Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #307
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 05 Jun 99       Volume 16 : Issue 307

Today's Topics:

      [A] Two monitors, not quite in sync...
      [A]How to automatically add DOS extensions to Mac files ?
      [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?
      [Q] MkLinux
      [Q] Virtual PC printing quality
      Dayna PC Ethernet card Driver Wanted!
      Either I have a problem w/Applescript...
      iMac networking
      Linux for Mac
      Looking for a QuarkXPress mailing list and info web sites
      making an installer using Applescript
      making an installer using Applescript
      MAXPower Upgrades
      OS 8.6 won't quit
      reading Windows CDs
      Speeding Up a PM 6100
      Two monitors, not quite in sync...

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Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 16:23:51 -0400
From: "Lewin A.R.W. Edwards" <>
Subject: [A] Two monitors, not quite in sync...

> and now when the monitors are both on there are slow-scrolling dark
> bands on them, up on one monitor and down on the other. it takes about 3
> Anyone else seen this, or more importantly, _fixed_ it?

Congratulations Bruce, you are the lucky winner of a slow beat effect; the
two video cards are not putting out exactly the same syncrates and your beat
effect is caused by that. The best thing to do is to move the monitors
further apart (e.g. put the Mac in between the two monitors), but it sounds
like you are pushing the envelope in that direction already.

Your next best bet is to change the resolution or refresh rate on one of the
monitors so that the beat is *FASTER*. If the beat is fast enough you won't
notice it.

Also try swapping the monitors around (physically, not the cables). It may
be one monitor has a particularly noisy component on the left edge and the
other has a particularly sensitive component on the right edge, and you've
put the two monitors "nose to tail".

There are more exotic things to try, such as magnetic shielding [this
interference is an electromagnetic effect], but that's 'beyond the scope of
this book' as they say.

-- Lewin A.R.W. Edwards
Embedded Engineer, Pragmatic Designs Inc
Port Chester, NY


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 16:00:03 +0200
From: (Hado Hein)
Subject: [A]How to automatically add DOS extensions to Mac files ?

> Does anyone know how to automatically add standard DOS extensions
> to multiple Mac files eg to systematically add ".doc" to all MS-Word
> files (under either Windows or better Mac-OS) ?

Imho, unless someone wrote a system extension for that purpose it's not
possible in the way you asked for.

What you can do is use an AppleScript to read out files' type andor
creator and then add the extension to the filename.
Ongoing, which I did not look up, it might be possible to use the
settings in PC Exchange Control Panel as lookup list. If not you will
hav to hard-code this into your script.

On the other hand, if you're doing something like a Golden Master (this
means that you will be not working with these modified files, or you
need to do this only some days a year) you may use "File Buddy" from the
archieves to search for all files of a given type. Then you just need to
suffix these files. I don't know if File Buddy can do this. Otherwise
you max use an apple script of mine to accomplish this.
(<> There is one for
prefixing, just change the string manipulation)

Hado Hein, Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
      find PGP and http in Headers


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 08:31:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian Wessels <>
Subject: [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?

This is somewhere between a question and a comment for discussion, and
it has probably come up before. When is the Mac OS enough? What is the
(current) point of diminishing returns with upgrading?

Judging from all the problems I see cited here and elsewhere, my
current belief is that Mac OS 8.1 is the place to stay for quite a
while. Lacking little more than Sherlock and fancy icons, it seems
quite stable compared to reports on subsequent releases. Mac OS 8.5.1
may be a contender, but 8.6 or 8.5 certainly don't seem to be. And then
there's all the questions of software compatibility, particularly with
favorite old shareware utilities and such. 8.5 and on seem to break
quite a few things, or at least require they be upgraded, with all the
hassle that entails.

I've been an enthusiastic Macophile for years, and 8.0 was the quickest
upgrade I've ever made. But the problem reports and Adam Engst's
cautionary preview of Mac OS NeXT have me reconsidering. Maybe it's
time to hunker down with an OS version I know, and current versions of
apps that already far outstrip my needs, and get something done instead
of always tinkering about. I used to be baffled by folks who stayed
with System 7.1 forever; now I'm beginning to understand. What's your

Brian Wessels

This is my private, "permanent" email address.
Worried about Y2K? Buy a Macintosh. Y2K safe since 1984.

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Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 23:13:18 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: [Q] MkLinux

Is anybody running MkLinux? On a P'book 3400 with minimal RAM?

Any comments on the setup?


"What I really want to know is: Are things getting better
or are they getting worse?"
-Laurie Anderson


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 00:29:16 -0500
From: Don & Barb Batie <>
Subject: [Q] Virtual PC printing quality

    How can I improve printing quality when using Virtual PC on my beige
G3 printing to a HP 870 Cse over an AppleTalk network. I'm using
QuickBooks 99 on the PC side and I want to be able to print checks,
invoices, etc. Virtual PC forces me to use their Epsom driver which
looks awful.
    Would StyleScript help if I used the PostScript drive supplied? Any
other ideas?


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 17:11:01 -0400
From: "Ira Flatow" <>
Subject: Dayna PC Ethernet card Driver Wanted!

I've tried all of online drivers for the Dayna Communicard 10BaseT Ethernet card
but my PB 190 is not able to use it. Sure, the card shows up on the desk
top...but when opening Appletalk control panel and trying to select the pull
down menu "other Ehtherne" all I get is an error message.

Can nyone with a PB 190, a Dayna Ethernet card (now discontinued) who can supply
me with a working driver?
I"ve tried even Farallon drivers...but no avail.

Thanks in advance.


Ira Flatow
Host/Executive Producer - "Science Friday"
News Director- "Science and Technology News Network"


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 09:13:38 -0400
From: (John Rethorst)
Subject: Either I have a problem w/Applescript...

In article <7j6l7q$1j1$>, wrote:

>>Finally, check out some of the online resources on Usenet and the Web 
>>where there are lots more people who can help you with this kind of thing.

>Try submitting your question to applescript users or MacScript.  You will 
>have to subscribe. 

On usenet, alt.comp.lang.applescript is very helpful. I like newsgroups
better than mailing lists, just MHO, since I find them easier to navigate.

John Rethorst

Please delete the x for email.


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 10:31:37 +0100
From: "Stewart Mackintosh" <>
Subject: iMac networking

Thanks to those who replied to my question.
Best regards

Stewart Mackintosh


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 23:02:12 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Linux for Mac

A version of Posix on Info-Mac:
Mac06 - the UNIX/POSIX system running on top of MacOS.

Mac06 is intended - but not limited to - learning UNIX on a Mac, running
legacy UNIX software or developing new software. Mac06 features simple
installation and runs in parallel with MacOS (7.x and later).

Now, I am pleased to announce that a new release is available.
Although the most recent version "mac06-0.93" is still a beta release it is
already demonstrating how the system works. Compared to the previous versions,
more bugs have been found, a lot of functions and commands have been
completed, and now a PPC and a 68k version is available.

You are cordially invited to try out!

Additionally, I would like to ask you to fill in the FEEDBACK form and send
your comments and suggestions to

Please have also a look at

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mac06-093.hqx; 7105K]

Also, iirc Tenon Intersystems makes a *unix variant <>.

At 5:25 PM +0000 5/28/99, Reuben Halper wrote:
>Are there any variants of Linux available for the Mac?
>Reuben Halper


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 16:12:11 +0200
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: Looking for a QuarkXPress mailing list and info web sites

I'm looking for a mailing list for QuarkXPress and web sites that carry
infos on QXP.

**   Arch. Paolo Bartoli


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 03:59:52 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: making an installer using Applescript

At 12:58 PM -0400 6/1/1999, a brody wrote:
>Dear Digest readers,
>I would like to make an installer using Applescript instead of any of the
>commercial applications out there, and wondered has anyone succeeded in
>doing this?    It would seem possible.

Sure, it's possible.  It's just typing. ;)

>But so far I am having trouble
>converting "path to" to a string so that it can be incorporated into a
>launcher for the program I wish to add text to.  For instance, I'd like to
>copy a file off a CD I create and insert it into the preference folder for
>the user.

This just worked for me:

tell application "Finder"
	set srcFile to "Mac OS 8.5:Utilities:Disk First Aid"
	set tgtLoc to path to preferences folder as string
	copy file srcFile to folder tgtLoc
end tell

but in this case the "as string" isn't required.  Remove it and the 
script works just as well.

What specifically are you having trouble doing?

>I'd also like to be able to script several freeware installers
>into the program.

The feasibility of this is going to depend entirely on the specific 
freeware installers involved.  I assume by this you mean that you 
want your installer to fire off the installer for FreePPP or somesuch.

If all you want is for your installer to start up the freeware 
installer, then sure, that's trivial.  That will leave it up to the 
user to complete the install.  Your script could lurk in the 
background and pick up again when it sees that the freeware installer 
has gone away.

If you want your installer to drive the freeware installer for your 
user and complete the install of whatever it is, then that will 
depend on whether the installer in question was built to be 
scriptable.  Some are, some aren't.  For example, both the Acrobat 
Reader 4.0 Installer and the QuickTime 4.0 installer are built with 
InstallVISE and so are scriptable.  From an Applescript, you can 
select packages, target drives, and fire off installs.  However, 
using an AppleScript to invoke an install made the Reader Installer 
go ahead and install, while the QuickTime installer sat at the intro 
screen waiting for me to select an install type.  Similarly, the 
VisionDSP Demo install began but then put up a dialog asking if I had 
a MIDI interface.  So, your success there will depend entirely on the 
specific installers you're sub-launching.


"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration?"
                                              - Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 09:15:33 -0400
From: (John Rethorst)
Subject: making an installer using Applescript

In article <7j6l7q$1j1$>, wrote:

>I would like to make an installer using Applescript instead of any of the
>commercial applications out there, and wondered has anyone succeeded in
>doing this?

Yep. I'm just finishing one that works very well. I'm going to post the
code to alt.comp.lang.applescript in the next couple of weeks.

John Rethorst

Please delete the x for email.


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 08:49:32 +0100
From: Richard Platt <>
Subject: MAXPower Upgrades

Ted Logan wrote
>>Looking for advice pro and con about upgrading my 7100/80 with a MAXPower
>>G3 PDS

Well I bought one of  these and installed it in my 7300.  I got the 300 
MHz version. It's very good.  I would pay more and get the 300 card, not 
the 266.
Daly Jessup said the cards are very difficult to install, but I disagree. 
If you have never added any hardware to your Mac, it's possible you might 
find it challenging, but if you've done (eg) memory, it's a snap.
The cards and driver seem to be compatible with EVERYTHING but there is 
one problem. The video card can't keep up with the processor, so the 
screen sometimes does not redraw completely. It's an irritation: the tiny 
"holes" get filled in over a matter of seconds.

Put "urgent" in the subject line to send 30-word emails to my pager
Richard Platt   Telephone: (44) 1892 890741  Fax: (44) 1892 890951


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 99 14:18:29 -0700
From: "B. J.  Major" <>
Subject: OS 8.6 won't quit

In reply to:

>If you have Speed doubler running then that is the culprit, try 
>turning off "Use faster network copy protocol".

I don't have shut down problems ever and I use 8.6 on a PB G3 with Speed 
Doubler 8 active and in use and the above option of faster network copy 
protocol definitely ON (because I copy files over a network of various 
mixed old and new Macs).  What I would suggest is to open the Speed 
Doubler control panel and INSTEAD, *uncheck* the "Keep Speed Doubler 
open" (at all times).  If the person has had THAT option checked, I would 
suspect that is the culprit to blame.

Home Page mirror with links to my Classic tv Photo Galleries:


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 04:06:49 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: reading Windows CDs

At 4:06 PM +0100 6/1/1999, Michel Treisman wrote:
>I think I remember reading about a program that would let me open Windows CDs
>on my PowerMac without the hassle of running VirtualPC or something like that
>first.  Is there such a program?  Does anyone remember what it is called?

If all you want to do is read the data, and this is an ISO9660 CD [as 
most Windows-compatible CDs are], then the base MacOS contains this 
functionality.  Specifically, make sure all the following files are 
present in your extensions folder:

Foreign File Access
ISO 9660 File Access
High Sierra File Access

If what you want to do is actually *run* the software on the CD, then 
I'm afraid you'll need VirtualPC or equivalent.


"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration?"
                                              - Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 17:52:42 -0400
From: barker_m <>
Subject: Speeding Up a PM 6100

Im considering a speedup to my 6100 by 
upgrading the CPU and or Disk.

CPU: people have reported that they are "tricky"
to install. Does that mean it was mechanically
difficult, or was there all sort of software
conflicts which had to be sorted out?

Any experiences or recommendations for a PM 6100?

DISK: Beleive it or not the original 250 mb drive
is a little full. If I buy a new drive, what are 
the benefits of HFS+. Is it faster than a drive
with regular HFS? I am assuming that a faster disk
should improve overall performance when Virtual 
Memory is turned on. 

Java: Why is java so pitifully slow... Netscape 3.0
is slow, Netscape 4.5 is abysmal. IE 4.5 also 
a dog. I have OS 8.5, and 40 mb ram.




Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 08:49:28 +0100
From: Richard Platt <>
Subject: Two monitors, not quite in sync...

I don't know why this problem occurs on one Mac, not the other, but when 
I ran two screens on my Mac I encountered something similar. The only 
solution is to keep moving them around. Pusing one away from you 
sometimes helps. Just an inch or two is often enough.
>I recently got a PCI video card to hook up two monitors to my Mac ...
> when the monitors are both on there are slow-scrolling dark
>bands on them

Put "urgent" in the subject line to send 30-word emails to my pager
Richard Platt   Telephone: (44) 1892 890741  Fax: (44) 1892 890951



End of Info-Mac Digest