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-=(7DX Demo Party 2013 COMPO RESULTS)=-

[ Demo Compo ]

Rank  Product Name           Released By  Platform              Points
----- ---------------------- ------------ --------------------- -------
1     Setting                Return       Commodore 64          7.968
2     Alien                  Infect       Windows (DirectX)     7.645
3     nq4k                   Nightlord    Windows               5.871

[ Game Compo ]

Rank  Product Name          Released By               Platform         Points
----- --------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- -------
1     Uzay Kupleri          Talha Kaya                Windows (Unity)  8.355
2     Super Custom Warrior  Bora Kasap & Emre �enkal  Adobe Flash      8.313
3     Falcon Patrol         Ilker Gorkem              Adobe Flash      7.156
4     7DShoot               Legatus                   Commodore 64     6.545
5     Clash of Cars         Murat & Baran             Windows (Java)   6.531
6     Car85                 Ref                       Adobe Flash      6.438
7     Miley Cyrus'a Atla    Triuman                   HTML5            5.219

[ Illustration Compo ]

Rank  Product Name  Released By   Points
----- ------------- ------------- -------
1     Free Willy    Squidward     9.000
2     Axe           Gokhan Altay  7.727

[ Pixel Graphic Compo ]

Rank  Product Name           Released By  Platform              Points
----- ---------------------- ------------ --------------------- -------
1     Delusions of Grandeur  Arcane       Commodore 64 (Koala)  9.065
2     C64boot                Wizofwor     Commodore 64 (Hires)  6.563

[ Mp3 Computer Music Compo ]

Rank  Product Name       Released By       Points
----- ------------------ ----------------- -------
1     Nexus              Drey              8.367
2     Black Diamond      Yaren / Zomco     7.968
3     Say Hello to Hell  Ebolax            6.967
4     GOTO 10            Ebolax            6.600
5     The Way            Ebolax            6.286
6     Leonard Blyx       Tsukimi           6.200
7     Composition        Drmurti           5.833
8     Love is Universal  Team Meta4        4.633

[ Chip/Mod Music Compo ]

Rank  Product Name   Released By           Type  Points
----- -------------- --------------------- ----- -------
1     PITTISH        Ebolax                XM    6.677
2     Red            Ebolax                XM    6.533
3     Potato         Allamulax             XM    6.433
4     Space          Ebolax                XM    6.300

[ Scripting Compo ]

Rank  Product Name        Released By       Points
----- ------------------- ----------------- -------
1     Demo 2013           Tarik Kaya        6.938

[ Wild Compo ]

Rank  Product Name        Released By       Points
----- ------------------- ----------------- -------
1     Floppyine Bandim    Bager             7.963
2     Mechaball           Mag               7.484

[ Party Release ]

Product Name                   Released By       Type
------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------
Brokoli                        mushwonk-nH       Purebasic Demo
