Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #284
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 08 Apr 99       Volume 16 : Issue 284

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#475/05-Apr-99
       Palm Desktop Problems and Questions
      (A) coding attachments
      (A) disappearing printers
      (A) Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet 
      (A) Font and other questions
      (A) scripts, scripts, and more scripts!
      (A) startup memory check in 8.5
      5200 and scanner questions
      [A] Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet - do they bite or .. ?
      [Q] EasyView configuration for OneList digests?
      [Q] iMac-to-IWII?
      Appearance Manager?
      Apple Printer and a Windows PC
      Applescript - how do I check if Appletalk is on?
      Appleshare and TCP/IP collisions
      Appletalk cannot be opened? Performa 6205 7.6.1 w/o OT installed
      Backing up and synching a Sharp Wizard
      BestData Smart One Modems
      desktop DB problems
      Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet - do they bite or .. ?
      Files mentioned two week sago theat have not yet appeared at
      Fwd: address book etc.
      Fwd: Palm Desktop Problems and Questions
      G3 Powerbook Screen Hack?
      IDE -> SCSI Adaptor
      Localtalk problems
      Maximum number of files in Open Dialog
      Power for a PowerBook
      Printing Problem
      Providing Security to Home Network
      question for digest
      Reset ADB port?
      Sound Problem on a G3
      Troubleshooting wanted
      Why won't IE4.5 use StuffIt Expander instead of Deluxe?
      Word 6 and OS 8.5
      Wordpercect scrolling problems

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Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 22:30:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#475/05-Apr-99


Wondering about Y2K and the Macintosh? You may have heard that the 
Mac OS is Y2K-compliant, but that doesn't mean there won't be 
problems related to Y2K in homegrown databases, spreadsheets, and 
custom applications that run on the Mac. Also this week, Jeff Carlson 
looks at Default Folder in the latest Tools We Use column. In the 
news, Bare Bones releases Mailsmith 1.1.3 and Keyspan ships a 
USB-to-serial adapter aimed at Palm organizer users.

    Tools We Use: Default Folder
    Parsing Like It's 1999


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-475.etx; 29K]


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 15:40:29 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject:  Palm Desktop Problems and Questions

Alan Stein was asking about Palm Desktop and B. J. Major gave some answers.
I have a few comments to add:

>>1.The installation placed the "Serial Port Monitor" in my Startup folder,
>>which created a "serial port is in use" error when I tried using my modem.
>>Right now, I easily solved that problem by removing it from my Startup
>>folder, but I suspect that will be a problem when I get my new toy.
>Alan:  the first thing you should do is create a new set in the
>Extensions Manager called "Palm" which contains the Hot Synch Manager,
>Instant Palm Desktop, and the Serial Port Arbitrator by themselves with
>only the 8.5 base control panels or extensions (or whatever Mac OS you
>use).  Don't run Palm extensions with your other 3rd party stuff unless
>you want trouble big time, including freezes and crashes, etc.

I use all my many extensions and control panels with Palm hotsynch software
available and have not had a crash or problem. I am synching a Palm III
with a blue and white G3 running OS 8.5.1. It may be wise to make a special
extensions set if your system is sensitive to Palm stuff, though. Anyway,
it's not a rule that you HAVE to make a special set.
>>2. I'm getting a message that Palm Desktop quit unexpectedly everytime I
>>quit the application.
>Same here, with 8.5.1.  You just have to live with that, I'm afraid.

I don't get that. So it may be worth looking into a little further and
tracking down specific conflicts.
>>2. Which models will synchronize with one of the newer Macs through a USB
>>port? (Since I expect to replace my aging PowerMac with an IMac in the
>>not-too-distant future.)
>I don't know of any plans by Palm to sync in the future via USB; for now
>it's only serial port(s) or infrared beaming that's supported (through
>IrDA, *not* IrTalk infrared ports on some PowerBooks).  If you do indeed
>buy an iMac, you can synch cordless-style through the iMac's IrDA
>port--provided you've upgraded your Palm innards to Palm III specs and
>have the infrared memory door that's included with the upgrade to either
>the Palm personal or the Palm Pro.  You will need to install the IrDA
>extra files on your Palm included in the IrDA folder within the new 2.1
>Palm software (the iMac already has what files it needs for this).

I need to comment here in particular. I bought a KeySpan USB-Serial adapter
when I got the b&w G3. It works very well. It supports my digital camera,
my modem, and my Palm cradle. HotSynching is fast and trouble free. I'm
very pleased with the adapter. However, I looked into the possibility of
doing hot synch to my daughter's first-generation iMac, and to make a very
long story short, you definitely can not hot synch to the iMac using IrDA.
One of the readmes with the Palm extras says you can, but when you go
further into the folder where you found that read me, you will find another
read me that makes it clear that it is really saying  you can hot synch
Palm-based handheld devices using IrDA, and when you go to their web page
(and also call 3Com tech support) you find out they are talking about some
handhelds for PCs based on Palm technology, that can be hot synched to IBM
ThinkPads using recently-released software.

You can beam files  using IrDA and exchange files with other Palm users,
but you can not Hot Synch a Palm Pilot using IrDA.    :-(     I think their
documentation is positively misleading on this score.

Anyway, let me repeat my plug for the KeySpan USB-Serial adapter. It really
works, and you will be able to hot-synch your Palm Pilot very nicely to a
serial-portless iMac using the adapter.



Date: 1 Apr 99 22:42:37 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) coding attachments

Ezra Nathan <> writes:
>I'd like some advice as to how to code attachments to Windows users.
>are some files in Word and Excel that I need to send to those who run
>Windows 97 or later and I know that Binhexing the documents will
>problems because they won't know what to do with it. Is there a
>method that Windows users are familiar with and that their usual
>software will be able to handle? Like UUencode perhaps? Has anyone
>experience with the procedure that they can advise me about?

What mail client are you using? In Eudora you can opt to mac
attachments encode as Apple Double. (I think that's MIME in some other
Qualcom dialect.) In Netscape mail - and probably in Communicator -
you can choose to make the attachments "printed quoteable" which is
also MIME compliant. I think that's Base 64 encoding.
I'm not sure what can be set in Outlook Express, and Cyberdog only
You can manually MIME encode and attach the resulting text using
Mpack. UUencoding is native to UNIX but most mail servers will
recognise it

Remove the =D2spamless=D3 to eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: 2 Apr 99 13:49:27 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) disappearing printers wrote:
>I am using System 8.1 on a G3, with two laser printers, a laser
writer II
>and a personal laser NT, hooked up by local talk.<snip>
>Then a small red
>stop sign, with a hand on it appeared on the icon.  And then I got
such a hand
>on the personal laser writer icon.
>Both printers turn on, print the initial sheet of paper, and appear
in the
>chooser when they are on.  When I select either printer, and close
>chooser, nothing happens, and when I go back into the chooser, the
>writer icon is unselected again.
>Any idea what my problem might be?  Thank you in advance.

When you select the printer icon on the desktop, the Printing menu
will become visible in the Finder's menu bar. You'll notice that the
second item on the pull down is checked. That's "Stop Print Queue".
Just select the first item - "Start Print Queue" - and you should be
in business again.
I realize you probably didn't ask the queue to stop so it wouldn't
occur to you to look for something so obvious. I think that the print
queue shuts itself off if the printer can't be found on the network.
Maybe you sent a job before the printer had fully initialised.
- Scott

Remove the =D2spamless=D3 to eMail me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: 1 Apr 99 22:04:59 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet 

Rowdy  Blokland <> wrote:>
>.. or, can a Mac LC be used to surf the Internet without data 
>  dripping in like frozen honey?
>  See, it's not my fault - my girlfriend bought a Mac LC back in 1991
>  - right now, one'd have to pull a gun to someone's head to ever
>  sell one -, and the darn thing simply refuses to break down, 
>  or explode, or open a window at jump out of it by itself, so:
>  QUESTION: A Mac LC with NE-7.5 system software and 4 MB ram; 
>            can it really be used to, perhaps modestly, 
>            surf the Internet?

I used an LCII and a 14.4 modem to do all my net access for a couple years.
It was beefed up with 10 whole Mb of RAM and RAM Doubled for 20Mb and that
was passable.
I've set up Classics with 4Mb of RAM for net access. If you use Eudora for
mail and an old browser like MacWeb or Netscape 1.1N and stick to MacTCP
vs. OT then you may be able to do all right. Don't look for Java and
remember that there's a lot you can do with just eMail.
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: 2 Apr 99 18:42:52 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) Font and other questions wrote:
>I have had a font, MTExt, spelled correctly, upper case E, for a very
>time, and I have no idea what it looks like any more.  Its icon looks
like an
>old Apple laser writer II from the side, and there are two small ones
on it.  
>When I double click it, I am told that it is a postscript font, and
that I
>must put it into the fonts folder in order to be able to use it. 
Even though
>it is in the fonts folder, I cannot get it to display.  Though it is
>in the fonts folder, it is not available as a font choice in
applications.  In
>addition, it resists being dragged into any of the font suitcases.  
>I tried to drag it into the fonts folder, in the resources folder, of
>adobe acrobat 4.0 reader folder, which worked.  But acrobat does not
>want to allow me to select any text of any acrobat documents that I
>order to change the display font.
>How can I use this font;  how can I write or print in it;  at
minimum, how
>can I see what it looks like?
>Next, why is there a collection of fonts in the acrobat resource
folder?  I
>have the reader only, so I can't write anything.  In addition, why
are these
>fonts not in the fonts folder in the system folder?  Are they useable
>anything?  I notice that many are identical to fonts in the system
>except for the fact that they are postscript.  
>Why is it that the Apple laser writer II seems to get along with
>while the personal laser writer NT does not.  I have one of each
hooked up to
>my machine. 
>On a slightly different subject, I wonder what the modifications to
the desk
>top laser printer icons tells me.  The Personal LaserWriter NT icon
has a
>ball on it.  And the LaserWriter II NT icon is heavily outlined. 
These icons
>remain as they are, whether or not the printers are on, or chosen.  
>And what is the Apple desktop printer utility, stored in the Apple
>folder, do?  
>What is the difference between "normal printing and use of the desk
>I always do my printing from inside the applications, and these icons
>new to 8.0 or perhaps 8.1.
>I am interested in setting up a list for a small group I am a member
of on
>of the free hosting sites.  However, I am told by one of them that I
>Java.  I have Java on my machine, it is standard on 8.1, but how do I
make it
>available in a way that would please both AOL and a host?  I think
that AOL
>uses Internet Explorer, but it is somehow embedded in the AOL system.

>Here at
>last is perhaps a good reason NOT to be on AOL.
>Finally, I should have been thinking about this year or so ago, but
>general, do I want to be on 8.5 or 8.5.1 or am I just as well off
here at 8.1?
>A simple answer, reflecting the dumb generality of the question, will
>Just like the kitchen in my favorite restaurant, there are things I
prefer not
>to learn too much about.  My brand new power book is using 8.5.1,
>8.5, and I prefer uniformity somewhat..  

Some of your questions I hope I answered in my last message.
You can't drag the MTExtra PostScript font to a suitcase because
suitcases are only for bitmapped screen fonts and TrueType fonts. The
PostScript fonts are ostensibly only for PostScript printers to use.
In fact they're also used by Adobe Type Manager to draw on-screen
fonts in sizes you don't have bitmapped screen display fonts for. All
you need is the 10 and 12 point screen fonts and ATM can use the PS
outline description to scale any size on your screen. If you're not
getting the choice of MTExtra in your menus it's because the bitmapped
screen fonts are not in your system.
The fonts folder in the Acrobat Reader folder is probably just a place
the the installer shuffles fonts that it de-installs from your system
(but I'm guessing). They won't be accessible to your system. I think
that the whole point of Adobe PDF files is that someone can create
them in whatever font, layout and artwork they want and not have to
worry about others changing the fonts etc. I don't think you're
supposed to be able to.
I don't know that the Personal LW NT is a PostScript printer. If it's
not then that's reason it doesn't like PS fonts. It'll probably print
TrueType pretty happily.
You could get Desktop Printing as a separate install that would work
on System 7.5. I've been using it for several years. The new destop
spoolers can each run independantly and you can drag'n'drop files to
any number of desktop printers in succession and have them all
printing simulateously. You can set their memory allocation
individually too. They run with much greater stability than the old
Print Monitor which used to get corrupt if you so much as looked at it
sideways. The newest version will let you print PostScript files, PDF,
and text by dragging a dropping them without the need to open an
application. Very cool. Apple desktop printer utility lets you create
various desktop printer spoolers that do a variety of things. Open it
up and try a couple; It won't break.
OS 8.5 is pretty great. Sherlock alone is worth the upgrade. I think
that 8.5 also has newer, faster verions of AppleScript, AppleShare and
other stuff that's getting gradually rewritten in native PPC code.
It's probably best to always update to the latest patch version. ie:
8.1 from 8.0 or 8.5.1 from 8.5. The readme files included with the
patch always lists all the fixes but there's usually a big notice
towards the beginning to tell you if there's some reason not to.
Java eh? You can use Netscape Navigator/Communicator with its built-in
version of Java or you can use MS Explorer which gives you the choice
of using its version of Java or Macintosh Runtime Java. There's an
option in the preferences to choose which one. MRJ 2.1.1 was just
released in the last few weeks and it's supposed to be a lot faster
than previous versions and probably the best choice for running Java
on your Mac.
Sorry to go on so long. I hope it helps.
- Scott

Remove the =D2spamless=D3 to eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 20:58:55 -0400
Subject: (A) scripts, scripts, and more scripts!

Dear Digest readers,
Anybody still looking to optimize their modem speed may be interested in
the following web page that I have posted for my local internet provider:

It contains scripts and modem updaters for many different modem models.
I will be expanding this archive if anyone finds additional scripts.   If
anyone can verify that certain scripts do or don't work with specific
models, I'd be happy to include any notes next to the script link.    Many
of these scripts may be found on the MacOS 8.5 CD-ROM, but others I have
gathered from users of my provider, and the web sites of the modem

Thank you.


Date: 2 Apr 99 20:19:39 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) startup memory check in 8.5

>Does anyone know how to disable the startup memory check? The 8.5
>control panel has resources for turning it off, but what is the magic
>combination to get that option to appear?

Dr. Gomez:
I think I saw this just recently in MacWorld or the like:
hold down cmd+opt while the memory control panel is opening.
- Scott

Remove the =D2spamless=D3 to eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 09:54:02 -0800
From: Linda <>
Subject: 5200 and scanner questions

I just bought a scanner--Astra 1220S.....I just cannot figure it out. 
It came with Presto! Page Manager and Adobe PhotoDeluxe. The little book
of instructions does not match what comes up on the screen with my Mac
performa 5200CD......Should I look for a "Dummies" book in either of the
above programs?  

I bought this scanner, who knows why?  I wanted to scan recipes and scan
documents to my son.  It takes forever to scan it has
actually sat unused for a month.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I will be out of town for l if you could please email at my
addy below, I would be forever greatful!~  :-)

**Spread kindness as you go along because life is a one-way street
and you're not coming back.


Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 12:06:47 +0000
From: Ian Goldby <>
Subject: [A] Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet - do they bite or .. ?

Rowdy Blokland <> wrote:
>.. or, can a Mac LC be used to surf the Internet without data
>  dripping in like frozen honey?
>  QUESTION: A Mac LC with NE-7.5 system software and 4 MB ram;
>            can it really be used to, perhaps modestly,
>            surf the Internet?

I don't see any reason why not. In the WWW's early days, I used a Mac Plus
and Mosaic. Of course, you won't be able to use the latest and greatest (?)
software, so don't even think about using Netscape or Internet Explorer
version 3 or greater. Your biggest limitation is memory. For ease, upgrade
to 8MB or more - it's not expensive. But assuming you don't, here are two

iCab - So far only a demo version is available, but it is quite amazing.
When the full version arrives, you will have to pay a modest shareware fee.
It runs on 68k machines like the LC and runs fast. It has a suggested
memory partition of 2500 kB, so should fit into your LC if you keep the
System trimmed to the essentials. If necessary, turn on virtual memory -
but only if you have to. Personally, I would recommend downgrading to
System 7.1. I had this running in around 1.7 MB RAM before I was forced to
upgrade to 7.5.3 by my scanner software. You should use MacTCP, and not
Open Transport, mainly because it should use less memory. For iCab, visit This is from memory, so if it doesn't work, just do an
internet search for iCab. iCab adheres to the latest web page language
(HTML) standard. The 68k version does not do Java or Javascript yet though.

Netscape 2.02 - This has a suggested memory partition of 4296 kB, but a
minimum partition of 2560 kB. Expect trouble if you try to make do with the
minimum partition. This aside, Netscape 2.02 is a good browser. It doesn't
understand the latest additions to HTML, but responsible web designers make
sure that their pages will display well enough with older browsers such as
this. However, I can't see any reason to prefer Netscape 2.02 over iCab.
You may struggle to find version 2.02. It is apparently not available from
Netscape's own web site. I got it after a bit of internet searching.

Hope this helps.



Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 18:20:13 -0600
From: Jesse the K <>
Subject: [Q] EasyView configuration for OneList digests?

Checked DejaNews, couldn't find any EasyView (explained below) configuration

The mailing list generators continue to multiply. I'm on two lists now
from "OneList," a company that offers free mailing list hosting.

Each message is delineated by
<80 underlines><Return>
<80 underlines><Return>

Can't figure out how to define the digest or mail options so EasyView breaks
my digest into several mails. EV gives a "too many chars" error when I try
to paste in the above. (Not surprising.) In other cases where the message
divider has been long, I've suceeded by snipping the first few chars --
that didn't work: returned a "too many sections" error.

Specific advice sought, and/or pointers to details on configuring EasyView.

EasyView is a really swell freeware filereader -- available at InfoMac
-- that offers heirarchical navigation in many digest file formats --
LISTSERV and Majordomo and Tidbits (setext) and InfoMac (default "digest").

Jesse the K - 43:04N 89:24W Madison WI USA - <>
	Madness takes its toll, please have exact change.


Date: 	Mon, 5 Apr 1999 14:50:41 -1000
From: Jerry Levinson <>
Subject: [Q] iMac-to-IWII?

My mother would like to connect her (forthcoming) iMac to her old
ImageWriter II (She's 83 and would have difficulty changing ink jet
printer cartridges, but the IW's ribbons are no problem). Has anyone done
this, using, say, Asante's EtherTalk iMac adapter, or the
uConnectUSB-to-Serial convertor from Momentum? An under-$50 would be first
choice, then under-$100. More than that isn't worth it, I don't think.



Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 14:19:36 -0600
From: Gene Huebner <>
Subject: Appearance Manager?

I am in the process of upgrading some software, and the new software
tells me I require Appearance Manager. I cannot find this extension? or
whatever it is on my computer. I am using OS 7.6.1.  What is Appearance
Mangager and how do I acquire it?

Gene Huebner


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 16:17:53 -0500
From: "Kevin o'Cahan" <>
Subject: Apple Printer and a Windows PC

Is there any way to cheaply and easily use an Apple Personal Laserwriter to
print docs from a PC? I would like to set up some simple printing network
so I can print from both my Mac and my PC.



Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 20:21:32 -0700
From: "Squires Family PowerMac" <>
Subject: Applescript - how do I check if Appletalk is on?


 I want to be able to check from within an Applescript if Appletalk is
active(this is all to do with swapping between an AT and non AT printer).
I've tried all the usual things with 'appletalk active' of appletalk
configurations' (set etc) and keep getting errors from the Network Setup
Scripting app

Can anyone help with the necessary incantation?

Please e-mail me and I'll post the most elegant solution to the list

Thank you



Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 08:18:26 PDT
From: "Sebastian-Anton Ponovescu" <>
Subject: Appleshare and TCP/IP collisions

I tried to link the next LAN to InterNET and it does not work!!!
                        --------> InterNET Server
             ---> | Switch |
            |      --------
          -----    ^  ^  ^
         | Hub |   |  |  |
          -----   G3 X24 HP
          ^  ^
          |  |
         C1  C2
The two computers C1 and C2 see each other through apple talk, but they 
don't see the other devices connected even thow G3, X24 and HP see the 

Non of the computers / printers see (are seen) by the computers 
/printers below the HUB!

The link between the HUB and the Switch is OK (green led indicators on 
both). Whenever the either C1 or C2 tries to access G3 or InterNET the 
HUB flashes collision led and the Switch rejects the frames.

Do you have any sugestion on what could I do about it?

Sebastian Ponovescu

P.S. The only way I managed to make C1 see both G3 and InterNET was to 
disconnect it from the HUB and directly connect it to the Switch, in 
wich case it doesn't sees any more its friend C2.
Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 11:40:01 -0500
Subject: Appletalk cannot be opened? Performa 6205 7.6.1 w/o OT installed

I have chosen to stick with "classic networking" after unsucessfully
trying to use OT 1.1.2 and 7.6.1 to get reliably connected to my internet
provider. Now I want to use the printer port for a Laserwriter printer
and cannot turn Appletalk back on. The warning pops up to use Appletalk
with the Laserwriter 8 driver then I get message Appletalk cannot be

Can anyone enlighten me on this feature?? I have sucessfully used 7.5.5
to turn on Appletalk and print to the Laserwriter on the same machine.
(Thanks Apple for System Picker!!)

George S

You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]


Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 06:59:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Shogi Net <>
Subject: Backing up and synching a Sharp Wizard

I have been given a Sharp Wizard OZ-570PC personal organizer as
a present. It came with a docking station. I would like to use my
G3 as a backup device and, if possible, share data between
equivalent applications on the Wizard and Mac (e.g., calendar,
to do list, checkbook). Does anybody know how I should go about
achieving this? Are SoftPC or Virtual PC options, i.e., do Wizard
drivers exist that work with these PC emulators?

Thanks a million,

Shogi Net

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at


Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 18:17:16 -0400
From: gene nail <>
Subject: BestData Smart One Modems

i hope someone can help. about 18 months ago i got a Best Data Smart One
Mac 56k modem, and generally have had no problems with it.  my isp
recently upgraded from 56k Flex to v.90  and i went to BD's site for
flash rom upgrades, and downloaded them.  when i opened the document i
downloaded, it opened my IE 4.0 browser showing thousands of lines of
data (which i assume must, someway be downloaded to the modem).  I
emailed Best Data, asking how i send the data to the modem (for its PC
users, BD provides a utility that you also download).  when BD finally
answered my email, they said i'd have to call because the problem was
too complicated to be handled by email.  I called, and found out why
they wanted to help on the phone.  First you give them your credit card
number, then you get put on hold and wait hours for help.  I can't see
paying someone even a penny for help when they should be able to help me
through email.  I emailed them back, giving them a piece of my mind
about their greedy trap for tech support, but no one would bother to
answer.  but i understand why.

can anyone help.  i have the data from their site, and downloaded it
three times to make sure i got it all and got it right.  has anyone out
there upgraded their BestData modem to v.90 that could help.

i'd really appreciate it.

gene nail


Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 13:03:53 -0400
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: desktop DB problems

I give up - I can't solve this one alone.

If I add ANYTHING to my HD, I have to recreate the desktop. Not just 
rebuild, but trash the existing desktop DB & DF then recreate.

Typical scenario - I download a file, any file, from my own server 
onto my laptop. I try to open an application, say SimpleText. The 
machine freezes.

At this point the desktop database is corrupt and I can only restore 
reliable operation by doing the following:
 Boot from Norton CD
 Trash the desktop DB & DF files (I use TrashDesktop to do this)
 Rebuild the disk directory (I use Disk Warrior 1.03)
 Allow the desktop to be rebuilt when DW unmounts then remounts the HD
 Empty the trash to get rid of the old DB & DF files (5.6Mb total)
 Restart from internal HD

PWB1400c, 48Mb real RAM, Ram Doubler 8.01 to 113.2Mb, OS8.1
HD: 2Gb, HFS+, 20,000+ files, 2200+ folders
"Crumpled bits of paper filled with imperfect thoughts"

Vincent Cayenne


Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 11:19:59 -0400
From: Chuck Reti <>
Subject: Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet - do they bite or .. ?

In Info-Mac Digest V16 #279,
Rowdy Blokland <> writes:

>.., can a Mac LC be used to surf the Internet without data
>  dripping in like frozen honey?
>  See, it's not my fault - my girlfriend bought a Mac LC back in 1991
>  - right now, one'd have to pull a gun to someone's head to ever
>  sell one -, and the darn thing simply refuses to break down,
>  or explode, or open a window at jump out of it by itself, so:
>  QUESTION: A Mac LC with NE-7.5 system software and 4 MB ram;
>            can it really be used to, perhaps modestly,
>            surf the Internet?
>  Any hints, comments and pointers are more than welcome,
>  here or in my mailbox,
>  thanks in advance!
>  Rowdy Blokland,
>  science journalist,
>  The Netherlands.

I have an original (Jan 91) LC, (40MB HD, 4MB RAM, OS 7.1)
in my basement office  that I use for general text editing,
Ham radio teletype & packet, and backup internet access
with old Zoom 14.4 modem. "Modestly surf" is the key word.

I am using MacTCP 2.0.6, FreePPP 1.0.4 to connect,
Nifty Telnet to get mail from FreeNet account; MacWeb, MacLynx for
low end web text. Don't have an POP email client on it so not sure
what would work (eMailer or Eudora Lite perhaps).
Not real speedy by any means, but if you stick to mostly
text-based content, it's adequate. Not enough CPU/RAM/HD or speed to
do any serious web browsing whatever.

Chuck Reti     Detroit,MI         | Member- MacGroup Detroit         |


Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:45:18 EDT
Subject: Files mentioned two week sago theat have not yet appeared at

Could I be doing something wrong?  The following files were announced in 
info-mac two weeks ago, and yet I cannot find them.  Is it possible that I 
have done something wrong, or that they have been withdrawn, or there is a 
spelling typo...




And this one was just announced:


I am suspicious of the second one, beginning as it does with a number...

Michael B. Luskin


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 15:56:55 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: address book etc.

Sam asked:

>    Can anyone tell me which if any Mac version of Netscape has 128 bit

It does not have a special version. You just ask for 128-bit encryption
when you download the product, and get taken to a form you fill out before
starting the download.
If you go to you
will see around the middle of the page the various downloads to choose
from. Some are listed under 40-bit encryption and others under 128-bit
encryption, for the same versions of Netscape (Novigator 4.0.8 and
Communicator 4.5.1).

>    Also, in trying Navigator 4.0 (not preferred over Communicator) I
>mucked up the works and lost my address book while Norton'sFile Saver
>was turned off. Is there anyway to retrieve my lost and,drat! unbacked
>up address book?

This I don't know. How did you lose it? Did 4.0 overwrite it?



Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 15:59:16 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: Palm Desktop Problems and Questions

This question came up:

>1. Which models will synchronize with a PowerMac through its printer or
>modem ports?
>	I've used a Palm III and a Palm V through the modem port. Note that
>if you have both a modem and the Palm cradle going into the modem port you
>either need an A-B switch or must shut down and switch serial port cables
>(then enable/disble the HotSync software)

All Palm Pilots synchronize through the serial ports, if you have them.

>2. Which models will synchronize with one of the newer Macs through a USB
>port? (Since I expect to replace my aging PowerMac with an IMac in the
>not-too-distant future.)

If you don't have serial ports (iMac or b&w G3) I can wholeheartedly
recommend the KeySpan USB-serial port adapter. It works great with Palm
Pilot on my B&W G3.



Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 16:02:31 -0700 (MST)
From: (Shannon Spires)
Subject: G3 Powerbook Screen Hack?

The original G3 series powerbook cannot display any resolution but 1024 x
768 on its built-in screen. I have a video projector which attaches to the
Powerbook but which can only display (readably) at lower resolutions. When
I set the Powerbook to these lower resolutions with the projector
attached, its LCD screen goes black. Mirroring is thus impossible, and
when giving a talk, it's necessary to face the projection screen, not the

Isn't it possible to write a fix for this in software, such that the
Powerbook screen would just have a black border around the outside, with a
reduced-size window in the middle representing the lower res? Scaling the
pixels isn't necessary. Has anybody done such a thing?

Shannon Spires


Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 10:05:21 +0800
From: Al Byrne <>
Subject: IDE -> SCSI Adaptor


I've just spotted an advertisement in a magazine for an 'IDE - SCSI 
Adaptor', that will, apparently, "allow you to change IDE devices (with 
ATA 40 pin connector) into SCSI2/SCSI3 (50 pin connector) devices. Gain 
access to cheap IDE CD-ROM burners, CD drives, LS-120 and Hard Disk 

Anyone out there used one of these things? Any comments, good or bad, 

Al Byrne - <>


Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 18:26:45 -0500
From: "Will Porter" <>
Subject: Localtalk problems

The small Localtalk network in our office has some odd problems. There are
five Macs on the daisy chain, along with a LaserWriter. Mac #5 has file
sharing turned on, and its Documents folder is shared for guest access.
This Mac -- I'll call it the server -- is the last Mac at one end of the

Nobody has any trouble printing, ever.

Macs 3 and 4 can access the shared Documents folder on the server just
fine, at least for the purpose of opening folders and copying files from
the server to the client machine. However, attempts to OPEN documents that
remain on the server (using a copy of the application that is on the client
machine) are very risky. About half of the time, these attempts freeze the
client machine.

Mac 2 can mount the shared Documents folder from the server, but every
single time we try to copy a document from that shared folder to Mac 2's
desktop, Mac 2 freezes at the start of the copying process.

All the Macs are running Mac OS 8.5.1. Can anyone suggest how I might go
about trouble-shooting this problem? Thanks in advance.

Will Porter
Houston Texas


Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 21:00:21 -0600
From: "dave.trautman" <>
Subject: Maximum number of files in Open Dialog

I've not come across this myself, but since beginning work in a Win98 
office environment where there are many thousand files kept on a server 
I've noticed there is no problem in the dialogue for Save or Open to 
include the entire list of files.

One of the Mac's in this not-very-mixed environment is a "fisher-price" 
Blue G3 fold-out type and the graphic artist using it has become 
frustrated by an "error" message (the contents of which I have not read 
myself) which seems to suggest it cannot list all the files on the server 
and would he like to see the first ...n...?

This is not the Find dialogue where the list maxes out, it is within an 
application (say Photoshop) where he just wants to open from a huge list 
of available source files to adapt a graphic.

When I was told about this problem I wondered if it was real.  I've been 
asked to inquire amongst the venerable Mac community here (well, the 
truth is I offered to) about a solution, utility, hack, adjustment, 
addition or removal of an extension or whatever it might take to be able 
to view a list of about 4,000 files from within the Open/Save dialogue.  
The person who brought this to me is (as I am) a Mac fanatic working in 
Windows (because we have to; but we don't have to like it) and he'd like 
to be able (as I would) to give the G3 equal footing on this front.

Is it a network thingy.  Is it a Finder limitation?

The machine in question is connected well through normal 10baseT Ethernet 
to an MSnetwork LAN.  It's running OS 8.5 and has about 96MB of RAM.  It 
is properly TCP/IP configured by the other fanatic who knows and who is 
in charge of all the machines in the facility.
Is it something we have to tell the Win Server?  As you can see I'm just 
guessing here.

There were suggestions that Macs still have some sort of file limitation 
when it comes to the thousands.  Am I hearing this right?  Any help 
offered will be graciously accepted.

I offer a choice of two addresses to reply to.  My personal is:  < > and at work (where it counts most to clear this 
up) is: < >

Thanks in advance.  If it turns out to be something easy to fix or easy 
to understand I'll report back to the list (unless replies to the list 
provide the answer).  Info-Mac has yet to let me down.  I know the "truth 
is out there".

Dave Trautman
EncycloMEDIA Ltd.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

"Never make forecasts, especially about the future."
  =8B Samuel Goldwyn (1882-1974)


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 20:40:45 -0800
From: Doug Hardie <>
Subject: Power for a PowerBook

> I am contemplating the purchase of one of the new PowerBooks to use while
travelling in a motorhome. I'd like to be able to use it while underway
without having to fire up my 110v generator or use a convertor to get 110v
AC just for the computer. On the other hand, I have a RadioShack power
converter that can take the 12v DC and produce a variety of different DC
voltages. I currently use it to supply power for my portable CD player. It
has a number of different tips for plugging into a external power feed of
devices using externally supplied DC power, either with a positive or a
negative tip. Could something like that be used for the PowerBook? If so,
what is the current demand?

There are several manufacturers who make auto adaptors that power your
powerbook from a cigarette lighter jack.  However, do keep in mind that the
road conditions may be a larger concern.  Disks can only take so much
shock.  The roads around where I live would not be conducive to longevity
of your disk.  You can easily use the car to charge the battery while
driving and stop to use the powerbook.  Thats how I handle the situation.

-- Doug


Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 14:49:37 -0600
From: "Richard A. Wilson" <>
Subject: Printing Problem

I am having problems printing the Retrospect Express Users Guide, a PDF

The hardware:
Power Mac 7500/100
Mac OS 8.1, LaserWriter 8.5.1
Printer, LaserWriter v42.2 (the original), Postscript Level 1, v47.0, rev2

I get the message "Could not be printed on printer "LaserWriter" because of
a PostScript error". The printer spits out the following message:

ERROR: VMerror


/ pdfFaceByStyleDict

Any help would be appreciated


Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 17:07:50 -0500
From: "Jason Torrey" <>
Subject: Providing Security to Home Network

I am contemplating signing up for the ADSL service when it is offered here
in Kansas City in a few months.  However, I have concerns about the security
of my home Ethernet network after I connect an ADSL modem to it.

Southwestern Bell's web page doesn't really address security concerns other
than telling Windows users to turn off file and print sharing.  This really
isn't a good usable solution to all of the problems (hacking) that could

Therefore, does anyone have any experience adding hardware (a router, for
instance) or software to a network for providing security (like a firewall)?
Do you have any recommendations?



Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 14:53:23 -0600
From: Ted Logan <>
Subject: question for digest

> I am currently using Norton Disk Doctor 4.0.3 on my beige G3 which is
> running System 8.5.1. Each time I use it, it reports that "A minor error
> was found in the Master Directory Block: The attributes are incorrect" and
> it reports the code (5,1,2). If I let NDD 'fix' the problem, it is present
> again the next time I run the program, even if all I do is quit NDD and
> then start it up again. I suspect that NDD is wrong about this. Am I right?

Spend a couple of bucks and call Symantec Technical Support at
541-465-8440.  They've invaribaly been quick and helpful for me.
Otherwise, use technical support email at, also reasonably
prompt in replying.

Ted Logan
Logan Writing, Inc. (Cleveland, Oklahoma)
Consultant to The Parthenon Publishing Group (New York and London)


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 19:39:39 -0600
From: Jeff Sass <jsass@Adobe.COM>
Subject: Reset ADB port?

I am looking for a utility to reset the ADB port on a Mac. I used to have
one a couple years ago but I cannot find it anymore.  Any type of ADB
diagnostic software would be great.

Jeff Sass
Jeff Sass                     
Adobe Systems                  Voice: x34734 or (651) 766-4734
Pager : (888) 550-0487 or via email


Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 16:15:19 -0700
From: Richard Friedman <>
Subject: Sound Problem on a G3

Here's an interesting little puzzle for all of you out there:
We have a G3 Tower which after about 3 months of use stopped playing
sounds. Nothing comes out of the speaker  or headphone jack. I enter the
picture about 6 months into it's silence and tried a number of things like
reinstalling the system, trying a locked Zip disk with a system - nothing.
About 2 weeks ago we started hearing static periodically. Then last week I
heard the startup tone when I did a restart and for a few minutes I was
able to listen to a CD, and get the alert tones to be heard, then nothing.
Yesterday I noticed I could restore the sounds, for a few moments if I
either did a restart or toggled between CD & RCA in the Sound Monitoring
source pull down. As before, after a few minutes the Mac goes mute.

I've reseated the connector to the speaker and that seems to be okay.
Anyone got any ideas???

Richard Friedman


Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 13:59:17 -0400
From: rob <>
Subject: Troubleshooting wanted

quoting Info-Mac and possibly previous message abstract:

>Q1. Once a day it happens that my computer gets stuck --
>    it stops, lika in an electronic glue -- when I have
>    been clicking "Open PPP Connect".
>    Then I must click <Alt + Command + Escape> in order to
>    get a break off. But then the computer freezes completely =3D>
>    the typical Powermac Syndrome with system 7.5.3 -- but I
>    have OS 8.0.

You can update tyo system 7.5.5 and System 8.1 from the current versions 
you are using and get more reliable systems.  Also Try making an alias to 
your PPP control Panel and click and use it instead of the script open 
PPP close PPP.  This will tell you if you have a problem with PPP or with 
Applescript.  Applwscript changed where it looks for script additions 
with System 8.  It now has scri0pting additions in the System folder 
instead of the extensions folder. 

This message was sent with the latest in Apple email clients - Claris 
'The Best Just Keeps Being Better than the rest'


Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 07:43:47 -0700
From: Denny Davis <>
Subject: Why won't IE4.5 use StuffIt Expander instead of Deluxe?

At 3:03 PM -0500 3/8/99, Vincent Cayenne wittily wrote:

The problem is that there is a known bug in IE 4.0 to 4.5. Internet
Explorer looks at the Creator for .sit files and is finding StuffIt
Deluxe, it is supposed to use what is set for post process...but of course
it doesn't....that is where the bug comes in. The only solution I know of
is to change your file mapping in InternetConfig to use StuffIt Expander
as the creator for .sit files.

I don't know why you are having trouble changing the type and creator, but
you might hack the bundle resource of Expander with ResEdit and add the
file type info for .sit files....get icons and resources from StuffIt

Change the change your file mapping in InternetConfig to use StuffIt
Expander as the creator for .sit files.

Then rebuild your desktop from scratch by using TechTool or other utility
to trash your desktop file(s) and have a brand new desktop file after you

> OK - I give up. Every time I download a .sit file from within MS
> Internet Explorer 4.5, the archive is opened in StuffIt Deluxe as
> opposed to being expanded by StuffIt Expander.
> If I change settings to try to set the file type/application to
> StuffIt Expander, then it works as I intend only for the session but
> reverts to the "Deluxe" settings when next opened.
> I've tried deleting Internet Preferences, Internet Config extension,
> Mac Easy Open preferences, PC Exchange prefs. I've tried setting the
> helpers from Internet Config, Internet Explorer, Configuration
> Manager and those in PC Exchange.
> The only anomaly I can discern is that there only seems to be a TEXT
> type for StuffIt Expander. So, assuming that StuffIt Deluxe _HAS_ to
> own the file, why can't it permanently relinquish the HANDLING of the
> file to Expander?
> ----- Background -----
> PWB1400c, 8.1, OT1.3
> The settings in IE4.5's preferences/file helpers are as follows:
> Name: StuffIt 5.0 Archive
> extension: .sit
> MIME: application/x-stuffit
> file type/
> application: StuffIt Deluxe
> type: SIT5
> creator: SIT!
> encoding: Binary data
> use for: Incoming, Outgoing
> download destination: Download Folder
> Handling/
> Post process with application
> Application: StuffIt Expander
> StuffIt 1.5 archives are type "SIT!" and pre-5.0 StuffIt archives are
> type "SITD".
> My versions are:
> MSIE 4.5
> Internet Config v2.02
> StuffIt Deluxe 5.02
> StuffIt Expander 5.1
> Aladdin DropStuff 5.1
> Aladdin StuffIt SpaceSaver is disabled.
> ---------
> "Crumpled bits of paper filled with imperfect thoughts"
> (Rutherford/Robertson)
> Vincent Cayenne
> <>

Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.

Blessings, Denny


Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 10:06:39 -0500
From: (Theresa Kraft)
Subject: Word 6 and OS 8.5

I have learned from Microsoft that OS 8.5 "breaks" macros in Word 6 for the
Mac. The only options are to downgrade the system or upgrade Word to 98.

I have one lonely macro that I use once per month on about 40 files. It
saves me several hours. Now I have to run it on a Centris 610 that still
uses OS 8, and is so much slower than my G3!

Caveat emptor!


Theresa Kraft
Desktop Copy Assistant
1300 Harmon Place
Minneapolis MN 55403

612-338-0500 ext. 2242

Personal mail:



Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 14:26:29 EDT
Subject: Wordpercect scrolling problems

In all applications, especially older versions of Wordperfect, the 
relationship between the position of the black thing (technically speaking!) 
in the scroll bar channel on the right side of the window, and the position 
within the file of what is actually on the screen, is linear.  

In addition, as one moved the black thing up or down, the text within the 
window moved along with it.  

This is NOT the case when I use Wordperfect 3.5ep.  

I think I have noticed that there is more or less a square relationship 
between the relative position of the black thing within the channel and the 
position within the file of what is actually on the screen.  For instance, to 
be about one quarter into the text, one should be about one half down the 
scroll bar.  Sort of.  

In addition, when using Wordperfect, the text does NOT move as the black 
thing moves, Wordperfect waits until I have stopped moving the black thing, 
and have released the mouse button, before displaying text more or less in 
relation to where the black thing black thing is, as per the square rule 

Finally, the scroll speed in Wordperfect 3.5ep is incredibly high, and this 
makes it very difficult to work with any file.  The SLIGHTEST tap on the 
mouse moves the position within the file by large amounts.  Often too much to 
see a next screenful of information

Even more, when I try control panels, such as smartscroll and scrolling, they 
work perfectly with ALL other applications, BUT NOT with Wordperfect.  It 
seems as though all applications scroll very quickly on a G3, due to inherent 
processor speed, but I can cut the scroll speed to be quite slow in word, 
nisus, AOL, etc..  But the scroll speed of  Wordperfect is unaffected.  In 
addition, even with these control panels, the second problem, text not moving 
as the black thing moves, is unaffected.

Are these scrolling problems inherent to Wordperfect 3.5ep, or have I missed 
something.  I am curious how others can tolerate this.  This happens whether 
I am using my G3 powerbook, my desktop G3, or my Mac IIvx.  

These problems were the main reason I bought nisus.  By the way, nisus is 
wonderful, as intuitive and easy to use as Wordperfect was five years ago.  I 
have made the discovery, sad to say, that Wordperfect is in my fingers, and 
try as I might, I often do something the Wordperfect way, and have to catch 
myself.  If not for this, I would not bother to ask this question, as I am 
sick of the crashes, and the Corel soap opera.  I would have removed 
Wordperfect from the hard drive long ago.  

Michael B. Luskin


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 19:52:33 -0800
From: Doug Hardie <>
Subject: WriteNow

During the last few days WriteNow has started crashing on startup with a
Type 1 error.  At first it was only on certain files.  Now its on all of
them and the application itself.  If I restart without extensions it locks
up the whole machine.  It never did this on OS 8.1 but I recently upgraded
to 8.5.1 and about a week later it started.  Any ideas?  Have I finally
reached the end of the road for WriteNow?  I certainly hope not as its
still better than the others out there.

-- Doug



End of Info-Mac Digest