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[ Demo Compo ]

Rank  Product Name           Released By  Platform              Points
----- ---------------------- ------------ --------------------- -------
1     Patterns Of Chaos      Aesrude      Windows 7 (Direct2D)  7.915
2     Yirmi                  Zomco        Amiga                 7.133
3     Lanet                  Infect       PC                    6.426
4     Retro Plasma           Return       Commodore 64          6.400

[ Game Compo ]

Rank  Product Name            Released By           Platform     Points
----- ----------------------- --------------------- ------------ -------
1     Istanbul Rally          Lider Oyun            PC           7.925
2     Hedef12                 Infect                PC           7.259
3     Un Loco Poco            Bluesnessman          PC           6.660
4     For A Few More Dollars  Ragnor & Alper        Adobe Flash  5.666

[ Illustration Compo ]

Rank  Product Name    Released By        Points
----- --------------- ------------------ -------
1     RIP Nenn        Metehan Korkmazel  7.895
2     Et              Sencer Ayg�n       6.341
3     Infintesum      Enerji Pozitif     4.860
4     Jump            Enerji Pozitif     4.674
5     Rise and Shine  Enerji Pozitif     4.333

[ Pixel Graphic Compo ]

Rank  Product Name          Released By      Platform              Points
----- --------------------- ---------------- --------------------- -------
1     Hell It's About Time  Arcane / Glance  Commodore 64 (Koala)  8.240
2     Zomcola               Zomco            Amiga                 7.735
3     War                   JSL              Commodore 64 (Koala)  5.918
4     Atlantean             Drey             PC                    5.911

[ Mp3 Computer Music Compo ]

Rank  Product Name             Released By           Points
----- ------------------------ --------------------- -------
1     UNLEASHED                Drey                  8.500
2     Immortality              Nightlord / Glance    7.763
3     Sid Hunter               Ebolax / Goblins      6.600
4     Into the Farland         Allamulax / Resident  6.291
5     Fake The System          Ebolax / Goblins      6.164
6     Lotus Eve                Leonard Blyx          5.709
7     RockSong                 Zeytinbass            5.436
8     Sunshine                 Enerji Pozitif        4.963
9     Hello World              Enerji Pozitif        4.673
10    IndridCold               Metal2                3.927

[ Chip/Mod Music Compo ]

Rank  Product Name             Released By           Type  Points
----- ------------------------ --------------------- ----- -------
1     Human Design             Ebolax / Goblins      XM    7.341
2     Excavator                Hydrogen / Glance     SID   6.818
3     358                      Kabraxis              IT    6.614

[ 256 Bytes Compo ]

Rank  Product Name            Released By       Platform         Points
----- ----------------------- ----------------- ---------------- -------
1     Little Circles Of Life  Skate             Commodore 64     7.817
2     Overscan MEGATEXT Demo  matahari          Amstrad CPC      7.767
3     Plazma                  Eirik / Resident  PC               6.417
4     Xorballs                Optimus           PC               6.350
5     256b-demo               Hades             ZX Spectrum 48k  6.200

[ Wild Compo ]

Rank  Product Name             Released By           Points
----- ------------------------ --------------------- -------
1     Kinternational Karate    Skate & Joker         8.750
2     Cakmasyon                Commander64 / Return  7.082

[ RoboCode On The Fly Compo ]

Rank  Robot Name  
----- -----------
1     Slayer
2     Ucan Masal
3     Noop

[ Party Release ]

Product Name          Released By                    Type
--------------------- ------------------------------ --------------
Rap                   Ebolax & Krokiller / Goblins   Chip/Mod Music
Voai                  Frontsideair                   Game
