Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #47
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 22 Mar 00       Volume 17 : Issue 47

Today's Topics:

      [*] Aqua II K2 scheme
      [*] AutoCat 2.7 FR - Catalog different
      [*] CalCountNote 1.4 (68k)
      [*] CalCountNote 1.4 (PPC)
      [*] Convenient Text Cleaning on Emails
      [*] crystal-diffract-300.hqx
      [*] Default Folder F-3.0.5 - French Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] GEOMETRIX-1.2.0-68k
      [*] Internet Location CM 1.3
      [*] lusions.hqx via FTP
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.2
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.2 J (Japanese version)
      [*] PictureSnooper2K V1.0 AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups
      [*] Submission: GPS Plotter
      [*] SwitchRes 2.3.3J - Japanese version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.9r1J - Japanese Version
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.7.2
      AppleCare and TechTool Deluxe
      Excel/ Word to imac

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP
sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

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and Chris Pepper.

America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine


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Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: Peter Harte <>
Subject: [*] Aqua II K2 scheme

Aqua II K2 scheme for those who haven't got DP3
The latest version and the best looking yet

Peter Harte
The Netherlands

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/aqua-ii.hqx; 300 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: olivier lebra <>
Subject: [*] AutoCat 2.7 FR - Catalog different

AutoCat 2.7 - Version francaise - Shareware $15

Catalog Different

Home Page d'AutoCat:
Enregistrement Online:
Email de l'auteur:

French version by Philippe Bonnaure:

AutoCat a obtenu 4 souris a Macdownload.

Points forts:
- Cataloguez tous vos supports extractibles facon Macintosh.
- Naviguez dans le catalogue directement a partir du Finder.
- Naviguez dans le catalogue a partir des dialogues Ouvrir/Enregistrer.
- Aucune application n'est necessaire pour naviguer dans le catalogue.
- Utilisez la commande 'Chercher' du Finder pour effectuer des recherches
dans le catalogue.
- Travaille en tache de fond.
- Compatible avec Appearance, compatible avec les Services de Navigation.

Les ameliorations apportees a AutoCat 2.7
- Compatibilite avec les archives StuffIt sous MacOS 9.

Configuration materielle
- Un Macintosh couleur avec le Systeme 7.6 ou ulterieurs.

AutoCat peut etre inclus dans les CD-ROMs.

Bon AutoCatalogage!

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/autocat-27-fr.hqx; 262 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
Subject: [*] CalCountNote 1.4 (68k)

CalCountNote (CCN)  has four integrated components:

* Calendar  - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and an hourly chime..

* Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice.  Similar to my Freeware program, Y2KCD,  but with the important flexibility to choose the date.

* Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save.

* Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away.

All four components emphasize small desktop size and easy click-to-use philosophy.
New for 1.4

 * Converted all to new development system to allow creation of native PPC executable
  * Drag and Drop added for:
        * copy betweeen daynotes
        * copy between daynotes and general notepad
        * creating desktop "clippings" from a daynote or general notepad
  * Copy/Paste for daynotes fixed.
  * Calendar supports click through when inactive to open subsequent daynotes.
  * Preference added to automatically delete daynotes older than "xx" days. Default is 31 days.
  * Preference added to Countdown to event instead of date. Text can be blank (Thanks James F.!) if
     you don't want it to show on the calendar.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/cal-count-note-14-68k.hqx; 366 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
Subject: [*] CalCountNote 1.4 (PPC)

CalCountNote (CCN)  has four integrated components:

* Calendar  - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and an hourly chime..

* Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice.  Similar to my Freeware program, Y2KCD,  but with the important flexibility to choose the date.

* Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save.

* Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away.

All four components emphasize small desktop size and easy click-to-use philosophy.
New for 1.4

 * Converted all to new development system to allow creation of native PPC executable
  * Drag and Drop added for:
        * copy betweeen daynotes
        * copy between daynotes and general notepad
        * creating desktop "clippings" from a daynote or general notepad
  * Copy/Paste for daynotes fixed.
  * Calendar supports click through when inactive to open subsequent daynotes.
  * Preference added to automatically delete daynotes older than "xx" days. Default is 31 days.
  * Preference added to Countdown to event instead of date. Text can be blank (Thanks James F.!) if
     you don't want it to show on the calendar.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/cal-count-note-14-ppc.hqx; 338 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: Theo <>
Subject: [*] Convenient Text Cleaning on Emails

You can put Email Cleaner on your Info-Mac CD.

Emails and newsgroup posts become very messy ("badly wrapped") when
people reply to them, because of the over-simple way that most programs
handle the text.

Email Cleaner cleans up emails and newsgroup posts. It fixes badly
wrapped lines. It can wrap your emails to any width, keeping all your
precious quote marks in the right place. It has other cleaning features,
such as adding quotes and removing quotes, while keeping your email neat
as the same time.

Email Cleaner is an expert at cleaning up badly wrapped emails. It is
easy on the user. It integrates with all your programs, cleaning text
from a small window that floats in front of all your programs.

Email Cleaner has a lot of support for AppleScript.
It needs any PowerMac at all, and MacOS 7.5 or better.

Version 1.3 of Email Cleaner can clean up text with one mouseclick! No
more manual copy and paste.

Version 1.42 has more improvements to cleaning, updated help and a bug

Version 1.44 is 8x faster, adds HTML removal, ability to add spaces to
each line, improved interface, and much more.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-cleaner-144.hqx; 904 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: David Palmer <>
Subject: [*] crystal-diffract-300.hqx

Title:       CrystalDiffract 3.0.0 LE (x-ray/neutron powder 
diffraction software)
Filename:    crystal-diffract-300.hqx
For folder:  math-sci
Keywords:    science, crystallography, chemistry, geology, physics, 
crystal structures
Requires:    PowerPC processor, 6MB RAM, System 7.0 or later


CrystalDiffract is a Macintosh-only program designed to make powder 
diffraction intuitive, interactive and perhaps even fun!

New CrystalDiffract version 3.0 sports a cool new interface 
supporting "drag-and-drop", Navigation Services, real-time parameter 
control, multi-file browsing, accelerated PowerPC-native performance 
-- and a multitude of professional-level features.

With CrystalDiffract 3 Limited Edition, you can:-

o  Calculate powder diffraction patterns for any crystal
o  Simulate x-ray or neutron diffraction
o  Visualize diffraction in "film" for "graph" mode
o  Measure and index a diffraction profile
o  Interactively edit structural and other data - in real time!
o  Export detailed diffraction information

Power Users can unlock the full strength of a brand new, 
CrystalDiffract Professional Edition, providing unprecedented 
ease-of-use when working with observed and calculated diffraction 

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/crystal-diffract-300-demo.hqx; 1384 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: Jon Gotow <>
Subject: [*] Default Folder F-3.0.5 - French Open/Save dialog enhancement

This is the latest version of Default Folder, localized for French-speaking
users.  Default Folder F-3.0.5 should replace any previous French-language
versions of Default Folder in the archives.

Default Folder is a Mac OS 9 savvy control panel that enhances Open and
Save dialog boxes to make it easier for you to manage files on your
Macintosh.  It provides many of the essential features of commercial
utilities like SuperBoomerang, Action Files, and Directory Assistance, but
without the infrequently used extras that take their toll in compatibility,
memory, and CPU usage.

In addition, Default Folder fully supports the Navigation Services Open and
Save dialogs introduced in Mac OS 8.5, allowing you to access your recently
used and favorite folders everywhere.

Default Folder's time-saving Open and Save dialog enhancements allow you to:

- Set up a default folder for any or all applications.
- Switch among recently used folders from a pop-up menu.
- Easily navigate to your favorite folders.
- Share common sets of recent and favorite folders between all Open and
  Save dialogs, including Navigation Services dialogs.
- Click on a Finder window to list its contents in an Open or Save dialog.
- See available disk space and switch between disks from a pop-up menu.
- Open the folder shown in an Open or Save dialog in the Finder.
- Create folders, get information (including changing name, type, and
  creator), and move items to the Trash from within file dialogs.
- "Rebound" back to the last file you used.
- Make "Replace" the default option instead of "Cancel" when saving a
  file with the same name as an existing file.

Default Folder will operate on any Macintosh running System 7 or higher,
including Mac OS 9, and is $25 shareware.  A complete description, details,
and screen snapshots can be found at:


Version 3.0.5 includes the compatibility fixes for Mac OS 9 and MRJ 2.2,
additional control of Default Folder's command keys, and numerous minor
corrections and enhancements.  For a complete change history, see:


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/default-folder-305-fr.hqx; 982 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: Yannick <>
Subject: [*] GEOMETRIX-1.2.0-68k

Geometrix est un programme bas‰ sur une feuille de calcul de type
"tableur" permettant de dessiner en 3D un ensemble de formes
geom‰triques simples. La position et la taille de chaque ‰l‰ment sont
param‰trables en fonction du contenu des cellules. Ceci permet de faire
varier les proportions d'un ensemble. Version 68k. Il est possible
d'acqu‰rir la version PPC pour 50F.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/geometrix-120.hqx; 506 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: Tomasz Kukielka <>
Subject: [*] Internet Location CM 1.3

"Internet Location CM" is a free Contextual Menu plug-in which helps
managing URLs.

It can perform two operations:
- creating a new Internet Location file with URL in clipboard,
- copying an URL from Internet Location file to clipboard.

Version 1.3 adds support for Info-Mac pseudo URLs like
"/info-mac/game/some-cool-game.hqx" which I always get in Info-Mac Digest.

If you are Info-Mac Digest junkie you may consider downloading Internet
Location CM 1.3 for automatic gluing of URL fragments:

</info-mac/game/some-cool-game.hqx> +           <---URL ending fragment
<> =        <---your preferred mirror

Just copy your URL ending fragment to clipboard and control-click on desktop
to get the internet location file with full path!

Have you ever bothered to set up your preferred Info-Mac mirror in Internet
Config (or via "Internet" control panel in recent Mac OSes)? Now you have a
reason to do so.

A PowerMac with Mac OS which supports internet locations and contextual
menus plus Internet Config 2.0 or higher for the Info-Mac support.

Tomasz Kukielka

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cmm/internet-location-cm-13.hqx; 57 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: Joe Hammons <>
Subject: [*] lusions.hqx via FTP

    Illusion Match known as lusions.hqx helps kids of all ages to
improve their reading comprehension by matching eight narratives with
eight illusions.  Illusion Match is a fully functional standalone
shareware application.
    Joe Hammons

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/lusions.sit.hqx; 622 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: Barbara Canino + Marco Damaschi <>
Subject: [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.2

What is Euro Assistant Pro?

Euro Assistant Pro is a powerful, but easy-to-use currency conversion
calculator directed to both European and non-European users. Euro Assistant
Pro lets you:

- convert any currency to any other currency;
- calculate multiple conversions;
- calculate and convert the result of algebraic expressions;
- specify a base currency different from euro;
- add custom currencies;
- automatically update exchange rates over the Internet using OANDA Foreign
Exchange Protocol;
- import and automatically convert series of amounts stored in text files
and clippings;
- log, copy and print conversions;
- save or clip conversions to a text file.

Euro Assistant Pro exists in two versions: a multilingual version running
in 9 languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Dutch,
Swedish, Finnish) and a Japanese version.

* * *

System Requirements

Euro Assistant Pro needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better with System
7.5 or higher. Open Transport 1.1.1 or higher must be available to update
exchange rates over the Internet.

* * *

Euro Assistant Pro is 15 USD shareware and can be downloaded at:

Multilingual version:

Japanese version:

* * *

What's new in Euro Assistant Pro 2.2?

- The 5 custom currency limitation has been removed: the user can now add
as many currencies as he needs.

- The Flags plug-in has been introduced: it allows the user to associate
flags to custom currencies. The plug-in comes with more than 50 flags from
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/euro-assistant-pro-22.hqx; 856 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: Barbara Canino + Marco Damaschi <>
Subject: [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.2 J (Japanese version)

What is Euro Assistant Pro?

Euro Assistant Pro is a powerful, but easy-to-use currency conversion
calculator directed to both European and non-European users. Euro Assistant
Pro lets you:

- convert any currency to any other currency;
- calculate multiple conversions;
- calculate and convert the result of algebraic expressions;
- specify a base currency different from euro;
- add custom currencies;
- automatically update exchange rates over the Internet using OANDA Foreign
Exchange Protocol;
- import and automatically convert series of amounts stored in text files
and clippings;
- log, copy and print conversions;
- save or clip conversions to a text file.

Euro Assistant Pro exists in two versions: a multilingual version running
in 9 languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Dutch,
Swedish, Finnish) and a Japanese version.

* * *

System Requirements

Euro Assistant Pro needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better with System
7.5 or higher. Open Transport 1.1.1 or higher must be available to update
exchange rates over the Internet.

* * *

Euro Assistant Pro is 15 USD shareware and can be downloaded at:

Multilingual version:

Japanese version:

* * *

What's new in Euro Assistant Pro 2.2?

- The 5 custom currency limitation has been removed: the user can now add
as many currencies as he needs.

- The Flags plug-in has been introduced: it allows the user to associate
flags to custom currencies. The plug-in comes with more than 50 flags from
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/euro-assistant-pro-22-jp.hqx; 813 K]


Date: 20 Mar 2000
From: QSys Software <>
Subject: [*] PictureSnooper2K V1.0 AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups

PictureSnooper2K 1.0

Tired of waiting for pictures to download?  Searching for that perfect
ClipArt, or Raytraced Images (or other binary file), but can't stand
searching through GigaBytes of Postings?  That is why I wrote

PictureSnooper is an Application that Searches UseNet NewsGroups for binary
files, while you are having dinner, at the movies, or even sleeping.  These
binary files are usually pictures (and sometimes executables and HTML
files).   After finding a binary file, PictureSnooper downloads the file,
decodes that file, and saves that file to the directory of your choice for
later viewing.  

New Features in PictureSnooper2K:
* Track Images Using An Image FingerPrint:
           - Ability Check Download Image Against PictureArchive Database
           - Ability To Verify Image Has Not Been Downloaded In The Past X
* Added the ability Search Messages For Favorite Authors
* Expanded Multi-Part Image Tracking Over Multiple Download Sessions
* Added Ability To Maintain Multiple NewsGroup Lists
* Expanded Download Statistic Gathering
* Quicker Processing of Download Images
* Advanced Users Option To Manually Change Starting Message Number
* Numerous Bug Fixes

* System 7.0 or Later.
* QuickTime 2.5 or Higher
* Macintosh with the Thread Manager Extension (Later System
   Versions Have ThreadManager Built In).
* Access To A News Server Through Your Internet Provider.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/picture-snooper-2k-10.hqx; 1317 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
From: Aaron Proman <>
Subject: [*] Submission: GPS Plotter

GPS Plotter 0.9
Copyright(c)2000 by Aaron Proman and Inversiones Staarcom C.A.   All rights

GPS Plotter displays data from a GPS receiver and manages Waypoints and
Routes data.

Features include:
 -Displays Status of: Location, Satellites, Navigation data, Date & Time,
and more.
 -Multiple, Customizable Plot windows
 -Up/Dowload to GPS Receiver
 -PowerPC & 68k native

System Requirements
 -System 7.5 or later
 -if using Open Transport, version 1.1.1 or later
 -600k RAM for 680x0 processors, 700k for PowerPC processors, although 3MB
is suggested

$25 Shareware

[Archived as /info-mac/app/gps-plotter-09.hqx; 587 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
Subject: [*] SwitchRes 2.3.3J - Japanese version

This is the Japanese version of the SwitchRes package.

SwitchRes is a little utility that will allow you to switch the
resolution of all your monitors. You can access to all the resolutions
of all your displays in a simple, customizable menu. SwitchRes
incorporates features from the Monitor Resolution, Monitor BitDepth, and
Video Mirroring Control Strip Modules bundled with your system. You can
use its menu in the Menu Bar, use its provided Control Strip Module, or
click on the Finder Desktop with its Contextual Menu Plugin.

* You can show and use all available resolutions of your video card,
not just those limited by your monitor. For example, 20 video modes are
available on my PowerMac 7300 internal video board. Enjoy your Apple 15"
monitor in 1024 x 768, or 640 x 480 in 120Hz !
* SwitchRes is totally configurable. You can define which resolutions are
really accessible, and which will require a confirmation.
* You can also create display sets which will allow you to change the
resolution and the depth of all your monitors with just one mouse click,
or just one key. With this new version, you can add scripts to display
sets. That gives SwitchRes the ability to launch a script with just one
key, or when an application is launched...
* You can assign a specific set to an application, so that every time you
use this application, your Mac will automatically switch to your
predefined resolutions. You will find this extremely useful for most games.
* You can save the position of the icons and the windows on your desktop,
independently from one resolution to the other, unlike the Finder. The
configuration is restored at startup.
* You can script SwitchRes for resolutions and color depth changes.
SwitchRes is even recordable: When SwitchRes is running, every
resolution change is automatically recorded in the script editor

Changes in version 2.3.3:

For 3DFX Voodoo3 cards owners, SwitchRes exports its preferences as a
"Voodoo3ModePrefs" file, which is used by the 3DFX driver to enable or
disable resolutions.
* SwitchRes does now allow the color depth to be changed even if the
resolution is disabled, if a game requires both resolutions and color to
be changed at the same time.
* SwitchRes shows the video drive name in the monitor selection dialog
* Corrects a bug with MacOS 9's Launcher: when you quit an application
and return to the Launcher, the resolution was not restored. This is
* Icons are now different in SwitchRes' resolutions list

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/switch-res-233-jp.hqx; 691 K]


Date: 21 Mar 2000
Subject: [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.9r1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Tex-Edit Plus package

Tex-Edit Plus is designed to be an ideal program for those who want a
small text processor with more features than those included in Apple's
SimpleText. In addition to its drag-and-drop capabilities, this editor
supports Speech Manager, which makes it possible for you to hear your
text spoken aloud. Tex-Edit Plus offers a page-counting option, support
for a start-up script, and a multitude of scripts that can simplify the
task of manipulating HTML and other documents. Tex-Edit Plus 2.9 has
several new commands. Find Selection will find the next (or previous)
instance of the selected text. Sort will sort the selected paragraphs in
ascending (or descending) order. The Balance command will extend the
selection to pair up parentheses, ellipses, and brackets. A new
"Resources preserved" preference allows you to preserve non-Tex-Edit
file resources (e.g. "ckid") during saves. 2.9r1J fixes a problem with
the install of the 68K Japanese version.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/tex-edit-plus-29r1-jp.hqx; 1229 K]


Date: 20 Mar 2000
From: Chris Smolinski <>
Subject: [*] The Atomic Mac 3.7.2

The Atomic Mac is a periodic table of the elements for the Macintosh. In
addition to the usual information found in such programs, The Atomic Mac
also contains a wealth of nuclear information on each isotope, including
half life, decay mode, and daughter products. X-ray data (fluorescence and
binding energies) is also available. A molecular weight calculator makes it
easy to find the molecular weight of compounds. A shaded diagram showing
the ranges of physical properties makes it easy to visualize relationships
across the periodic table.

Data is displayed for the following physical properties:
Heat of Vaporization
Heat of Fusion
Specific Heat
Thermal Conductivity
Linear Expansion Coefficient
Melting Point
Boiling Point
Atomic Radius
Covalent Radius
Magnetic Susceptability
Electrical Resistivity
Electron Affinity
Electric Dipole Polarizability
State (gas, liquid, solid)
Photoelectric Work Function
Crystal Structure

Shareware: $25

Chris Smolinski

Web URL:
Macintosh Software, Shortwave Radio, Spy Number Stations

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/the-atomic-mac-372.hqx; 687 K]


Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 08:30:56 -0800
From: Buzz & Mary Bennetts <>
Subject: AppleCare and TechTool Deluxe

Hi folks:

Last week I emailed MicroMat that the local library I support could not
use the TechTool Deluxe 2.5.2 CD that came with Apple Care because it
indicated the system file was damaged.

MicroMat replied:


The iMac DV SE has new system components added after TechTool Deluxe
2.5.2--so it is incorrectly reporting an error. Version 2.5.3 is
compatible with that computer. Apple will be making an update to Deluxe
2.5.4 available soon.

MicroMat Tech Supportô

Soon after, an updater was posted. I sent MicroMat back the following:

ôI downloaded and applied the update that appeared a couple of days
after your answer and it doesnÆt seem to solve the problem as we would
have expected. Instead, it no longer makes the following available in
the Standard Interface window:

Finder Info
System file
Finder file
Enabler file
Update file

Since the system file was the one being identified as damaged by version
2.5.2, being unable to test it at all isnÆt helpful.ô

MicroMat replied:


TechTool compares the system resources against a known good copy as of
when TechTool was made. Because Apple changes the system resources with
each minor update and also some third party software alters system
resources on purpose Apple felt that TechTool reporting an anomaly in
these cases caused them more difficulties than it solved. Hence, they
decided to no longer include the system tests in TechTool Deluxe.

Note that TechTool Deluxe still does the Drives, Chips, and RAM tests--so
it does a pretty thorough analysis of your hardware.

MicroMat Tech Supportô

Now isnÆt that great! I am not surprised at Apple, but am amazed that
MicroMat will participate in such a scam.

Buzz Bennetts


Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 12:33:10 +0000
From: "Ben Gaskell" <>
Subject: Excel/ Word to imac

> THIS MESSAGE IS IN MIME FORMAT. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

Dear anyone who can help,

Found this old query on web (not quite sure how!) about OS 8 wanting
MicrosoftDialogLib to open up Word or Excel.

Did someone sort this query out? I got the same problem.

(All i'm trying to do is get Excel SSs from PCs onto this imac and inser
them (formulas and all) into ClarisWorks SS).


Ben Gaskell
Gaskell Quartz Ltd,  38 Guildford Road,  London SW8 2BU,  U.K.

Tel (+44) 0 207 274 8007.  Fax (+44) 0 207 274 8101.

email <>


Subject: Excel/Wod

Since installing OS 8 when I attempt to open either Excel or Word I get an
pop up screen saying "unable to open cannot find Microsoftdialoglib".
Where is it.  Did a find - no luck.  Did not have a pproblem with 7.5.5

D. Dowling

Reply to:
Reply to: 

Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

<TITLE>Excel/ Word to imac</TITLE>
<H5><TT>Dear anyone who can help,<BR>
Found this old query on web (not quite sure how!) about OS 8 wanting<BR>
MicrosoftDialogLib to open up Word or Excel.<BR>
Did someone sort this query out? I got the same problem.<BR>
(All i'm trying to do is get Excel SSs from PCs onto this imac and inser th=
em (formulas and all) into ClarisWorks SS).<BR>
</TT></H5><TT><FONT SIZE=3D"4"><BR>
</FONT><H5>Ben Gaskell<BR>
Gaskell Quartz Ltd, &nbsp;38 Guildford Road, &nbsp;London SW8 2BU, &nbsp;U.=
Tel (+44) 0 207 274 8007. &nbsp;Fax (+44) 0 207 274 8101.<BR>
email &lt;;<BR>
</H5><FONT SIZE=3D"4"><BR>
Subject: Excel/Wod<BR>
Since installing OS 8 when I attempt to open either Excel or Word I get an<=
pop up screen saying &quot;unable to open cannot find Microsoftdialoglib&qu=
Where is it. &nbsp;Did a find - no luck. &nbsp;Did not have a pproblem with=
D. Dowling<BR>
</FONT></TT>Reply to:<BR>
Reply to: <FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF"> 




End of Info-Mac Digest