Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #296
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 07 May 99       Volume 16 : Issue 296

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#479/03-May-99
      (Q) MacAlly's PCMCIA to USB converter
      (Q) USB Laser Printers?
      682 file limit saga
      682 file limit saga
      682 file limit saga
      [A] 682 file limit saga
      [A] Power goes off & on off & on at startup
      [A] Power on power off
      [C] LocalTalk Bridge
      [Q] CD-ROM drive not recognized
      [Q] How do I expand the Launcher?
      [Q] New Launcher needed
      [Q] QT MooV to JPEGs - How????
      [Q] RealPC? SoftWindows? VirtualPC?
      Adobe Illustrator won't recognize Printer Descriptions
      Aladdin TFI (Q)
      Aladdin TFI (Q)I
      Check this link...
      Curious of difference between postscript level 2 and ps 2
      Difference between Postscript 2 & emulation 2.  Thanks to all!
      easter egg
      Fwd: [Q] New Launcher needed
      Help needed: How to upload files to Personal Web Server?
      Macintosh Plus and Qisk
      MacPPP 2.0.1 connect script followed by PAP
      Multiple, Bootable System Folders on one CD
      need system 6 disks.....
      Overbar Fonts
      P.S.: Help needed: How to upload files to Personal Web Server?
      QT and infomac digests
      QT and infomac digests
      QT and infomac digests
      QT and infomac digests
      Quark error message
      unexpected mac OS behaviour
      Unwanted startup message
      Unwanted Startup Message
      Unwanted startup message
      Unwanted startup message (R)
      Who Produces the following Message?
      Who produces the following message?
      Who produces the following message?
      Word 98 Help Window problem

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Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#479/03-May-99


Do you produce images for the Web but feel like you're battling your image=
 editing tools? Check out Jeff Carlson's review of BoxTop Software's=
 PhotoGIF Photoshop plug-in, which offers extensive control over GIF files.=
 In the news, we note the release of FireWire hard disks from VST, QuicKeys=
 4.0, a better Palm backup utility, and updates to StuffIt Expander and=
 StuffIt Deluxe. Finally, we close the book on NetBITS, our=
 Internet-oriented publication.=20

    NetBITS Absorbed Into TidBITS
    Crunch GIFs Quickly with PhotoGIF


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-479.etx; 29K]


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:51:25 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: (Q) MacAlly's PCMCIA to USB converter

Dear Digest readers,
Lo and behold, in the June MacWorld, a PCMCIA to USB converter made by
MacAlly.   Now that is great if it does what I am looking for.  I have a
Wall Street Powerbook G3.   I might want to add USB based peripherals and
hard drives eventually to it.  Will this PCMCIA converter allow me to do
that?   How much slower is the PCMCIA card based solution than having the
iMac's own USB port?   Will I be able to hook up 127 devices to the PCMCIA
card via hubs the same way I can to the iMac?

Is anyone planning a PCMCIA Firewire card, or has one already?

Thank you.


Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 00:32:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joshua Hart <>
Subject: (Q) USB Laser Printers?

Anybody have experience with USB LaserPrinters?  I really wanted to get a
HP Laserjet to hook up to a new PowerMac B&W G3, but HP does not seem to
make any Laser Printers with USB connections!

I saw a Brother HL-1040 Laser printer with a USB connection kit for an iMac
advertised in MacWarehouse. However, I am not quite so sure how well a
Brother would hold up. (Anyone care to comment on "Brother" laser

And would a USB Laser Printer show up via the LaserWriter 8 extension in
the chooser?

Thanks in advance :)



Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 23:17:03 +1000
From: Richard Measham <>
Subject: 682 file limit saga

I've seen this thread hanging around for a while and didn't bother to reply
as I was sure someone would know of this limitation and reply before I got
a chance. Seems not.

The problem you are talking about occurs in System 6, System 7 through to
Mac OS 8.1. By the time 8.5 came around they'd fixed it!

The limitation is actually a feature NOT A BUG (?!?!?). It seems Apple
decided the List Manager in the SFGetFile dialog box (standard open dialog)
has a limit of 32K of information. However SFGetFile uses a portion of this
32K for other things so you end up with 64bytes per file if you have a
filename of 31 characters plus 1byte for the length byte.

A good approximation of how many files you can see is 32767 / (average
filename size + 32). This results in 682 files for an average filename
length of 16 characters.

The end of the matter is there is no work around. The list displays
alphabetically and is snipped from the bottom.

Mac OS 8.5 introduced Navigation Services, which is not subject to this
limit since it does not use the List Manager. With Navigation Services, the
number of files displayed is dependent upon the amount of free RAM.

Note that running Mac OS 8.5 does not automatically deliver this
functionality to all applications. In order to use Navigation Services, an
application must explicitly call it. Therefore, only newer applications (or
those that have been updated for this functionality) could take advantage
of Navigation Service.

Your convert more function in Graphic Convertor obviously uses it's own
getfile dialog box that isn't limited to 32K.

(For more info see Apple's Tech Info Library, article n11302

Glad to help!
  Call waiting is based on the belief that your next
phone call may be more important than the one you're on.
      -Not a message most of us want to convey.

                   PRESS *43# TODAY!
            ICQ: 8426782   AOL_IM:OM0 BOB


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 09:34:11 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: 682 file limit saga

At 6:21 PM -0600 4/22/99, dave.trautman wrote:
>Why would Mac apps top-out at 680 some files?

The standard file dialog [the one used by most every application when=20
you open a file] uses the MacOS List Manager to display the list of=20
files; the List Manager can only handle lists that occupy less than=20
32K of memory, and performance degrades well before that limit is=20
reached.  The Standard Get File Dialog limits the number of files it=20
displays based on this fact.

>And, more importantly is
>there a Hack or help which can overcome this barrier?

Navigation Services [Apples' next-generation file management=20
interface] lifts this limit; however, applications will need to be=20
modified to take advantage of Navigation Services

To see this work, try viewing that file list under MacOS 8.5 with=20
Anarchie or some other application which is=20
Navigation-Services-Savvy.  I just created a folder containing 900=20
folders; the "Open" dialog in Anarchie showed me all 900 items with=20
no warning and no significant delay.

>And why would GC's
>convert more function for batch processing be able to do it and not the
>OPEN dialogue?

GC is using something other than the List Manager to display that=20
list.  Thorsten Lemke may have written his own replacement, or he may=20
be using one of the existing third-party List Manager replacements,=20
like StoneTable:

>This mystery seems pretty deep to me.

Hope this helps clear it up a bit.


Some nights I still sleep on the beach ... Remember when stars were in reach=
Then I wander in early to work; spend the day licking boots for my perks.
                                                           - The Who, Bell B=
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 14:59:07 +0200
From: "Norbert M. Doerner" <>
Subject: 682 file limit saga

"dave.trautman" wrote:

>I took an archive of image I had on CD and I copied it many times into a
>single folder in one of my volumes on my G3 at home.  Eventually I had
>about 1,770 of my favourite GIF and JPG files cloned and renamed and all
>together in one folder.
>I went to my trusty copy of GraphicConvertor 3.3.1 and tried to OPEN...
>the folder and see the list of 1,770 files.  I got a dialogue saying
>there were too many and I would see only some of them.  I got 682 files
>Just for fun I thought I would make new ICONs and Preview images for all
>those GIFs and JPGs and I went to the "Convert More..." dialogue of GC
>3.3.1.  After a moment of delay the entire list of 1,770 names came up
>ready for operation.  I set GC in motion and made a cup of coffee.  After
>GC was finished I had a whole set of Preview capable images.  But I still
>couldn't see past 682 on the OPEN... dialogue to choose one near the
>Try this for yourself and you'll see what I mean.  And this isn't just GC
>either.  I get this with Photoshop, Premiere, BBEdit, FullWrite Pro,
>Filemaker Pro, and ClarisWorks 4.  And, as you can see, this limit is not
>Application specific.
>Have I found a file list limit which is just a Mac-thing?

Most unfortunately, you didn't mention which version of the MacOS you are using.

The reason for your problems is:

Whenever you open or save a file, any application in the MacOS will call a
special part of the MacOS to display the dialog with the list of files. In
MacOS versions prior to 7.6, that list was quite limited in length. Later
versions did increase the limit a little, but there was still a quite small
limit. Starting with MacOS 8.5, Apple has created brand new dialogs that have
no more limit. But you need to use newer applications to use these new dialogs,
called Navigation Services. GraphicConvertor 3.6.1 can do that, as can my very
own CDFinder 2.6 and some other new apps. Adobe still has to update Photoshop
and Premiere, and even AppleWorks 5 does not yet use Navigation Services.

The reason you can see more files in GraphicConvertors "Convert More..."
dialogue is very simple: that part does not use the standard MacOS functions,
bacause he wrote his own.

Generally, the MacOS is able to handle up to 32,000 items inside a single
But, the Finder and a lot of other tools start to behave a bit slow and
sluggish with more than about 800 items inside one folder. And, frankly, that's
what folders are there for, aren't they? ;-))


Norbert M. Doerner  (

The file is out there!

Check out the CDFinder-Homepage at:

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
   -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:01:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian Wessels <>
Subject: [A] 682 file limit saga

I haven't followed this discussion closely, and I'm not the biggest
expert, but I'm surprised if no one has stated that this is a Macintosh
toolbox limitation. I'm pretty sure I've heard of it before.

That explains why you see it across many applications. They are calling
the standard Macintosh toolbox routines for Open and Save dialogs. Some
apps may not use these routines, and thus may avoid the problem. It
also explains why GraphicConverter can "convert" 1700 (internal code)
but only "open" 682 (toolbox code).

As for solutions (also fuzzy on this, I've never programmed my Macs), I
believe Navigation Services was supposed to fix the old, clunky Open
and Save routines in the Mac toolbox, and presumably overcome this
limitation. For further vagueness, I cannot tell you whether this comes
in OS 8.5, or Mac OS X, or ..?. But the truth is out there...

>Have I found a file list limit which is just a Mac-thing?


>And, more importantly is there a Hack or help which can overcome this

Anyone? I'll bet there is.

Brian Wessels

This is my private, "permanent" email address.
Worried about Y2K? Buy a Macintosh. Y2K safe since 1984.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at


Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:46:28 -0800
From: (David Madfes, Abraham Lincoln High School, San Francisco, CA)
Subject: [A] Power goes off & on off & on at startup

I have had similar problems (Machine starting up and then going off) on
PM-6100s.  The problem there was a failing power supply.  Check to see if
the fan in the power supply is spinning.  If not you need a new power
supply!  When the PS overheats it shuts down, then cools down and can start

Hope this helps

David Madfes                    tel: 415-759-2700
Technology Coordinator          fax: 415-566-2224
Abraham Lincoln High School
2162-24th Ave                 email:
San Francisco, CA 94116

-------   If the only tool you have is a hammer
     everything looks like a nail.
Get the right tools and learn to use them.   --------


Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 17:11:33 -0800 (PST)
From: ("Robert E. Front")
Subject: [A] Power on power off

Thanks so much to all those who kindly responded to my query about power
randomly on and off:

Douglas W. St.Clair,,
David Madfes,
Denis Cronk,,
D. Scott Beach,
Rob Schilling, (who guessed right) and
L. David Umbaugh, (who also guessed right)

And specially to Wang Wen-Chung (local guru & a true
Mac wizard who invariable guesses right on the "darndist" problems). He was
the first to reply with the following note which I reprint below as others
in the same predicament may find it helpful.

Hi, Robert,

Long time no see.

I guess it is the time for you to replace the Li-Ion battery
inside your Mac. The Li-Ion battery is there for supplying
power to the PRAM and clock of your Mac when it is turned
off. However, the power of the battery may be drained in 3 or 4
years. The Li-Ion battery is a 3.6v battery looks shorter but fatter
than a normal AA-size battery. It should be easy to find if you open
the case of your Mac. (Well, sometimes, you need to remove
the power supply, hard disk, or floppy disk to find the battery.
It depends on the design of your Mac.)

Be sure to reset the PRAM after replacing the battery by pressing
Command-Option-P-R when your Mac startup, or you can use some PARAM
resetting utility such as TechTool (recommended) for that
purpose. Note that after resetting the PRAM, you may need to reconfig
some control panels such as Date & Time, Map, Monitor, etc.

Good luck!



Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 07:25:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian Wessels <>
Subject: [C] LocalTalk Bridge

Interesting item: Apple Information Alley and their web site have
mentioned the availability of LocalTalk Bridge for download. (Very
specifically unsupported; don't even TRY to ask for tech support on
it.) If I'm not mistaken, this was a commercial product up until
recently, and only LaserWriter Bridge, it's simplified printer-only
version, was free.

Kudos to Apple for quietly taking another step to support us "legacy"
customers, as with the free release of System 7.5. Would anyone like to
offer any testimonials, caveats, etc., regarding LocalTalk Bridge?
Brian Wessels

This is my private, "permanent" email address.
Worried about Y2K? Buy a Macintosh. Y2K safe since 1984.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at


Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 20:30:31 -0600
From: "Charles P. Crawford" <>
Subject: [Q] CD-ROM drive not recognized

All right Info Mac experts:

I have a Power Macinstosh 6100/66 with System 7.5.5 installed, 16
megabytes, and Ram Doubler installed set to 40 megabytes.
When ever I start-up or restart my computer; it does not recognize the
original built in CD-ROM drive after booting unless I have the original
Apple Macintosh CD for 6100, 7100, & 8100's with System 7.5 in the CD-ROM
drive. After booting up, it is in System 7.5.5 and then will recogize the
CD-ROM drive as being present. Then I can remove the original CD-ROM disk
and insert another and read it with no problem. But when I restart or
start-up anew it no longer recognizes the CD-ROM as being there. If I
attempt to access the CD-ROM drive via the Apple Menu: AppleCD Audio
Player, I get the following warning: The Apple CD-ROM drive is not
responding. Please be sure that at least one Apple CD-ROM drive is
connected and turned on, then restart your Macintosh.

Help would be appreciated.

Charlie C.

I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.
                               "My Back Pages", 1964 B. Dylan


Date: 27 Apr 99 18:45:59 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: [Q] How do I expand the Launcher?

Dear InfoMac Readers:
I like the Launcher. There - I said it!
I want to use it for everything. I'd like to put the contents of my fridge
in it but I guess that's a bit beyond it just yet.
I the meantime I'd love to know how to hack it to make it show more than 40
items and more than 8 category buttons. All wisdom (or whizz-dumb) gladly
accepted. Thanks.
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 09:40:33 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: [Q] New Launcher needed

At 11:48 AM -0400 4/26/99, W. R. Wing wrote:
>looking for recommendations for a replacement [Launcher].

This is my personal choice.  It's $15 shareware.

or DragStrip:
It's currently a $12.95 download through Digital River:
and is normally $20.
I've never used it.

There are other choices, but those are two that come to mind immediately.


Some nights I still sleep on the beach ... Remember when stars were in reach=
Then I wander in early to work; spend the day licking boots for my perks.
                                                           - The Who, Bell B=
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 16:14:18 -0700
From: "G. Louis Roberts" <>
Subject: [Q] QT MooV to JPEGs - How????

I've got a laserdisc I'd like to digitize into individual JPEGS. First
thought: digitize it into a quicktime
movie, then convert to JPEG. Can I mass-convert Quicktime Movies to
individual JPEG documents.?

I want to drop a movie in one end, and get FRAME00001.JPEG through
out the other end.

OR... any other suggestions?

Thanks - Louis


Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 09:29:32 -0400
From: Mike Vaughn <>
Subject: [Q] RealPC? SoftWindows? VirtualPC?

It looks like I will have to install some form of Windows emulation on
my Mac to use word processing and spreadsheet apps to be compatible
with my departmental office. I see the products

   RealPC and SoftWindows98 from Insignia

   VirtualPC from Connectix

with a great deal of competitive claims on the respective company
Web sites. Can anyone give a reasonably objective description and/or
comparison of these emulators?

Relevant points about my system(s) include:

1. I can use either a 7100/80 with the 240 MHz Newer Tech G3 upgrade
card, or a PowerPC 604e (8600/200 or Starmax 5500 with same CPU).
Which of these machines would be the most suitable for running an

2. I am running both OS 7.6.1 and 8.1 at various times from different
partitions of the boot drive.

3. I want to use mainly Windows apps available on the University server.

4. I can (should I?) put the emulator on a separate partition.

Do the emulators require rebooting the Mac, or do they run themselves
as apps under the relevant MacOS?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mike Vaughn
mtvaughn at neu dot edu


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 23:02:39 -0700
From: andy jukes <>
Subject: Adobe Illustrator won't recognize Printer Descriptions

Hello -

A while back, I posted a question regarding a "hell folder" I couldn't
delete and I was both touched and gratified by the large number of helpful
and supportive suggestions I received.

Unfortunately, the most ominous replies I got were also the most accurate -
ultimately, I had a major, major crash and I had to back up to tape and
reformat my hard drive.

Now everything's running fine with one notable exception - since the crash,
I can no longer print color separations out of Adobe Illustrator. When I'm
prompted to choose the PPD for my printer (NewGen Design Xpress6), I am
told that the PPD is invalid. Actually, the message is that the PPD was
created by an unknown application and do I want to choose an app to open
it. I thought I might be on the right track when I noticed "Chooser" was
one of the possible apps I could pick, but it didn't help.

I've re-installed the PPD - no luck. NewGen, while sympathetic, says it's
not their problem.

I'm running Illustrator 6 and/or 7 under OS 8.1 on a 6500/300, but I don't
think that info is pertinent, because it *used* to work fine before the
crash and the other machines in my office with similar set-ups still have
no problem recognizing the PPD and printing seps.

Has anyone had similar problems? Any advice for a desperate man?


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:50:37 -0400
From: Murph Sewall <MSewall@alumni.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: Aladdin TFI (Q)

On 4/23/99 8:17 PM -0500, Al Bloom wrote:
>blaming Aladdin's "True Finder Integration"

What version of TFI are you running? Versions older than 5.0.2 have some
known OS 8.5 incompatabilities. I've had no difficulty with TFI and 8.5.1.
The latest version of the StuffIT Deluxe package is 5.1. Update from 5.0.x
is free at


Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 20:46:01 -0400
From: rob <>
Subject: Aladdin TFI (Q)I

quoting Al Bloom <> and possibly previous message abstract:
>This is making me crazy, folk. Every now and once my machine refuses to
>start up, blaming Aladdin's "True Finder Integration" and inviting me
>to restart with extensions off. Yes, that is the only thing that works.
>If TFI is not turned off, neither a restart nor a shutdown and startup
>will work without a shift-startup to disable extensions.
Alladin admits that TFI has problems with systems after 8.1.  Go to their 
site and accept an offer to upgrade to Stuffit delux 5.1 or turn off TFI.

This message was sent with Apple email client - Claris eM@iler2.0v3
        'The best just keeps being better than the rest'


Date: Wednesday, 28 Apr 1999 10:01:28 -0600
From: ""<>
Subject: Check this link...

Go to:



Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:16:12 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Curious of difference between postscript level 2 and ps 2

At 4:55 PM -0700 4/26/99, Martin S. Zibulsky wrote:
>What's the difference (if any) between postscript level 2, and postscript
>level 2 emulated? And why this terminology used on the HP Lasers only?

PostScript (TM) Level 2 [with the little "page-on-a-screen" icon] 
means the printer contains a Level 2 PostScript language interpreter 
licensed from Adobe, the creators of PostScript.

"PostScript Level 2 emulation" indicates that the printer contains a 
third-party PostScript language interpreter which was 
reversed-engineered without help from Adobe to adhere to the 
published PostScript Level 2 specification:

The difference?  Maybe none.  Maybe a lot.  These days, most likely 
the former.  The third-party emulators are designed to print any 
given Postscript print job the same way an Adobe interpreter would, 
and these days they are generally indistinguishable for all but the 
most esoteric tasks.  Several years ago, this was a bigger issue.

So why would anyone use a non-Adobe PS interpreter?  Several years 
ago, a license for Adobe PostScript would add many hundreds if 
not >1000 dollars to the end-user cost of a printer.  If Bob's Pretty 
Good Printer Company could save $800 per printer by using Joe's 
Pretty Good PostScript Emulator, that was a pretty attractive option. 
At the time, "True Adobe PostScript" was a big marketing deal.  I 
haven't paid close attention recently, but I think that has faded 
over time.  The licensing fees are probably lower now [though 
probably still higher than third parties], and "True Adobe 
PostScript" no longer holds the cachet it once did, primarily because 
the third-party interpreters are generally very good.

Disclaimer: My company's printers use a non-Adobe Level 2 PostScript 
interpreter, but I don't speak for them.


It's nice to be liked, but it's better by far to get paid.
                                               - Liz Phair, Shitloads of Money
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 23:00:31 -0700
From: "Martin S. Zibulsky" <>
Subject: Difference between Postscript 2 & emulation 2.  Thanks to all!

Wanted to post a word of thanks to all regarding my questions of the 
difference between postscript l 2 and PS 2 emulation in descriptions of 
recent printer model features, particularly the recent LaserJet series.

Had a good amount of private responses. Most helpful and informative on 
the questions, also on printing quality, speed and other interesting 
information on various printers recently introduced on the market.

I know quite a bit more today on the subject and related than I did 
yesterday, and want to say thanks for your kind responses.

Best regards,
Martin Zibulsky

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/  _/

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage
to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." 


Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:42:23 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: easter egg

Dear Digest readers,
I option-clicked the about box for Remote Access 2.0 (part of MacOS 8.5).
and waited for the credits to finish scrolling by.  Lo and behind one of
the programmers had a cat sound programmed in.


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 05:55:10 -0700
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: [Q] New Launcher needed

I use OneClick for that and for so much more.
They just finally came out with the preview of the newer version that works
with OS 8.5 and it is working perfectly on my 8.5.1 system. They are now
selling the Launcher portion separately from the rest of OneClick, but I
would enthusiastically recommend getting the whole OneClick package. If you
haven't used it before, you won't believe what it will do for you. Anyway,
it comes with an absolutely terrific launcher palette.


>I've used the shareware launcher Versatile Pro for years now, but it
>seems to be getting a bit long in the tooth.  Specifically, it seems
>to have problems (minor but annoying) with 8.5.1.  Consequently, I'm
>looking for recommendations for a replacement.  I particularly like
>VersaTile's double pallet.  It puts up a fixed size pallet of your
>most frequently-used apps, and a variable sized pallet of the apps
>currently running.  Clicking an app in the second brings it to the
>foreground.  Don't all speak at once...
>			Thanks,
>			Bill


Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 17:59:48 +1200
From: "Markus Winter" <>
Subject: Help needed: How to upload files to Personal Web Server?

Hi all,

I'm working in a lab where I pretty much converted our people to the Mac -
and now they are getting greedy. I set up a web page for our group using
Apple's Personal Web Server (which was pretty easy to do) so that my Prof
would have access to our files when he's on a lecture tour in Italy. However
I also told him that he would be able to upload files when he is visiting
our collegues in Italy - and I can't get it to work! Can anyone tell me how
to do it?

My set-up:

Hard disk: 4 Gb, partitioned into 4x1 Gb partitions

1 partition not shared, the others shared.

Apple's Personal Web Sharing had to be set up on one of the shared
partitions. The web folder was set to give everyone read access, the
"Pick-up" folder therein has read access as well, and the "drop" folder has
full access with another drop folder inside only having write access.

But I still can't upload files from a different computer - in Netscape
Navigator the "Upload file" menu is greyed out, in Internet Explorer it
doesn't even show up. What am I doing wrong?

Any help very much appreciated.


New Zealand 


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 17:21:42 -0500
From: JB Rephan <>
Subject: Launchers

For many years I have been *so* happy with "Eric's Launcher". It is a
Control Strip based shareware launcher and therefore takes up no
"Palette" real estate. I highly recommend this. It is so good I no
longer even consider any other "Launchers".

>I've used the shareware launcher Versatile Pro for years now, but it 
>seems to be getting a bit long in the tooth.  Specifically, it seems 
>to have problems (minor but annoying) with 8.5.1.  Consequently, I'm 
>looking for recommendations for a replacement.  I particularly like 
>VersaTile's double pallet.  It puts up a fixed size pallet of your 
>most frequently-used apps, and a variable sized pallet of the apps 
>currently running.  Clicking an app in the second brings it to the 
>foreground.  Don't all speak at once...
 >                       Thanks,


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:19:12 +0100
From: John Staplehurst <>
Subject: Macintosh Plus and Qisk

>Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 20:09:39 +0000
>From: "Ian Burt" <>
>logo on it. That is why I find myself staring at a Macintosh Plus and its
>Qisk. So what the heck is a Qisk? It is some sort of storage/boot device, 20
>MB, Q2. That's all the info going. On boot up it gives a Smiley Mac until
>reaching a Dialog that says "The Finder File is damaged on this disk. The
>installer can repair it. Restart." Or words to that effect. It will boot
>from an old external HD with System 6.x and also an improvised floppy boot
>disk, System 6.0.8.
>What I think I need to know is can I Daisy Chain the Qisk and external HD ?

The Qisk is an external SCSI Hard Drive. It was considered state of the 
art for the Mac Plus and came in two main sizes - 20 and 40Mb. If you 
need to reformat the drive, there is a proprietary formatter; on our 
surviving system NDD, FWB, HDSC Setup etc can't seem to even mount the 
drive let alone format it, yet it carries on working. If you're stuck, 
email me for the formatter. I've noticed the "The Finder File is damaged 
on this disk" message on floppies with mismatched systems (6.0.x vs 7.x). 
I have always said "yes" the fix, and only ever seen it hide/show the 
floppies's trash folder.

You won't be able to make a boot floppy with a system later than 6.0.8 to 
fit on a 800k floppy, which is all the Plus supports (The 800k system 7.0 
tools disk actually has system 6.0.7 on it...) If I need to meddle with 
the Plus, I just network it to something else and mount/copy HD floppies 
on the newer mac. As the system seems suspect on your HD, why not 
download the system 7.0.1 image; you'll probably want to 'max' the Plus 
to 4meg to run that, as the system occupies about 1.3Mb on our system.


The Qisk we have has two SCSI sockets, so you CAN daisy chain them, not 
forgetting to add the correct terminator.

cheers                                                   John.


Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 00:07:27 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: MacPPP 2.0.1 connect script followed by PAP

I've just changed ISPs and the following problem with MacPPP 2.0.1 has
puzzled me with the new ISP (System 7.0.1* and 7.5.5, MacTCP 2.0.6,
PowerBook 100):

My ISP doesn't support Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) so I must use
a Connect Script (BTW, exactly the same script works OK on another mac's
FreePPP 2.6.2, System 8.1, PowerMac 8600/200).

The problem is that MacPPP displays how the connect script runs just OK but
after this there is a PAP authentication dialog with username and password
fields. MacPPP's Authentication preferences are empty so, AFAIK, PAP should
not be used, right?

If I fill my PPP username and password to this PAP authentication dialog,
another identical dialog is presented and after the 3rd dialog there is a
message "PPP Phase: Authentication" but the PPP session never starts.

My manual for MacPPP says:

>If you leave the Connect Script blank or configure it incorrectly, and
>leave the Authentication dialog empty, MacPPP prompts you for your
>userid and password, just as you would have entered them in the
>Authentication dialog.

 ...but I'm sure that the script is correct!

I can succesfully start a PPP session manually by using the Terminal window
but this is clumsy.

Any ideas? Is there a bug in MacPPP 2.0.1 or at my ISP? (Yes, I've rebuilt
MacTCP and PPP preferences from scratch and installed virgin copies of
MacTCP and MacPPP).

p.s. This 68000 mac doesn't support newer PPP clients.


Matti Haveri <> <>


Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 09:39:10 -0500
From: Scott Holmstrom <>
Subject: Multiple, Bootable System Folders on one CD

I'm looking for a way to create multiple System Folders on a CD so that 
upon startup I can choose which one I want to use. The use of such a CD 
would be to have just one (or two) CDs that I can use to service 
different models of machines. For instance, if I have a 7500 System with 
64MBs of RAM, I'd like to be able to boot OS 8.1, but if it only had 
16MBs of RAM, then System 7.5.5 would be preferible. If I needed to boot 
a Mac IIfx or a Mac LC, then I'd like to be able to use 7.1, or a Mac 
Plus or SE, 6.0.8 would be nice. And on a G3 B&W of course, I'd need to 
be able to boot OS 8.5.1.

I've been looking for a way to do this for quite some time, but so far 
have found none. Every utility or piece of software that I've found that 
can do something like this almost always requires the ability to change a 
bit of data on the Disk Itself, rather than just in RAM.

If anyone can recommend a way to do this I would appreciate a reply.



Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 03:43:48 GMT
Subject: need system 6 disks.....

if you know where i can find system 6 disks for macintosh please drop me an


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Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 20:49:06 -0400
From: The Christiana Gunn Family <>
Subject: Overbar Fonts

Does anyone know of any font or technique to get an overbar over two
consecutive letters? I'm a geometry teacher and such a capability would
allow me to type about segments much more quickly than I am.

Here's what I do know.

The Symbol font allows an overbar on single characters, but puts a space
after the character.

Microsoft Word 6 and Appleworks have Equation Editor, which does not do the
trick. Word 98 may contain the EE upgrade to MathType, but I'm running a

MathType is available for $90. I'd rather not. The question for me is
"shall I spend $90 so that I can have lines over pairs of letters." I'd
rather not.

TEX will do everything I want, but I'm not ready to deal with the huge
learning curve, nor am I eager to convert all of my existing documents.

I do most of my work in ClarisWorks 5, and I've written a macro which sets
the linespacing to 5 points, tabs and inserts an understroke character from
the Symbol font in Subscript style, returns to Palatino font, returns to 16
point spacing, and types return character. The output is adequate but it's
a pain in the neck to edit.

Help and ideas would be great. Thanks.

Ernest F. Gunn 3d 


Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 18:29:34 +1200
From: "Markus Winter" <>
Subject: P.S.: Help needed: How to upload files to Personal Web Server?

P.S. Please respond to my e-mail adress:  since I 
need the answer quite urgently (my prof is leaving next tuesday).




Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:10:04 -0400
From: Murph Sewall <MSewall@alumni.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: QT and infomac digests

On 4/24/99 5:40 PM -0400, Kathleen Sipher wrote:
>Can anyone shed any light on this problem and suggest how to get it back
>working as in the past?

I've installed QT 4 and have Eudora Pro 4 and am reading the digest as the
usual attachment without a problem.

Rebuilding the desktop may correct the problem. HOWEVER, the
straight-forward fix is hold down the option key and click on the
attachment. That will bring up a dialog that will permit you to select
Eudora as the application to open that particular attachment (as should be
the case).


Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 18:38:27 -0400
From: "Jeffrey M. Vinocur" <>
Subject: QT and infomac digests

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 at 17:40:05 -0400, Kathleen Sipher <>
>For several years I have been receiving the Info-mac in digest form in
>Eudora Pro 4.x. I have been receiving the digest as an attachment, which is
>listed at the bottom of the info-mac email message, and all I need to do is
>double-click on the attachment name, and the digest opens as a new
>"mailbox" and I can scroll thru the "messages" opening the ones I want to
>read.  Now, after installing QT 4 the attachment has turned into a QT
>movie. I can click to run the movie, and it runs thru all the messages in
>the digest, one text line at a time. It's a pain.
>Can anyone shed any light on this problem and suggest how to get it back
>working as in the past?

I experienced the same thing.  A workaround is to go Special --> Settings
--> Attachments and turn off the "Receive MIME digests as attachments"
option.  Then the InfoMac Digest will appear as one long text message,
which isn't as nice but is at least usable.

Does anyone know where to report bugs to Apple and/or Qualcomm?

Jeffrey M. Vinocur


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 20:32:53 -0500
From: Pete Resnick <>
Subject: QT and infomac digests

On 4/24/99 at 5:40 PM -0400, Kathleen Sipher wrote:

>For several years I have been receiving the Info-mac in digest form in
>Eudora Pro 4.x. I have been receiving the digest as an attachment, which is
>listed at the bottom of the info-mac email message, and all I need to do is
>double-click on the attachment name, and the digest opens as a new
>"mailbox" and I can scroll thru the "messages" opening the ones I want to
>read.  Now, after installing QT 4 the attachment has turned into a QT
>movie. I can click to run the movie, and it runs thru all the messages in
>the digest, one text line at a time. It's a pain.
>Can anyone shed any light on this problem and suggest how to get it back
>working as in the past?

Darn QT 4.0! The basic problem is that Eudora, when trying to see if 
an attachment can be displayed as an inline image, asks QuickTime 
"Hey, can you display this thing?" As of QT 4.0, if you send it a 
text file (which is what Eudora mailboxes are), QT tries to be 
helpful and says, "Sure, I can display that!" Stupid QT. Hopefully 
Apple will fix it before the 4.0 release.

There's only three solutions at present:

1. If you're not using Eudora 4.2 beta, you can download it from our 
web site. It doesn't ask QuickTime about text files. That should work 
by default.  If for some reason it doesn't, double-click this URL 
<x-eudora-setting:281> and set the value back to the default.

2. If you want to stick with Eudora 4.0.x, turn off "Display Inline Images".

3. Go back to an older version of QuickTime.

Pete Resnick <>
Eudora Engineering - QUALCOMM Incorporated


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:42:42 -0400
From: "Philo D." <>
Subject: QT and infomac digests

> Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 17:40:05 -0400
> From: Kathleen Sipher <>
> Subject: QT and infomac digests
> ...
> read.  Now, after installing QT 4 the attachment has turned into a QT
> movie. I can click to run the movie, and it runs thru all the messages
> in
> the digest, one text line at a time. It's a pain.

In the Quicktime control panel, try turning off Quicktime Exchange.


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:32:37 -0300
From: "Marshall, Scott" <>
Subject: Quark error message


Our workgroup recently had the good fortune to obtain some new blue G3s,
which are running OK despite a slightly buggy MacOS 8.5.. one of our group
inherited a PPC 7600/120 with 96MB of RAM and a 4GB drive.  We wiped the
drive, formatted it in extended format, installed 8.5 and installed the
graphics software that we use, all of which works except Quark, which gives
this message:

"This version of QuarkXpress cannot be run on this computer (4)."  

This message persists despite reinstalling MacOS 8.1.  Any ideas why it
would run before and not now?  Something to do with extended format?

Thanks in advance

Scott Marshall

Scott Marshall * KBS Web Developer
300 Union Street, Saint John, NB E2L 4G7 *


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 09:28:32 +0800
From: Laurent Chan <>
Subject: unexpected mac OS behaviour


I have the most unusual and unexpected Mac OS behavior ever in almost 10
years of using Mac. Please help.

I had a problem with the Performa 5500/225 hard disk and replaced it with
IBM 6GB. Supplier (harddisk) formatted it and I could not used it. 

Short of performing a low-level formatting, I have tried practically (as I
know it) and it failed.

Problem faced: all icons and filenames overlapped; filenames do not appear
below icons; drag-& drop files do not work; etc. etc. or practically all
things taken for granted do not work.

Any suggestion would be most appreciated.



Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:21:22 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Unwanted startup message

At 4:15 PM +0100 4/23/99, Michel Treisman wrote:
>Where is the information for this request hidden?

There may be an alias to the disk somewhere on your disk.  I'd start 
by checking the "Recent Applications|Servers|Document" folders in 
your Apple Menu Items folder.

Some Extension may contain an internal reference to the disk.  I had 
this problem with Suitcase once some time ago.

I think it's probably the former.

Hope this helps.



Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 16:20:03 +0100
From: Michel Treisman <>
Subject: Unwanted Startup Message

I received the following helpful messages in reponse to my question:

 ****              "Douglas W. St.Clair" <>
I would trash all the alias files. Start with Recent Applications and


 ****              rob <>

I only ran into this problem when I ran the system disk from a Zip disk
without setting the OS StartupControl Panel to the new startup disk.
After this just shut down and restart and it should be happy.  Now it
thinks it should still be booting from the Syquest disk because when it
ran from Syquest you did not specify a new start up disk before


****                "Randall G. Floyd" <>

This might be caused by having an alias on your hard drive that points to
a file
on your Syquest disk.

This happened to me about a year ago, took me forever to figure it out.

****              "Randall G. Floyd" <>

It's probably an alias in the System Folder, maybe specifically in the
extensions or control panels folders.  The easy way to check this is to
open up a find window and drag and drop the System Folder onto the 'Find
Items <popup menu> whose' line in the find window.  Then select 'Kind' 'i=
'alias' from the next line and click 'Find'.  This will give you all of t=
aliases in the System Folder.  Check each one of them for a reference to
the Syquest cartridge.

I followed these up and found the problem was an alias to the Syquest dis=
k in the
Startup Items folder in the System. When that was removed the problem was=

Thanks guys,   Mike

 Original Post

I am running System 8.1 on a 7100 powermac.  The system was recently rest=
ored to
my hard disk from a backup of it which I had on a removable Syquest cartr=

Since then, whenever  the computer starts up, it asks me to insert the Sy=
cartridge. I can click cancel and boot-up will continue, but I would like=
 to get
rid of this message for good.   I have tried rebuilding the desktop, zapp=
ing the
PRAM, trashing the Finder preferences, and I have run Disk First Aid, and
TechTool Pro - some bundle  bits required changing but nothing serious. S=
till it
asks for its Syquest disk.  Where is the information for this request hid=
den? How
can I get rid of it? Should I hunt up hidden files on my hard disk and de=
them,  or will this cause more problems? Does anyone know?    Mike


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 99 08:51:52 -0500
From: Joel Cunningham <>
Subject: Unwanted startup message

On 4/27/99 2:34 PM Info-Mac said:

>Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:15:59 +0100
>From: Michel Treisman <>
>Subject: Unwanted startup message
>I am running System 8.1 on a 7100 powermac.  The system was recently 
>restored to
>my hard disk from a backup of it which I had on a removable Syquest 
>Since then, whenever  the computer starts up, it asks me to insert the 
>cartridge. I can click cancel and boot-up will continue, but I would like 
>to get
>rid of this message for good.   I have tried rebuilding the desktop, 
>zapping the
>PRAM, trashing the Finder preferences, and I have run Disk First Aid, and
>TechTool Pro - some bundle  bits required changing but nothing serious. 
>Still it
>asks for its Syquest disk.  Where is the information for this request 
>hidden? How
>can I get rid of it? Should I hunt up hidden files on my hard disk and delete
>them,  or will this cause more problems? Does anyone know?    Mike

This might be caused by having an alias on your hard drive that points to 
a file
on your Syquest disk.

This happened to me about a year ago, took me forever to figure it out.

Hope this helps...

-Joel Cunningham


Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 23:02:25 +0200
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Unwanted startup message (R)

Michel Treisman <> wrote:
> I am running System 8.1 on a 7100 powermac.  The system was recently
> restored to my hard disk from a backup of it which I had on a removable
> Syquest cartridge.
> Since then, whenever  the computer starts up, it asks me to insert the
> Syquest cartridge. I can click cancel and boot-up will continue, but I
> would like to get rid of this message for good. =20

Sounds like an alias - probably in the "startup items" folder - which
points to an item on the SyQuest cartridge.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)=7F
Look at <>
"Nur Menschen, die lachen k=F6nnen, sind ernst zu nehmen" Maurice Boykasse


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 17:50:44 -0500
From: JB Rephan <>
Subject: Who Produces the following Message?

The message below is from your Faxing "que" folder. You disabled your
faxing software when you had a fax in the folder had not yet been sent.
Find this folder, delete the file, and the message should dissapear.

The Fax Manager could not find your fax/modem on the 
Modem Port.  Fax receiving has been turned off.

I get this most often at restart time.  Is this done by some fax
or the Mac 8.1?  

Michael B. Luskin


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:22:59 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Who produces the following message?

At 11:08 AM -0400 4/27/99, wrote:
>The Fax Manager could not find your fax/modem on the
>Modem Port.  Fax receiving has been turned off.
>I get this most often at restart time.  Is this done by some fax extension,
>or the Mac 8.1?

The "FAX Manager" is not part of the MacOS, so I suspect it's a FAX 
extension.  Does the error message go away if you disable the FAX 
extensions?  That would seem to be a quick way to narrow it down.



Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:36:05 -0400
From: Diane & David Turner <>
Subject: Who produces the following message?

Michael B. Luskin writes:

>The Fax Manager could not find your fax/modem on the
>Modem Port.  Fax receiving has been turned off.
>I get this most often at restart time.  Is this done by some fax extension,
>or the Mac 8.1?

I suspect that your fax software has an option somewhere for automatic fax
receiving which gets triggered by an associated extension or control panel
during startup. Check your fax software for this option, which may also be
accesible through an Apple Menu item. Disable automatic receiving, and the
message should go away.

David Turner
Centerville, OH


Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 06:21:30 -0700
From: "Phil Winne" <>
Subject: Word 98 Help Window problem

MS Word 98 has developed a problem with its MS Word Help window. 

After searching for any item (e.g., bold), and clicking one of the blue buttons
to display help on that particular topic, the MS Word Help window posts to the
screen. Buttons at the top are visible (Contents, Index, etc.) but there is no
text in the window itself and its usual yellow background is white.

Clicking the index button displays the index window AND text of the MS Word Help
window appears (yellow background, text, "balloon" buttons w/in Help, etc.).

Canceling the index window returns focus to the MS Word Help window. Clicking
any of the gray rectangle "balloon" items (e.g., definition of bold) posts a
blank white rectangle with no text. Clicking back in the MS Word Help window
results in the "balloon" disappearing but the screen does not redraw yellow
background in the MS Word Help window, leaving a white "hole."

I've tried trashing all the Word and Office 98 prefs I can locate. Trashing both
Word Help Preferences and MS Office ACL (8) sometimes corrects the problem for a
single use only.

Perhaps a related issue ... ? If I drag-and-drop to copy a file from one finder
window to another, the file does not appear in the new window for approx. 5-7

"Help" (no pun intended) would be appreciated.

Phil Winne



End of Info-Mac Digest