Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #349
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 12 Oct 99       Volume 16 : Issue 349

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#501/11-Oct-99
      (C) The three ADB device rule - a lesson learned
      2 Questions
      [Q] Modem dialing (Powerbook v.34) setup in Touchbase Pro
      Acrobat Distller
      Anybody seen news yet on MaxOptic's drive, and their pricing?
      Apple CD Audio Player
      Decoding files ending in *mim* or *mime*
      DLink 560TXD multi-function PC Card & PowerBook 1400
      Do we need a new digest viewer?
      Do we need a new digest viewer?
      Easy View - Do we need a new digest viewer?
      Fan Noise
      fixed ncsa telnet, a success story
      How can you change default browser?
      How to open Apple 15" Multiple scan monitor
      How to print preface pages in Acrobat
      importing address books
      internet/ethernet status
      Lexmark 1000 color jetprinter
      QuickTime Conversion
      screensaver conversions
      Secure Shell 2.0 for the Mac
      Sherlock network errors

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Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#501/11-Oct-99


Steve Jobs has introduced a new $999 iMac and the iMac DV with FireWire and=
 video editing capabilities, all with faster processors, revamped audio,=
 dual USB, and transparent cases. Also in this issue, Matt Neuburg looks at=
 Style Master, a tool for authoring Cascading Style Sheets for the Web, Adam=
 continues examining how MP3 is changing his relationship to music, and we=
 note new releases of Norton Utilities, Norton AntiVirus, Palm Desktop, and=
 the results of our first poll.=20

    Jobs Splits iMac Line over Digital Video
    Precision Web Pages with Style Master
    That MP3eaceful, Easy Feeling, Part 2


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-501.etx; 32K]


Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 13:29:40 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: (C) The three ADB device rule - a lesson learned

Dear Digest readers,
As nice as having ADB is on the Wallstreet, I learned a very 
important lesson about it.   The trackpad is a second ADB device.   I 
also learned that keyboards with built-in trackpads are treated by 
the ADB controller as having two devices.   I attached an ergonomic 
keyboard with built-in trackpad (made by Adesso), and I lost control 
of my Powerbook for a full two weeks.   It would intermittently shut 
itself down without warning.   The Power Management Unit got fried. 
I took it into an Apple repair technician who couldn't reproduce my 
shutdowns, and so couldn't replace the unit.   Finally I talked at 
length with Apple Customer Relations, and they agreed to replace any 
parts necessary until the problem was fixed.   They returned it 36 
hours after I shipped it to them, and it was fixed.

So remember, you can only add ONE device to the ADB port of the 
Wallstreet.   Add any more, even if built into the single device you 
think you are adding, and you are risking disaster.

Still waiting for the USB  card to work properly in the PCMCIA slot 
of my Wallstreet.   I am not about to buy a Lombard, crippled by its 
one PCMCIA port, and one non-battery expansion slot, and lack of mute 
button and brightness and sound buttons.    Also, waiting for a 
motherboard swap for my Wallstreet to bring it up to speed.   If 
anyone hears anything, please e-mail me.

Thank you.
Check out over 700 internet sites updated monthly at:


Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:07:25 -0700
From: Mac Support <>
Subject: 2 Questions

Hello All,

Q1:  I have 2 user that I am unable to create personal address books in
Outlook. I have downloaded the current version and cleanly installed several
times now but no luck.  Any Idea's?

Q2: A user with a VST USB floppy drive on a iMac that keeps randomly locking
up.  When the drive is removed, the lockups and crashes go away.  Have tried
current drivers and a another drive. Tried minimal extensions, but little
luck.  It seems to rear its ugly head when using a browser, either IE or

   Steve Richards


Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:12:38 -0400
From: (TCS)
Subject: [Q] Modem dialing (Powerbook v.34) setup in Touchbase Pro

Owing to the death spiral scenario, I changed my Powerbook 56K selection
to the v.34 option. I have slower connection speeds, but at least
connnections are stable. Now I have a problem that I cannot dial from
Touchbase Pro. I must need to set new dialing preferences. I opened the
Powerbook v.34 script with BBEdit to try to figure out the correct
adjustments, but my attempts have not succeeded. I just don't know enough
about this sort of thing to make the correct selections.

The categories to be filled are as follows:
Modem setup string
Modem dial string prefix
Modem dial string suffix
Modem hangup string
Seconds till hangup

I think the following are standard:
Modem dial string suffix ;
Seconds till hangup 5

Can anyone help me with what to fill in for the following categories?
Modem setup string
Modem dial string prefix
Modem hangup string



Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 12:56:43 -0400
From: "Cindy Krueger" <>
Subject: Acrobat Distller

  Check out this page on the Adobe site. <
hdocs/3d76.htm> There are 6 solutions listed as well as some addtional =
links at the bottom of the page. I have run into the same problem. =
Sometimes I have been able to resolve it by making the files smaller. =
(Breaking up one large book into chapters.) Sometimes the problem is with =
the user who does not have enough memory and/or has too many applications =
  Right now we are waiting for new Apache server software to try to remedy =
the byteserving problem.=20
Library of Michigan


Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 14:10:11 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: Anybody seen news yet on MaxOptic's drive, and their pricing?

Dear Digest,
About 4 months ago, MacCentral published an article saying that blue 
laser light drives are to be appearing from MaxOptic this month. 
The cool thing about them are the following characteristics:

40 GB a platter!
15  M Byte Per Second data read and write access
Read and Write data access that is unlimited.

40 GB, now let's do the computation:

A 2 minute video is 6 MB using Sorenson Quicktime compression, and 
that looks beautiful at 1024 x 768 from Apple's Quicktime Trailer 

12 minutes = 36 MB
12,000 minutes = 36 GB.

200 hours of video on a single platter!

It sure sounds too good to be true, but if it exists, I'd love to see 
the technology that does it.

Check out over 700 internet sites updated monthly at:


Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:44:16 EDT
Subject: Apple CD Audio Player

When I put an audio CD into the drive on my G3 with 8.1, the CD's icon 
appears, and I usually get a few seconds of music.  Most often, however, I 
have to double click the CD, click the icon for the first movement, and then 
Apple CD Audio Player starts, and I get its screen.  If I wait a few seconds 
more, the music starts, without my intervention, unless I choose, by clicking 
a track, to listen to something other than the track that I had double 
clicked initially.  If I click the box to get rid of the screen, the music 
continues.  But the audio program is not on the pulldown menu at the right 
side of the screen.

Can someone explain all of this?  Is Apple CD Audio Player running or not, 
and why no mention in the list of running programs?

Thank you.

Michael B. Luskin 


Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 16:03:35 -0400
From: "Gerald A. Edgar" <>
Subject: Decoding files ending in *mim* or *mime*

Mpack is another program for this.


Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 11:17:15 -0400
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: DLink 560TXD multi-function PC Card & PowerBook 1400

Has anyone out there had any success with getting the DLink 560TX or 
560TXD cards to work with a PowerBook 1400? From little blurbs in 
their documentation I gather that it has been done. However, DLink no 
longer supports or recommends this combination. Unfortunately, I 
found this out after already taking delivery of the card. And it 
works so well otherwise. So even if I have to jump through some hoops 
and mumble a special chant, I'm willing to experiment. Any ideas, 
suggestions, drivers or firmware out there? Or some generic PC Card 
drivers that can be user-tweaked to recognise a card of my choice?

I suspect that if I can just get the "thing" that does the 
recognition of the card as a valid PC Card then I can hack the rest...

The DLink 560TXD is a multi-function PC Card that provides a 10/100 
NIC, 56K modem and FaxModem on a single-slot card that uses no 
dongles and leaves the lower card slot free. It is multi-platform, 
multi-OS, multi-NOS, etc.

While recommended for the usual plethora of WIntel stuff and for 
PowerPC Mac laptops, this seems to actually mean only 3400, 2400 and 
G3 PowerBooks...
Vincent Cayenne

"Crumpled bits of paper filled with imperfect thoughts"


Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 13:23:11 -0700
From: Chris Schram <>
Subject: Do we need a new digest viewer?

Recently, "D. Scott Beach" <> wrote:

>I still read both this digest and Tidbits in EasyView. I like that Setext
>format the best. I get the impression that the author of EasyView hasn't
>been heard of in ages. [snip]
>Are there enough of us still using EasyView to warrant some clever
>shareware author revamping, updating or totally rewriting it to make better
>use of the newer OS features?

I, too, read Info-Mac and TidBITS in Easy View, and I'm also looking
for a replacement for that ancient program.

I hate seeing Easy View die. Aside from being a cranky beast at times,
it's just so darned versatile. I keep a folder of random text files
that Easy View can browse and search very quickly. I use Easy View to
browse through my Eudora mailboxes. About the only kind of text Easy
View CAN'T parse is HTML.

If Info-Mac was all I wanted to read, I might switch to Digest Viewer.
I emailed the author of Digest Viewer to see if he would be interested
in adding Setext recognition to his program, but he wasn't...

Chris Schram


Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 10:30:37 +1300
From: "Nigel Stanger" <>
Subject: Do we need a new digest viewer?

On Saturday, 9 October 1999 12:26:25 AM, D. Scott Beach wrote:

> Are there enough of us still using EasyView to warrant some clever
> shareware author revamping, updating or totally rewriting it to make better
> use of the newer OS features? I guess without the original creator's
> permission and co-operation (not to mention source code) it would have to
> be a re-write.

You can download most of the source code from -- I have a copy
at home. I was tossing about the idea doing a rewrite about a year ago, but
I got sidetracked by finishing my PhD, plus I couldn't find anything about
the file format it uses for the index files, which is probably the most
important bit from the point of view of backwards compatibility.

In other words, it wouldn't be that hard to rewrite (the only other tricky
bit would be figuring out the setext parser), but it probably wouldn't be
able to open old index files unless you can track down the original author.

Nigel Stanger,     
Dept. of Information Science,  
University of Otago, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND.


Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 13:18:30 +0200
From: Stig Albjerg Nielsen <>
Subject: Easy View - Do we need a new digest viewer?

On 8 Oct 99 07:26:25 -0400 Scott Beach wrote:
>I still read both this digest and Tidbits in EasyView. I like that Setext
>format the best. I get the impression that the author of EasyView hasn't
>been heard of in ages. (Written by M. Akif Eyler, Bilkent University, 06533
>Ankara, Turkey. e-mail:
>Are there enough of us still using EasyView to warrant some clever
>shareware author revamping, updating or totally rewriting it to make better
>use of the newer OS features? I guess without the original creator's
>permission and co-operation (not to mention source code) it would have to
>be a re-write.

Apart from digests Easy View is a godsend for managing clippings files
created by ClipFiler or other utilities. And, yes the program is getting
quite long in the tooth. For example it cannot handle text clippings from
the Finder. Likewise  searching or extracting (a very useful feature) seems
slow and somewhat primitive by today's standard.

M. Akif Eyler halted development of Easy View at version 2.61 of March
1995. I seem to remember that Adam Engst has mentioned the possibility of a
rewrite on the TidBITS list and that Mr. Eyler would be willing to supply
the source code. Apparently no programmer has risen to the challenge.

Perhaps Adam Engst - a moderator of this list - will correct or elucidate?


-- Stig Albjerg Nielsen               (+45) 8686 7471
-- Boellingsoegaardvej 17, DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
-- <mailto:>


Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:48:59 -0600
From: Roger Wise <>
Subject: Fan Noise

I am having problems with fan noise on my mac 6500. Has anyone else had
this same problem? What is the fix, other than replacing fan. I know I have
seen question before but can't find in archive.

God Put Me On This Earth To Accomplish A Certain Number Of Things,
              Right Now I'm So Far Behind
                  I'LL NEVER DIE!!


Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:37:48 -0500
From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <>
Subject: fixed ncsa telnet, a success story

	Recently, my ncsa telnet program stopped launching properly.
Launching this telnet just left a watch cursor indefinitely.
	I wish to brief the list how I fixed it.
	I flipped the popup in extensions manager and it caught that I had
two versions of various inits lying around which is a bad omen. I trashed
the older version inits.
	Preference files for an application can get corrupted and an
application will freeze and not run then. One has to remove the preferences
file from the preferences folder and rebuild a new one there by launching
the application. I checked this hypothesis with Sherlock.
	I used the finder find command. I commanded it find a file
containing the word "telnet" and found a file called "ncsa telnet
	I pulled this file out of the preferences folder and got on
internet with remote access (I have os 8.6.1 and so not ppp) and then
launched telnet. It rebuilt the ncsa telnet preferences file uncorrupted
and all worked normal


Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 22:04:22 -0600
From: Lawrence Rugolo <>
Subject: How can you change default browser?

Some time ago someone asked this question when I didn't need
to know the answer, and of course I don't recall the solution.
How can you change the default browser from Netscape to MSIE
after both are installed, you know, the one which launches
when you double-click an URL? I know that when you first
install either browser, you can choose to make it the default,
but is it possible to change it later?

I have MacOS 8.1, so I can't switch it from the Control Panels.



Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 13:38:45 -0500 
From: "Allan, David (DS)" <>
Subject: How to open Apple 15" Multiple scan monitor


I found from searching that you need to release some hidden tabs by
putting a screwdriver in some slot. I haven't started working on mine, so I
can't be more specific. I, too, was disappointed to have missed Apple's
extended repair by a couple of weeks. Grrr.

Good luck. Share your experiences with the list.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 3:22 PM
Subject: How to open Apple 15" Multiple scan monitor

I'm one of the unfortunates with an Apple Multiple Scan monitor that has the
weird color syndrome.  There seems to be thousands of us, and Apple declines
extend the warranty.  The symptom is you get weird colors when the monitor
first turned on. Most commonly the screen is a pale yellow-green with no
text or detail.  In my case so far it usually goes away after it has been on
for 15 min or so.  I suspect it is getting worse and will soon be totally
Rumor has it that the problem is a bad solder joint. I thought to look for
myself but I can't figure out how to open the bloody case.  There are 2
screws on the back rear. I've removed them and the case seems to be
a bit at the bottom.  There seems to be a hinge on top that takes some
tool or knowledge to separate.  Does anyone know how to do this or where I
find the info?   Any info on fixing the problem would of course be much
appreciated.  (


Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 14:50:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ethan Benatan <>
Subject: How to print preface pages in Acrobat

I don't know a solution, but I might be able to help by pointing out
that other documents--my Ph.D. dissertation, for example ;-) -- with
similar schemes do not suffer from this problem; so it probably has
something to do with how it was created.  Is it possible for you to
open the doc in the full version of Acrobat? Depending on how it was
protected, you might be able to work with it there.  Sorry I can't be
more help.

>>> "Murph" == Murph Sewall <Murphy.Sewall@UConn.Edu> writes:

 Murph> MacOS 8.6, Acrobat Reader 4.0, LaserWriter 8. PDF documents
 Murph> with roman number numbered preface pages (i, ii, and so on)
 Murph> preceeding page 1 don't want to print (the Acrobat display has
 Murph> the document page number with the physical page number in
 Murph> parentheses--for example page 'i' is shown as 1 of 52 and page
 Murph> '50' is page 52 of 52). Attempt to print either the whole
 Murph> document of the first few pages insist on starting with
 Murph> document page 1... how does one print pages i and ii?

Ethan Benatan


Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 15:18:32 -0400
From: Gino Landini <>
Subject: importing address books

I think this got answered before but I lost the answer. I need to import
an address book from Outlook Express to Netscape and can't get it done.
I have tried everything. The process in the help file is for the PC and
I have a Mac. Can someone please help me to do this. Thank you in
Gino Landini


Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 20:46:36 -0700
From: Denny Davis <>
Subject: internet/ethernet status

At 8:28 AM -0400 10/6/99, dead nancy wittily wrote:

>hi, everybody.
>(this is a repost. i never saw it show up the first time.)
>five of us are connected to the net through our ethernet lan via a
>gateway machine running ipnetrouter. when the modem was external, it was
>easy enough (if a little low-tech) to glance across the room and check
>connection and transfer by looking at the little green lights. now the
>modem is internal, and the only way to check connection status is to
>open remote access and watch the graph.
>so: is there anything out there that will show me, on my computer, how
>fast (or if at all) my internet connection is going when i'm connected
>through another machine? something like freeppp's control strip or the
>global village menu bar thermometer would be nice.
>dead nancy
>working for you!

There are a couple of Control Strip Modules that will report on various
aspects of PPP, though I have no idea how much info you can get when on

My favourite is Control PPP.

Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.

Blessings, Denny


Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 22:53:02 -0500
From: "Theresa Kraft" <>
Subject: Lexmark 1000 color jetprinter

Does anyone know who makes the engine for the Lexmark 1000 color jetprinter?
Lexmark's site does not support Macs, but I have a friend who would like to
know if there is a Mac (preferrably USB) driver for this printer available

Theresa Kraft
Luther Seminary
2481 Como Ave #302
St Paul MN 55108



How can people call for help if they don't know whom to trust? And how can
they know whom to trust if they haven't heard of the One who can be trusted?
And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell
them, unless someone is sent to do it?

Romans 10:14-15. The Message


Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 20:23:55 -0400
From: Louis Bergeron <>
Subject: MFS

Well this is rather old. I wonder if an older copy of DiskCopy could open that.
Louis Bergeron   C.P. 936 Rouyn Rouyn-Noranda   Qc Canada J9X 5C8
Telephone personnel - Personal phone (819) 764-3862
Centre de service aux entreprises du Cegep de Granby - Haute-Yamaska
385 Principale Granby (Quebec)  J2G 2W5
Telephone travail  Office phone (450) 372-6614 #172
Telecopieur public   Public fax (450) 777-5842


Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:21:15 -0700
From: Bob Peterson <>
Subject: QuickTime Conversion

To disable the QT conversion feature, open the QuickTime Settings
control panel. Choose QuickTime Exchange from the pop-up menu and
uncheck the enable QuickTime Exchange box.

Bob Peterson


Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 16:53:12 -0400
From: Saint John <>
Subject: screensaver conversions

At 20:53 -0400 10/7/99, Rachel S. Ropeik wrote:
>OK, so if I have a screen saver sent to me through email but it's in PC
>format, is there a way for me to convert it to Mac format so I can use it?
>Also, does anyone know of any good sites out there for downloading cool,
>free screensavers?  Thanks:)

   From the "helpful" alerts that random visitors to my website insist on
sending me, I get the impression that every PC screensaver sent as an email
attachment is a Trojan Horse. (Me, I turn my monitors off when I'm away.
100% compatable, saves more energy, zero chance of burn-in, and I have
Speak Time to let me know that the computer's on.)
   As for neat Mac screensavers, you're ON a site with them-- Info-Mac! Hit
the official site, <>, or one
of the mirrors and search on that key.

+- Saint John
|  <>
|  <>
|  "Passers-by were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood."
+-- (The Onion)


Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 15:05:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ethan Benatan <>
Subject: Secure Shell 2.0 for the Mac

I'm not sure if either of these are v2; but here's what I got.

Free, but illegal in the US last I knew:

So what's CVS?

>>> "Brad" == Nation, Bradley M <> writes:

 Brad> Does anyone know where I can get a secure shell version 2.0
 Brad> client for the Mac. I am running CVS on a LINUX and need SSH
 Brad> for authentication.

Ethan Benatan


Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 07:12:19 -0600
From: "Nation, Bradley M." <>
Subject: Sherlock network errors

You may be having this problem if you are going through a proxy 
server. Check the Internet control panel settings, not Microsoft 
Configuration Manager. I had the same problem.   I removed the 
"http://"  in each of the proxy server settings at "Firewalls" under 
the "Advanced" tab.  You will have to go to Edit and select "User 
Mode ..." and choose "Administration" to get the "Advanced" tab.

Bradley M. Nation

Sandia National Laboratories
MS 0455                                                     Voice; 
(505) 844-5631
Distributed Systems Assurance, Org. 6232,     Email:
PO Box 5800                                               Fax: (505) 845-8422
Albuquerque, NM  87185-0455


Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 01:48:47 -0400
From: Vincent Cayenne <>

At 4:58p +0200 10/7/99, wrote:
>what I need (to do)

Suggestion: Trash the Apple Menu Options preferences, turn off the 
recent files/folders options and trash then rebuild your desktop (try 
Vincent Cayenne

"Crumpled bits of paper filled with imperfect thoughts"



End of Info-Mac Digest