Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #34
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 13 Feb 98       Volume 16 : Issue 34

Today's Topics:

      48 megs of ram in the 'Book, 48 megs of ram...
      [A] Adding sounds to OS8
      [A] Adding sounds to OS8 System suitcase
      [Q] External PCMCIA reader for DOS format cards?
      [Q] Mailing List Software?
      [Q] more on "Text listing of files on disk"
      [Q] News Reader Programs
      [Q] Text listing of files on disk
      [Q] Text listing of files on disk
      [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms
      [Q]HP 4si Menus Locked
      Chooser can't find printer
      clarisworks concatenater
      Espy Sans...   :(
      hd recovery
      How to read ClarisWorks 5 files?
      IIci versus G3 Powermac
      Key Combination
      need help with Newswatcher
      Text listing of files on disk
      Want to do some small network integration

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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 11:10:19 -0500
From: Murph Sewall <Murph@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
Subject: 48 megs of ram in the 'Book, 48 megs of ram...

On 2/9/98 9:13 PM -0400, David Roche wrote:
>I recently purchased 32 megs of extra ram for my Powerbook 1400cs, bringing
>the total to 48 megs. However, I notice very little difference in
>application "pep".

Extra RAM won't affect application processing speed at all *unless* you had
been using virtual and now you are able to turn it off.  Extra RAM makes it
possible to run multiple apps (including bloatware) simultaneously (as in
Virtual PC and Netscape Communicator and MS Weird at once :-)

Two things affect speed--CPU (a G3 is faster than a 604 at the same MHz)
and bus speed (the 50 MHz--or is it 60?-- bus on the G3 makes a huge
difference in how long it takes to access data on the HD and appears to be
one of the main reasons why Virtual PC performs so well on a G3 compared to
an older PowerMac).



Date: Thu, 12 Feb 98 08:59:12 +0000
From: PHS Computer Lab Room 117 <>
Subject: [A] Adding sounds to OS8

I add sounds to Sys 8 as follows:

1--Save sound as a System Resource (SoundEffects[shareware] will do this 
as a Save As option)  
2--Close all open applications
3--Close System Folder
4--Drag the Sound File over the System Folder icon
5--If all is well a box will open asking if the sound should be placed in 
the System file

Note..the system itself must place the file into the system file.  It 
will not do this unless the System Folder is closed while you do Step 4.



Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 17:27:01 -0500
From: Robert George Daniel <>
Subject: [A] Adding sounds to OS8 System suitcase

Dear Friendly Helpful Mac Community,

Here WAS my quandry:

>Is it just me, or is it no longer possible to drag system 7 sound files into
>the system suitcase, which I swear I remember doing before going OS8.
>Since upgrading, I seem stuck with the default alerts, or recording
>new ones live.
>Did I miss a meeting?

The solution, as several kind souls reminded me, was to quit all open
and drag sounds to the System Folder.  Now my Mac is the again the
device it once was.  Boink!  Bleep!  Gongggggg!


Bob Daniel


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 08:31:02 +0100
From: "Sven M. Sorensen" <>
Subject: [Q] External PCMCIA reader for DOS format cards?

I'm using a digital camera (Kodak DCS420) that stores images on a PCMCIA
card with a tiny 260 Mb disk inside. The camera insists on formatting the
card as a DOS disk.
I need to access the images from PhotoShop on a PowerMac 9600 and bought an
ADTRON external PCMCIA card reader and put it on the SCSI chain. The ADTRON
reader came without any software and the company's web site knows nothing
about drivers for Macintosh. The Apple dealer who sold me the reader knows
nothing about it either.

The external PCMCIA reader will not mount DOS format cards/disks. The DOS
card can be used fine in the internal PCMCIA slot on a PowerBook 5300 but
how do I mount it on an external reader on a PowerMac? I have tried several
SCSI mounters (SCSI 4.0 control panel, FWB Hard Disk Toolkit, One
Technologies Driver) but they do not recognize DOS format cards/disks.

Anyone knows a solution to this problem?

Sven M. Sorensen
Odense University


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 09:32:33 -0800
From: Tina <> (by way of Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [Q] Mailing List Software?

I run a free mailing list and would like to hear
any suggestions any of you may have on any
software which allows me to fully automate it
without too much input from me!



Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 09:27:02 -0500
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [Q] more on "Text listing of files on disk"

I posted the following yesterday and have a bunch of replies today.  Thanks
to all.

...  I need to get a list of files in a folder and be able to include that
list in a mail message (or any other word processing document).  On a PC at
a command line, I'd type DIR > DIR.OUT and the directory listing would
appear in a file named dir.out.  How do I do that on the Mac?...

The majority of responses said to do a select in the folder window and a
paste in a word processor, etc.  This does a great job of capturing the
names, but what if I wanted to capture attributes such as the modified
date.  Someone suggested a shareware program called List Files, which I
haven't yet checked out.  If there another option?  I haven't used
AppleScript but can a script be written to do this?

Ken Laskey


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 98 10:26:12 CST
From: Mike Sisson <>
Subject: [Q] News Reader Programs

I have recently gotten "online" at home and I am interested in checking out
newsgroups. I have downloaded NewsWatcher and the documentation even mentions
variants to the "official" version. I was wondering what "everyone" else is 
using for reading news. Anybody care to suggest others I might try or is
NewsWatcher the cat's meow?

Mike Sisson


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 14:23:53 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: [Q] Text listing of files on disk

Ken Laskey <> asked:

>I knew that someday I'd run across something I knew how to do on a command
>line that I couldn't quickly figure out on a Mac, and today was the day.  I
>need to get a list of files in a folder and be able to include that list in
>a mail message (or any other word processing document).  On a PC at a
>command line, I'd type DIR > DIR.OUT and the directory listing would appear
>in a file named dir.out.  How do I do that on the Mac?  {My crude approach
>today was to take a screen shot of the relevant portion of the folder in
>list view and attach it to the email.}

I know several ways:

1.  	Highlight the folder in the Finder.
	Open the Find utility under the Finder's File menu.
	Choose "Find Items" and then "In the Finder Selection".
	Hold Option while pressing on the button that says "name".
	Choose Visibility".
	Set it to "Visibility" "is" "visible"
	Click "Find"
	When you get the list of items in that folder, press
		"Command-A" to select all of them in the
		found items display in the Find utility.
	Then press "Command-C" to copy the list
	Then go over to your e-mail message and press "Command-V"
		to paste the list into the message

2.	Use BBEdit Lite and open a new document.
	Choose the third icon to the right of the pencil icon.
	Select "Folder Listing" and steer it to the folder you want the
		listing of.
	It will make a full hierarchy of the folder, all ready to select and
		copy and paste into your e-mail

3.	Just open the folder, press "Command-A" to select everything.
	Press "Command-C" to copy the top level items of the selection.
	Go to the e-mail document and press "Command-V" to paste the
		selection into the e-mail.

Choice number 3 lists only the items at the top level of the folder.
Choice 2 gives a complete hierarchy of the folder, complete with indents.
Choice 1 is simpler than it looks and leaves you the open to further refine
	selection by pressing "More Choices" and using that to refine your

I'm sure there are many other ways, but these are the ones I use from time
to time.



Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 07:57:28 -0600
From: (Ted Logan)
Subject: [Q] Text listing of files on disk

>I knew that someday I'd run across something I knew how to do on a command
>line that I couldn't quickly figure out on a Mac, and today was the day.  I
>need to get a list of files in a folder and be able to include that list in
>a mail message (or any other word processing document).  On a PC at a
>command line, I'd type DIR > DIR.OUT and the directory listing would appear
>in a file named dir.out.  How do I do that on the Mac?  {My crude approach
>today was to take a screen shot of the relevant portion of the folder in
>list view and attach it to the email.}
>Ken Laskey

You need a nice little utility by Alessandro Levi Montalcini called List
Files (now in version 2.6).  Readily available off the Info-Mac

Ted Logan


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 08:40:59 -0500
From: "Paul J. Schinder" <>
Subject: [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms

At 4:30 AM -0500 2/12/98, Info-Mac wrote:

} Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 07:56:47 -0600
} From: (Michael Cook)
} Subject: [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms
} I would like to be able to create BinHex (.hqx) files for a Macintosh,
} but do it on a non-Mac platform (VMS, UNIX, or Windows NT).
} This would allow me to convert downloaded files to a format for easier
} transporting to my Mac, which is not on a network.
} Thanks for suggestions.

On Unix you can use mcvert (it's in the Info-Mac archives; you'll need to
know how to compile).  On any platform with Perl installed, you can use
Convert::BinHex <>.

But why do you want to convert to BinHex, especially for a machine not on a
network?  How do you get the files to the Mac?  BinHex makes files larger
(it's not a compression protocol) and turns them into text, while you
probably want them to be small, and whether they're text or not shouldn't
matter.  You should probably be looking into using tar on Unix and SunTar
on Mac.  I get large Mac files to my Mac (which *is* on a network at times,
but over a modem) by tar'ing MacBinaries onto floppies and taking them off
with SunTar.

} -- Mike Cook

Paul J. Schinder


Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:21:49 -0900 (AST)
From: "Brian E. Mowrey" <>
Subject: [Q]HP 4si Menus Locked


I have a HP 4si with HP's JetDirect card installed that has its menus
locked.  Whenver I try to change a setting in a menu, it says "Menus
Locked".  In the manuals, it says to contact your administrator.

I found a utility for the HP 4si for my Mac that will change the setting
remotely, including unlocking the menus.  Problem is, I need the
five-digit key that someone chose to lock them! 

Any ideas on how to reset the Hp 4si so there is no password, even if it
means totally reconfiguring the printer?

Thanks in advance,
Brian Mowrey


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 08:22:47 -0500
From: The Werschulz Family <>
Subject: Chooser can't find printer


I'm using a G3 running System 8.1.  I have an Ethernet connection to the
Internet, and I print using a LaserWriter Select 300 that is connected to
the printer port.

On occasion, the Chooser can't find the printer.  That is, I click the
LaserWriter 8 icon, but there's no response.  Sometimes there's a response
after a long wait.  I haven't quantified this, but it appears that this
happens only after I've started an Internet application, and then decided
to do some printing.  If I manually Choose the printer (e.g., when I start
up) and then fire up an Internet application, all seems well.

The "About G3 ReadMe" file says "if you have Ethernet selected in the
AppleTalk Control Panel, you should disconnect any LocalTalk cable," but I
don't think that's the issue.  I have selected Ethernet in the TCP/IP
Control Panel; in the AppleTalk Control Panel, I am connecting via the
Printer Port.



Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:01:43 -0800
From: "a.i. persofsky & b.r. emmons" <>
Subject: clarisworks concatenater

february 11/98...vancouver..i'm not sure if this is the proper format to
submit a request but i was wondering if anyone knew of a concatenater
for clarisworks files...i'm aware of filemerger and chunkjoiner but they
of course do not work..the insert command in 4 works but i'm looking for
something like filemerger that would let me drop a bunch of clarisworks
files on it, choose the sequence and voila.....thanks
a.i. persofsky...e-mail:


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 10:36:37 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: Espy Sans...   :(


I lost my genuine Apple version of Espy Sans in a horrible crash
yesterday, and I miss it  :(  .  Would anyone be so kind as to enclose it
in an e-mail to me?

please e-mail me first, to confirm,


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 12:47:11 +1100
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: hd recovery

Re: Info-Mac Digest V16 #27, monte ferguson <>:

>I'm writing on behalf of a friend. She's trying to recover the internal hd
>on a Quadra 650, using System 7.1. She's tried two different version of
>Norton's Utilities, MacTools 3.x and a 2.x I think and a couple of other
>programs. SCSI Probe is the only one that recognizes the drive is there at
>all, won't mount it though. The only reason she's putting up with this, and
>not reformatting is that the owner has items on there that need to be

Monte, at the least the HD's driver is clobbered - Norton can sometimes
overcome this, sometimes not.  With the driver broken, even though it's a
small piece of code, the drive can't be seen or mounted on the desktop.

Being a Quadra 650, under 7.1, the _probability_ is that the drive's been
formatted with Apple's HD Setup, which will be on your friend's Disk Tools
floppy with her other system disks. (You can also get HD Setup at, or drop me a line and I'll mail it to you...)

Boot the Quadra from the Disk Tools floppy, run HD Setup, and hope the
drive shows up.  If it does, Update the driver and quit, reboot from Disk
Tools and with any luck the drive will mount now.  Reboot again after
attaching an external drive like a Zip, and copy off the files she wants.

Uh... but HD Setup might not "see" the drive at all.  What follows is a bit
radical, don't do this if you're uncomfortable tinkering with electrical
devices.  But it will work.

Open the Quadra (make sure it's powered down, and unplugged).  Find the HD
and remove its power plug - one plug into the drive will be the SCSI plug,
a long flat plug with a flat cable, the other plug with four odd wires will
be the power.

Now with the Quadra still open, plug in its mains power - don't get your
fingers near the power supply! - and boot from Disk Tools.  Run HD Setup.
_Carefully_ plug in the HD's power plug.  Now HD Setup will "see" the
drive.  Update the driver and proceed as above...

This 2nd procedure should work even it the drive's been formatted with a
non-apple formatter.  But do be careful, as even though most of the innards
of a computer work at low voltage, there's still mains voltage going into
the thing.  Don't do this with small children in the room, for instance

Good luck!


Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 18:57:58 -0400 (AST)
From: Andy <>
Subject: Help!

Hi. I have a problem that I was wondering if anyone else has encountered. I
am using a 68K mac with system 7.5.5 installed. The problem is; somehow,
all the files on my hard drive became locked but I cannot see how. I have
checked the files with a few different Utilities such as, Norton fast find,
resedit, norton disk editor. All of these programs show that the file
attributes are not locked. If I drag a file to the trash, I get the error
message, Trash could not be emptied because the file is locked. I have run
HD/SC setup and my drive is not locked. Folder protection in the general
controls control panel is turned off. I also cannot change account
configurations, (Internet accounts). I have run virus scans with
disinfectant and macafee virus scan. No viruses were found. Has anyone ever
encountered a problem such as this? If so, what caused the problem?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Andy Fox <>


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 11:18:41 -0500
From: Murph Sewall <Murph@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
Subject: How to read ClarisWorks 5 files?

On 2/9/98 1:14 PM +0100, Christian F Buser wrote:
>Of course, a user who has CW5 can save documents in CW4 format, but you
>cannot expect that everybody does this before he sends a file to someone
>else. Claris seems to have found a good solution to force users to buy
>an "upgrade", even if they don't need it.

A lesson Claris may have learned from Micro$oft as this phenomenon is a
replay of Office 97 vs Office 95 (my colleagues are forced ask me to use
MacLink Plus to convert Office 97 to an earlier version, and that doesn't
helpf for PowerPoint files :-(



Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 19:57:32 +0000
From: axel schnell <>
Subject: IIci versus G3 Powermac


I just compared starting of netscape 3.01 (the standard browser included
with powermac G3) on an G3 powermac (233MHz) with the starting time on
my old IIci (68030  25MHz). On the IIci I have system 7.6.1 and netscape
needed about 35sec to load up to a blank page. On the latest G3 Powermac
under OS8.0  6 to 7sec were needed!! Only about 6 times faster compared
to a 10 jear old technology! Very disappointing. Has anyone similar



Date: Wed, 11 Feb 98 18:07:39 -0500
From: Len Kaufman <>
Subject: Key Combination

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998 10:54:24 +0100, Sebastiano Pilla <> wrote:

>I need to know the key combinations to bypass booting from the Mac's
>internal HD: I must have scored a record number of reboots trying without
>sucess all the permutations of command, control, shift, etc. (no, I haven't
>got the etc. key yet ;-).
>Any suggestion?

The key combination to force the computer to restart bypassing the 
internal HD is:

Command - Control - Power Key


Len Kaufman <>


Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 22:51:32 -0600
From: "Charles P. Crawford" <ccrawford@Dynasty.Net>
Subject: need help with Newswatcher

I have recently started having problems reading my news groups.

Back ground:

Performa 6200CD, 7.5.5, 24 megs, Global Village Teleport 56x2 modem.

I was running with configppp. I installed open transport1.1.1 and ppp.

My access to WWW via Netscape Nav. and Internet Exp is fine, no problem
with Eudora light, no problem with Fetch.

Newswatcher will not get new groups, will not rebuild full group list,
eventually will come up with subscribed groups, but will not get articles
from subscribed groups. It makes connection to the news server fine, is
very slow getting subscrbed groups, but eventually just doesn't every show
the articles from a subscribed group. Activity just seems to come to a halt
only with occasional signal to and from my ISP.

I have trashed all by Newswatcher prefs, completely reinstalled
Newswatcher. Still no help.

I really need some help on this since my ISP is ignorant of Macs.


Charlie C.

I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.
                               "My Back Pages", 1964 B. Dylan


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 11:02:03 +0000
From: Steve Smith <>
Subject: Text listing of files on disk

You can do it on the Mac too, with just a few keystrokes.

.	In the finder, open the folder that you want to generate a 
	list of files for. 
.	Press Command 'A' to select all the files. 
.	Press command 'C' to copy the list.
.	Go to your email application (or any other text editor)
	and press command 'V' to paste the list.

Hope this helps,

Best Regards,

Steve Smith

> I knew that someday I'd run across something I knew how to do on a command
> line that I couldn't quickly figure out on a Mac, and today was the day.  I
> need to get a list of files in a folder and be able to include that list in
> a mail message (or any other word processing document).  On a PC at a
> command line, I'd type DIR > DIR.OUT and the directory listing would appear
> in a file named dir.out.  How do I do that on the Mac?  {My crude approach
> today was to take a screen shot of the relevant portion of the folder in
> list view and attach it to the email.}
> Ken Laskey


Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 08:30:40 -0500
From: The Werschulz Family <>
Subject: Want to do some small network integration


Until recently, our setup consisted of a Mac Performa 5200CD with a cable
modem connection to the Internet, along with a LaserWriter Select 300 (a
PostScript printer).  The cable modem is connected to the Mac by 10BaseT

We have recently been fortunate enough to acquire a second Mac, a G3.
FWIW, both Macs are running System 8.1.  We would like to integrate all of
these machines.

I would like to enable the following, with a minimum of expense:

(1) Both Macs should be able to share the printer.
(2) Both Macs should be able to connect to the Internet through the cable
modem.  If necessary, I would be willing to live with only one Mac at a
time being connected.
(3) If possible, I would like to enable File Sharing between the Macs.
(4) I would prefer to use Ethernet, rather than LocalTalk, for as much of
this as possible.

If anybody has any suggestions, please contact me via e-mail at  Thanks.



End of Info-Mac Digest