Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #64
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 17 Apr 00       Volume 17 : Issue 64

Today's Topics:

      [*] MailConverter 2.2.4: converts mail-like files
      [*] Poster Print 1.0.0
      [*] SaveATree 1.54: prints conserving paper
      [*] Sliding
      [A] Converting MP3 files
      [A] searching for an old mac game
      Bookmarks: Netscape Comm. to IE
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #63
      laserjet4 driver

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Date: 17 Apr 2000
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: [*] MailConverter 2.2.4: converts mail-like files

MailConverter by R Shapiro is an utility which converts mail and mail-like
files of various sorts into Eudora or Z-Mail mailboxes. It can also be used
in conjunction with Eumorpha to import files into Claris Emailer. In
addition it can be used to generate rfc934 digests and to import a few
kinds of nicknames into Eudora.

MailConverter works on several kinds of input files: Claris Emailer, mmdf,
babyl, America Online, LeeMail, Pine, Elm, MacEMail, PopMail, eWorld,
Genie, PC Eudora, Ricemail; files saved from several news programs
(NewsWatcher, nn, gnus); files saved from Eudora or Z-Mail; and any other
text files that have typical mail headers at the beginning. Folders of
files (recursively) can also be converted. Files which appear to be digests
will automatically be burst. MailConverter will, of course, also
inter-convert between Eudora and Z-Mail. Finally, it will import (only into
Eudora) three sorts of address books (Pine, MacEMail, Emailer), and it will
generate rfc934 digests out of Eudora/Z-Mail mailboxes.

In addition, MailConverter has limited support for conversion of files from
other mail programs, but in these cases you must first generate a text
file, using that mail program itself. Don't bother trying to convert the
raw binary data. Conversion of these formats is not "officially" supported:
it may work for your examples, it may not. Some mail programs for which
this very limited conversion applies: cc:Mail, vmsMail, MSMail, and
CompuServe mail.

I regularly print mailing lists and newsgroup messages (saved and appended
to a file with MT-NewsWatcher) with "Save A Tree". MailConverter can strip
off redundant headers from newsgroup messages making the file considerably

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/mail-converter-224.hqx; 243 K]


Date: 17 Apr 2000
From: Jeff Beeghly <sd@connectexpress.comn>
Subject: [*] Poster Print 1.0.0

Poster Print is a shareware image viewing application that allows large 
images (posters) to be printed. The images are tiled and include crop 
marks to help align the printouts. The application is fully functional 
except the word "UNREGISTERED" will appear in the middle of each printout 
until the application is registered.  For more information, go to

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/poster-print-10.hqx; 443 K]


Date: 17 Apr 2000
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: [*] SaveATree 1.54: prints conserving paper

Save A Tree by Michael S. Engber is a free text file printing utility
designed to conserve paper by printing on 1 page what would normally use 2
or 4 pages.

Since Save A Tree only handles "TEXT" files, the author expected its
primary audience to be programmers printing source code. The word wrap
option makes it useful for general text printing too. Copies of the source
(THINK C) may [could??] be obtained for $20 and a disk w/SASE.

I regularly print mailing lists and newsgroup messages (saved and appended
to a file with MT-NewsWatcher) with Save A Tree. "MailConverter" can strip
off redundant headers from newsgroup messages making the file considerably

I've noticed that sometimes when there is no printer selected in the
Chooser, Save A Tree doesn't issue any error message -- selecting a printer
has cured this for me. I guess Save A Tree stores its preferences inside
the application which rarely requires one to reinstall a fresh copy of Save
A Tree if its prefs get corrupted.

I hope you like it -- it has saved me tons of paper, ink and time.

[Archived as /info-mac/prn/save-a-tree-154.hqx; 37 K]


Date: 17 Apr 2000
From: Joe Hammons <>
Subject: [*] Sliding

    Kids of all ages can exercise their brains with slide puzzles in
this fully functional standalone application.  The last puzzle will help
children learn the names of animals as well as read 700 high frequency
    Joe Hammons

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/sliding.hqx; 1715 K]


Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 03:44:51 -0700
Subject: [A] Converting MP3 files

Hi Marian,

Norman Franke's "SoundApp" is freeware which will
convert MP3s to AIFFs.

You'll find it at:

-- Tony

> I going to burn an audio CD from assorted sources - other CD's, old
> records, and would like to inlude a few MP3 tracks. I need to convert
> the MP3 tracks into the format for audio CD's (I think it's AIFF)

The difference between a tool and a weapon is in who's holding it.


Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 13:16:15 -0500
From: "Stephen R. Holmes" <>
Subject: [A] searching for an old mac game

Wagner Truppel <> asked in Info-Mac Digest #63:

>I used to play a very interesting and challenging strategy game in
>which you have to move objects in a room to specific locations, and
>you can only do that by pushing them around. {snip} Does anyone
>remember what that game is called or where I can locate a copy?

You're after "Sokoban". There are several versions extant, but the best by
far IMO is "Sokoban 2.4.2a", by Scott Lindhurst. I believe it's in the
info-mac games directory, but also available from Scott's web site at

Without doubt one of the most entertaining and worthwhile "computer games"
I've ever seen. Scott's implementation is a masterpiece, and it's freeware!



Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 08:26:43 -0700
From: "Chris McVay/Karen McVay" <>
Subject: Bookmarks: Netscape Comm. to IE

I have been using the latest versions of both Netscape Communicator and IE
(don't ask why). I am wondering if there is a way to share the hundreds of
bookmarks I have in Netscape with IE?  Also, I would like to share some of
those bookmarks with my wife's IE browser on her Windows machine.
Thanks for any help.
Chris/Karen McVay


Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:34:47 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #63

At 9:35 PM -0400 4/16/00, Wagner Truppel <> wrote:
>I used to play a very interesting and challenging strategy game in
>which you have to move objects in a room to specific locations, and
>you can only do that by pushing them around.

I believe you're thinking of Sokoban:


There's another flavor called "Crate Man" here:


Where's my angel?  Where's my juice?
                                          - The Suburbs, Drinking With An Angel
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:29:15 +0100
From: Nancy Kwant <>
Subject: laserjet4 driver


I've got a question about connecting my laserjet 4 to my macintosh. I have a
printer cable for parallel to USB but now I need the driver for it.
Can anyone help me with this problem?


Nancy Kwant 



End of Info-Mac Digest