Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #241
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 16 Jan 99       Volume 16 : Issue 241

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Euro Coin Icons (32 bit and 8 bits)
      [*]  Gif.gIf.giF (68K) 1.2.4J- Japanese Version
      [*]  Gif.gIf.giF (ppc) 1.2.4J- Japanese Version
      [*] "Styles" Byzantine update for K2.1.1
      [*] "Styles" Celtic Knot update for K2.1.1
      [*] "Styles" Elegance Argent, update for K2.1.1
      [*] Bubbles 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] ClippingConverter 1.0
      [*] Custom Cursor update
      [*] DollyDots Family 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DonDen
      [*] Fractal K2 Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] G3 Cursor
      [*] GameMaker v2.61
      [*] GetChar FKEY 1.0
      [*] Griffs Set 26
      [*] Icon->.ICO version 0.98b
      [*] icondropper-321
      [*] Icons - Home made icons!
      [*] JEC 1.0 - Just An Euro Calculator
      [*] KD Screenwriting System - Nisus Writer 4.1 tools
      [*] Left-handed Custom Cursors
      [*] Navi iRae 1.5.2
      [*] Newton's Aquarium 1.1 Demo PPC: A Solar System Construction Set
      [*] Nix Icons v2.0
      [*] pict-pocket-132
      [*] Play It Cool 3.1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] PlayerPRO_5.0.1.sit
      [*] PowerSPrint V12 (Sharing Epson printers)
      [*] Quit It PPC v2.0
      [*] ROOTLOCS 3.0 - a Root Locus plotting program
      [*] ScribblingWorks 1.2.1  -- Web publishing with a notepad
      [*] Style 1.6; a scriptable styled text editor
      [*] Styles" Diana's Candle, enhanced for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" Pinstripe update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" Precious Metals for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" Rainbow Blues update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" Seashell, complete, update for K2.1.1
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Type Clipboard 1.01
      [*] Wapp pro 1.3.6
      [*] Wood Nymph, "Styles" K2 scheme
      [*] YA-Viewer 2.1.2
      [*] YaCa150

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

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Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:58 -0700
Subject: [*]  Euro Coin Icons (32 bit and 8 bits)

The Euro first exists as virtual money. In light of the spirit, I made some
Euro coin icons based on the coins supposedly to be introduced in 2002.
There are two sets of icons - one requires MacOS 8.5 or higher.

The icons are free. If you like it, give some money to the needy or the
local charity.


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/euro-coin-icon.hqx; 194K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:20 -0700
Subject: [*]  Gif.gIf.giF (68K) 1.2.4J- Japanese Version

File Name: gifgIfgiF68k1.2.4j.sit.hqx

This is the Japanese version of the Gif.gIf.giF (68K) package.

Gif.gIf.giF is a small shareware program for capturing screenshots into GIF
animations. It is especially useful for producing animated software
demonstrations, or tutorials. GIF animations are viewable with popular
browsers including Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer
without any need for add-ons, plug-ins, or helper applications.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/gif-gif-gif-68k-124-jp.hqx; 333K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:22 -0700
Subject: [*]  Gif.gIf.giF (ppc) 1.2.4J- Japanese Version

File Name: gifgIfgiFppc1.2.4j.sit.hqx

This is the Japanese version of the Gif.gIf.giF (68K) package.

Gif.gIf.giF is a small shareware program for capturing screenshots into GIF
animations. It is especially useful for producing animated software
demonstrations, or tutorials. GIF animations are viewable with popular
browsers including Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer
without any need for add-ons, plug-ins, or helper applications.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/gif-gif-gif-ppc-124-jp.hqx; 370K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:33 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Byzantine update for K2.1.1

Byzantine is golden, with gemstone accents and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  This update of Byzantine is a major  makeover
with new windows and icons throughout.  Shareware.  See my
page for new lower  pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/byzantine.hqx; 260K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:34 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Celtic Knot update for K2.1.1

Celtic Knot is dark with light celtic knot accents and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/celtic-knot.hqx; 64K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:41 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Elegance Argent, update for K2.1.1

Elegance Argent is midnight blue with silver accents and has
custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,

Subject:     "Styles" Elegance Argent, update for K2.1.1
Sent:        1/5/19 6:33 PM
Received:    1/2/99 10:06 AM
From:        Janet Parris,
Enclosure:   Elegance Argent folder.sea

Please include my color  scheme, Elegance Argent, which has been
enhanced for K2 and updated, in the Recent Additions Section of the
HyperArchive, CD, etc.

Elegance Argent is midnight blue with silver accents and has
custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/elegance-argent.hqx; 174K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Bubbles 1.3.1J - Japanese Version

File Name: bubbles1.3.1j.sit.hqx

This is the Japanese version of the Bubbles package.

Bubbles - is a game of logic.

System Requirement - MacOs 7.6.1 or higher. I didn't test it on MacOS early
than MacOS 7.6.1. PPC processor. Color QuickDraw.

Every turn five balls of eight different kinds appear on the game field at
random.  Each turn you can move one ball to any free position with one
exception a ball can't jump over another one. Your task is to assemble five
or more similar balls in a line in any direction. When you put the last ball
 in the line all balls in that line will disappear and  you get a free turn.
 The score table in the tool window reflect's your current bonus. Your score
 is calculated by a complex rule, according to the number of turns you took,
 number of extra balls and so on.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bubbles-131-jp.hqx; 903K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:19:36 -0700
Subject: [*] ClippingConverter 1.0

Clipping Converter - directly convert ordinary text and image clipping to
SimpleText readable format. You can also convert Netscape, Internet
Explorer and MacOS 8.5 Bookmarks without pain! You can edit text before
converting them and you can merge multiples files by drag&dropping them on
the application! Simple and fast.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/clipping-converter-10.hqx; 467K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Custom Cursor update

Please add this update of my original freeware Custom Cursors
for Mac to the Recent Additions Section of the HyperArchive, etc.

This update of Custom Cursors includes the original 11 colors
of the original Custom Cursor set, but more sculpting has been done
for a more 3D effect.  In other words, they look better.


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/custom-cursors.hqx; 40K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:39 -0700
Subject: [*] DollyDots Family 1.0 for Kaleidoscope

The DollyDots Family for Kaleidoscope 1.0
The DollyDots Family is a collection of schemes for Kaleidoscope
<>. They are all inspired by details on products. A lot
of products have details that are a kind of dimples, we call those dimples
-The Dollydots were a dutch girl band in the eighties, but we liked their
name and thought it was an appropriate name for dimples in a product, there
is no dutch word for those kind of dimples in a product-

The DollyDots Family is inspired by consumer products (we are product
designers! <>), so we made the buttons work like real
buttons and the scrollbar thumb slide like a real slider.

Included in this Family Folder are the following schemes: DollyDots,
DollyDotsBeetle, DollyDotsDark, DollyDotsDarker, DollyDotsBeluga,
DollyDotsBluey, DollyDotsMime, DollyDotsBeam, DollyDotsFunky, DollyDotsOrbit
and DollyDotsTubu.
Also included in this archive is a folder which contains all kinds of
background patterns.

Install it and Experience DollyDots for Kaleidoscope!!!

Let us know if you like it!

-The DollyDots Family for Kaleidoscope is shareware, you can distribute it,
but always as a complete package!
If you want to put any of the DollyDots Schemes on a cd-rom, please let us
know! -

What others had to say about the original DollyDots for Kaleidoscope:
Just a quick thank you for a decent kaleidoscope scheme. It's great to see
someone who is actually concerned with eye strain :-)
-Chris Jordan

I do work for the french army, and it's installed on every Mac here
-Fernandes Gilbert

I write to you because I like your colorscheme.  [...] Thank you for good
-Lesik Badeikin

Just wanted to drop you a line and say, "I LOVE DollyDots!"
-Doug Baer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/dollydots-family-10.hqx; 1165K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:31 -0700
Subject: [*] DonDen

What is DonDen:
     Have you ever felt frustrated when playing "Tic-Tac-Toe" or "Gomoku",
and wished you could have moved opponent's token as you like? DonDen is a
solution which is designed to remove your frustration, or to replace it
with much more puzzling one; you must move opponent's token you choose
every turn, and yet you have even slimmer chance to beat the computer!
      DonDen is a shareware.  Unregistered users are permitted to use this
program up to two weeks on a test basis.  Please pay US$5.00 as a shareware
fee if you keep this program more than two weeks. Please read more
information on payment, disclaimer, and copyright notice in READ ME file in
the DonDen folder before use.

System requirement:
     DonDen runs on a PowerPC Macintosh with MacOS 8. At least four
megabytes of free memory is required.

Ichikawa Shinji, Redshirt Studio

[Archived as /info-mac/game/don-den.hqx; 230K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:44 -0700
Subject: [*] Fractal K2 Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Fractal K2, A kaleidoscope scheme, on your recent additions
-Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/fractal-k2-for-kal.hqx; 658K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:01 -0700
Subject: [*] G3 Cursor

This is a new cursor in honor of the great new mac G3s that just came

Hope you like it!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/g3-cursor.hqx; 111K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:32 -0700
Subject: [*] GameMaker v2.61

GameMaker is an easy to use card based development system which allows you t=
create simple adventure games with graphics, buttons, and text. Just draw th=
pictures, type some text, click a few buttons, choose some options... and an
adventure game is completed! You are not required to learn a programming
language, but there is a simple built-in BASIC-like scripting language that
you can use to make your games the best they can be.

This DEMO has all of the features of the registered version except that it
can't save or create applications.

GameMaker is =A91995-1999 by Al Staffieri Jr.

- Mac Plus
- System 6.03
- 2mb of available RAM

- 68020 or better processor
- System 7.1 or higher
- 4mb of available RAM
- Color monitor

Some portions may be disabled if running on less than the recommended

[Archived as /info-mac/game/gm-261-demo.hqx; 196K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:16 -0700
Subject: [*] GetChar FKEY 1.0

This FKEY opens a window that shows all characters available in the
current font. Select any character to insert it in the active document.

System requirements:
GetChar FKEY 1.0 works on any Mac with system 7.1 or greater.



Via Basaldella 10
33100 UDINE

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/getchar-fkey-10.hqx; 19K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:03 -0700
Subject: [*] Griffs Set 26

Griff's Icons Set #26
 System Requirements: Any Mac
 Size : 74.1 KB

 There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you
spruce up your desktop.

 These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be
included on any CD
 as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of
its being included!

 If you have any questions direct them to:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/griffs-set-26.hqx; 50K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:07 -0700
Subject: [*] Icon->.ICO version 0.98b

I've attached the latest version (0.98b) of the Icon->.ICO program, a
drop-box application that converts Macintosh icon families into Windows
.ICO files. This version fixes a bug in version 0.97b that could cause
icons to appear totally black. Please replace the copy in your archives
with this one.

Icon->.ICO is written by me and is freeware. PPC only, requires Thread
Manager. See the enclosed Read Me file for more information.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/icon-2-ico.hqx; 159K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:09 -0700
Subject: [*] icondropper-321

IconDropper - Version 3.2.1 - January 1999

IconDropper allows users to customize their Mac's icons on-the-fly
through the use of Drag-n-Drop technology. Instead of having to copy and
paste custom icons from tons of folders on your hard drive, IconDropper
stores all icons in custom designed sets called "packs". A single click
is required to update any folder's icon and see the results in real time.
IconDropper (and its sister apps, IconPacker and IconDragger) let the
user design and embed custom banners and background colors into the packs
when saved. Packs can then be e-mailed to friends or distributed on the
Internet. For more information about this exciting new piece of Macintosh
shareware, or to download some cool looking icon packs, please visit us
at: <>

Release 3.2.1 of IconDropper includes support for 32-bit custom icons in
Mac OS 8.5 while still being compatible with older versions of the OS.
There are also many user interface updates and a bug fix for users on Mac
OS 8.5.

We've also updated our web site with 32-bit icons, so please drop by
<> for a look.

IconDropper is available from Info-Mac as:

	icondropper-321.hqx (larger file compatible with Mac OS 7.5 and up)
	icondropper-ppc-321.hqx (smaller file for Mac OS 8.5 only)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/icon-dropper-321-ppc.hqx; 1692K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Icons - Home made icons!

These are my home made icons. Made with ResEdit.
They can be used on any Macintosh.
All about different themes and in different styles.

For more details read the enclosed Read Me file or visit my


Gianfranco Spertini
Free-lance illustrator

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/homemade-icons.hqx; 115K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:05 -0700
Subject: [*] JEC 1.0 - Just An Euro Calculator

JEC 1.0 - Just An Euro Calculator
=46at Binary

=A91999 Kuno Sandholzer
Please send bug reports to:
Please send comments to:

What=B4s this?

JEC calculates the exchange rates between the new European currency Euro
and the currencies of all countries taking part in the new currency
system (Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg,
Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland).

JEC was tested on a PPC with System 8.5.1. It should run on any Macintosh
with a MC68020-processor under System 7.1 or later - but it has not been
tested yet... any volunteers are welcome!

 Jehu Software -

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/jec-10.hqx; 545K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:19:40 -0700
Subject: [*] KD Screenwriting System - Nisus Writer 4.1 tools

KD Screenwriting System is an automatic screenplay formatter for use
with the free Nisus Writer 4.1 wordprocessor, enabling you to write in
draft mode, without the need to apply styles.

Obtain your copy of the free Nisus Writer 4.1 from the Nisus Software
site at <>. It is an amazingly powerful
wordprocessor, particularly well suited for writing tasks where the
textual content matters most.

Because of the changes in later versions of Nisus Writer, KDSS is
compatible with Nisus Writer 4.1 only. It might be upgraded for later
versions in the future.

This is version 1.3, featuring a number of improvements. Users of all
previous versions should upgrade.

KD Screenwriting System is fully functional shareware ($20 single user).
See the Read Me file for details.

Karl Dolenc

[Archived as /info-mac/text/kd-screen.hqx; 96K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:11 -0700
Subject: [*] Left-handed Custom Cursors

Left-handed Custom Cursors  is a set of 11 different-colored,
3D cursors especially for lefties, and was done by request.
The cursors are freeware, and may be used by dropping one
into the extensions folder and restarting your Mac.


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/left-handed-custom-cursors.hqx; 40K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:23 -0700
Subject: [*] Navi iRae 1.5.2

Navi iRae is a control panel that provides menus, when you command-click in
a window's title region, that lets you navigate through the path of the
file, just like in the Finder. "Navi iRae" just looks for an opened
file with the same name as the window's one.

v1.5.2 : from version 1.5 Navi iRae is OS 8.5 specific !!
new : From version 1.5 the activation of Navi iRae's menu was only by
clic&hold. But this made Navi iRae incompatible with TitlePop. I've added
an option to activate the menu by a simple clic with modifier keys
excluding the command key.
new : Added an option to prevent Navi iRae from displaying custom icons to
improve speed.
new : Added support for Em@iler files.
new : Now Stuffit=AE archives can be treated as folders (limited to the firs=
level for the moment=8A).

this version is still freeware, but if you like it you can register it for
$5 at

web site :
mail :
Kungl Tekniska H=F6gskolan
Welding Technology Department
S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/navi-152.hqx; 163K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:19:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Newton's Aquarium 1.1 Demo PPC: A Solar System Construction Set

Kingston, Ontario, 1-Jan-1999 -- Eureka Software Inc. ( today
released version 1.1 of Newton's Aquarium:  A Solar System Construction Set
for Mac OS.  Greater numerical accuracy, collision detection, improved
graphics, basic 3-D support and on-line help are just a some of the new
improvements in this latest release.

Newton's Aquarium is an interactive physics package that helps students
visualize and understand Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.  While
building and exploring their own solar systems, students are exposed to
many of the core concepts in classical physics.  Newton's Aquarium was
designed for use in high school and college physics courses.

* Interactive 3-D n-body simulation
* Display of velocity, acceleration and force vectors
* Centre of mass and conservation of momentum
* Collision detection
* Variable G and distance exponent
* Real mks units
* Cut, copy and paste, export and print
* Gravitation Ltd. 4.0 & 5.0 document support
* Sample universes, stationery pads and student activities
* On-line User's Guide, balloon help and tooltips

* Mac OS 7.0 or later (8.0 or later recommended)
* 2 MB free memory (3 MB or more preferred)
* 68020 processor or better (68040 or PowerPC recommended)

During the last few weeks, teachers from around the world were invited to
test and review Newton's Aquarium.  Dr. Hal Hawley, a former physics
teacher and K-12 Curriculum Specialist for Montana's Department of
Education, had this to say:

"The graphical imagery is wonderful.  Your software is exciting and
appropriate for anyone learning about the basic laws of physics.  As a
former physics teacher I find your curriculum to be outstanding.  What a
powerful and informative tool!  You are to be commended for designing a
first rate instructional program."

Pricing for Newton's Aquarium starts at US$100 for a single school copy and
US$20 for subsequent copies.  School site licences are available for US$400
and larger licensing can be negotiated.  A student edition is also
available for US$28.  A free feature-reduced demo can be downloaded from
Eureka's web site ( for evaluation.

Eureka was established in 1994 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada to create
interactive software products that help students visualize and understand
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/na-11-demo-ppc.hqx; 642K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:13 -0700
Subject: [*] Nix Icons v2.0

Nix Icons v 2.0 is a set of ~120 icons for the Macintosh OS. It is an
and expanded version of the earlier collection, and includes symbols,
animals, smilies,
protists, fishes, and various whatnots.

-Nick Longrich (

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/nix-icons-20.hqx; 385K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:24 -0700
Subject: [*] pict-pocket-132

PictPocket 1.3.2

Here's a different kind of screen capture utility, great for
people who need to build a lot of window pictures into their
documents, but don't want to waste a lot of storage.  Most of
the pictures in AWOL Utilities help files were captured using

PictPocket "picks the pocket" of applications as they draw their
windows, not after they have been drawn.  This difference allows
it to place in the Clipboard a 'PICT' which represents the
actual elements drawn, rather than a bitmap (raster) image.
(You choose whether or not to include the window frame.)  Not
only is a PictPocket 'PICT' smaller than a bitmap 'PICT', and
not proportional in size to the depth of color, but you retain
the ability to edit the picture later, using an application such
as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.  Change text, colors, position
of elements, whatever!  If you need a blow-up of the picture,
just change the Page Setup scaling factor, and it will still
print perfectly, with no bitmap "jaggies."

Version 1.3 makes PictPocket much easier to use.  Just press the
Caps Lock and Shift keys, find the window you want to capture,
click on it, and release the keys when the window starts to
blink.  Version 1.3.2 is a maintenance release with no feature

This program is part of the AWOL Utilities 1.4 package,
which includes the following programs:  Virtual Desktop 1.9.3,
Maybe 1.5.3, Help on Wheels 1.3 (and HoW Developer's Kit 1.3),
PictPocket 1.3.2, Menu Events 1.3.1, Menu Grabber 1.3.1, Trash Bag 1.2.2.
All of them are free, and Copyright (c) 1994-8 Ross Brown.

Ross Brown
AWOL Software Productions

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pict-pocket-132.hqx; 42K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Play It Cool 3.1.2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Play It Cool package.

Play it Cool 3.1.2J

Play it Cool is a QuickTime and QuickTime VR movie player and simple editor.

It plays all types of QuickTime movies, including "mov", "MIDI", "MPEG",
"AVI", "VCD" and "QuickTime VR".

It also opens many image formats, like "PICT", "TIFF", "GIF", "JPEG" and
"PNG"; and sound formats, like "snd", "AIFF", "WAV" and "AU".  QuickTime 3
is required to open some of these formats.

It is a "fat" application, plays movies very smoothly and contains many
features not available in other movie players.

A Japanese version is also available from

Users commonly report better playback performance from Play it Cool than
from other movie players.

- User's Guide now compatible with Mac OS 8.5.

- load movie into RAM and set monitor to best depth for smoother playback
- Stage mode which hides the background and plays movies at optimum speed
- useful information displayed about movies
- jog and shuttle controls
- real-time display of SMPTE time code, frame number and frames per second
- movies can be played up to five times faster than normal, forwards or in
- ability to compress movies and pictures
- cut, copy, paste and the ability to add sound to movies
- creates self-playing Movie-Applications
- make movies playable on non-Mac OS computers
- printing
- preferences
- balloon help
- platinum interface

- 68020 Macintosh, Power Macintosh or better
- 1 MB available hard disk space
- 1.6 MB available RAM
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/play-it-cool-312-jp.hqx; 570K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:15 -0700
Subject: [*] PlayerPRO_5.0.1.sit


PlayerPRO is a complete music editor software (SoundTracker). You can use it
with any Macs without any specific hardware. PlayerPRO can load and play
following formats: MOD, S3M, Midi, MTM, MADx, OKTA, System 7 sound, MINS,
WAV, XI, AIFF, AIFC, MED, 669, IT, ULT and XM.

NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 5.0 (differences from 4.5.9):
    * Support 255 instruments
    * Support 64 samples per instruments
    * Support 254 channels (tracks) (actually limited to 99 for GUI reasons)
    * Support stereo samples
    * Support instrument panning enveloppes
    * Quicktime 3.0 support
    * New MADI format with panning and channels informations
    * New sound driver, simplified and better sound quality
    * MacOS 8.5 savvy (navigation manager 1.0, appearance manager 1.1)
    * Adapted to support new G3 (now optimized for G3)
    * Many bugs corrected
    * Compiled with Universal Headers 3.2
    * Smart Scrolling savvy (Appearance Manager 1.1)
    * Live Scrolling (Appearance Manager 1.1)
    * OMS MIDI Driver updated to 2.3.4 (
    * iMac savvy
    * New introduction price : 69 US$ for full version 5.0 with CD-Rom
    * Pre-Orders for commercial version 5.0 are now available! (Release in
January 1999)
    * Better sound quality in 16bits for panning & volume enveloppe
    * Support for ping-pong loop
    * Correct pan setting for MOD, S3M and XM
    * Compiled with CW 3.2 (Release 4)
    * SoundInput corrected (Record Audio)
    * Tempo & Speed support for MADH
    * Music Driver: high quality loop support (by example in QK3.0
    * Samples Copy & Paste corrected
    * New 0xFF and Notes popup menus
    * Speed, Pitch and Software volumes are now saved in the music file
    * Writting on a protected disk bug corrected
    * New Sound Driver Tick Remover (Volume, Panning and Sample interruption
sync to interval bytes)
    * New Debugger system (Fatal Error dialog)
    * Carbon ready (minor changes in Carbon dating) -> ready for MacOS X
    * GUI ameliorations
    * MIDI Input crash bug
    * All patterns undo/redo crash corrected
    * New oscilloscope window
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/pp-501.hqx; 1617K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:12 -0700
Subject: [*] PowerSPrint V12 (Sharing Epson printers)

PowerSPrint V1.2
(StuffIt 5 compressed)
=46reeware =A91998-1999 AKUA interactive media AG
by Gregory Lemperle-Kerr, (may be soon).

Released 7. Jan, 1999.

PowerSPrint is a pair of AppleScript applications used to share an
otherwise "unsharable" printer on an AppleTalk (EtherTalk, LocalTalk)
network. They may be used "out-of-the-box" or opened and modified as

AppleScript, System 7.x or 8.x
Tested with System 8.1, 8.51, Epson Stylus Color 600, 800, 740, HP
DeskJet 850c.

[Archived as /info-mac/prn/powersprint-12.hqx; 385K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Quit It PPC v2.0

Quit It PPC v2.0 - A system extension that will automatically quit an
application when its last window is closed. This release fixes the
'NavigationLib not found' problem on system 8.1 and older.

Quit It is a system extension that automatically quits an application when
its last window is closed by the user.  This can be very useful when novice
users are working on a computer, who often close a window by clicking on
the close box of a document window, thinking the application is quit. This
can easily lead to confusion, or memory shortage.
Quit It can be fully configured through its control panel, with individual
settings for installed applications.


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/quit-it-ppc.hqx; 376K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:02 -0700
Subject: [*] ROOTLOCS 3.0 - a Root Locus plotting program


ROOTLOCS is an easy to use program for plotting Root Locus diagrams of
linear control systems. Given the positions in the complex plane of the
open loop poles and zeros of a system, ROOTLOCS plots the loci of the
system's closed loop poles as the gain of the system is increased
indefinitely starting from zero.

ROOTLOCS can handle systems with up to 20 poles and 20 zeros, it offers
a choice of working in either the S-Plane or the Z -Plane and it can
plot the loci of both positive and negative gain systems. It also
includes some useful 'tools' for getting quantitative information from
the displayed root locus plots.

The current version (3.0) is is a complete re-write of ROOTLOCS 1.0
which was posted to the archive some years ago but has long since
disappeared. It is MUCH faster than the former version and incorporates
numerous other major improvements.

It is hoped that the program will prove a valuable aid to students of
control engineering, and to practising engineers alike.

ROOTLOCS requires System 7.0 (or higher).

Alan Robinson

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/root-locs-30.hqx; 466K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:19:45 -0700
Subject: [*] ScribblingWorks 1.2.1  -- Web publishing with a notepad

ScribblingWorks 1.2.1

Web publishing with the notepad ScribblingWorks 1.2.1

 This program, written in Smalltalk, is a notepad application. The users
get a few functions to managing notes. Each note has an own scrapbook. With
the "Quick Web-Side Wizard" you can create a complete web side of the
database contents with a few mouse clicks. So you can publish text
informations like news, infos, FAQs or recipes to the WWW. It is possible
to sort the notes by topics.  The notes can marked with symbols. Links
between notes can set by the user or create automatically by the
application. A lot of navigation functions and a fuzzy search, helps to
find a note.

 ScribblingWorks is Shareware and cost 20US$.

- MacOS 7.5
- 8.3 MB Ram
- 7 MB on harddisk

Edwin Buehler

[Archived as /info-mac/text/scribbling-works-121.hqx; 3372K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:19:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Style 1.6; a scriptable styled text editor

Style is a scriptable text editor for the Macintosh that
picks up where SimpleText leaves off, adding some powerful
formatting capabilities that make it an ideal mini-word
processor. Style handles formatted text, in which each
character can have its own font, size, style and color, and
each paragraph can have its own alignment, line spacing and
margins. It also lets you embed pictures and sounds within
the text. Unlike SimpleText, Style documents aren't limited
to 32K but only to available memory.

Features include:

 * XTND technology to import and export documents in
   several different formats.
 * Ability to create stand-alone, "AutoViewer" documents.
 * Outstanding AppleScript support.
 * Built-in hierarchical Script menu.
 * Drag-and-drop text editing, now with translucent drags.
 * Appearance-savviness.
 * Full WorldScript awareness.

New in version 1.6:

 * Paragraph-level formatting.
 * Support for Mac OS 8.5, including Navigation Services,
   proportional scrolling, proxy icons and Find By Content
 * Multiple undo/redo.
 * Improved scripting support.
 * New sample scripts, including one for creating UTF-8
   (Unicode) encoded, multi-lingual web pages.
 * Word Services support for interfacing to spell checkers.

Minimum System Requirements: System 7.1.
Style is distributed as shareware (US$10) through Kagi.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/style-16.hqx; 832K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:37 -0700
Subject: [*] Styles" Diana's Candle, enhanced for K2.1.1

Diana's Candle was done in memory of Priness Diana, and it has
custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Freeware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/dianas-candle-complete.hqx; 166K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:46 -0700
Subject: [*] Styles" Pinstripe update for K2.1.1

Pinstripe is dark blue scheme with pinstriping and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/pinstripe.hqx; 68K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Styles" Precious Metals for K2.1.1

Precious Metals has the look of silver and gold and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/precious-metals.hqx; 95K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Styles" Rainbow Blues update for K2.1.1

Rainbow Blues is dark turquoise with rainbow colored accents
and has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along
with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/rainbow-blues.hqx; 127K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Styles" Seashell, complete, update for K2.1.1

Seashell II has seashells in the windows and scrollbars and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom shell cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a seagull windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns, icons in Icon
Archiver format, shell bulbs for Holiday Lights, etc.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/seashell-ii.hqx; 381K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:28 -0700
Subject: [*] SwitchRes 1.5.2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the SwitchRes package.

SwitchRes is an extension that allows you to control the resolutions
of all your displays. A Control Panel is joined, which lets you change
its preferences, and a Control Strip Module and a Contextual Menu
extension are bundled. You can change all your resolutions with just
one mouse click on the Finder desktop, or just by pressing one key.

It also allows you to:

* use *all* available resolutions of your video cards, not only those
  the MacOS choose for you
* automatically switch resolution and color depth of all monitors when
  launching an application, and restore your settings when quitting
* position the desktop icons where you want, at every resolution change
  and at startup
* configure the menus by choosing which resolutions and what bitdepths
  will be displayed (Control Strip Module menu, Contextual Menu)

and a lot of other features...

SwitchRes requires MacOS 8, and a multisync monitor may be useful...
Of course, SwitchRes works fine under MacOS 8.5

What is new in version 1.5.2:

Version 1.5.2 corrects some bugs, especially the one that prevented
the last used resolution to be applied again after a restart. It should
also be more stable at startup, and shouldn't crash any more when using
an unknown display or video card.

The main new feature is its ability to change the monitor where the
menu bar is shown (in a multiple monitor environment) from within the
control strip, the menu bar or the contextual menu.

SwitchRes now displays the correct texts in the Japanese version, uses
32 bits icons under MacOS 8.5 and shows a proxy icon in the window
title bar.

You can read the 'Read Me' file for a more complete description of all
little bugs that have been corrected.

What was new in version 1.5:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/switchres-152-jp.hqx; 414K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:19:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.4J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Tex-Edit Plus package.

*Editors' Choice (****) in MacWorld September 1997 ("Best Utilities").
**Five mouse ZDNet rating September 1997.
***Tex-Edit Plus is a winner of the MUT 1996 Shareware Awards.
****Tex-Edit Plus is a winner of the MacUser 1995 Shareware Awards.

Tex-Edit Plus is a scriptable, styled text editor that fills the gap between
Apple's bare-bones SimpleText and a full-featured word processor. It's fast,
efficient, and has a clean, uncluttered interface. It's also great for
cleaning up text which is transmitted over the Internet.

With Tex-Edit Plus you can:

*Quickly create, edit and print styled text documents of unlimited size.
*View and print TeachText or SimpleText read-only ("ReadMe") documents,
including pictures.
*Easily create your own SimpleText read-only documents, including pictures.
*View and print color PICT files, such as those produced by draw programs or
Apple's built-in screen snapshot utility.
*Copy a selection from a PICT file, cropping the image for use in a word
processor, etc.
*View, edit and print text documents created by virtually any word processor
or computer.
*Reformat downloaded e-mail or text, correcting word-wrap problems and
removing extraneous, non-Mac characters.
*Prepare text for upload to a BBS, so that people with MS-DOS systems can
view the document as it was intended to be viewed.
*Instantly quote a brief passage from received e-mail, allowing the sender
to remember their original message.
*Read any text document aloud, if you have Apple's Speech Manager extension.
(Listen to a TeachText read-only file, for example, as the text and pictures
scroll by!)
*Quickly optimize a document for printing, substituting professional-looking
typographical characters for generic, typewriter-era characters.
*Create simple hypertext documents.
*Insert attention-getting sound annotations to spice up ordinary
inter-office mail.
*And more...

NEW -- Tex-Edit Plus 2.4 supports the new (MacOS 8.5) Navigation Services
open/save dialogs. There is a new Paste Style command and submenu support in
 the Scripts menu. Various stack and tile options have been added to the
Windows menu. The icon suite has been updated. An AppleScript demonstration
application is included. See the Revision History for all the other
improvements and fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/tex-edit-plus-24-jp.hqx; 925K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:18 -0700
Subject: [*] Type Clipboard 1.01

This FKEY will convert any text contained in the clipboard into
keystrokes allowing you to paste text even if this function is disabled.
For example, if you are a Performer user, you will find it very usefull
when working with system esclusive messages.

System requirements:
Type Clipboard 1.01 works on any Mac with system 7.1 or greater.

TypeClipboard FKEY is FREEWARE!


Via Basaldella 10
33100 UDINE

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/type-clipboard-fkey-101.hqx; 8K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:31 -0700
Subject: [*] Wapp pro 1.3.6

"Wapp pro" is the ultimate windows/applications switcher.

You can switch to any window of any application, quit or hide an
application with a single click.
Wapp pro menu is available in several positions, with several options for
popping the menu in some hot spots with easy to use click&hold.....
You can also navigate through windows and applications with keyboard
shortcuts, and exclude applications from quitting, hidding, switching....
Plus some others cool options.....

v1.3.6 changes :
 Under OS 8.5.1 immediate quit/hide didn't work properly causing
unexpected quit/hide. Fixed.

web site :
mail :

A French version is also available for download on my web site.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/wapp-136.hqx; 159K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Wood Nymph, "Styles" K2 scheme

Wood Nymph was created from a Bryce image of a wood
nymph and redrawn countless times (150-200 hours in the
making).  It  has disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility
pattern,  windowshade soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows,
window background and menu patterns, and twig cursor, etc.,
all written in, along with custom folders and trash and other K2
resources.  There is also a desktop picture by Bill Paris included
in the folder, and  a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/wood-nymph.hqx; 610K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:21:26 -0700
Subject: [*] YA-Viewer 2.1.2

Yet Another File Viewer 2.1.2 is a simple viewer for text and image files.
It can open and view PICT, JPEG, and GIF image files. It can open and play
QuickTime, MPEG, and AVI movie files. It can open and edit styled text
documents with embedded pictures and movies. It can display text data in a
list format that is easily searched and sorted. Yet Another File Viewer
2.1.2 is shareware with a registration fee of $15. It requires Mac OS 8.5
or later.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/ya-viewer-212.hqx; 284K]


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:08 -0700
Subject: [*] YaCa150

YaCalculator - is a general purpose calculator for the Mac. It has all the
functions you would expect in a regular scientific calculator such as
features bracketed expressions, and it can also do many conversions. This
version includes a percentage function and some more conversions. Memory is
now saved when you quit and the overall look and feel of the calculator has
been improved. YaCalculator is freeware.

Simon Richardson

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/yaca-150.hqx; 73K]



End of Info-Mac Digest