Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #173 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Tue, 29 Sep 98 Volume 16 : Issue 173 Today's Topics: [*] [*] "Styles" Eagle, enhanced for K2 [*] A touch of Red_System Icons [*] Alliance 2.1.2 [*] cd-key 1.2.1 - control audio cd's from the keyboard [*] CheminDeFer-fr.hqx [*] contaxt-Freeware-de.hqx [*] Creatures & Chaos 1.5 [*] CrystalMaker 3.0.3 demo [*] E.S.Curtis Kaleidoscope scheme [*] ExtractIt! for System 2.1 [*] FlatPlan [*] GangToBonoIV scheme K2.sit [*] Griff's Icon Set 20.sit [*] Hi-Platinum 1.5.3 [*] Hi-Platinum 1.6 [*] iView Multimedia 3.3 Now Available [*] Jeff'sCalc-1(68k) [*] Jeff'sCalc-1(PPC).hqx Metric Conversion Calculator [*] Kal OS8 1.5 [*] My Secret Identity [*] Newport 1.1 [*] Outback Kaleidoscope scheme [*] Phapsody home directory icon for Mac OS 8 [*] Play It Cool 3.0.1J - Japanese Version [*] Play it Cool 3.01 [*] Relax 2.1 [*] RGB Calculator III v3.4.2 (update) [*] Small Screen 1.3 - show smaller screen boundaries [*] Speech Tabulator [*] Springtime [*] STATsimple 1.2.1 [*] StonerSound 1.0 - a meditative musical toy [*] YP Refraction 1.0 (for physics teachers) Appletalk and TCP/IP CD app - how to increase memory size (IMD V16 #167) FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem I killed my StarMax, need new tanzania motherboard Internal modem for G3 Powerbooks? Mac9500 Memory Installation OT/PPP vs. MacPPP OT/PPP vs. MacPPP (IMD V16 #168) Spanish Tutor StarMax 3000/160 -- I killed it ... need new motherboard? Utilities? The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V16 #173" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:46 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Subject: "Styles" Elegance Argent, enhanced for K2 Elegance Argent is midnight blue , with silver accents. It has disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and a new cursor, all written in, along with custom folders and trash. A separate folder of desktop patterns is also included with the scheme. It can only be used in K2. Shareware. See my page for pricing and other previews of my 96 schemes at: Thanks much, Janet [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/elegance-argent.hqx; 171K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:45 -0700 From: Subject: [*] "Styles" Eagle, enhanced for K2 Eagle is dark blue, with eagles in the scrollbars and windows. It has disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile,tabbed pop-up windows, and a new cursor, all written in, along with custom folders and trash. A separate folder of desktop patterns is also included with the scheme. It can only be used in K2. Shareware - K1 schemes like Eagle are only $1 each; K2's are $4 apiece for 1-4, $3 apiece for 5-9, only $2 apiece for 10 or more. Thanks much, Janet [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/eagle-365.hqx; 164K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:09 -0700 From: Subject: [*] A touch of Red_System Icons The ste contains 60 System Icons in 3D style. I call it "A touch of Red" because the meaning of the folders and files are shown in red color, making the set quite pleasing to look at. I always keep in mind in my design that a system icon set must be clear to recognise and should support the label colors somewhat. Using my system icons you will never confuse what is the meaning/content of the folders and files. Enjoy! [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/touch-of-red-system-icons.hqx; 92K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:37 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Alliance 2.1.2 Alliance is a K2 enhanced color scheme for use with the Kaleidoscope control panel. It is based upon my Star Trek fan club The Drakm=E4rian Alliance International. Within the next few months look for Alliance II (the total K2 remodeling of this scheme) --------------------------------------- Strive to be different... [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/alliance-suite.hqx; 196K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:31 -0700 From: Subject: [*] cd-key 1.2.1 - control audio cd's from the keyboard cd-key is a small freeware control panel that lets you use the function keys (with or without an optional modifier key) found on extended keyboards to control the playback of audio CDs. cd-key requires System 7.0 or later, a CD-ROM drive, and an extended keyboard. Version 1.2.1 adds better support for enhanced CDs and CDs whose first track isn't an audio track, and has revised documentation and contact info. <> [Archived as /info-mac/gui/cd-key-121.hqx; 39K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:18 -0700 From: Subject: [*] CheminDeFer-fr.hqx Voici une application, gratuite, pour creer et gerer un chemin de fer. Elle s'adresse aux secretaires de redaction, editeurs, redacteurs en chef, chefs de rubrique et chefs de publicite travaillant dans des publications magazines, a pagination importante et en dos colle. Ella a ete con=E7ue pour : -favoriser le placement le plus rapide possible des pages -automatiser certaines taches Toutes les suggestions sont les bienvenues. Christophe Dubuit 47 rue Claude Bernard 75005 Paris France email : [Archived as /info-mac/text/chemindefer.hqx; 139K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:21 -0700 From: Subject: [*] contaxt-Freeware-de.hqx Archiv: contaxt-Freeware-de.hqx Downloaded to: Abstract: macnetic contaxt, word processing, address management (for Macintosh, available in german language only) German description: macnetic contaxt ist die Loesung f=FCr das komfortable Arbeiten mit Adressen= und Briefen in einem Programm. Die schnelle, vielseitige Adre=DFverwaltung von macnetic contaxt ist die solide Basis zur kinderleichten Erstellung von Serienbriefen und zum unkomplizierten Drucken Ihrer Adressen auf Umschlaege, Etiketten als Adre=DFbuch oder in Listenform. Neben den Standardfunktionen einer Adre=DFverwaltung bietet macnetic contaxt= u.a. eine Textverarbeitung die =FCber saemtliche Grundfunktionen f=FCr den taegli= chen Gebrauch verfuegt. Benoetigt: System 7 oder neuer. =46reeware von macnetic software ( [Archived as /info-mac/text/macnetic-contaxt-freeware.hqx; 766K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:40 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Creatures & Chaos 1.5 Creatures & Chaos 1.5 is an update to the popular K2 enhanced color scheme. It is the official scheme for the Data Dimensions Software program, AD&D Character System. --------------------------------------- Strive to be different... [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/creatures-chaos.hqx; 646K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:23 -0700 From: Subject: [*] CrystalMaker 3.0.3 demo CrystalMaker 3.0.3 demo version For folder: math-sci Keywords: science, crystallography, geology, physics, chemistry, crystal structures ***MAJOR UPGRADE: CRYSTALMAKER 3.0.3*** CrystalMaker is a program to generate, display, and manipulate all kinds of crystal and molecular structures in stunning, photo-realistic color. CrystalMaker features real-time, mouse-driven rotation, and interactive screen tools. PLUS, fully-compatible with CrystalDiffract 2.0.2. This is a demonstration version of CrystalMaker 3.0.3; it is a fat binary: runs native on Power Macintosh and on your regular Mac. This program will read from any CrystalMaker-2 or CrystalMaker-3 file, and we've included a selection of crystals and molecules here, plus more information about using the program. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/crystal-maker-303-demo.hqx; 1596K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:43 -0700 From: Subject: [*] E.S.Curtis Kaleidoscope scheme Edward S. Curtis is the renown American photographer who studied and recorded the Native American peoples in the early 1900s. This Kaleidoscope scheme honors his work and the images of the noble people he photographed. -Martha Royer -- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/curtis-kaleidoscope.hqx; 586K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:29 -0700 From: Subject: [*] ExtractIt! for System 2.1 ExtractIt! for System 2.1 is a comprehensive and small utility which assists in troubleshooting and more by providing the user with close to 500 facts about their computer in a categorized, simplistic format. ExtractIt! for System is a neccessity to power users and a great idea for anyone to have around. It also features error checking for problematic programs and a sad- Mac debunker. ExtractIt! for System is shareware and costs a mere $8. System Requirements: - 68020 or better - Mac OS 7 or better - about 450K of disk space - about 500K of RAM - ITC Times and ITC Helvetica TrueType (obtainable from the Adobe Acrobat Installer) Tim Morgan Lightning Bolt Software [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/extract-it-21.hqx; 619K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:20 -0700 From: Subject: [*] FlatPlan FlatPlan is a free application designed to create quickly and manage easily flat plan. FlatPlan is designed for press : editor in chief, managing editor or even advertising manager. FlatPlan is usefull for magazines, staple stich, with large pagination. FlatPlan managing section, advertising, articles. You can insert or delete pages. If you have to modify the structure of your flat plan (for exemple, remove or add a new section), you can "export" to a file the content of the current flat plan, then create another one with the new structure, and "import" the previous file into it. All suggestions are welcome. Christophe Dubuit 47 rue Claude Bernard 75005 Paris - France [Archived as /info-mac/text/flatplan.hqx; 140K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:48 -0700 From: Subject: [*] GangToBonoIV scheme K2.sit The Gang to bono IV Kaleidoscope 2 Schemes Freeware by Laurent Bonneau This version of The Gang to bono IV has been enhanced for use in K2, with added the Finder Colors, Icon, Windowshade sounds, Arrow Cursor, font and Desktop Pattern scheme settings together for an integrated Lavender appearance. Select which of them you wish to use in the K2 control panel. The Gang to bono IV Copyright 1998 Laurent Bonneau. All rights reserved. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/gangtobonoiv-scheme-k2.hqx; 371K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:05 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Griff's Icon Set 20.sit Griff's Icons Set #20 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 55.7 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copyright all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/griffs-icon-set-20.hqx; 35K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:51 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Hi-Platinum 1.5.3 Hi-Platinum 1.5.3 ----------------- A Hi-Tech Platinum look. This is a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme. Hi-Platinum Classic - 3D Apple Menu. Gray Finder Icons. Blue - Blue Finder Icons. Custom Cursors. Bold - Blue Finder Icons. Cursors. Black Apple Menu. Dark Gray Palette & Tabbed Window. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/hi-platinum-153.hqx; 169K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:53 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Hi-Platinum 1.6 Hi-Platinum 1.6 --------------- A Hi-Tech Platinum appearance. This is a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme. Hi-Platinum Classic - 3D Apple Menu. Gray Finder Icons. Blue - Blue Finder Icons. Custom Cursors. Bold - Blue Finder Icons. Cursors. Black Apple Menu. Dark Gray Palette & Tabbed Window. Andrew Lee September 7, 1998 [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/hi-platinum-16.hqx; 164K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:10 -0700 From: Subject: [*] iView Multimedia 3.3 Now Available The Multimedia Experiencer and Organizer for the Mac Catalog, archive, play and display all kinds of multimedia. Now with version 3.3 iView Multimedia is the only program to offer cataloging of 3DMF. Already iView Multimedia supports Painter, PageMaker, Canvas, Freehand, Quark, Illustrator, gif, jpg, tiff, PICT, GX, BMP, Targa, EPS, and dozens of other formats. It can also: Play animations Display fonts Export movies Play movies Play sounds Export HTML Play quicktime VR Play karaoke Export images Photographers, VRgraphers, galleries and museums can all use it to create a web site of their entire collections. System 8 compatible. Uses Apple's Amazing Quicktime 3 Who Its For Everyone who needs to track multimedia files. Anyone with a digital camera will find iView Multimedia essential but it is also designed for newspapers, DTP pros, photographers, publishing professionals, scientists, educators, students, doctors, cinematographers, cartoonists, illustrators, cd producers, real estate agents, technologists, magazine designers, multimedia producers, web publishers, consultants, database developers, designers, musicians, sound pro's, singers, artists, and complete and total beginners. iView Multimedia is for anyone who wants to find and immediately use a multimedia file. What It Does iView Multimedia provides the easiest and most powerful way to view and organize all the media on your Mac OS computer(s). iView Multimedia is a tool to help you to do less and accomplish more. It lets the professional focus on their creative work and not on learning a new piece of software. If you are tired of searching mountains of disks and CD's trying to unearth that special photo, QTVR or clip art it is time to try something that instantly saves you and your business time and energy. iView can act as your digital image database, your karaoke jukebox, your sound library, your scrapbook of clip art, your PhotoShop organizer, your movie database, your font collection, your quicktimeVR gallery, your animation museum, your Illustrator archive, your Freehand album [Archived as /info-mac/gst/iview.hqx; 781K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:27 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Jeff'sCalc-1(68k) "Jeff's Calculator 1.0 (68k)" is, well, a calculator for your Macintosh. It has all of the functions that you might find in a basic hand-held calculator from your local electronic gadget shop plus functions that convert metric units to U.S. units and vice versa. _______________________ You may include this application on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives. Thank you very much. -Jeff [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/jeffs-calculator-10-68k.hqx; 461K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:28 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Jeff'sCalc-1(PPC).hqx Metric Conversion Calculator "Jeff's Calculator 1.0 (PPC)" is, well, a calculator for your Macintosh. It has all of the functions that you might find in a basic hand-held calculator from your local electronic gadget shop plus functions that convert metric units to U.S. units and vice versa. _______________________ You may include this application on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives and I would be thrilled to receive a copy of it as well--either for free or at a nominal price. Please contact me at if this is possible. Thank you very much. -Jeff [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/jeffs-calculator-10-ppc.hqx; 593K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:54 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Kal OS8 1.5 Kal OS 8 is a K2 enhanced scheme for the kaleidoscope control panel. It was made for those that didn't yet have OS8 on their systems and for those that wanted a "better looking" OS8. This scheme is black and red as opposed to the usual greyscale and has a better default folder. Enjoy. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kal-os-8.hqx; 949K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:57 -0700 From: Subject: [*] My Secret Identity My Secret Identity is a K2 enhanced color scheme for use with the Kaleidoscope control panel. It is based upon the popular '80s comic book series of the same name. It comes complete with custom folders, trash, icon, and a too cool to be true desktop pattern. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/msi.hqx; 431K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:00 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Newport 1.1 Newport is a K2 enhanced color scheme by Nitehawk Jarrett and Brian A. Moore for use with the Kaleidoscope control panel. If you enjoy the Kal scheme Marlboro but wanted something with a menthol "taste", this scheme is for you. Please note: you don't have to be a smoker to enjoy Newport for K. =) --------------------------------------- Strive to be different... [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/newport.hqx; 353K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:02 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Outback Kaleidoscope scheme Outback kaleidoscope scheme uses Austrailian Aboriginal art to decorate your desktop. Please post on the recent additions page. -Martha Royer [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/outback-kaleidoscope-scheme.hqx; 462K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:07 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Phapsody home directory icon for Mac OS 8 This is a standard Mac OS icon (32x32, 8 bit) that looks like a Phapsody home directory icon. The original 24 bit image is included. Send comments to: Art Wallace [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/rhapsody-home-icon-r1.hqx; 9K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:16 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Play It Cool 3.0.1J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Play It Cool package. * 4 Cows at Tucows! <> Play it Cool is a QuickTime and QuickTime VR movie player and simple movie editor. It plays all types of QuickTime movies, including mov, Midi, MPEG, AVI, VCD and QuickTime VR. It also opens many image formats, like PICT, TIFF, GIF, JPEG and PNG; and sound formats, like snd, AIFF, WAV and AU. QuickTime 3 is required to open some of these formats. It is a 'fat application' - it contains code for both 680x0 and PowerPC Macintoshes. It is Shareware, and may be freely distributed. Smoothest movie-playing of any movie player because it: * is a PowerPC native application using QuickTime PowerPlug * Sets monitor to best depth * Loads movie into RAM * 'Prerolls' movie - i.e. loads the start of a movie for smooth playback Stage Option increases movie performance because: * Background applications are ignored * All attached monitors are blanked out * The monitor's resolution is changed to the most appropriate size * Hardware scaling is used if supported Movie Editing * Cut * Copy * Paste * Add * Add Scaled * Can add sound to video-only movies and vice-versa. Creates Movie-Applications * These are self-playing movies which are double-clickable from the desktop * The desktop is blacked-out and the movie is played at optimal speed * The monitor's resolution is changed to the most appropriate size * User-definable text is shown before the movie plays Playback Options [Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/play-it-cool-301-jp.hqx; 577K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:19 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Play it Cool 3.01 Play it Cool 3.01 Shareware $US 15 Russell Clarke Play it Cool is a QuickTime and QuickTime VR movie player and simple editor. It plays all types of QuickTime movies, including "mov", "MIDI", "MPEG", "AVI", "VCD" and "QuickTime VR". It also opens many image formats, like "PICT", "TIFF", "GIF", "JPEG" and "PNG"; and sound formats, like "snd", "AIFF", "WAV" and "AU". QuickTime 3 is required to open some of these formats. It is a "fat" application, plays movies very smoothly and contains many features not available in other movie players. A Japanese version is also available from Users commonly report better playback performance from Play it Cool than from other movie players. CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS VERSION (3.0): ==================================== - Minor changes and bug fixes. MAIN FEATURES: ============== - load movie into RAM and set monitor to best depth for smoother playback - Stage mode which hides the background and plays movies at optimum speed - useful information displayed about movies - real-time display of SMPTE time code, frame number and frames per second - ability to compress movies and pictures - cut, copy, paste and the ability to add sound to movies - creates self-playing Movie-Applications - make movies playable on non-MacOS computers - movies can be played up to five times faster than normal, forwards or in reverse - printing - preferences - balloon help - platinum interface MINIMUM REQUIRMENTS: ==================== - 68020 Macintosh, Power Macintosh or better [Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/play-it-cool-301.hqx; 481K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:13 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Relax 2.1 Relax is an application that plays a continuous soothing sound of various natural environments. This demo version is limits you to the built-in environment known as Forest Stream, but does include complete documentation and more. Other environments are available seperately. For more information on Relax and the Relax Environments, visit our web site at Relax requires a 68030 or 68040 based Macintosh or Power Macintosh, a minimum of 4 mb of memory and Sound Manager 2.0 or later. What's New in Relax 2.1? * New improved built-in environment, Forest Stream 2.0. * Support for AppleEvents. * Compatible with Mac OS 8.5 (Allegro). * Environments load instantly rather than after preferences window is closed. * Appearance Manager saavy. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/relax-21.hqx; 1849K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:12 -0700 From: Subject: [*] RGB Calculator III v3.4.2 (update) ABSTRACT * Create, compare and tweak any two colors. * Duplicate (sample/eyedrop) any screen color. * Create web-safe colors. * Clip HEX/DEC/WEB/% values or color swatches and paste them into your applications/documents. * Paste HEX/DEC/WEB/% values into RGB III and immediately see the results. * A tuck-away option shrinks RGB III and keeps it handy while retaining most clipboard functions. * CUES help you get started and keep you informed. A great tool for webmasters, developers, digital artists and home-pagers. Shareware US$19 Warren Furman/WRFdigitals [Archived as /info-mac/gst/rgb-calc3-342.hqx; 314K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:33 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Small Screen 1.3 - show smaller screen boundaries Small Screen 1.3 -- December 4, 1996 On a sufficiently large screen, Small Screen shows the boundaries of one or more smaller screens. It is useful for testing whether something would fit on a small screen. Small Screen is not an extension but an ordinary application. It occupies only a small memory partition (45 K) and can usually be left running all the time. Contrary to tools like MiniScreen by Morgan Davis, Small Screen does not simulate a small screen, it just shows its boundary (or several boundaries) while leaving the full screen available. This is sufficient for many purposes, and much more comfortable -- just make it a startup appli- cation and forget it, it will be there whenever you need it. Version 1.3 now saves the settings in a preferences file (finally!) and adds the capability to make the screen boundaries float on top of other windows even while the program runs in the background. This is KindWare(tm) -- a gift to the whole of MacKind(tm). Enjoy, share, and be kind(tm) to one another. Daniel Schaerer [Archived as /info-mac/gui/small-screen-13.hqx; 20K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:36 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Speech Tabulator Speech Tabulator - is a Control Panel which enables your Power Macintosh to speak a letter, a word and a sentence you've hitted using Apple's Speech Synthesizer technology. If you push a keyboard button, your Macintosh speak a letter you hitted. A word you've hitted can be spoken pushing the space key. Pushing the period key or question mark key, a sentence you've hitted can be spoken. And the voice and its speaking rate can be changed by the Speech control panel. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/speech-tabulator-02-ppc.hqx; 37K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:03 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Springtime Subject: "Styles" Springtime, enhanced for K2 Springtime is pale green, with floral accents. It has disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and a new cursor, all written in, along with custom folders and trash. A separate folder of desktop patterns is also included with the scheme. It can only be used in K2. Shareware. See my page for pricing and other previews of my 96 schemes at: Thanks much, Janet [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/springtime-365.hqx; 194K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:24 -0700 From: Subject: [*] STATsimple 1.2.1 STATsimple 1.2.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic statistical analysis for the Sciences. Runs on all Macs from a Mac Plus with System 6.0.8 and 512K of available RAM. This free copy of STATsimple is fully functional, but it will only accommodate 4 samples with a maximum of 7 observations per sample. If you register ($20 US), a serial number will be issued to you to expand the data capacity of your copy. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Pereira Nidus Technologies 2220 Urwin Crescent Oakville ON L6L 2T2 CANADA E-mail: Web : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/stat-simple-121.hqx; 425K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:31:15 -0700 From: Subject: [*] StonerSound 1.0 - a meditative musical toy StonerSound produces a weirdly hypnotic stream of rippling musical tones. The algorithm is mostly deterministic, slightly randomized, and about halfway between predictable and surprising. Listen for patterns; they're there. For more notes and the latest version, see This uses QuickTime Musical Architecture for playing sounds. I believe QTMA has been in QuickTime since QT1.5, but I've only tested StonerSound under QT2.5 and 3.0. It should run on any Mac with System 7 or later. StonerSound is copyright 1998 by Andrew Plotkin. You have permission to download, use, copy, and distribute it without charge, as long as you do not modify it. This program may be included in commercial collections of freeware and shareware, such as the Info-Mac collection. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/stonersound-100.hqx; 17K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:25 -0700 From: Subject: [*] YP Refraction 1.0 (for physics teachers) YP Refraction 1.0 A tool to learn all about the refraction of light with a Mac. Updated: September 1998 Author: Yves Pelletier Email: or WWW: Price: $15 US Program description: YP Refraction is designed to assist teachers and students when they learn the laws of refraction in geometrical optics (Snell's law). The program provides a laser source that can be moved around a prism. Six different prisms are available: a simple frontier between two media of different index of refraction, a semicircular prism, square prism, a rectangular prism, two triangular prisms (60=B0-60=B0-60=B0 and 90=B0-45=B0-45=B0). The= user can change the indices of refraction. The normal at each point of incidence, the angle of incidence, the angle of refraction, the indices of refraction and the direction of propagation are displayed. The obtained diagram may be printed, copied to the clipboard, or saved as a PICT file. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-refraction-10.hqx; 248K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 12:20:01 +0000 From: JL Rahmandar <> Subject: Appletalk and TCP/IP Thanks to all who repsonded to my question re: Appletalk and TCP/IP. We've got the problem resolved. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 23:38:08 +0100 From: (Joerg Erdei) Subject: CD app - how to increase memory size (IMD V16 #167) Matti Haveri <> wrote: > Is there any way to increase an app's memory size when it is run from a > locked volume like CD? I only know one tool that let you decide on the memory size at application launch time: NowMenus. Unfortunately it is not fully OS8 compatible. A more permanent way to change the memory size: RAMCharger by Jump Development (you can download a time limited demo that can be unlocked after registration). It is a memory enhancement tool that can be used on its own or in addition to any VM (be it the system VM or RAMDoubler). Stability with 68k Macs is extremely high, reports on PowerMacs are mixed. It lets you change the initial memory size even for apps on locked volumes (I have just tested it, it works and keeps the settings after restart). Just alter the 'Custom size' value (which is stored within the RAMDoubler database rather than in the finders info). It may also be that when ramcharged you wont even have to do that for the application can grow and shrink its memory partition dynamically (if it has a clean memory management and therefore can exploid the benefits of RAMCharger). Joerg Erdei ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 08:31:21 -0700 (PDT) From: Joe Holly <> Subject: FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem Ever since upgrading my Mac (8600av, System 8.1) to HardDiskToolkit 2.5 I have had a problem with disk partitions mounting at startup or restart even though I have designated them not to Autoboot. One in particular is a small volume, named TuneUp, which contains only a minimum System Folder and a few utilities which I use for maintenance -- disk fixing, optimizing, etc. Originally, I set TuneUp as nonAutoboot, and all was fine until the first time I used it-- by changing the setting to Autoboot, designating TuneUp as the start-up disk and using it to do some fixin'. Now, after returning to my original set-up, TuneUp continues to appear on every StartUp, no matter how I set the Autoboot button. I had been using the older version 1.8 of HDT Mounter to mount volumes because it is so much faster, more convenient and easier to use than their current FWB Mounter. I have switched and am now using the current Mounter, but the problem still persists. I installed HDT 2.5 on a client's machine and she is having the same problem. I wrote to FWB a while back about this when it first happened, but received only a meaningless, pot-boiler reply. Any Hard Disk Toolkit experts or users out there who can give me a clue? Joe Holly MacHolly Land ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 18:52:25 GMT From: Subject: I killed my StarMax, need new tanzania motherboard I killed my StarMax 3000/160! Me bummed. I've an old PowerMac 6100/60, but i'd like to find a new motherboard for the StarMax -- 603e or 604e. Does anyone know where I can buy one? I've tried Motorola, but I can't find any prices anywhere ... can anyone help? John -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 23:23:34 -0700 From: Blake Ward <> Subject: Internal modem for G3 Powerbooks? I recently bought a new G3 Powerbook, but because of what was currently in stock, wasn't able to get one with the 56K modem already installed. I could just go out and buy a PC Card modem, but I thought that since there is already space inside for a modem and a handy port on the side it would be nice to just get one of the internal ones. Unfortunately, I can't find anyone selling internal modems for the G3 Powerbooks. Can anyone tell me who makes the internal modems for Apple? Presumably they'll also sell one direct. Alternately, is the modem a replacement part that Apple authorized service centers could order? If I can't find a source for the internal modem, I guess I'll have to settle for a PC Card modem -- any suggestions for a 56K one that works well with Macs? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 13:49:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Vincent Zenger <> Subject: Mac9500 Memory Installation Does anyone have detailed instructions on how to open a Mac 9500 for the purposes of adding more memory. I have surveyed the inside of the case and see no easy way to access the dimm slots. Unlike other models the references in the manual all say that the memory should be installed by a technician, is this due to the fact that it is hard to do? Vincent Zenger Lab of Medical and Molecular Genetics CBER ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 21:31:56 +0000 From: Marlon Deason <> Subject: OT/PPP vs. MacPPP After much discussion with many knowledgeable people, I have found the following: 1. FreePPP exhibits slightly better preformance than OT/PPP on Mac's without Geoport serial ports (PowerBooks do not have Geoport serial ports). Whether this is worth the trade off of the more involved and complicated interface is a personal thing. 2. Both FreePPP and OT/PPP can be run from TCP/IP. They can even be on the same machine and switched back and forth via the TCP/IP control panel. 3. Although it is possible to tweak modem scripts under FreePPP and to create your own ARA scripts for OT/PPP, the gains are immpreceptable and they can be very frustrating to debug. If you simply insist on D-I-Y, this one off the better links I could find: 4. Obviously, you will not get the most out of your modem if the modem on the other end of the phone line (your ISP) is not of equal to or greater speed as your own. 5. The best way to increase the speed of your internet connection is to buy a new modem or contact the manufacturer about the availability of a flash upgrade. Other options include: Cable internet, ASDL, and sharing a fast connection (ISDN, T3 or T1) over ethernet. Not all of these options are available in all areas and some are morbidly expensive. Later Marlon Deason ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 23:38:46 +0100 From: (Joerg Erdei) Subject: OT/PPP vs. MacPPP (IMD V16 #168) > Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 11:35:37 +0000 > From: Marlon Deason <> > Subject: OT/PPP vs. MacPPP > > Can anyone point me toward a good sorce of information on the subject of > Mac PPP connections? > > My PowerBook 5300 came with MacOS 7.5.3 which provided MacPPP and > MacTCP. These worked fine, maybe even more reliably than Open Transport. > > Over time I have upgraded thru 7.6 to 80 and 8.1. I now use OT/PPP and > TCP/IP. These also work fine and offer many options not previously > available plus scripting. > > What troubles me is this; I have heard that some Macs (NuBus?) preform > better under MacPPP and some (PCI?) preform better using OT. I have yet > to switch back to MacPPP. I would really rather not (I still remember > that ugly transition phase where one protocol would be 'invisible' while > the other was operating *sigh*) > > Any light shed on this topic would be appreciated. There are a lot of different opinions which PPP is better, and it seems to vary with the board used and the system version. If you are satisfied with OT/PPP keep it. If not, try FreePPP. Main advantage of FreePPP is that you can use serial port speed above 56k and that you can set it to check connection every xx minutes so you get not disconnected by your provider because your browser decided to take several minutes to displaying that huge page. You can in addition specify an inactivity time range after which FreePPP automatically disconnects you. There is nothing 'invisible' you have to deal with, just choose the protocoll you like in the TCP/IP control panel (it will let you choose between PPP and FreePPP if both are installed), so you can testdrive them alternating. What you mean with invisible I guess is not the switch between OT/PPP and some other PPP but between OpentTransport and MacTCP. MacTCP is not useable with OS7.6 and up so that should not bother you anyway. Whatever PPP you are going to use it will be on top of OpenTransport. Joerg Erdei ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 10:47:30 +1000 From: "Melvin Wilson Jr." <> Subject: Spanish Tutor I am looking for software that would do a decent job of tutoring someone who has 2-3 years experience with the Spanish language, but wants to learn more. Any recommendations, whether commercial or shareware would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ____________________________________________________________ Mel Wilson Jr. "Fear and Wisdom are Brothers" --- Bajoran Proverb "Think Different" Sent from a Apple PowerBook 3400c/240 ____________________________________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:10:23 +0100 From: (John Zorko) Subject: StarMax 3000/160 -- I killed it ... need new motherboard? Hello all ... I have a (dead) StarMax 3000/160. It's been good to me, and I accidentally killed it when trying to put a hard drive in. Actually, this was a friend's StarMax, but since i'm the one who broke it, I gave them mine. I was trying to install a hard disk; i've put drives in my old Mac (6100/60) a few times, and i've put drives in (my) their StarMax as well, no problem. This time, things went bad. I didn't even get the drive in there -- just installing the SCSI cable inside the 3000 killed it. Now, when it tries to boot (no matter where it boots from) I get the dreaded "Sorry, a system error has occured." This StarMax was a refurbished unit, so it only had a 90-day warranty, which is expired. Question: I removed the cache DIMM but the problem remains. I've everything disconnected (no SCSI, the only IDE device connected being the CD-ROM) so my guess is that I messed up the motherboard something good. So, where can I get another? 603e / 604e -- either one, though a 604e would be nice. Anyone have a price for me? I just mainly want to know how much it will cost for a new motherboard, so I can determine whether to fix this one or get another Mac ... John ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:21:32 +1000 From: Wade Singleton <> Subject: Utilities? Hi Info-Mac'ers, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction by helping me locate a couple of utilities that I'm sure exist, all I need to know is their names! Firstly, I have a small Quicktime movie I would like to convert to an animated gif. Any suggestions? Also, I remember reading of a utility which after performing a clean system install would move your third party extensions/control panels/preferences etc. from your old system folder to the new one. Any ideas? Thanks! Best Regards, Wade Singleton Sydney, Australia -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************