This file passed through... _________________ .-------------------------\---------------/-------------------------. ! _____ \/ \/ ! ________ ____________/ /___________ ___. ____________ . | \______ \ \__ _______/ / ________/ / | \__ ______/ \|_ / !/ \ / ___)__/ _/ / \/ !___ /______ \ \/ / _/ \_ \ \_ \_ / \ / \_ _/ \ | \__________/_________/______/\_________/_________/_________/[JZ] | . ! | MA$TeR |$ VAMP|Re ____ | ___________________ ___________________ ____/ T_ . | SLAVeS ARe \_______ _______ \ \________________ \/ ____/ \|_ / __!/ \ !/ \/ \ / \L /______\ T \/ K|RK/TRSI / \______/ | \ \ / / / | \| Monument \_______| \__________/________/____/___/ /_______| \ Muhadib Piggy . |\ -=»> ThIs iS a GerMan TRSI AmIgA HQ <«=- |/ |¯ -=»> ThIs iS a [=V=O=R=T=E=X=] HQ <«=- / | /| . ISDN SpEed 28K8 SpeEd 5 nodes at this time 7 nOdes sooN . 2,7 GIG online, great ratios, great chat´s, call now ! rePlaY fOt NuBaZ and Nup Uploaded at 00:05:37 on 07-Jan-95. -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )- ________________________________________________________________________ __/ __ __/ _ __/ _ __/ _ __/ ___ __/ _ __/ ____/ / __/ ____/ \_ _ \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ _ \_____ \_ / / ¯¯/ _/ / _/ / / / _/ / _/ / _/ / / ¯¯/ _/ / /___ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \ sAl1 \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \ / \ /________\ / \ /________\ / / \ / \ / [·tRIStAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC!··lSD!··oRIGIN! aMIGA eUROPEAN Hq!·] [·tRIStAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! cONSOLE·&·gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wORLD hQ!·] [·tRIStAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! /X-iNNOVATION wORLD dISTRIBUTION sITE!·] [·sUNFLEX iNC. dUTCH hQ!·] [·tHE oRGANIZED cRIME aMIGA dIST!·] [·aRT-cORE! eUROPEAN hQ!·] sYSOP: [-s/\L-oNE!-] cOSYSOPS: [mARIO/tRSI!] [sECTORCHARGER/tRSI/tRSI/tRSI&fTH!] [aPOLLO/pDX!] [eCS/tRSI/tRSI!] [aSTRO/mOVEMENT!] 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«-- ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«--- -[ +31-(0)-548-040-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-848 ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: MGCS ]]-] [-[[ nODE: 1 ]]-] [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]--[[ 08:53:39 ]]--[[ 05-jAN-95 ]]-] å ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FAMOUS: | ____ _ _____ _____ _____ ___|\ _____ _____ | ___|_/ _¬\_/¬| _/ __\_/ _ ¬\_/ ____\_/ | \_/ _¬\_/ __\_|__ _ ø: | | | | |_\| | | |___\| | | | _| |_\_:ø__ : | | | _| __/ | _ |\__ | | | _ \_ __/ _|__ _ : | | |__/¬| ¬|_/| | |\_| | | | | | ¬|_/ :ø : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : ¬ _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : __/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : ¬| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : _ø_:_ | | ¬ | ¬ | | | ¬ | ¬ | | | ¬ _:_ø_ | \__| ¯\_____/¯\_____/¯\ |___/¯\_____/¯\_____/¯\___| /¯\_____/ | | \| |/ |-rS! °° DD ° OO ° MM ° EE °° DIAMONDS & RUST EUROPEAN HQ ---------------------------------------- aMiGa / SNeS / GeNeSiS / iBM SYSøPS: [STE\/E/D&R], BOON KID/D&R, EDO/D&R, (-Ozone&Rob-), FURY/TRZ, PRINCIP/CSL, Rhys & Danzig, GREY! NOTHIN TO SAY, IF U AREN`T ALREADY THERE, U`RE SURELY MISSING SOMETHING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ ______________________________ _____ / _ _ \/ ______/ _ \_____ \/ / / / / / ____/__/ / / _ / / / / / / / / /_____/ / / /______ / / / / / / / / / / / /___/___/ /\_________/ / / /____/___________/ /____/ /____/ /____/ ________________ ___________________ ____________________ / / _ _ \/ _ \_____ \/ ______/ _ \ / / / / / / / _ / / / / / / / / / / /_____/ / / /_____/ /_____/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /____/___/___/ / / / /____/\_________/____/ O=============/____/____/=====/____/=========================tOX!=O H O O D L U M / C Y B E R F O R C E B H Q -!- aMiGa&SNeS -!- + 3 2 - 1 5 - 2 1 2 9 9 2 ! SYSOP-TEAM : -TCB/HOODLUM!- * COLONEL/OUTLAWS * HE-MAN/OUTLAWS! O=================================================================O _____. ._____ _________ _________________| | __________| | _________| ___ /_________. |_ -- / -___/ |_\ _____/ |_\ _ | \ | | | __ \ | | \ \_ | | \ \ |____| \___ | |_________\ |_________\ |_________\ | |____/ | \_____| \______| \______| /_______._| .:. __:______:__ | __ | [-JaNuArY |SsUe ReLeAsEd On 1/1/95-] | | | | +-+ | | __| | |_____| <<-By->> <<-TFX/PuRPLe TuRTLe/Fortress->> <<-Delirium & Kickface/Suicidal Tendency->> GrEeTz MoDeMrApeRz, >>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>> \+/ +-*-+ ____________________________________________ /+\ M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i^^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^()^^i & ((( . *. . * | . * . * ))) i^^^^o^^ ___________________________ ((( . * . | * . .* ))) ^^*^^^^^^i H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ((( . * * | . * . * ))) i^^^o^^^*^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (((__________|_________ ))) ^^^^^^^^0^^^^i ((( . * . * |. * . * ))) i^^^*^^^^o^^:)^^ ___________________ ((( . . * | . ////// ))) ^^()^^^^^^^*^^^^^i |__|____|____|____| ((( * * . |* ( @ @ ) ))) i^^^^^o^^^^^()^^^^^^ |____|____|____|__| ((( * . * | . \ o / .))) ^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^o^^^^^i |__| / |__| (((=====================))) i^^^^^o^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^ |__| \\\ |__| ^^^^*^^^^^()^^^^^^^^o^^^^i|__| ///// |__| >< ^^^^^o^^^^^^|^|^^^^0^^^*^^^|__| \\\\\\ |__| ########### >< >< \__|_|__/ >< |__| /////// |__| ########### ||||||||| ::::::___ \_____/ __%%%%%%_|__|_XXXXXXXX__|__|_ \-/ _###########___|||||||||_ :::::: \___/ %%%%%% \_______________/ ('.') ########### ||||||||| %%%%%% @(m " m) <<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<< ThIs Is Issue 5 of BeLgIaN GlOrY, WeLe ThIs IsSuE We (YeP We !) got AlL hOt InFo AbOuT ThE BuStS ThAt ArE HaPenInG HeRe In BeLgIuM, InClUdInG A SmAsHiNg InTeRvIeW WiTh ThE GuY ThAt MaDe It AlL HapPen (Or nOt). NoW A SmAlL ExPlaNaItIoN AbOuT ThE We ThInG, DeLiRiuM & KiCkFaCe HaS JoInEd As Co-EdItOr Of ThIs LitTlE ScEnE MaG, and WiLl Be WrItInG A FeW DoOrS ThAt WiLl AlLoW Us To AdD A FeW NiCe ThInGs To BeLgIaN GlOrY In ThE FuTuRe... FuRtHeR ThErE WeRe A FeW oBjEcTiOnS FrOm PeOpLe ThAt DiDn't LiKe Me TaKiNg OvEr LiTHIUM's BeLGLo (lEPROSY WaS OnE Of ThEm), WelL To BaD FoR YoU GuYs, BuT I DiDn't wAnT To SeE ThIs NiCe ThInG DiE wIth It'S CrEaToRs.... Also ThErE WeRe SoMe PrObS WiTh ThE PPgUide (ToXIC ?!?), BuT ThEsE wIll Be GoNe NoW, It'S a PlaIn GuIde FiLe (and A CuT DoWn TxT VeRsIoN FoR ThE PC LoSeRs) HaVe FuN ReAdInG ThIs IssUe and If YoU LiKe A SmAlL TxTfiLe PublIsHed In HeRe, SeNd It To FORTRESS Or SUICIDAL TENDENCY... AnYtHiNg Is AllOwEd, As LoNg As It Is FuN tO ReAd !!!! _ ___/_______________________________________________________________/_ _ //--- - //--- /// B E L G I U M /// _ _//____________________________________________________________//__ __ / / ^ BBSName ^ BBSNumber ^ Group ^ Sysop ^ T-------------------------T---------------T------------------T--------------T | BLACK KRYPT | +32-81-PRIVATE| THERAPY | ALKAID | | | | | | | CENTRAL PARK [2NDZ] | +32-89-716488 | REFLEX/PTL | [-LEPROSY-] | ! | | | ! | DARK ANGEL #1 | +32-2-2428638 | RISC/FEAR | FELIX | | DARK ANGEL #2 | +32-2-2423320 ! OUTLAWS ! FELIX | | | | | | | EEK A MOUSE | +32-2-PRIVATE | PRESTIGE | MOUSEBUSTER | | ! | | | | ENIGMA | +32-89-732054 | PURPLE TURTLE | DAMIEN | | | | | | | EURO TRADE CENTER #1 | +32-63-678684 | OUTLAWS/MAD ELKS | TOXIC | | EURO TRADE CENTER #2 | +32-63-677853 | PRINCIPES | TOXIC | | EURO TRADE CENTER #3 | +32-63-677861 | DREAM DEALERS | TOXIC | | | | | | | FORTRESS | +32-3-8290872 | PURPLE TURTLE | TFX | | | | | | | MANIAC MANSION #1 | +32-3-7070753 | INDY | CRAZY CREEP | | MANIAC MANSION #2 ! +32-3-7071369 | INDY | CRAZY CREEP ! | | | | | | METAL IMPACT | +32-15-PRIVATE| HOODLUM | TCB | | | | | | | PEACE CHAPEL | +32-2-3313809 | SKID ROW | LITTLE BOY | | | | | | | PLANET MARS [3NDZ] | +32-2-PRIVATE | INDEPENDENT | MR.SOLO/PERCY| | | | | | ! SIN CITY | +32-3-PRIVATE | WOT & OUTLAWS | SINTAX | | | | | | | SUICIDAL TENDENCY #1 | +32-50-427306 | G.I.N. | DELIRIUM & | | SUICIDAL TENDENCY #2 | +32-50-427032 | TRSI | KICKFACE | | | | | | ! WICKED CITY ! +32-PRIVATE ! OUTLAWS | DEATHRIDER ! | | | | | `-------------------------^---------------:------------------^--------------' * IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR PHONE NUMBER IN HERE PLEAZE TELL ME AND I'LL MAKE IT PRIVATE !!! · _ __|__ _ _ ______________________________________ /. /__ // · A · R · T · I · C · L · E · S · / / /_____________________________________ _ _ __/ / /_____________________________________________/ <<-Keep·ThE·BeLgiAn·sCene·AlIve···->> by WidowMaKer/AFL/CTS/OZ Hi all, after last weeks events it seems that cops have oppened a vast bust operation. They want to crush the belgian scene ... That this happened to our friends is enough ... and must make us become more cautious. - don't hack car phones coz the bbs wich has been called could be discovered. - don't BB, coz soon you will be traced ( don't forget the new law of 1.1.95 ) - AND IN ANY CASE : NEVER USE THE FRENCH 'PASTELLE CARD' ~~~~~ ~~~~~ (these three things are the reasons of the major events of last weeks) We all know what has happened to our friends, and what they had to do to stay free ... (Leave the continent) I wish u goodluck and goodtrade Be carefull and keep the scene alive WidowMaKer/AFL/CTS/OZ PS: Spread the word ... <<-Get·LOVE·help·ONLINE···········->> by Jill/Suicidal-Tendency Hello i'm Jill , one of the few girls in the scene.. If you've got probs with your girlfriend(s) and you want to talk to somebody.. OR If you just need somebody to talk to... OR If you feel lonely..... OR You feel the whole world is against you.... OR ANYTHING send me a message.. I'm on Suicidal-Tendency.. Type C at the command prompt and choose JILL your problems will be kept 100% confidential... I've studied psychology and i'm a very good listener! KISSES XXXXXJillXXXXX <<-SmAsHinG·InTErViEw·WiTh·RoboCod->> by TFX/PuRPLe TuRTLe The true Story about ________ _______ | __ \ _______ _____ _______ / ___ \ _______ ______ | | / / / ___ \| _ \ / ___ \| | |_|/ ___ \| _ \ | |/ /_ | | | || |/ /_ | | | || | | | | || | \ | | ____ \| |___| || |___ \| |___| || | _ | |___| || |_/ | | | | |\_______/|_______/\_______/| |__| |\_______/|______/ |__| |__| \_______/ Q: RoboCod, what exactly happened ?? A: One morning the "computer crime unit", the computer department of the Federal Police,throws me out of my bed... they came -as they said- for callingcard fraud so they took my 1200, my.. harddrive..,printer.., At first they even took my 6000 disks but they didn't have enough room in their little car, then two weeks later they came back.. but this time it was for Cd-rom's and YEP... NEBULA's , no stealths shit ... and on that very same day there were 5 busts at 5 more persons places... since then nothing. - Q: There is a rumor that you helped them busting consolia? Is this just a rumor or is there any truth in it? As it seems you gave them a signed declaration about it!?!? A: HUMM.. I have indeed made a statement but I don't think I even mentioned "Lithium".... and btw I think it's very weird that those feds showed that guy my statement.. because that can only be done in court..(as far as my lawyer knows), but I admit I have signed a declaration in which I admitted my callingcard abusement... Only to keep them off the cd-rom's but there were a whole bunch of textfiles on my HD. They read a _LOT_ and they know a lot of what I do. BUT I didn't help them.. they said there would only be mild accusations if I cooperated but since I only said (I KNOW NOTHING) they did something.. I have all belgian boards and a bunch of (mainly computer) adresses here so.... - Q: Did they ask anything about your group? (PTL) A: Nope.. nobody talked about that, those guys were kinda stupid, they don't know very much about calling cards b'coz they asked where those cards were (physicaly). One of the funny things about it was that when they came in, there were 10 cd's lying on the table .. we went upstairs with those two feds, I said it was cold in the room and i went downstairs to get my sweater,then i put the cd's in the kitchen .. they didn't look there at all! Also I had a bag full of letters lying on the chair with about 100 envelopes for PC soft from somebody which they didn't see...but they are seriously mad at me because I made them nervous, those guyz shouted for about a half hour "we'll get you!!!" etc.. they gave up coz I didn't say them anything more, I pulled their chain for a while, but i'm the only one who's going to trial! I think they gave lithium back his amiga because that software is not included in the BSA programm! - Q: So they are not looking for Amiga Software in particular, If you have a Amiga Warez only board you're safer ??? A: NO, when you start copying disks for money, then the shit can hit the fan. The second time they took my 2000 disks with them, they came to get them with 4 guys because they didn't have enough proof against me for those CD-Roms, but there was no PC-soft on them, they don't even know what a NDOS disk is or how you have to run it, now don't start rolling on the floor laughing but they only got 1000 disks out of the 2000. I had a box just standing there with 1000 disks that were damaged beyond repair.... Those NDOS disk don't start when you put them in the Disk Drive like with the PC, and most of those disks are 5¼" and they don't have a diskdrive of that size,.... Ohwell, they still think that I copy disks with large quantities.. let them search !! - Q: What are your future plans, are you planning on trading again... ? A: Yep, I'll be trading again next year... I need a new modem and computer as soon as possible, but I'm working now so that will be no problem. About the fines involved, according to the law from August 1994 I can get a fine witch can run up to 9 million BEF,- + fines asked for by the 'Civil Parties' (BSA, MicroSoft, etc...) but I'm hoping for procedure errors or a settlement out of court... - Q: There is the rumour going round that the 2 CoSYSops from Consolia are on the American continent, your opinion about that ?? A: Looks unlikely to me that this was for the BBS bust, because that's not so bad, but I hope that Lithium can keep quiet and declares me as a madman, as for the rest of them... I asked you to ask others to erase my account everywhere,... - C: Yep, I've spread the word... A: And if there's something on the HD, they still can't prove that it came from you, unless you sign a statement or someone against you, but I have a verry bad memory, U Cee - C: Well, as far as I know, every sysop is being extra carefull when validating new accounts and so... A: Nice, that's how it should be.... You never know, those losers might call. I thought ones of installing a serieus protection on here but if they see a protection they'll keep your computer forever... I lost everything... - Q: Even your A1200 ?? A: I lost my A1200 + HD 540 Mbyte, 420 Mbyte & 130 Mbyte. My Hewlett packard 310 printer (still got the sheetfeeder :-)) and my monitor... I still got left my ZyXEL 19k2 modem and an A500 KS 2.0 HD 100 Mbyte and a small television !@ snif snif... - Q: Thxs for this small interview... A: Your welcome. RoBoCoD AlSo AsKeD Us To ReLeAsE HiS WrItTeN StAtEmEnT AbOuT WhAt HaPpeNeD In ThE LaSt FeW WeEks !!! ==> @{" " link "STATE"} <== Due to my bust I think everybody would like to ask me some questions. WHY DID THEY BUST ME AND WHO BUSTED ME : In an early morning 2 people named Lichtenstein and Van Acker had a search warrant and lifted me out of my bed. The reason they came for were calling cards. They didn't tell me who said that ( they never do really ). So at that moment I was still doing some modem trading with cc's but they didn't knewn that. They even asked if I had some of those plastic cards left ( ? ). I admitted I had used some of those numbers because they were broke and the card I was calling was memorised. Also I hoped they would not find out of my illegal CD ROMs. Those 2 cops work for the Computer Crime Unit from the Juristical Police from Antwerp. WHAT DID THEY TOOK : They were very friendly and didn't took all of my equipment. I had 5 Amiga's and 6000 disks.. So they took my A1200 with 540 MB hard disk, a monitor, HP printer and some papers ( not one disk ). WHAT HAPPEND NEXT : One week later I had to come to the Palace of Justice in Antwerp to answer some questions. So they had printed out my database and some buffers. Nobody asked me one question about cc's anymore. They showed me a CD ROM index and so they found out about my CD ROMs. They took it very seriously so I started to save my ass and told them my story : I admitted I was planning to make some CD ROMs, as they could see in my database with customers, a few faxes... But Because I didn't trusted the CD business I told them there have never been CD ROMs going to production. After 5 minutes they didn't believe me anymore and so they showed me again a new search warrant. So I went back to my house with 4 of those creeps to seach for those non existing CD ROMs. They didn't find anything and asked me were all my other computers and disks were ( hehe ). I had moved most off the shit but I had still 1000 disks left because I ran out of boxes ! I had also a box left with about 1000 disks with fysical errors on it. So they counted them with 4 and yes because a lot of the disks are in 5.25 format they didn't had the drive for it. Very strange because they assured me they were planning to investigate every disk of it. WHO DID THEY BUST ALSO : After my first bust I warned a lot of people to watch out but unfortunately 6 people were busted soon. Here they are : - Consolia BBS for calling cards : Lost his Amiga and the hole shit I think - Wim Jacobs from US ACTION for CD ROMs : Didn't find anything - Brain Dead BBS (011 zone), reason for me unknown - A guy from Berendrecht for a check : Didn't find anything - Werner from Antwerp, a modem trader and CD ROM maker : Lost his writer and all his other PC stuff - A guy named Chris from Herenthals for DAT PC abo's : Don't known what they took. So three people lost there equipement. This does not mean I named them or I signed some papers to bust them. Several other boards were off line because of the problems but they will be back online. I DID NOT BUST CONSOLIA BBS : - I've heard from Lithium that the police ( not the Juristical Police ? ) mentioned my name. First mistake dear Lithium they may not name any person during an investigation until you are standing into court. - Lithium and many others knew that I found his cc's very shitty and so he blamed me for his troubles. Very lame because I've sent him money for his calling cards to his secret adres and I don't known where he lives ( don't care really ). Sure I can get adresses of private numbers but it costs me a lot of money and Lithium is not worth one dollar. - They busted Consolia for cc's in a time where there were no cc's available He didn't had cc's for over a month before his bust. Very weird, no ? - Because the GP had my BBS list it was not easy to find Consolia BBS and I guess they had to seach for my CD ROMs they went to the boards with most nodes but I'm not sure. I had expected a phonecall from Lithium because I can help him most with his problems. - It's very difficult to prove you used cc's and normally you don't get busted for cc usage or selling. You can always pretend you known nothing about it and that you thought you can buy them everywhere, not only from ATnT and stuff. THE FUTURE : After 2 visits and 3 interrogations they still don't have any proof of illegal CD ROM posesion or selling. For cc's I can't get busted because there's no evidence and those things are difficult to prove. Point Break had several hundreds of cc's and isn't convicted for it. So they think I sold lots of software but they known nothing about the Amiga computer and 1000 of 2000 disks are bad and half of the working versions are on 5.25" format.They are still searching for illegal CD ROMs but if they find any they have to prove that I made them.. Also I'm 100% sure that the investigation will take 2 hole years. Then a judge will decide if we are going to courtroom. OK then there's a trial but after 2 years and because I quitted the scene I'll known very little about those elite things and it will take at least 5 years before there's a result. Of course by then I'm fucking some chicks in a foreign country. Bye bye fucking lame Belgica ! WHO DARED TO SPEAK TO THE COPS : - I had troubles with my father and I'm even held for a few hours in the local police station for threatening with a gun. Unfortunately they had to leave me because the lack of evidence. Maybe my father talked about my computer business but I think he's a little scared now. - Another CD ROM maker is however the most reasonable. Of course there are many people who own a CD ROM writer. But prices for gold disks from writers are much more expensive than silver ones produced by a factory and there's one organisation in Belgium that produced CD ROMs, called US ACTION - the second largest disk seller in Belgium. We are talking about the lazy CRAZY BYTE cd's. From an US Action insider I known that they produced 3000 CD's but there first CD didn't go to the market because the soft was too bad. The second time they were caught by the police. The third time they released there first CD CRAZY BYTE I. Because they were very daft they sold there shit into there stores and were of course been busted. A week later I was busted...surprised ? If you known that they didn't sell their CD's very well because they produced to many ? Well I received a few phonecalls from them, especially from WIM JACOBS. I knew the guy and he told me to watch out because it's very dangerous and he told me that I shoudn't sell CD's right known. He told also that US ACTION knew that I produced the CD's in Belgium ( yeah! sure ) and that GUNTHER CALLE - the US Action chief/monkey - produced his shareware CD ROM's with the same company and that he assured me that they wil not anymore produce my CD ROM's ( Give me a break man...) So after that lamer Wim called me again and asked me or I got my CD's from a company in the Carnotstraat in Antwerp Belgium ( nice try ). NOBODY KNOWNS WHERE THOSE MYSTERY CD ROMS ARE MADE AND NOBODY WILL ! If I have to go to court I'll find out and I'll will be taking the necessary steps !!! MY PLANS : Early 95 I'll be back in business after I moved out. I hope to do some trading and other stuff. I lost all my phone numbers so if you want to get into contact with me contact any Amiga sysop and I'll will answer your questions. WHAT TO DO WITH COP TROUBLES : I have some experience with cops so I hope to share some experiences. - If some police dogs ( in uniform or civilian ) come to your home and they do not known you are in the house do not open the door. They will come back later but you known you have to clean up. If they are standing for your door don't let them in either but ask for their search warrant and read the peace off paper very well ( check signatures ). So then be polite and act innocent and let them in. Answer their questions but be a litlle stupid and give the cops the feeling you are working with them. Try to minimalise your illegal business. They told me I had a lot off disks but I answered I had a shareware computerclub. You have to understand that they don't known very much and that they don't have any proof. So they ask where your computer stuff is. Never put all your CD ROMs, tapes and disks together with your computer but hide them in a weird place ( like the kitchen ). They walk through your house but they will not take a good look or search heavily all places. Show them your computerroom and they will not look your hole house. If they want to take the hole shit protest ( become angry ) and tell them it's rediculus and suggest to take only your computer.The first time they wanted to take all my disks but it's that much work to count them that they didn't take them at last. Sign a paper with the stuff they take with them to check out but don't sign to give away your equipement! They will try it sometimes and then you lose all the stuff. If I was you tell them you don't sign any statements before talking to your loyer, even if you knew who busted you. - After that clean up your house, erase even the fixed numbers in your phone or fax machine. Never bust someone else because they will make statements against you. In interrogations be polite and don't known very much but don't say I SAY NOTHING because then you got something to hide. If they known you have some illegal things on your harddisk don't tell them anything or help them even if they promise you a small penalty. Most of there evidence will be signed papers and not the digital information on your hard disk! Go to a lawyer who knowns a lot of computer stuff and find together a nice story because the police forces known very little about computers ( that's why they are cops ). If you do not have a decent lawyer then contact me. HOW TO PROTECT YOU AGAINST THE COPS : A lot of people told me that they will not be caught but if another one answers the door you will even not have the time to switch your computer off. So hide as much stuff as possible and if you encrypt your harddisk they will known that you have something to hide. So you give them your info on your harddisk or they keep your stuff until they can check it out. This means you never get your computer back and it can takes several years! so your stuff is OLD( history ). Maybe put your data in a directory with games with lots of files or something like that. If you known personal people who are talking to the police contact me and I'll personally take care of him. Be carefully and have fun! Cya l8er :) · _ __|__ _ _ ______________________________________ /. /__ // · N · E · W · S F · L · A · S · H · / / /_____________________________________ _ _ __/ / /_____________________________________________/ * FLYING SAUCER IS NOW A PD ONLY BOARD.... * REMO IS RUNNING FROM THE COPS, RUMOURS INDICATE THAT HE'S CURRENTLY IN THE USA... - IF YOU HAVE A RUMOUR/NEWS/GOSSIP PLEAZE TELL ME SO I CAN PUT IT IN ! - IF YOU WHICH TO WRITE A ARTICLE FOR BELGIAN GLORY, PLEAZE DO SO AND UPLOAD IT ON FORTRESS BBS IN THE 'BELGIAN GLORY' CONFERENCE ____________________________________________________________________ | | | «·B·E·L·G·I·A·N·×·G·L·O·R·Y·×·R·E·G·I·S·T·E·R·×·F·O·R·M·» | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ <<---- PLACE YOUR BOARD LOGO HERE !!! ---->> - BOARDNAME: - NUMBER OF NODES: - NUMBER (S): - LOCATION (group(s)/independent): - SYSOP: - COSYSOP(S): - WHICH MODEM(S) (BRAND/BAUDRATE/PROTOCOL(s)) DO YOU HAVE INSTALLED? - WHICH COMPUTER ARE YOU USING TO RUN THE BBS? (memory/turbocard?) - WHICH WARES DO YOU SUPPORT? (ADD A "*" BETWEEN THE [ ]) [ ] 3D [ ] AMIGA [ ] ANSI/ASCII [ ] AMI-XPRESS SUPPORT [ ] BBS ADDS [ ] CODERS CORNER [ ] GAMEBOY [ ] GRAPHICS [ ] INTERNET [ ] MAC CRAP [ ] MANGA/ANIME [ ] MEGADRIVE [ ] MODULES (MUSIC) [ ] REQUEST [ ] SNES [ ] STAR TREK [ ] PUBLIC DOMAIN [ ] PORNO PICTURES [ ] PEECEE CRAP [ ] OTHER (.........) WARNING!! IF YOUR BBS DOESN'T SUPPORT AMIGA WARES IT IS VERY UNLIKELY THAT IT WILL BE INSERTED IN THE LIST!!!! THIS IS AN AMIGA-BBS-LIST REMEMBER :-) @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __. __ __. | |______|_ | ____|_ | __________ .____ | _ / -__/ |_/ ___/ |_/ | __ /___| / | / / | | \ \ | | \ | \ | / |___/_____|_____\___|_____\___| |__\_ _/ <<-------IsSuE-5<->JaNuArY-95-|__|---|__|->> <<---- With a smashing interview with ---->> <<-------------- RoboCod ----------------->> <<-CuT DoWn TxT VeRsIoN fOr ThE PC UsErS-->> @END_FILE_ID.DIZ O=================================================================O H O O D L U M / C Y B E R F O R C E B H Q -!- aMiGa&SNeS -!- + 3 2 - 1 5 - 2 1 2 9 9 2 ! SYSOP-TEAM : -TCB/HOODLUM!- * COLONEL/OUTLAWS * HE-MAN/OUTLAWS! O=================================================================O [A¡RaDDer v3.1 By A¡Rcø] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FAMOUS: | ____ _ _____ _____ _____ ___|\ _____ _____ | ___|_/ _¬\_/¬| _/ __\_/ _ ¬\_/ ____\_/ | \_/ _¬\_/ __\_|__ _ ø: | | | | |_\| | | |___\| | | | _| |_\_:ø__ : | | | _| __/ | _ |\__ | | | _ \_ __/ _|__ _ : | | |__/¬| ¬|_/| | |\_| | | | | | ¬|_/ :ø : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : ¬ _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : __/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : ¬| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : _ø_:_ | | ¬ | ¬ | | | ¬ | ¬ | | | ¬ _:_ø_ | \__| ¯\_____/¯\_____/¯\ |___/¯\_____/¯\_____/¯\___| /¯\_____/ | | \| |/ |-rS! °° DD ° OO ° MM ° EE °° DIAMONDS & RUST EUROPEAN HQ ---------------------------------------- aMiGa / SNeS / GeNeSiS / iBM SYSøPS: [STE\/E/D&R], BOON KID/D&R, EDO/D&R, (-Ozone&Rob-), FURY/TRZ, PRINCIP/CSL, Rhys & Danzig, GREY! NOTHIN TO SAY, IF U AREN`T ALREADY THERE, U`RE SURELY MISSING SOMETHING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )- ____ ____ ____ _ _____|_ __|__| __|__ _____________| __|__ _________/| ____________ / _ \\___ \ \___ \/\__ \ __ \ \___ \_/ _ / |/ / _ / / _/__/ |/ \ |/ \ \ \_/ / \ |/ \ /___/ _/ __/\ \_/ / / \_ / \ / \ / / / \ / \ / \ \ \__\_ \ / _/ /_/ /_/ / / /_/ /_/ /_/ / \ \_ / \ \ ________/_______/_______/_/____/_______/_______/______/____|\ /______/ \/ \_/-rS! [·tRIStAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC!··lSD!··oRIGIN! aMIGA eUROPEAN Hq!·] [·tRIStAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! cONSOLE·&·gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wORLD hQ!·] [·tRIStAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! /X-iNNOVATION wORLD dISTRIBUTION sITE!·] [·sUNFLEX iNC. dUTCH hQ!·] [·tHE oRGANIZED cRIME aMIGA dIST!·] [·aRT-cORE! eUROPEAN hQ!·] sYSOP: [-s/\L-oNE!-] cOSYSOPS: [mARIO/tRSI!] [sECTORCHARGER/tRSI/tRSI/tRSI&fTH!] [aPOLLO/pDX!] [eCS/tRSI/tRSI!] [aSTRO/mOVEMENT!] 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«-- ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«--- -[ +31-(0)-548-040-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-848 ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -[hANSA^ADD·SCoPE/CAF]- � _________________ .-------------------------\---------------/-------------------------. ! _____ \/ \/ ! ________ ____________/ /___________ ___. ____________ . | \______ \ \__ _______/ / ________/ / | \__ ______/ \|_ / !/ \ / ___)__/ _/ / \/ !___ /______ \ \/ / _/ \_ \ \_ \_ / \ / \_ _/ \ | \__________/_________/______/\_________/_________/_________/[JZ] | . ! | MA$TeR |$ VAMP|Re ____ | ___________________ ___________________ ____/ T_ . | SLAVeS ARe \_______ _______ \ \________________ \/ ____/ \|_ / __!/ \ !/ \/ \ / \L /______\ T \/ K|RK/TRSI / \______/ | \ \ / / / | \| Monument \_______| \__________/________/____/___/ /_______| \ Muhadib Piggy . |\ -=»> ThIs iS a GerMan TRSI AmIgA HQ <«=- |/ |¯ -=»> ThIs iS a [=V=O=R=T=E=X=] HQ <«=- / | /| . ISDN SpEed 28K8 SpeEd 5 nodes at this time 7 nOdes sooN . 2,7 GIG online, great ratios, great chat´s, call now ! rePlaY fOt NuBaZ and Nup [-AquaAdder v1.0-]