Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #388 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Wed, 22 Dec 99 Volume 16 : Issue 388 Today's Topics: (C) The Mac and y2k [*] File Buddy 5.3.3J - Japanese Version [*] MacOSTray 1.1b2 [*] PandoCalendar 5.0.2 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. [*] PowerCalc 5.1 [*] QuoEdit mini 1.0 [*] SimpleBackup 1.6.1 [*] Slide Show 5.2 - presentation tool for multimedia & MP3 files. [*] Subtle arcade sound set [*] TalkTime 1.0 - a talking scheduling application [*] Time Tracker 1.0 [*] Trinity 1.1 68K [*] Trinity 1.1 PPC [*] uCalendar 2.0.4 68K Version [*] uCalendar 2.0.4 PPC Version [*] WineBook 1.0b5 -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts iMac Reset Button Virtual PC vs. SoftWindows - PC Emulators for the MAC The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. < info-mac> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. < info-mac> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. 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The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by AOL <> who is responsible for our having the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V16 #388" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 14:36:25 -0500 From: a brody <> Subject: (C) The Mac and y2k Dear Digest readers, While we are all happy about the Mac being y29k compliant, there is one control panel which some people may miss that we should let people know about. Whether or not this is important to the Finder's file management I have yet to determine, but if you click the following, you should be able to fix this minor inconvenience: 1. Apple menu 2. Click and let go of Control Panels 3. Double click Date & Time 4. Click on Date Formats 5. Click show century 6. Close window from File menu. Question: Why is the default show century setting off, if the Mac is y2k compliant? Sincerely, ------------------------------ Date: 20 Dec 1999 From: Subject: [*] File Buddy 5.3.3J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the File Buddy package. File Buddy is quite simply the best utility available for working with files and folders on your Macintosh. First released more than six years ago, it has been continually enhanced, improved, and supported since that time. *View and edit a wide range of file and folder information. *Create droplet applications that automatically apply changes to items dropped on them, including the contents of folders. *Find files and folders using an extensive set of search criteria. Enhance file searches with plug-ins that extend file search capabilities. Conveniently perform a wide variety of actions on found items. Make File Buddy your default file finding application using the File Buddy CP control panel. *Modify the names of multiple files at once. For example, remove ".txt" from the names of a group of files. *Use contextual menus to accomplish many tasks in a single step. Contextual menus are supported on all versions of the Macintosh operating systems. *Create custom icons: from PICTs on the clipboard; from other icons; for folders using a varitey of templates; with blank icons; using only small icons. *Create and manage aliases. *Find empty files and folders, orphaned files, duplicate files, broken aliases, and unused preference files. *Automatically repair broken aliases *Rebuild the desktop file. *Move, delete, and copy files. Even copy invisible files and use the Replace Different option to skipping copying files that already exist. *Delete data and resource forks from files. *Erase files and unused disk space. *Create snapshots that can be used to track the changes on a disk, such as files installed by an installer. Use snapshots to uninstall applications. [Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-buddy-533-jp.hqx; 1624 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 1999 From: Jerome Tarantino <> Subject: [*] MacOSTray 1.1b2 Minimum requirement : MacOS 8.5 Version : 1.1b2 Shareware fee : $10 Description : MacOSTray add a MacOSX-like tray on the right side of your desktop to handle disks, servers and printers. Contact: Jerome Tarantino, [Archived as /info-mac/gui/mac-os-tray-11b2.hqx; 62 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 1999 From: Panda Systems <> Subject: [*] PandoCalendar 5.0.2 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. PandoCalendar is a freeware Macintosh application that places a small customizable calendar on your desktop. The calendar may be customized by changing the frame, background color, text color, font, and font size. You can also attach notes to specific days for past or future events, and have PandoCalendar automatically plot the days you work. Great for people who don't have a Monday-Friday work schedule! Version 5.0.2 - A new appointments default time is now one hour in the future. Printing a range of notes now defaults to printing all the days displayed in the calendar. Added small color icons in the label menus in the daily information window and recurring notes editing window. Now better indicates the use of label colors in recurring notes. Fixed a bug where recurring notes that aren't supposed to display, were displayed when they occur on the same day as another recurring note that does display. Fixed a bug when printing a day with more than one recurring note results in junk. Plugged a few minor memory leaks. Panda Systems [Archived as /info-mac/gui/pando-calendar-502.hqx; 840 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 1999 From: John Mauro <> Subject: [*] PowerCalc 5.1 John Mauro Software is proud to announce the release of PowerCalc 5.1, one of the most powerful and intuitive scientific calculators for Mac OS. Now PowerCalc is more user-friendly than ever. Version 5.1 includes a tape window to record all the calculations that have been entered into PowerCalc. The data in this window may be saved to a file and opened later. It can also be printed or copied into another program. Recording may be toggled on and off by clicking on the "Record" check box in the tape window. Version 5.1 also features built-in constants for atomic number and mass values for all the elements on the periodic table. These may be easily accessed and entered into the calculator from the constants palette. Other function palettes contain buttons for unit conversions, trigonometry, probability, exponential, integer, bitwise, relational, and logical operations. As always, PowerCalc supports full balloon help. If you ever have any question about what a particular button does, just turn on balloon help and point to it. A balloon will pop up explaining how to use the feature. PowerCalc can store up to 1000 values in memory, and PowerCalc's interface is completely customizable. PowerCalc 5.1 is 100% compatible with Apple's new version of the Appearance control panel. Also, PowerCalc 5.1 is optimized for the G4 Velocity Engine. Of course, all PowerPC and 68K Macintosh models are also supported. PowerCalc is the perfect program for anyone interested in a powerful, easy-to-use shareware calculator for Mac OS. Also available from John Mauro Software are Cyberopoly, Digital Wipeout, Trilite, and PowerCalc Lite. With Cyberopoly, you can play as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs and try to take over the computer industry. Digital Wipeout is an educational math game that's fun for people of any age. Trilite is a simple game similar to tic-tac-toe, but much more fun and challenging. Finally, PowerCalc Lite is a simplified version of PowerCalc. Please feel free to distribute unregistered versions of my programs to any interested users. PowerCalc 5.1 is a free upgrade for all registered users of PowerCalc 5.0. If you have any questions concerning PowerCalc or John Mauro Software, please write to [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/power-calc-51.hqx; 616 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 1999 From: Lyomei Sakai <> Subject: [*] QuoEdit mini 1.0 "QuoEdit mini" is mini version of "QuoEdit", a plain text editor. Supposed to be used on small system of Mac OS 7 or later. This tiny application is still WorldScript savvy in editing and search, supports four levels of undo and redo for each document, and has many shortcut keys. Provided as only 68K version and it is free. Lyomei Sakai [Archived as /info-mac/text/quo-edit-mini-10.hqx; 51 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 1999 From: Roland Gustafsson <> Subject: [*] SimpleBackup 1.6.1 SimpleBackup - a Finder alias-based backup utility v1.61 (C) 1996-99 by Roland Gustafsson, All Rights Reserved What is SimpleBackup? SimpleBackup is a very simple and easy to use file backup utility. I wrote it because I wanted a quick-and-easy way to back up all those files that are spread out over the hard disk, in the preferences folder, in the documents folder, certain folders and files in the applications folder, etc... I decided that I didn't want to write a user interface for the utility, so I got the idea of letting the Finder do the work for me by using aliases. The result is a backup program that is actually easy to use! You simply navigate through your hard disk and find the files or entire folders that you want to backup that are buried in the System Folder, Applications, Documents folders etc., and tell SimpleBackup about those files/folders by using aliases. Here is the step-by-step process: 1) Create a new folder on the Desktop and name it “Backup Aliases”. 2) Place a copy of SimpleBackup in this folder. 3) Navigate your hard disk and find those folders and files that you want to backup. For each folder or single file, create an alias and place it in the Backup Aliases folder. 4) Open the SimpleBackup application. The folders referenced by the aliases are scanned to determine how many files and how much space is required for the backup. 5) SimpleBackup will next ask for a destination folder. This folder should be on a different volume than the folder/files represented by the aliases. 6) There are four options that can be set: "Remember settings" remembers the destination folder name and location, "Don't ask next time", "Skip unchanged files"* and "Delete Destination Folder" 7) Click "Backup" and the backup process is started. If the folder already exists on the destination volume, you are asked if you want to use that folder for the backup. * A file is assumed to be the same if it is exactly the same length (both data & rsrc forks), same type/creator, same creation and modification date. Version 1.61 changes: * added $5 Register option for those who don't want to say "Thank You" or would like to encourage me to update SimpleBackup ;-) [Archived as /info-mac/disk/simple-backup-161.hqx; 93 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 1999 From: Ivan Gobbo <> Subject: [*] Slide Show 5.2 - presentation tool for multimedia & MP3 files. OneApp Slide Show 5.2 OneApp Slide Show is a $25 shareware slide show and presentation tool for multimedia files, QuickTime movies, sounds and images. The application includes MP3 and MPEG files support, option for automatically sizing each image and movie to 'Half', 'Double', 'Fill Screen' or 'Normal' and the possibility to specify folders to insert into a projection. OneApp Slide Show lets you personalize the presentation to adapt it to the most varied needs. You can create presentations and slide shows that are controlled manually or automatically. You can personalize the presentation environment with colored backgrounds or patterns, use a soundtrack during presentation, and display the names of the images and movies that are showed. System Requirements: Macintosh, PowerBook, Power Macintosh or iMac. OneApp Slide Show is shareware. OneApp Software Home Page: [Archived as /info-mac/gst/one-app-slide-show-52.hqx; 2264 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 1999 From: Ronan Conroy <> Subject: [*] Subtle arcade sound set I got annoyed by the platinum sound set that came with OS 8. That stupid plinking sound especially. In time, I evolved my own sounds, culled from arcade games that I liked. Many of these games are long-defunct (remember CheeseToast? Glypha, HemiRoids? - hey, HemiRoids, written 1993, still runs on OS 8.6! And I stole its icon - well, it was freeware...). Put the sound set into your Sounds Sets folder, which is in the Appearance folder in your System folder. The use the Appearance Manager to choose the sound set. The sounds are mostly quiet, except for an swooshy pair that announce the arrival and departure of a disk, and a rather good 'pow' that launches applications. You can amuse yourself trying to identify them. If you have an especially sad life. This sound set is not copyright and I can accept no liability for any damage it might do to you, your computer or your pets. [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/subtle-arcade-sounds.hqx; 91 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 1999 From: Simon Kornblith <> Subject: [*] TalkTime 1.0 - a talking scheduling application TalkTime is a simple scheduling application for the Macintosh. It speaks data about the events using Speech Manager. It can also display an alert if you are going to be away from your computer at the time the event occurs. This can help you if your forgetful, or if you just want the scare your friends while they're near your computer. The unregistered version does not allow you to make an alert appear (as described above) and will not let you run the program for over 100 runs. [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/talk-time-10.hqx; 122 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 1999 From: "Frank Kane" <> Subject: [*] Time Tracker 1.0 Time Tracker 1.0 by The Computing Edge. A time clock, invoice generator, client database, and notepad all in one simple application; an essential tool for contractors, freelancers, or anybody who needs to keep track of how much time you spend at your computer and potentially bill for it. Punch in and out toward any number of projects billed toward any number of clients. When a job is ready for billing, Time Tracker can produce and print a professional invoice featuring your custom logo, with your billable time already on it. Invoices are completely customizable, and the underlying relational database may be edited to easily fix any missed punches. Invoices may also be created from scratch for any purpose. A pop-up notepad allows you to jot down notes for the client you are working for and later retrieve them. Although its interface is intuitive, Time Tracker makes extensive use of Apple Guide and balloon help should you require help. More info may be found at Time Tracker is shareware for $15; it will be fully functional for a 30 day trial period after its first use. After 30 days, invoice generation and database editing will be disabled until your registration is received. [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/time-tracker-10.hqx; 728 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 1999 From: Support <> Subject: [*] Trinity 1.1 68K Trinity: A game of triangles, by Divinity Software. Easy enough for all ages, Trinity's rules are simple and straightforward. Match the numbers on the sides of a triangular playing piece in your hand up with triangles already on the board to earn points and beat your opponents. Complete "special plays" such as the Hexagon, the Slide or the Span to earn bonus points. Up to 4 players may participate in a game. Play against other humans or one of the 3 experience levels of computer players. [Archived as /info-mac/game/trinity-11-68k.hqx; 1151 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 1999 From: Support <> Subject: [*] Trinity 1.1 PPC Trinity: A game of triangles, by Divinity Software. Easy enough for all ages, Trinity's rules are simple and straightforward. Match the numbers on the sides of a triangular playing piece in your hand up with triangles already on the board to earn points and beat your opponents. Complete "special plays" such as the Hexagon, the Slide or the Span to earn bonus points. Up to 4 players may participate in a game. Play against other humans or one of the 3 experience levels of computer players. [Archived as /info-mac/game/trinity-11-ppc.hqx; 1172 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 1999 From: Waki Riuzo <> Subject: [*] uCalendar 2.0.4 68K Version Calendar 2.0.4 What is uCalendar? uCalendar is a personal scheduling calendar with text, banner & icon reminders. New features from version 1.7.2: - Add week view and day view - Change the calendar file and preferences file format - Hide window(s) at backgrond - Quit at all windows are closed - Auto saving - Print two months layout - Appearance/Kaleidoscope aware - and fixed many problems System requirements: MacOS 7.6 or later 2 MB RAM 2 MB Hard Disk Shareware fee: US$25 [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/u-calendar-204-68k.hqx; 888 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 1999 From: Waki Riuzo <> Subject: [*] uCalendar 2.0.4 PPC Version Calendar 2.0.4 What is uCalendar? uCalendar is a personal scheduling calendar with text, banner & icon reminders. New features from version 1.7.2: - Add week view and day view - Change the calendar file and preferences file format - Hide window(s) at backgrond - Quit at all windows are closed - Auto saving - Print two months layout - Appearance/Kaleidoscope aware - and fixed many problems System requirements: MacOS 7.6 or later 2 MB RAM 2 MB Hard Disk Shareware fee: US$25 [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/u-calendar-204-ppc.hqx; 1008 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 1999 From: Edwin Buehler <> Subject: [*] WineBook 1.0b5 -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts. You can manage your wines and your own wine-tasting notes. You can note sight, smell, taste and the quality of a wine with WineBook. WineBook manage the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses. System requirements: * System 8.1 * Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM (68k version at * 3 MB on harddisk * 15" Color Monitor Edwin Buehler [Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-10b5.hqx; 1375 K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 17:34:00 -0800 From: Subject: iMac Reset Button Have an aunt who just purchased her first computer, an iMac. While I was showing her the ropes, she/we experienced her first screen freeze and we couldn't get the machine to reboot from the keyboard. It was my first experience with an iMac and it took only a few seconds to find the reset hole. Question: somewhere I saw an ad for a reset button that you can install, making it much easier to just reach around your iMac and push for a restart vice goosing around with a bent paperclip. Anyone know the proper name for this device and where she could order it? Many thanks, Bob G. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 15:34:59 GMT From: (Dulce Isler) Subject: Virtual PC vs. SoftWindows - PC Emulators for the MAC Hi; I am a PC person who is seriously considering switching systems to the IMAC DV Special Edition. I have been told by Apple Tech Support that Virtual PC will execute Windows 95 apps on the MAC seemlessly without problems as long as there is atleast 128Mg RAM on teh MAC. Has anyone used VIrtual PC and if so, what are the pitfalls and what are the benefits? Has anyone used Softwindows and if so, what are the pitfalls and what are the benefits? I would appreciate it if you could email me at Thanks alot, Dulce Isler -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************