Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #173
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 01 Nov 00       Volume 17 : Issue 173

Today's Topics:

      (A) Chooser/ printer problem
      (A) Switching Platforms
      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      (Q) Entrust Toolkit for Macintosh
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.6.2
      [*] Printools XT 2.0
      [*] Prometheus 1.2
      [*] RTF to HTML/XML conversion
      [*] Ultimate Pool 1.3
      [*] webfeedback version 2.0 for macintosh
      converting PowerPoint files?
      converting PowerPoint files? (R)
      Dead PowerMac 6100
      Dead PowerMac 6100
      G3 Audio Output Jack
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #164
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #169
      Switching Platforms

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 10:02:08 +0000
From: (Lobo)
Subject: (A) Chooser/ printer problem

In article <8tldqd$tg1$>, (The Info-Mac Moderators) wrote:

>I am unable to have the Chooser _retain_ printer driver as selected.
>the 'Page Setup' or 'Print...' in the 'File' menu will not function, thus
>to print any documents.
>Error message(s) state...
>"Printing operations are not possible until you have selected a 
>Printer using the Chooser"; 
>"No printer is selected, please open the Chooser in the Apple menu 
>to select a printer"
>"The Page Setup could not be opened because it is in use".
>The printer will print a test page.
>Reinstalled printer software; checked all cables; disconnected peripherals;
>Printer port (and Modem port) alternated; desktop printer highlighted; 
>Background Printing off; AppleTalk inactive; tried 2500 driver, 
>but all without success.
>OS 8.6/ StyleWriter 2400.

The problem CURED but not solved.
I had to use a backup of my System Folder (kept on an external hard drive)
and transfer bits by bit. It cured the problem, but I am non the wiser as
to the specific _cause_ of the problem.

Peter (aka Lobo)

ta reply, rub oot -Lobo- from...


Date: 31 Oct 2000 07:23:52 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
To: "Info-Mac Digest" <>
Subject: (A) Switching Platforms asks:

I would like to switch from my old Windows based computer to a new
Macintosh G4.  Where can I find information on how to accomplish the
software and hardware conversion/switch?  Basically I need to understand
how to load my Windows data (Word, Excel, e-mail, photo,
bookmarks/favorites, etc., etc.) onto a Macintosh.  There seem to be
formidable software and hardware difficulties.  Is there a place where I
can find out how to do this?

I am ready to convert, but how?

What sort of connection interface is available on the PC? If it has an
ethernet card then the easiest way is to FTP the files via any of a variety
of server packages for the Mac. Some free, some shareware. If your only
common connection is modem, then perhaps you could get the data between
them that way using a terminal program. I know that this wouldn't be too
great if you had much data. I guess it would also mean that you'd have to
have them on different phone lines so one could call the other.
Do you have access to a CD recorder or maybe a Zip Plus drive that has a
parallel port?
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 14:14:17 -0600
From: Pete Resnick <>
To: "" <>
Subject: (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?

On 10/25/00 at 6:09 PM -0400, wrote:

>Is there any way to get Eudora 4.3.2 to filter conditional statements
>of the 3rd or higher degree?   I.e. if there are really only 5 people
>I expect e-mail from, can I make a filter that checks if the incoming
>mail is from those five people using Eudora, and then reports the
>rest to

Make an Address Book entry with all of the people that you do want to 
get e-mail from. Then make a single filter which says "If From: 
doesn't intersect nickname foo, forward to".

Pete Resnick <>
Eudora Engineering - QUALCOMM Incorporated


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 14:05:45 -0500
From: "Sager,  David G." <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: (Q) Entrust Toolkit for Macintosh

I am evaluating the Public Key Infrastructure offering from Entrust
Technologies called Entrust/PKI.
Their developer site offers a variety of developer toolkits to interface
custom applications to the PKI. They do not offer a toolkit for the
Macintosh and, as far as I can tell, do not plan one.

Has anyone written their own Entrust Toolkit for the Macintosh or know of
someone who has?

Thank you,
David Sager
Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Laurel, MD


Date: 1 Nov 2000
From: Bruce Grubb <>
Subject: [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.6.2

This is the latest edition (Nov 1, 2000) of the Mac-FTP-list and should
replace version 4.6.1.

The Mac-FTP-list lists over 120 mac anonymous ftp sites (some with notes),
over 100 Mac web pages, and contains some instructions on how to use anonymous
ftp and find files as well a format chart showing which programs decompress
and decode which files.  Also there is a section on how to use certain files.

This Stuffit Deluxe 6.0 archive contains both the text and html versions of
the Mac-FTP-list.

To ensure that the columns in the Format Chart section line up correctly the
document's text must be in a monospaced font such as Courier 10pt, Monaco 9pt,
or a PC equivalent.

Permission is given for this program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

Changes: Format chart updated;

Added sites/URLs:;

Defunct sites/URLs: (info too old);

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mac-ftp-list-462.hqx; 81 K]


Date: 1 Nov 2000
From: Badia Software <>
Subject: [*] Printools XT 2.0

Printools is an XTension for QuarkXPress 4.1 that adds new features to the
Print dialog and enhances existing ones.

Printools is designed to make the printing process easier, more productive
and enjoyable -- whether if it's to a large imagesetter or an inkjet

Top features:

*    Interactive Live Preview: Printools adds a real preview pane to the
Print dialog, which stays always open and gives you immediate visual
feedback of the way your page/spread will look when printed. It displays
actual page contents, page marks, flipping, negative printing, scaling,
portrait or landscape orientation and more.

*    Optional full-screen print preview.

*    Interactive manual tiling: allows tiling by dragging the mouse right in
the preview pane.

*    Preflight: detects common problems (RGB images, text overflow, missing
fonts, low-res pictures, etc.).

*    Batch print any number of documents with the same output settings
(including PostScript files).

*    Print Styles: create and redefine print styles right from the Print

*    Rename output file without changing the name of the actual document.

*    Print selected items of the page or spread.

*    Print usage reports -- color, picture, font and style sheets.

*    Additional page slug tags, including owner and machine name, line
screen, emulsion, editing time, revision, and any custom text.

*    Can add a page border during the output stage.

*    The number of pages and page range values are *retained* after you
print or capture settings.

*    Selected Printer is displayed in the Print window

[Archived as /info-mac/text/qark/printools-xt-201.hqx; 716 K]


Date: 1 Nov 2000
From: jhs@CS.Princeton.EDU
Subject: [*] Prometheus 1.2

Prometheus is a challenging arcade game for the Mac. It requires
swiftness, strategy, and a little luck to capture territory on the
playfield, as a sweeping firestix holds you at bay. With over 30 
levels of increasingly challenging gameplay, Prometheus will keep 
you enthralled for hours. Prometheus includes both a single-player
and a two-player game. Prometheus requires: System 7.0, a 68030
or better Mac, a 640 x 480/256 color monitor, Sound Manager 3.0,
4.5 MB RAM, 2.5 MB HD space. Prometheus is shareware and costs $15.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/prometheus-12.hqx; 2186 K]


Date: 1 Nov 2000
From: "David Metcalfe" <>
Subject: [*] RTF to HTML/XML conversion

This package contains a utility to convert RTF to HTML or XML. Extensive
customisation options allow for a great deal of flexibility in the output
format. HTML and XHTML formats are supported by default, with DocBook coming
soon. Other XML DTD's may be created by altering the translation files. A
user interface is provided to simplify the translation process.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/rtf-to-html.hqx; 1204 K]


Date: 1 Nov 2000
From: jhs@CS.Princeton.EDU
Subject: [*] Ultimate Pool 1.3

Ultimate Pool is a physically realistic pool simulation game for 
the Mac. The balls, pool table, and cues are all scaled versions of 
their real-world counterparts, and the balls roll and collide just 
as they would on a real pool table. Ultimate Pool comes with 6
computer opponents of widely varying abilities, and these games:
Stripes & Solids, 8-ball, 9-ball, 14.1 Continuous, Cutthroat and
Ultimate Pool requires: A Power PC Macintosh, System 7.0 or greater; 
256 colors or greys; a 640 x 480 display; Sound Manager 3.0; 5.5 Meg 
of RAM; and 4 Meg of hard disk. Ultimate Pool is $20 shareware.  

[Archived as /info-mac/game/ultimate-pool-13.hqx; 3413 K]


Date: 1 Nov 2000
From: "Daniel Veuillet -"<>
Subject: [*] webfeedback version 2.0 for macintosh

webfeedback is a 3D log analyzer and Web decision support system which
allows you to easily survey an entire Web site in a map-like structure.

The program lets you import the server log files associated with all the Web
pages of a given Web site, and generate a unique 3D image which can be
exported to and printed in HTML format.

With a single mouse click, you can view a 3D image map depicting the traffic
associated with each link, the time spent on each page, and where visitors
entered and left the site. Almost any type of log file can be processed,
including CLF, ECLF and W3C.

Broken, bad, or dead links are also displayed, with the ability to quickly
correct them.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-feedback-20.hqx; 4725 K]


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:10:43 -0500
From: "Dominic F. Manno" <>
Subject: converting PowerPoint files?

There's a PowerPoint reader for the Mac, available on Microsoft's Web site.

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 07:55:41 -0400, Patty and Art Werschulz 
<> wrote:
>Occasionally I receive PowerPoint files via e-mail (the extension is
>.pps).  Is there some utility that will convert these into something I
>can handle with my Mac (e.g., a folder of PICT files)?
Dominic F. Manno
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane." - Jimmy Buffett


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 22:51:07 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
To: Patty and Art Werschulz <>
Subject: converting PowerPoint files? (R)

Patty and Art Werschulz <> wrote:

>Occasionally I receive PowerPoint files via e-mail (the extension is
>.pps).  Is there some utility that will convert these into something I
>can handle with my Mac (e.g., a folder of PICT files)?

PowerPoint Player, can be downloaded free from Microsoft. It won't 
let you change the presentation, but you can at least admire it.

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 20:50:49 +0100
From: muki pakesch <>
To: Alan Stein <>,
Subject: Dead PowerMac 6100

At 23:22 -0400 27.10.2000, Alan Stein wrote:
>My wife's PowerMac 6100 refuses to boot. I don't even get a sad Mac
>icon--just the mouse pointer on the screen.

sounds like a dead pram battery
replacing it with a new one should help

| muki pakesch                                                     |
|                                                                  |
|  |


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:21:48 GMT
From: Philippe Casgrain <>
Subject: Dead PowerMac 6100

Alan Stein <> wrote:

>My wife's PowerMac 6100 refuses to boot. I don't even get a sad Mac 
>icon--just the mouse pointer on the screen.


>At first, I thought it might be a dead battery for the PRAM, but 
>since I can't get it to do anything from either the CD or hard drive 
>even after the power is turned off from the power strip, I'm 
>wondering whether it's something more serious and it's time to get a 
>new computer--something I suggested to my wife a long time ago.:)

Did you actually change the motherboard battery? (3.6V, 1/2 AA). I have 
rescued many Macs from that era by doing this (Centris, LCs, 6100s, etc).

Philippe Casgrain


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 19:52:19 -0700
From: Ted Logan <>
Subject: G3 Audio Output Jack

Plugging headphones into a G3 disables the built-in speaker so that 
all audio output is sent only to the headphones.  But is there 
software to switch back and forth so I don't have to keep plugging in 
and unplugging the headphone jack when I want sound through the 

Ted Logan
Logan Writing, Inc.
Lake Havasu City, Arizona


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 21:35:12 -0500
From: Scott Fabbri <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #164

Hash: SHA1

At 12:34 -0400 10/18/00, Dave Del Torto <> wrote:

>Two networking questions from a friend on NT:
>1. X-Platform Filename Length:
>Are long filenames on a WinNT 4.0 server (e.g. ~40 chars) a problem
>for MacOS 8.6? I told him about the 27-char limit on the Mac, but I'm
>not sure if that also means that files longer than that on such a
>server will be completely invisible to the Mac, or if it will see
>filename fragments. As a follow-up, he asks: if this is indeed a
>problem, will it go away under MacOS 9.x?

Microsoft says that files with names on the NT side that are longer than 31
characters show up as unique 8.3 names on the Mac. It uses the same algorithm
for naming that it does for DOS.

I don't think that'll change under OS 9.x because IIRC it's an AFP issue

>2. Samba Drives:
>Can a MacOS 8.6 user see and mount an SMB/Samba drive served by a
>WinNT 4.0 (SP6) server running AppleShare services?

If the share is marked as Macintosh-accessible by the server administrator.
It also has to reside on an NTFS volume, IIRC. is a
good place to start reading about NT's Services for Macintosh (SFM). You can
substitute other chapters for the "15" above. :-)

Another possibility for sharing files is to use DAVE from Thursby Software.
It makes your Mac speak SMB so you don't have to run SFM on the NT server. I
recommended this to someone I know and she said it was absolutely great --
they'd had problems with SFM because of the number of files on their shared
NT partition.



Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.2 for non-commercial use <>

Chef, n.: Any cook who swears in French.


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 11:28:25 -0500
From: RobD <>
To: "Infomac To Digest Reply" <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #169

Quoting The Info-Mac Network and possibly previous message on 10/30/00 

>Dear Digest readers,
>Is there any way to get Eudora 4.3.2 to filter conditional statements 
>of the 3rd or higher degree?   I.e. if there are really only 5 people 
>I expect e-mail from, can I make a filter that checks if the incoming 
>mail is from those five people using Eudora, and then reports the 
>rest to
Not a good idea unless you are checking your abuse messages before they 
are sent.  Also lots of the adresses will use your reply as a 
confirmation of a valid email address and cause more spam to be sent.

>>>-----------Reach me by ICQ# 7162477------------------<<<

  ~~~ Read my contributions <>~~~


Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 12:43:27 -0700
From: "Cyrus Roton" <>
To: "info-mac letters" <>
Subject: Switching Platforms

At 11:11 PM -0700 10/23/00, wrote:
> I would like to switch from my old Windows based computer
> to a new Macintosh G4.  Where can I find information on how
> to accomplish the software and hardware conversion/switch?

Several readers offered very good information on how to transfer data files
from the PC to the MAc. But, one point seems to have been missed (probably
because it seems so obvious to most of us). If you were asking whether you
could transfer you PC software (programs) to the Mac and run them on the
Mac, a little more explanation is needed.  You will not be able to run
(execute) the PC programs under the Mac operating environment. The only way
I know to run your PC programs on the Mac is to install a PC emulator
program on the Mac (i.e., Soft Windows or Virtual PC), and then run the PC
programs on the Mac under the Windows emulation.

Of course, as others have explained, most of your data files, picture files,
bookmarks, addresses, email, etc., can be transferred and used.  As you may
have noticed from the responses, doing so is not an intuitive process, and
some of it may be a bit tricky. You are getting good help from this forum,
and I, too, offer my assistance.

Cyrus Roton <>
Chairman, Ridgecrest Apple User Group



End of Info-Mac Digest