Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #153
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 27 Sep 00       Volume 17 : Issue 153

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#549/25-Sep-00
       Microtek E3 scanner and Adaptec 2940UW
      [*] MailURL 2.0.2b1 - Auto-mail URL+title of current WWW page.
      [*] PubMedMakerII 3.6
      [*] SweetMail 1.95f2
      [*] Time Tracker 1.10
      [*] UpdateAgent 8.1 - Update all your software with just two clicks!
      Apple/Reply Compatibility cards
      HELP NEEDED for my 8100/
      iMac Crashes and Freezes
      Kaleidoscope Schemes and MacOS Themes and Converter Dreams
      missing buy button
      Via Voice & MS (Mac) Office 2001

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 23:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#549/25-Sep-00


  Aside from the releases of PageSpinner 3.0 and MRJ 2.2.3 and news
  of Apple's licensing of Amazon's 1-Click patent, this issue is
  devoted to explaining XNS, a new Internet technology platform, and
  XNSORG, the independent non-profit tasked with maintenance of the
  XNS standard and governance of the XNS community. It's worth a
  look. (Please note: no issue next week!)

    Introducing XNS and XNSORG


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-549.etx; 36K]


Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 08:33:33 +0200
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject:  Microtek E3 scanner and Adaptec 2940UW

At Fri, 22 Sep 2000 21:17:24 -0500, Jeff Wechter <> wrote:

>It's just a hunch, but I don't think you can make this work. Those
>high-end SCSI cards don't cooperate nicely with some devices. If you
>have an empty slot available, try an Adaptec 2930 or 2906 (or some other
>brand -- some people don't like Adaptec's products). These lower end
>cards work great for common SCSI gear.

I followed the advice, got an OrangeMicro Grappler 906F SCSI card, 
and now I can scan again.

Thank you, Christian.
Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
Wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann? (Petra Kelly)


Date: 27 Sep 2000
From: Sander Tekelenburg <>
Subject: [*] MailURL 2.0.2b1 - Auto-mail URL+title of current WWW page.

"MailURL" offers a quick and easy way to tell a friend (or enemy ;))
about the page you're currently watching in your web browser (works
with iCab, Internet Explorer, or Netscape's Navigator/Communicator). It
creates a new message in Eudora, placing the title of the page in the
"Subject: " header, and the URL of it in the body. All you need to do
then is fill in the "To: " header and queue it.

Currently works with Eudora only. If enough people express an interest,
I'll consider adding support for other mail clients.

System Requirements:
- AppleScript
- OSA Menu and/or FinderPop
- Eudora
- iCab and/or Internet Explorer and/or Navigator/Communicator
- Works under Mac OS 7.0 through 9.x

MailURL is freeware. Do with it whatever you like, except sell it or
present it as yours!

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/mail-url-201b1.hqx; 14 K]


Date: 27 Sep 2000
From: Kinichi Yokota <>
Subject: [*] PubMedMakerII 3.6

What is PubMedMakerII
PubMedMakerII is a bibliographic software for Macintosh users who are
familiar with PubMed <>: a free
on-line MEDLINE. PubMedMakerII automatically transfers PubMed text data
to FileMakerPro file. PubMedMakerII also makes Reference list with rich
text format (RTF), HTML format, or plain text. You can easily arrange it
to fit the journal's format to which you are going to contribute.

What's new in this version (Version 3.6, Sep 25, 2000)
1. EndNote compatibe: You can transfer EndNote (ISI) library data to
FileMakerPro just by drag & drop on PubMedMakerII.
2. Internet Grateful Med compatible: PubMedMakerII 3.6 accepts download
data from Internet Grateful Med <>.
3. Good looking display with 3D: The screen of each page is beautifully
improved to be displayed with 3D.

System Requirements
FileMakerPro 3.0 or later.

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web site at:
Developer: MedFiles

[Archived as /info-mac/text/pub-med-maker-ii-36.hqx; 1605 K]


Date: 27 Sep 2000
From: (S.Ichise)
Subject: [*] SweetMail 1.95f2

SweetMail is an internet e-mail client for Macintosh that provides
most powerful features with sweet interface. SweetMail has
multiple POP3 accounts, very high-speed searching, thread-view,
filtering, templates, auto-wrap and many useful functions.

System Requirements:
* System 7.5 or later.
* 4MB of Memory.
* OpenTransport, Thread-Mgr and Appearance-Mgr.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/sweet-mail-195f2.hqx; 1020 K]


Date: 27 Sep 2000
From: Frank Kane <>
Subject: [*] Time Tracker 1.10

Time Tracker 1.10 by The Computing Edge
Time Tracker is a time clock and invoice generation tool designed for
consultants, freelancers, or anybody who needs to track time spent at the
computer and bill for it. An underlying relational database manages your
clients, jobs, and invoices, eliminating double-entry of data. Invoices may
be automatically printed based on the time you've billed toward a job or
client for a given period of time, or you may create free-form invoices from
scratch.  It's easy to use - if you can punch in and out of a time clock,
you can use Time Tracker. New features include the ability to export data
and invoices to text, bug fixes, and generating invoices by client.
Shareware $15, requires MacOS 7.1 or newer, and supports 68K and PPC. 

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/time-tracker-11.hqx; 741 K]


Date: 27 Sep 2000
From: Bernadette Ryan <>
Subject: [*] UpdateAgent 8.1 - Update all your software with just two clicks!

UpdateAgent 8.1 - Update all your software with just two clicks!

Nothing ruins the stability and performance of your Macintosh more than 
old software. With just two button clicks, UpdateAgent automatically 
brings all your Macintosh System Software, Control Panels, Extensions, 
Applications, and Utilities up-to-the-minute and works forever to keep 
them that way. It fixes bugs, adds new features and eliminates crashes 
and lock-ups.

Download UpdateAgent now and get a Free Check-Up. The Free Check-Up will 
report how many updaters you need and will also update your Macintosh 
System software. To update all your third party applications, Control 
Panels, Extensions, and Utilities obtain an Access Code and enter it into 
the Free Check-Up.

Version 8.1 integrates Aladdin StuffIt version 5 resulting in 20% faster 
downloading and faster decompression, and improves error messages which 
assist in pinpointing problems.

Visit for more information.

Insider Software Inc
6412 Merlin Drive, Suite 700
Carlsbad CA 92009
sales: 800-700-6340
support: 760-804-9900

[Archived as /info-mac/app/update-agent-81.hqx; 2257 K]


Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 23:08:16 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Apple/Reply Compatibility cards

Seeing this post reminded me to ask a question of the list. I 
recently found an original Apple PC Compatibility card, but it did 
not come with that special monitor cable. Does anybody know of one or 
have suggestions as to where I might find one?



At 12:00 AM -0700 9/22/00, Randall Venhola wrote:
>pc Setup 2.1.7 is drivers for the DOS and PC compatibility cards created by
>Apple and Reply to operate in a Macintosh computer. This is a commerical
>update to the existing Apple product PC SETUP 1.6.4. These drivers provide
>32 bit support, increased performance and better networking. This is a demo
>version that will run for 20 minutes.
>Home page is at
>[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/pc-setup-217.hqx; 2006 K]


Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 23:23:08 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: HELP NEEDED for my 8100/

At 9:18 PM -0500 9/22/00, Jeff Wechter wrote:
>  > Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 17:01:00 -0500
>>  Hello everyone !
>>  I'm asking for advice, because APPLE has stopped
>>  suppoting the 8100 series.Simply put, my scssi scanner, rarely used, but
>>  always present on the chain, is suddenly corrupting things in my Mac OS
>>  8.6. Each time I boot up,  I lose acxcess to the startup disk. Disk
>>  First aid + Norton declare the drive CANNOT be mounted, due to any
>>  number of new corruptions, nodes, keys, extros, directory items of 
>>all sorts.
>>  When scanner is pulled from chain, I boot up cleanly.
>>  How can I discover why the scanner disrupts
>>  my OS ? Mu OS8.6 used to operate with this
>>  scanner, and I've not changed anything, to my
>>  knowledge.
>  > ANY SUGGESTIONS are appreciated. I'm desperate.

My Umax Astra 600S had exactly this behavior - used infrequently it 
worked fine for a long time then suddenly the computer would not 
start and exhibited all the behavior of an improperly assemble SCSI 
chain. It took quite awhile but I eventually discovered that Umax 
made a weirdly configured internal SCSI termination that I had to 
change manually by opening the box and resetting some jumpers. This 
problem is unique to the Umax models in the Astra series. If you need 
the URL for directions (and helpful photos):


Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 23:28:25 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: iMac Crashes and Freezes

I recently (6 months ago) installed a new HP ink jet printer (USB, 
don't remember the model, MacOS 8.1 or better required) and its 
driver software. Those idiots at HP had the installer app install 
ObjectSupportLibrary!  This is known to cause problems, and there is 
even a TIL for it (though I don't have the URL currently "you could 
look it up").

So if she got an HP ink jet, tell her to check in the [System Folder 
| Extensions Folder] and if ObjectSupportLib is there then throw it 
away and restart.

>  >Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 09:05:00 -0700
>  >From: "Fanning, Alan W. (PS, NE)" <>
>>Subject: iMac Crashes and Freezes
>>I recently purchased a floor model of last year's iMac DV for my daughter, a
>>college freshman.  We only had it for a week before we hauled her off to
>>college, and did not have time to load all the software.  Once at school,
>>she has had intermittent problems with bombs and freezes in loading and
>>using various software.  This is quite exasperating for me, as she is 350
>>miles away and I am hard pressed to even understand the problem let alone
>>fix it remotely. 
>>Can someone suggest any web resources which might help us diagnose and fix
>>these problems?  It seems particularly important to determine whether we're
>>dealing with a software or a hardware problem.
>>		Alan Fanning
>>		San Jose, CA


Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 23:07:13 -0400
From: Allan Hunter <>
Subject: Kaleidoscope Schemes and MacOS Themes and Converter Dreams

I played briefly with Kaleidoscope back in its infancy and found it 
cute, alluring, fun, and unfortunately buggy and inclined towards 
crashing my Mac, so I tossed it after the trial period expired.

Just the other week, in anticipation of my MacOS X Public Beta CD's 
arrival, I updated from 8.6 to 9.0.4 and went after Kaleidoscope 
version 2, of which I had heard, thinking that it would make a more 
esthetically pleasing experience if the interface were consistent, 
and I was sure there would be an Aqua scheme or two available by now.

I've been way fascinated in the most juvenile and geeky way with 
Kaleidoscope, which is cute, alluring, fun, and, I'm afraid, is once 
again crashing my Mac more often than I can tolerate.  In the process 
of running around looking for the perfect Aqua scheme, I kept running 
across user group and message board postings that said in effect that 
MacOS Themes, not K2 schemes, is where the solid reliable relatively 
crashless action is at, and also mentioning the existence of a 
mechanism for translating from scheme to theme.

Themes?, I'm thinking to myself, as in "Apple Platinum" the one and 
only choice in the Appearance Control Panel?  Gee, I'd forgotten all 
about those, I didn't know anyone had released any!

So...what's the deal here?  If I had some files of file type pltn & 
file creator tthm and stuck them into the folder currently containing 
"Apple Platinum", I could switch to a different Theme the way I 
currently switch K2 schemes?  And is there indeed a translator 
available for download and use by a C++ -illiterate end user that 
converts schemes to themes?

Allan Hunter



Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 20:41:20 -0700
From: David van Wert <>
To: Jeff Wechter <>,
Subject: missing buy button

At 9:07 PM -0500 9/22/00, thus spake Jeff Wechter:
>On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 21:11:24 -0500, Chaz Larson <> wrote:
>  >>This is a weird little thing happening in Explorer 5. When visiting
>  >>the cdbaby web site (on-line distributors for independent musicians),
>>>IE5 doesn't show the "buy" button to add an item to your list of
>>>stuff you want to buy.
>>Assuming this is the florescent green oval that appears right next to
>>the "CD Baby Price", it shows up fine on my machine.
>>iMacDV, 9.0.4, MSIE 5.0
>Is van Wert maybe using Webfree? When I was demoing it, *buy* buttons
>disappeared from some websites.

You, sir, are the king of rock and roll. Thank you.

David van Wert

"Is it hot in here or is it just me?"
Richard Nixon, 1999


Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 04:19:10 -0400
From: Saint John <>
Subject: RAM

At 20:32 -0400 9/25/00, The Info-Mac Network wrote:
>Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 12:29:09 -0400
>From: Harold Lietz <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RAM
>I have a Mac 6500/250 with 64m of Ram.  Can I increase thr ram to 128 by
>adding another chip or do I have to replace with new chips?

   Get thee to <> and grab GURU, the GUide to RAM
Upgrades. It's a free utility that's packed with information. Version 2.7
says that you can add another 168-pin DIMM of 64 Mb and 60 ns (nanoseconds)
or less and get 128 Mb that way.

+- Saint John  <> <> -+
+- All my money goes for child support... INNER child support. ------+


Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 17:48:04 -0500
From: Jonathan Bauer <>
Subject: Via Voice & MS (Mac) Office 2001

hi: Does anyone know if direct dictation from Via Voice will work 
with Office 2001 (the software specifies MS Office 1998 only).

TIA. I won't buy it unless it does.





End of Info-Mac Digest