Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #58
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 12 Mar 98       Volume 16 : Issue 58

Today's Topics:

       how to destroy files? (R)
      [A] Simple compiler wanted
      [A] Terminal Emulation SW
      [Q] Bar Code Readers
      [Q] Multi User Claris Emailer?
      [Q] Simple compiler wanted
      downloading text from web
      Futura card software on a Q650
      Macintosh driver for PC Printer?
      on true type fonts and software piracy
      Powerbook video-mirroring (Q)
      Printer disappearing off network
      SE/30 Info
      Terminal Emulation SW
      Voice recognition [Q]
      Web Images (?)

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Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 11:59:14 -0500
From: Mel Martinez <>
Subject:  how to destroy files? (R)

At 3:34 PM -0500 3/9/98, Luskin <> wrote:
>I am using Norton 3.2.1 with the 7.5 operating system on both a Mac IIvx and
>on a LC III.
>I have put a number of things into the trash, emptied the trash, and then used
>Nor ton unerase.  The files come back.  I then used Norton wipe and a utility
>I downloaded, burn.  The files are still recoverable.
>I have gotten rid of all the Nor ton file recovery and optimization routines.
>I have also gotten rid of fast find and so forth.  How do I kill a file DEAD?
>Why do neither wipe or burn work correctly?  What do I have around that saves
>the files, so that they may be recovered.  I have also tried putting half into
>a different folder, changing the names to names being used in the other
>folder, moving them, and getting rid of the resulting conflict.  And doing it
>again and again. I still can recover the files.  How do I get rid of
>confidential informatin once and for all.  What extension or control panel
>might be hurting me?

I can't help you with why Wipe or Burn are not working for you as I don't
have either.  The concept they are trying to implement is pretty simple
though, Here is a work around that does not rely on any special utilities.

First, figure out roughly what the size of your volume's minimum file
allocation block size is.  On System 7.5, divide your volume size by 32000
and that should be close enough.  Now, make (with an editor or graphic
tool) or simply choose a file that is real close to that size.  Give that
file a distinct name like 'Eraser' or whatever.  To be clever, fill this
file with a pattern or garbage, it doesn't really matter.

Now, make a folder on your volume and place a copy of this file in it.

Open this folder so it is frontmost.
Empty your trash.
Repeat the following simple cycle:

	Select All <cmd>A
	Duplicate  <cmd>D

Until you have filled your disk up.

Finally, Select All (except keep one copy in reserve for future use) and
drag all these copies to the trash and empty it.

That's it.  Unless something really weird is going on, this should
overwrite permanently any files you have deleted.  Some comments:

Clearly, if you have a ton of room to overwrite, the two-step iteration
might take forever.  You can speed it up by using a larger file, but this
runs the risk of not overwriting the last few allocation blocks if they
don't equal the size needed by the file.  That is, if you use a file that
is 10 allocation blocks, then it would overwrite all but (up to) the last 9
blocks on the volume.  If you start with a subfolder of 1-block files, then
you don't have this problem, but you don't get much of a speed up.

You can automate the entire process with an applescript or with Quickeys
and put it in your shutdown items folder or just run it periodically.


Dr. Mel Martinez
FUSE Science Software Developer
The Johns Hopkins University
Dept. of Physics


Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 08:50:47 -1000
From: Buck Donham <>
Subject: [A] Simple compiler wanted

On March 7, John Bull wrote:

>Can anyone recommend a compiler I could use to knock-up simple scientific
>programs - commercial software or shareware.
>I don't want to get involved with the operating system, nor have to write
>half an operating system before I can get going on my problem. Requirements:
>1. Language - don't care - Basic, Pascal, Martian ...
>2. - but wish to import scientific numerical recipies with minimal
>3. Floating point - must have - preferably multi-precision.
>4. Good number formatting for tabular output.
>5. Simple graphics for curve plotting, with colour if possible.
>6. Require as high performance as possible - suggests non-interpretive.

Check out Symantec's site.  Since the company no longer supports Pascal, it
has offered its last version, THINK Pascal 4.5d4, free of charge.  Although
it won't compile native PPC code, I think it will fit your requirements.
It's a full-blown compiler that compiles extremely tight code into small
compact programs.  The download Stuffit file is only 1051K.

Buck Donham <>
Hilo, Hawaii


Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 07:25:14 PST
From: "Randall G. Floyd" <>
Subject: [A] Terminal Emulation SW

>     My mother is a real estate agent, and her agency's office ties into
>the Board of Realtors database via a PC running some terminal emulation
>package. She'd love to be able to do this at home, but unfortunately both
>emulators I've tried (ClarisWorks & MacComCenter) don't support the use
>of function keys (F1, F2, etc.), nor do they print to my mother's local
>printer when she gives the print command via the terminal emulator.
>Apparently both of these features are present on the PC at her office. Is
>there any sw package with these capabilities? I'm feeling pretty clueless
>on this one...
>Paul Mullen


I'm not sure what kind of emulation you need (vt100, vt340, 3270, etc.) but
if you only need vt100 try the freeware 'BetterTelnet' (based on the old
NCSA Telnet).  It's available from

If you need vt340 emulation, try White Pine's Mac340 (if you can still get
it, I'm not sure), or there's some others available, too.  White Pine's
newest emulator is called 5PM, and does just about any emulation you want,
but seemed pricey to me last time I checked.  You can download a demo to
see if it works for you (but it should) at

Also, Vicom Multiterm pro is another emulation package which does just
about anything you want for a much more reasonable price.  It seemed a
little buggy when I downloaded the demo, but that was a long time ago.
They also were extremely helpful in working out the bugs and seemed to be
releasing updates on a pretty regular basis.  You can download the demo at




Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 12:07:11 -0600
From: Andrew Minuhin <>
Subject: [Q] Bar Code Readers

What is the status of the Bar Code reading on the mac?
What software/hardware is needed to set them up?
What is the price range for a mediun system?
What are the pit-falls of Bar Coding Technology?
Can anyone recomend a good starting point?

Thank you,

--Andrew Minuhin (Analyst/Programmer)
University of MN, Medical School, USA


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 21:26:49 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: [Q] Multi User Claris Emailer?


One way to do this, and probably not a bad way since it seems that your 
users will all have their own space on the server, is to have a copy of 
the Emailer Files folder (where user specific data and the mail 
database/index are stored) resident in each user's individual area.  When 
you launch Emailer, hold down the F5 key and you will get a dialog box 
asking you to loacate the appropriate folder containing the Emailer 
files.  Assuming that the machine of the moment is in fact logged into 
the server you should be able to select the appropriate user's copy of 
Emailer Files.  Emailer itself allows multiple accounts for individual 
users, so once the correct Files folder is selected, individual users can 
pretty much do what they please.

You may have an administrative issue re: keeping unwanted users out of 
individual Emailer Files folders...unless you are certain that no one but 
the "right" person can access an individual Files folder you might 
encourage folks not to save their email account passwords in Emailer.

Do you know about the Emailer discussion list?  Very very 
helpful...populated with all sorts of very serious Emailer users 
(including some of the former Emailer production team) who are quite 
willing to help out when possible.  I think that the subscription address 
is <>, but you might want to confirm that by 
visiting the Emailer area on

Good luck,

James Atkinson

On 3/6/98 4:41 PM Chris Moffatt said:

>We have just purchased an Mac 7300 with Appleshare IP 5.0 Bundle etc... 
>In this pack we received a 250 user licence of Claris Emailer 2. What we 
>would like to be able to do is install a copy of this on 60 of our Macs. 
>As each user 'roams' from one machine to another we would like for their 
>email data to be stored in their home directory on the AppleShare server. 
>We have tried doing this by opening Emailer from the preferences file but 
>get a message 'Claris Emailer can not open files of this type'. We can do 
>this using Eudora Light, but allot of the users have multiple email 
>accounts that they would like to check at the same time, we don't really 
>want to have to fork out for 60 copies of Eudora Pro, when we have a 250 
>user licence of Emailer.
>Any suggestions?
>Many Thanks
>Chris Moffatt
>Kayano Sport Timing Australia


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 19:49:17 -0500
From: (Daitaro Hagihara)
Subject: [Q] Simple compiler wanted

In article <6e1jnb$k6k$>, (The Info-Mac Moderators) wrote:

>Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 15:19:45 +0100
>From: John Bull <>
>Subject: [Q] Simple compiler wanted
>Can anyone recommend a compiler I could use to knock-up simple scientific
>programs - commercial software or shareware.
>I don't want to get involved with the operating system, nor have to write
>half an operating system before I can get going on my problem. Requirements:
>1. Language - don't care - Basic, Pascal, Martian ...
>2. - but wish to import scientific numerical recipies with minimal translation.
>3. Floating point - must have - preferably multi-precision.
>4. Good number formatting for tabular output.
>5. Simple graphics for curve plotting, with colour if possible.
>6. Require as high performance as possible - suggests non-interpretive.
>Nothing seems to offer good output number formatting any more. Algol68-R
>was about the best of breed for that!
>What has happened to the good old simple Basic compilers that one used to
>get on the old home micros? It seems that now one either has to be a pure
>consumer, or a serious applications developer. I want something just a
>bit more sophisticated than a super programmable graphics calculator.

I cannot recommend MPW suites more highly (  It's free, easy
enough to start off for beginners, and quite powerful for those
experienced.  Then get yourself a copy of Numerical Recipes book along with
disk or CD, and you've got a scientist's dream.  There is also CLAPACK
linear algebra package (the reincarnation of LINPACK), but I haven't seen
it ported to Mac yet.  There simply isn't make program that works with the
makefiles.  Anyway, you probably need C for science matters.

Daitaro Hagihara


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 19:49:22 -0500
From: (Daitaro Hagihara)
Subject: downloading text from web

In article <6e1jnb$k6k$>, (The Info-Mac Moderators) wrote:

>Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 10:14:24 +0100
>From: Michael Rank <>
>Subject: downloading text from web
>When I download a long text document from the Web onto my hard disc and
>then open it in Clarisworks 2.1, it appears with lots of semi-blank lines
>which makes it hard to read (both for myself and anyone I email the
>document to), ie it has line feeds in all the wrong places. Is there any
>simple way of cleaning up such documents? This does't happen in Simpletext
>but some documents are too long for Simpletext to handle.

May I suggest telneting to a nearby Lynx server and then email the web page
to yourself or friends.  You'll get a nicely formatted text message off the
web.  Notice that many web pages aren't created with text conversions in
mind, and so even the powerful Lynx formatter can't produce well-organized
documents.  In this case, if the look of text document is critical, then
you need to use one of text editors (there are TONS of 'em) to make manual
corrections.  There may be some other options, such as saving the web page
as html and then convert it into latex source, typeset the tex file to
produce dvi, and using dvi2ascii to produce text documents...If that's what
you want to do.  This may not be possible on Mac platform BTW...

Daitaro Hagihara


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 98 22:03:38 -0500
From: sjwright <>
Subject: Futura card software on a Q650


I had a IIcx and the logic board went bad (very bad -- the internal SCSI 
socket went). I now have a Quadra 650 (8/240/CD [Apple 300i, I presume, a 
Matshita 2x anyway]). I kept the HP 17" fixed-freq monitor I had with the 
IIcx. I just put in the E-Machines Futura IIx (last rom revision) NuBus 
card that was, with my previous Mac, the one and only way to view the HP. 
I know this isn't the case with the Q650, but I'd rather not limit myself 
to a max of 256 colors. I had AOL for a short while and while on it, 
about 2-3months back, I downloaded the s/w package that went with that 
card from the "Radius" software forum.  I'm almost positive the s/w that 
worked for the II-series won't work on Quadras. I am no longer _on AOL, 
having canceled my acct upon discovering how bad off the IIcx was (it was 
a gradual demise, fortunately). I'm curious to see what the difference 
is. Should anyone be running ths particular card on this (or a similar) 
Quadra model [bless Radius for making it a NuBus card and not a PDS], 
please let me know if there is some other way I can obtain the s/w 
without re-signing with AOL.

Thanks for your input.

Steve Wright  


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 23:21:21 +0100
From: (Tara Merrigan)
Subject: Macintosh driver for PC Printer?

Hello all,

I'm lucky enough to work in an entirely Mac-based office (all two of
us!), but recently we've come up against some compatibility issues.

Our fax/copier came to the end of it's life & the machine it's been
replaced by does everything but make coffee.  It can, in addition to
everything else, be connected to a PC & used as a laser printer.  As our
current printer is getting on in years, the question is quite simply,
can this new machine be connected to a Mac?  It would certainly provide
some extra space in the office!

I know that some people use PC printers with their Macs, so it has to be
possible - is there a generic PC printer driver, or are there likely to
be major variations?  

Please note we've no intention of trying to send faxes to the machine
via the Mac, it's just needed for printing.

All responses greatly appreciated.



Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 22:39:59 EST
From: Luskin <>
Subject: on true type fonts and software piracy

In mail to me, and also to this list, Christian Buser brought up the question
of software piracy,.  

I am trying to find Helvetica narrow, a font which I would like to use to
squeeze a few extra columns out of a spreadsheet on my seventeen inch monitor.
I was not aware that Helvetica narrow is a commercial font.  I thought it was
freeware or shareware, but I did not think about it very much.  

I apologize for the impression that I was trying to steal a font.  All this
being the case, can anyone recommend a narrow font, freeware or shareware?
For the Macintosh?

Michael B. Luskin


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 18:19:27 -0600
From: Graeme Forbes <>
Subject: Powerbook video-mirroring (Q)

I understand that Apple's most recent powerbooks can't drive a second
monitor independently. Is it possible to put in a card that would allow,
say, the G3 PB, to run a second monitor displaying a different image? Or
is there some kind of dock available that would allow this, e.g. an
external PCI card holder?

Thanks in advance for any information. Of course, if the forthcoming
Wall Street PB's allow independent monitors, the problem's solved.
Anyone know?

Graeme Forbes


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 21:39:15 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: Printer disappearing off network


This happened to us for a while, and it was the darndest thing to figure 
out.  Turned out that there is a power saver feature built in to many 
laser printers...they simply "go to sleep" after a user configured period 
of time; when they "go to sleep" they tend to fall off the network.  I'd 
be willing to wager that the user configured setting on your printer has 
accidentally gotten knocked down to something ridiculous like one minute. 
 The printer should have come with (I think this is right) the Apple 
Printer Utility, which allows you to access the internal printer settings 
and reset this little doodad to something reasonable, like 5 hours.

Good luck.

James Atkinson

On 3/5/98 8:11 PM John   F. Mansfield said:

>Hi there, has anyone had this happen to them and does anyone know how to 
>fix it?
>We have an Apple Laserwriter  630 on our ethernet and the net is a mix of 
>PCs and Macs.  The printer keeps disappearing of the net neither the PCs 
>or the Macs can print to it.  The PCs are connected via a Netware server 
>(which is using the Appletalk protocols) and the Macs are using straight 
>Appletalk.  The printer appears when first turned on, but disappears 
>almost immediately
>Thanks for any help
>John Mansfield.


Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 12:11:33 -0500
From: Marsha Clark <>
Subject: SE/30 Info

I donated my MAC SE 30 8MB RAM 40MB hard drive to our local school
I need to know an approximate price so I can write it off on my taxes.
Could you help if not would you know where I could go to get the answer?



Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 10:01:11 +0000
From: "Mike Brudenell" <>
Subject: Terminal Emulation SW

On Tue, 10 Mar 98 01:29:35 -0800 Paul Mullen wrote:
>      My mother is a real estate agent, and her agency's office ties into 
> the Board of Realtors database via a PC running some terminal emulation 
> package. She'd love to be able to do this at home, but unfortunately both 
> emulators I've tried (ClarisWorks & MacComCenter) don't support the use 
> of function keys (F1, F2, etc.), nor do they print to my mother's local 
> printer when she gives the print command via the terminal emulator. 
> Apparently both of these features are present on the PC at her office. Is 
> there any sw package with these capabilities? I'm feeling pretty clueless 
> on this one...

You didn't mention if you are looking for a terminal emulator to use of a
plain serial connection or over a TCP/IP or PPP link.

If you are looking for the former (plain serial)...

.. then I pretty certain ClarisWorks *can* be persuaded to work properly. 
If memory serves (and its a long time since I've had to set this up)
ClarisWorks uses the Communications Toolbox to select connectivity and
terminal emulator "tools".  If it still does so (as I say, it's a LONG time
since I've seen a copy) look at which terminal emulator tool you have

If it's something like "TTY" then it is a bare minimum terminal which offers
little or nothing in the way of cursor control, screen rendition facilities
or function key support.

As a minimum you probably want a VT100 terminal tool, and ideally a VT200 or
VT300 tool.  Either of the latter two would be best because, for example,
although the VT100 had some functions keys (PF1 - PF4) it didn't have the
"normal" F-keys (F6 - F20, usually labelled F1 - F15 on a Mac Extended
Keyboard), or the "editing keypad" of 6 keys (usually found above the Arrow
Keys on an Extended Keyboard).

If you are looking for the latter (TCP/IP or PPP link)...

..then you probably want a Telnet program.  The best known one is probably
NCSA Telnet.  However development stopped on this a long time ago, and some
people have reported problems using the last version under recent
System/Open Transport combinations.

I use the (free) BetterTelnet program, available from:

This certainly supports all the keys (PF1-4; F6-F20 aka F1-F15; editing
keys), by-pass printing (aka printing to a locally attached printer), and
also ANSI colour support.

Alternatively you can probably persuade ClarisWorks to work too: you will
need to get hold of a TCP/IP comms tool for the Communications Toolbox.  I
think there used to be something called "TGE TCP tool":


However having said all this do remember I may be wrong about how modern
versions of ClarisWorks handle communications.  (Does the CTB even exist any
more? -- Using TCP/IP applications over Open Transport for years makes the
memory go hazy! :-)


Mike Brudenell

The Computing Service, University of York, Heslington, York, YO1 5DD, UK
Tel: +44-1904-433811  FAX: +44-1904-433740

* Unsolicited commercial e-mail is NOT welcome at this e-mail address. *


Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 12:12:20 -0600
From: Andrew Minuhin <>
Subject: Voice recognition [Q]

I've seen an IBM comercial this Sunday, with a guy wearing head set and
talking into the microphone and the computer typing what he is saying.

How much truth is in that advertising?
Is that a PC only technology?
Is it available on the Mac?
How reliable is it?
How expensive is it to set up?
Anyone, has someone had actualy used it?

Thank you,

--Andrew Minuhin (Analyst/Programmer)
University of MN, Medical School, USA


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 21:35:38 -0500 (EST)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: Web Images (?)

Gee, I wish I understood this stuff. Maybe one or more of y'all can help.

Leslye (Goodwife Bloom, Dr Bloom the Younger and Prettier) has a show
on one of the local web sites. It is

She asked the webmeister if those pictures might be expanded to full
size, and the following (rapture) was selected as a test

When we click on rapture, we see a small image with an option underneath
to "enlarge image." Clicking that option saves the image on my HD and
launches GIF Converter to view it.

Leslye is a tad annoyed. She does not want her stuff automagically saved
to HD just by someone selecting "enlarge image" in Netscape.

Users should maybe be competent enough to press the option key and click
on the image to save it? That's all it takes, guys.

Anyhoo, she complained to the webmeister, and he said it wasn't a real
problem. Our Netscape was set funny. Leslye asked me about that, and I
didn't have an answer.

I have no idea what causes Netscape to just show an image or to download
it and launch a "helper" to display it.

Can any of y'all enlighten me?

Al Bloom



End of Info-Mac Digest