Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #88
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 15 Apr 98       Volume 16 : Issue 88

Today's Topics:

      [*]     BOOM 1.1-SE
      [*] "Name That Game 1.0 for Mac
      [*] "Styles" Pastorale Tabbed Kaleidoscope update
      [*] BigPicture374.hqx
      [*] BungieNet Tracker 2.0 for Myth: The Fallen Lords
      [*] CapsLight 1.2
      [*] CapsLight 1.2
      [*] cd-key 1.2
      [*] cd-key 1.2
      [*] Club MID v1.0.7
      [*] CustomPICTiconFolders (no version)
      [*] Dart Scorer
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.1
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.5.1 [fix!!]
      [*] ForiegnFruitInvaders 1.0 (arcade-game)
      [*] Geographax 1.0 - A HyperCard Geography Quiz
      [*] HyperHTTP
      [*] HyperHTTP
      [*] idin 1.0.3
      [*] Image Alchemy 2.2
      [*] Image Alchemy ps 2.2
      [*] ImageViewer 4.6 68K (New Version)
      [*] ImageViewer 4.6 PPC (New Version)
      [*] Invasion of the Goofy Aliens'
      [*] iView 3.0.1
      [*] Karaoking 1.0
      [*] Klondike7.0.sea.hqx--four solitaire games
      [*] MacFont 3.0 FAT
      [*] P-in-P 1.0 - Picture-in-Picture - Johnny C N Lee
      [*] Pattern Manager 1.5.2
      [*] PitchFork 443.0
      [*] Play it Cool 2.7
      [*] PlayMovie CMM 1.1
      [*] Power Windows 2.0.1
      [*] QuickNailer 1.5--The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool
      [*] roTyx 1.5 new release of the shootem up game
      [*] Sam's Eudora Icons -- replaces the arrow icons in Eudora 4
      [*] Speak Text CM 1.0
      [*] Stereomaker 2.0
      [*] The Fantastic War
      [*] Vocal1_0.sit

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites
containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more
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Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:50:28 -0700
From: (Mike Bean)
Subject: [*]     BOOM 1.1-SE

Sent:        4/8/98 12:59 AM
Received:    4/8/98 2:19 AM
=46rom:        moj,
Enclosure:   BOOM_11-SE.sit.hqx

Dr. Feelgood <> sl=E4pper det popul=E4ra arkadspelet B=
1.1-SE i svensk version. BOOM =E4r ett arkadspel enligt den fina gamla
traditionen som f=F6r =F6ver spelgl=E4djen och k=E4nslan fr=E5n de fantastis=
8-bitars spelkonsolerna till Macintosh.
Det kan beskrivas som "Bombmannen m=F6ter Doom". Egentligen tog jag den
vanliga id=E9n med bombmannen och sl=E4ppte den i ett scenario av typen
"Superdeformerat Doom" (vad nu det betyder). Om Du inte vet vad Bomberman=81
och Doom=81 =E4r f=F6r n=E5got, s=E5 har Du definitivt aldrig spelat ett dat=
Det h=E4r =E4r r=E4tt l=E4ge att b=F6rja.

BOOMs fr=E4msta k=E4nnetecken =E4r:
* Mjuka animeringar, grundade p=E5 sprite, i 256 f=E4rger
* 8 olika ljudsp=E5r och flerkanalers ljudeffekter
* Spel med tv=E5 spelare samtidigt
* 80 olika niv=E5er
* 10 olika slags fiender med olika intelligens och bev=E4pning
* Monster mitt i spelet och p=E5 slutet Superbossen.

=D6versatt till svenska av Carl Johan =C5senius Dr. Feelgood

Pris 120:-

Som alla Dr. Feelgoods program =E4r det l=E4tt att registrera via postgirot
eller ett vanligt inbetalningskort p=E5 posten.

L=E4s mer ock ladda ner p=E5 v=E5r hemsida: <>.

Ladda ner direkt:<>

BOOM samt alla v=E5ra program kommer ocks=E5 att finnas hos v=E5r nya n=E4tp=

P=E5 < > hittar du info. om IDG/Online och d=E4r fi=
=E4ven alla v=E5ra program f=F6r nedladdning.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/boom-11-se.hqx; 2900K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:50:37 -0700
Subject: [*] "Name That Game 1.0 for Mac

         Name That Game 1.0 for Macintosh

Date  :  April 9, 1998
Email :
URL   :

System 7.0 or higher
A Macintosh or a PowerPC Mac
A 256 colors, 640 x 480 monitor
8 Mb RAM

Name That Game is a unique concept in word puzzle games.
Play with letters and solve puzzles in order to find the
names of 36 games.

The game contains complete instructions on how to play
each puzzle.

Thank you for supporting shareware, and ... have fun !

=A9 Copyright 1998, Gilles Bergeron.  All rights reserved.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/name-that-game.hqx; 2706K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:26 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Pastorale Tabbed Kaleidoscope update

Please include my Pastorale update for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2 in the
Recent Additions section of the HyperArchive, etc.  Sea file.

Pastorale has been updated for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2, with new
custom tabs for the pop-up windows, and disclosure triangles.  It
also has new added resources, desktop texture, and a custom
Pastorale cursor I designed to go with the scheme.  Shareware.


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/pastorale.hqx; 129K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:45 -0700
Subject: [*] BigPicture374.hqx

BigPicture 3.7.4

3.7.4 replaces 3.0 through 3.6, 3.7, 3.7.2, 3.7.3, 2.0, & 1.0

For viewing image files.

System 6 or System 7.

Simple, friendly, useful, and convenient user interface.

Online help, help balloons.

Can handle hundreds of image files at the same time!

For viewing PICT, BMP, GIF, JPG, MacPaint, StartupScreen,
and QuickTime movies, and others...

save image catalogs, print images at different sizes, print
high resolution catalogs, and much much more..

see also

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/big-picture-374.hqx; 377K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:43:32 -0700
Subject: [*] BungieNet Tracker 2.0 for Myth: The Fallen Lords

Hiya!  Thanks for downloading my Bungie.Net(tm) Tracker spreadsheet.  I
don't really care about rank, but I like to track my progress and find
some way of looking on the bright side, e.g., I lost all 20 games of flag
rally, but I did more damage than anyone else in all of them, so my
ratios went up, etc.

Included are two versions:

BNetTrk2.xls    - which is for Excel  97/98
BNetTrak.xls    - which is for Excel  5.0/7.0

Please enjoy and feel free to modify them.  This package may be
reproduced or redistributed freely, but must only without modification or
removal of this package.

Note:  Some of the graphics in the Rank History chart don't show up on
Windows versions of Excel 5.0 and 7.0.  I think this is a graphic type
display problem that was fixed in Excel 97 for Windows.  Macintosh
versions of Excel do not seem to have any problems displaying the
graphics.  Go figure or go get a Macintosh.

Take care, and say Hiya! if you see me on Bungie.Net.

Havok-ise zumi, a.k.a. Snapper
A Member of Oof ("Out of" Order)

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bnettrak.hqx; 91K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:17 -0700
Subject: [*] CapsLight 1.2

CapsLight is a small control panel intended for PowerBook users,
although it will work on any Macintosh computer with System 7.0 or later.
CapsLight displays an icon in the menubar whenever the caps lock key is
engaged. On Powerbooks whose keyboards don't have a locking caps lock key
and have no caps lock light, this is a helpful feature.

Version 1.2 adds no new features, but fixes a small bug that prevented
the menubar being redrawn properly on some computers.

Alastair Matthews

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/caps-light-12.hqx; 129K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:15:59 -0700
Subject: [*] CapsLight 1.2

CapsLight is a small control panel intended for PowerBook users,
although it will work on any Macintosh computer with System 7.0 or later.
CapsLight displays an icon in the menubar whenever the caps lock key is
engaged. On Powerbooks whose keyboards don't have a locking caps lock key
and have no caps lock light, this is a helpful feature.

Version 1.2 adds no new features, but fixes a small bug that prevented
the menubar being redrawn properly on some computers.

Alastair Matthews

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/caps-light-12.hqx; 129K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:16:00 -0700
Subject: [*] cd-key 1.2

cd-key is a small freeware control panel that lets you use the function
keys found on extended keyboards to control the playback of audio CDs.
cd-key requires System 7.0 or later, a CD-ROM drive, and an extended

Version 1.2 adds the ability to free up the function keys for other things
by requiring a modifier to be held down to use cd-key, and a choice of two
layouts - one for desktop Macs, the other for PowerBooks.

Version 1.1.1 fixes the brute stupidity of the Skip Back and Forward keys,
and fixes a bug that in some cases caused cd-key to keep scanning a track
even after the Scan Back or Forward key had been released.

Version 1.1 adds the ability to scan tracks and adjust the CD volume,
support for more CD-ROM drives and drivers, and support for the Apple
Platinum Appearance under Mac OS 8.

Christopher Wood

D'oh!   <-- in the manner of Homer Simpson

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/cd-key-120.hqx; 48K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:18 -0700
Subject: [*] cd-key 1.2

cd-key is a small freeware control panel that lets you use the function
keys found on extended keyboards to control the playback of audio CDs.
cd-key requires System 7.0 or later, a CD-ROM drive, and an extended

Version 1.2 adds the ability to free up the function keys for other things
by requiring a modifier to be held down to use cd-key, and a choice of two
layouts - one for desktop Macs, the other for PowerBooks.

Version 1.1.1 fixes the brute stupidity of the Skip Back and Forward keys,
and fixes a bug that in some cases caused cd-key to keep scanning a track
even after the Scan Back or Forward key had been released.

Version 1.1 adds the ability to scan tracks and adjust the CD volume,
support for more CD-ROM drives and drivers, and support for the Apple
Platinum Appearance under Mac OS 8.

Christopher Wood

D'oh!   <-- in the manner of Homer Simpson

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/cd-key-120.hqx; 48K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:43 -0700
Subject: [*] Club MID v1.0.7

Club MID is an application for the Macintosh which allows you to play
standard MIDI files. One window holds one standard MIDI file, and displays
it's current tempo, System Exclusive status, Control Change status and Voice
Name, Panpot, Picth Bend, Level for each MIDI channel.
List window can have up to 32640 MIDI files to be played back sequentially,
or random order. This application is best for those who wants to be with
music all the time.

Features :
  Fat Binary.
  QuickTime 3.0 support.
  Macintosh Drag and Drop support.
  GM, GS, XG format compatible

This application requires :
  Macintosh with 68020 or higher / PowerPC
  System7 + QuickTime or System7.1 or later
  Apple MIDI Manager or OMS (Open Music System)
  MIDI tone generator or QuickTime Musical Instruments

-- T.Suzuki

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/club-mid-107.hqx; 201K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:28 -0700
Subject: [*] CustomPICTiconFolders (no version)

CustomPICTiconFolders   (no version) Shareware.

A trial baloon of custom picture icons or custom picture folders
that I can make for you.

The pricing of this "custom" service is from $2 to $5 if you care
to order something.

There is a set of A thru Z ResEdit designed folders that are FREE
in any case.

I'm not sure what to call it. "CustomSharewareService" maybe?

Thank you!


Royce DeBow

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/custom-pict-icon.hqx; 50K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:43:35 -0700
Subject: [*] Dart Scorer

This program is a scorer for the game of dart.
It is FatBinary (so it works in all Mac and PowerMac) and it is Shareware.

Thank you,
	Alessandro Guzzini (the author)

[Archived as /info-mac/game/dart-scorer.hqx; 445K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:19 -0700
Subject: [*] Desktop Resetter 1.1

Do you keep your most used programs and files on your desktop for easy access?
Ever accidently choose Clean Up in the Finder or find that after you played that
fun game which switched your monitor resolution, your icons got all screwed up
and thrown all over your desktop? Especially after you just spent all that time
placing them nice and neatly?

Desktop Resetter will 'remember' where you keep your icons, and if they ever get
moved, just run this program and it will automatically re-arrange them to the
positions you had set them to! It'll even do it in the background. If you
have an
'040 processor or better (PPC), it will probably only take about 2 seconds
or so.

What's New?

Trash and Disk Support, multi-resolution support, and hot keys, and more!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/desktop-resetter-11.hqx; 87K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Extensions Strip 1.5.1 [fix!!]

Extensions Strip hosts control strip modules in the most flexible and
powerful environment out there. Its theme is "extensions with a global
interface" because control strip modules, especially Extensions Strip savvy
ones, get the best of the extension and application environments. Included
in the package are two FAT binary Extensions Strip savvy modules and
developer examples.

1.5.1 Changes:

* In the control panel you can choose whether to give idle time to hidden
strips or not.
* Fixed a Finder bug that sometimes prevented ES Control from opening.
* Fixed (I think) a bug that would sometimes prevent ES from giving idle
time to modules.
* Now the slider of OS 8's Sound Volume module draws without flickering.
* Removed the beta warning. How embarrassing.

For more information or downloads:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/es-151-package.hqx; 336K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:50:31 -0700
Subject: [*] ForiegnFruitInvaders 1.0 (arcade-game)

Foreign Fruit Invaders is a "Shot'em up"-game, in the Space Invaders genre, with
a gun at the bottom of the screen and various enemies attacking from the top.

The program runs under MacOS, version 7.0 or higher. It req. a 8-bits
color-screen, 14" or bigger, 68040- or PPC-processor.

F.F.I is freeware and may be distributed freely as long as all of the files
listed are included and unmodified.

Olle Welinder (

[Archived as /info-mac/game/foreign-fruit-invaders-101.hqx; 1418K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:50:33 -0700
Subject: [*] Geographax 1.0 - A HyperCard Geography Quiz

Geographax is a geography quiz game that contains about 2000 unusual
questions in a multiple chioce format.  Good for anyone interested in
places, while it should hold the interest of any geography trivia buff.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/geographax-10-hc.hqx; 339K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:16 -0700
Subject: [*] HyperHTTP

Dedicated to Mac HyperCard & Macromind developers:



[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/hyper-http-ppc.hqx; 118K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:15:57 -0700
Subject: [*] HyperHTTP

Dedicated to Mac HyperCard & Macromind developers:



[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/hyper-http-ppc.hqx; 118K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:50:35 -0700
Subject: [*] idin 1.0.3

this is the update for idin 1.0.1 archived as
Some bugs have been removed. now idin runs only at 256 colors! problems
with some "thousands of colors" users!
enagage a helicopters battle with this TWO players game.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/idin-103.hqx; 625K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Image Alchemy 2.2

Image Alchemy 2.2 -  is an image format converter that converts between 90
different formats.  It features batch conversions, color matching via ColorSync,
scripting, high quality scaling, and direct output to many devices including HP
DesignJet, Encad NovaJet, and Calcomp large format printers, and HP PhotoSmart
printers.  Output at 600 dpi and 60 inches wide is no problem. This is a fully
functional demo, for 30 days after the first launch.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/image-alchemy-22.hqx; 2802K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Image Alchemy ps 2.2

Image Alchemy PS 2.2 - is an image format converter that converts between 90
different formats, including a true Level 2 PostScript RIP. It features batch
conversions, color matching via ColorSync, scripting, high quality scaling, and
direct output to many devices including HP DesignJet, Encad NovaJet, and Calcomp
large format printers, and HP PhotoSmart printers. Output at 600 dpi and 60
inches wide is no problem. This is a fully functional demo, for 30 days
after the
first launch.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/image-alchemy-ps-22.hqx; 5309K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:50 -0700
Subject: [*] ImageViewer 4.6 68K (New Version)

ImageViewer 4.6 68K is a Macintosh image viewing application perfect for
locating, displaying, organizing and printing GIF, JPEG, PICT and TIFF
images. Other file types can be read using QuickTime=81 2.5 or greater. View
and play
movies as well!

This version includes a number of new features. You can now generate
customized HTML pages from a list of images. Saving as a true catalog file
is now supported, so actual file isn't required to view previews. Support
for QuickTime 3.0 and much more!

ImageViewer allows movie play and animated GIF support, as well as a number
of view modes. Single image viewing modes include: Full Screen, Fit To
Window, and scaled between 25% and 800%. List viewing modes include:
Gallery, Gallery Small, Text, and Icon. All view modes support file ordering=
name, size, type, date, random, or create a custom ordering.

System Requirements:

Any Macintosh compatible computer
8MB of RAM or more
System 7.5 or greater
QuickTime PowerPlug (PPC Only)

Note: OS 8.0 is suggested for Drag & Drop. Additional file formats can be
viewed with QuickTime 2.5/3.0.

=46or more information, please read document files, or visit our Web page:


Kevin Wleklinski
Plato Grande Software

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/Imageviewer-46-68k.hqx; 1191K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:43:33 -0700
Subject: [*] ImageViewer 4.6 PPC (New Version)

ImageViewer 4.6 PPC is a Macintosh image viewing application perfect for
locating, displaying, organizing and printing GIF, JPEG, PICT and TIFF
images. Other file types can be read using QuickTime=81 2.5 or greater. View
and play
movies as well!

This version includes a number of new features. You can now generate
customized HTML pages from a list of images. Saving as a true catalog file
is now supported, so actual file isn't required to view previews. Support
for QuickTime 3.0 and much more!

ImageViewer allows movie play and animated GIF support, as well as a number
of view modes. Single image viewing modes include: Full Screen, Fit To
Window, and scaled between 25% and 800%. List viewing modes include:
Gallery, Gallery Small, Text, and Icon. All view modes support file ordering=
name, size, type, date, random, or create a custom ordering.

System Requirements:

Any Macintosh PPC compatible computer
8MB of RAM or more
System 7.5 or greater
QuickTime PowerPlug (PPC Only)

Note: OS 8.0 is suggested for Drag & Drop. Additional file formats can be
viewed with QuickTime 2.5/3.0.

=46or more information, please read document files, or visit our Web page:


Kevin Wleklinski
Plato Grande Software

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/imageviewer-46-ppc.hqx; 1207K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:43:36 -0700
Subject: [*] Invasion of the Goofy Aliens'

After the aliens landed, everybody thought it was pretty neat. But after a
while, it soon became clear that there was something wrong...very wrong.
They were a pain in the neck! They acted like the Earth was a giant
playground and they trampled over everything!

Here's where you come in. After days of aliens raiding your refrigerator,
overfilling your bathtub and trashing your house playing twister, you snap
and start shooting at them with your pea shooter. And it worked - they
split! Now armed with your pea shooter and a mission to rid the world of
these pesty aliens you are determined to chase them off the face of the

What's new in Version 1.0.1:
Fixed minor bug in the menus.

System Requirements:
Invasion of the Goofy Aliens should run on any grayscale or 265 color mac
with 5 megs of ram running version 6.04 or later.

This file may be freely distributed as long as the "Read Me" file is
included. Please feel free to include this game on any CD-Roms, see the
"Read Me" file for more info.

This file was checked with Disinfectant and was found to be free of viruses.

J. Zack
Gooey Orbit Games

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/invasion-aliens-101.hqx; 2012K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:31 -0700
Subject: [*] iView 3.0.1

iView 3.0.1 the Multimedia Experiencer and Organizer for the Mac

Catalog, archive, play and display all kinds of multimedia.

Import and display images, gif, jpg, tiff, PICT, GX, BMP, Targa
and EPS, FreeHand, and Illustrator previews.
Play animations      Display fonts      Export movies
Play movies          Play sounds        Export HTML
Play quicktime VR    Play karaoke       Export images

Who Its For
Anyone who needs to track multimedia files. Everyone with
a digital camera will find iView essential but its also
designed for DTP pros, photographers, publishing
professionals, scientists, educators, students, doctors,
cinematographers, cartoonists, illustrators, cd producers,
real estate agents, technologists, magazine designers,
multimedia producers, web publishers, consultants,
database developers, designers, musicians, sound pro's,
singers, artists, and complete and total beginners.
iView is for anyone who wants to find and immediately
use a multimedia file.

What It Does
iView provides the easiest and most powerful way to view
and  organize media on your Mac OS computer(s). iView is a
tool to help you to do less and accomplish more. It lets
the professional focus on their creative work and not on
learning a new piece of software. If your tired of searching
mountains of disks and CD's trying to unearth that special
photo, qtvr or clip art its time to try something new!

iView can act as your digital image database, your karaoke
jukebox, your sound library, your museum of clip art,
your PhotoShop organizer, your movie database, your font
collection, your quicktimeVR gallery, your animation
archive, your Illustrator portfolio and all your Freehand files.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/iview-301.hqx; 946K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:38 -0700
Subject: [*] Karaoking 1.0

If you are into karaoke singing, this application is for you. With QuickTime=
2.5 or better from Apple and this application, you can gather some friends, =
some cool beer and arrange your own karaoke evening. Or just sing duets
with your

What are Karaoke files?
Karaoke files are standard MIDI files with a text track that contains the ly=
of the song with some timing information (when each syllable should be sung)=
Starting with QuickTime(tm) version 2.0, Apple added support for playback
tracks. In version 2.5, text tracks were added with the ability to convert
karaoke files into QuickTime(tm) movies. Karaoking(tm) is using this feature=
import karaoke files, transparently convert them into QuickTime(tm) compatib=
data and play them (slightly better, we hope, than Movie Player). Karaoking(=
can also open pre-converted QuickTime(tm) movies containing karaoke data.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/karaoking-10.hqx; 585K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:50:42 -0700
Subject: [*] Klondike7.0.sea.hqx--four solitaire games

This is version 7.0.1 of Klondike, a solitaire game first released in 1984.
This new version should work on all Macs and includes four different games:
Klondike, Canfield, Golf and Racing Demons. Optional video game-like
scoring is a popular feature, as is an almost-unlimited UNDO capability.

Mike Casteel                   Seattle, WA

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/klondike-70.hqx; 204K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:43:37 -0700
Subject: [*] MacFont 3.0 FAT

MacFont allows to display/print a list of your TrueType=99, PostScript=99
and bitmapped fonts. Unlike others similar programs, MacFont allows:

- to print the fonts without installing them!
- to format printing using editable templates.

You can access a complete online documentation selecting the "About
MacFont" item in the apple menu. Version 3.0 works on all Macs from
Macintosh Plus with system 7.0 or greater. It's a FAT binary

MacFont is shareware ($12), if you use it, please register!
What's new in version 3.0:

=95 You may now view / print PostScript=99 and bitmapped fonts!
=95 You may now print uninstalled fonts in background!
=95 The fonts may be loaded in background.
=95 The font list may be manually reordered.
=95 The font list may be saved on disk for later use.
=95 It's now possible to add fonts to an existing list.
=95 Possible font conflicts are now detected. Duplicates may be easily
=95 Windows are resizable and their size / location are saved.
=95 Sample may be drawn using anti-alias (256 colors are required).
=95 Templates: the text of the "Font Header / footer" sections is now
editable. 17 new variables are available.
=95 Introduced the "Fractional character width" option that allows precise
character spacing.
=95 Possibility of specifying the number of the first printed page.

=46ixed bugs:

=95 The line height is now correctely calculated during printing.
=95 Inverted text is now printed correctly on LaserWriter printers.
=95 In version 2.0, if several fonts of the same family were installed in
different files, only one font was loaded. Version 3.0 loads correctly
all the fonts.


Bruno Di Gleria
Via Basaldella, 10

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/mac-font-30.hqx; 195K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:40 -0700
Subject: [*] P-in-P 1.0 - Picture-in-Picture - Johnny C N Lee

P-in-P 1.0
(c) Copyright 1998 Johnny C N Lee, All Rights Reserved.

P-in-P is a QuickTime movie player.  It displays the movie on an always
on top window.  So you can watch your favorite movie while doing your
daily work.

P-in-P supports drag-and-drop.  Just drag the movie file and drop it onto
the P-in-P window or its icon, you'll get your movie on a
"Picture-in-Picture" window.

System Requirements

- System 7.1 or later

- QuickTime 2.5 or later

Thanks and Regards,

Johnny C N Lee
A Hong Kong Macintosh Developer

Pretty Scroll -- Animates Document Scrolling

VCD Player -- Watch Full Screen Video CD on Your Mac

VCD Screen Saver -- VCD Player After Dark Screen Saver

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/p-in-p-100.hqx; 97K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:22 -0700
Subject: [*] Pattern Manager 1.5.2

With the myriad of other desktop pattern installers out there, why
another desktop pattern manager? Simple: none of them had the features
that I wanted.

Pattern Manager=97"PatMan"=97displays patterns with their names in a
user-sizable grid, installs patterns into the System File, and sets the
utilities pattern (which other desktop pattern installers don't do). It
fully supports drag and drop between files, the ScrIt has the best PICT
importer available, and, remarkable for a desktop pattern manager, it
has resizeable windows. It also has a nifty pattern information window,
and can change the background pattern periodically. Pattern Manager
ships as a fat binary, and so should run on all Macs running system 7.0
and higher.

New in version 1.5.2:
- Pattern Rotater should work much better now.
- Various minor fixes for compatability with MacOS 8
- A new e-mail address.

Previous versions of PatMan have been archived in different places, but
I think somewhere in the gui heirarchy is most appropriate, probably
near the Textures folder, as that is what PatMan works with.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/pattern-manager-152.hqx; 589K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:33 -0700
Subject: [*] PitchFork 443.0

PitchFork 443.0 - is really intended to replace the tuning fork and the bench
oscillator. It provides two oscillators with frequency and waveform selection.
Frequency can be entered in Hertz, as an equal tempered note, or as a ratio from
a base frequency. It is accurate to within a tenth of a cent. Full source is
included. Oddly enough, some musicians have taken to performing with this
program. By Tom Erbe.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/pitchfork-443.hqx; 419K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:41 -0700
Subject: [*] Play it Cool 2.7

Play it Cool 2.7
Shareware $US 15

Russell Clarke

Play it Cool is a QuickTime and QuickTime VR movie player and simple editor.
It plays all types of QuickTime movies, including "mov", "MIDI", "MPEG" and
"QuickTime VR".
It is a "fat" application, plays movies very smoothly and contains many
features not available in other movie players.

- Looping information is now saved in movies.
- Increased the maximum number of movies open at once to 40.
- Implements the Platinum interface.
- Added "Use previous 'Open options'" preference item.
- Added "Default movie width" preference item.
- Added "Go To Time" menu command.
- Added "Play All Movies" menu command.
- Fixed a bug which causes crashes when closing QuickTime VR movies under
QuickTime 3.0.
- Fully tested with QuickTime 3.0.

- load movie into RAM and set monitor to best depth for smoother playback
- stage mode which hides the background and plays movies at optimum speed
- useful information displayed about movies
- real-time display of SMPTE time code, frame number and frames per second
- ability to compress movies and pictures
- cut, copy, paste and the ability to add sound to movies
- creates self-playing Movie-Applications
- make movies playable on non-Macintosh computers
- movies can be played up to five times faster than normal, forwards or in
- printing
- preferences
- balloon help

- Macintosh or better
- 800K available hard disk space
- 1.5 MB available RAM
- System 7.0 or later
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/play-it-cool-27.hqx; 457K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:24 -0700
Subject: [*] PlayMovie CMM 1.1

Announcing:  Update of PlayMovie CMM           (SHAREWARE)
Version 1.1.0 adds the following:
        * QuickTime 3.0 adaptations
        * Now handles Sound Files, QTVRs, MPEG, AVI, and DV
                 (depending upon your QuickTime version)
        * Allows window dragging, zooming, collapsing, and resizing
                 (if enough memory is available)
        * Better compatability with other CMMs

About PlayMovie CMM:
- A Contextual Menu plug-in that plays QuickTime movies directly from the
- A Neater, Simpler, Quicker alternative to MoviePlayer
- No app needed-- nothing to open, nothing to quit
- Perfect for spot-checking your movies
- Furnishes standard QuickTime pause, stop, and scrub controls
- Requires MacOS 8, PPC, and QuickTime 2.5 or later
    (More media formats are supported with QuickTime 3.0)
- SHAREWARE-- $12 for personal use, site license also available

PlayMovie CMM, a recent shareware "Cool Tool of the Week" at the
Webintosh site, is a Mac OS Contextual Menu plug-in that uses QuickTime
to let you play movies directly from the Finder, without having to open
any application (and then goes away all by itself).  Just control-click
on the file, select 'Play Movie' from the Contextual Menu, and watch.

Perfect for those "What the HECK is THIS file?" moments.

PlayMovie CMM can make life slightly easier for animators, graphic
artists, multimedia asset managers, programmers, picture editors,
archivists, movie librarians-- anyone who has to manage collections
of QuickTime media on Mac OS computers.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/play-movie-cmm.hqx; 202K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:25 -0700
From: greg@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU
Subject: [*] Power Windows 2.0.1

Power Windows 2.0.1, by Greg Landweber

The Power Windows control panel lets you drag entire windows instead
of dotted outlines. It offers both solid and translucent window dragging
and is the only such utility to support the Mac OS 8 Finder's new popup
windows (aka tabbed windows).

Version 2.0.1 is a maintenance release addressing conflicts with Microsoft
Office 98 and Claris Home Page and offering several minor improvements.
The documentation and web site have also been updated with a FAQ.

The shareware fee is $10 (registered users of 1.x can upgrade for $5;
registered users of version 2.0 do not need to pay an upgrade fee).

-- Greg Landweber

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/power-windows-201.hqx; 93K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:32 -0700
Subject: [*] QuickNailer 1.5--The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool

Announcing QuickNailer 1.5, the shareware media *preview in bulk* and web
site construction tool.

Do you have more images than you can comfortably manage?  Or, do you need
an easy and flexible way to make image indexes for your web pages?  Maybe
you just want to know what is taking up all the space on the server *right
now* and print a report.

QuickNailer gracefully combines an intuitive image thumbnailer, font
viewer, contact-sheet maker, and media cataloger with a flexible and
complete tool for producing HTML image indexes with image maps, frames, or
linked pages.

Try out QuickNailer today and you'll find it the easiest and most powerful
way to view and organize media with an unbeatable price, outstanding
performance, plenty of features, and an uncluttered, finely crafted user
interface.  Made by hard working artists and engineers who care
passionately about the Macintosh.

With QuickNailer you can:

->Import a few or a few thousand digital media files (including Layered
Photoshop, Progressive JPEG, GIF, TIFF, QuickTime Movies, EPS preview,
TIFF, PNG, BMP, etc. etc.) by dragging-and-dropping anything (files,
folders, volumes, shared disks, CD-ROMs, aliases), pressing of a folder hot
key, or using the astoundingly fast-opening QuickNailer Media Catalogs.

->Generate fully-functional multiple indexed web sites (automatic image
conversion, image tables, client side image maps, frames, navigation
buttons, color schemes, insert HTML header and footer files, tab-delimited
data files);  Export WYSIWYG contact-sheets (useful for submitting multiple
index files to internet newsgroups);  Save several types of fast loading
media catalogs;  Print to Postscript or QuickDraw printers.

->Preview media (as variable-size thumbnails displayed with the information
most relevant to you, individual images, slide shows [with QT movie
playback], cell animation, tiled images [optional text or image overlay],
all at any magnification level);  View fonts dynamically (with single
styled character copy for that perfect dingbat).

This version is available in English and German (Deutsch) languages.
(Minimum requirements:  68020 CPU; 4 MB RAM; QuickTime 2.5; System 7.1.
Recommended configuration:  68040 or PowerPC CPU; 8 MB RAM; QuickTime 3.0;
System 7.5.5 or newer.)

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/quicknailer-150.hqx; 1046K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:50:39 -0700
Subject: [*] roTyx 1.5 new release of the shootem up game

roTyx 1.5 (after 1.02 and 1.06)

action/shootemup game  like swoop, phoenix empire, galaga

special graphic, all sprites are rotating

added again 16 levels for the full version
added "music"
fixed the known bugs(like no sprites in the first level)

	just look and play (-)
	thanks for supporting

	rene b. (imp89)

[Archived as /info-mac/game/rotyx-15.hqx; 2349K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Sam's Eudora Icons -- replaces the arrow icons in Eudora 4

Sam's Eudora Icons
version 1.0
April 8, 1998

Beginning with version 4.0, Eudora Pro uses arbitrary arrow icons in the
first column of mailbox windows to indicate messages that have been replied
to, forwarded, or redirected. Previous versions of Eudora used the single
letters R, F, and D, respectively to represent the same thing. Sam's Eudora
Icons replaces the arrow icons with the appropriate letters to return
Eudora to its previous behavior.

Sam Choukri

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/sams-eudora-icons.hqx; 10K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:35 -0700
Subject: [*] Speak Text CM 1.0

What is Speak Text CM?
Have you ever wanted your computer to read your e-mail to you?  Have
you noticed that reading a paper out loud helps to find mistakes?
Speak Text CM will speak the selected text in any program.  Speak Text
CM is not an INIT, but is a Contextual Menu plugin, so it should not
cause any conflicts.

PPC Macintosh
Requires 8.0 or newer.

Paul Westbrook

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/speak-text-cm-10.hqx; 70K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:37 -0700
Subject: [*] Stereomaker 2.0

St=E9r=E9omaker 2.0 - est la premi=E8re application professionnelle pour=
 r=E9aliser des
st=E9r=E9ogrammes fixes ou anim=E9s. St=E9r=E9omaker est un shareware (ou=
 contributiel) =E0
250 Fr. Vous pouvez l'essayer ou le distribuer librement, mais son utilisati=
d=E9finitive est soumise aux m=EAmes lois que les logiciels traditionnels.
de la version 2.0: Cr=E9ation de s=E9quences Quicktime=81. Pr=E9visualisatio=
n des
st=E9r=E9ogrammes en 3D (Quickdraw3D=81). Respect du calibrage des couleurs
(ColorSync=81). Calcul multit=E2che des images (Syst=E8me 7.5 ou sup=E9rieur=
Application scriptable et enregistrable =E0 l'aide d'AppleScript=81. Bulles
d'aide et
Guide St=E9r=E9omaker. Utilisation du Drag and Drop afin de faciliter la
cr=E9ation des
images. Int=E9gration de nouveaut=E9s de MacOS 8 et MacOS 8.2

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/stereomaker-20-fr.hqx; 2782K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:50:41 -0700
Subject: [*] The Fantastic War

>The Fantastic War is a highly detailed strategic war simulation based in a
>fantasy setting. Control your armies, ships, magicians, leaders, heroes
>and monsters as you conquer the world. The Fantastic War has a unique
>economic system which allows you to slip by traditional economic systems
>and manage your supply lines in a far more enjoyable game-like, puzzle
>solving manner. It brings new meaning to the phrase "Where there's a will,
>there's a way". You also have to take into account reconnaissance, Zones
>of Control, Neutral Units, Experience and Heirs for your leaders,
>invasions by air and sea. All of this made possible by the Fantastic War's
>unique strategic paradigm.
>System Requirments:
>Macintosh w/ 68030 or better. 640x480 256 color monitor. PowerPC native
>and highly recommended for Computer Opponents
>Kevin Quigley
>Peace, Love and World Groovyness Software Ink

[Archived as /info-mac/game/the-fantastic-war.hqx; 2498K]


Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:28:44 -0700
Subject: [*] Vocal1_0.sit


Introducing VocalWriter, the first music synthesizer to sing lyrics.
Released as a software application for the Power Macintosh, VocalWriter is a
MIDI file editor, player and synthesizer in a single integrated environment.

With the recent development of its breakthrough acoustic modeling technology
called Resonant Articulatory Synthesis (RAS), KAE Labs offers the first
musical instrument that can model the human vocal tract in singing
unrestricted English lyrics. VocalWriter allows computer musicians and
enthusiasts to interactively compose and hear their MIDI music with sung
lyrics. VocalWriter also synthesizes the full General MIDI instrument set,
providing stereo CD-quality instrumental accompaniment to the vocals.

Most of the tasks involved with entering and editing the lyrics have been
automated using VocalWriter's unique music editor. Users simply type the
English lyrics for each note and VocalWriter automatically figures out the
word pronunciation from its on-line 100,000 word phonetic dictionary, the
syllable timing and synchronization, and the required model parameters to
sing the lyrics.

When writing and playing music, vocals have the same real-time behavior as
instrumentals. Users can make Program Changes for new singing voices, enter
Pitch-Bend and Volume controls and various extended vocal controls such as
Brightness, Glide Rate, Chorus and Aspiration Levels. Since the synthesizer
is polyphonic and multi-timbral, music can be scored with more than one
vocal track to provide sung choral parts using different voices.

Besides the full General MIDI instrument set, VocalWriter includes over 85
different singing voice models. The voice range covers models from the
complex but subtle characteristics of human singers to models that extend
beyond physical possibilities like singing musical instruments.

System Requirements:

* Power Macintosh
* MacOS 7.5.3 or later
* 256 or more color display
* Stereo speakers
* MIDI interface (optional)

The shareware registration including the VocalWriter User's Manual is $99

For more information visit our Web page at:


[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/vocal-10.hqx; 5503K]



End of Info-Mac Digest