Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #356
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 25 Oct 99       Volume 16 : Issue 356

Today's Topics:

      (A) Application Launch Ambiguity
      (A) Application Launch Ambiguity
      (A) Find by content on CD's
      (A) Home design software for Mac?
      (A) Home design software for Mac?
      (A) PC .exe files on a mac?
      (Q) Find by content on CD's
      (Q) MIDI Tracks to Audio CD
      (Q) PC .exe files on a mac?
      (Q) PGP self extracting files
      (Q) SE/30 upgrades
      1400, 8.5/8.6 & G3 battery
      [A] CD ROM drive problems
      [A] Macs Dialing in to NT Networks
      Backing up networked Mac volumes on PC's with a CD-R
      CD Images
      CD ROM drive problems
      CD ROM drive problems
      CD ROM Problems
      CDRW Drive
      Different versions
      Eudora/PPP Crash
      Home design software for Mac
      Home design software for Mac?
      IDE externally...does it exist?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #354
      Macintosh Programmer's Workshop
      PC .exe files on a mac? (A)
      RAID disks really a super idea.
      Recommendation for Mac ADB optical mouse (A)
      TCP/IP Dual Dial-ins
      transparent/clear icon labels on desktop-solution
      Video Card

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Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 20:21:41 +1000
From: Craig McFarlane <>
Subject: (A) Application Launch Ambiguity

>The simple way is to put an alias for them both on the desktop or Launcher
>(or a dock of your choice) and just drag 'n' drop to launch files. The
>slick way is to change the creator code on the lesser used version of the
>app. to fool the system into using the other (more frequently desired
>version) because it still has the correct creator code.

Another way is to use the contextual menus.  Hippo is one contextual 
plug-in, which adds an "Open With..." menu, to which you can add specific 
applications.  I use it to solve the Acrobat/Reader confusion (not to 
mention JPEGView/GraphicConverter), and find it well worth the shareware 


Craig McFarlane                         
Delaney & Morgan Computing                          Fax: +61 3 9878-3910
ACN 058 140 702                 PO Box 84 Forest Hill Vic 3131 AUSTRALIA

 "My opinions had better be those of the management, or they're FIRED!"


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 12:40:48 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: (A) Application Launch Ambiguity

>Herb Kroemer <> asks:
>>Certain Type/Creator combinations are shared by related but different
>>APPLication. For example:
>>	WDBN/MSWD: Different versions of MS Word (like 5.1 and 98)
>>	TEXT/CARO: Acrobat and Acrobat Reader
>>Question: What controls which application is launched when I
>>double-click a document with such multiple parents, if neither of the
>>parents is already open?
>>In both of the above examples, I need one of the two parents 95% of the
>>time, but when I simply double-click on a document, the "5%" parent
>>launches. This is a big nuisance, which forces me to employ a different
>>launching procedure 95% of the time.
>>I know of course that there are various other ways to get the desired
>>application to launch; but none of them is as simple as just
>>double-clicking the document, and I would like to control the
> >double-click procedure itself.

The last application to be put on the machine with a given creator 
[or the last one to be seen when the desktop is rebuilt] is the one 
used when you double-click a file with that creator.

So, one way to set it up the way you want would be [assuming you want 
Bob's App 2.0 to open all Bob's App files]:

1. Copy Bob's App 1.0 and Bob's App 2.0 onto a removable disk and eject it.
2. rebuild the desktop on your hard disk.
3. copy Bob's App 1.0, then Bob's App 2.0 onto your hard disk in that order.
4. rename Bob's App 2.0 to "zBob's App 2.0".
5. rebuild the desktop on your hard disk again.

Now, when you double-click on a Bob's App file, version 2.0 will be 
launched.  However, if you move Bob's App 1.0 to a different folder 
or disk and rebuild the desktop, maybe it'll become the one that gets 
used.  It gets to be a maintenance nightmare.

I'd suggest using a launcher like DragThing or alias icons or a 
contextual menu item to do this, however.  That way you don't have to 
keep track of when you copied apps on to your drive or what their 
names are.  I prefer to drag the file to an icon that I *know* will 
launch some particular version of some app than rely on the Finder to 
guess correctly.

Another option would be the previous suggestion to change the creator 
of the "5%" app; then it would never be launched in response to a 
double-click, but of course updaters won't find it either.

Depends on what tradeoffs you're willing to accept.

Bow wow wow yipiyo yipiyay bow wow yipiyo yipiyay.
                                                   - George Clinton, Atomic Dog
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:28:15 +0200
From: Patrick Maes <>
Subject: (A) Find by content on CD's

Dear Mark,

You can use my shareware-utility "FindText".
FindText homepage:

Best regards,
Patrick Maes.


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 21:00:58 -0400
From: "Ron Crans" <>
Subject: (A) Home design software for Mac?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kat Nagel <>
Date: Thursday, October 21, 1999 10:30 PM
Subject: Home design software for Mac?

>I'm looking for Mac software that will let me redesign a house, inside and
>out.  Paint colors, interior colors/fabrics/furniture, and landscaping.
>I've found a couple of simple landscaping programs, but absolutely nothing
>that deals with the building.

Recently I ran across DesignWorkshop at <>.  Their (limited)
Lite version is free to try out. I didn't get to spend too much time with
it, but it seems fairly comprehensive and you may find it useful.

Ron Crans


Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:15:15 -0500
From: Robert Boston <>
Subject: (A) Home design software for Mac?

In Info-Mac Digest V16 #355, Kat Nagel <> wrote:

> I'm looking for Mac software that will let me redesign a house, inside and
> out.  Paint colors, interior colors/fabrics/furniture, and landscaping.
> I've found a couple of simple landscaping programs, but absolutely nothing
> that deals with the building.
> There used to be a set of applications called DaVinci (I think) that had a
> module for floor plans and construction details, another module for
> interior design, and a third for landscaping.  Days of web and software
> archive searching have come up with zilch.  Oh, there are plenty of PC
> programs, but I'd really prefer to use my Mac.
> Any suggestions?
> --
> Kat Nagel
> "All human evil comes from a single cause,
>  man's inability to sit still in a room." (Blaise Pascal)


I'm using a program called Design Center 3D, produced by SoftKey
Multimedia, Inc. It came bundled with my PowerMac 7500 AV, so I don't
know its price.

Bob Boston


Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 18:02:19 -0500
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: (A) PC .exe files on a mac?

>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:09:21 -0400
>From: "John Hachey" <hacheyj@EM.AGR.CA>
>Subject: (Q) PC .exe files on a mac?
>Is there any way to play *.exe files on a mac.
>I get many as attachments to my e-mails

Ever wonder why DOS and Windows users encounter so many computer
viruses?  These are DOS/Windows application program files (EXEcutable),
and may not be what they appear to be.  Running these is an excellent
way to contract a virus or Trojan horse.  Fortunately, they won't run
on your Mac except under a Windows simulator like Virtual PC or
SoftWindows.  Be careful!  Cheers,


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 22:38:23 -0400
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: (Q) Find by content on CD's

At 3:55p -0700 10/21/99, Mark Allen wrote:
>does anyone have a recommendation for an application that can
>do a search by content without having to first create an index?

I've gotten excellent results with Retrieve-It but I fear that it 
hasn't had recent updates. Others will probably suggest UltraFind...
Vincent Cayenne

"Crumpled bits of paper filled with imperfect thoughts"


Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 08:09:28 -0500
From: "C. Kurt Holter" <>
Subject: (Q) MIDI Tracks to Audio CD

My son has created several compositions on his PowerMac 7200/120 using a
MIDI software sequencer.  Using the Quicktime Musical Instruments, he is
able to play these via the sequencer software through the Mac's
speakers.  He would like to burn some Audio CDs as Christmas gifts, but
says he is unable to save his MIDI creations as anything but standard
MIDI files.  What he believes he really needs is the ability to convert
his MIDI tracks to Audio CD files, and then burn them to Audio CD format
compact disks.  We have Toast and a writable CD drive.  We're looking
for advice on what additional software is required to create the Audio CDs.

Many, many thanks in advance for any help.  Feel free to email as well
as to include answers here.

C. Kurt Holter


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 12:42:08 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: (Q) PC .exe files on a mac?

At 5:09 PM -0400 10/21/99, John Hachey wrote:
>Is there any way to play *.exe files on a mac.

Sure.  Virtual PC or SoftWindows or one of the hardware 
"PC-within-the-mac" products.


Someday Mother will die and I'll get the money.  Mom leans down and says,
"My sentiments exactly, you son of a bitch."
                                         - They Might Be Giants, I Palindrome I
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:30:23 -0400
From: "Douglas W. St.Clair" <>
Subject: (Q) PGP self extracting files

Does anyone know if PGP self extracting files are cross platform? In 
other words can you create on and send it to a WINTEL or UNIX machine 
and visa versa?
*************** *************** ***************  **********
	Douglas W. St.Clair
	Tir na nOg
	400 Burton Highway
	Wilton, NH 03086-5022 USA
	PH: 603-654-9321
	FAX: 603-654-5440
	CELL:  617-233-3387 or 617-beef-fur
*************** *************** *************** **********


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 12:21:37 -0400
From: "Douglas W. St.Clair" <>
Subject: (Q) SE/30 upgrades

Bought a bunch of apple related stuff. Looking for the adapter to put 
a daystar PowerCache (50Mhz 030 w/FPU) on an Se/30. Also I believe 
Sonnet made a similar adapter for the SE/30 again if an adapter was 
available for this card. Does anyone know how to identify the Sonnet 
card and was an adapter required for the SE/30?
Thanks in advance
*************** *************** ***************  **********
	Douglas W. St.Clair
	Tir na nOg
	400 Burton Highway
	Wilton, NH 03086-5022 USA
	PH: 603-654-9321
	FAX: 603-654-5440
	CELL:  617-233-3387 or 617-beef-fur
*************** *************** *************** **********


Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 03:02:34 EDT
Subject: 1400, 8.5/8.6 & G3 battery

I to have the problem with the battery showing 1/2 to 3/4's charged when the 
powerbook says it WILL sleep now due to lack of power. holding the reset 
button in the back and resetting the power manager usually solves the problem 
until the next glitch. Either the power manager setting are fragile, or the 
chip or driver upsets them too easily. Either way I sent an email to 
NewerTech with the problem. I will post any replies. The more queeries they 
get the more inclined they may be to resolve this.

John McGibney


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 22:57:15 -0400
From: "Marlon Deason" <>
Subject: [A] CD ROM drive problems

>Subject: CD ROM drive problems

>>I have a CD rom drive (internal) that refuses to read many CDs. My 
>>machine is a PowerComputing and CD drive is driven by FWB's CD-ROM 
>>Toolkit 3.0.2 (the latest)...

Apple has accepted all troubleshooting problems for PowerComputing after the
forced buy out. But, the Mac OS CD-ROM driver no longer supports CD-ROM
drives with non-Apple IDs.

About six months ago a German group of hackers found a way to disable the
'feature' of Apple's new CD-ROM driver which looks for the ID. If you feel
brave enough, the instructiond can be found here:
Marlon Deason


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 10:09:39 -0400
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [A] Macs Dialing in to NT Networks

>> Problem is that the NT network uses DHCP over dialup (PPP) and requires
>> registration with a WINS server that Open Transport 1.3 (I'm running MacOS
>> 8.1.) or even OT 2.0 doesn't support.

One of the things to try is check if the NT machines have Services 
for Macintosh (SFM) installed.  It comes with NT server and my sys 
admin had no problems installing it.  This gave me full access to 
mounted volumes on the network.  I don't know if this will help with 
your dial-in problem, but it may be worth looking into.

Ken Laskey


Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 18:36:41 EDT
Subject: Backing up networked Mac volumes on PC's with a CD-R

I currently have a Mac PPC networked to several PC's over ethernet running 
Thursby's Dave product.

I can mount the Mac volumes in the Win95/98 explorer.  However, when I 
attempt to copy the files to the CD-RW on the PC, I find that when I finish I 
cannot read the CD on the Mac.

The CD-R is running Adaptec's CD Creator product, and I have hoped that I 
would not have to plunk out dollars for an external SCSI version of a CD-RW.

Has anyone had a similar experience, found a workaround, or can offer a 


Jim Wood (


Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:24:55 EDT
Subject: CD Images


Try using Disk Copy 6.3.x and make a disk image of the CD ROM on your hard 
drive and see if that works.

In a message dated 10/21/99 9:00:58 PM, writes:

<< Would someone be kind enough to tell me how I might go about making 
an alias (or some sort of image) of a CD that will pretend to be a 
mounted volume so that those (generally older, in my experience) 
programs that look for a mounted CD volume to work with will operate 
properly? >>


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 19:31:05 -0500
From: Lawrence Rugolo <>
Subject: CD ROM drive problems

Ezra Nathan < wrote:

>I have a CD rom drive (internal) that refuses to read many CDs. My
>machine is a PowerComputing and CD drive is driven by FWB's CD-ROM
>Toolkit 3.0.2 (the latest). I have internal and external HDs and both
>have system folders on them and both read or refuse to read the same
>CDs. Has anyone come across the same problem? Are CD drives known to
>break down in this erratic manner?
>Any advice would be appreciated.
> > Ezra

I also have a Power Computing machine, a PowerWave 604/132, and had 
similar problems. I was advised by some gurus on this list to NOT use 
FWB's CD-ROM Toolkit, but instead to use Apple CD-ROM Extension 
version 5.3.1 (not v. 5.4.2 -- that won't work). Apple CD-ROM 
Extension version 5.3.1 is found in System 7.6; v.5.4.2 is a part of 
MacOS 8.1.  Since disabling my FWB's CD-ROM Toolkit and running my CD 
drive with Apple CD-ROM Extension v. 5.3.1 -- and disabling v. 5.4.2 
-- I haven't had any problems.


Lawrence Rugolo, Prof Emeritus, Univ of Missouri-Columbia
        VOICE MAIL: 573/449-5504  FAX: 573/884=6807
.......... WWW: ..........


Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 21:55:27 +0000
From: "Cyrus Roton" <>
Subject: CD ROM drive problems

Ezra Nathan <> wrote:

>I have a CD rom drive (internal) that refuses to read many CDs. My
>machine is a PowerComputing and CD drive is driven by FWB's CD-ROM
>Toolkit 3.0.2 (the latest). I have internal and external HDs and both
>have system folders on them and both read or refuse to read the same
>CDs. Has anyone come across the same problem? Are CD drives known to
>break down in this erratic manner?

I have found that some CDs, which I made, using inexpensive generic brand
blanks, would not open well in older, low-speed drives (ie., 2X drives),
but, opened quite well on newer drives. It did not seem to be related to the
make of Mac being used. When I connected a faster, external drive, there was
no problem.

Cyrus Roton <>
MITA tech
Chairman, Ridgecrest Apple User Group


Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 07:53:45 -0400
From: "chazzz" <>
Subject: CD ROM Problems

I have a Power Computing Powerbase. I had similar problems with my CD ROM 
It was a portend of things to come. It eventually crapped out and had to be

I think you're on a downhill course.


Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:53:50 -0400
From: Ephraim Fithian <>
Subject: CDRW

Is there an application/init to allow me to mount a CDRW disk and 
drag files to and from it without using Toast?

Eph Fithian <>
8600/300/256MB/4GB, G3/400/256MB/27GB, Epson800ps.


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:04:31 -0400
From: Gino Landini <>
Subject: CDRW Drive

I would like to add a cd burner to my B&W G3. This question even sounds
stupid to me but I assume if I want to add an internal unit it must
replace the present CD unit. I don't see any place else to mount one
with front access but I don't want to go to a much slower play function.
Is an exterior unit my only choice? Thanks for you help
Gino Landini


Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 21:50:57 +0000
From: "Cyrus Roton" <>
Subject: Different versions

Herb Kroemer <> asks:

>Certain Type/Creator combinations are shared by related but different
>APPLication.robat and Acrobat Reader
>Question: What controls which application is launched when I
>double-click a document with such multiple parents, if neither of the
>parents is already open?

Several good answers were offered. Here's my input. I use AppHider, from the
InfoMac Archive, to hide the parent I usually don't want to use. When I
double-click a Word document, my favorite, Word 5.1 opens the file. If I
really have to use Word 6 for some reason, I un-hide it temporarily.

Cyrus Roton <>
MITA tech
Chairman, Ridgecrest Apple User Group


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 16:33:58 -0400
From: Steve Seiden <>
Subject: Eudora/PPP Crash

Using a Performa 6360, MacOS 8.6, 88MB RAM, and a couple different 
modems, Eudora 4.2.1 (or PPP/Remote Access PPP/freePPP) causes a 
disturbing number of freezes.  They seem to occur when the "quit" 
command is issued to the server after messages are received, or as 
soon as I try to open the first message ina Eudora window to read it. 
I have checked Eudora's troubleshooting pages and increased memory to 
the application, decreased saved e-mail, etc.  I have tried different 
combinations of PPP/Remote Access PPP/freePPP.  But still get far too 
many, and Eudora seems to be the culprit.  It did freeze last night 
while reconnecting via PPP with MSIE in the forefront, but Eudora was 
active in the background.  I use most of the same software on my 
PowerBook 1400 without ever a freeze.  Primary difference between the 
two platforms is a UMax 600S and its vistascan software which adds a 
lot of extensions (Kodak, etc.)

I believe there is some undetermined conflict.  Any experience with this??

Steve Seiden


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 14:44:36 -0700
From: cp <>
Subject: Home design software for Mac

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<br>&nbsp;<i>Subject: Home design software for Mac?</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 22:30:34 -0400</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp; From: Kat Nagel &lt;></i>
<p><i>I'm looking for Mac software that will let me redesign a house, inside
<br><i>out.&nbsp; Paint colors, interior colors/fabrics/furniture, and
<br><i>I've found a couple of simple landscaping programs, but absolutely
<br><i>that deals with the building.</i><i></i>
<p>Minicad is a very good design program. Is easy to use and I believe
has some landscape elements.&nbsp; It is a 2d/3d program that began as
Mac only and is currently cross platform.&nbsp; It is a professional product.
<br>Thr current version is called Minicad Vectorworks 8 and the company
is Diehl Graphsoft.&nbsp; For your purposes it sounds like you would do
well with an earlier version Minicad 5 or 6.&nbsp; Check and expect
to pay about $125 to $150.&nbsp; BTW owning an old copy gives you a tremendous
upgrade discount.&nbsp; Also they provide demos.


Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 11:55:38 +0100
From: Richard Platt <>
Subject: Home design software for Mac?

Check out Stratavision 3D. It's being given away -- on the cover of this
month's Mac Addict. It's very easy to learn, and should do everything you
want -- except landscaping. Bryce 2 would do the garden, and has also been
given away in the past on mag covers.

> I'm looking for Mac software that will let me redesign a house, inside and
> out.  Paint colors, interior colors/fabrics/furniture, and landscaping.
> I've found a couple of simple landscaping programs, but absolutely nothing
> that deals with the building.


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 16:49:02 -0500
From: RobD <>
Subject: IDE externally...does it exist?

quoting Info-Mac and possibly previous message abstract:

>Dear Digest readers,
>The only IDE I've seen so far are the specially designed drives for 
>PCMCIA attachment via MCE Product's Datashuttle.   But these are way 
>slower than regular IDE drives.   Has anyone made a SCSI addon IDE 
>external drive case to put in the cheap IDE drives that exist on the 
>market today?   20 GB for $200 sounds so tempting when compared to 
>$700 for the UltraSCSI drives of the same capacity.   Now if only 
>somebody made those $200 drives accessible to people who can't 
>install them internally.
>Thank you.

The  Scuzzy Buddy hard drives are Quantum or IBM OEM drives, that are 
IDE, but have been converted by proprietary technology to  SCSI working 
models offering the standard SCSI interface and connectivity. Drives are 
available in 5400 or 7200 rpm models with configurations from 9.1 to 34 
Gigabytes.  Pricing is from $299 to $699 depending on capacity and disk 
speed of model selected.  The specifications on all the 7200rpm units 
offer average seek time (read): 8.5ms with PIO Mode 4 rates up to 
16.6MB/sec and Ultra DMA/66 rates up to 66.6MB/sec



>>>-----------Reach me by ICQ# 7162477------------------<<<

=80=80=80Read my contributions <>=80=80=80


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:28:36 -0500
From: (Barry M. Austern)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #354 writes:
>Would someone be kind enough to tell me how I might go about making 
>an alias (or some sort of image) of a CD that will pretend to be a 
>mounted volume so that those (generally older, in my experience) 
>programs that look for a mounted CD volume to work with will operate 
>properly? Ordinary aliases don't seem to be recognized as true 
>volumes. Of course, I have plenty of room on my hard drive (25GB) to 
>accommodate the whole of the CDs (one is the American Heritage 
>Talking Dictionary) in question.

If your hard drive is that large you certainly don't have the problem of
not being able to load the CD on your hard drive. How about a disk image
of it like with Shrinkwrap or Disk Copy?


Date: 24 Oct 1999 09:07:32 +0100
From: "Gavin Haines" <>
Subject: Macintosh Programmer's Workshop

Apple has released the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, known as 'MPW' for
free download. There are 19 disk images, get them

If you want, you can download the whole lot at a single

I just did this, (having lost previously downloaded MPW in a crash) and the
blasted disk image had a checksum error, so I am now going to download the
individual images. 

Cyberdog is good for the job of downloading these images.

The download includes an instruction manual and step-by-step examples for
the beginner.

There is a MPW listserv you can join.  Send a blank emailto:

More information about apple lists:

Have fun


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 19:33:57 -0400
From: Louis Bergeron <>

I bought the upgrade on line for NAV 6 which is a mere 5 megs. First, 
you download a small utility, which connects you to get the program. 
The first time you run the program, it will try to get the lastest 
virus definitions, which did not work in my case. If that does not 
work, you must go  Virus Research Center to 
get the definitions. Version 6 seems to be better then 5 at scanning 
Virtual PC large virtual disk. It is also scanning compressed files 
by opening them. This does not always work perfectly, but you can 
disable this option. The interface is nicer a bit also. So this is a 
fine upgrade.
Louis Bergeron   C.P. 936 Rouyn Rouyn-Noranda   Qc Canada J9X 5C8
Telephone personnel - Personal phone (819) 764-3862
Centre de service aux entreprises du Cegep de Granby - Haute-Yamaska
385 Principale Granby (Quebec)  J2G 2W5
Telephone travail  Office phone (450) 372-6614 #172
Telecopieur public   Public fax (450) 777-5842


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:50:42 +0200
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: PC .exe files on a mac? (A)

"John Hachey" <hacheyj@EM.AGR.CA> wrote:

>Is there any way to play *.exe files on a mac.
>I get many as attachments to my e-mails

No, not "directly", You 'd need an emulating software such as 
"virtual PC", to use them

But: Most ".exe" files attached to E-mails from PC people aren't 
actually applications but compressed and self-expanding files (known 
in the Mac world as ".sea-files"). For these, you don't need an 
emulator; just drop them over StuffIt Expander to de-compress them.

A word of warning at the end: If you don't know what it is, don't 
open an exe-file. Some bad guys send exe-files which are indeed 
viruses or other evil things. So, if you don't know who sends you 
something, better throw it away immediately.  The "latest" PC virus 
in this form is called "Pretty Park.exe", which came to our attention 
earlier this week.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
Worried about Y2K? Buy a Macintosh. Y2K safe since 1984.


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 10:48:27 -0400
From: "Douglas W. St.Clair" <>
Subject: RAID disks really a super idea.

At 10:16 AM -0400 10/21/99, a brody wrote:
>Hmmm....I would be critical about your post, for your not stating 
>_how_ you managed to link the two drives.  It is one thing to say 
>somebody does not know it is possible to do a function, it is 
>another to actually be helpful with the post, and explain how it is 
>done. snip...
>Thank you.

Point well taken:

For performance reasons I created a striped RAID configuration. If 
you have two 2gig drives, you only end up with an effective 2gig 
volume when you're using RAID 1 but the data is written to both disks 
at once. If you lose a disk the other should have the data. Just like 
backing up all the time. With any other RAID level you get 4gig. You 
wouldn't be able to do levels 3 and 5 with only two disks because 
additional disks are needed for parity (data recovery information). I 
had two 2.something gig disks and the OS couldn't handle more than 
4.0 Gig so I wound up with a single four gig disk and the sum of the 
two somethings as a second disk. I have used both Connley and FWB 
Raid sw. Both worked fine but (I thought) Connley wanted a lot of 
money to upgrade so now I am running only FWB. Both packages have 
worked well for me. Note that a striped RAID configuration may not 
let you create a single file spanning multiple disks. RAID SW costs 
about $100 US if you really want to know your socks off get RAID 
hardware ($5000+), ultrawide 10,000 RPM disks and put a seat belt on 
your chair and a couple extra fans in the case. Yahoo!!!

RAID Definitions: RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive 
Disks, and it is used to enhance the reliability of server system. As 
for different RAID system configuration, RAID can be planned as 
Non-RAID, RAID 0, 1, 0+1, 3 or 5. The following explains the 
differences among the different RAID configurations.

RAID 0	Block Striping; Fast Read/Write, But No Fault Tolerance.
RAID 1	Disk Mirroring; High Speed Read/Write; High Cost.
RAID 0+1	Mirroring and Disk Striping.
RAID 3	Block Striping; One drive is dedicated to parity; Fast Read/Slow Write.
RAID 5	Multiple-BLOCK Striping; Fast Write/ Slow Read and the parity 
is distributed across all disk in the array.

*************** *************** ***************  **********
	Douglas W. St.Clair
	Tir na nOg
	400 Burton Highway
	Wilton, NH 03086-5022 USA
	PH: 603-654-9321
	FAX: 603-654-5440
	CELL:  617-233-3387 or 617-beef-fur
*************** *************** *************** **********


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:41:54 +0200
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: Recommendation for Mac ADB optical mouse (A)

Mark Allen <> wrote:

>Does anyone have a recommendation for a Mac ADB optical (no rolling ball)
>mouse (preferably one-button)? Thanks!

Many years ago, I had one called "A+ mouse" from a company called 
"Mouse Systems". This was a "mouse port" mouse used on MacPlus and 
similar machines (non-ADB), but I have seen this mouse advertised 
later as ADB version as well.

However, I have no idea whether the company still exists...

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
Worried about Y2K? Buy a Macintosh. Y2K safe since 1984.


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 11:38:35 -0600
From: Ted Logan <>
Subject: TCP/IP Dual Dial-ins

Thank you to everyone who answered my question about how to set up TCP/IP
in an 8.1 OS for dual dial-ins.  I stopped counting at two dozen emails.

All answers have been essentially the same and some have been posted on
Info-Mac already, so I won't repeat them.  In brief, Control
Panels->TCP/IP->File->Configurations, then follow your nose through
duplicate, configure, and rename.  With PPP, work through the PPP control
panel instead.  There's at least one control strip publicly available that
switches between configurations.

As usual with Macintosh systems, the answer was in front of me all the
time.  My Russian mother had a saying: "If it was a snake it would have bit


Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:41:28 -0400
Subject: transparent/clear icon labels on desktop-solution


A few issues back I had asked if anyone knew of any way to make the text
boxes of my desktop icons transparent (I should have also said clear) on
my G3. Many thanks to David Yon, who told me about an extension that
does this perfectly. At the url below you can download a freeware
english or japanese version of this great extension that forces the text
to white, and the text box to clear/transparent of all of the icons on
your desktop. It's especially nice if you use photographs as your
desktop, because you don't see the text boxes outlines/shadows.



Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 22:31:21 -0500
From: Kurt Willey <>
Subject: Video Card

I have a blue and white G3, 450mhz, 256 RAM, OS 8.6.  I am looking for a
quality PCI card to input video/audio from VCR's, TV's, camcorders, etc.
(preferably through s-video)  I would like to run 640x480 at 20 fps or
greater.  I am already lookig for a SCSI or firewire drive for data
transfer to keep data rates sustained at 12+MB/sec.  I used to own a FOCUS
box (run on a 6500/250 PPC-64 MB RAM), but that doesn't have the quality
that today's newer/faster computers are capable, nor did it run at full
screen.  Any suggestions?? Anyone had any luck witht the Iomega Buz
Multimedia Producer??

Also, does anyone know how well the ORB drives would perform for heavy data
transfer, ie playing large multimedia videos.  ORB is expandable, firewire
is faster.  I need some advice.

Kurt Willey



End of Info-Mac Digest