Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #362
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 12 Nov 99       Volume 16 : Issue 362

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#505/08-Nov-99
      (A) Hypercard updates
      (A) Windows/Mac CDROM compatibility problems
      (C) Data Detectors.
      (Q) Netscape on CD
      ? about file dates
      [Q] Mac II batteries
      After Dark no longer?
      Bad Apple experience
      Changing Netscape's Home Page
      Changing Netscape's Home Page
      Fwd: Changing Netscape's Home Page
      Fwd: Windows/Mac CDROM compatibility problems
      Help with LP -> CD problem, please?
      IIsi sound and crashes
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #361
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #361
      Problem with contextual menus
      Processing video and images
      REQ: System 7.1.2 update -for pensioner
      VirtualPC-Windows95 or 98?
      why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?

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Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 21:00:00 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#505/08-Nov-99


Thinking about a big hard disk to store MP3 files? First read Jerry=
 Kindall's roundup of Macintosh MP3 encoders to get the best bitrate for=
 your buck. Also in this issue: was TidBITS marked as spam in your copy of=
 Outlook Express 5.0? Find out why, and what Microsoft is doing about it. In=
 the news, we cover Microsoft being found to be a monopoly, the results of=
 our Mac interface poll, and updates to Eudora 4.2.2 and the Power Mac G4=
 (PCI Graphics) ROM.=20

    Undesirable Behavior in OE 5.0 Junk Mail Filter
    Making MP3s, Part 2


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-505.etx; 32K]


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 10:19:03 -0500
From: a brody <>
Subject: (A) Hypercard updates

Dear Digest readers,
Somewhere in previous digests I recall somebody bemoaning that they=20
couldn't use Hypercard, or weren't sure if it would work on MacOS 9.=20
Sure enough, on the MacOS 9 CD Extras folder there is an update for=20
Hypercard.   So rest easy, Apple hasn't forgotten all its Hypercard=20

Some of the following software exists in MacOS 9 in the CD Extras folder:

Additional Desktop Pictures
Additional Modem Scripts
America Online
Apple Printer Utility
AppleScript Extras
Eric's Solitaire Sampler
G3 Firmware Update
HyperCard Player
Language Kits CD Extras
Mex. Spanish Text-to-Speech
Network Extras
Palm=81 Desktop
Pointer Mode
QuickTime Samples
Universal Access
Apple LDAP Changes
AppleCD Player
ColorSync CD Extras
AppleWorks 5.0.4 Updater
=46ile Sharing Extras
HyperCard Update
iMac Firmware Update
Additional Desktop Patterns

So don't be afraid to browse the new OS CD if you haven't already, or=20
to even look at previous OS CDs.   Apple usually includes goodies=20
that don't come with the standard install.   Do be aware though that=20
some firmware updaters are meant only for specific machines.   In=20
fact there is a tech info note that the iMac firmware update 1.0 only=20
works on Rev A and B iMacs.



Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 17:47:42 -0500
From: Diane & David Turner <>
Subject: (A) Windows/Mac CDROM compatibility problems

>...I burned the disks using Toast with the ISO 9660 file format and found
>that they were fine for the Mac but with a Windows machine there did not
>appear to be the jpg suffix required for the software to identify and open
>the files...

I suspect the problem comes from either an incorrectly selected 
Naming setting in the Toast ISO 9660 Settings tab, or lack of 
adherence to the 8.3 naming rules. If your intended target machines 
are all Windows 95/NT or higher and you want long file names (up to 
31 characters), be sure you specify Joliet Naming in the Settings 
tab. Once burned, Windows 95+/NT computers should recognize the long 
file names, while Macs, UNIX, MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 will see a 
truncated version of the long filename, but should still have the 
appropriate 3-letter extension.

If your target machines are not all Windows 95+/NT, or you just want 
to make sure any computer can read the intended names, select "Allow 
MS-DOS Names" in the Settings tab and adhere to the MS-DOS 8.3 naming 

Hope this helps

David Turner
Centerville, OH

"Insanity is get it from your kids."


Date: 11 Nov 99 06:50:58 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (C) Data Detectors.

>Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:26:19 -0700
>From: "Dr. James K. Butler" <>
>Subject: ADD
>A little while back I posted some information about the Apple Data
>Detectors (ADD). They consist of a control panel, an extension and
>AppleScript. Most people have not heard about them, but they are a FREE
>addition to the OS and they can be downloaded from the Apple site.

Dr. Jim:
I've been using them since they were first introduced and think they're
great. They're particularly good for extending the life of older software.
For instance, we use FirstClass 3.x at the publishing company where I work
but it's not really an internet mail client; even with the addition of SMTP
gateways. With ADD we can make it sort of act like a modern mail client in
as much as we can make it URL aware.
I'd like to see someone come up with a data detector module that would
allow modem dialing from text containing phone numbers.
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 19:01:34 -0500
From: Ed Ver Hoef <>
Subject: (Q) Netscape on CD

I have tried three times to download the latest version of Netscape from
Netcenter. Each attempt took over an hour and was unsuccessfull. Is there
some way to get it on CD?

Ed Ver Hoef


Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 13:42:38 -0800
From: Dan Frakes <>
Subject: ? about file dates

"Bob Rolston" <> wrote:
>I would like to be able to change all of the "date modified" for files on my
>computer. Does anyone know of a simple program that will do this without
>actually having to modify the file?

FileBuddy will let you do this, and much more. IMHO it's one of the few 
"must-have" utilities.



Date: 	Tue, 9 Nov 1999 09:57:01 -1000
From: Jerry Levinson <>
Subject: [Q] Mac II batteries

I recently had a Performa 475 and two Mac IIs "die". Pressing the power
button on the keyboard or the power switch on back did nothing. I've had
this happen before so the first thing I checked was the battery. 

Replacing the battery in the 475 solved that problem, now it works fine. 

The question is about the Mac IIs. One has two soldered-in batteries, the
other has two cases for batteries but had only one battery in it. The
latter was given to me "not in working order", the other worked fine until
last week when it quit. 

Does the Mac II need both batteries to work?

The one with the cases doesn't work with two batteries (nor with one) and
I haven't worked on the one with the soldered-in batteries yet.

And is there any way to test the power supply?



Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 15:24:03 -0500
From: a brody <>
Subject: After Dark no longer?

Dear Digest readers,
I suggest we all petition Berkeley Systems to get After Dark updated 
for MacOS 9.   Because it appears for many people it doesn't work, 
and they have stated they won't be updating it for MacOS 9.   Need I 
remind everyone here that while there may be Dark Side, SETI!, and 
Pyro!, After Dark still remains the most commonly used screen saver 
on the Mac platform, (based on the number of screen savers I find in 
the archives and that use After Dark) and all Windows 
platforms come with multiple screen savers in the operating system. 
All we Mac users get is the sleep mode, and have to buy After Dark 
just to get a screen saver.    It is time this were no longer and 
somebody make a crossplatform screen saver application where we could 
use Windows screen savers, as well as After Dark Screen savers in one 
application.    Maybe Apple needs to make such a program built-into 
its Energy Saver control panel.  But something has got to be done. 
And please crosspost this announcement elsewhere to get After Dark to 
once again publish a decent screen saver for the Mac.   Not only that 
places like only have PC screen savers.

By the way I still get some screen savers that work on After Dark 
4.0.3 with MacOS 9.     But if others are apparently having lots of 
Type 1 errors with MacOS 9 and After Dark, then something has to be 

And before anyone says it, yes I do have VirtualPC 3.0 on a G3, and 
no I don't want to have to open my emulator every time I want a 
screen saver to play for me.

After Dark was what prompted me to get a Mac back in 1991 in part 
because I liked the fish screen saver.

And here is another reason for After Dark to return, VirtualPC won't 
work with USB devices unless MacOS 9 is installed.    Unless there 
was some way to have a minimal MacOS 8.6 installed on the same 
machine as MacOS 9.0, it would be mighty difficult to have really the 
best of both worlds.



Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 16:25:32 -0500
From: Jook Leung <>
Subject: Bad Apple experience

<fontfamily><param>Geneva</param><bigger>I recently had an appalling
experience with Apple Computer that has shaken up my loyalty and
advocacy in that company. Friends will say I had always been an Apple
junkie. My 128K Mac and first issue of MacWorld magazine have remained
collectibles. And I've owned about every other model Apple Computer has
ever made including the IIe and IIGS.

I placed an order online at the Apple Store for an iBook laptop and
AirPort after seeing it at MacExpo in 7/99. This was going to be my 4th
Apple laptop purchase only because the AirPort technology was very

After a 3-month wait, the iBook arrived with no AirPort. Strike One. 

I had gotten an iBook with a screen that has a couple defective screen
pixels, one that is stuck on RED and a couple inches from the center of
the screen. Strike Two.

After placing my third call to Apple Customer Service asking for a
return or replacement, they continued to say " SORRY", a LCD screen
such as mine with two bad pixels is within their guidelines as being
acceptable. They said, "we can't help you" and offered no replacement
and no customer satisfaction. Strike Three.

As a digital-imaging specialist and consultant it hurts me to say this
company has turned it's back on a loyal customer and will be losing
another evangelist. 

I hope this story gets to the higher-ups and they realize this sort of
thing is really damaging to Apple's market place and that Customer
Service should also really care about customer satisfaction. Does Apple
realize they are trading the cost of an iBook for many, many lost
future sales?  Or is it that they don't care any more.

Beware of buying electronic products with LCD screens and CCD sensors.
Manufacturers are slacking off on quality control and using units that
are not 100% perfect.  Two of my Nikon digital cameras had defective
pixels and Nikon customer service replaced the components under their
warranty policy.

BTW, don't ever order from the Apple Store. They have a NO RETURNS -

Please forward this e-mail to the higher ups at Apple Computer.

Thank you


Jook Leung    201 894 5881  fax: 201 894 5882

360VR Photography * 44A Honeck Street * Englewood, NJ 07631

--- 360 Degree Panoramic Images for Virtual Tours  ---


Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 21:19:24 -0600
From: Lanny Chambers <>
Subject: Changing Netscape's Home Page

On 11/8/99 13:58, Info-Mac wrote:

>Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 19:19:33 +1100
>From: George Barker <>
>Subject: Changing Netscape's Home Page
>I've just installed Netscape Navigator 4.0.5 and wish to specify a file for
>it to open on launch. All the Home Page settings in the Preferences panel
>are grayed out, and I can't find anyway to make them active.

Make the change in your Internet control panel, under the Web tab. You 
must type in the entire path; mine is:


...since spaces must be represented by "%20." The "%AA" is, of course, 
the trademark character. Not very intuitive, is it?  :-)

BTW, if you're running an old OS and don't have an Internet control 
panel, then make the changes in Internet Config.

Lanny Chambers
St. Louis, USA


Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 18:56:13 -0500
From: Ilyse Kazar <>
Subject: Changing Netscape's Home Page

Geroge Barker <> wrote:

>I've just installed Netscape Navigator 4.0.5 and wish to specify a file for
>it to open on launch. All the Home Page settings in the Preferences panel
>are grayed out, and I can't find anyway to make them active.
>Any suggestions on changing this? The last thing I need is to wait and wait
>while it loads Apple's portal site every time I launch it.

You need to either uncheck the "User Internet Config" checkbox in the 
Identity panel of the pref's (which action would now enable the "Choose 
File" button in the Navigator panel), or to enter the location of your 
file in Internet Config's "Web" button.


Anne Verrinder              Ilyse Kazar
908-534-9552                212-260-6976

--- Members ~ FileMaker Solutions Alliance ---


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 17:11:53 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: Changing Netscape's Home Page

George Barker asked:

>I've just installed Netscape Navigator 4.0.5 and wish to specify a file for
>it to open on launch. All the Home Page settings in the Preferences panel
>are grayed out, and I can't find anyway to make them active.
>Any suggestions on changing this? The last thing I need is to wait and wait
>while it loads Apple's portal site every time I launch it.

In the Edit menu, you find the Preferences (as you know). Go to the 
"Identity" subcategory under Mail and Newsgroups. In that pane, you 
will find a checkbox next to the words, "Use Internet Config". If 
that has a checkmark in it, then you can only change your home page 
by using Internet Config (or the Internet Control panel under OS 
8.5). If you want to change it directly in Netscape's preferences 
"Navigator" pane, then you need to uncheck "Use Internet Config." As 
soon as you do, you will be able to change your home page in Netscape.



Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 17:41:37 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: Windows/Mac CDROM compatibility problems

  Neil Fiertel  wrote:

>I have been stymied by the inability to make a compatible CD-rom of jpeg
>files to be accessible from either a Mac or a Windows machine.  I burned
>the disks using Toast with the ISO 9660 file format and found that they
>were fine for the Mac but with a Windows machine there did not appear to be
>the jpg suffix required for the software to identify and open the files.
>It was necessary to copy them over to the Hard Drive and then add the
>suffix for some reason.  Can anyone shed some light on this?  I am in a bit
>of a bind to get the solution to this pronto as I must produce a number of
>disks this month.  Is there another way to accomplish this compatibility
>using Toast?  Please contact me directly with advice on this issue as I
>need  a rapid reply if possible.  Thanks in advance to anyone with a

I believe you could just use one of the file naming utilities and 
batch process your files. I always save graphics I will be putting on 
the web or a CD from GraphicConverter before I finally burn the CD or 
upload the files. I've found that its version of GIF and JPEG never 
fails to work, and it adds the suffixes automatically. There are 
quite a few shareware programs that do batch renaming, too, such as 
Drop Rename, File Buddy, and many others. If you are clever with 
AppleScript, you could probably even write a quick AppleScript to 
rename the files, adding the suffixes. Actually, I just now did it by 
dropping a folder of graphics files onto a list window in File Buddy, 
selecting all the items in the resulting list, then choosing the 
Actions button and renaming them by appending ".jpg" - instantly, 
every file had the suffix. Very nice. I love File Buddy!



Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 20:24:03 -0400
Subject: Help with LP -> CD problem, please?

Hi - I am posting this for a friend in Italy, hoping that someone on the
list can help him:

Thanks for your patience and excuse my english. I wish to record my LPs to
CD. I imported an AIFF file at 44.1 KHz, 16 bit stereo. First I connected
my preamp out to the RCA port (audio in) of my G3. Then I started the
application "SOUND RECORDER" with these setting: No Compression, 44.100 Hz
sampling rate, 16 bits, stereo, save as AIFF.

Now, "let's the music play", and started to record. Well, after 1 minute (60
secs), when I stop recording, the SOUND RECORDER window, tells me: Time
Recorded: 66 secs. And I noticed a change in the pitch of the music - why?
(I've made several attempts, with several different times, but the results
were the same: about 11% longer, as if the machine was overclocked, but
it's not!)

Then I saved it as AIFF file. If I play it with Quick Time (or any other
AIFF player) it sounds normal. Also if I play it with TOAST's preview it
sounds normal. But while the file plays in one minute, its length in the
info window is 66 secs. So, when I record it onto a CD, and I listen it
with a normal CD player (or with my internal CD-ROM player), now it plays
exactly in 66 secs, and the pitch changes (the original note G for example,
now sounds as a F note, and so on).

I've tried also to record through the mini in-port (microphone) obtaining
the same result, because I was thinking that perhaps, the personality card
was made for american market instead the European one, but now I know
(Apple Tech Info) that the only hardware sampling rate for that card is
44.1 KHz. I've also tried different apps for recording (AIFF RECORDER,
STRATA VIDEOSHOP, and so on): same results!

Anyway the System will not play the sound's length as original. I've opened
a saved aiff file of 33.18 secs (I recorded it instead for 30 secs) with
SOUNDEFFECTS (0.9.2 shareware),  and I've looked at the number of samples:
they are exactly 1463238, then 44100 per second but for 33.18 secs instead
of about 30 (note that 1463238 samples divided by 30 secs is equal to 48775
Hz). Moreover the dimension of the file is 5853006 bytes (divided by two
channel, divided by two byte for size (16 bits), minus the header of the
file (only 54 byte) you can obtain 1463238 samples).

The odd thing is that the system records at a 48775 Hz and tells me that
the sound is 33.18 secs long at 44.1 KHz, but plays it at 48.775 Hz (?) for
30 secs! I'm desperate!

I've formatted my HD, I've re-installed system 8, and then the system 8,1
twice. The machine is a G3 Minitower at 266 MHz, with personality card, 224
MBytes of installed RAM (32+96+128), a 6 GB IDE HD, plus Zip, CD-ROM and 8
MB of video ram.
Can you help me?

( for):

Cesare Smitti - E-mail:


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 10:21:20 -0500
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: IIsi sound and crashes

My kids are still saddled with our old IIsi running System 7.1 ("no, 
you don't need the G3 Powerbook to play Tetris") and I previously got 
inside to clean the speaker contacts.  I haven't done that for a 
while and the sound is almost gone again (you really don't need the 
Russian background music when playing Tetris), but recently a new 
problem has surfaced.  Several games and other kids programs that use 
sound are crashing or freezing the computer when these start up and 
the machine has been getting more unstable.  I've booted from the 
internal hard drive and a 7.1 system on an external drive, and the 
problem persists, so it isn't corrupted extensions or other system 
chunks.  I then got into one program that allows you to choose 
whether sound is on when you are selecting the initial student 
record, and when I turn the sound off, everything works fine.  So do 
I completely disable sound (how?), do I clean the speaker again, or 
am I looking at something more fundamental that calls for retiring 
the old workhorse?

* Ken Laskey                                                   *
* SAIC   M/S 2-6-9                                             *
* 1710 Goodridge Drive                                         *
* McLean, VA 22102      /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
* (703) 676-4940        /\ NOTE NEW TELEPHONE AND FAX NUMBERS /\
* (703) 676-5323 (fax)  /\ THAT TOOK EFFECT OCTOBER 9, 1999   /\
                         /\ ALSO NOTE SIMPLIFIED EMAIL ADDRESS /\
                         /\    KENNETH.J.LASKEY@SAIC.COM       /\


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 02:36:26 -0600
From: Bill Davis <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #361

On 11/8/99 1:58 PM, Info-Mac  [] wrote:

>Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 15:00:27 -0500
>From: "Bob Rolston" <>
>Subject: ? about file dates
>I would like to be able to change all of the "date modified" for files on my
>computer. Does anyone know of a simple program that will do this without
>actually having to modify the file?

Cut and paste the following AppleScript into the (AppleScript) Script 
Editor.  Pick "Save" from the file name, name it "Touch", and set the 
Kind to "Application".  Save it on the Desktop.  Then, whatever files you 
drag-and-drop onto the Touch icon on your desktop will have the file's 
modification date and time set to the time you dragged the files onto the 
Touch icon.  

on open (docList)
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with theFile in docList
			if kind of theFile is not "folder" then
				set modification date of file theFile to current date
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end open

I've also submitted this to the Info-Mac FTP archives.

 - Bill Davis

 \\ /,        Keep On Newtin'!  Visit the Info-Newt news Web Site and FTP
`( Info-Newt  software archive for Newton PDAs:
  \                                        and
   =          FAQ for the Newton Community:


Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 16:32:24 -0800
From: Darrell Greenwood <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #361

[[ This message was both posted and mailed: see
   the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]]

>Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 15:00:27 -0500
>From: "Bob Rolston" <>
>Subject: ? about file dates
>I would like to be able to change all of the "date modified" for files on my
>computer. Does anyone know of a simple program that will do this without
>actually having to modify the file?

FWIW, Macdater 1.1

>From readme;

"MacDater is a small utility for setting the created and modified date
on files to today noon or the current time. Not very useful for most of
you, but I'm a programmer and I use it myself when I do a new release.
Fat binary, written in C/C++ and compiled with CodeWarrior. "




Darrell Greenwood 
Vancouver, BC     


Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 21:09:11 -0600
From: Lanny Chambers <>
Subject: Problem with contextual menus

On 11/8/99 13:58, Info-Mac wrote:

>Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 11:13:49 -0500
>From: "Howard M. Fried" <>
>Subject: [Q] Problem with contextual menus
>I have several contextual menu plugins in the Contextual Menu Items of my
>Sys 8.1 System Folder (on a G3 Wallstreet Powerbook) but none of the
>functionalities of any of the plugins show up when I control-click a file,
>even in the Finder; all I see are what I assume to be the minimum function=
>of the OS (Help, Open, Move to Trash, etc.).  The plugins work fine on
>another machine (G3 beige desktop), also with Sys 8.1.  Also, the
>Contextual Menu Enabler (ver 1.0.3) and the Contextual Menu Extension (ver
>1.0.2) are in the Extensions folder.  Is there something else that needs t=
>be enabled?

Some plug-ins require the SOMobjects=81 for Mac OS extension.

Lanny Chambers
St. Louis, USA


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 13:37:43 -0400
From: "Gino J. Piazza" <>
Subject: Processing video and images

I am hoping you can help me answer.
 This is NanJing University of Posts and Telecommucations, PRC. We  need a
Macintosh (G3 or G4) to process vedio and image,it is regretful that we have
never used Macintosh,but in our impression it is powerful!
   We decided to buy a Mac, before buying,we have some questions:

   1. Can Macintosh desktop PC support a AVI file bigger than 2GB since it
is 64 bit machine?
   2. What about its compatibility since we work on Windows 98 or NT ? can
it accept a picture from Windows 98?

   3.Since this is NanJing,P.R of China, can you give us some agencies  that
locate in China and the seperate price of G3 and G4 ?

   If at all possible, could you e-mail me directly at:

Thank you in advance,
     Gino J. Piazza
    PowerMac G4 Central 


Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999 13:11:11 +0100
From: (Lobo)
Subject: REQ: System 7.1.2 update -for pensioner

I'm looking for system 7.1.2 update from 7.1 for a PENSIONER friend who is
anxious to use EudoraPro which will only work with version  OS 7.1.2. or
later. Checks on the Apple updates have drawn a blank.

Help would be appreciated.


ta reply, rub oot -Lobo- from...


Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 20:28:09 -0500
From: "Marian C. Poczobutt" <>
Subject: VirtualPC-Windows95 or 98?

Hello All,

I'm going to be upgrading to VirtualPC 3.0 and was wondering whether I
should get the version with Windows98 - I currently use 95 with VirtualPC
2.x on a 300 mhz Beige G3. I see from the Connectix webpage that 98
requires more drive space and RAM, which isn't a problem. Does 98 run
slower than 95, and are there any other costs or benefits.

As a followup, I read of a utility ( that pares down
Windows98. Assuming that Windows98 does run significantly slower, will this
utility help?

I know that 98 offers USB support (with OS9), which brings me to my third
question. I plan on getting an iBook soon and will use the Keyspan serial
adaptor to connect devices such as a GPS unit to it. Does VirtualPC
recognize the serial ports on this adaptor, and if so does it need the USB
support on the Windows side? I'm guessing it doesn't, since the serial
ports show up on the Mac side.

Thanks in advance for any information.

Marian Poczobutt
SUNY College Of Environmental Science & Forestry
Syracuse, New York


Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 16:08:28 -0500
From: Gary Radice <>
Subject: why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?

Whenever I send e-mail from Eudora on my bronze keyboard powerbook, there
is a delay of exactly 30 seconds while my computer searches for my smtp
server. Then the mail gets sent immediately. This happens both when I'm
connected to the network in my office and at home over the modem/PPP.

Receiving messages is not a problem. It finds the server immediately (plus
or minus normal network delays) and sucks the messages down.

But sending mail: exactly 30 seconds of wait, every time. I can switch to
other apps in the meantime but I can't go back to reading mail or doing
anything in Eudora until the 30 second search for the server is finished.
Very annoying. Any thoughts?

This is running OS 8.6 and Eudora Light 3.5.5.

Gary P. Radice
Associate Professor of Biology		804 289 8107 (voice)
University of Richmond		804 289 8233 (FAX)
Richmond VA 23173



End of Info-Mac Digest