simply
drop the DownLog extension onto your system folder or in the extensions
folder and restart. (Upon restart DownLog may request you locate your
browser.) Once your Netscape browser is launched DownLog will monitor all
traffic. When it detects downloading of files it will log the actual
download URL, the referring URL and system date/time of download.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/dl1er-ppc.hqx; 1362K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:17 -0700
Subject: [*] DownLog1

download tracking - utility from DOVA-K Software. If you need or want to
keep a record of downloads then DownLog is the answer. Works completely in
the background.
Automatically logs all downloads. Stamps each record with the system date
and time of actual download. Great for "blind" downloads. Saves both the
download URL and the referrring page's URL. View downloads chronologically
or alphabetically. Built-in search function. Re-download file or return to
referring page with a single click. Minimum requirements; System 7.5 or

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/downlog-1.0.hqx; 936K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:42 -0700
Subject: [*] Edwin's Power Tools 2.3

Edwin's Power Tools adds useful functions to Microsoft Excel 98 for Mac.
It is the most powerful Excel Add-In for Mac and has supreme
cross-platform compatibility (PC version is also available). This Mac is
written on a Mac and specially for a Mac.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/edwins-power-tools.hqx; 1929K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:29 -0700
Subject: [*] FileCM 1.0 Contextual Menu Plugin

FileCM - is a contextual menu plugin. It mimics the Copy-Cut-Paste
contextual menus in Windows9x.  Using FileCM you can Cut, Copy, and Paste
files or folders.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/file-cm.hqx; 66K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:19:52 -0700
Subject: [*] FindText

FindText 1.3.6

FindText is a utility that can search the files on your harddisk for that
specific text you know is hiding somewhere. Simply type in the text, tell
it what folder(s) or disk(s) to search, and it will find all files
containing that text.

FindText it very useful as an adjunct to Sherlock under MacOS 8.5 which
only indexes the data fork of files. It is also one of the few tools that
can search the files of popular utilities (that put their data in the
resource fork) like eDOC, ScrapIt Pro and NotePad deluxe!
Although FindText is fast, it is not as fast as Apple's Sherlock but
Sherlock works only after a time and space consuming indexing of your
So, if you don't loose track of your files on an hourly basis, you will
prefer FindText.

FindText can search the data- and/or resource-fork of your files.

FindText needs System 7 or better and runs native both on the PowerMac,
iMac and the 68020/030/040 Macs. FindText is fully compatible with Mac OS 8.

Every user of FindText is advised to update to version 1.3.6.

FindText is shareware (USD 20). You can register via Kagi (creditcard,
cash, check, ...).

FindText Homepage :

Best regards,

Patrick Maes

[Archived as /info-mac/text/findtext-136.hqx; 195K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:18 -0700
Subject: [*] GetWeb1.2

-Macintosh / Power Macintosh (FAT)
-MacOS 7.5.5 or later
-OpenTransport-Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer
GetWeb is a utility for downloading your favorite web pages and its links to
your Macintosh automatically. Even in your absence for a trip, GetWeb starts
download on appointed date and time. You can view downloaded web pages on of
You can choose link depth to reach in the web page. In the same way, the lin
ks to other web site can be downloaded.
GetWeb can download web pages and its linked pages including graphic images
(GIF, JPEG, etc.).
GetWeb can check the web pages periodically, for example, everyday, every Mo
nday, only weekday or every time at launch, appointed time etc.
If you need, GetWeb will close PPP connection, quite GetWeb and shutdown you
r Macintosh automatically after download web pages.
Downloaded web pages are ready to view on offline with your favorite web bro
wser, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
>From either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, you can enter
bookmarks into GetWeb easily.
GetWeb shows the date and time of the last download.
If the pages have been modified after you checked it last time, the date and
time of update will be shown in the Information window.

Hirokazu Shibamoto

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/getweb-12.hqx; 1010K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:31 -0700
Subject: [*] InfoPopup 1.1

InfoPopup 1.1 has been released.

InfoPopup is a floating window with a popup menus. Currently, there is
only one popup menu, but more will be added in the future. This version
includes a popup menu that opens a URL with the appropriate Internet

Brief description: InfoPopup is a floating window that launches URL's.

Shareware $20. <>

Thanks, Hal Gumbert

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/infopopup-11.hqx; 406K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:26 -0700
Subject: [*] LogTransporter 1.2

Hal Gumbert, <>

LogTransporter 1.2 has been released.

LogTransporter transmits text files via email on a regular schedule that
you specify. If you have a server of any type, you can have your log
files sent to your favorite email address.

Brief description: LogTransporter schedules the transmission of text
files via email.

Shareware $20. <>

Thanks, Hal Gumbert

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/logtransporter-12.hqx; 786K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:12 -0700
Subject: [*] MacChef Cook's Recipes 2.0

MacChef 2.0 is a HyperCard stack designed primarily to archive recipe
textfiles downloaded from the Web and from Usenet groups like This version was produced with HyperCard 2.3 and requires
HyperCard or HyperCard Player.

MacChef 2.0 contains over 500 recipes and is much faster than the original.
It includes a search operation and a batch print procedure that version 1.0
did not have, and the interface on the Help Card is much easier to work
with. MacChef is shareware, but you may modify it as you wish.

Bob Boston (

Bob Boston
Iowa State University (retired)

[Archived as /info-mac/data/macchef-cooks-recipes.hqx; 409K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:32 -0700
Subject: [*] MagicalKeys 1.5.2

MagicalKeys 1.5.2 - Open Finder Items by Magic keys - Freeware

With MagicalKeys, you can "magically" open up to four often-used Finder
items: volumes, folders, applications, documents, control panels, desk
accessories, etc., by quickly pressing down 2 or 3 times the modifier key
(Command, Option, Shift, Control) they are associated with.

Assigning a modifier key to the active Finder allows you to switch to it,
and if the Finder is not currently running, it is automatically restarted.

You can bring up MagicalKeys' control panel at any time, by having the
Caps-Lock key down while double-tapping or triple-tapping any modifier key.

Requires Mac OS System 7.0 or later (System 7.5 or newer is recommended).

In addition to the standard control panel, a specific version is provided
for Mac OS 7.6 or later:

- Under Mac OS up to 7.5.5, you *must* use the standard control panel, as
the specific version will not load properly at start-up time.

- Under Mac OS 7.6 or later, you *can* use either the standard control
panel or the specific version, but the specific version is recommended, as
the file format of the standard control panel is deprecated and will not be
supported by Apple in future releases of Mac OS.

	--Michel (a.k.a. Mikaeru) MARIANI

Mikaeru Software: <>

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/magicalkeys-152.hqx; 184K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:04:13 -0700
Subject: [*] NOVA-31-PPC.hqx'

NOVA Version 3.1

NOVA was originally written with the intent of creating a stable,
application based screen saver environment. Most of the screen savers
available do a lot of system trap patching via extensions, which
introduce a factor of uncertainty in your system. NOVA does not patch
any OS routines, but instead is completely application driven -- when it
is appropriate (based on user settings), NOVA will launch it's
"Saverlet" applications that will do the screen saving. NOVA provides
three main services to the user: (1) eliminates the potential for
phosphor screen burn-in, (2) security for your system via password
entry, and (3) entertainment for yourself and those who work around you.
One last boastful note: NOVA is one of the only screen saver
applications that can utilize multiple monitor setups-- and when we say
"utilize", we mean that drawing occurs on ALL monitors, not just the
menubar screen. Take that After Dark!

Version 3.1 adds several new features and enhancements. A partial list:

- Holding down the "Control" key and putting the mouse in the NOVA Now
or Never corner causes the NOVA Settings application to reveal itself in
the finder. This is handy  for when you want to quickly find your NOVA
installation on disk.

- The entire NOVA package was reduced in size by using the Code Fragment

- Rearrangement of some of the NOVA Settings control panel, and better
support for the Appearance Manager.

- Optimizations in NOVA Launcher.

- The Fortune Cookie Saverlet is back, and better than ever. Drawing is
much smoother and slower, so you can actually read the fortunes! ;-)

Requirements: Any PowerPC Macintosh with System 7 or higher. (68K users
can use version 3.0.2)
Cost: $20/user shareware.

For more information:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/nova-31-ppc.hqx; 1496K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:27 -0700
Subject: [*] pppop-204-ppc-jp.hqx - PPP Operator Utility Japanese Version

PPPop 2.0.4 PPC /JP       PPP Operator Utility  Japanese Version
Shareware $20 US

PPPop2 provides a small floating button window to click on to open
and close a PPP connection. It includes a timer with settable limits,
an application launcher, a session log, a server selection menu for
PPP and TCP/IP configurations, selectable user profiles for different
accounts, and it is scriptable. This version is optimized for use
with OS 8.5.

System Requirements: PowerPC CPU. MacOS 7.1 or later with Appearance
extension 1.0.2 or later. MacOS 8.1 or later recommended. RAM 400.
Open Transport with Remote Access, OT/PPP, MacPPP, or FreePPP.

Recommended Additional Software: Internet Config 2.0, Apple Location
Manager. (These come with OS 8.5.)

Version 2.0.4 is a bug fix update.

This is a localization by Koichiro Sobue and Shigenobu Kinoshita.
News, current versions, and support are available via the author's
web page, <http://home1/>.

[Permission is given to include this archive on the info-mac CDROM.]

Rob Friefeld
April 16, 1999
Rob Friefeld
PPPop Info: <>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/conn/pppop-204-ppc-jp.hqx; 855K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:28 -0700
Subject: [*] pppop-204-ppc-nl.hqx - PPP Operator Utility Dutch Version

PPPop 2.0.4 PPC /NL       PPP Operator Utility  Dutch Version
Shareware $20 US

PPPop2 provides a small floating button window to click on to open
and close a PPP connection. It includes a timer with settable limits,
an application launcher, a session log, a server selection menu for
PPP and TCP/IP configurations, selectable user profiles for different
accounts, and it is scriptable. This version is optimized for use
with OS 8.5.

System Requirements: PowerPC CPU. MacOS 7.1 or later with Appearance
extension 1.0.2 or later. MacOS 8.1 or later recommended. RAM 400.
Open Transport with Remote Access, OT/PPP, MacPPP, or FreePPP.

Recommended Additional Software: Internet Config 2.0, Apple Location
Manager. (These come with OS 8.5.)

This is a localization by Frank Meyer. News, current versions, and
support are available via the author's web page,

[Permission is given to include this archive on the info-mac CDROM.]

Rob Friefeld
April 16, 1999
Rob Friefeld
PPPop Info: <>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/conn/pppop-204-ppc-nl.hqx; 581K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:33 -0700
Subject: [*] Quit It v2.1

Quit It is a system extension that automatically quits an application when
its last window is closed by the user.  This can be very useful when novice
users are working on a computer, who often close a window by clicking on
the close box of a document window, thinking the application is quit. This
can easily lead to confusion, or memory shortage.
Quit It can be fully configured through its control panel, with individual
settings for installed applications.
Version 2.1 fixes a few minor bugs, and adds more configurable control over
what must happen when the last window of an application is closed.

Kind regards,
Berrie Kremers

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/quit-it-21.hqx; 657K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:19:53 -0700
Subject: [*] QXP 3/4 check 1.1

This AppleScript applet will check a folder (and, eventually, its nested
subfolders) for XPress 4.xx documents. Just drag-and-drop a folder icon
on this applet's icon. The script will then display a total number of
XPress documents found, a number of XPress 4.xx documents and
(optionally) their list. It will also offer an option to reveal
corresponding files in the Finder.

System requirements:
* System 8.5.1
* AppleScript

For more information, please read the included "Readme QXP 3/4 check"

Paul Bondarovski

[Archived as /info-mac/text/qark/qxp-4x-check.hqx; 7K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:13 -0700
Subject: [*] Rotary Club Admin 5.0

Rotary Club Administration
Version  5.0 (Macintosh Demo)
Copyright Norley Consulting Services 1996-1999

This easy-to-use, button-driven, Rotary Club Administration standalone
application for Windows 95/98 or for the Macintosh, is designed to provide
efficient club administration.
Features include: Database; Contacts List; Directory; Address List;
Classification List; Badge List; Event List; Letters; Form Letters; Fax;
Labels; Membership Cards; Celebration Lists; Data Request; Meetings Module;
Finance Module; On-line Help, Data Import and Export. Can be customised for
your Club, and additional functions and/or modules can be added on request.
Rotary Club Administration is Shareware (AUS$50). The demonstration version
will not print or export.

Norman Braidwood

[Archived as /info-mac/data/rca5.hqx; 2048K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:34 -0700
Subject: [*] setfolders

Title: SetFolder
Version: 1.0
Platform: Macintosh
OS: 7.0
Category: DeskTop Utility
Licence: Shareware
Author: Lorenzo Puleo
Download at:

Before preparing a CD masterization, it's needed to control the current
settings for all the Folders you will copy: position, order view,
size... This shareware, in only one step, read the settings from the
main folder you choose, and set as well all the subfolders (and
subfolders, and sub...)

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/set-folders.hqx; 97K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:22 -0700
Subject: [*] Site Ranger 1.1

Site Ranger is a Mac-only $20 shareware web site manager.  It performs
macro expansion, link checking (local links only), link auto-correction,
and site synchronization.  Full info is available from the Site Ranger
web site at:


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/site-ranger-11.hqx; 284K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:23 -0700
Subject: [*] Site Ranger 1.1.1

Site Ranger is a Mac-only $20 shareware web site manager.  It performs
macro expansion, link checking (local links only), link auto-correction,
and site synchronization.  Full info is available from the Site Ranger
web site at:



Personal web page:       
My shareware:  
Pixel Pen web pub. guide:

Why are there Interstate highways in Hawaii?

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/site-ranger.hqx; 284K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:21 -0700
Subject: [*] SiteEater 2.0

SiteEater is the most powerful cross-platform offline
browsing, site mirroring, and file-retrieving tool on the Internet.
runs fully automated, multithreaded, and link-following. It is able to
retrieve all the files you want from any part of the Internet.Create an
exact duplicate, or mirror of a Web site, complete with subdirectory
structure and all required files. SiteEater now has project management,
can continue interrupted downloads, and is able to work with your
proxy server. A command-line version is integrated too.

Best regards,

Dirk Schlenzig

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/se-20.hqx; 7055K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:36 -0700
Subject: [*] SoBig 1.4.1

Here is the latest version of my Control Strip module, SoBig 1.4.1. This
version fixes a problem with very large volumes reported by some users.

As before SoBig is free but may not be modified and must include the
ReadMe file.

-Patrick McClaughry

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sobig-141.hqx; 8K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:15 -0700
Subject: [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.2.0

Software & Hardware Tracker 3.2.0
by DXoft

A CNET/ "Premiere" and "Top Pick" and a BizProWeb "Pick
of the Day", Software & Hardware Tracker is a collection of FileMaker
Pro 3.0/4.0 relational databases which will help you collect, store
and organize useful information (such as registration codes, serial
numbers, product notes, etc.) about all your computer products
(hardware and software). Relying on the standard Internet Config
system, Software & Hardware Tracker is perfectly integrated with your
other Internet software. It also keeps track of all your contact
information for software and hardware developers, distributors and
places of purchase, turning it into a powerful contact and Internet
bookmark manager.

It's being distributed as shareware. Several registration and upgrade
options are available. Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware.

For the latest versions of DXoft shareware, visit our home page
located at <>.

Thanks for supporting shareware!

(Software & Hardware Tracker may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM
and on the AMUG "BBS in a box". It has been checked with NAV 5.0.3)

[Archived as /info-mac/data/soft-hard-tracker-32.hqx; 1709K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:19:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Starcraft 1.0

A guide to Starcraft: lists units, damage, hitpoints, build-time, etc.
Current through Patch 1.05 (= Mac Starcraft), 28 MAR 99.

Requires Hypercard 2.3.5

[Archived as /info-mac/game/starcraft.hqx; 55K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:37 -0700
Subject: [*] StartOnce 1.2

StartOnce helps you to control your Startup Items.
When you start your Mac for the first time on any day, StartOnce
will launch any items found in the "StartOnce Items" folder. On
subsequent restarts, these items will be skipped.

Installation is easy as StartOnce will create the "StartOnce Items"
folder for you the first time it is run. All you have to do is to
decide which items you want launched once a day and place aliases to
them in this folder. Put an alias to StartOnce in your "Startup Items"
folder and you are ready to rock-and-roll.

Use it whenever you want to do something only once a day. I use
StartOnce on my Mac, in combination with Roland Gustafsson's
free (ThankYouWare) 'SimpleBackup' utility to make a copy of my
most important files at the start of work each day. If I should
happen to corrupt one of these files, I know that I can always
revert to the backup copy.

This new version updates the documentation with my new email address and
web site:-

This program requires System 7 to run.

Please include this on CD collections if you wish.

Best Regards,

Steve Smith

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/start-once-12.hqx; 27K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Substitute 1.7.5 FAT; General purpose utility.

Substitute is a useful general purpose utility, it has a lot of options:
- Version checking. It checks, automatically, the contents of many folders
class. It may also check the version of any object you want.
- Removes extra code from FAT application, allowing you to select the code
you want to remove. It can also scan disks and folders, searching for FAT
objects to optimize.
- Desktop rebuilding.
- Monitor depth changing.
- Sound level changing.
- File conversion by means of QuickTime=81.
- Gathers accurate informations about files, folders and disks.
- Compacts the System Heap as well as the free System memory.
- TransStyle: to simplify 'styl' resources for a faster text drawing
between script systems. Many options available, 'styl' deletion also.
- Launches Applications, Desk Accessories and files having type APPC, appe,
adrp, APPD, FNDR with the skill to make a permanent, but alterable, lists
of these files and run them from a proper menu. It can restart-launch the
=46inder and At Ease.
- Processes management: tracks the foreground process reporting useful
infos into its main window; switches to foreground any individual process;
closes any individual process; gathers accurate infos about any individual
process; closes all processes but itself.
- Files and folders copying (even in background).
- Files and folders moving, even to trash.
- Tracks all online volumes and can unmount/eject them.
- Reports any Keyboard Layout available.
- Shows all installed fonts (it may also change its own window font).
- Mac Shutdown/Restart.

Substitute is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's
Appearance savvy.  It requires at least System 7 to run.

Author: Rocco Moliterno
Substitute page:

What's new in 1.7.5 version
Version checking. File conversion. Permanent list of files. Navigation
Manager aware. Window position saving. Improved Modal Dialog filters.
Better alerts. Better error checking. Better error infos. Internet menu.
Improved desktop icon. Linked with Internet Config 2.0. Linked with
MoreFiles 1.4.9. Linked with Appearance SDK 1.03. Recompiled with
Interfaces-Libraries 3.2. Recompiled by using the newest compiler.
Addresses update. All code revisited. Better break keys management. Moved
some menu items. Fixed some menu problem. Minor changes.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/substitute-175.hqx; 175K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:07 -0700
Subject: [*] SuperHex 1.0b5 abstract

SuperHex is a powerful Res/Data hex editor, featuring:
- drag and drop,
- contextual menus,
- multi-file and -resource search and replace.

This is the new version, fixing several bugs and adding new features, as
copying bad-formated hex data, new find tools, etc.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/superhex-b5.hqx; 85K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:38 -0700
Subject: [*] Switch-It 1.9.6

Switch-It 1.9.6 - Switch Applications via the Keyboard - Freeware

This control panel allows you to cycle through running applications by
Command-Tab. Releasing the Command key actually switches to the
application. Pressing the Escape key cancels the current switching
request while the Command key is still down.

You can easily customize the hot keys and many display options (font,
colors, view mode), as well as the application ordering (front to back,
alphabetical, launch order).

While cycling through the running applications, you can also use shortcut
keys to:
- Access directly to the Finder ('F').
- Request the termination of applications, by selecting them either
individually (quit: 'Q' or 'X'), or globally (kill-all: 'K').
- Open the information window of the selected application ('I').
- Reveal the selected application in the Finder ('R').
- Automatically open the control panel, and customize all the available
options ('O').

Requires Mac OS System 7.0 or later (System 7.5 or newer is recommended).

	--Michel (a.k.a. Mikaeru) MARIANI

Mikaeru Software: <>

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/switch-it-196.hqx; 225K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:04:15 -0700
Subject: [*] TimeCache 2.08 upload

If you need to know here your time is going, check out PandaWare(r)
TimeCache(tm) 2.0. This popular Macintosh time tracking application for
freelancers, consultants and small companies tracks expenses along with
time (and resulting charges) for any number of clients and projects. You
can apply different billing rates to user-defined billing categories.
TimeCache totals charges for every data entry. TimeCache automatically
times your work, or you can enter time in hours or minutes. You can print
daily reports or job reports. TimeCache 2.0 also automatically creates
reports that summarize time and charges by billing categories.

Among the new features in TimeCache 2.0:
    Easier data entry
    Ability to record time in units ranging from one to 30 minutes
    Ability to record negative payments, signifying payments or credits
    Ability to track client numbers and project estimates
    The ability to mark selected time and expense entries
    Great flexibility in choosing items to print
    Mac OS 8 Appearance Manager support

You can try TimeCache 2.0 for free. If you like it, register your copy with
The PandaWare Company and we'll send you a registration key that lets you
unlock your copy of TimeCache 2.0 for unlimited use.

The version 2.08 update fixes a bug that could prevent TimeCache from
saving data in certain circumstances, and a bug that prevented data
exporting preferences from being changed. A full version history is
included in the README file in this archive.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/timecache-208.hqx; 1737K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:04:11 -0700
Subject: [*] TypeMaster 2.0.0

TypeMaster is the type training program which has the minutely
programmed method.  This method has the three distinctive policy; to
learn one key to one finger at each step, to keep presenting the part
which has already finished repeated again and again, and not to show
each key in the course of practice in order for the learner to be able
to hit the keys without looking at the keyboard.  The learner can see
the result of his practice after each small practicing round through the
unique graph which displays the rich information based on the unique
practicing policy.  The learner can concentrate on the smooth stroke by
keeping the graph line within the certain graphical zone.  In addition,
the amount of practicing material can be modified by the learner freely
and the words and characters used in the practice can be registered in
the dialog box or a large amount of words can be imported from a text
file.  The interface design is unique and sophisticated, but the program
size is rather small (2.0MB RAM and 1.1MB disc space is required) and
because there is no limitation concerning the graphical devices, many
learners can use this program.

System Requirements:
(1) PowerPC Macintosh computer running System 8.0 or later.
(2) 9-inch or larger monitor.
(3) 2.0MB or more free RAM space.
(4) 1.1MB or more free disc space.
(5) U.S. layout keyboard.

Yasuhiro Kaizu

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/typemaster.hqx; 533K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:00 -0700
Subject: [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.8 - dictionary, spellchecker, text-translator

'V&N Lookup' is an easy-to-use program that puts dictionary-power at your
fingertips. It makes use of the dictionaries for the application program
'Verbs&Nouns'. You can use 'V&N Lookup' while you are working with other
text-based applications because it searches for any word that you copy to
the clipboard. Depending on which modules you have, 'V&N Lookup' can locate
similar words in several languages at the same time. It can check the
spelling and translate passages of text word for word.

The application 'V&N Lookup' is part of the 'Foreign Language Toolkit'. To
try out the program you can download not-protected dictionaries and play
with them. The examples of them are:

You can visit to find more

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-lookup-138.hqx; 3358K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:04:12 -0700
Subject: [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.3.7 - foreign language learning

'Verbs & Nouns' is an application for practising inflection, translation
and pronunciation at the level of single words. Features include the
opportunity to do various inflection exercises, and translation exercises in
both directions; to record and play sound for single words; and to do
exercises based on sound or pictures.

The program keeps a record of exercises, and identifies the words that
the student has difficulty with. Along with the program, you need a
module for the target language concerned. The program can also be used
as an authoring tool to write your own modules of inflected words for
any language. A built-in 'inflection-generator' simplifies the addition
of these words. A 'Find' feature allows the modules to be used as
bilingual dictionaries.

Ready-made modules are already available for certain languages. You can
visit my home-page to get more information:

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-237.hqx; 1933K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:01 -0700
From: Marco_Binder@GMX.NET
Subject: [*] Vokabeltrainer

yesterday  I sent you a file, "Vokabeltrainer.smi.hqx", but this archive
contained two wrong files. So I=B4ve just sent you another one with correcte=
files to your ftp-server, called "Vokabeltrainer31.smi.bin". Please replace
yesterdays version with this new one (since its bin, it also smaller).

THNKX so much,

Marco Binder

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/vokabeltrainer.hqx; 2180K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:24 -0700
Subject: [*] Wallaby version 1.2.2

Wallaby is a very easy to use HTML Editor for the Macintosh. It is designed
for both the experienced web designer and the beginner. It combines a very
handy user interface with lots of features.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/wallaby.hqx; 755K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:39 -0700
Subject: [*] WINGMAKERS icons/art

Out-of-this world artwork (literally) in jpeg form. Can be
viwed as conversation piece or use the icons to make your
desktop the envy of the galaxy. For more info on the source
read You won't be bored.
Then look at the art and decide for yourself who's kidding
whom. Released into public domain, freeware, no copyright.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/wingmakers.hqx; 756K]



End of Info-Mac Digest