Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #347
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 06 Oct 99       Volume 16 : Issue 347

Today's Topics:

      Acrobat Distiller
      Fwd: Decoding files ending in *mim* or *mime*
      Fwd: Word attachments not readable
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #345
      internet/ethernet status
      Please keep SAS on the Macintosh!!!
      Postscript or not!
      sumex submissions
      Virex 6.0 download
      VPN software for Mac
      Word attachments not readable

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Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 08:23:23 -0400
From: "Steve Chambers" <>
Subject: Acrobat Distiller


Sounds like it could be a damaged font. Try the document with a
different font, one that works elsewhere in the document and re-distill
it. Also make sure you set it for Acrobat 2.1 compatability a lot of
people still have the old V2 plug in.

After that it is time to trash your acrobat prefs and perhaps even

good Luck
Steve Chambers
Subject:        Acrobat Distiller
   Date:        Mon, 4 Oct 1999 19:41:20 -0700
   From:        Doug Hardie <>

I am using Acrobat Distiller 3 to create a few documents for
on our web server.  However some documents are not readable when viewed
a browser.  Some people can read them fine.  Others get errors or blank
pages.  On one document when I view it through the browser I get just
for each character.

If the files are downloaded to disk and then you run reader, they all
fine.  I have set for Embed all fonts.  However, on the one page that
me all dots, I get a dialog about a font where the name is completely
munged at front.  The last part is one of the fonts I used in the

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

-- Doug


Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 20:24:15 -0700
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: Decoding files ending in *mim* or *mime*

Bob asked:

>I would like to know if there is a shareware program that will decode files
>ending in *mim* or *mime*. I am using a Performa 6300CD with System 7.5.5. I
>connect to the internet via AOL.

I think StuffIt Expander 5.1.2/5.1.3 does this. Or you could try 
Decoder or MPack. MPack is made specifically for decoding MIME files. 
One or more of those should do it.



Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 05:05:35 -0700
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: Word attachments not readable

Scott wrote:

>All right, I'm at my wit's end.  Two new G3 PowerBooks, both running
>Office98.  One creates a Word document, and attaches it to an e-mail (I
>hate it, but that's the way they work), using Netscape Communicator 4.5.
>Sends it to the other, who downloads the attachment.
>MS Word 98 refuses to open the document.  I open it in TexEdit Plus, strip
>off the header gibberish, and save it as plain text.  Now it can be opened.

I wonder if you have some settings to encode the attachment 
incorrectly? I have never seen that behavior but also have never 
tried what you are doing. Have you tried just opening an email client 
in the normal way and attaching one of these files and sending it to 
the other machine?

If these PowerBooks are in the same building, have you thought of 
ethernetting them and just using file sharing?



Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 08:30:28 -0400
From: "Steve Chambers" <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #345


There are actually devices which purport to take a recording and
"remove" the vocals. What they do is take the center channel and run it
back into a mixer with the original source material but 180 degrees OUT
OF PHASE with it. Because the vocals tent to be mostly in the center
channel (IE both left and right equally) you end up with a song that has
the vocals but (depending on the song) lower or sometimes just muffled.

Not sure if there is a way to do this with existing digital audio
products for the Mac. But a work around from my radio days was to find a
section of the song that duplicates the instrumental under the vocal
part of the mucic and do some (ummm, make that a lot) editing to produce
an instrumental version. Depending on the song this CAN work, but it
takes practice.

hope this helps

>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Making Karaoke file from CD
> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 15:21:27 -0400
> From: David <>
> I teach at a school where we are often producing musical parodies of the
> school using contemporary songs, show tunes--along with some older stuff.
> I would be a big hero around here if I could find a way to rip a track
> off a CD and edit the sound file to remove the sung lyrics and use the
> resulting file as accompaniement to our new lyrics.
> Is there some simple/easy/cheap way to do this?
> Remember, I am NOT a sound geek!
> Thanks
> David Huston
> Laurel School
> Cleveland, OH
Steve Chambers, Systems Analyst
Sarnoff Corporation


Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 08:28:48 -0400
From: dead nancy <>
Subject: internet/ethernet status

hi, everybody.

(this is a repost. i never saw it show up the first time.)

five of us are connected to the net through our ethernet lan via a
gateway machine running ipnetrouter. when the modem was external, it was
easy enough (if a little low-tech) to glance across the room and check
connection and transfer by looking at the little green lights. now the
modem is internal, and the only way to check connection status is to
open remote access and watch the graph.

so: is there anything out there that will show me, on my computer, how
fast (or if at all) my internet connection is going when i'm connected
through another machine? something like freeppp's control strip or the
global village menu bar thermometer would be nice.


dead nancy
working for you!


Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 11:42:08 -0500
From: "Paul St. Amand" <>
Subject: Please keep SAS on the Macintosh!!!

Please keep SAS on the Macintosh!!!

The SAS Institute, makers of SAS statistical software, may be dropping
Macintosh support! They did not make a Mac version 7 of their software
and currently have no plans to make a Mac version of their upcoming
release 8 (see email below). SAS is a VITAL software program and a
research standard for scientists and businesses world-wide. It would be
a tremendous blow to loose SAS even though the SAS Institute does make
other statistical programs for the Mac. Please inform your colleagues
to call and write to Dennis Massengill and express their desire to keep
SAS on the Mac. It may not be too late to change their position.

Paul St. Amand

From: Dennis Massengill <>
To: "'Paul St. Amand'" <>
Subject: RE: Please keep SAS on the Macintosh!!!
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 17:37:43 -0400 


Thanks for your interest in the SAS System.  Currently, SAS V8 for the
Mac is not scheduled.  We have continued to see waning support on this
platform so we are investigating future SAS versions.

Thanks again  for your interest.


Dennis Massengill 
Market Development Dept.
Enterprise Technology Partners
SAS Institute Inc.
919-677-8000 phone
919-677-4444 fax


Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 09:43:42 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Postscript or not!

At 9:10 PM -0500 10/5/99, Jeffrey S. Kline wrote:
>Do I need post script or will quickdraw printer be sufficient?

A QuickDraw printer should be fine for you.


And the license said you had to stick around until I was dead, but if you're
tired of looking at my face I guess I already am.
                                                      - Liz Phair, Divorce Song
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 08:39:11 -0700
From: "Adam C. Engst" <>
Subject: sumex submissions

>Does this imply that the submissions to sumex will not come to us as email
>any more, that we will have to go and see what is new there?

No, it's just a technical problem that we're working out. In fact, 
once we're done, we hope to have two lists, one just like what you're 
used to, with the discussion following new submission announcements, 
and one just for new submission announcements.

cheers... -Adam

PS: We haven't been at sumex for years now. Info-Mac is now 
graciously hosted by MIT. :-)

Adam C. Engst, Info-Mac Senior Moderator -- <>


Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 11:12:52 EDT
Subject: Virex 6.0 download

I am having enormous difficulty getting the download of virex 6.0 I have been 
given several ftp and web site addresses.  When I go to them, I am asked for 
a name for the file, as per usual, I get a box that says the download is 
beginning, as per usual, and it disappears after about ten seconds.  No data. 
 On one occasion, I actually did the download, or a download, but when I 
tried to open the .sit file, I was told that it was corrupted.  

How can I get the file?  

In general, I have enormous trouble getting this and other files from virex.  
The monthly update is an exercise in frustration, and, as often as not, 
someone has to send it to me personally.  What is the problem with virex, as 
I download easily and reliably from everywhere else?

Does anyone have any advice.  Thank yo very much.

Michael B. Luskin


Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 22:52:30 +0900
From: "Kumeda's" <>
Subject: VPN software for Mac

I am looking for VPN (Virtual Private Network) client software for Mac, such
as Alta-Vista tunnel for Windows. Does anybody know one?

Yasuo Kumeda


Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 10:24:28 EDT
Subject: Word attachments not readable

I am not certain, but I suspect that what you need is the Microsoft Word 
97/98 translator.  I just got it from the Microsoft web site.  It works well, 
but I wonder if it is for cross platform translation more than it is for 97 
and 98 translation,

Michael B. Luskin



End of Info-Mac Digest