Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #26
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 06 Feb 98       Volume 16 : Issue 26

Today's Topics:

      [A]Diskcopy on smi files for various mac
      Communicator 4.0.4 problem
      Free ISPs
      HDT the best Mac virus!
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #19
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #20
      Modern IIgs computer usage.....
      New Advertisement from Apple (Q)
      searching for US postal barcode font 

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Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 18:09:37 -0500 (EST)
From: donner <>

Ever since I started using OS8 and now OS8.1, I can't startup from the CD.
I need to do this so I can use Disk First Aid and repair the Hard Disk. Any

Keith & Elizabeth Donner


Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 23:04:00 +0900
From: Mizutani <>
Subject: [A]Diskcopy on smi files for various mac

In Article "Diskcopy on smi files for various machines"
  Phillip Broussard wrote:

>When I try
>to mount the new .smi files from apple (8.1 update or MRJ 2.0), and 
>copy 6.1.3 runs throught the checksum procedure, it always fails.  
But if I
>copy the same file to a PowerMac 8100 and run the same procedure, 
>checksum is OK.  Is there any reason why it should fail on the
>powercomputing machine?

Disk Copy 6.X sometimes does not work with HD formatted by third-
party formatters.

I always encounterred "checksum error" when the image file was on a 
HD formatted by "Drive 7"(ver 3.6J).
Some other Japanese user using "Drive 7" (ver 4.2) also reports that 
Disk Copy 6.X always insists that there occurs a checksum error.

I recommend you to re-format your HD with another formatter, if 

MIZUTANI Tomohiko /


Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 01:17:29 +0100
From: "Johannes la Poutre'" <>
Subject: Communicator 4.0.4 problem


>created that contain text in italic, Communicator appears to add an
>extra space wherever the italic changes back to plain. This happens both

I have the same problem, no matter if I create HTML documents by hand (you
know, SimpleText is the best HTML editor ever!).

However, I think tis is a (minor) bug as how Communicator handles font
width tables: maybe the program just takes the same values for roman and
italic encodings. That may be a valid approach for fonts with no _real_
italic type, or platforms which don't even _know_ about any difference (can
you say MS D*S?).

Maybe all mac users should submit a bug report, as I did for the lack of
Java with the 68k version of communicator...

Regards, Joe.

J.Q. la Poutre
Web design, Perl - cgi scripting, WWW databases
PGP fingerprint =  23FA 2BF5 E51E CEEF 3A21  0AF3 69D6 5FEA 1850 0ADC


Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 20:52:01 -0500
From: "Edward W. Ver Hoef" <>
Subject: Free ISPs

My daughter (who lives near Knoxville, TN) told me that on a recent
broadcast of ABC's Good Morning America they talked about ISPs that offer
free e-mail accounts, the hook being that you receive some number of
commercial messages in addition to your e-mail. She was interested in
trying it out but, unfortunately, at the time that they gave the names of
some of the ISPs, she was unable to write them down and counldn't remember
them when she had a pad and pencil available. If anyone could shed some
light on this topic, I'd be much appreciative. TIA

Ed Ver Hoef


Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 10:53:35 +0100 (MET)
From: Massimo Cattaneo <>
Subject: HDT the best Mac virus!

I've a StarMax 4000. I formatted and partitioned its IDE HD with HDT
(2.06); since then my StarMax is dead, it's impossible to start up from any
external device (disk, HD, CD rom). In its web site FWB admits the problem
but doesn't give any solution!! They just say
... The problem manifests itself in the following manner: after installing
the FWB driver and partitioning the drive into two or more volumes, the
system will not boot from any attached system volume, including a bootable
CD-ROM. Since there is no simple way to recover from this situation, FWB
strongly recommends that the affected drives be initialized as single
volumes only. Hard Disk ToolKit version 2.5 includes a fix for this problem
supports multiple volume partitioning of these drives on 'Tanzania-based'
systems.  Upgrades for current HDT owners are $29.00. To place an upgrade
order, call the FWB Upgrade Center...
Maybe version 2.5 fixes the bug, but what can I do with my dead StarMax? I
feel stupid, because I think I've paid for a program that works as the best
Any suggestion?


Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 23:38:08 +0200
From: (Jon Naude)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #19

The Info-Mac Moderators <> wrote:

> From: (Mike)
> Subject: Powerbook + Sleep
> Hello info-mac people,
> I have an old PowerBook 180,  and regularly put it to 'sleep' instead of
> using 'shutdown'.  What are the disadvantages of this??  It saves me
> incredible amounts of time because I don't have to wait for the computer to
> startup every time I want to use it,  but I just want to make sure that I'm
> not doing something bad to my computer.
> Mike

Mike, the powerbook is much more sensitive to any bumps and bangs in
sleep mode, I think because the heads of the HD are not locked until
shutdown. So just don't carry it around too much in sleep mode. I lost a
540MB HD on my PB 160 in this manner...


To E-mail me, remove the zz from my address


Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 23:38:10 +0200
From: (Jon Naude)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #20

The Info-Mac Moderators <> wrote:

> From: Isle <>
> Subject: Desktop Trash
> I have lost the "Trash Full" icon from my Desktop. Has anybody any idea how
> to easily reinstall it, preferably not using ResEdit. I am running System
> 7.1 on an LCIII
> Thanks,
> Mike.

try rebuilding the desktop (hold down option+command after the restart).

To E-mail me, remove the zz from my address


Date: Mon, 2 Feb 98 13:29:32 -0800
From: "B.J. Major" <>
Subject: Modern IIgs computer usage.....

In regard to the question of if an Apple IIgs computer use Mac software 
or be upgraded to "be" a Mac.....

Sorry, but it is not at all possible to make a IIgs computer use Mac 
software or "be" a Mac.  The only thing you can do if you want to keep it 
is to network it to your Performa via Appletalk.  This is very simple to 
accomplish, as long as you have System software 6.0.1 for the IIgs 
(avail. at Apple's FTP sites under the Apple II directory) and have 
Appletalk installed and enabled on both the IIgs and the Mac and all the 
other File Sharing protocols in use and working (Password selected, etc.).

But please note that the only thing this is really good for is for file 
sharing purposes, or for storing a shared IIgs volume on the Mac.  For 
example, I have my IIgs Appletalked via serial cable to my old Mac SE 
which has an external hard drive.  Since I have no external or internal 
hard drive for my IIgs, I can store programs for the IIgs on this Mac 
external drive and also run programs on the IIgs from this other drive.  
That's about all you are going to be able to do as far as actual usage 
between the IIgs and the Mac.



Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 22:58:46 -0500
Subject: New Advertisement from Apple (Q)

Dear Digest readers,
Probably too soon to be asking for it, but anybody know where I can
download the commercial that appeared on Primetime on ABC, on February 4th,
1998?  In case any of you missed it, Apple made a great comeback showing a
Pentium II on top of a snail, and then asking "Who has the fastest
processor on the planet?"

Please no e-mail attachments, my server gives me quite limited space as it
is, not to mention my modem downloads aren't always reliable thanks to
these lousy rural phone lines.

A URL is all I really need.

P.S. Yes I tried Apple's web page, but all they have is a press release
about it on their hotnews page.

Thank you.


Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 16:35:18 -0500
From: Stan Hadley <>
Subject: searching for US postal barcode font 

I have a copy of Address Book by Jim Leitch (who passed away recently and
was eulogized here on Info-Mac.) The latest version I found was 3.7.2. It
includes an option for printing bar codes on envelopes along with
addresses. I haven't used that option myself, but you may want to check
into the program.


>This is driving me crazy. Search as I may, I cannot find a font to generate
>postal barcodes (U.S. Postal Service). I have wordperfect wasting 10 megs
>on a drive because I can't prepare an envelope with a bar code in
>FrameMaker. I have heard there's a windows font. Can it be that no one has
>made a mac postscript (or truetype) font for the post office barcode? Say
>it ain't so!

Stanton W. Hadley             
Oak Ridge National Laboratory           Bldg 4500-N, MS 6205
P.O. Box 2008                           Room G-28
Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6205               (423)574-8018, fax:(423)574-8884



End of Info-Mac Digest