Hi, I spent something like the last 8 hours ICQing with Geraldo
in Brazil and doing some Windoze 98 SE tests with FreeDOS FORMAT,
at least the second half of that period also with programming...

http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/by-others/ format-0.91q.zip

is the result of all that tedious work, and it hopefully gives the
Win9x compatibility of FORMAT another boost (without breaking other
features like being able to format to various normal and oversized
formats under plain FreeDOS / ?? DOS; overformats cannot be created
from inside DOS boxes, it seems). I hope the improvements even help
with the "FORMAT now works with FAT32 even with MS kernel, but you
have to reboot after formatting" problem, please test.

Version 0.91q (11 Jul 2004)
              Changes by Eric Auer (tests by Geraldo Netto, Brazil):
              - confirmation YES/NO prompt cleaned up, now waits for
                next (usually ENTER) keypress after the word YES is
              - Win9x style drive locking now follows MSDN guidelines,
                1. normal FORMAT A: works in DOS box and  2. FAT32
                corruption danger between FORMAT and reboot is
                Two nested level 0 locks now, inner lock with perms=4.
              - Do not insist on exact floppy geometry setup if Win9x
                (Default DDPT 63 sec/track there, int 13.18
              - shortened some debug messages - reduced binary size a
              - do not call Force_Drive_Recheck or Check_For_Format
                inner lock is on: avoids Win9x sharing violation error
              - todo.txt: new items "unlock on abort" and "ask for
                (So without /v:somelabel there is no label, and if
                aborted with an error, you must close the Win9x DOS

Does anybody remember when FORMAT was in version 0.01? 0.2? 0.3? 0.4?
0.5? 0.6? ... 0.8? 0.85? 0.90? Format must have gone through major
reorganization several times during its evolution, I think there is
too much code left from version 0.2 in the newer versions. Piles of
for Brian, me, and all the other contributors :-|.

Happy testing!

I hope the improved things are more than the broken things,
"all Win9x fixed and nothing new broken"  8-) .
