This file was leeched from: __ /\ ____________| \_______________________________/ \\__________ / ___ / | \________ \ ____ \ __ / \\ ___ / / /___/__ | \/ ____ \ / \ \ \____/ /___/_ \ // / _ \ \ \ / / \__| | // / .-----\ / | \ / / \ | | /------. | \______/____| /_______/\_______/________\|____|\_______/ | | |_____/D! | | | | FAIRLIGHT DELIGHT C.L.F POWER OF DARKNESS HARDCORE DESIGN | | US HQ WHQ USHQ WHQ USHQ | | _____ /\ | | _________ | |________/ \\___________ /\____ | | / / \| | __ / \\ __ /\/ / | | / ___ /__ \ | \ \____/ \ / / / | `------------\ \ | / | \__| | \__/ /---------------' \ / \ | \ | | \\_ _/ \_____/___|\ |______\|____|______\|_____\ \__| Node1: 610-489-5783 HST 21.6 DS Node2: 610-489-6701 HST 14.4 DS Uploaded at: 14:07:57 on: 20-Feb-94 By: THE GREAT MUTA On node: 1 Wanna read this? Then download it! È *************************************************************************** @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .--------------------------------------. | TEXT! __ __ __ __ __ | _|_ / / / /\/ /_ / / / /_ _|_ \ / /_ /_/ /./ __/ /_/ /__ /_ ISS \ / Y /\/ /_ / / / /_ NO.6 Y | 20-FEB-94 / / /_ \/\/ __/ ~~~~ | `--------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ *************************************************************************** + · . . · . _ + . · . + . · · ________· ______· /\ (_) .____/\ ______ ____ _________ . + . _\ \_\ \/ \____/ \_\ \/ / /\ ·/ · / \_ / ./ _/ ·/ \ / /_ ./ _/ ·/ ·/__\/ \_ // · · . + / ·/\/__/ / ·/ __/ ·/___ \/ / ·/ // ·/ __/\/ + . /\ // / / // \ ·/ /· \ / // · // \ . . \ \______/\______/___/\ //_________/_____/\______/________/ + . + \/_____/\/_____/___/\ \/_________/_____/\/_____/________/ · . . \/ · . + . · . /\ + _________ . ·_/\ ____/\ . . . + . · . / \___\ ·/__/\/ \/ ·\ + . ·_ . . . ·/ \ / \_ // ·/ \ ·/ /_ // · · (_) · . + / __/ ·/ __/\/ // / ·/___ ·\/ · . · + . . / \ ·/ \ // / \\ + . + . · . _ · /___/\ //________/__/____/_________/ . (_) /___/\ \/________/__/____/_________/ \/[FaH] <I- <S- <S- <U- <E- <N- <U- <M- <B- <E- <R- <S- <I- <X- DATE: 20-FEB-94 TIME: 11:42:40 *************************************************************************** THIS TEXT FILE (CONSOLE NEWS) HAS BEEN PLACED IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN THIS TEXT FILE (CONSOLE NEWS) IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY THE AUTHOR CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR FALSE OR MISGUIDED INFORMATION ALL GAMES AND GAME SYSTEMS ARE TRADEMARKS OF THE RESPECTIVE COMPANIES IDEA, DESIGN, WRITING : Caffeine DISTRIBUTION : Caffeine, all traders & sysops. If you enjoy this file, please tell me! If not, I will discontinue it! Tell me what changes, if any, need to be done, or what things should be kept the same! CONSOLE NEWS ISSUE NUMBER VI ©1994 CAFFEINE *************************************************************************** INTRODUCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ SORRY for not bringing CONSOLE NEWS out for the past three months. As many of you know, I got busted by SEGA. I wrote a small article about it, and how you can prevent it from happening to you. Anyway, I'm back ( as you may have noticed hehe! ). I know many of you do not trust me and frankly right now I don't care. I have not WILLINGLY given SEGA any information about anybody and I do not plan on doing it WILLINGLY. But they can always force me to do it. I have no control over that. You guys can think what you want, but if u were friends with me, you'd know I'd never WILLINGLY rat on anybody. BTW - this issue is DEDICATED to PaRaNoId/Vanity+Humane! Many thx to you dude... IMPORTANT NOTICE: I don't think I can continue doing Console News all by myself. If you think you can (in some way) improve Console News by writing ANY sort of article for Console News, I will GLADLY include it in the next issue!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Case You Wanted To Know... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Console News first appeared "in the scene" on June 8th 1993. - I do not know if there is a decent text-viewer with special commands for the IBM. On the Amiga we have AMIGAGUIDE, which uses @node and @endnode features that create buttons. - Console News has been placed in the Public Domain by Caffeine & Cyanide - Console News was the console scene's FIRST disk-mag that had all the information on new games for the SNES, Genesis, and others. - Console News takes approximately three weeks to write - Console News is written for informational purposes - All games and game systems are copyrighted trademarks - Backup units should be sold "with the intent to be used as disk back up systems" and "for archival purposes only." - One of these days Console News will be coded into a SNES disk-zine. - I am not working in any way with Sega. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Think You Can Write On These Topics? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [01] Writing demos on the SNES/6502 [02] Writing demos on the Genesis [03] Writing utilities on the SNES [04] Writing utilities on the Genesis [05] Reviewing games on the SNES [06] Reviewing games on the Genesis [07] Reviewing games on the 3DO [08] Reviewing games on the CD-I [09] Reviewing games on the NeoGeo [10] Reviewing new backup units & their features Think you have what it takes? BE SURE to email Caffeine@410001, or Cyanide@410001 thru Amixnet [AX0001/AX0002/PN0001 conferences]. OR, contact Caffeine or Cyanide on any BBS that you see them on. *************************************************************************** GREETINGS GO OUT TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE/GROUPS ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J/\Y cEVIN KEY The Great Muta Bren Brujjo Dihital' Bytemaster Paranoid Maelstrom The OutLaw Gazzer Hydro & Sweet Thing Green Beret Sigma Seven ADJ Winston The White Knight JC+SMEG Servant+SMEG Mery -Pan- Mr.Bean Bitstar^Zero MUSIC SUPPORT ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Skinny Puppy Ministry Pink Floyd KMFDM Front Line Assembly Enigma Special thx to Gazzer, J/\Y, Bren, PaRaNoId, SiGMA SEVEN!, Green Beret! BIG thanks to D-Man for LAMER NEWS!! Funny as hell, keep writing dude!! *************************************************************************** Where to find C/\FFEiNE... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Email me on my bbs or thru AmixNet in the AX0001 or AX0002 conferences. "CAFFEINE@410001" I will be setting up a CONSOLE NEWS conference (CNS001) shortly, so email me if you want to join it!! Also I might be creating a Console Programmer netconference (CPG001), but we will see how the Console News conf goes first.. *************************************************************************** · . /\ + _________ . ·_/\ ____/\ . . . + . · . / \___\ ·/__/\/ \/ ·\ + . ·_ . . . ·/ \ / \_ // ·/ \ ·/ /_ // · · (_) · . + / __/ ·/ __/\/ // / ·/___ ·\/ · . · + . . / \ ·/ \ // / \\ + . + . · . _ · /___/\ //________/__/____/_________/ . (_) /___/\ \/________/__/____/_________/ \/[FaH] The Edge 16 For Sega Genesis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You like playing games over the modem, right? Well the Edge 16 could put Genesis games in a whole new perspective. The Edge is a product from AT&T that is essentially a keyboard and a modem. But this modem is different. This peripheral allows a Genesis user to play a game and talk to their opponent at the same time, using AT&T's VoiceSpan feature. More than 10 software companies have already begun creating new games that take full advantage of the Edge 16's features. COST : $UNKNOWN AVAILIBILITY: UNKNOWN Super Wild Card Plus - v2.7cc ROM! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE FOLLOWING IS BY ADJ - FILENAME: READ.JSI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SWC PLUS - SMD 4.1 24M - COPIED SWC'S BY CCL - SWC 2.7 1. UPGRADE TO 2.7 WILL INCREASE LOADING SPEED TO 300% DESIGNED FOR THE SWC 2.6 OR LOWER - AVAILABLE NOW - CALL # BELOW! BEWARE OF ROMS WITH FAKE VERSION # !!! 2. SWC PLUS 3 WILL FEATURE SCSI (CDROM/MO 128MB DRIVE/HD) - BIG ROM (4 OR 8M) HIGH # COLORS - DIGITISED MENUES - ENHANCED OPTIONS (TBA) - GAME IN MENU 3. SWC PLUS 2 WILL FEATURE BIG ROM & ITS OPTIONS BUT NO SCSI 4. SWC PLUS 1 MULTI CAN ALSO BE USED ON SEGA GENESIS/MEGADRIVE (II) 5. ALREADY SHIPPING: SMD 4.1 /24M WITH MORE OPTIONS THAN SMD+ 6. MORE INFO CAN'T BE DISCLOSED AT THIS TIME BUT STAY TUNED 7. BEWARE OF WILDCARD COPIES FROM CCL WITH LIMITED QUALITY AND OPTIONS - BUY AT OWN RISK OR BE CHEATED WITH HK CRAP AGAIN! NAME OF UNIT: WILDCARD 2 - (C) 1994 ROC 8. ALL ANNOUNCED PRODUCTS UNDERGO REVISION/BETA TESTING NOW AND ARE SCHEDULED FOR MASS-PRODUCTION IN NEAR FUTURE... 9. I'VE SEEN THE STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT AT THE SOURCE SO I'D LIKE TO KILL PEOPLE WHO START DISPENSING VAPORWARE BULLSHIT! *ADJ* END OF FILE -- REST IS MY NOTES! ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SWC+ 1: This can be used on both the SNES and Megadrive/Genesis? So it will ^^^^^^ basically be a Multi Game Hunter/Doctor. SWC+ 2: All features of SWC+3 but no SCSI port ^^^^^^ SWC+ 3: +SCSI option ^^^^^^ ALL UNITS: 4mb or 8mb ROM, High number of colours, digitized menus, enhanced ^^^^^^^^^ options, and a game in the menu? SWC II: Fake that was never released by FFE, but instead by CCL. I thought ^^^^^^ FFE has 'copyrights' (no pun intended!) on their Super Wild Card! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWC+ Facts ~~~~~~~~~~ Collected from *ADJ* - 1 MegaBYTE ROM with a puzzle game built in - Amiga style graphics (64colours in menu) - Pull down menus ("You press button and the menu pops up" - ADJ) - 5 icons - Uses small(er) fonts - "Sparkling snow gold plated" logo like in xcopy (-adj) - Power input (AC OR DC 9-15v) auto regulated to 5v or 9v! External Port to SuperNES (definately *NO* burnouts!) Unregulated shit power supply MIGHT cause burnouts (1 amp or lower) - Right now the SCSI interface +$100 and just a jumble of wires. In the future they will have it boxed in or an add-on for the cartridge port. Software is, for now, just tool w/no gfx. - Might feature "COPY" program (from JSI) - Available & on streets in ending-January, early February (MAYBE) - NO Upgrades from SWC to SWC+; not possible coz of larger ROM (1mb) - 3201 chip discarded - PAL chip changed - Memory Slot changed (easier to repair/service) - CONSIDERED option of using 32bit simms ... but then price would be +$25 - DISK LOADING speed same as PROFIG, sometimes *FASTER!* - v2.7CC makes loading speed on older SWCs the same as the SWC+ machines As for the Parallel<>SWC+ ... ----------------------------- - Always a way to go faster: SERIAL PORT!! NO WAY to get faster x-fer with parallel (already maxxed out!) - Link SCSI adaptor to SCSI adaptor? (like the GrandSlam from IVS) *BEING CONSIDERED* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Super Magic Drive! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All information collected from ADJ SMD v4.1 ~~~~~~~~ SMD is registered of FFE taiwan & hk 4.1 24m is from FFE... more interesting: - cheaper - 8bit DRAM -- cheaper RAM chips - FFE quality SMD+ is from CCL!! --> BIG time fake!! *************************************************************************** Super Nintendo Information ____________________________ ____________________________ / _________________ \/ ______/ ______/ \________ \. : \ ___>__\________ \ : : \ | \ : / : \ |_____________ /______|_____ /__________ /____________ / e\/ \/ \/ \/ NEW SUPER NINTENDO GAMES & GAME INFORMATION ---------NAME----------------GAME TYPE----MEDIA------MANUFACTURER-- ------------------JAPANESE SUPER FAMICOM---------------------------RELEASE Pocky and Rocky 2 Action Cartridge Natsume April Shuto Expressway Battle Driving Cartridge Bullet Proof May Ranma 1/2 Super Battle Fighting Cartridge Shogakukan April Super Bomberman 2 Puzzle Cartridge Hudson April Wario's Forest Puzzle Cartridge Nintendo NOW Mobile Police Patlabor Action Cartridge BEC March ------------------AMERICAN SUPER NINTENDO---------------------RELEASE DATE Home Improvement Action Cartridge Absolute Rise of the Robots Fighting Cartridge Absolute Space Ace Strategy Cartridge Absolute Itchy and Scratchy Action Cartridge Acclaim Monster Truck Wars Racing Cartridge Acclaim Virtual Bart Action Cartridge Acclaim Barkley! ShutUp & Jam Sports Cartridge Accolade Speed Racer Racing Cartridge Accolade Bubsy II Action Cartridge Accolade Radical Rex Action Cartridge Activision Super Jam Sports Cartridge American Sammy Chavez Boxing Sports Cartridge American Softworks Popeye Action Cartridge American Technos Zooball Sports Cartridge American Technos Ardy Lightfoot Action Cartridge Ascii Power Instinct Fighting Cartridge Atlus GP-1 Part II Racing Cartridge Atlus Cyberslider Puzzle Cartridge Bullet Proof Software Wild Snake Action Cartridge Bullet Proof Software Spike McFang Adventure Cartridge Bullet Proof Software Soccer Shootout Sports Cartridge Capcom King Of Dragons Adventure Cartridge Capcom Mega Man Soccer Sports Cartridge Capcom Sat. Nite Slam Masters Wrestling Cartridge Capcom Wizardry V RPG Cartridge Capcom Golden Empire UNKNOWN Cartridge Culture Brain First Queen Adventure Cartridge Culture Brain Galactic Defenders RPG Cartridge Culture Brain Super Hockey '94 Sports Cartridge Culture Brain Fire Striker Action/Adv Cartridge DTMC Gordo #106 Action Cartridge DTMC Lester The Unlikely II Action Cartridge DTMC Sengoku UNKNOWN Cartridge Data East Joe and Mac ][ Action Cartridge Data East Citadel (FX) Action Cartridge Electro Brain Bill Walsh College Football Sports Cartridge Electronic Arts MLBPA Baseball Sports Cartridge Electronic Arts Mario Andretti Racing Racing Cartridge Electronic Arts World Cup Soccer Sports Cartridge Elite Brainlord RPG Cartridge Enix Gaia Action/Adv Cartridge Enix King Arthur RPG Cartridge Enix WCW Super Brawl Wrestling Cartridge FCI Jeopardy! Sports Puzzle Cartridge Gametek Pinball Dreams Sports Cartridge Gametek Spectre Shooter Cartridge Gametek Mickey's Ultimate Challenge Action Cartridge HiTech Beauty and the Beast Action Cartridge Hudson Soft Super Adventure Island ][ Action Cartridge Hudson Soft Super Bomberman ][ Puzzle Cartridge Hudson Soft Super Loopz Puzzle Cartridge Imagineer Wolfenstein 3D Action/Adv Cartridge Imagineer Blackthorne Adventure Cartridge Interplay Starfleet Academy Action Cartridge Interplay In The Hunt Shooter Cartridge Irem Pro Sport Hockey Sports Cartridge Jaleco Crazy Chase Action Cartridge Kemco Super Draconecrom RPG Cartridge Kemco Operation Europe Strategy Cartridge Koei Parodius Shooter Cartridge Konami Powerful Pro Baseball Sports Cartridge Konami Twinbee Action Cartridge Konami Impossible Mission 2025 Action Cartridge Microprose Bebe's Kids Action Cartridge Mandingo Pocky and Rocky ][ Action Cartridge Natsume Ken Griffey Baseball Sports Cartridge Nintendo Kirby's Tee Shot Sports Cartridge Nintendo Sound Fantasy You-Do-It Cartridge Nintendo Stunt Trax FX (FX) Racing Cartridge Nintendo ^--> Formerly F/X Trax... several name changes!! Super Metroid Action/Adv Cartridge Nintendo Addams Family Values Action Cartridge Ocean The Shadow Fighting Cartridge Ocean Soccer Kid Sports Cartridge Ocean ExoSquad Shooter Cartridge Playmates Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Adventure Cartridge Playmates Lemmings II: Tribes Strategy Cartridge Psygnosis Freeway Flyboys Racing Cartridge Seika ESPN Baseball Tonight Sports Cartridge Sony Imagesoft Breath Of Fire RPG Cartridge Square The Death Of Superman Action Cartridge Sunsoft Speedy Gonzales Action Cartridge Sunsoft Buckaroos (Ren & Stimpy) Action Cartridge T*HQ The Flintstones Action Cartridge Taito The Jetsons Action Cartridge Taito King Of Monsters II Fighting Cartridge Takara Steven Segal Action Cartridge Tecmagik MLBPA Baseball Sports Cartridge Tecmo Prehistorik Man Action Cartridge Titus Code of the Dragon Fighting Cartridge Tradewest Troy Aikman Sports Cartridge Tradewest Hurricanes Sports Cartridge U.S. Gold World Cup USA '94 Sports Cartridge U.S. Gold S.O.S. Strategy Cartridge Vic Tokai --------------------------------------------------------------------------- New SuperNintendo News ___________ ____ _____ ___________ ___________________ | ______| \| | ______| _____________/ ________|______ | _ \_ | ___|__|______ [c&c] \ | \ | | | | | \__________________| \_____|______ |___________| | | | | >--------------------| ----- N E W ----- |-------------------> <--------------------| ----- INFO! ----- |-------------------< |_____| |_____| Super Metroid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be the first of Nintendo's 24megabit game line. It has basically the same look and feel as the original (played the HELL out of it!), except with more colours, better graphics, and better sound. Also, more playability (by far!). The game even starts right after the destruction of Mother Brain! Project Reality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, NINTENDO has shown some people two screens from their 'revolutionary' Project Reality system. A street (with Mario giving his peace sign) and a room, filled with (what's that you say?) Mario pictures on three walls. Wow. Biggie. Do you mind making an actual GAME? Then again, you have until 1995 to do it.. fucking lazy bastards! But wait... it's a CARTRIDGE BASED system, with an optional CD/ROM drive. Wow. I still havent seen that CD/ROM for the SNES yet. Are you planning to make that??? Also, if it has a CD/ROM drive, the sound capabilities could be a whopping *32* channels. Stunt Trax F/X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *NOTE: This game has undergone several NAME CHANGES during the writing of Console News #6. The last I heard was that the game name was STUNT TRAX FX. I do not know if this is right, bcoz my "public relations" friend did not call back. Bummer. Oooooh... 256 colours on the screen at once! COOL (no really, enuff ragging Nintendo. The game looks semi-cool!)! The FX TRAX game will, as the name states, use the SuperFX chip (SFX-2) and be the first game to use all 256 colours on the screen at once. Bad news for you ProFighter+SFX users tho. This game uses the 'FINAL' SFX chip. Which means I doubt it will be playable on your SFX card that the Q has. Sorry! Nintendo claims this SFX chip can display 15,000 polygons per second. It is also a two-player game, so you can race against your friend! Unfortunately the split-screen is tiny (i never liked split screens). Also, this game is "either" 16mb or 32mb. Nintendo can't make up their minds. If it's 32mb, then I guess that upgrade is looking better for my WildCard. ************************************************************************** Sega Genesis Information. ______________________________________________________________________ / _____/ ___________ \. _____/ __________ / _____/ / | \. __>__:. : \ __>__\______ \. \/\______ \ \ : \ : /| | \ : / : \ \ : \ \________ /______ /|____|___ /______ /_________ /____ /________ / e\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ NEW GENESIS GAMES & GAME INFORMATION ---------NAME----------------GAME TYPE----MANUFACTURER-------RELEASE DATE -------------------JAPANESE MEGA DRIVE----------------------------------- Crayon Shin-Chan Action Ma-Ba/Japan UNKNOWN Ragnacenti Action/RPG Sega/Japan June Phantasy Star IV RPG Sega/Japan NOW - 24mb --------------------AMERICAN GENESIS------------------------------------- Barkley! Shutup & Jam Sports Arena UNKNOWN Speed Racer Racing Accolade UNKNOWN Shanghai II Sports Activision UNKNOWN Happily Ever After Action American Softworks UNKNOWN Popeye The Sailor Action American Technos UNKNOWN Itchy & Scratchy Action Arena UNKNOWN Magical Quest Action Capcom UNKNOWN Skeleton Crew Action Core UNKNOWN Marko's Magic Soccer Sports Domark UNKNOWN Mario Andretti Racing Racing Electronic Arts UNKNOWN Mutant League Hockey Sports Electronic Arts UNKNOWN NBA Showdown Sports Electronic Arts UNKNOWN Wing Commander 2 Action Electronic Arts UNKNOWN Battletech Action Extreme UNKNOWN Maximum Carnage Action Flying Edge UNKNOWN Jeopardy! Sports Puzzle Gametek UNKNOWN Frantic Antics Action HiTech UNKNOWN Clayfighter Fighting Interplay UNKNOWN Socks The Cat Action Kaneko UNKNOWN Operation Europe Strategy Koei UNKNOWN Double Dribble Sports Konami UNKNOWN Impossible Mission 2025 Action Microprose UNKNOWN Star Quest Shooter Namco UNKNOWN ExoSquad Shooter Playmates UNKNOWN Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Adventure Playmates UNKNOWN Shadowrun Adventure Sega UNKNOWN Star Trek The Next Gen. Action/Adv Sega UNKNOWN Virtua Racing Racing Sega UNKNOWN World Heroes Fighting Sega UNKNOWN ESPN Baseball Tonight Sports Sony Imagesoft UNKNOWN Tin Head Action Spectrum Holobyte UNKNOWN Pirates of Dark Water Action Sunsoft UNKNOWN Rainbow Islands Action Taito UNKNOWN Fatal Fury II Fighting Takara UNKNOWN Cagey Capers Action Tekmagik UNKNOWN Steven Segal Action Tecmagik UNKNOWN Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby Sports Tengen UNKNOWN Interplanetary Lizards Action Tengen UNKNOWN Time Trax Action T*HQ UNKNOWN Hurricanes Sports U.S. Gold UNKNOWN Incredible Hulk Action U.S. Gold UNKNOWN World Cup USA '94 Sports U.S. Gold UNKNOWN Beavis & Butthead Adventure Viacom UNKNOWN Columns ]I[ Puzzle Vic Tokai UNKNOWN Demolition Man Action Virgin UNKNOWN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SEGA CD GAMES & GAME INFORMATION ---------NAME----------------GAME TYPE----MANUFACTURER-------RELEASE DATE -------------------JAPANESE MEGA CD 1&2---------------------------------- None That I Could Find... --------------------AMERICAN SEGA CD 1&2--------------------------------- Super Battletank Action Absolute UNKNOWN Crime Patrol Action Amer. Laser Games UNKNOWN Mad Dog McCree II Shooter Amer. Laser Games UNKNOWN Space Pirates Shooter Amer. Laser Games UNKNOWN Battlecorps Action Core UNKNOWN Soul Star Action Core UNKNOWN Third World War Strategy Extreme UNKNOWN Brutal Fighting Gametek UNKNOWN Heimdall Adventure JVC UNKNOWN Rise of the Robots Fighting JVC UNKNOWN European Racers Racing Revell UNKNOWN Hammer vs Evil D Action Sega UNKNOWN Tomcat Alley Simulation Sega UNKNOWN Megarace Racing Software Toolworks UNKNOWN Heart of the Alien Adventure Virgin UNKNOWN ^--> Sequel to Out of This World Vay RPG Working Designs UNKNOWN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sega's PORTABLE CD/ROM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the announcement of the new Saturn system, many Sega-CD owners felt like they had been robbed of $300. Buying a CD system only to have it outdated in 2years is not what most people find amusing. Fortunately, Sega has introduced a new *portable* Sega-CD and Genesis unit, all in one. It's name is the Genesis CDX. The CDX will be tiny - 7" wide x 5.5" deep x 1.8" high, weighing in at 1.5lbs. Fortunately, the colours & resolution will be the same on the CDX as on the normal CD and Genesis units. Unfortunately, this machine is not so 'portable' as Sega says it is. It has *NO* screen (then why is it referred to as being portable?). It will be available in March. It costs about $400 (Genesis=$90 + CD=$280 ==> $370, pretty close). But for $400, you get a tiny CD/Genesis unit also capable of playing CDs. Return to Sega Menu " Link SEGA! Return to Main Menu " Link MAIN Sega TV Channel Is HERE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In a special agreement with Sega of America and Time Warner Entertainment Co, The Sega Channel (TSC) has been born. TSC offers a total of 50 Genesis games that users can "download" from the TV station into a specially- designed cartridge, then play the game. Not only do you need this cartridge, but your local cable company MUST carry TSC in order for everything to work. Ok, that sounds "neat-o" but what about the cost of the thing? Well, Sega says the station will cost "in the same range as regular premium channels." So, let's see. Where I live, HBO is a premium channel. Cinemax, Showtime, Playboy, ESPN, Disney... all premium channels. The cost? Anywhere from $12 up to $15. I'd say an average of $13.50. Ok. 12months subscription to TSC is appx. $162/yr. Plus the cost of the "special" cartridge. Total should be around $210, probably more. All that for $50 games. Again, I just can't wait (sike). Sega's SVP Chip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In an effort to reduce the cost of special effects games, Sega is planning to introduce a seperate cartridge equipped with a SVP [Sega Video Processor] chip, which is essentially Sega's version of the SNES F/X chip. The game cartridge is plugged into the SVP port, which is then plugged into the Genesis (confused?). Sega says this is to reduce the extremely high cost ($99.99 retail) of some new games, such as Virtua Racing. Unfortunately, VR will *NOT* be a SVP game because of its Spring release date. There will, however, be more games later on this year or early next year. The cost per game should be reduced by at least $50. Sega says they plan to introduce one SVP cartridge, so the user will not have to buy new updates every other month (that's what Nintendo said about their FX!). Since Sega's third party developers have been reluctant to release $100 games, this SVP cartridge could spawn an entire new Sega line-up. *************************************************************************** New Games For Philips CD-i ---------NAME----------------GAME TYPE----MANUFACTURER-------RELEASE DATE Joker's Wild Jr. Cards Accent Media ??? Body Slam Fighting Animation Magic ??? Effacer: Hangman...25 Cen. Puzzle CapDisc ??? Litil Divil Action Gremlin Graphics ??? Kether UNKNOWN Infogrames ??? Max Magic's Elec. Magic Kit Entertain PF Magic ??? Alien Gate Action Philips ??? Caesars World Of Boxing Boxing Philips ??? Defender of the Crown Adventure Philips ??? Hanna-Barbera's Cartoon C. Action Philips ??? Hotel Mario Action Philips ??? Little Monster At School Action Philips ??? Mad Dog McCree Shooter Philips ??? Pinball Pinball Philips ??? Playboy Complete Massage Heh Heh! Philips ??? Wacky World Of Min. Golf Golf Philips ??? Tetris Puzzle Philips ??? Video Speedway Racing Philips ??? Voyeur Mystery Philips NOW Microcosm Shooter Psygnosis ??? Earth Command Strategy Sausalito ??? Space Ace Strategy Superclub ??? Burn Cycle Shooter Trip Media ??? Skate Dude Sports Viridis ??? Zelda's Adventure Adventure Virids ??? Seventh Guest Mystery Virgin ??? *************************************************************************** New games for Panasonic's 3DO NEW 3DO GAMES & GAME INFORMATION ---------NAME----------------GAME TYPE----MANUFACTURER-------RELEASE DATE Escape From Monster Manor Action/Adv Electronic Arts NOW Rise of the Robots Fighting Absolute UNKNOWN Orion Off Road Driving Crystal Dynamics UNKNOWN Star Control II Action Crystal Dynamics UNKNOWN Madden Football Sports Electronic Arts UNKNOWN Peter Pan Action Electronic Arts UNKNOWN Shockwave Simulation Electronic Arts UNKNOWN Super Wing Commander Simulation Electronic Arts UNKNOWN Theme Park Strategy Electronic Arts UNKNOWN Twisted Puzzle Electronic Arts UNKNOWN Way of the Warrior Fighting Naughty Dog UNKNOWN Pataank Pinball PF Magic UNKNOWN Dennis Miller Entertain Sanctuary Woods UNKNOWN Star Trek: The Next Gen. Action Spectrum Holobyte UNKNOWN Gridders Puzzle Tetragon UNKNOWN Jurassic Park Action Universal I.S. UNKNOWN Demolition Man Action Virgin UNKNOWN *************************************************************************** A T A R I J A G U A R Caffeine's questions about Backup Units for the JAGUAR! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When & from whom will there be a JAGUAR backup unit? The JAGUAR is GREAT! Pan and The White Knight (amoung others) have them, and they can't stop raving about it! BUT, if someone DOES make a backup unit, they'd have to think up of a new type/format of disks. JAGUAR games are at least 40megabits. That's alot of disks, considering HD disks only store a maximum of 12megabits per disk. So, do some quick math and come up with at least 4 HD disks. Now I don't know about the rest of you, but loading 2 HD disks takes enuff time for me to get pissed off. But -4- disks? The only solution that I can see is to use a 2.8mb format (equal to approximately 20megabits) or use Floptical disks (would raise the cost ALOT!). Also, the size of JAGUAR games will be pretty big, at least 2.5megabytes (12megabit game is around 1megabyte). Some of the larger games might be up to -5-megabytes. Think about the transfer time!! UAGH! I'm sure the PC users don't care, since half their games are 20megabytes (hehe). But you AMIGA freaks out there, with games around 1-2 megabytes, watch out. Think of all the AT&T card customers complaining about their bills. They're high enuff as it is already! :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JAGUAR GAMES & GAME INFORMATION ---------NAME----------------GAME TYPE----MANUFACTURER-------RELEASE DATE Return to Zork Action Activision UNKNOWN Hosenose and Booger Action ASG Technologies UNKNOWN Alien vs Predator Action/Adv Atari April ^--> I want this game!!! SOOO COOOL!!! Checkered Flag Racing Atari UNKNOWN Katsumi Ninja Fighting Atari UNKNOWN Raiden Shooter Atari UNKNOWN Tempest 2000 Action Atari UNKNOWN Tiny Toon Adventures Action Atari UNKNOWN Club Drive Racing Atari UNKNOWN Dino Dudes Action Atari UNKNOWN Battle Wheels Racing Beyond Games UNKNOWN Ultra Vortex Action Beyond Games UNKNOWN Doom Action Id Software UNKNOWN Commando Action Microids UNKNOWN Evidence UNKNOWN Microids UNKNOWN Car Wars Race/Action Midnite Software UNKNOWN Dungeon Depths Adventure Midnite Software UNKNOWN Brutal Sports Football Sports Telegames UNKNOWN European Soccer Challenge Sports Telegames UNKNOWN Ultimate Brain Games Puzzle Telegames UNKNOWN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tips & Tricks for Games ----------------------- Ranma 1/2 Secret Options Screen - SNES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choose the 1 player game. Pick your character. When it shows you a picture of the player, press: X, A, and L at the same time. You should be shown a new screen where you can select a HIDDEN PLAYER: Happosai !! Return to Tips&Tricks " Link TRICK Return to Main Menu " Link MAIN Actraiser II: 38 extra men! - SNES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This code allows you to have -38- extra players, and fight against the bosses! From the password menu, type in: MFMJ TVSV FVPX Personalize Metal Combat! - SNES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't like being called PARTNER?? Here you go! From title screen, on controller1, type: L, A, B, L. The screen should fade and present you with another menu. From here, you can rename PARTNER to any name you want! Pink Panther Goes To Hollywood - SNES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level select: In the middle of any level, hold the start button down to pause the game. While HOLDING the start button down, press SELECT. You should warp to the next level! Castlevania Bloodlines - GENESIS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'EXPERT' mode: At the title screen (with all the options), press: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A. You can now change the gameplay mode to EXPERT. Jurassic Park Levels & Sounds - GENESIS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Select the options menu and hit start. Now, hit start AGAIN to exit the options screen. Highlight "password" and press START. For the password, enter: NYUKNYUK Now, highlight either << or >> arrows. Press & hold A, B, C, and START one button at a time. A message saying 2nd controller enabled will appear. Highlight 'exit' and press any button to begin the game. A stage select and sound text menu should appear Ground Zero Texas CD - SEGA CD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To view a 'secret screen' do the following: Purposely start the game and DIE! When the credits start to roll, QUICKLY punch C, B, A, then START. Mortal Kombat - NEW PLAYER! - GENESIS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN TO ACTUALLY WORK!! To find a character called "Nimbus Terrafaux", do the following: When REPTILE tells you "Look To La Luna", punch in RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT, A, C, B, B, A, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT, C, B, and START. If you entered it correctly (and fast enuff) the game *SHOULD* reset and allow you to play as Nimbus Terrafaux ... but who knows... Cybermorph - Level Codes - Jaguar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level #1 ==> 1008 Level #2 ==> 1328 Level #3 ==> 9325 Level #4 ==> 9226 Level #5 ==> 3444 Hope this helps! Cybermorph - Hidden Levels - Jaguar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are four "hidden levels" in Cybermorph. To get to these levels, you have to go into the Access Code (Planet Selection) screen. Enter 6009 as a code. When you get to the four Saturn-lookalikes, go to the lower right hand corner planet. This is the planet that is basically one big power up, with treasures and weapons. Unfortunately you have to battle your way through the other three planets, but when you do you re-enter the game with all power-ups/weapons gained in the secret levels. Cybermorph - Rotate Logos! - Jaguar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the Atari and Jaguar logos appear [before the cube], punch the pause and option buttons at the same time. Once the cube appears, you can control it with the directional pad. To make it rotate faster/slower, press LEFT or RIGHT. To scale the logo in and out, press UP or DOWN. *************************************************************************** Sega's Saturn System ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (article written by CyAnIdE@410001) This system will "set a new standard for the home video industry." Haven't we all heard this before? Some of the games that are available for the Saturn are Virtua Fighters [3d realistic fighting game] and Daytona [racing game]. This is where things start to get interesting. In future Saturn games, there can be up to 1024 colours, or 2048 colours. Wow! The SNES and GENESIS can only display 256 on the screen at once. This is more than 5 times that amount! The main processor in the unit is a Motorola 68030 processor, same kind used in our Amiga 3000s and Amiga 4000/030s. But, this is a custom job, with speeds reaching anywhere from 18MHz to 24MHz. I think this is the fastest home video game system on the market (or to-be-on-the-market). The NeoGeo runs at 14MHz, and the Genesis at 7MHz, while the SNES lags behind at 3.58MHz. COMPATIBILITY ------------- One of the things that had to be worked out was if the Saturn, with all its new display modes, colours, ect was to be compatible with it's [ancestors?] sister machines, namely the Sega-CD and Genesis. Right now, there has been no comment on it. If there was to be 'fallback' compatibility, there would have to be more chips added, raising the already-high cost of $430 to somewhere in the $500 range, or close to it. What do you get when you shell out $430? You get a CARTRIDGE SYSTEM [surprised?]. There will be an optional CD-ROM drive sometime in the future, but again, there was no comment on it. OVERALL ------- Even if the machine does not have 'fallback' compatibility, it is still a nice game machine. But, for $430, I might go with the 3DO instead. I really don't know! SATURN SPECIFICATIONS --------------------- CPU: Main => TWO (2) Hitachi SH2 32bit RISC processors Sound => 68EC000 CD/ROM Control => Hitachi SH1 32bit RISC DSP: 24bit DSP chip Memory: "Work" RAM => 16megabits Video RAM => 12megabits Sound RAM => 4megabits CD Buffer => 4megabits IPL ROM => 4megabits Graphics: Colours => 16million+ Pallet Colours => 2,048 or 1,024 colours Polygons => 900,000 polygons per second Effects => Flat shading, glow shading, texture mapping, translucency. Sprites => Scaling, Rotation, Deformation [?? -ed] Scrolling: Layers => Maximum of 5 layers X/Y Scroller => 4 layers Horizontal Line => 4 layers Vertical Cell => 2 or 4 layers Rotation => 2 layers Scaling => 2 layers Windows => 2 layers Sound: Pulse Code Modulation => 32 channel FM => 8 channel Expected Price: Japanese Yen: 50,000¥ approx. $430 USD -Enjoy it! <> CyAnIdE <> *************************************************************************** Sega Cracks Down On Console Boards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * BUSTS * BUSTS * BUSTS * BUSTS * BUSTS * BUSTS * BUSTS * BUSTS * BUSTS * I'm sure that by now literally EVERYONE knows who got busted and when. I'm not going to re-tell everyone what happened, just give some pointers. FIRST OFF, start deleting people. If they have leeched you should have kicked them off a while back. If they are new, and are just scanning, kick 'em off. Start asking for their real names. Watch out for these guys: THOR [from] LOS ALTOS, CA [phone number] 415-000-0000 ROCK-N [from] CALIFORNIA [phone number] 510-000-0000 Here is the person who WE SUSPECT turned Brujjo Dihital' of !MAPHIA! and myself in to SEGA... we matched his account with the paperwork SEGA gave us, and then later on (actually a week ago) SEGA must have forgotten to "white-out" the account they used to log on to !MAPHIA!... Handle : MEGAMAN Real Name: Jim [don't know last name] Phone # : (510)-831-2445 If this person is on your bbs, I STRONGLY ADVISE that you do one of the following: [A] Delete him, no questions asked [B] Limit his access to your NEW USER conference ONLY. [C] Take away his upload files/bytes (set to 0) and do not let him download a thing. Also, after you have done this, go through your users and find anybody that said to let him on, or any that he said was OK to let on. SECONDLY, Console World pisses me off... here's a capture from that file.. FILE: CWORLD.002 " Sega busts of course dominated the scene in early December, It was hard to find any Boards that had Sega Sections if a Console section at all!. But I would like to thank a few sysops who kept their boards unchanged during the SEGA Scare'93. Laviathon, WarDuke & NewWorld, You all kept your boards unchanged and kicking while other sysops ran for their lives. Talk about over re-acting. One thing I think we can all learn from the Bust is that the Console scene should be treated with more respect and secrecy. Sysops should keep their user bases low, let people on you know. The console scene in general is very small. Maybe 15 boards around the globe?, 20 or so suppliers who make things happen and even less coders. What I am trying to say is unlike the Amiga scene, You can get in major shit for Console Piracy so why put yourself at more risk by being stupid." I'd like to respond to this piece of MORONIC text. I PERSONALLY warned people that they were coming. Warduke is an asshole. I don't think he even KNEW about the busts. He is totally oblivious to anything that comes by him. **LAST MINUTE COMMENT** **LAST MINUTE COMMENT** **LAST MINUTE COMMENT** SEGA HAS LOGGED ONTO LAND OF CONFUSION WITH SOMEBODY'S ACCOUNT IN PARADOX !! I DID, IN NO WAY, CONTRIBUTE TO THIS !! THIS IS NOT A JOKE -- WARDUKE, DELETE *ALL* YOUR SEGA SHIT *NOW* ! MAYBE NOW YOU'LL START PAYING ATTENTION TO ME WHEN I WARN YOU ! **LAST MINUTE COMMENT** **LAST MINUTE COMMENT** **LAST MINUTE COMMENT** While other sysops ran for their lives? No... they were being smart. If you were dealing dope and another dude got busted, would you continue to deal or would you keep quiet for a few days/weeks? The only SMART thing to do is keep quiet, low profile. Why put yourself at risk is the only thing I agree with. Having total idiots on your board is stupid. Don't even let them into ANY conference other than your newlamer conf. MAKE them upload pirated files, to prove their worth. If you are unsure, then don't risk it by validating them. If they are inside the USA, VOICE VALIDATE. It may take time and an extra $20 on your phone bill, but isnt it worth it? Last but not least, what's this about risks? It seems that this person was saying [CENSORED] is the best console-only board around. Gee, if I was from Nintendo or Sega, wouldn't this just TIP ME OFF A BIT TO CALL this particular bbs? As the writer said "why be stupid?" Good question (brain dead). I Think This Will Work To Protect Yourself!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *THIS FILE IS NAMED: FEDPROOF.BBS* Here is, in my opinion, the best 'fedproof' questionaire: -------V* CUT HERE V*------- No member is to knowingly violate FCC, Copyright, Obscenity, or other regulations. We assume that ALL programming is within the Public Domain and reserve the right to free usage and copies thereof for the purposes of testing, review, and archiving of said data or programming without shareware, fees, or other compensation to others. If any member advises us to the contrary of these regulations, we will gladly investigate and remove any materials not compatible with these regulations and is sole extent of liability herein. The System Operator(s) (SYSOP) is NOT Responsible for any data contained in this system. Do You Agree To Such Agreements and Terms? [Y/N] Are You, or any other member of your family, a member of any agency, group, organization of an investigative, regulatory, or legal nature, or are you acting in any capacity either privately or in co-operation with any of the foresaid? Y/N Do you (New Applicant) agree not to "give out" or "lend" you account to anyone else? Y/N Do you (New Applicant) agree to keep ALL materials/information transfered/viewed from/on this Bulletin Board System (BBS) to yourself, and NOT disclose ANY information/programs to anyone else? Y/N Do you grant permission for the members to use any such information contained in this questonaire, AND, with your replys to the contained said questions included in the Questionaire, ONLY in the case of a legal dispute, battle, claims, or any such legal involved action? Y/N Are you working with, directly or indirectly, or report to, directly or indirectly, SEGA of America or Sega Ltd.? Y/N Are you working with, directly or indirectly, or report to, directly or indirectly, Nintendo of America or Nintendo Ltd.? Y/N Are you working with, directly or indirectly, or report to, directly or indirectly, any software companies or distributors? Y/N Are you working with, directly or indirectly, or report to, directly or indirectly, any legal firms? Y/N Are you employed by any software, legal, telephone, or investigative agencies or companies? Y/N What do you do for a living? Name Three References Name Three Boards You Are Active On Name Three Releases of Today/Yesterday Where Did You Get This BBS Number [And New User Password] What group are you in [if any]? What Do The Following Stand For......RMK => ATX => CC => FLT => SWC => SMD => MGH => What kind of access do you want? Would You Pay Money For Access? Y/N ----END---- The last question is *VERY* important (can we say "ENTRAPMENT" ?) If they answer with something like "highest possible" and they are NOT in a group, keep asking them until they say "pirate" or "elite." IF they do say this, then IF they try to bust you, show them the text file and say "Entrapment buddy... try again later!" The group part is to see if they are actually in the scene. Everybody knows or should know what they stand for. The references, other boards, latest files are pretty much self-explanatory. Then again, with people writing that Console World mag, I better explain myself: - Investigators don't make friends in the scene - they bust people. So, they have no references. - Investigators call boards to bust them. If the boards listed have been busted, chances are you will be next if you say "Why not? He seems ok!" - The three latest releases cannot incriminate you -- "duh what's a release?" Plus, you can see if they are fast enough for you, or if you are slow enough for them. - Investigators will usually get your bbs #/nup from a board they are monitoring or have busted. If they say "in a file" leave them a msg saying "what goddamn file idiot?" or something similar :) - The 'what group' part is simple -- when was the last time [CENSORED], the private BBS investigator from SEGA, got into a group? (For you idiots out there, the answer is *NEVER*) The legal questions should (I am fairly sure that these will work) prevent outsiders from getting in to your bbs. If it doesn't work, it will at least discourage them, coz filling out like 20 questions is fucking annoying. CLOSING: This is useful for people inside the USA. I don't think european ~~~~~~~~ bbs need these, since most are from the US Constitution and it doesnt matter in europe! :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console Express's Idea of the DPF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The truth about the DOUBLE PRO FIGHTER from CCL. Originally there was another totally incorrect file about the DPF written by a copier seller in New York named National Console Service. We however, laughed when we saw their original file which not only told numerous lies and false information, but they promised to have the DPF in stock and ready for delivery by Jan 10th, even though we at CONSOLE EXPRESS knew it wasn't coming out til mid February.. but with special thanx to one of our representatives flying out to Hong Kong, we can now provide you the most complete and truthful specs of the new DPF from CCL. DOUBLE PRO FIGHTER (RELEASED IN HONG KONG ABOUT 10 DAYS AGO) Ram: 24M Ram (Expandable to 32). Unlike the SPFQ+, there is now a hatch on top of the unit that will allow you to remove the ram board without even opening the unit. This is convenient for future ram upgrades. 2 Mode Operation (SPFQ+ and SMD+): -When inserted into a SNES, acts exactly the same as a SPFQ+ -When inserted into a GENESIS, acts exactly the same a SMD+ 2 Seperate cart slots on top - 1 for each console. 2 Seperate adaptor slots on bottom - works like a MGH: You insert the adaptor into the appropiate adaptor slot underneath the DPF depending on what console you will be inserting the DPF into. (The adaptor is the piece that looks like a cartridge and is used to plug your backup unit into the console cartridge slot) DSP capability ONLY with the new optional DSP CLONE chips made by CCL. These chips do not come standard with the DPF or SPFQ+, they are an optional accessory that can be placed onto the internal circuit board of the unit. These DSP CLONE chips are not yet finished, but we will offer them when they are ready for release. NO FX CHIP CAPABILITY. Contrary to what NATIONAL CONSOLE SERVICE said, this unit does not have any internal FX chip capability. Perhaps when there are enough FX games, action will be taken by CCL to provide future internal or external FX chip support. NO I/O PORT. There is no I/O port located on this unit. Rumors are that there will be a future optional accessory that you can plug into your cartridge slot that will give you I/O support. CD ROM SUPPORT. There will also be an optional accessory that you can plug into your cartridge slot that will give you future CD-ROM support for the upcoming CD-ROM drive from CCL. DISK DRIVE is on the left-hand side of the unit. Yes, hard to believe, but this is the way it is. Maybe because the old FFE technician who now works for CCL has helped design it. Yup, so there you have it. The above information is 100% correct as we have seen it with our own eyes. DPF shipping status: CCL says the unit has been tested to work 100% on a Japanese Famicom and Genesis. However, it has not been tested on any American consoles. This means the occurence of bugs may exist, so they are not yet willing to ship the unit outside HK until has been tested. However, a very small quantity of sample pieces may be obtained if your an authorized dealer such as ourselves. Our Recommendation: If your looking for convenience, and you feel it is already too much effort just to have to power <on> your console with the unit already inserted to play a game (like in a single unit copier), then you won't like the hassle of ejecting the unit and switching the adaptors every time you want to switch the DPF between the snes & genesis. Also the drive on the left-hand side may be awkward for right-handed people. The I/O port doesn't come standard, so this will probably lead to a future revision of current send programs. So if the above doesn't bother you, then go ahead with this unit. We personally will always like the convenience of having two seperate units instead. Your Cost: At this time its undecided, but we'll probably offer it for up to BUT not exceeding $100 more than any single unit copier we sell. No, this is not up to $100 more profit for us, you must remember CCL charges more for this unit as well because they will not sell a dual unit at the same price as a single unit. This is completely understandable. Please note we'll offer a discount price for those who want to be on our waiting list to be one of the first to have this unit. Yes, waiting list. We are not eager to be the first to offer this unit. Why? Because based on our past experience, the initial shipment of any new unit tends to have a few undiscovered bugs in them which are normally weeded out several weeks later. And we don't want to sell bugged units to our customers. We would rather send the shipment back to CCL then ship bugged units to our customers. Maybe our competitors would sell you bugged units, but we wouldn't want it done to us if we were buying from a dealer so we won't do it to you. We expect to have the DPF in stock around the middle of March. This should be ample time for them to remove any bugs. How do you know if you have a unit with the sprite problem? The sprite problem only occurs on the units that came with the plastic cart adaptor seperate from the unit requiring you to insert it yourself. If you bought a SMD+ with the mounted plastic adaptor, your unit is fine. We would also like to mention that we never sold one of these bugged SMD+'s.. Perhaps we lost alot of sales plus the cost of shipping our ordered units back to CCL, but like we said before, we dont wanna sell bugged units to our customers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response to Console Express ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > DOUBLE PRO FIGHTER (RELEASED IN HONG KONG ABOUT 10 DAYS AGO) > Ram: 24M Ram (Expandable to 32). Unlike the SPFQ+, there is now a hatch > on top of the unit that will allow you to remove the ram board without > even opening the unit. This is convenient for future ram upgrades. > 2 Mode Operation (SPFQ+ and SMD+): > -When inserted into a SNES, acts exactly the same as a SPFQ+ > -When inserted into a GENESIS, acts exactly the same a SMD+ > 2 Seperate cart slots on top - 1 for each console. > 2 Seperate adaptor slots on bottom - works like a MGH: > You insert the adaptor into the appropiate adaptor slot underneath the > DPF depending on what console you will be inserting the DPF into. > (The adaptor is the piece that looks like a cartridge and is used > to plug your backup unit into the console cartridge slot) > DSP capability ONLY with the new optional DSP CLONE chips made by CCL. > These chips do not come standard with the DPF or SPFQ+, they are an > optional accessory that can be placed onto the internal circuit board > of the unit. These DSP CLONE chips are not yet finished, but we will > offer them when they are ready for release. Wrong. The DSPs that CCL sells are ripped from the carts themselves. Do you think a company would go through the cost of developing "DSP CLONE" chips for a couple of games? Get real. Oh, I guess the representative you had flying out to Hong Kong did not actually see what CCL looks like. Hm... > NO I/O PORT. There is no I/O port located on this unit. Rumors are > that there will be a future optional accessory that you can plug into > your cartridge slot that will give you I/O support. No rumor. There will be two models of the DPF sold, those with and those without computer i/o ports. This was the case with the Super Pro-Fighter Q, or weren't you paying attention? I don't even have a PFQ but I know that this is the case. Funny that you're a reseller and yet you call it a rumor. > CD ROM SUPPORT. There will also be an optional accessory that you > can plug into your cartridge slot that will give you future CD-ROM > support for the upcoming CD-ROM drive from CCL. Old news, from about two months ago, from the old file. > DISK DRIVE is on the left-hand side of the unit. Yes, hard to believe, > but this is the way it is. Maybe because the old FFE technician who > now works for CCL has helped design it. Who is this FFe technician? I guess the representative you sent to Hong Kong met him and asked him if he used to work for FFe. > Yup, so there you have it. The above information is 100% correct as > we have seen it with our own eyes. > DPF shipping status: > CCL says the unit has been tested to work 100% on a Japanese Famicom > and Genesis. However, it has not been tested on any American consoles. > This means the occurence of bugs may exist, so they are not yet > willing to ship the unit outside HK until has been tested. However, a > very small quantity of sample pieces may be obtained if your an > authorized dealer such as ourselves. Gee, why not get a bunch, test them out yourself on American consoles instead of relying on CCL and then tell everyone how they are? As for being an authorized dealer, thats pretty funny. What are you exactly authorized for? I think that if I bought 5 Pro-Fighters from CCL and started selling them, I could call myself an authorized dealer also, since no one can check if its true or not. Hm, I think I'll do just that. >Our Recommendation: If your looking for convenience, and you feel it >is already too much effort just to have to power <on> your console with >the unit already inserted to play a game (like in a single unit copier), >then you won't like the hassle of ejecting the unit and switching the >adaptors every time you want to switch the DPF between the snes&genesis. >Also the drive on the left-hand side may be awkward for right-handed >people. The I/O port doesn't come standard, so this will probably lead >to a future revision of current send programs. So if the above doesn't >bother you, then go ahead with this unit. We personally will always >like the convenience of having two seperate units instead. Well, not everyone has $700 to spend on two separate units like you cOoL "dUdEz." > Your Cost: At this time its undecided, but we'll probably offer it > for up to BUT not exceeding $100 more than any single unit copier we > sell. No, this is not up to $100 more profit for us, you must remember > CCL charges more for this unit as well because they will not sell > a dual unit at the same price as a single unit. This is completely > understandable. Please note we'll offer a discount price for those > who want to be on our waiting list to be one of the first to have > this unit. How lame. CCL sells the DPF for pretty much the same price as the PFQ. Just admit you are after more profit and be done with it. > Yes, waiting list. We are not eager to be the first to offer this unit. > Why? Because based on our past experience, the initial shipment of > any new unit tends to have a few undiscovered bugs in them which are > normally weeded out several weeks later. And we don't want to sell > bugged units to our customers. We would rather send the shipment > back to CCL then ship bugged units to our customers. Maybe our > competitors would sell you bugged units, but we wouldn't want it done > to us if we were buying from a dealer so we won't do it to you. We expect > to have the DPF in stock around the middle of March. This should be > ample time for them to remove any bugs. Well if your competitors were reliable, they would offer 90 day warranties with their systems, I guess I'll get one from them since you're afraid to be original and carry the first new systems out in a while. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- E X E C U T E E C O N O M I C S L A V E --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file was leeched from: __ /\ ____________| \_______________________________/ \\__________ / ___ / | \________ \ ____ \ __ / \\ ___ / / /___/__ | \/ ____ \ / \ \ \____/ /___/_ \ // / _ \ \ \ / / \__| | // / .-----\ / | \ / / \ | | /------. | \______/____| /_______/\_______/________\|____|\_______/ | | |_____/D! | | | | FAIRLIGHT DELIGHT C.L.F POWER OF DARKNESS HARDCORE DESIGN | | US HQ WHQ USHQ WHQ USHQ | | _____ /\ | | _________ | |________/ \\___________ /\____ | | / / \| | __ / \\ __ /\/ / | | / ___ /__ \ | \ \____/ \ / / / | `------------\ \ | / | \__| | \__/ /---------------' \ / \ | \ | | \\_ _/ \_____/___|\ |______\|____|______\|_____\ \__| Node1: 610-489-5783 HST 21.6 DS Node2: 610-489-6701 HST 14.4 DS [A¡RaDDer v3.0 By A¡Rcø]