Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #195
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Info-Mac Digest             Sun, 25 Oct 98       Volume 16 : Issue 195

Today's Topics:

      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.5
      [*] Access
      [*] AlwaysONline 2.03 Released
      [*] Austrian Patch for Mac OS 8.5
      [*] Austrian Patch for Mac OS D-8.1
      [*] Banana Peeler
      [*] ComicSaver 2.01
      [*] E(asy)-mail 1.0
      [*] Ernestine version 1.0.5
      [*] ExtensionConflict 1.1->1.2
      [*] FantasyscapesV1
      [*] FantasyscapesV2
      [*] FileMaker Text Reader, Import a folder or disk full.
      [*] Finder 8.5 Patch
      [*] Formula 1 Lite 1.1.9r4 Freeware
      [*] Gestalt Selectors List 4.3
      [*] Handy v1.0
      [*] htmElevation--Web page optimizer for the Macintosh
      [*] hyper-talk-quick-ref.hqx
      [*] ICFileDiverter 1.2.4
      [*] ICTypeChanger 1.3.4
      [*] Kineticon 1.3 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] LogEdit
      [*] MacOS 8.5 Managers
      [*] MacSaver 1.0
      [*] Monolith DYNDNS Register
      [*] mouse-house-205.hqx'
      [*] Nivek Control Strip Collection 1.1
      [*] Noflet 2.2.1 (formerly known as Teflon)
      [*] Oriental Express for Asian Languages Release
      [*] Pan-Asian Language Environment - Oriental Express bundles
      [*] PandoFrame-MacOS program to place pictures on your desktop, its
      [*] Play it Cool 3.1
      [*] powertask
      [*] PrintGuard 1.0.7
      [*] problemtracker-10
      [*] Simple List 1.0.1 PPC
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.1.2
      [*] SpinDaWatch - MacOS Busy Cursor Routines
      [*] Squirt 3.1
      [*] TSK_1.0   Keep track of serials
      [*] Unreal File Organizer 1.0
      [*] Unreal iniPatcher 1.0
      [*] WeatherTracker 2.3.1
      [*] WebCatalog

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites
containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:03 -0700
Subject: [*] ][2Mac v1.2.5

A new version of ][2Mac has been released recently and can be downloaded
from my homepage

][2Mac is a set of 3 applications, 1 for the Mac and 2 for the Apple-][,
that allow you to backup and restore Apple-][ floppies to/from a Mac.
The floppy-image is stored on the Mac in a format that is recognized by
IIe, the Apple //e emulator for the Mac, written by Victor and Vincent Tan

One of the users of ][2Mac even reported, that he has successfully
transferred DOS 3.3-, ProDOS- as well as Pascal-formatted disks from
his Apple //e to his Mac, and that he is using the diskimages now
on his Mac, in the IIgs emulator called 'Bernie ][ the Rescue'

Also... ][2Mac enables you to use a Macintosh to send out and receive
Apple-][-disks to and from your friends over the internet...

version history:
16-oct-1998, v1.2.5
-Enhanced the flow-control mechanism for 8 MHz Macintoshes
-Both the Mac and the Apple-][ produce more accurate screen-messages now

Kind regards,
 /_/  _/  _   ___
/ / (_/ (_/ / / /
Adam van Gaalen

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/ii-2-mac-125.hqx; 156K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:19 -0700
Subject: [*] Access

ACCESS.FP3 - is a frontend file for FileMaker Pro users to integrate with
their files.
It provides an elegant way to control the logon of Users with UserNames and
Passwords allowing control of what each user is permitted to do according
to assigned privilege level. But that's not all! It's a breeze to use.
Users are tracked for logon/off times. Fraudulent logon attempts tracked.
Optimised for Macs and PCs. PLUS, 'Splash Screen' implementation, 'Help'
file elegant implementation, Version control, calendar, and much more. If
you're into this award winning database engine, which has been described as
'the best bit of software in the world' - this file is a 'must have'.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/access.hqx; 521K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:40 -0700
Subject: [*] AlwaysONline 2.03 Released

AlwaysONline works with nearly all versions of America Online (including
4.0) to recognize and dismiss all different types of "timer" messages
that, if unanswered, could cause you to be logged off AOL.
Fully configurable, AlwaysONline can be set to do everything from playing
a sound when a timer message is detected, to switching AOL to the front
whenever AOL creates any type of window in the background.
Version 2.0 of AlwaysONline sports a new interface, and a new, more
powerful learning feature, in additional to some extra features such as

AlwaysONline is compatible with all 68020 and greater Macintoshes (i.e.
Macintosh II and up), and is compatible with Mac OS 7.0 and higher.

-Alex Rampell
Rampell Software

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/always-online-203.hqx; 152K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Austrian Patch for Mac OS 8.5

So Apple forgot about Austria. They have localization codes for almost
any country, including Lapland and the Faeroe Islands, but not for the
country of Mozart, Beethoven, Sachertorte and The Sound of Music.  ;-)

So far, this didn't matter all that much, but since OS 8.5 it does. You
see, OS 8.5 offers automatic compatibility for non-Western web pages, and
if you install this feature, you have a permanent keyboard menu in your
menu bar (as you did in OS 8 if you had more than one keyboard mapping
selected in the Keyboard control panel).

This means that Austrian users have to stare at the German flag all the
time while they're sitting at their computer. I decided to change that.

This little patch adds some Austrian data to your system file,
*replacing* the corresponding German ones. You'll notice the difference
in the control panels Date & Time, Keyboard and Numbers, plus, of course,
in the keyboard menu.

This patch only works with the US-English version of Mac OS 8.5. It does
not yet work with the German version. I will make a patch for the German
OS as it becomes available.


You use this software at your own risk. I have tested it and found it to
work fine, but there is no implicit or explicit warranty that it works.
If it damages your computer, if you lose any data, or if anything nasty
happens, I am not to be made responsible.


This patch is absolutely free and may be distributed freely, as long as
no money is charged for it.



October 10th, 1998

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/austrian-patch-for-os85.hqx; 25K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Austrian Patch for Mac OS D-8.1

This patch is similar to the one I posted earlier today. The other one
was for OS 8.5, this one patches the German version of Mac OS 8.1. It
adds some Austrian data to your system file, *replacing* the
corresponding German ones and thus compensating the lack of Austrian
localization resources in the Mac OS. You'll notice the difference in the
control panels Datum & Uhrzeit, Tastatureinstellungen and Zahlenformate,
plus, of course, in the keyboard menu.

This patch only works with the German version of Mac OS 8.1. Do not
attempt to install it over other versions.


You use this software at your own risk. I have tested it and found it to
work fine, but there is no implicit or explicit warranty that it works.
If it damages your computer, if you lose any data, or if anything nasty
happens, I am not to be made responsible.


This patch is absolutely free and may be distributed freely, as long as
no money is charged for it.



October 10th, 1998

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/austrian-patch-for-osd81.hqx; 25K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:42 -0700
Subject: [*] Banana Peeler

Banana Peeler is an AppleScript (compiled as an application) that
comments out the banner code in Sherlock files.  No more banner ads on
your desktop!  Just double-click to run.
Read the read me.
Requires: Mac OS 8.5, AppleScript standard install

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/banana-peeler.hqx; 26K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:21 -0700
Subject: [*] ComicSaver 2.01

ComicSaver is a Claris FileMaker Pro=AE 4.0 database for comic collectors.
It's a great way to keep track of all your comics, what to
keep, what to get rid of, what's valuable, and what's not. You can
also add as many covers as your hard drive can handle. Add
information from your favorite comic price guides and you'll be
able to keep track of the value of your comics in your collection.

a small ad shop
mill valley, ca

[Archived as /info-mac/data/comic-saver-201.hqx; 292K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:51 -0700
Subject: [*] E(asy)-mail 1.0

Here is E(asy)-mail a new handy e-mail client for sending e-mails fast.
It uses Internet Config so there is no problem whit setup. E(asy)-mail
uses Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) for sending e-mails.
It's mailware, so please send an e-mail to me if you like it!

The home page of stuff that i have made:

E-mail me:


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/easy-mail.hqx; 373K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:22 -0700
Subject: [*] Ernestine version 1.0.5

Ernestine is a scriptable application for use with Applescript, Filemaker,
Excel, 4D or any application which can use AppleEvents or Applescript.

Ernestine enables the development of client applications that utilize the
increasing number of LDAP servers being made available on the Internet and
within corporate intranets.

More info & updated versions are available by mailing

Norman Palardy

Off the keyboard,
through the port,
down the modem,
across the phone lines....
nothing but Net !

[Archived as /info-mac/data/ernestine-demo.hqx; 283K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:58 -0700
Subject: [*] ExtensionConflict 1.1->1.2

please use the Attached file for the update. Not any previous ones i
sent you. This is not a major update, so the version has not been
changed, except from 1.1->1.2.
Please inform me asap when you update if you can

Patrick Tufts.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extension-conflict.hqx; 22K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:29 -0700
Subject: [*] FantasyscapesV1

Thank you for taking the time to look into Fantasyscapes Volume I. If you
like these Desktop Pictures, please use the enclosed Register application
to send in your $15.00 US registration fee. We will email five additional
Desktop Pictures (the best of the lot -- see the thumbnails below) as a
bonus to anyone who registers.

If you would rather have us mail you a diskette with the bonus Desktop
Pictures, just check the appropriate box in the form generated by the
Register application (note, however, that there is an additional $10.00
charge for this option to cover our costs).

Also be sure to check out Fantyscapes Volume II!

How to Contact Us:
We're Shepherd's Pi Software (the Gumshoe, Acme Movers and a.k.a. folks).
You can find us on the World Wide Web at:

You may email us at either of the following addresses:
<>  <>

If you prefer to use snail mail, the following address will reach us:
Shepherd's Pi Software
3408 S. Rusk St.
Amarillo, TX 79109-4830

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/fantasy-scapes-1.hqx; 3143K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:30 -0700
Subject: [*] FantasyscapesV2

Thank you for taking the time to look into Fantasyscapes Volume II. If
you like these Desktop Pictures, please use the enclosed Register
application to send in your $15.00 US registration fee. We will email
five additional Desktop Pictures (the best of the lot -- see the
thumbnails below) as a bonus to anyone who registers.

If you would rather have us mail you a diskette with the bonus Desktop
Pictures, just check the appropriate box in the form generated by the
Register application (note, however, that there is an additional $10.00
charge for this option to cover our costs).

Also be sure to check out Fantyscapes Volume I!

How to Contact Us:
We're Shepherd's Pi Software (the Gumshoe, Acme Movers and a.k.a. folks).
You can find us on the World Wide Web at:

You may email us at either of the following addresses:
<>  <>

If you prefer to use snail mail, the following address will reach us:
Shepherd's Pi Software
3408 S. Rusk St.
Amarillo, TX 79109-4830

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/fantasy-scapes-2.hqx; 3212K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:24 -0700
Subject: [*] FileMaker Text Reader, Import a folder or disk full.

FileMaker Text Reader db, Import scattered text files.

Select a folder or a disk, and read every text & ttro file in it
into this no password protection FileMaker Pro 4.x db.

Switch to the Finder and select a folder. Come back to this database by
clicking on its window or by selecting FileMaker from the Applications menu.

Type Command-1 to read every text file in the first layer of the selected
folder into this database as individual records. Field "Text 1"  will contain
the file path, and field "Text 2" will contain the text.

Type Command-2 to read in every text file of the selected folder, and*  read
all of the text files in every subfolder of the selected folder.

Type Command-3 to move the original file contained in the current record to
the trash.

Although this has been well tested on my 6100/66 - G3 with no problems, it is
possible that you may experience errors or crashes on your setup. I cannot be
responsible for any damage caused or data lost while using this database.

This should be very robust under OS 8.5's native AppleScript.

Jim Yost

[Archived as /info-mac/data/filemaker-text-reader.hqx; 20K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Finder 8.5 Patch

This patch adds to the new Finder 8.5 several
enhancements to it's Command Keys
also added a new menu item "Quit Finder" under
the Special menu for all those who like to quit the Finder
to make more RAM available or for people like me, who
constantly work on the Finder to improve it's abilities...
and for PowerBooks finally a Sleep Command key:
Z - for sleep (zzzz....)
This patch is shareware and made by FMR.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/finder-85-patch-10.hqx; 40K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Formula 1 Lite 1.1.9r4 Freeware

=46ormula 1Lite is a communication module that improves the performance of
fidonet point. F1 can be used as a replacement for the Call module of
Copernicus, but it can be used with CounterPoint, MacWoof, Alice and
Pizza too.

=461 is now shipped with a free copy of ZipExtract 2.0 that allows you
to receive 'zipped' mail packets and is compatible with PkZip 2.0x.

The included documentation is a MacWrite 5 file. It can be opened by
virtually all Macintosh word processors, let me know if you have any

=46ormula 1Lite is now released as freeware. I submit it with the author's

=46ormula 1 Lite - Copyright =A91992-96 M. Senna
	Massimo Senna
	via Calchi 5
 Fax : +39 0382 304741

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/f1-lite-119r4free.hqx; 570K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:16 -0700
Subject: [*] Gestalt Selectors List 4.3

                       Gestalt Selectors List (GSL)

It lists all sorts of information about the Gestalt Manager, but mainly
about selectors and the meaning of the returned values.
The Gestalt Manager is part of the Apple Macintosh System Software to
enable programmers to determine the availability of certain software and

You can obtain the latest version in several other ways:
- World Wide Web
  The GSL is available, behind the editor's home-page, at:
  It is also available, together with other Macintosh FAQs, at:

- Subscribers of the maillist have received their copy already.
  If you want to join this list you need to send a request to:
  with in the subject line 'subscribe'. You will then also receive
  several updates before the next version is released. This list is
  only for distribution, not for discussion.

Contributions (new info, remarks, etc.) for the list can be send to:

Best regards,
Rene Ros

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/info/gestalt-selectors-43.hqx; 180K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Handy v1.0

 Handy v1.0
			by Jeff Nelson

This system extension makes the Finder replace the standard black arrow cursor
with a 3-D color hand similar to that found in the MacOS 8.5 help viewer.

Handy is freeware.  By using Handy you agree that the author is not responsible
for any damage, data loss, or incompatabilities this extension may cause. If you
wish to distribute Handy via CD-ROM or other media, please contact the
author via
email at  Special thanks to Tom Maloney and Matthias Urlich.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/handy-10.hqx; 7K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:06 -0700
Subject: [*] htmElevation--Web page optimizer for the Macintosh

htmElevation does two things: It enhances the typography of your
web pages, and it substantially optimizes them. The enhancements
include ISO-entity conversion and optional "curly" quote and dash
conversion. These changes may seem impractical, but they will
make your pages look more professional. And converting special
characters to their ISO entities may make the difference between
readable text and gibberish with some browsers.

Why optimize?

No one has to be sold on the practicality of HTML optimization.
Optimized pages store smaller. They transmit smaller and faster.
They are interpreted by Web browsers _much_ faster: Because they
are received by the browser faster, and because there's less
work for the browser to do. The text on a web page processed by
htmElevation snaps onto the screen, giving your users something
to read while the graphics load.

How does it work?

htmElevation parses your HTML, typographically enhancing the text
and optimizing the HTML coding. Your pages will have the same
appearance after processing by htmElevation, but they'll be
faster and better-looking. Your files will be from 2% to 25%
smaller, and the code we're optimizing is code that slows
browsers down. Your pages will transmit faster, and they'll
display _much_ faster.

Why bother?

Because you can have smart quotes and dashes. You can have
ISO-entity conversion so you'll _know_ that your legal and
math symbols and diacritical marks will be readable. You can have
HTML optimization that will make your pages transmit faster and
display _much_ faster. You can have all that in no time with
no effort. If you care about your users, if you care about
quality, if you care about putting your best foot forward--you
need htmElevation.

Try it out...

Run htmElevation on your Web pages and drop them on your browser.
[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/gst-htm-elevation.hqx; 217K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:17 -0700
Subject: [*] hyper-talk-quick-ref.hqx

Hi. Enclosed is a new version of /dev/card/hyper-talk-quick-ref.hqx. It
should replace the copy currently in info-mac. (This version has updates
for HyperCard 2.4, and also a change of email address.)

If you have any questions or if I need to do anything else, please let me
know. Thanks!

jeanne a. e. devoto ~

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/hyper-talk-quick-ref.hqx; 108K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:43 -0700
Subject: [*] ICFileDiverter 1.2.4

Attached please find the latest version of ICFileDiverter. Use this
application to open documents based on the filename extension and the
corresponding application in Internet Config. For example, if you edit
your HTML files in BBEdit, so their Mac file type is TEXT and creator is
R*ch and the Finder opens them in BBEdit but the post-processing application
for .html is set to be Netscape in Internet Config, it will be opened in
Netscape after a drag on ICFileDiverter. Keep a copy or alias of ICFD
on your Desktop and you never need to dig through folders any more!

This version does not any new features but is updated for 8.5 (ie. I
added Nav Services to it).



[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/ic-file-diverter-124.hqx; 44K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:45 -0700
Subject: [*] ICTypeChanger 1.3.4

Attached please find version 1.3.4 of ICTypeChanger, still a quick
and dirty way to set file and creator types based on file extensions
and their associations as set in Internet Config.

This version adds no new functionality but is updated to work with
MacOS 8.5. It's free, requires at least System 7 and IC 1.1.


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/ic-typechanger-134.hqx; 52K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Kineticon 1.3 - animated icons on your desktop!

Announcing the release of Kineticon 1.3!

Kineticon brings your Mac's motionless icons to life!

Kineticon is a system extension which replaces normal, static icons on your
Macintosh's desktop and in its windows with chosen animated icons.

Kineticon is fully configurable, allowing you to choose which icons should
animate simply by enabling them within Kineticon's editor.

Kineticon Editor (included in the Kineticon package) allows you to create
custom animations which can be made to appear in place of any icon
displayed by your Macintosh.

With Kineticon you will have THE COOLEST hard drive icon on your block!
With Kineticon you will have THE CUTEST trash can icon in your neighborhood!

And remember, if you don't like the included animations, you can easily
make your own!

Changes in version 1.3 (from 1.2):
* Fixed a problem with pasting kines' icons into the System 8.5 Finder.
* Added support for System 8.5's Navigation Services.
* other minor bug fixes.
(support for System 8.5's 32-bit icons is coming soon)

System requirements:
* Any Macintosh with at least a 68020 processor (both 68K and PowerPC Macs
are supported).
* System 7.1 or higher (may work on earlier systems above 7.0 - only tested
with systems 7.5 through 8.1).
* Color (doesn't work in grayscale or black and white, sorry).
* Free RAM: at least 300K.  More RAM is needed depending on how many
animating icons are enabled.
* 2 MB of hard drive space (for the extension, editor and animating icon
* Faster Macs (such as PowerMacs) are recommended.

* All this for only $10 US!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/kineticon-13.hqx; 937K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:26 -0700
Subject: [*] LogEdit

LogEdit allows you to log your sound and video tapes creating
a FileMaker Pro database of transcripts and descriptions using
the time code or actual time of in and out points for each log.
Once all the information has been entered you can easily find
any entry using keywords for the locations, characters or the

You can also do a "paper edit" based on an order you choose
by number. You can print the entire log or any part of it, and
whatever "paper edit" you may have performed.

Some fields are set up for you to select from a predefined list
to cut down the typing. Each of these lists can be edited to
suit your particular needs. The other fields are organised so
you can simply Tab from one to the next.

LogEdit is ShareWare for Mac and Windows.

If you find it useful please send $10.00 (no checques!) to:
Mark Gregory
PO Box 298
NSW 2780
Centre for Flexible learning
Teach Yourself HyperCard

[Archived as /info-mac/data/log-edit.hqx; 14K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:05 -0700
Subject: [*] MacOS 8.5 Managers

MacOS 8.5 Managers is a collection of 2 small AppleScripts that will help you
work effectively with Apple's new and exciting OS, 8.5, also known as Allegro.

The first file, Scroll Manager, will help you deal with that stubid command
"Smart Scrolling". I give you the option of just using double arrows, but at bot
ends or a few other alternatives.

The other AppleScript helps you configure the Application Switcher dock to fit
your way of working. Please se the separate read me for additional information.

These AppleScripts should work on any machine that is capable of running
Allegro, and that means all PowerPC-based computers.

/Bye for now, David Remahl

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/macos-85-managers.hqx; 25K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:27 -0700
Subject: [*] MacSaver 1.0

MacSaver 1.0 is a personal database, using the Claris FileMaker Pro 4.0
application, for cataloging all of your computer hardware and software.
File any and all information on every piece of hardware you own. Keep
track of when things were purchased, serial numbers, addresses, phone
numbers, where it was purchased, email addresses, and more. And file all
information on your commercial, demos, shareware, and freeware software.

a small ad shop
mill valley, ca

[Archived as /info-mac/data/mac-saver-10.hqx; 272K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:46 -0700
Subject: [*] Monolith DYNDNS Register

Made in REALbasic, Monolith DYNDNS Register will prompt you with a dialog
box the first time you open it asking for your host name, your MID, and
your password.  The next time you open it, it will automatically connect
to monolith, submit the proper information via the http protocol, and
quit two seconds after it is done with the registration process if the
host was successfully updated.  If the host name has already been updated
within the last five minutes or updated with the same IP address, then it
will display a status message indicating such as event has occurred and
will not quit automatically.  If for some unknown reason it was
unsuccessful in the registration process, it will display in the status
area, "Host NOT successfully updated."  You also have the option to
change your host, mid, and password information after you have initially
provided it.  The preferences are stored in a file by the name of
"Monolith Registration Prefs" inside the Preferences folder on the
current startup disk.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/monolith-dyndns-register.hqx; 364K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:14 -0700
Subject: [*] mouse-house-205.hqx'

Please see the attached update to 'cfg/mouse-house-204.hqx' \

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/mouse-house-205.hqx; 2925K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:16 -0700
Subject: [*] Nivek Control Strip Collection 1.1

Please find attached a copy of the Nivek Control Strip Collection 1.1.
This version includes improvements and fixes for compatibility with Mac
OS 8.5.

Nivek Research

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/nivek-csc-11.hqx; 105K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Noflet 2.2.1 (formerly known as Teflon)

Mac OS 8 introduced a new feature called "sticky menus," where the menus
would stay down after the user clicks in the menu bar or on a pop-up menu.
This is a change from the way menus worked in previous versions of the
system software, where the menus would always go away after the user let go
of the mouse button.  Noflet is a control panel which is designed to
disable or adjust this dubious "feature."  Additionally, it includes an
option to have menus automatically open whenever the mouse pointer is over
the menu bar, with no clicking required.

Noflet 2.2.1 changes the name of the program, at the request of E.I. du
Pont de Nemours and Company, which owns the "Teflon" trademark.

Noflet currently runs properly only under Mac OS 8.0 and 8.1.  This version
is NOT compatible with Mac OS 8.5.  An 8.5-compatible release will be under
development as soon as I obtain a copy of Mac OS 8.5.

Noflet is freeware and may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.  This file
should replace all previous versions of Teflon.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/noflet-221.hqx; 14K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:19 -0700
Subject: [*] Oriental Express for Asian Languages Release

Oriental Express

Copyright =A9 UniDoc System LLC, 1998.

Welcome to Oriental Express home page. Oriental Express is a dynamic
localization extension to enable any MacOS
compatible computer with system 7.5 or above to localize your favorite
applications into one of the Asian languages - Chinese,
Japanese, and Korean. By just a simple click, Oriental Express can turn
a English application into Chinese/Japanese/Korean
application. The localization packages for Netscape Communicator and
Internet Explorer are included.

Key Benefits

                   Convert your favorite English application into
Chinese/Japanese/Korean application with just a simple click.

System Requirement

              MacOS and compatible personal computers with 68030 or
              System 7.1 or later, MacOS 7.5.3 recommended.
              Minimum 8 MB RAM, 16 MB recommended.
              Minimum 8 MB free storage on hard drive.


There are two distribution packages. If user already has all the
language scripts (included in CLK/JLK/KLK, localized OS or MacOS 8.5),
should just download the Oriental Express for Asian Languages in
download area. If user does not have the required language script,
PanALE/Oriental Express should be downloaded instead. PanALE provides
all the necessary language scripts/fonts without
Worldscript II and therefore the Chinese/Japanese/Korean
reading/browsing ability.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/oriental-express-asia.hqx; 1684K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:20 -0700
Subject: [*] Pan-Asian Language Environment - Oriental Express bundles

    This software bundle is created exclusively for MacOS 7.1-8.1 users.
MacOS 8.5 user should use Oriental Express 2.0 for Asian Language
release instead.

    Enclosed is part of the user manual of PanALE-Oriental Express.

    Best regards,

    Allen Zhao


Pan-Asian Language Environment(PanALE) provides all the necessary
language scripts/fonts without Worldscript II and therefore the
Chinese/Japanese/Korean reading/browsing ability for MacOS 7.1-8.1.
Oriental Express is a dynamic localization extension to enable any MacOS
compatible computer with system 7.5 or above to localize your favorite
applications into one of the Asian languages - Chinese, Japanese, and
Korean. By just a simple click, Oriental Express can turn a English
application into Chinese/Japanese/Korean application. The localization
packages for Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer are included.

Key Benefits

      Enable MacOS computers with system 7.5-8.1 to read
     Chinese/Japanese/Korean in any applications.
      Convert your favorite English application into
     Chinese/Japanese/Korean application with just a simple click.

System Requirement

   * MacOS and compatible personal computers with 68030 or better.
   * System 7.1 or later, MacOS 7.5.3 recommended.
   * Minimum 8 MB RAM, 16 MB recommended.
   * Minimum 8 MB free storage on hard drive.


There are two distribution packages. If user already has all the
language scripts (included in CLK/JLK/KLK, localized OS or MacOS 8.5),
user should just download the Oriental Express for Asian Languages in
download area. If user does not have the required language script,
PanALE/Oriental Express should be downloaded instead. PanALE provides
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/panale-oriental-express.hqx; 4355K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:08 -0700
Subject: [*] PandoFrame-MacOS program to place pictures on your desktop, its

PandoFrame is a freeware Macintosh application that allows you to place
picture frames on your desktop. It's like Stickies for pictures. The
picture frames set above any desktop pattern or picture you have, and can
be arranged anywhere on the desktop. Frames can be any of nine shapes and
come in a variety of colors and patterns. You can even create you own
custom frames! They are perfect for displaying pictures of your loved
ones, family, or even your pets!

Version 3.1.1 - Fixed a bug that would result in the computer locking up
when trying to choose a picture to frame under MacOS 8.5.

Panda Systems

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/pando-frame.hqx; 878K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:12 -0700
Subject: [*] Play it Cool 3.1

Play it Cool 3.1
Shareware $US 15

Russell Clarke

Play it Cool is a QuickTime and QuickTime VR movie player and simple editor.

It plays all types of QuickTime movies, including "mov", "MIDI", "MPEG",
"AVI", "VCD" and "QuickTime VR".

It also opens many image formats, like "PICT", "TIFF", "GIF", "JPEG" and
"PNG"; and sound formats, like "snd", "AIFF", "WAV" and "AU".  QuickTime 3
is required to open some of these formats.

It is a "fat" application, plays movies very smoothly and contains many
features not available in other movie players.

A Japanese version is also available from

Users commonly report better playback performance from Play it Cool than
from other movie players.

- Added 'jog' and 'shuttle' controls.
- Changing the monitor resolution and depth is now optional in
- "Stage" mode playback has been improved for full-screen movies.
- Better MPEG playback.
- Many other changes and bug fixes.

- load movie into RAM and set monitor to best depth for smoother playback
- Stage mode which hides the background and plays movies at optimum speed
- useful information displayed about movies
- jog and shuttle controls
- real-time display of SMPTE time code, frame number and frames per second
- movies can be played up to five times faster than normal, forwards or in
- ability to compress movies and pictures
- cut, copy, paste and the ability to add sound to movies
- creates self-playing Movie-Applications
- make movies playable on non-Mac OS computers
- printing
- preferences
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/play-it-cool-31.hqx; 519K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:23 -0700
Subject: [*] powertask

PowerTask is a GUI based CRON utility that will launch any application,
document or script automatically at any time.  PowerTask can also post
reminders on the screen automatically at any time.  Tasks can be set up to
run "one-shot" or periodically and it is flexible to the user's needs.
Setting up tasks is as easy as dragging files from the finder (or text from
almost any app) onto the task list window and then setting the time in which
to run.  PowerTask will also recover tasks needed to run if a crash occurs
and run them.  Tasks can have their own individual stale times.  PowerTask
also takes advantage of Navigation Services and Appearance controls if
available.  PowerTask will run on 68K Macs (32-bit clean and Colour
QuickDraw) as well as PowerPC Macs.  Minimum MacOS 7.5.

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
the Computer Software Specialists
Phone:  (519) 837-1879

Bringing Man and Machine closer together...

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/powertask.hqx; 2899K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:24 -0700
Subject: [*] PrintGuard 1.0.7

Objective Software announces the maintenance release of PrintGuard 1.0.7.

* Version 1.0.7 (98/10/12)
- PrintGuard can now manage 1 to 6 printers on your network
- Fully compatible with the new LaserWriter 8 printer driver
provided with MacOS 8.5
- Updated the PrintGuard documentation

PrintGuard - a control panel to restrict user access to network printers
you wish to protect. Useful for your company, university, cybercafe,
wherever there are free access computers with network printers. And this
can save trees too!

Imagine your network includes a dye sublimation printer and somebody tries
to use it to print a 300 pages manual... and just think how much this will
cost you! PrintGuard will warn this thoughtless user that the printer
he/she chose is an expensive one to use.

The new version can now limit access to up to six printers.

Author:    Harry Alloul
Site License: $100 (covers all the computers of a single organization).
Price:     $10 (shareware, see docs for more info)

A site license of StartThing... what for?

If you intend to use PrintGuard on a single computer, the site license is
not for you: you only need to get a $10 single-user license.

However, you can choose to get a $100 site license. Then, you will be able
to use it on all computers of your organization (edu, company,
cyber-Internet-center, etc.).

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/print-guard-107.hqx; 99K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:28 -0700
From: Kevin.Hayes@Kagi.Com
Subject: [*] problemtracker-10

Problem Tracker 1.0 is Help Desk software designed to track clients and
their problems or requests. Problem Tracker is networkable,
cross-platform (MacOS and Windows95/NT) and multi-user aware. More
information is available at

Kevin Hayes

[Archived as /info-mac/data/problem-tracker-10.hqx; 2455K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:30 -0700
Subject: [*] Simple List 1.0.1 PPC

Simple List 1.0.1 is an application that is designed to keep notes,
information and general to do memos all in one simple place. The
information is in a Hierarchy structure for easy management.

This is totally FreeWare so you will not be bugged by annoying Dialogs and
Registration Windows. All I ask is for an E-Mail from you to tell me if
Simple List was useful to you and any future updates you may like to see.

Hope you enjoy the update and remember your comments on improving Simple
List are always appreciated.

Version 1.0.1
  Added Auto Save option in Preferences
  The list will now remember the open/closed state of rows
  Colourised Category Headings
  Minor Cosmetic changes to List list Window
  Fixed Text clipping Bug when Starting Up

   Braden Burton

[Archived as /info-mac/data/simple-list-101-ppc.hqx; 233K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.1.2

Software & Hardware Tracker 3.1.2
by DXoft

A CNET/ "Premiere" and "Top Pick" and a BizProWeb "Pick of the
Day", Software & Hardware Tracker is a FileMaker Pro 3.0/4.0 (Macintosh
version) relational database which will help you collect, store and
organize useful information (such as registration codes, serial numbers,
product notes, etc.) about all your computer products (hardware and
software). Relying on the standard Internet Config system, Software &
Hardware Tracker is perfectly integrated with your other Internet software.
It also keeps track of all your contact information for software and
hardware developers, distributors and places of purchase, turning it into a
powerful contact and Internet bookmark manager.

It's being distributed as shareware. Several registration and upgrade
options are available. Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware.

Version 3 is a complete rewrite of the Software & Hardware Tracker program,
offering a better and simpler interface while improving on its already
impressive and powerful set of features.

New in 3.1.2:
- Corrected a problem with the Product Tracker "Validate Database" script.
- Corrected another problem with the demo expiration script.
- Updated the demo records.

For the latest versions of DXoft shareware, visit our home page located at

Thanks for supporting shareware!

[Archived as /info-mac/data/soft-hard-tracker-312.hqx; 1661K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:13 -0700
Subject: [*] SpinDaWatch - MacOS Busy Cursor Routines

SpinDaWatch is a MacOS Library (Provided in source form) to implement very
easy yet elegant animated busy cursors in any MacOS Application.

=46REEWARE, but do send me a note if you use this :)

The original source was written back in 1996 based on a CSMP pascal tidbit..=

I recently uncovered it on an old zip and thort what the hell... I'll see
if its still fine...

1996: Ran under System 7.5 on my LCIII
1998: Runs unmodified under MacOS 8.5 on a PowerMac compiled with CWPro 4

12/10/98 2:48am

=A91998 Mactrix Corporation, Cinamin Software

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/spinda-watch.hqx; 10K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:38:27 -0700
Subject: [*] Squirt 3.1

Squirt 3.1 by Andrew Raines is a 5 minute long animation done on

Visit PRISIM Software for more animations:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/mov/squirt-31.hqx; 1872K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:35 -0700
Subject: [*] TSK_1.0   Keep track of serials

Have you ever needed a serial number to a program only to find you have lost
it?  If so, download The Serial Keeper today.  The Serial Keeper keeps track
of the program names and serial numbers for any program.

1. Password protected databases; individual passowords for each database.
2. Sounds for each major function.
3. Background picture in the main window, giving you a nice landscape for
storing serial numbers.
4. Help program that explains all the features.

Tested on a wide range of Macs, from a Performa 550, to a G3/300 and all is
will.  Also tested on Mac OS 8.5, and seems compatible.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/the-serial-keeper-10.hqx; 917K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:37 -0700
Subject: [*] Unreal File Organizer 1.0

UFO is a shareware utility which allows you to quickly and easily
organize and swap Unreal files such as maps or other modification sets,
without having to manually go through and move all of the files by hand.
In addition, UFO features a built-in version of iniPatcher for quickly
applying changes to your "Unreal.ini" file (required by some mods), a
sound extractor, a missing/extraneous file checker, and other handy

Users of previous UFM/UFO beta versions should be sure to read the
enclosed "Warning" file before using this final 1.0 version.

Unreal File Organizer 1.0 may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM

[Archived as /info-mac/data/unreal-file-organizer-10.hqx; 627K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:38 -0700
Subject: [*] Unreal iniPatcher 1.0

A freeware utility for quickly applying changes to your "Unreal.ini"
file. iniPatcher is particularly handy if you participate in LAN games on
someone else's Mac and want to be able to quickly set your name, skin,
movement/weapon keys and other preferences; just copy it onto a floppy
disk, and you're all set!

This is basically the same iniPatcher found in Unreal File Organizer, but
without the file management or other benefits.

Unreal iniPatcher 1.0 may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM

[Archived as /info-mac/data/unreal-inipatcher-10.hqx; 356K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:48 -0700
Subject: [*] WeatherTracker 2.3.1

WeatherTracker provides an easy-to-use interface to the Internet weather
servers.  It requires a 68020 or higher processor with System 7.0 and
MacTCP or OpenTransport.  WeatherTracker displays current information for
any of nearly 1500 cities worldwide in three different formats.

For cities in North America, temperature, barometric pressure, winds,
current conditions, local forecasts, and climatic data are updated hourly.
Coastal cities in the United States also have near shore marine forecasts
available. Cities outside North America are limited to temperature and
conditions, updated several times a day.

Changes in version 2.3.1:
 - tiny window now has arrows for temp/baro trends
 - fixed bug where prefs would not be updated if small changes made
 - fixed marine forecasts for Charleston, SC
 - Add City dialog defaults to US for country
 - added support for alternate servers at and
 - fixed bug where wind speed was not changed when units changed
 - added apple event "update now" to get updates manually
 - fixed bug where city not found would cause future updates to fail as

WeatherTracker is shareware, $15 US. This evaluation copy does not save
your preferences. Registered users will receive a key to unlock that

Chris Kidwell
October 3, 1998

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/weather-tracker-231.hqx; 921K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:50 -0700
Subject: [*] WebCatalog

WebCatalog is a CGI application that works will all major Macintosh and Windows
web servers to provide eCommerce, database, and dynamic page rendering
capabilities to any site. Here is a short list of features:

-Extensible WebDNA scripting language used to create your site
-Extremely fast internal database uses standard tab delim text files
-ODBC/SQL database connectivity
-Include data from any TCP/IP source
-Electronic shopping cart capabilities built-in
-Integrate CyberCash, MacAuthorize, ICVerify using WebMerchant

More information can be found at or
 John A. Hill, V.P. Marketing
    Pacific Coast Software
eCommerce / Web Developer Tools

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-catalog-301.hqx; 3152K]



End of Info-Mac Digest