Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #97
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 15 Jun 00       Volume 17 : Issue 97

Today's Topics:

      (A) ftp server program info
      (A) Memory Control Panel with corrupted fonts
      (A) tiff header tags writer
      (A) Zip Drive
      (Q) Mac application that is PC MS NetMeeting interoperable?
      [*] Describing LMTdemo.sit
      [*] iConcentration 1.0
      [*] Into the Woods Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Itivuttaka 1.3
      [*] Kalender D-2.0
      [*] Lime100.sit.hqx draws beautiful lines
      [*] Liner 1.1
      [*] LockOut 1.8
      [A] PB G3 - Centris connection?
      [Q] iMac won't stay shutdown
      File Assistant and File Synchronization
      HP DeskJet - MS Word conflict
      OS 9: IP File Sharing disabled
      PC utility to read Mac disks
      PC utility to read Mac disks 
      Type of Motherboard for 400 MHz AGP G4
      URLs of type 'afp://' (R)
      Videoconferencing Software

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: 15 Jun 2000 06:49:35 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
To: "Info-Mac Digest" <>
Subject: (A) ftp server program info

"" <> writes:

>Free FTP servers are a plenty for the PC, but so far I haven't seen 
>one for the Mac, or know which PC FTP server is better than others. 
>I am trying to setup an FTP server on a PC or a Mac, and transfer 
>files back and forth via FTP behind a firewall that both the Mac and 
>PC share thanks to them both being hubbed to a DSL connection.   The 
>firewall distributes addresses via DHCP to both of them.   Are there 
>any ftp server programs you'd recommend over others.   Remember this 
>has to be free!   And how does one setup the server so that one 
>folder on one side is setup to receive the others.   Fetch, 
>Netfinder, Anarchie, and Transmit are all client FTP programs, and 
>won't do the trick unless you know a server program I can use on the 
>PC to let them contact it.  The PC has Windows 98.

Free, schmee! Spend the 10 bucks and buy Net Presenz from Stairways. ;-)
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 10:38:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian Wessels <>
Subject: (A) Memory Control Panel with corrupted fonts

Answering my own question, for the good of the general knowledge base...

> Can anyone hazard a guess as to why the values boxes in my Memory control
> panel are all scrambled... 

I seem to have forgotten my basics. After remembering to go through the
standard "divide and conquer" extension conflict detection procedure, I found
that the offending extension was OpColour Light, which I had tried out and
forgotten all about. Delete, and the problem goes away.

Brian Wessels

This is my private, "permanent" email address.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!


Date: 15 Jun 2000 05:56:29 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
To: "Info-Mac Digest" <>
Subject: (A) tiff header tags writer (atroncale) asks:
>     I am in need of a program that will write to TIF header tags for a 
>     Mac. There is a PC version of this called TIFFKIT but I have yet to 
>     find something for MAC.

If you open the file in Graphic Converter and resave it as a TIFF then you
should be prompted to choose wether you wish it saved with IBM or Mac
Graphic Converter is by Thorsten Lemke <>, is
around $35 shareware and an excellent tool. It's available in the Info-Mac
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: 15 Jun 2000 06:00:45 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
To: "Info-Mac Digest" <>
Subject: (A) Zip Drive

Chuck Hooker <> asks:
>We have an extra internal Iomega Zip drive that could start doing some
>needed work as an external drive. Does anyone have a suggestion on
>locating a surplus external housing, with the needed connectors, etc.,
>without paying a ransom to Iomega?

Check your local used Mac store. They may have an old Syquest drive or the
like that you can swap out the drive mechanism on. I've done that. Works
like a charm. A 44Mb or 88Mb SQ drive shouldn't cost you much.
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:14:08 -0700
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) Mac application that is PC MS NetMeeting interoperable?

I've been using Netopia's Timbuktu Conferencing application for 
participating in PC Microsoft NetMeeting Internet conferences. Some 
colleagues want to be able to join, but they discovered that Timbuktu 
Conferencing is a discontinued product. Does anyone know of any other 
Mac application that is interoperable with PC NetMeeting?


Mark Allen


Date: 15 Jun 2000
From: Likely Software <>
Subject: [*] Describing LMTdemo.sit

The object of this Preview version of Likely Software's upcoming 3D
adventure, is to open the portal to the Gate World, where it is assumed your
stepfather was led to.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/lmt-demo.hqx; 4046 K]


Date: 15 Jun 2000
From: Brian Kelley <>
Subject: [*] iConcentration 1.0

iConcentration is a simple (but endlessly diverting) game to test your 
memory.  To play, match the pictures of the various flavors of iMacs, 
iBooks, and other Macs.

iConcentration is freeware.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/iconcentration.hqx; 1312 K]


Date: 15 Jun 2000
From: royerm <>
Subject: [*] Into the Woods Kaleidoscope scheme

Into the Woods is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme thats makes you feel you
are deep in the forest...surrounds you with trees and singing birds...
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/into-the-woods.hqx; 762 K]


Date: 15 Jun 2000
From: Brian Kelley <>
Subject: [*] Itivuttaka 1.3

The Itivuttaka is a collection of 112 short sutras from the Pali Canon in 
mixed prose and verse, covering a wide range of the Buddha's teachings in 
a form that is accessible, appealing, and concise.  This application 
randomly generates one of the verses each time it is opened, making it a 
nice addition to the Startup Items folder.  Additionally, clicking on the 
quotation will generate a new verse.  The verses can be saved as text 
files, and printed from the "File" menu. If you encounter any unfamiliar 
terms, there is a "Useful Definitions" item under the Apple Menu.

Version 1.3 was updated to use Navigation Services.

This application is offered as a free gift of Dharma.

May all beings attain Perfect Peace.

Note: this version should replace earlier versions in the archive.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/itivuttaka-13.hqx; 906 K]


Date: 15 Jun 2000
From: Frank Olschewski <>
Subject: [*] Kalender D-2.0

German application
Kalender D-2.0 FAT

Dieses Programm zeigt eine Jahresuebersicht. Es koennen alle Jahre 
von 1583 bis 29.940 angezeigt werden.
In jedem Monat werden die Wochennummern angezeigt und die Feiertage 
sind hervorgehoben. Die Namen der Feiertage koennen der aktiven Hilfe 
entnommen werden.

68020 oder PPC Prozessor und System 7.0 oder neuer.


von Frank Olschewski

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/kalender-20-de-fat.hqx; 151 K]


Date: 15 Jun 2000
From: "Pandaa" <>
Subject: [*] Lime100.sit.hqx draws beautiful lines

Lime is a small program that draws nice "lines" or "bars" , similar to ones
often seen on personal homepages.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/lime-10.hqx; 161 K]


Date: 15 Jun 2000
Subject: [*] Liner 1.1

iLiner is a simple application that lets you summarize text in any 
application. You can also brainstorm ideas in a powerful outline processor, and export
outlines directly to QuickTime slide presentations. iLiner 1.1 
now supports dragging collapsed outlines with number formatting into other 
applications and automatic expansion of outlines. New support for RTF files and 
the ability to assign shortcuts for common outline commands has also been added. iLiner
contextual menu summarizer now better supports OS 9 and uses Navigation
Services to database summaries. This is a 14-day trial version. 
The full version retail price is $49.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/iliner-11.hqx; 1973 K]


Date: 15 Jun 2000
From: Bill <>
Subject: [*] LockOut 1.8

LockOut is a $10 shareware security application that helps keep people from
using your Mac while you re away.  Helps keep your Mac safe from your
co-workers while at the office, and from your kids while at home.

Rated 4 Stars by ZDNet!

LockOut features:
-- Cannot be aborted by Force-Quit (command-option-escape-shift keys)
-- People can leave a message for you while your gone.
-- Session log lists lock time, unlocked time, and any break-in attempts.
-- And more...

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lockout-18.hqx; 621 K]


Date: 15 Jun 2000 06:22:59 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
To: "Info-Mac Digest" <>
Subject: [A] PB G3 - Centris connection?

Donald Webb <> asks:
>Sorry for asking what must be a really basic question, but any useful 
>advice may mean I can give my daughter-in-law a Centris 650!  First I 
>need to clean up the Centris' internal hard disk, install system 
>8.5.1, things like that.
>Problem:  I need to connect my PowerBook G3 (OS 8.5.1) to my old 
>Centris 650.  It almost connects, but not quite.
>The Centris is daisy-chained to an Apple external hard disk.  SCSI 
>Probe 5.1 opens the hard disk, all right, but the Centris doesn't 
>appear in the dialogue box.  There does not seem to be any problem 
>with the connection; when a scanner is connected to the external hard 
>disk, it works fine.
>Is it a SCSI ID conflict?  Too much termination?  I'm not sure where 
>to start looking.
>I once managed to connect to the Centris through the modem port, but 
>that was quite a while ago, and the file transfer was much too slow 
>to be practical.

It sounds like you're trying to use the PB in SCSI mode. That means
mounting the PB as an external drive on the Centris. The operation should
result in the PB not booting into the Mac OS but displaying a floating SCSI
symbol and then showing up on the Centris' desktop as a HD icon. There
should be a control panel on the PB to set what SCSI ID number you want to
assign it. You'll also need the appropriate SCSI cable.
This all depends on G3 PBs still being abe to run in SCSI mode. I haven't
done it since PB 100 or 500 series.
Maybe doing the LocalTalk connection and letting it copy over night would
be the easiest in the long run.
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 09:54:44 -0800
From: "Kee Nethery, Kagi CEO" <>
Subject: [Q] iMac won't stay shutdown

We have one iMac that when you select shutdown, it restarts immediately. We
have lots of iMacs that do stay shutdown, only this one seems to have a
strong enough will to live that it survives shutdown. When I set the Energy
Control Panel to shutdown after a period of inactivity, it restarts

It has an ADB keyboard and ADB mouse with the ABD to USB adapter. We have a
similar setup on other iMacs and they do shutdown and stay shutdown.

Any ideas?

Kee Nethery


Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 20:51:54 -0500
From: Ana Franca y Mirko <>
Subject: File Assistant and File Synchronization

Hi helpful friends:
I use to use File Assistant and File Synchronization to keep
updated the desktop and the mobil computers since i upgrade
to Mac OS 9. But now, :-( , i can't because both applications
crash blatantly everytime i try to use them.
It's me or any of you have the same problem?
Do you know how to make them work with Mac OS 9?
Thanks for your help in this problem and for all the
knowledge i have drink on this digest.


Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 13:14:56 +0200
From: "Michael S. Silverstein" <>
To: Info-mac <>
Subject: HP DeskJet - MS Word conflict

The most recent generation of HP Deskjets print have a serious 
conflict with MS Word 98 that is even documented in their ReadMe.

If there is Highlighting (i.e. yellow background) or Grey surrounding 
text, the printer will simply print BLACK.

I find it impossible to read black text in a black background.

I receive documents daily with shading and/or highlighting that I 
MUST print and I CANNOT edit every one.

I have turned to HP and to Microsoft so that my printer can work with 
my word processor, but to no avail.

Does anyone out there know of a fix for this criminal incompatibility.

By the way, NONE of the slightly older HP Deskjet printers have this problem.


Michael Silverstein
Materials Engineering


Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 20:24:22 +0200
From: raymond <>
To: "" <>
Subject: non-digest

I am looking for the way how to get the info-mac in the regular way, and
not in the digest way.


Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:59:47 -0400
From: Chris Pepper <>
To: Info-Mac <>
Subject: OS 9: IP File Sharing disabled

	I have a static IP working (both for client and server 
programs), and AppleTalk file sharing is fine, but the File Sharing 
CP's "Enable File Sharing clients to connect via TCP/IP" checkbox is 
greyed out.

	Has anyone else seen this problem before? I've seen the 
checkbox unavailable when IP networking wasn't active, but it is 
(File Sharing correctly displays my IP address). My DNS is a bit 
scrambled until I tell NSI about my new nameserver, but I wouldn't 
expect this to disable File Sharing over IP.

	Any suggestions? I'd much rather not reinstall the File 
Sharing CP from CD-ROM, but that's the next step I can think of. DFA 
says my disks are all fine. Not surprisingly, Mac OS help isn't, and 
restarting makes no difference.


						Chris Pepper

Chris Pepper |


Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 14:35:39 -0000
From: RobD <>
To: "Infomac To Digest Reply" <>
Subject: PC utility to read Mac disks

quoting The Info-Mac Network and possibly previous message abstract:

>Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:21:58 PDT
>From: "Jim Huskey" <>
>Subject: PC utility to read Mac disks
>I'm looking for a shareware utility that will allow me to read Mac disks on 
>an NT or Win95/98 box. I've used MacinDOS but can't now find it or anything 
>like it. I'm not even sure how to look for it. I've looked in 
>and with no luck
Go to Dataviz's website.  They offer software to reside on PC.s to seee 
and translate Mac files and Software (MacLinks+)to reside on the Mac to 
see and translate PC files
<> should get you to their main page.

>>>-----------Reach me by ICQ# 7162477------------------<<<

  ~~~ Read my contributions <>~~~


Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 07:22:41 -0700 (MST)
From: Bruce Johnson <johnson@Pharmacy.Arizona.EDU>
To: The Info-Mac Network <>
Subject: PC utility to read Mac disks 

> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:21:58 PDT
> From: "Jim Huskey" <>
> To:
> Subject: PC utility to read Mac disks
> I'm looking for a shareware utility that will allow me to read Mac disks on 
> an NT or Win95/98 box. I've used MacinDOS but can't now find it or anything 
> like it. I'm not even sure how to look for it. I've looked in 
> and with no luck
> thanks,

No shareware that I know of, I use MacDrive2000 at work on my NT box. It's
pretty much bulletproof.

A good place to look would be

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs


Date: 14 Jun 2000 08:11:00 -0400
From: Bill Waits <>
To: <>
Subject: Type of Motherboard for 400 MHz AGP G4

Can anyone let me know the code name for motherboard for the now shipping 400 MHz AGP G4 PowerMacs.  I can't find the info on Apple's site anywhere.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 16:08:10 -0700
From: Sandro Corsi <>
Subject: URLs of type 'afp://' (R)

I saw this rather late, but just in case you're still having the problem, I
can offer two thoughts:

>I said yes to file sharing, and have a directory called "pub"
>with sharing turned on.  From home, I opened "Chooser", clicked
>on AppleShare, (Appletalk is on), and clicked on "Server IP address".
>I was invited to "Enter the Server Address", and typed this in
>	afp://

Whenever I got this to work, I only entered the address itself, without the
protocol part. In your case, this means:
I would think that the AppleShare client is smart enough to deal with both
formats... but you never know with these dang computers.

Another possibility is that your institution is running a firewall and
blocking AFP traffic. We're trying to keep our local technonazis from doing
the same to us, but it's really only a matter of time, I'm afraid.



Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 21:38:03 -0400
From: "Marian C. Poczobutt" <>
Subject: Videoconferencing Software

Videoconferencing Software

Now that we both have fast Internet connections, I'm looking into 
setting up videoconferencing with my brother - he's running Windows 
with a DSL connection and I have a beige 300mhz Mac (with a USB card) 
running System 8.6 with a Roadrunner cable connection.

The big question seems to be what software to use. It seems that the 
choices available to both platforms are iVisit and CU-Seeme. Does 
anyone have any comments or suggestions about these, particularly 
about how they work cross-platform? I took a look at their websites 
and it appears that iVisit sends a Black&White image (but the 
information may refer to an earlier release) - are there any other 

As far as hardware, we'll probably go with the Logitech Quickcams - 
any comments on getting the Quickcam Pro or the Quickcam VC? There's 
a review of the Pro in the Feb/2000 MacWorld, but the Logitech site 
doesn't mention anything about Mac compatibility. I wouldn't mind 
paying the extra bucks if it does offer a better picture.

Thanks in advance for any information.

Marian Poczobutt
SUNY College Of Environmental Science & Forestry
Syracuse, New York


Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:00:55 -0500
From: Barry Rowe <>
Subject: VRML

Does anyone know about any freeware, shareware or commercial VRML 
players for the Macintosh?  How about plugins for browsers?

I am working on an NSF funded project to allow high school students 
download animations of atoms and molecules.  Our programmers want to 
use VRML, but those would not be usable on Macs, which are 60% of the 
computers in schools!

Can anyone help?

Barry E. Rowe                 O-      
Chemistry Teacher                     NCSA ChemViz Group
Champaign Unit #4 Schools
Champaign, Il 61820
Lord Earnest Ruthorford said:     office fax:    781-846-648
"All of Science is either Physics or stamp collecting"



End of Info-Mac Digest