Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #237
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 12 Jan 99       Volume 16 : Issue 237

Today's Topics:

      (A) Key command for "move to trash"?
      (A) Key command for moving files to trash in System 8
      (A) Macs Print to HP1120c
      (C) Netscape pausing
      (Q) Can Power Computing CPU Cards be Used in Apple Desktops
      (Q) How to do automated shut down with RAM Disk activated?
      (Q) Key command for "move to trash"?
      [A] Epson Stylus Color 740 technical printing question help
      [A] Finder problem
      [A] Macintosh 'ping' application
      [Q] Appletalk vs Patchbay: releasing printer port?
      [Q] Modem init string needed!
      Apple Script
      BB Edit Help Needed
      Claris Works 5.0 Case Conversion
      Finder problem
      Finder problem
      Finder problem corrected - here's how
      FreePPP & Netscape dropout
      HELP Sys 7.1.1 Emergency Disk needed
      IE 4.5 & Quicktime Plug-in
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #234
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #234
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #236
      Info-Mac manuals
      ISDN and ARA
      ixmicro HELP!!!!
      Key command for "move to trash"?
      Macintosh 'ping' application
      Macintosh 'ping' application 
      Macintosh Programming Reference
      MacPack and Newton?
      More Modem Questions (Help!)
      MSIE 4.5 and Symbol Font
      MSIE v4.01 Problem
      My Finder Froblem - Now Fixed
      Need Help W/ Acrobat & Sound Files
      Netscape hanging
      New Euros
      Note pad not working
      palm pilots and other handheld's
      Stylewriter 1200 cartridges
      Stylewriter 1200 refills
      The 'New' & 'Old' Apple 15" TFT (LCD) Studio Displays
      Using AOL and OS 8.5

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Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 15:51:21 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: (A) Key command for "move to trash"?



Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 10:15:13 -0800
From: Paul Brians <>
Subject: (A) Key command for moving files to trash in System 8

Thanks to the many people who told me the magic combination to move a
selected file or folder to the trash is command-delete. The delete key
involved is the large backspace key, which does not have marked on it the
symbol which shows up when you type option-w.

The trick does not work if you use the forward-delete key marked "del" (to
the right of the backslash), which _does_ have a delete symbol on it, but
pointed to the right rather than the left.

I'm glad to see that the Apple Help in System 8.5 does provide a complete
list of keyboard shortcuts; System 7.1's help does not.

Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 10:18:51 -0800
From: "Jeffrey D. Niederauer" <>
Subject: (A) Macs Print to HP1120c

I went to MacWorld last week and the company who makes PowerPrint and
StyleScript had a booth -- with a Mac and a DeskJet 1120c hooked up and
working at full color 11x17.

PowerPrint is *compatible* with the 1120c, as in you can do color and it
will print, however it doesn't have a dedicated driver for it, and I
couldn't make it do 11x17.

StyleScript works like a charm. It is a postscript engine / spooler that
rasterizes postscript to a inkjet printer, usually resulting in better
printouts with EPSs and such. It directly supports the 1120c, as the
package includes a quickstart card for the 1120c, and it's in the manual.

The manual lists two ways to connect to the 1120c -- either through a
serial/parallel cable (which they bundle with some of their stylescript
boxes), or with a JetDirect EX (plus?) in which case you can install the
driver software on all the computers that print to that one printer with a
single license.

And, of course, the print quality is phenomenal! I recommend this company's

Jeffrey Niederauer
The Harker School


Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 11:31:16 -0700
From: Jim Sanders <>
Subject: (C) Netscape pausing

>>John McGibney said:
>I don't think its peculiar to system 8.5. I have system 8.1 and Netscape
>>Navigator 4.05 on my Mac 6100, and it does the same thing also. It
>>downloads a
>>page and then hangs for 5-10 seconds before displaying it. I also tried
>>Communicator 4.5 and it does the same thing. I wrote in to InfoMac about 1
>>month ago and got no replies. It has to be a conflict with something in the
>>system folder but I never bothered to really diagnose it. Maybe OT/PPP or a
>>library file accessed by OT/PPP. Did you upgrade to OT/PPP 2.0? I think it
>>comes with the 8.5.1 system upgrade.
Bill Rausch replied:
-----x snip x-------
>For what it's worth, the exact same web pages will render in IE several
>times faster.
-----x snip x-------

For what it's worth, I think we all ought to remember that some/many web
pages are designed, by intent/carelessness, to display better/faster on IE.
Although we should encourage the Mozilla Team to foil these tricks, we
can't expect every exploitation of incompatibility to be Netscape's nor
MacOS' flaw.

Does anyone know of work done to document and compile warnings about the
major problems in this area?

For instance, I just went to the new "MacTopia" page at Microsoft (intended
to show us they really care), and found that there was no way the  product
area text would flow to the window size.  I had to stretch my window to
almost full (20" at 1280x1024) screen to get all the non-flowing text.  And
that is with my default Netscape fonts at 12 pt Geneva (barely readable at
that resolution, but I don't believe my fonts were invoked). The page's
fonts were nonetheless very small.

I know that I have experienced (and ignored) many, many long pauses in
display pages that (when I look) are almost always "Generator=FrontPage2.0"
or similar Wintel platform products.  And all this is with either an
ethernet or ISDN connection and a very large and fast Mac. No PPP ever!

Feedback? Cheers, --Jim--

| Jim Sanders, CTO        <> |
| Steppingstones Designs        <> |
| 6850 E. Loma del Bribon,  Tucson, AZ 85750-6371 USA    |
|      Voice: 520-615-8229       FAX: 520-615-8859       |


Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 08:57:49 -0500 
From: "Einstein, Sandor I." <>
Subject: (Q) Can Power Computing CPU Cards be Used in Apple Desktops

I am upgrading my Power Computing Corp., Power Center Pro 240 to a Newer
MAXpower G3 CPU Card.  When this is done I will have a 240 MHz 604e card
with no home.  Since the PCC design is based on an Apple configuration, can
this card now be used in a slower Apple desktop like an 8500?  Are there any
Apple desktops that are compatible with the Power Center Pro card?  Since
the bus speeds are different, if I insert the PCC card into an Apple
desktop, can I do any permanent damage or will it just not run?

Sandy Einstein


Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 10:26:59 -0800
From: Paul Brians <>
Subject: (Q) How to do automated shut down with RAM Disk activated?

I am running System 8.1 on a Power Mac 7600/132. I have a RAM disk which I
use to store the cache of my copy of Netscape. It speeds up reloading of
pages between restarts considerably, and keeps my hard disk from being
cluttered with cache files. However, I would like to be able to have my
computer automatically shut down at midnight and turn on at 8 AM so that my
students can have access to a public folder I've set up on it during the
day and evening. The problem is that when the Mac prepares to shut down, it
puts up a warning box telling me that the files in my RAM disk will be
erased and asking me if I want to proceed. Naturally I'm not there at
midnight to click "OK," so the computer never shuts down.

I've tried using Netscape's menus to purge the cache and manually emptying
the RAM disk to the trash ahead of time, but the warning still pops up.

I know there are commercial products which can automatically click such
buttons, but I wonder whether there's a work-around that doesn't involve
spending money.

True believers in leaving your computer running all the time: I'm familiar
with the arguments and still prefer to shut down for my own reasons. Please
don't write.

Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 16:12:27 -0700
From: Gordon Moynes <>
Subject: (Q) Key command for "move to trash"?

Paul Brians wrote:

>What is the keyboard command for "move to trash" in System 8.1? The menu
>shows command and a symbol I'm unfamiliar with (rectangle with a
>triangular-shaped projection on the left, surrounding an "x").  Keycaps
>says it's control-w, but pressing command-control-w while a folder is
>highlighted does not in fact move it to the trash. What is it? This version
>of Apple Help knows nothing of keyboard shortcuts.

Try Command-Delete. Too bad it is not identified the same as the menu command.


"The measure of a person's real character is what they would do if they
knew they would never be found out."

					- adapted from: Thomas.B.Macauley



Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 15:58:05 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] Epson Stylus Color 740 technical printing question help

It is a choice in Word or ClarisWorks under MacOS 8.X (maybe also part of 
Desktop Printing under 7.6):

Select Print
Select Word from the popup menu list in the upper left part of the interface
Select Odd or Even pages from the popup menu in the middle of the interface 
(default says pages in range)

Select Print
Select CW from the popup menu list in the upper left part of the interface
Select Right or Left pages



Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 16:04:51 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] Finder problem

Check your Apple->Control Panels->General Controls setting and make sure 
"Show desktop when in background" is checked.


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 15:52:58 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] Macintosh 'ping' application

AGTools is extremely powerful, ping is just one of several net functions, 
and it is free.



Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:15:34 -0600
From: Kevin Jones <>
Subject: [Q] Appletalk vs Patchbay: releasing printer port?

I've got a Performa 476 with an ethernet connection to my S900.  To save
space on the 476's small hard drive, I try to keep a lot of the kids'
games and apps on the bigger machine.  But I've had no luck in setting up
MIDI apps because Patchbay won't let me connect the keyboards to the
Printer port ('Already in use').  Everything's fine if I turn off
Appletalk, but then I can't get to the apps.  Appletalk is set to
Ethernet, and I can't find anything else that might be reserving the
printer port.  Is there a switch I've missed, or does Appletalk absolutely
require the printer port? I've had no luck searching the TIL notes.  Any
suggestions on solving/tracking down this problem?  (Oh, both 'puters are
running 7.6.1)  There are some utils out there for releasing a port, but I
thought I should ask before resorting to a here-goes-nothing...



Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 12:32:33 -0500 (EST)
From: "Xianofeng . Duan MLBP CON" <>
Subject: [Q] Modem init string needed!

Hi, folks!
I am using Smart One 56k modem for FreePPP(v.2.6.2) om my PB540c. The 
init string which the manufacture suggests (AT&F) didn't work out, 
therefore I use the string "ATL2&Q5%C1&C1&D0&K0" which I used before for 
my old Boca 28.8 modem. With this string, everything is going well except 
the Call-Waiting function is automatically disabled. In other words, even 
if I don't disable call-waiting when I connect to internet, the 
out-coming call cannot break the modem connection. The caller can here 
the dialing tone but I cannot notice anything. Hopefully, some one here 
can help me to solve the problem!



Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 23:41:06 -0600
From: Dan Becque <>
Subject: Apple Script

I'm trying to script remote access with the following to help me establish
a PPP connection. My script does fine until the PPP connect command which
is part of the Remote Access scripting addition. Please help me.

display dialog =AC
	"Connection for Fran or Dan?" buttons {"Fran", "Dan"} default button 1
set Connect to button returned of result
if Connect is "Fran" then
	set ConnectScript to "Dan Fran:System Folder:Extensions:PPP Connect
Scripts:Fran Connect"
	set ConnectScript to "Dan Fran:System Folder:Extensions:PPP Connect
Scripts:Dan Connect"
end if
display dialog =AC
	"Do you want a Long or Short Connection?" buttons {"Long", "Short"}
default button 2
set Duration to button returned of result
if Duration is "Long" then
	tell file "Remote Access Commands" of =ABclass cfol=BB "Scripting
Additions" of =ABclass cfol=BB "System Folder"
	PPP connect address =AC
	"4535500" guest access true =AC
	connect script ConnectScript
	end tell
	tell file "Remote Access Commands" of =ABclass cfol=BB "Scripting
Additions" of =ABclass cfol=BB "System Folder"
	PPP connect address =AC
	"4533500" guest access true =AC
	connect script ConnectScript
	end tell
end if
exit repeat


M. Daniel Becque, Ph.D., FACSM
Associate Professor
Department of Physical Education
Southern Illinois University
Davies Gymnasium-Mailcode 4310
Carbondale, IL  62901-4310
618-536-2244 (Voice)
618-453-3329 (Fax)


Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 14:54:28 -0400
From: (
Subject: BB Edit Help Needed


I need some help with BBEdit.   At work, my mean boss is making me manually
add a comma to the end of each line.

The text file has 10,000 lines, with one word per line.   All I need to do
is add a comma at the end of each line.

The file looks like this:


and I need to make it look like this:


and then take out all the white space, if possible to make it look like this:


Can anyone help me.   I have BBedit 4.0 and have heard this can be done in
seconds, rather than hours.

I want to put this guy in his place and show that I am really a "fast"
worker.   He won't have a clue as to how I did it so fast.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

I don't get a chance to read this newsgroup too often, so please email me at:

Thanks a bunch.



Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 12:11:26 -0600
From: Ted Logan <>
Subject: Claris Works 5.0 Case Conversion

I can't figure out for the life of me why Apple decided to drop
uppercase-lowercase conversion, which had been one of the most useful
features in previous versions, from Claris Works 5.0.  Drives me batty
having to save and work a file in 4.0 just to change blocks of text from
one case to the other.

Does anyone know of a way to handle this in 5.0?


Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 15:32:33 -0600
From: (Gib Henry, Real People)
Subject: Finder problem

>Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 12:11:34 -1000 (HST)
>From: (Ed Cesar)
>Subject: Finder problem
>I am experiencing an frustrating problem with Finder.  Whenever I open an
>application all the icons on my desktop dissapear.  I can make them
>reappear by clicking on Finder in the window in the upper right hand
>corner of my screen.  While it is not a serious problem, it is an irritating
>one.  I'm using a Performa 6300CD with 65 MB of RAM.
>I have done all the usual things including:
>trashing Finder so the system software builds a new one, rebuilding the
>desktop and zapping the pram.  I even reinstalled the system's software.
>Has anyone a suggestion about what did you do?

Open General Controls control panel and check "Show Desktop when in background".  Hope this helps.  Cheers,
Gib Henry

* Dew knot trussed a spell checker two fined awl you're miss steaks. *


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 21:11:54 -0500
From: "Dominic F. Manno" <>
Subject: Finder problem

In Info-Mac Digest V1#234, (Ed Cesar) stated:

>I am experiencing an frustrating problem with Finder.  Whenever I open an
>application all the icons on my desktop dissapear.  I can make them
>reappear by clicking on Finder in the window in the upper right hand
>corner of my screen.  While it is not a serious problem, it is an irritating
>one.  I'm using a Performa 6300CD with 65 MB of RAM.

Go to the "General Controls" control panel and click the box next to "Show
Desktop when in background."

Dominic F. Manno
"If you understand, things are as just they should be. If you do not
understand, then things are just as they should be." (Zen proverb)


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 23:53:27 -1000 (HST)
From: (Ed Cesar)
Subject: Finder problem corrected - here's how

This is a follow-up to my earlier posting about fixing what I thought was
my finder problem.

Thanks to all of you for your rapid responses and helpful suggestions.
It is very reassuring to know there isn't anything you guys and gals can't
fix when it comes to a Mac.

The fix is described in one of several messages I received with the same
Open the General Controls control panel and check the box beside "Show
desktop when in background".


Ed Cesar


Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 17:48:25 +0000
From: Harold Lietz <>
Subject: FreePPP & Netscape dropout

I am running Netscape 4.5 on a Mac 6500/250 with OS 8.1..  The problem
is that when I am reading e-mail for more than a few minutes, it drops
out.  The modem is still connected, at least it sounds like it  by
listening to the telephone.

The only way to cure the problem is to close the FreePPP  connection and
reopen the connection.

Can anyone help?


Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 18:55:11 +0000
From: "K Ironside" <>
Subject: HELP Sys 7.1.1 Emergency Disk needed

A friend brought me an old PB150 which was acting up -- they got it at a
garage sale (no manuals or system floppies) Running Techtool on it revealed
that the System file was corrupted. It was running fairly dependably until I
went to take it back to her and suddenly the flashing question mark.
Can someone email a copy of 7.1.1 emergency boot disk?
I have system 7.5.3 on my starmax, but an emergency boot disk created by it
isn't recognized by the PB150 -- though I thought the PB was able to run up
to 7.6.1

Help greatly appreciated
email me at ironside(nospam)
(remove the "(nospam)" in the email address


Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 12:41:45 +1100
From: Wade Singleton <>
Subject: IE 4.5 & Quicktime Plug-in

Hi Info-Mac'ers,

Just wanted to let Mac users know that Internet Explorer 4.5 installs 
version 1.1.1 of the Quicktime plugin, so if you've using a later version 
(I'm using 2.0.1), be sure to replace the file in your new plug-ins 

Apart from that, IE4 is running great on my G3!

Wade Singleton
Sydney, Australia


Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 20:42:16 +0000
From: (Ronald Acheson)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #234

In article <76tspb$r1d$>, (The Info-Mac Moderators) wrote:

>Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 13:48:11 -0800
>From: Paul Brians <>
>Subject: (Q) Key command for "move to trash"?
>What is the keyboard command for "move to trash" in System 8.1? The menu
>shows command and a symbol I'm unfamiliar with (rectangle with a
>triangular-shaped projection on the left, surrounding an "x").  Keycaps
>says it's control-w, but pressing command-control-w while a folder is
>highlighted does not in fact move it to the trash. What is it? This version
>of Apple Help knows nothing of keyboard shortcuts.
>Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
>Pullman, WA 99164-5020


It is the delete key, just above the return key. The symbol is the reverse
of the delete right key which is just below the help key on my keyboard.

Command + Delete = Move to trash.



Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 22:50:39 -0500
From: chazzz <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #234

Info-Mac wrote:

Re: Finder Problem

go to the  general control panel and check the "show finder in background" button.
That will allow the finder to stay visible while working in other apps.

Why do I use a Mac?
It's elementary my dear Watson!


Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 16:36:28 -0500
From: Sam Snoid <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #236

Would somebody please explain What is Quit CSM? For the 50th time?

thanks - snoid


Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 14:55:34 EST
Subject: Info-Mac manuals

Can anyone please help? I need the Apple Manual URL so I can download a manual
for my 5300ce. I went to Apple's site, but could not find it. I checked
"manuals" but that was no help at all. Please help. RonB


Date: Fri, 8 Jan 99 17:38:54 +0000
From: John Lewis <>
Subject: ISDN and ARA

Does any one have any experience of running Apple Remote Access version 3 
with OS 8.5 over ISDN specifically with ZyXel Terminal Adaptors.

The TAs work fine for Internet access but with ARA the client makes 
contact with the server and then hangs usually with the message 
'Determining Protocol'. We are using ARAP and have tried both the PPP and 
X.75 modem scripts which come on the ZyXel CD.


Best wishes

                              John Lewis

55 Linkside Avenue                                  Voice:- 01865 316251
Oxford OX2 8JE                                        Fax:- 01865 310723
                                                   Mobile:- 0411 717471


Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 19:18:46 -0800
From: "S. Schall" <>
Subject: ixmicro HELP!!!!

I have a Magnavox Magnascan 20... It is capable of 1280X1024 at 64KHz...I
need it to drive 1024 X 768 at 85KHz...I am running it in a Powermac
4400/200 with  a  second video card, Which is a ix3D Ultimate reZ video card
by ixmicro.  It has 8 mgs vram and says it can drive up to 1920 x
1200....Then Why can't I even get 1024 x 768????

When I set it to the 1024 X768 setting the screen is blurred with
lines...then reverts back to 800x 600.   Am I setting it wrong??? Is my
montior not capable?  Is there a problem with my video card??? If it is the
monitor can it be upgraded?????

Please help....Lost in Video HELL!!!!



Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 22:00:17 -0500
From: "David B. Niethamer" <>
Subject: Key command for "move to trash"?

>What is the keyboard command for "move to trash" in System 8.1? The menu
>shows command and a symbol I'm unfamiliar with (rectangle with a
>triangular-shaped projection on the left, surrounding an "x").  Keycaps
>says it's control-w, but pressing command-control-w while a folder is
>highlighted does not in fact move it to the trash. What is it? This version
>of Apple Help knows nothing of keyboard shortcuts.

It's Cmd-delete (works for me)


David Niethamer
Principal Clarinet, Richmond Symphony


Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 14:58:21 -0500
From: Dave Kristol <>
Subject: Macintosh 'ping' application

PwrSurge <> wrote at Sun, 3 Jan 1999 06:33:02 -0800

> I'm currently looking for a Mac App that will behave like the Win95/98 or
> unix command  'ping'
> It sends small ICMP ECHO_REQUESTS to a server, and gets the results.
> If there is one that's been created..  can I please have the URL?
> If there hasn't been, would somebody throw together an app that will do that?

The "whatroute" program in the Info-Mac archive does ping/traceroute/DNS
lookup.  Very handy.

Dave Kristol


Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 01:23:03 +0100
From: (Vittorio Barabino)
Subject: Macintosh 'ping' application 

> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 06:33:02 -0800 (PST)
> From: PwrSurge <>
> Subject: Macintosh 'ping' application
> I'm currently looking for a Mac App that will behave like the Win95/98 or
> unix command  'ping'

There are godzillions of ping programs... the one I love is "What
Route": it makes ping, trace and query.

The only shortcoming is that it works only with OpenTransport, and not
with older Macs with MacTCP. 

(a hint: by default it truncates server names at 32 chars, but you can
modify that). 

Ciao,        \+----------+  "La risposta e' dentro di te...
   Vittorio --| : )    o |      ...MA E' SBAGLIATA!!!"
 [da Roma]   /+----------+
Enciclopedia d.Fantascienza:


Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 11:46:55 -0700
From: Bruce Carter <>
Subject: Macintosh Programming Reference

I'll shortly be getting back into some real Macintosh programming (*yeah!*)
and I need to get ahold of some current reference material.  When I was
doing this before, I had (and still have) the Inside Macintosh CD-ROM and
the Macintosh Programmer's Reference CD, as well as the little Think
Reference thing.  These all seem to be terribly out of date at this point.
Are there any current version, updates, or whatever for this stuff?  I
really don't want to have a bunch of huge .pdf's around of the current
Inside Macintosh set if there is another way.  I'd be especially happy if
the reference material related to CARBON compatibility.

Thanks for any thoughts/ideas.
Bruce Carter, Boise State Univ., Boise, ID 83725


Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 20:42:08 -0500
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: MacPack and Newton?

Can anyone report on the new MacPack (formerly Claris Organizer) and if
it does or does not support the Newton. Older versions of Organizer were
pretty good at syncing with the Newton. 


Marlon Deason


Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 10:08:08 -0500
From: "John W. Steele" <>
Subject: More Modem Questions (Help!)

I agree with Ted's comments re Apples modem support.  I just purchased a
used 6500/275 with a 56K Global Village modem internal.  As I had to
reformat the hard drive, I apparently lost the modem scripting for 56K
performance.  The unit came with system 8.0, and nowhere on that CD did
I find a 56K Global Village modem script.  So my questions are:

-Where can I find a program to tell me what type of modem I have
internal to the box?  I was surprised that Techtool did not!

-Where can I find a script for this modem if it turns out to be 56K as

-Can I use FreePPP if I upgrade to system 8.1 like I plan to?  I used
FreePPP on a 68030 mac and really liked it.  But is OT used for
  other functions?

-When/if i do switch to FreePPP, can I discard all the myriad OT/PPP
inits etc?

-What is the ground speed of an African swallow?  I never heard the
actual answer...

Thanks for putting up with me, I just got into the modern computing age.

John Steele

        OT/PPP with V90 modem
        Sun, 3 Jan 1999 12:46:50 -0600
        Ted Logan <>

OT/PPP *will* work with v90, but it needs the correct modem script.  I
one for the USRobotics56kx2v90 I'll send on request (the "US Robotics
Universal" modem script included with 8.1 won't work with v90s).

But, like Gavin, I also recommend FreePPP, which has worked fine for me
through Mac OS 8.1, if you can't get the right modem script for OT/PPP.

And I'll say this again: Apple's modeming support is pathetic.  They
on making simple procedures complex, if not impossible.

Ted Logan
Logan Writing, Inc.
Cleveland, Oklahoma


Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 11:49:43 -0600
From: "John A. Cooper" <>
Subject: MSIE 4.5 and Symbol Font

Have a curious problem w/ the Symbol Font and MSIE 4.5. Never used IE
before this, just Netscape, but the IE 4.5 sounded worth a try.

IE will not display the Symbol Font if it is specificed by a page. (Yes,
in Preferences I have this allowed.) Other fonts OK.

Really weird, though, is that I can choose Symbol as the Default font in
Preferences, and then the Symbol font is used for all the default text.

Here's the test html text I have been using, although I noticed it
initially on pages from my own web site in which the Symbol font was not
being displayed.

<font face=Times>This sentence is in Times Font.</font> <P>
<font face=Symbol>This sentence is in Symbol Font</font> <P>
<font face="Helvetica">This sentence is in Helvetica Font</font> <P>
<font face="Sand">This sentence is in Sand Font</font> <P>

Any ideas? Thanks.

John Cooper
Dept. of Cell Biology & Physiology
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO 63110-1093
US Post Office address: Box 8228, 660 S Euclid Ave
Shipping (FedEx) address: Dept of Cell Biology, 4566 Scott Ave
Phone (314) 362-3964   Fax (314) 362-0098
World Wide Web site:


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 23:01:54 -0500
Subject: MSIE v4.01 Problem

<fontfamily><param>Geneva</param>          Can someone help me out with
an answer to this one?  My Mac is a 6100/66 running OS 7.6.1 and my web
browser is MSIE 4.01.


            Normally, I have no problems with pages, applications,
application updates, etc., when I download them from the internet. 
Certain items, however just don't work and I can't figure out why. 
Case in point, the just-downloaded modem script titled


             When I clicked on the hypertext for the modem script,  the
download manager appeared and the downloaded item then showed up on my
hard drive where it was supposed to. But, instead of the usual icon
showing a page with a turned down upper right hand corner and the "e"
with a circle around it in the center, I got just the "e" with the
circle and the file's name. 


              When I double click that icon, I get the following alert:
 The application "Supra_56_V90.hqx" could not be opened because an
error of type -39 occurred.  Looking up this error I find the following
explanation:  38 fnOpnErr File not open, which is Greek to me.  


           Finally, and equally perplexing, until I trash that
Supra_56_V90.hqx file, every time I double click on a downloaded WWW
page, instead of MSIE simply opening and displaying that page, I first
get the MAC OS Easy Open dialog box showing the Supra_56_V90.hqx file
with the alert "The document named  'airline info' was not created with
the application program 'Internet Explorer 4.01'.  To open the
document, select an alternate program, with or without translations:" 
The only program showing is the Supra_56_V90.hqx file.

	I don't believe this has anything to do with the fact that this is an
.hqx file; I download these all the time and have no problem with


          I am totally baffled.  



          Bob G.

"If there really is a God who created the entire universe with all of
its glories, and He decides to deliver a message to humanity, He will
not use, as His messenger, a person on cable TV with a bad hairstyle." 
Dave Barry


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 12:31:31 -1000 (HST)
From: (Ed Cesar)
Subject: My Finder Froblem - Now Fixed

Thanks to Dana Thompson who responded about my Finder problem,
 it is now fixed.

I had unknowingly unchecked "Show desktop when in background" in
the general controls control panel.  While I am embarrassed to learn how
by posting a message about something I should have been able to figure
out myself, I take small comfort in the fact that I couldn't find a solution in
either "Macs for Dummies" or the "Macintosh Bible".


Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 18:39:15 GMT
Subject: Need Help W/ Acrobat & Sound Files

We're trying to create a CD-ROM catalog using adobe acrobat 3.0 where a
person can view catalog while music plays in background.Any suggestions or
recommendations to our problems would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the ordeal:

1.We have tried converting the sound file off of audio CD using Toast's
audio extractor in wave,aiff and quicktime file formats. When acrobat
writer asks us for the sound file we want to use and we select one of these,
the program crashes. We have been able to get the wave file to play by
adding it as a movie file, but it only plays on the first page and cuts off
when going to second page on a macintosh, and will not play at all on a pc
(says its "not a movie file!").We have talked with adobe's acrobat help
line and they didn't have an explaination either.

2. We would like for the CD ROM to open the catalog automatically when placed
into any computer that already has adobe acobat 3.0 on it's harddrive.Is this
possible? If so,how do you do it and what do you need to be able to do this.

Any email responses would be greatly appreciated!

                        Greg Martin

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 16:36:03 -0500
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: Netscape hanging

> I believe it is particularly related to the processing of
> certain HTML tables. I notice the slowdown specifically on pages that
> display stock and mutual fund values; my wife has seen it on a web based
> bulletin board she uses. For most web pages I don't see this particular
> slowdown.
> For what it's worth, the exact same web pages will render in IE several
> times faster.

Check whether the web pages in question have NESTED TABLES. For 
example, a stock chart may have a table with columns for COMPANY, 
TICKER and HISTORY. Then for each stock, the HISTORY 'cell' may be 
itself a table with YEAR, Q!, Q2, etc.
Navigator's performance with display of nested tables is terrible.

I usually don't use IE but this single problem has forced me to have 
it present for use with sites I know to have 'complex' layouts.
"Crumpled bits of paper filled with imperfect thoughts"

Vincent Cayenne


Date: Wed,  6 Jan 99 08:43:10 GMT
From: Bob Cooke <>
Subject: New Euros


Sorry if this has already been asked, but can anybody direct me to a
(preferably) freeware font that has the new Euro symbol?


Bob in Mozambique

Concern Mozambique

Tel 00 258 1 417948
Tel 00 258 1 416060


Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 20:34:02 -0500
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Note pad not working

My first guess here is that your Notepad file in the system folder has
become corrupted. Take the file out of the system folder and then click
Notepad from the Apple menu. Notepad may open a fresh notepad file with
8 pages.

Notepad is really cool because it stores its preferences in the Notepad
file. As for your old notepad file, you could try putting it back in the
system folder, but I don't think that will work. To get your notes out
of the Notepad file, use ResEdit to get info on a SimpleText document
and the Notepad file. Copy the resource type and creator codes from the
SimpleText document to the Notepad file. close and save.

Once this is done the file can be opened in SimpleText and the notes can
be copied out. An even easier way to do this would be to get Abbott
Systems <> great utility CanOpener, right
now it is only $29. I don't know how many times I have recovered text,
graphics, sounds and even movies from files even those that originated
on PCs (that really irks some PC users for some reason, they can't even
read their disk, but my Mac can and I recover their files, reformat
their disk and put their files back on it :-)

Marlon Deason


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 21:08:38 +0100
From: (Vittorio Barabino)
Subject: palm pilots and other handheld's

 on Thu, 31 Dec 1998 18:11:26 +0000
 susan mann <> writes:
>i recently purchased an Everex palm size pc-it had many more features
>than the palm pilot and had more screen space...
>i realize that the palm pilot is the only one that is mac compatible
>and am debating whether i will be able to function using a hand held pc
>that is not compatible with my powerbook
>one concern is that i cannot transfer info or back up - does anyone now
>of a way for them to be compatible (the everex has a windows operating

The world-famous japanese ingenuity has found a solution also for this
problem: XIN/Xoutil Windows CE !

It supports many formats, like text, Sylk,
CSV, MacBinary, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PICT... it 
contains also a serial cable PC-Mac. 

It supports Windows CE 1.0/20.

Ciao,        \+----------+  "La risposta e' dentro di te...
   Vittorio --| : )    o |      ...MA E' SBAGLIATA!!!"
 [da Roma]   /+----------+
Enciclopedia d.Fantascienza:


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 22:45:54 -0500
From: Phil McIntosh <>
Subject: Stylewriter 1200 cartridges


I've been buying them at Sam's for several years for $17.99, which is about
$5 cheaper than I've seen either the Apple or the Canon cartridges anywhere

Phil McIntosh


Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 15:37:10 -0600
From: (Gib Henry, Real People)
Subject: Stylewriter 1200 refills

>Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 16:36:18 -0800
>From: Frank Ripp <>
>Subject: Stylewriter 1200 refills
>I've run through my supply of Stylewriter 1200
>cartridges. Can anyone recommend a cheap source for
>these cartridges (or their Canon equivalent)?

I've found Sam's has them for about $18, as opposed to $23 at Office Depot/Office Max.
Gib Henry

* Dew knot trussed a spell checker two fined awl you're miss steaks. *


Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 15:32:36 +0100
Subject: The 'New' & 'Old' Apple 15" TFT (LCD) Studio Displays

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" ; format="flowed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Question: What's the difference between the old (dark blue / purple)=20
Apple 15" TFT (LCD) Studio Display and the new (white and Imac greeny=20
blue)  Apple 15" TFT (LCD) Studio Display.

In England, the old monitor is about =A3895 while I've been quoted =A3450=20
- 500 for the 'new' monitor which seems to have EXACTLY the same=20
spec. (Of course, no-one at Apple UK could be reached to answer the=20
Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<bold>Question: What's the difference between the old (dark blue /
purple) Apple 15" TFT (LCD) Studio Display and the new (white and Imac
greeny blue)  Apple 15" TFT (LCD) Studio Display.

</bold>In England, the old monitor is about =A3895 while I've been quoted
=A3450 - 500 for the 'new' monitor which seems to have EXACTLY the same
spec. (Of course, no-one at Apple UK could be reached to answer the



Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 14:04:43 EST
Subject: Using AOL and OS 8.5

Hi All,

Just upgraded to 8.5 and have some questions on using AOL.

Can I tell the system to Log onto AOL first, whenever it tries to access 
the internet (internet assistant?)? If so, what is the setup procedure?





End of Info-Mac Digest