Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #338
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 21 Sep 99       Volume 16 : Issue 338

Today's Topics:

      [Q] Unable to sort Bookmarks in NS 4.0.8?
      Aargh! Parallel PC plugs, serial PBook
      Best USB video capture...
      CGI Database
      Crashes  - any ideas?
      Explorer preferences
      MAC  re: shareware Ethernet netwrok analysis tools (fr info-mac
      MAC G3 wallstreet powerbook 266 Modem speed puzzles
      MAC re: Wanted: a Powerbook repair facility in the Washington DC
      Powerbook G3(97) battery problems
      What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!
      }How to correctly upload {was Fwd:

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Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 19:59:43 -0700
From: Denny Davis <>
Subject: [Q] Unable to sort Bookmarks in NS 4.0.8?

At 10:02 PM +0100 8/31/99, Starcrown wittily wrote:

>If I am to have any hop of keeping track of my very large collection of
>Netscape bookmarks I need to sort them alphabetically within folders
>created in the Bookmarks window, which folders are themselves arranged
>alphabetically. Folders created within the Bookmarks window appear to be
>automatically sorted alphabetically but I can find no way (other than
>manual positioning) to sort the folder contents alphabetically.
>According tothe Nnetscape 4.0.8 On-Line Help file:
>'The Bookmarks window contains a menu bar similar to that of
>the Navigator window.'
>Despite this, in my version of Netscape, the Bookmarks window does not
>- as seems to be implied here -have its own set of menus and none of these
>menu commands appears in theView menu of the Netscape window when the
>Bookmarks window is open and tothe front. I am using NS 4.0.8 on  G3
>Minitower using OS8.5 but I have hadsimilar results on a PPC running OS
>I am utterly frustrated and baffled. Can anyone help?
>TIA -
>Fergus Lalor

Get URL Manager Pro from <> and then use it
instead for your bookmarks. It also tracks History and will go up to the
last 1000 sites visited.

Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.

Blessings, Denny


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:39:48 +0100
From: "Charles Arthur, The Independent" <>
Subject: Aargh! Parallel PC plugs, serial PBook


I've been sent an MP3 player to try out. Open the box, and there's the
connector. Oh, a parallel DB-25 connector (male). Funny, no plug for that
on _my_ Mac.

This may be a question which has been multiply answered previously, but I
couldn't find an obvious one on the Net apart from Infowave's
serial-to-parallel setup, which seems to be for printing (and anyway would
have a male plug, wouldn't it, so I'd need a female-to-female DB25?).

The question being, is there a simpler way to link from a DB-25 to a Mac?


The Independent newspaper on the Web:
It's even better on paper


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 09:15:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christopher D Dickens <>
Subject: Best USB video capture...

Does anyone have experience with the range of USB video capture devices
currently available?  What has the best quality for under $500?  I
understand that USB has a speed limitation.  Is it possible to get a
similar device for Firewire that doesn't necesarily require a firewire
device?  (IE: Capture 640x480 30fps video from an S-Video connector via
the Firewire port on the new G3s and G4s?)

Thanks so much for your advice!
--Chris Dickens


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:17:03 -0700
From: Tina <>
Subject: CGI Database

I have a website that I would like a search engine for.
Apart from using a long piece of javascript I understand that
I will have to enter all my site info into a database and then upload it
onto my site along with some cgi code to run it. Is this correct? If so then
what database should I use and does anyone out there have a cgi search they
would share?! Any advice would be appreciated as I'm new to cgi's and don't
know what to do!

Thanks a lot!



Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:59:01 +0100
From: Michel Treisman <>
Subject: Crashes  - any ideas?

Hi!  I am running Mac OS 8.6 on a 7500 power mac. I started having frequent

I have used TechTool Pro to check and repair all my disk partitions, and to
rebuild all desktops. I removed the Finder preferences. I  tried to open
Extensions manager, but I cannot open it - it tells me 'this version requires
sysstem 8.0 or later'.

It looks like my computer has some wrong information about the system version
stored away somewhere. But I have rebuilt the desktops, so where could it be?

A backup of my system on another partition works all right. I replaced my contro
panels and extensions, and extension manager preferences, from the backup, but
when I try to open (the restored) Extensions manager,  it still tells me 'this
version requires sysstem 8.0 or later'.

I should now do a clean reinstall. But I wonder where this false information
about my sysstem version that I can't seem to erase is hiding   - Anyone  know?




Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 06:16:23 -0400
From: "Paul Hamburg MD" <>
Subject: Explorer preferences

Has anyone experienced an annoying refusal of Internet Explorer to save 
preference changes? This has been a consistent problem on my older Power
Center 132 and my brand new G4 Mac. I can change preferences all I want, but
upon restart, they have reverted to baseline. Any workarounds?



Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 12:09:51 -0400
From: "Jim (James G) Hardwick CPA" <>
Subject: MAC  re: shareware Ethernet netwrok analysis tools (fr info-mac


Try Etherhelp (a subset of Etherpeek, more comprehensive commercial sw).
Though I have not really used it yet, I believe it is available from the
archive, or see http:/  Good luck.
>Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 12:47:41 +0200
>From: Paolo Bartoli <>
>Subject:  shareware Ethernet netwrok analysis tools
>I'm looking for a shareware utility to analyze the efficiency of Macintosh
>ethernet networks (ie speed, bad links, etc.).
>**   Arch. Paolo Bartoli


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 12:40:05 -0400
From: "Jim (James G) Hardwick CPA" <>
Subject: MAC G3 wallstreet powerbook 266 Modem speed puzzles


I have posted in vain to the O'Grady msgboard on this subject, but forever

After some firmware/software upgrade (cannot nail down exactly which one),
my net connection became maxed out at 26-28k.  I did not notice the problem
right away because at the time I was mostly connecting thru a Comdial
(don't buy it!) phone switch, which automatically limited speeds due to
digital to analog problems.  A friend who is a local ISP has a 233 version
of my 'book and found the same problem when he tried to connect thru
ordinary dialup right in his own office!  And it occurs in more than one
location.  My normal best when connecting directly in the past was about

I think some have ignored this subject, dismissing the problem as phone
line related.  It is not, to the best of my knowledge.

Help, please!


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 12:24:50 -0400
From: "Jim (James G) Hardwick CPA" <>
Subject: MAC re: Wanted: a Powerbook repair facility in the Washington DC


See for several threads on just your
problem--re battery connections, etc.  I believe a TIL or 2 exists re some
pb models & it.  Hate to break it to ya, but almost no dealer will service
your machine that quickly.  Most insist on running at least some
diagnostics, and that is good in the long run.  If it is under warranty,
why is cost an issue?  Overnight to Apple is a free option, but I do not
know the promised turnaround time.

I know the feeling of giving up your pb for service.  Mine has suffered
thru 2 motherboard replcmts, grrrr.

Good luck,
Here's the problem, the power on the Powerbook fails after a certain
period of typing.   Even if the battery is fully charged, or if the
power supply is plugged in.  It will still crash.  Keyboard has been
snapped into place, and the problem still occurs after about half an
hour to two hours of continuous typing.    Sometimes it repeats
itself right in the middle of startup.  It will repeat itself
sometimes when typing in the notepad and Extensions are disabled.
But whether I am typing in Microsoft Excel, Notepad, BBEdit, or
Appleworks, it still happens.   The screen flashes, the sleep light
turns on, and then screen goes black, and the sleeping flashing light

It is under warranty until January 26, 2000.   If there is someplace
that can repair it in the time given above, in the Washington DC,
area, please somebody e-mail me.

Thank you.


Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:06:51 -0400
From: "Thomas M Ford" <>
Subject: Powerbook G3(97) battery problems

I have a 1997 G3 powerbook (3400 style case).

Both the original batteries and a replacement I bought have a problem with
secure seating.
Just a minor jiggling of the battery while on battery power causes
momentary loss of juice and the thing dies (screen goes kerflooey and
machine hangs).
It seems related to the little clip that holds the battery in, but may be
in the leads inside, too.

Anyone have this happen to them, and what did you do?  I've resorted to
putting a rubber band around the near part of the case... but it seems
silly to have one of the best computers around held together with a rubber
band as if it were a bulging wallet!

Also, I've see adds for both 3400 batteries and 3400/G3(97) batteries...
The 3400 batteries are cheaper, but aren't they the same?




Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 20:19:32 -0700
From: Denny Davis <>
Subject: What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!

At 9:12 PM +0200 8/21/99, Matti Haveri wittily wrote:

>>From: "Adam C. Engst" <>
>>Frankly, as a general Macintosh mailing list, the Info-Mac Digest
>>isn't serving any unique needs any more. What's more important in our
>>minds is the Info-Mac Archive, which remains one of the most
>>important methods of distributing Macintosh software on the Internet.
>>That's where we've been focusing most of our attention (and where
>>most of the problems have been occurring).
> ...Info-Mac Digest...
>Info-Mac Digest really brings good memories to me. At first I downloaded
>and read it from a local user group's archives using First Class client.
>Then, in May '93 it got my first proper internet connection... I still
>remember my exitement to actually see comp.sys.mac.digest newsgroup and
>digests in there!
>Adam may be right that with all the dedicated mailing lists, Info-Mac
>Digest has lost some of its appeal but IMHO it is still a very useful
>resource and a good place to ask and give help to fellow mac users!
>Keep up the good work,
>Matti Haveri <>

Matt has been reading this longer than I have, but I have been reading it
for 2 years now and this one and Mac-L list are the best for finding out
something  related to the Mac.

I still find this a valuable resource and I try to answer questions as
well as ask questions sometimes. :-}

I hope it continues to exist for mnay more years.

Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.

Blessings, Denny


Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 20:37:01 -0700
From: Denny Davis <>
Subject: }How to correctly upload {was Fwd:

At 9:11 PM -0700 8/20/99, Daly Jessup wittily wrote:

>Philong Ton wrote:
>>Problem: Uploaded MP3 files don't work (no sound, just text)
>>I encoded some AIFF files with SoundJam 1.0, then uploaded them to
>>our website using Fetch.  Fetch was set at "Automatic" file type
>>detection.  When I went to the website to try to click on a MP3
>>file, instead of hearing sound, I got a bunch of garbled text.
>>The MP3 files sounded ok when I opened them up with QuickTime and
>>other MP3 players locally, on my hard drive..
>>Please teach me how to do this correctly.
>>1. Is Fetch the problem? I also tried with Anarchie Pro without success.
>>2. Are there special settings when encoding MP3 files which are to
>>be uploaded on the web?
>>3. Are there special settings for MP3 files during uploading?
>>4. What are the correct step to upload MP3 files?
>I believe that all you need to do is set Fetch to upload the files as
>"Raw Data" and they should go okay. I hope someone will correct me if
>I'm wrong. Typically, I set Fetch to upload text (including html)
>files as "Text" and others as Raw Data. If that dfoesn't work for
>you, let us know, and we'll look further into it.

I am more familiar with Anarchie than I am Fetch, but I do know that both
use InternetConfig so: In InternetConfig [or your Apple Internet Panel]
make sure that MP3 files are entered in the list correctly as binary files.

I know that Anarchie looks at this when determining what is correct for
the "Automatic" setting,a nd I usspect that Fetch does the same.

Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.

Blessings, Denny



End of Info-Mac Digest