GLE is a hi quality graphics package for scientists.  GLE
combines a user friendly interface with a full range of
facilities for producing publication quality graphs, diagrams,
posters and slides.  GLE runs on PC's, VAXes and Unix.

It provides LATEX quality fonts together with a flexible 
graphics module which allows the user to specify any feature 
of a graph (down to the line width of the subticks for example)

Complex pictures can be drawn with user defined subroutines and 
simple looping structures.

The SURFACE utility allows hidden line surface plotting.

The CONTOUR utility allows contour plots. 

The MANIP utility allows columns of data to be manipulated.

The FITLS utility allows arbitrary equations to be fitted to 

Current device drivers support XWindows, REGIS, TEK4010, all PC 
graphics cards, VT100's, HP-Plotters, PostScript Printers, EPSON 
Printers and LaserJet/Paintjet Printers.

GLE runs on VAX-VMS, UNIX and PC's, giving a near identical user interface
on all platforms.

For information on ftp sites for VMS or UNIX versions of GLE, or any
other questions send a mail message to:

--------- end of advertising, beginning of installation instructions --------
The gle installation files are split into 4 zip files:

	GLE33b_1.ZIP	Core GLE, with PC - screen driver
	GLE33b_2.ZIP	PostScript Driver, and Expanded Memory versions
	GLE33b_3.ZIP	Bitmap device drivers (epson) and extra fonts.
	GLE33b_4.ZIP	Utilities, surface plotting, hpgl driver.
Use PKUNZIP.EXE to extract the installation kit from these
files, you don't need all four, just the ones you want to use.

(PKUNZIP.EXE is available from most ftp sites)


FTP> ascii
FTP> get gle33b.txt		! this file
FTP> binary 
FTP> get		
FTP> get		! PostScript and expanded memory (optional)
FTP> get		! Bitmap and extra fonts (optional)
FTP> get		! HPGL and utilities (optional)
FTP> exit
C:\> mkdir tmp			! Make temp dir for installation files
C:\> cd tmp
C:\TMP> pkunzip ..\gle33b_*.zip		! create installation files
C:\TMP> del gle33b_*.zip		! delete uploaded files to save space
	(You MUST copy PKUNZIP.EXE to the same directory so 
	that INSTALL.EXE can find it)
C:\TMP> copy \zip\pkunzip.exe	! change \zip\ to where you keep pkunzip.exe
	(These files could now be copied to floppies for installation
	on other PC's)
C:\TMP> install
	(and answer idiot-proof questions!)

		Please try and distribute GLE within your
		area to avoid multiple transfers.

GLE33b_1.ZIP contains
	INSTALL.EXE	GLE installation program (gle_inst.exe)
	(pkunzip.exe) 	Must be put with these files for INSTALL.EXE to work
	GLE2.ZIP	GLE\EXE\*.*            	INI files and BGI drivers
	GLE3.ZIP	GLE\FONT\*.*		Some font files
	GLE4.ZIP	GLE\*.GLE, *.DAT	Example gle and data files
GLE33b_2.ZIP contains
	GLE_XPC.ZIP	CGLE.EXE (Expanded memory version)
	GLE_PS.ZIP	PostScript driver
	GLE_XPS.ZIP	PostScript driver (Expanded memory version)
GLE33b_3.ZIP contains
	GLE_BIT.ZIP	Epson and Laserjet printers
	GLE_FVE.ZIP	Complete set of font vector files
	GLE_FMT.ZIP	Complete set of font metric files.
GLE33b_4.ZIP contains
	GLE_SUR.ZIP	Contour and Surface with hidden line removal
	GLE_MAN.ZIP	Manip, data manipulation utility and FITLS
	GLE_HP.ZIP 	HPGL drivers

These files are usually split onto two 1.2Meg flopies for installation
on multiple PC's.