Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #108
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 12 May 98       Volume 16 : Issue 108

Today's Topics:

      [*] HL Base 1.1.1
      [*] TidBITS#429/11-May-98
      (A) Converting PC Files
      (A) Converting PC files To Mac with System 7.1
      (A) Windows 95/NT long file names... compiled answers.
      (Q) G3 & SoftWindows 95
      (Q) Petition for John Madden Football
      [A] Converting PC files To Mac with System 7.1? Is it possible?
      [A] Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family
      [Q] Configuring Mac for newbie
      Avid Video Woes
      Black border around monitor
      Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family Albums?
      disappearing colors
      Error 41 - Finder error
      ESR, G3 v. PII
      EXE. files
      FONTS-How do I make the ones from this site work?
      G3,Appletalk and Ethernet
      HD problems in a Quadra 605
      PC Exchange
      QuickDraw GX & Epson Color Stylus 500
      Quicktime 3.0 vs. SimpleText
      Rhapsody: A Call to Arms
      upload FAQ?
      Web-Page Design

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 09:43:23 -0700
Subject: [*] HL Base 1.1.1

About HL Base:

It's a little soft I wrote for those of us who are surfing on HL servers.
Are we so many? ;-))
In fact, it is only a simple database in wich you will be able to enter
all the needed connecting information and more. Why using HL Base?
Because it is so usefull! Hehe. No, seriously, it gives you the
possibility to archive all the HL servers you know.
Often, I lose some bookmarks I have made, or delete a mail in which was
the IP adress of a HL server I intended to visit. Now, everyone can
maintain a base of favorit places, along with Login, Password, Comments,
... You may create a base for public HL servers, another for friends HL
servers, ...

Why using HL Base?

HL Base is so easy tu use. If you are a Hotline Client=AE user, you
certainly have a few bookmarks in your server folder. You can take them
one by one and drop them on an open Base window. Once your Base is
created, don't forget to backup a copy on a floppy or elsewhere. From now
on that the Base is on a safe place, everything is allright. No matter if
you crash your hard disk or have other problems. If you lose ,delete or
are unable to access to your bookmarks for any reason, just recreate them
using HL base. Open your Base, Drag a row (a server entered earlier)
and... here is a bookmark that you can directly save in your server
folder and use with Hotline Client=AE.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/hl-base-111.hqx; 936K]


Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 21:30:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#429/11-May-98


Jobs has spoken, and we bring you Apple's new hardware and software
strategies. For hardware, think new PowerBook G3s and the extremely slick
iMac, and for software, contemplate Mac OS X. Also, Adam reviews InformINIT
and passes on final words about multiple monitors. News includes the
reincarnation of Claris Organizer, new Apple Stores, the retirement of
Disinfectant, and the reappearance of Quicken for the Macintosh.

    The Final Word on Multiple Monitors
    InformINIT: Your Personal Macintosh Informant
    Apple Hardware Strategy: Alluring PowerBooks and iMac
    Jobs Outlines Mac OS Strategy at WWDC


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-429.etx; 30K]


Date: Sat, 09 May 1998 23:43:00 +1000
From: "Stewart Smith" <>

>I have an LC575 Mac with System 7.1 Operating System. It does not allow
>me to convert PC files to Mac files. What software do I need?
>I tried PC Exchange, but it didn't work because I needed to update my
>operating system to 8.0+. I don't really want to do this.
>If you can help me or have a program that does this on an older system,
>please let me know. Thanks so much!

I have an LC575 (sitting somewhere) and on the System 7.1 CD that came with
it, there should be a copy of PC Exchange that will work with it. If not,
you could always go back to old faithful Apple File Exchange, it'll do the

If you need to convert formats, Claris Works (that came with the LC575)
should be able to convert the formats and if you don't have the converters
you should be able to get them off the net (try info-mac or the claris
(apple or filemaker inc now) web site).

if you need further help with it, just mail me.
Stewart Smith
Advanced God at Purple Grapefruit
web -
mail -
ICQ - 6734154


Date: Tue, 12 May 98 12:41:55 +0100
From: Jan Bjorn Taranrod <>
Subject: (A) Converting PC Files

In Info-Mac Digest V16 #106 Wayne Crook <> asked about 
converting PC files. Yes, it is possible under System 7.1. You can use 
Apple File Exchange, an utility found on the "Tidbits" System 7.1 
 The PC Exchange that you mentioned is a control panel that allow you to 
open PC disks, but not convert files. And you can use an older version 
than the one that comes with System 8. In fact, many files from the 
wintel world does not need any conversion. For instance if it is a 
graphics file, all you need is to put the proper creator and type codes 
on them. (An utility like the shareware GraphicConverter can do that, or 
you can open such files from Photoshop.) But the best thing to do is to 
set up the Control Panel PC Exchange to tell that a *.doc documents 
should be opened with MS Word. *.txt with your favorite text editor, and 
so on. These changes are saved in the PC Exchange Preferences file. 
MacWorld Magazine has made available a pref-file that recognices most of 
the wintel document formats. You can find it somewhere in their download 
area on the www. Good luck.

Jan Bjorn.

Jan Bjoern Taranroed


Date: 9 May 98 22:48:47 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) Converting PC files To Mac with System 7.1

>I have an LC575 Mac with System 7.1 Operating System. It does not allow
>me to convert PC files to Mac files. What software do I need?
>I tried PC Exchange, but it didn't work because I needed to update my
>operating system to 8.0+. I don't really want to do this.
>If you can help me or have a program that does this on an older system,
>please let me know. Thanks so much!

PC Exchange is not for translating files, it's for allowing a Mac to mount
PC formatted media. Once PC Exchange has allowed you to see the PC disk in
the finder, it's up to your other software to be able to read the documents
on the disk. You used to be able to purchase and add PC Exchange to 7.1 but
it was included with 7.5.
 Some Mac software have thier own translators built in. MS Word can open
quite an array of files as can Claris products via the Claris XTND system.
If you've installed additional translation software such as DataViz's
Maclink products, you'll have additional translators available to MS Word
as well as a stand-alone batch translator. Apple seems to have bundled
one-version-behind-current with the last couple OS releases but that was
only the Mac Easy Open software with some of DataViz's translators sans the
full stand-alone utility.
Oh yeah, Apple File Exchange. It used to come with the system software back
in 7.0, 7.0.1 and maybe 7.1 but it doesn't run under the newer systems. It
would allow the PC floppy to be accessed when it (Apple File Exchange) was
running even without the benefit of having PC Exchange installed. Its'
translation abilities were somewhat limited, although I have seen shareware
add-ons to those translators. That might be an option if you want to stay
on 7.1.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 20:17:52 +0800
From: "Dr. Steven Luh" <>
Subject: (A) Windows 95/NT long file names... compiled answers.

Hi again folks,

	A few days ago, I asked about PC Exchange and a CD ROM that was
burned using a Win 95/NT LFN.

	Thanks to all those who responded. The basic responses were two
things: (1) upgrade to OS 8.1 which has version 2.2 of PC Exchange that is
supposed to read the Win 95 LFN's but must be formatted in a "Romeo" format
- however the names has to be less than 31 characters; (2) use a commerical
program like DOSMounter95 but unfortunately it doesn't recognize CD Roms.

	In my case, I'm going to wait for Allegro (OS 8.2) which is
supposed to be released in the near future (June?). I hope that fixes the
problems that James Atkinson wrote about.

	Thanks again, this is a great digest.

Steven Luh

"Kurt M. Scudder" <> wrote:

"... the problem is that the version of PC Exchange that comes in MacOS
7.6.1 does not support Windows LFNs. The first version of PC Exchange that
does support LFNs is version 2.2, which comes with MacOS 8.1 and (sigh)
will not run under 7.6.1."

"The one I have used without any problems is called DOSMounter95.
It also makes the floppy drive recognize LFNs. You have to remove PC
Exchange, but that's the whole idea - DOSMounter95 does everything PC
Exchange does, but it works for all media except CD-ROMs and it supports
LFNs. You can download a 30-day trial offer from the Software Architects
web site - I think it is"

However, James Atkinson <> wrote this about
version 2.2 of PC Exchange:

"I definitely would not upgrade to OS 8.1 just for PC Exchange.  The
newest version of PCE (v2.2) has performed very poorly and has a tendency
to destroy PC formatted diskettes that it handles.  We have downgraded to
v2.1.1 and tossed 2.2 in the trash."

"OS8.2 is supposed to be fully Windows long file name compatible (i.e.,
the whole system, not just PC Exchange, will understand them) and should
have a corrected version of PC Exchange."

Christian F Buser ( wrote:

"PC-Exchange before 8.1 cannot display Win95 long filenames. You either
need to install System 8.1, or get DosMounter 95, a commercial
replacement for PC Exchange. This works."

Stephen Kawalko <> added this piece of info about
"Romeo" formatted CD's:

"I can confirm that MacOS 8.x can indeed read Window 95-style long file
names from both floppies and CDs. However, there is a small gotcha with the
CDs. The CD must be a "Romeo" formatted CD and the file names must be 31
characters or less. The Adaptec web site has a page that lists the various
CD formats and whether a particular operating system supports long file
names (see "


Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 14:45:41 -0400
Subject: (Q) G3 & SoftWindows 95

Dear Digest readers,
Don't tell me I should have gotten Virtual PC or some other software.
I have Softwindows 95 5.0, and am considering getting a G3.
Is the G3/233 processor fast enough to run games that only run on Pentium
100s or faster?   Games such as Microsoft Flight Simulator 98, EA's John
Madden Football, and Douglas Adams Starship Titanic.

Or do I need a faster G3?
Or will only getting a Pentium OrangeMicro card allow me to run those
CD-ROM games?

Please reply directly to my address below...I see many replies to my posts
come only on the digest.   This often happens weeks later, by which point I
have forgotten what my original question was.

Thank you.


Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 18:00:53 -0400
Subject: (Q) Petition for John Madden Football

Dear Digest readers,
Anyone want to petition EA games to get John Madden Football on the Mac?
Currently it is only available for the PC.



Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 16:45:00 -0700
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] Converting PC files To Mac with System 7.1? Is it possible?

(Without attachment, please let me know if you would like a copy)

Once you have the files on your Mac, MacLinkPlus by DataViz should do the
trick, it is available in most of the catalogs. I have attached the
SimpleText ReadMe that includes all of the ways to contact them.



Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 16:47:27 -0700
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family

HP (I think) makes a scanner attachment for 35mm. A friend has one, I will
try to get more info from him.



Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 08:57:33 -0700
From: Kathy Brunetti <>
Subject: [Q] Configuring Mac for newbie

I have just replaced my old faithful Quadra 650 with a shiny new G3.  But I
have found a retirement job for Old Faithful--I am giving it to an 83 year
old friend who has never used a computer and who can't wait to start
e-mailing her grandchildren.  I'd like to set it up so it is as easy as
possible to use and would appreciate suggestions from those of you who work
with folks who are new to computing.  The 650 is very stable under system
7.6.1 (heck, Netscape doesn't even crash <g>) so I don't plan to upgrade to
System 8.  I have never used Launcher. Is it a good deal for newbies?  Any
ideas on arranging folders or displaying icons? Which do you think is
easier (easier, not more powerful)--IE or Netscape?

My friend is also someone who will actually RTFM.  Can you suggest some
good introductory Mac or Internet books?  (Yes, ACE, there's a certain
Eudora book already on the list...)


Kathy Brunetti


Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 21:14:52 EDT
From: Mercibeate <>
Subject: Avid Video Woes

Hi All,

After some very heavy evangelizing, I recently persuaded a computerless 
friend to buy a Mac instead of a Wintel machine. I told him just how easy 
Macs are to use and operate and since he wanted to edit video, I told him 
about the Mac 6500 with Avid Cinema card and software.

We purchased a 6500 Creative Studio package, got home and set the whole 
thing up. After working out a few bugs, everything worked just 
fine...except Avid Cinema.

In the editing screen, the video preview/playback plays outside the 
window drawn for it by the program. It is positioned up and to the left 
of where it should be, and the picture is fragmented making it very hard 
to edit clearly. Aside from this cosmetic problem, the program seems to 
work fine. However, this screen display problem is a major pain for the 
user and editor.

I spent almost 7 hours on the phone with Apple Tech support to no avail. 
The only thing they could tell me was that their records indicated that 
the system software 7.5.5 should be used only with Avid Cinema v. 1.1.1. 
But this computer shipped with 7.5.5 and Avid Cinema 1.1.2. Apple Tech 
was unable to tell me how to get v. 1.1.1 to see if that was the culprit. 
When I told them I was going to upgrade to OS 8.1 via Apple's free "Up To 
Date" program, they said that that would require a _PAID_ upgrade to Avid 
Cinema v. 1.1.5!!!

So here I sit with egg on my face and a friend wondering why his software 
won't work on an "easy to use" Mac. Does anyone have any idea how to fix 
this problem, how to get Apple to make things right, and/or how to 
contact Avid directly?


Rob Schilling

Please reply directly to e-mail


Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 10:31:36 +0100 (BST)
From: Michael Rank <>
Subject: Black border around monitor

I'm a home user with an endless flow of small but annoying questions.
Luckily I found Infomac and have been able to sort all of them out pretty
quickly. Thanks, all!  My latest is this: my Performa 475 has suddenly
developed quite a wide black border around the edges of the screen. If you
have any idea how I can get rid of it please let me know. This cannot be
adjusted through the monitor control panel, as far as I can see.  This
happened after I downloaded some Chinese language software called Elixir. I
couldn't get Elixir to work, so I have thrown it out, but the black border
is still there. I have since also increased my Ram from 8 to 32 MB, but the
border won't go away. I seem to remember seeing someone else with a similar
problem on Infomac, but can't find the old posting, and anyhow think the
responses were pretty technical sounding. If anyone can help please let me
know in non-technical lingo. Oh, and if there are any adept Elixir users
out there I would be interested in hearing from you. The manual is a bit

Many thanks,



Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 16:22:09 -0400
From: Hans Moravec <>
Subject: Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family Albums? (Betty Cesar):
> I have about 1,000 old (circa 1945) 35 mm mounted color slides,
> plus about a hundred rolls of later vintage 35 mm B&W and color
> negatives I would like to digitally scan, convert to viewable
> images, and record on CDs to produce

Take them to a photo store and have a Kodak Photo CD made.  The
cost is on the order of $2 per image, a photo CD holds about
100 images, each at a range of resolutions up to about 3000x4000
pixels, as good as almost all film resolution.  The disks are
readable by all image processing software.
Kodak prints an array of thumbnails of the images on the CD
case cover, so it's easy to determine which disk you hold.
The disks are writable, and additional pictures can be added
to a partially filled disk.

I've done this for several slide sets, and been very happy
with the results.  Cheaper and less effort than any of my

I've heard there are places that offer an equivalent service
at lower cost.


Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 14:15:00 -0700
From: (Cheryl Peters)
Subject: disappearing colors

I have a rather bizzarre problem on my 6115 Power Mac.  Whenever I restart,
the monitor loses its setting for color and reverts to black and white. I
have tried zapping the pram, reinstalling the control panels dealing with
this problem, deleting preferences, etc.  I am not experiencing any trouble
with my clock or chooser, so I tend to doubt that it's a battery problem.
I just accidentally discovered the bizzarre part: When I start with
extensions off, the problem disappears. However, when I run Conflict
Catcher, and it disables all the extensions on the first pass, the problem
persists.  Do I have to go through and disable extensions by hand until I
discover the problem?
Or does someone out there have some insight into what's going on?  I had
not installed anything new before the problem appeared.

Cheryl Peters
General Mills, Minneapolis, designs and creates all print advertising
and packaging on a suite of over 100 Macintosh's.

So the next time you pick up a Wheaties or Cheerios box, it was done
ALL on the Mac.

	- from the "EvangeList" - <> or
		   <> for info


Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 08:46:39 -0400
From: Matthew Mitchell <>
Subject: Error 41 - Finder error

I had it several months ago.  Reinstalled just the finder and everything
was fine.  Probably a corrupted finder.

  __  _  _      Matthew D. Mitchell, Ph.D., Technology Analyst
 |_  /  |_) |   ECRI, Inc.  phone 610-825-6000, ext 705
_|___\__|\__|_  5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462, USA
a non-profit agency   office address:
                      home address:


Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 00:45:40 +0000
From: "dead nancy" <>
Subject: ESR, G3 v. PII

hi, everybody.

so: after thinking it would be an easy way to kill an afternoon, i
downloaded and unsuccessfully installed apple's english speech recognition
software. after nothing worked (mic not configured, they said, lying,) i
rtfm'ed and found that esr seems to know nothing about the switch to system
domination of sound control in os 8.1. so what's up? esr went to

and: i read the byte benchmarks and believe the hype, but client's pentium
II 300 still opens photoshop before her g3 266 thinks about initializing
plug-ins. (both machines are simlarly configured; g3: disk cache is set to
default; vm set to mem + 1, and moto math lib is installed.) again: what's

thanks for your support.

dead nancy
see you in hell!


Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 15:55:32 -0600
Subject: EXE. files

Can anyone tell me of a way to get executalbe filws to work on a mac. that=20=
is is
there a converter or plugin or something that will get these files to work?
Thank you,
Bud Casanova


Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 20:44:33 +0000
From: user <>
Subject: FONTS-How do I make the ones from this site work?

I have a Mac. Performa 6400 and came across this site with some
incredible fonts (

I downloaded several fonts, unzipped them with Stuffit, converted them
to Mac format [?or whatever this program does] with TTConvert 1.5 (as I
did several other fonts from a couple of other font sites, and they
worked fine), and put them in my FONTS folder in the system folder.  BUT
they will not appear in the selection list of fonts within any
application when I go try to use them.

What am I doing wrong?  Has anyone else had problems using fonts from
this site?  Please email me if you have any clues.  thanks, 

Kurt Kirton


Date: Sat, 09 May 1998 17:36:54 -0400
From: Frank Shefman <>
Subject: G3,Appletalk and Ethernet

The other day our Computer Consultant (PC side) was changing some setup
on our NT server based Mac network on which we just installed DAVE.
Everything was working fine, (we were able to print via Appletalk to the
G3 with a Splash network card connected to a Xerox Empress) via
Appletalk through  an Ethernet conection to a digital router.  He
decided to go to the TCP/IP setting on the G3 to hook up the machine to
the PC side of the business..  That is when our problems began.....The
Mac network could not see the print server (G3) via TCP/IP.  We then
decided to go back to Appletalk and found that we could not make the
Appletalk control panel change from Printer Port to Ethernet no matter
what we tried. A warning came up saying that we had to change some
Network settings.  I have made every possible change that I could think
of to make the connection.  Could the Ethernet card in the Mac be broken
and if so how would I test it? Any suggestions?


Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 14:48:31 -0400
From: "Rodriguez, Jesus A. [OMP]" <>
Subject: HD problems in a Quadra 605


On saturday I was ready to work with my girlfriend Quadra 605.  When I
turn on the computer waiting for the Macintosh Happy Face I saw the
Question Disk.  I said, problems with the System File, so I used the
Disk Tools to startup the computer.

A message displayed said: NO SUITABLE SCSI DEVICE AVAILABLE.  No HD =
appears on the screen.  I can hear the HD spining few seconds later
stop.  The spining sound can be hear from 1 to 2 times and then stops.

I will appreciate any advice you can give to me.  Maybe I can by =
HD, but I'm not really sure if there's other cause to my problem.
Thanks in advance.



Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 18:45:02 -0700
From: (Doug Hardie)
Subject: PC Exchange

I seem to have replaced OS 8.1 version of PC Exchange with an older one
when updating MacLink Plus.  How can I get the OS 8.1 version back?  I
really don't want to reinstall 8.1 from the internet distribution since I
have customized my system considerably.  Unfortunately the internet version
doesn't permit individual application installation.

-- Doug


Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 23:55:10 -0600
From: Ted Logan <>
Subject: QuickDraw GX & Epson Color Stylus 500

I've just learned -- after considerable cussing and fuming -- that Epson
doesn't have a driver for my Color Stylus 500 that supports the version of
QuickDraw GX (1.1.5) that comes with 7.6.x.  Before I spend another Sunday
afternoon indoors when the fish are biting, can someone please tell me if
I'm going to run into the same problem with 8.1, which installs QuickDraw
GX 1.1.6, I believe?

In 7.6.1 the problem is easily fixed by turning off the QuickDraw GX
extension, which also gets rid of that annoying startup warning about
"substitution fonts," rest my soul, even though the 7.6.1 read me says it
won't.  Maybe because I reinstalled Acrobat Reader 3.0.1 three times after
installing 7.6.1 and it finally took?  Anyway, I'd truly appreciate being
forewarned about QDGX 1.1.6 and the Epson Color Stylus 500 phantom driver
if anyone's gone down that road already.

I know Windows is probably even worse, but Apple should please learn that
there's a host of us non-expert users out here who have better things to do
than discover without warning that something as essential as a driver for a
popular brand printer isn't going to work once the Mac OS is upgraded.
Yes, QDGX surely provides important benefits to users with high-end laser
printers and graphics devices, but to many of us non-programmers,
non-systems engineers, non-graphics specialists, non-rocket scientists,
upgrading an operating system is expected to make life easier, not harder.
Especially not when the crappie are jumping out of the water.

Ted Logan
Logan Writing, Inc.
Cleveland, Oklahoma (or


Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 07:13:32 -0600
From: Jim Crittenden <>
Subject: Quicktime 3.0 vs. SimpleText

Yes, it's a struggle.  When I bring home my daily news on floppy for
offline viewing in Netscape 3.0 on my Powerbook 5300CS 24/500, I just
drag the SimpleText file onto NS3 and up comes the story.  However,
since installing Quicktime 3.0, I get an error message -2048 that tells
me that the computer can't find Simpletext.  In fact, only Claris with
QT translation will open the file- as a movie of scrolling text!  Cute
as that is, I miss using NS3 to read my stuff.  When I disable QT3.0,
all is well again, except for the fact that I'm continually restarting
the computer to toggle QT3.0 off and on again for other work.  I am a
relatively new computer person (3 years), but I think I have found a new
bug.  Anyone have ideas or similar experiences regarding this
situation?  Thanks in advance.

Jim Crittenden


Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 09:10:33 -0000
From: "Lewin A.R.W. Edwards" <>
Subject: Rhapsody: A Call to Arms

>I made a post a while back about whether or not Mac users would be
>willing to accept change and move on to bigger and better operating
>systems.  Apparently, at least in this case, the answer is no.

Some time ago (some considerable time ago now - months), there was a 
leaked internal human interface design document in PDF format posted on 
one "underground" Macintosh site. It was removed very quickly, but not 
before many people had downloaded it - and from reading it, the proposed 
new UI for Rhapsody is almost exactly like MacOS, with a few minor 
differences that stem from the multitasking features of Rhapsody.

It's all rather academic, anyway, since Apple has decided to make 
Rhapsody a NOS; comments from Apple employees indicate that it will in 
all probability be priced *way* out of the consumer market. Your comments 
about Rhapsody being better than MacOS are true, but at this point in 
time (speaking as a developer), I wouldn't be writing anything for 
Rhapsody because it looks like something which is going to be about as 
well received as Microsoft Bob. The world doesn't need another NOS. MacOS 
needs significant core components to be replaced, and Rhapsody, not yet 
another maintenance release of MacOS, *should* be preloaded onto future 

-- Lewin A.R.W. Edwards (Certified Apple Engineer)
Home:   <>
Resume: <>


Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 20:06:10 -0800
From: Jeff & Eilene Beard <>
Subject: upload FAQ?

I've been 'off-line' too long ... what's the protocol for uploading
to /info-mac/ ?

drown me with email, spare the News the trivail;

reply to

(fyi: I desire to upload SCSI doc to squelch the noise leve re
	evil SCSI, my ___ fails to mount, et al)


Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 14:13:54 EDT
From: JHeinem947 <>
Subject: Web-Page Design

Hello everyone,

I am planning to set up my own web-page for my business  ( I am an interior
designer and architect, and I am in Germany ).
Now, different people tell me different things :  One says, I can do my own
page design ;  the other says, I shouldn't.
In view of the fact that I am not at all a computer freak, and that webpage
design involves a lot of programming, what are the suggestions of the
readership ?

(I would like to avoid using the services of a web design firm for several

Can anyone suggest a GOOD and easy-to-use program that does web design  ( I
understand there are several around, but I have no means of assessing their
capabilities ) ?  If so, can you describe what these programs do exactly ? I
suppose that in my case, such a program would have to be able to do the
COMPLETE programming, besides the graphic part, which is also very important. 

FYI :  I have a Power Mac 8100/80 with System 7.1.2.

My aim, of course, is to be able to give my future Web Host a complete file
with everything my page needs in it. Is this realistic ?

Do you know of any GOOD sites in the web where I may find substantial and
reliable information about all this?

What else can you tell me about this subject that I should know or consider ?

Thank you very much.  Everyone's help is appreciated.

Johannes Heinemann
e-Mail :



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