Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #301
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 10 May 99       Volume 16 : Issue 301

Today's Topics:

      (A) USB Laser Printers?
      (Q) Quicken Data Files
      [A] Accelerating HyperCard?
      [A] Robotics curriculum/resources
      [Q] Harddisk enclosure
      [Q] Info-mac CD ROM: still existing?
      Access Code?
      Computer Use Software
      External IDE provisions?
      HP laserjet & System 8.5
      Laserjet 5M & iMac
      Laserjet 5M & iMac
      Laserjet 5M & iMac
      Out of Memory
      Problem with a PowerWave 604/132
      Repairing a HD Floppy Disk Drive
      Simple Security
      soft for Global Village Powerport Platinum Pro
      Trash Icon Utility
      weirdness on your new hard drive.

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: 9 May 99 19:54:55 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) USB Laser Printers?

Joshua Hart <> wrote:
>Anybody have experience with USB LaserPrinters?  I really wanted to get a
>HP Laserjet to hook up to a new PowerMac B&W G3, but HP does not seem to
>make any Laser Printers with USB connections!
>I saw a Brother HL-1040 Laser printer with a USB connection kit for an
>advertised in MacWarehouse. However, I am not quite so sure how well a
>Brother would hold up. (Anyone care to comment on "Brother" laser
>And would a USB Laser Printer show up via the LaserWriter 8 extension in
>the chooser?

We had a couple of 80s vintage Brother laser printers where I used to work
and they were real work horses. They never broke down and just kept on
going. I don't know what their current stuff is like.
I've not seen any USB compatible laser printers but there are lots with
ethernet options that would work fine for your B&W G3. A USB printer
wouldn't show up under LW 8 in the Chooser because it'd be looking for an
Appletalk printer (either on Localtalk or Ethertalk, or even IRtalk I
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 15:58:14 -0500
From: The Sissons <>
Subject: (Q) Quicken Data Files

I recently upgraded from Quicken 7 to Quicken 98. (My bank forced me to in
order to continue to use Online Banking.) In doing so, I ran into a
problem hopefully someone out there has the solution to.

As a practice I have kept two data files. My master data file has
transactions from 1989 to 1996. My current data file has 1997 to present.
When Quicken upgraded the data files to 98 format, the current data file
bloated so much that it won't fit on a floppy anymore. (I always back up
my current data file to a floppy when I close Quicken.) No problem I
think. I'll just strip the 1997 and 1998 transactions out of the current
file (making it smaller) and add them in to the master file. What I am
finding out is that while I can easily make the current file smaller and
strip out the 1997 and 1998 data, getting it added in to the master file
is a whole other story. When I try to use export/import I get double
transactions in the master file and it ends up being a big mess. I tried
calling Intuit. I find out that there is no more free technical support.
$19.95 per question now. I spoke to a tech who told me not to use
import/export. He verified that I would get the double entries, etc...
Said that what I wanted to do could be done with "Save a Copy" in the file
menu but that to tell me any more he would have to charge me the $19.95. I
wasn't confident enough in him to go on.

So, my question is whether anyone out there has accomplished adding
transactions into an existing file and how you did it. As always, any
help, hints and/or constructive suggestions will be appreciated.



Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 12:49:54 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: [A] Accelerating HyperCard?

I suspect those fast 68040 machines run 68k code faster than the 68020
emulator on the PPC machines.


At 7:40 AM +0000 on 5/7/99, Marlon Deason wrote...
>My office has several databases which run on HyperCard. Recently We
>upgraded our Macintosh to a PowerPC from the '040 Macintosh which used
>to run HyperCard. I am not seeing the blazing fast speed incease I was
>hoping for.
>I am presuming that HyperCard is still 100% 68k native code (just my
>guess based on how Apple has been neglecting HyperCard for the last few
>years). I have seen significant increases in disk access speed, opening
>windows launching (most) programs and am generally happy with the lot.
>What are some things I can do to speed up my HyperCard?
>Marlon Deason


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 00:51:35 -0500
From: CHAT Mac Lab <>
Subject: [A] Robotics curriculum/resources

Earlier this year we requested information on MacOS-based robotics
resources (original posting follows). There were many kind responses, a
summary of which can be found at

Our thanks go out to the many list readers who were kind enough to suggest
resources for our use.

M.D. Arkin
Computer Studies Department
Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto
200 Wilmington Avenue
Toronto, Canada   M3H 5J8


office messages:
        + 1 416 636.5984 ext 221
office fax:
        + 1 416 636.7717

===== original posting follows =====

We hope to offer a robotics course to our senior (grade 12) students next
year, but have been unable to find the hardware and software resources --
and curriculum guides -- which would enable us to teach the course in our
Mac Lab. Several Wintel-based solutions have been uncovered; but so far,
we've had no luck on the Mac OS side.

If readers with relevant information would be so kind as to contact us
directly, with their suggestions, we'll summarize their answers in a future


Date: Sun, 09 May 1999 01:43:57 +0000
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: [Q] Harddisk enclosure

I am upgrade-aholic. I have several small harddrives (notebook and
desktop sizes) laying around which I would like to put to work.

Is there a third party drive enclosure which will make these drives into
external SCSI or PC card drives? I would love a pocket-sized SCSI drive,
then I could carry around all of my work in a very small package or I
could use it as a universal boot disk, kind of like jumper cables.

Marlon Deason


Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 09:39:47 +0200
From: Alessandro Simonetto <>
Subject: [Q] Info-mac CD ROM: still existing?

The last issue I'm aware of is of the end of 1997. Is anyone aware of any
other issues of the archive CDROM?

(Please remove the .NOSPAM from the address for replying)

Thank you
Alessandro Simonetto

Alessandro Simonetto
CNR - Istituto di Fisica del Plasma, via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano ITALY
Tel + 39 02 66173 271                           Fax + 39 02 66173 239


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 12:49:59 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Access Code?

DiskGuard by ASD Software <> will give you disk
access privileges. FileGuard by the same company will give file and
folder-level protections.
I seem to remember there have been some recent incompatibilities with DG
and various recent MacOS versions, so check that with the company (or the



At 7:44 PM -0700 on 5/7/99, Lawrence Rugolo wrote...
>I'm almost certain this question was asked and answered before, when it had
>no relevance for me. My apologies if this is the case.
>A Power Mac 9600 which I have had in my private office for some three years
>will have to be moved to another office used by other people. I need to
>limit access to this computer to just myself and one other user. Is there
>some software, with a code, that would prevent others who don't have that
>code to turn on and use that computer?
>TIA -- Larry
>Lawrence Rugolo, Prof Emeritus, Univ of Missouri-Columbia
>       VOICE MAIL: 573/449-5504  FAX: 573/884=6807
>               EMAIL:
>.......... WWW: ..........


Date: Sun, 09 May 1999 08:55:55 -0700
From: Greg Zuck <>
Subject: Computer Use Software

Is anyone familiar with software that  will monitor what programs run,
when and for how long. I would like to know who uses the computer and
what they do.

This would be my kids I'm talking about here. Their devotion
(obsession?) to things digital has resulted in some pretty complicated
rules to manage the available computer time...more time for educational
projects than Myth, etc..and its getting difficult to police. The Sec
General of the UN is getting tired of us asking him to intervene in
disputes and I thought there was probably some SW out there that would
do the trick.

What I have in mind is each kiddo logging in so the user is defined. The
programs they use would be logged and an activity log would be generated
for each user.

Alternatively, software that increased the hours in a day would work.

TIA Greg


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 14:55:51 -0400
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: External IDE provisions?

At 8:01 AM -0400 5/7/99, you wrote:
>Bottom Line offers an external case for IDE storage to USB interface
>(colored in Bondi-blue) for $79.99. It's the first product of its kind
>we've seen. Essentially, put any IDE hard drive into the case and plug the
>case into an available USB port.  (10:41a)
>I have a need for the same type IDE chassis for a SCSI connection to a
>Performa 6360.  I have a 1.2 MB gathering dust, and have talked to APS
>about it in the past without favorable result.  Do you know of any such IDE
>to SCSI provision?

 From a Usenet posting (no experience with it myself):
> $99 adaptor board that slips between an IDE device and
> your Mac's SCSI port. Its only limit is that any hard
> drive attatched to it that is greater than 8.2 GB will
> only format to 8.2 GB, regardless of its actual capacity.

One who is confused in purpose cannot respond to his enemies.
   -- Sun Tzu


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 10:35:33 -0700
From: Kathy Brunetti <>
Subject: HP laserjet & System 8.5

A few weeks ago I psoted a queston about a conflict betwen Ssytem 8.5 and
my Laserjet 4M.  I got seceral good answers, that steered me where to look
around.  Basically, the Laserjet 4 driver is incompatable with Ssytem 8.5.
Symptoms include a complete hang when printing from MS Word 98 and Error 40
problems with most other programs.  The Error 40 can only be corrected by
turning the printer off & on again which is a real pain when yo have to do
it for each print job.  HP is now offering Apple printer drivers 8.6 for
download on its own web site, instead of HP 's drivers.  Apple recommends
using version 8.5.1. I tried that and the problem got worse, inclduing the
wierdest problem I've ever seen. Suddenly all text disappeared from the
screen--in the Finder, in all open programs. Everything else stayed.  My
Word document showed all of the hidden characters; my desktop was full of
unnnamed icons.  A reboot took care of it.  My best solution was to remove
every printer resource I could find and download the latest version (8.6.1)
from Apple.  I also had to reinstall the latest PDD for the Laserjet. It's
still not perfect; I have occasional problems with Word, but it's the best
I found.

Kathy Brunetti


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 15:41:09 -0400
From: "Jeffrey M. Vinocur" <>
Subject: Laserjet 5M & iMac

At 20:23:04 +0100 Fri, 07 May 1999, Graeme Babbs
<> wrote:
>I have a Laserjet 5 M which I want to direct connect to an iMac using 10
>base-t cable to the Jet
>Direct port on the back of the LaserJet. The LJ used to be on a network
>connected to IBM
>Can anyone tell me if this is possible and if it is, can I have an idiot's
>step by step guide to
>doing it please? I downloaded driver 8.6 from the HP site and installed
>it, but the printer does not
>appear in Chooser. I feel I am missing something simple, but I can't
>figure out what.

It can be done, very easily.  You need a slightly different kind of cable,
that's all.  It's called a "crossover cable", and looks exactly like a
regular 10baseT etherent cable, but internally is wired slightly
differently.  You ought to be able to find one in a computer store for
(...guessing at an exchange rate...) 10 UKP or so.  Although it would
probably be cheaper online somewhere, once you factor in shipping it's
probably not worth the trouble.

Jeffrey M. Vinocur


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 11:56:37 -0700
From: Gilbert Rankin <>
Subject: Laserjet 5M & iMac

> I have a Laserjet 5 M which I want to direct connect to an iMac using 10
> base-t cable to the Jet Direct port on the back of the LaserJet. The LJ used
> to be on a network connected to IBM compatibles.
> Can anyone tell me if this is possible and if it is, can I have an idiot's
> step by step guide to doing it please? I downloaded driver 8.6 from the HP
> site and installed it, but the printer does not appear in Chooser. I feel
>I am > missing something simple, but I can't figure out what.
> Thanks for your help.

It should work.  One of two possibilities springs to mind.  First are you
using a crossover cable?  A normal 10BaseT cable will not work.  You should
be able to pick up a crossover cable at your local computer store.  It's
also possible that AppleTalk was turned off on the printer's control panel.

  Gilbert Rankin                               
                                                    Voice:  415.647.0280
                                                    Fax:    707.924.1293


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 13:00:27 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Laserjet 5M & iMac

You may need an Ethernet crossover cable. Should be inexpensive at your
local computer parts store.

At 8:23 PM +0100 on 5/7/99, Graeme Babbs wrote...
>I have a Laserjet 5 M which I want to direct connect to an iMac using 10
>base-t cable to the Jet
>Direct port on the back of the LaserJet. The LJ used to be on a network
>connected to IBM
>Can anyone tell me if this is possible and if it is, can I have an idiot's
>step by step guide to
>doing it please? I downloaded driver 8.6 from the HP site and installed
>it, but the printer does not
>appear in Chooser. I feel I am missing something simple, but I can't
>figure out what.
>Thanks for your help.


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 13:13:04 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Out of Memory

Reduce the amount of VRAM assigned.
According to the TIL
<>, Apple recommends
assigning VRAM as 50% of available physical RAM. I've read elsewhere that
no more than 33% is optimal.

So if you have 80MB physical, create no more than 40MB virtual (120MB total).
Better might be about 27MB virtual assigned...

Also, if you are running Photoshop then do NOT use Virtual Memory.
Photoshop has its own scheme of "virtual memory" which conflicts with
Apple's and WILL crash your machine frequently.



At 1:39 PM -0500 on 5/7/99, Paul Kleeberg, M.D. wrote...
>I have a PowerBook 2400c that has 80 MB of physical memory boosted to
>160 with virtual.  Sometimes when I try to load another application,
>I get out of memory messages with the finder when there is lots of
>memory left.  Sometimes I can not even open the "About this
>Macintosh" in the Finder.  The system occupies about 22 MB and the
>bar suggests that there is no free memory space in the system memory
>partition.  What is my problem and how can I fix it?   Searching
>Apple Tech Info Library gives me no clues.
>Other details MacOS 8.5.1, 6 GB hard drive, Vpower Copper 320 G3
>processor, QuicKeys used to load the apps in the finder.
>Paul Kleeberg


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 15:37:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lawrence Rugolo <>
Subject: Problem with a PowerWave 604/132

There is a serious problem with my PowerWave made by Power Computing
Corporation with a 604/132 chip. It runs MacOS 8.1.

It apparently died and was in for repairs last week and the shop got it up
and running again, but this morning when I booted up, there was just a
blank bright screen with the cursor frozen in the upper left corner. After
several restarts, it booted.

Later, when I tried to switch the Startup Disk (in the Control Panel) from
the internal hard drive to the internal CD-ROM drive to do some diagnostic
work with Norton Disk Tools, here's what happened:

I inserted the CD and chose it as the Startup Disk in the Control Panels.
Before restarting the computer, I also inserted the ZIP disk which contains
the diagnostic tools (there have been times when the ZIP disk wouldn't
mount if FWB Tools were disabled at startup).

Then I restarted the computer. Instead of booting off the CD, all I got was
a bright screen with the cursor frozen in the upper left corner. I then
tried to force the computer to boot from the ZIP disk by holding down the
Option-Control-Shift-Delete keys. No dice. I then ejected the CD disk and
tried to force the ZIP to boot again. Still no luck. I also zapped the PRAM
several times. Then I ejected the ZIP disk (by pressing the eject button
next to the slot while restarting). As soon as the ZIP disk was removed,
the computer started up.

Does anyone know what's happening and what I can do to solve this problem?
Or is it a  hardware problem that a shop will have to deal with. Does is
sound like a hard disk problem or is it a problem with the removable media
drives? (Other than adding RAM chips, I'm not very handy with the insides
of a computer.)


Lawrence Rugolo, Prof Emeritus, Univ of Missouri-Columbia
       VOICE MAIL: 573/449-5504  FAX: 573/884=6807
.......... WWW: ..........


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 12:12:44 -0700
From: Ken Workman <>
Subject: Repairing a HD Floppy Disk Drive

At 1:30 AM -0700 5/9/99, Info-Mac eloquently stated:
>Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 17:23:47 +0100
>From: Derek Hayes <>
>Subject: Sudden demise of floppy disk drive


>Could anyone point me towards any source of information about the floppy
>drive (mechanical & electrical) and any help in suggesting the likely
>causes for a "no start" that I might be able to tackle.
>The disk drive is a Sony with "805-0961-A" on the outer metal case, and
>a label on the bottom of the disk motor SONY 2MB   Model MP-F75W-12G and
>a barcode *SD2421QX0672*.
>I appreciate the drive is a sophisticated bit of gear, but the fault may
>be simple, "it does not start to spin", and not some infernally
>complicated software or mechanical problem that affects the
>reading/writing process.
>I know I could buy a new disk drive, but I am retired and 75 years old
>and I need a challenge.
>Any practical suggestions out there?



Find thee a copy of "The Dead Mac Scrolls" by Larry Pina (published by
Goldstein and Blair, Box 7635, Berkeley, CA 94707, U.S.A.), published waaay
back when you were young - in 1992. The book is probably long out of print
so your best best would be to see if anyone in the U.K. near you might have
a copy. Starting on page 265 is a detailed description of how to
disassemble and repair both DD and HD floppy disk drives.

Good luck!


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 13:19:28 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Simple Security

Quite a few, actually. The commercial versions are FileGuard and DiskGuard
by ASD Software <>.

There is a shareware app called Password Key (very useful and easy to set
up, but also easy to bypass by starting up Extensions Off) by Carl Powell
<> or <>.

Finally, I think BlackWatch may have password protection at startup, but
you'll have to check on that. BlackWatch is a bit of freeware by a
programmer who works at Apple (Ken McLeod) and it's posted to Info-Mac

I'm sure there are more, but this should get you what you need.



At 5:57 PM -0400 on 5/7/99, Ira Flatow wrote...
>Is there a simple control panel to require a password to access the Mac at
>startup, in system 8.x?
>Ira Flatow
>Host/Executive Producer - "Science Friday"
>News Director- "Science and Technology News Network"


Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 19:13:44 -0400
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: soft for Global Village Powerport Platinum Pro

At 10:13 AM -0400 5/9/99, Lauren wrote:
>In article <> Vincent wrote:
>: No, I don't think you need anything already installed to use the
>: software at the site. Download the 3.02 update package (3.06 isn't
>: usable for the 1400). It should include the firmware update, drivers
>: and modem scripts (going from memory here).
>Are you SURE that you can't use the 3.0.6 update?  It says you can on the
>web site.  (I ask because I just downloaded 3.0.2 in anticipation of
>receiving my new card in the mail tomorrow.)  What specifically makes
>3.0.6 unusable on the 1400?

OK, my humble apologies, I was dead wrong on all counts it seems. The 
3.0.6 _is_ usable and specified for the PWB1400. And it _doesn't_ 
install in the absence of previous GV software.

The installer balks and reports that the update can't find existing 
GV software. Specifically, it looks for either of (or both) the 
Global Village PC Card Control Panel and the Global Village Toolbox 

Perhaps the site has an earlier version which is not labelled as an 
update? Which would install without preexisting software? Didn't have 
an opportunity to search - I was kinda busy downloading, then trying 
all the permutations of this 3.06 update stuff...

I was not wrong. I was just inaccurate in my estimation. - D. Dottin (24Jan99)


Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 05:12:33 +0800
From: Chris Bautista <>
Subject: Trash Icon Utility

Does anyone knows of a utility that can change the default trash icon on 
Mac OS 8.5?   

I knew it could be done with ResEdit but I don't know how...  and I also 
know it dangerous if you don't kow what you are doing.

thanks in advance


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Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 12:20:39 +0800
From: Laurent Chan <>
Subject: weirdness on your new hard drive.

Dear Professor Fiertel and Mr Jessup

Thank you for your reply.

I did not elaborate the problem earlier. The problem is far more mysterious.
I will elaborate the weirdness here.

What I attempted:

1. Did a low-level format (probably with the latest driver 1.7.2 or 1.7.4 in
the beginning by the supplier. I did the low-level format with that driver
that come with MacOS 8.5.)

2. I did format it to Mac OS Extended and MacOS Standard and partitioned to
2Gb and 4GB in a 6GB hard disk.

3. I did a Clean Install.

4. All MacOS 8.5 installed was quickly followed up with MacOS 8.5.1 Update.

5. All boot-up from CD-ROMs MacOS (MacOS 8.5 Installer, Norton Utilities)
behaves normally. (from here, I deduce that there is no problem with the Mac
ROM. That seems to direct problem to hard disk low-level formatting, MacOS
installed to hard disk, or the Monitor problem like you suggested.)

6. I tried MacOS 8.5, MacOS 8.5.1, MacOS 7.6.1, and also attempted to
drag&drop minimal OS from MacOS 8.5 & Norton Utilities CD-ROM. These failed.

Some symptoms are:

1. Icons and filenames overlapped (superimposed) when displayed on a
"Listing" mode.

2. On desktop, filenames appears on the left of screen and icons appears on
right of screen.

3. Drag and Drop do not work. (possibly the visual and screen mapping
position is not WYSIWYG).

4. On startup, when the progress bar slows very much just before the
Extensions appears from bottom left of screen.

5. System hangs very easily when working with any application.

6. When the MacOS dual face appears on screen, there is a flicker/streak
horizontally across the screen cutting the screen.

7. Sometimes, the MacOS dual face also got truncated.

8. Many times, it reported there is problem with an Extension during startup
and prompting an Extension Disabled startup. I do not understand how it has
problem inconsistently, and all Extensions are originally from the MacOS.

9. The monitor behaves very well, able to switch resolutions and color

I am really challenged on this issue.

I thank you and appreciate your response.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Neil Fiertel []
> Sent:	Saturday, May 08, 1999 3:22 AM
> To:
> Subject:	weirdness on your new hard drive.
> It sounds like a p-ram error to a pram clear using techtool
> (shareware0 then check the monitor resollution settings as frankly it
> sounds more like a monitor error rather than a hard drive one. Further to
> that, make certain that yoiu do not have an extension in the system folder
> that is somehow causing drag and drop to fail. If you are running an older
> system there is a drag and drop extension. Newer systems after 7.5.5 do
> not
> need or want this drag and drop extension so dump it in the trash.
> "Just three rusty strands of barbed wire from the North Pole"
> 		Professor Neil Fiertel
> 		FAB-3-98
> 		Department of Art and Design
> 		University of Alberta
> 		Edmonton, Alberta
> 		Canada T6G-2C9



End of Info-Mac Digest