·this file passed· _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ / \ / \_ / \ / / / \___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \ \ ________\ /______\ \ ____\ \_______\ \/ <(·tHE YARd·)> \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY! [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·] [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·] [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·] [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·] [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·] [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·] ______ _____ _____ ___.-___ __ _____ _____ ______ _) _Y _Y _Y (__) | _Y __Y _Y (_ \_ | \_ | \_ l_\_ _/\_ \_ _/\_ l_\_ | _/ | | | | | | l | | | l | | | | | l__| l_____l__| l__ l__| l__ l__| l__| | `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' ______ _____ ___.-______ _____ _____ _) ._ Y_ _Y (__) _Y _Y __| \_ |/ / | \_ | \_ | \_ |_\_ _/_ | __/ . | l | . | l | l | l__| l__| l__ l__| l__ l__ | 2F `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' 3nds Ringdown loaded with AMIGA/ASCII/CONSOLE/PSX/MAC 4040 26mb 3.1gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/TELNET * TRSI RECORDZ DKHQ * DREAMCHART HQ * HOODLUM DK HQ * * MOT!ON HQ * ROYAL HQ * TRADERS DREAM HQ * STYLE HQ * * LSD HQ * DATA DIVISION EHQ * POLKA BROS. WHQ * PUZZLE WHQ * * KEFRENS WHQ * SAVE OUR SOULS HQ * ARTWORK EHQ * REBELS WHQ * * LOOKER HOUSE EHQ * ROYAL MAC SCHQ * OLDSKOOL HQ * THE PROTECTORS ARE: ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^BLACK PANTHER/PSG UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45 58ASK4IT <0> <0> +FIND ON IRC <0> -[SOF]- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ aLMOST uNREAL 3 aka bEING wEIRD iSN'T eNOUGH by 2fAST/Contra! · _ __/__ ____ ____ :___ _ _____ _ / / / /_ _ _____/ / ¦ ____/ _ \/ \ \/ ___/ _ / _/¯\ | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ¯\ /__/ \ \ |___\___\__\__/___\ \__\___\___\_____\___\ `------------------\___\kRm----------------> @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ._____ ___ .________ _____ ___ ._____. | _ Y (__| Y Y _)_| | | | l | | | | | |__ l__| | l__| l__ l__| | l_____l__' | l__| `--' `--' `--l__| `--' .__ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ 2F | | Y Y Y __Y _ Y (__ | | | | | l__| _/_| | l | l_____l__| l__| l__ l__| l__ | `--' `--' `--' `--' pARt ._____ __ __ _____ _____ _____. | Y | Y Y __Y __| l__| | | l__| _/_| _/_ l__l__| l__| l__ l__ | `--' `--' `--' aka being weird isn't enough presented by ______ :_____:___________: ___: ___/¯|__ __ .-' ._|_ /| __/ _ |/ _|___ __/ `-. | zS! | __/.| _/ _ |____ / | sE! | `-.____ :______|:___| __\___;/_____/ | ____.-' /_____; of - no motherfuckin' stick up - _________ _________ \ /_____________\ / .: | | sTZ!/sE _ ____ ___|___ ___ _____ __ ___ ___ ___|_ ____ _ / \\__/__\ ·\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \_\ \\_ · \__\__// \ / \ \_ \ \ / _/ / _/. _ \_ \__________/_.____/____/ /_______|______\____|___\_____/ | /___\ . .. | | · | .. C O N · T R A .. | /_____________________________\ featuring Cream - Cyberforce - Hellfire - Juicy Dildos 'n Saigon ____________ ._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. ___________ _.__/ | Y Y __Y __Y _ Y .__Y __| \__._ | 2F | | | l__| _/_| _/ | | l | _/_ | | | .__l__| l__ l__| l__| l__ l__ | | | `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' | | | | Yo folks... | | | | First I would like to congratulate H2o! to his new life, being back | | in the ascii-scene, his flat, his girlfriend Nicole and her 4 years old | | daughter named Jenny. I also succeded by myself, as I got offered a big | | position as manager at a huge hardware-reseller down in the southern | | part of Germany. Hope you all got 'Blurred Reality Six' some weeks ago, | | if not simply call 'rAVELAND' and get it on here for free... | | | | At the first days of August, I simply decided to release this kind | | of art around middle of August, but I had some free-time and decided to | | release this collection in middle of August and then calm down again for | | some months. | | | | Beside that, I am installin' a couple of doors at the moment to my | | new Bulletin Board System, which will run via FAME. And I am still work- | | ing slowly on a new Board-Style-Animations-Only-Collections, which will | | be my second animation-collection and my third board-style... | | | | Note, that we dropped Mess, for being unactive - Bumble Bee Land, | | taking Askiness as location, Homeless and Temple of Dreams for being | | offline for a couple of weeks. | | | | signed 2fAST a/k/a Jens | _|__ __|_ | \____________________________________________________________________/ | _|___|_ _|___|_ | | | | _|____________ ._____ _____.--.__ ___ ______. ___ ._____ _____. ___________|_ | | Y _ | Y (__) __| | Y __| | | l__| | | | | l | _/_ | | | _/ | | l__l__| l_____l__ l__ | l_____l__| | | `--' `--' `--' | | ._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ | | | .__Y Y Y Y __Y Y Y _)_. | _|__ 2F | l | | | | l__| | _/_| | l__| |__ | __|_ | \_________ l__ l_____l__| | l__l__ l__| | l__l__' | ________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | | a S C I I S | | | | Devils Point........................................Vampire/Trsi | | Dream Land....................................Soulmaster^Shallow | | House of Usher...............................Harald Krischna/Lsd | | Interphase............................................Interphase | | Pirate's Heaven............................The Assassin/Hellfire | | Raveland.............................................H2o!/Contra | | Rnsc .diz 1......................................Amigo/Rnsc/Neon | | Rnsc .diz 2......................................Amigo/Rnsc/Neon | | Rnsc Inc .huge...................................Amigo/Rnsc/Neon | | Sheep Engine...............................Wise-K/Save Our Souls | | The Assassin...............................The Assassin/Hellfire | | The Junction....................................Slapshot/Shelter | | Vouck..........................................Vouck/Shelter^Phd | | Wise-K.....................................Wise-K/Save Our Souls | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | | c O M M E R C I A L b R E A K | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Devils Point | | Requester: Vampire/Trsi | | Board: Devils Point | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | _|__________________________________________________________________________|_ | | | f A R a B O V E r E A L I T Y | _|___ __.--._____ __ __ __ ___ .___ ____ ._____ _____ __ _____ _____. ___|_ | | | __Y | Y__Y (__| _)_ | Y Y__Y Y | | _|_ | | | _/_| | | | l |__ | | | | | | | | l__| | _|_ | \_ l_____l__ l__ l__l__ l__' | 2F | .__l_____l__l__| | l__| _/ | _|__|_________ `--' `--' ___ `--' `--' __ `--' ____________ `--' ______|__|_ | | | | | | | tRISTAR aND rED sECTOR iNC. gERMAN hEADQUARTER | | | | mASTERS: vAMPIRE, eCS aND mARIO | | | | nODES: 1 - +49-tOO-pRI-vATE uSR 33k6 rINGDOWN | | 2 - +49-tOO-pRI-vATE uSR 33k6 | | 3 - +49-tOO-pRI-vATE bSC 64kO rINGDOWN | | 4 - +49-tOO-pRI-vATE bSC 64kO | | 5 - +49-tOO-pRI-vATE TNET 64kO | | 6 - +49-tOO-pRI-vATE TNET 64kO | | 7 - +49-tOO-pRI-vATE TNET 64kO | _|____________________________________________________________________|_ | | | fIRST gERMAN mAJOR bULLETIN bOARD sYSTEM wITH 24h tELNET oNLINE! | | | | lEGAL wARES oNLY - nO iLLEGAL aVAILABLE - nO dAMN rATIOS | _|____________________________________________________________________|_ | | :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Dream Land | | Requester: Soulmaster^Shallow | | Board: Devils Point | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | _| _____ _ _____ _ _____ _______ _________ |_ |_)__ \__) \__) _/ _____ _) \_ / / / /___/ _/__/ \ / / / /___ /___/ /___` / /___/___/ /| . `---/ `---/_________\ `-----\ | ____ _____ _____ | | _) /________ _) \__)__ \_ | | / / / \ / / / / | | /___ / /___/ /___ / | _|_ 2F __ `---/_________\----\ `---/ _____|_ | | cASANOVAs: Soulmaster^Shallow :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: House of Usher | | Requester: Harald Krischna/Lsd | | Board: Raveland | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | _____ _____ _____ _____ _ _ _ _) / \______ _) / \__) _/___) _/ _ / /// / \ / /__ / _/__ / -ø----- _//___/ / /_______/___' /___` / --------+ / `----\_______/ `---/ `---/ | | _|_ | · o f · | | _|_ | | | _____ _____ _ _____ _____ _____ _._ | _) / \__) _/___) / \__) _/ _) \_ _ 2F | +------ / / /__ / / _/__/ /___// ------+ /_______/___' /___/ /___` /___/ `---/ `----\ `---/_ /_\_ :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Interphase | | Requester: Interphase | | Board: Devils Point | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | __________________ \ / . .__ _____ _____ _____\_____ _____ __/__ _____ ___ ._____. . |_ |__Y Y Y __Y Y Y | Y _ Y _)_| __| _| | | | | l__| | _/_| l__| | | | |__ | _/_ l__l__| | l__l__ l__| | .__l__| l__| l__' l__ | `--' `--' \ `--'/ `--' `--' `--' `--' \___/ 2F :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Pirate's Delight | | Requester: The Assassin/Hellfire | | Board: Acid Slam | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | ____ _ ____ __ ____ _ _____ _(__ \__(_\_(_ \______ _( /_ _( _/ \) _( __/_ / / / / /___/_ \ _/__/ _/__ /__ / / ____/___/___/ // /__ ` /___` / - /___' / --------------------+ /----' /_________\---/ `---/ `---/ | ____ ____ ___ _ ____ ____ __ | _(__ \__( _/ _(_ /____(_\_(__ \__( / \__( /_ | 2F / / / _/__/ / / / / / / _/__ | - - ---- ------- /___ /___` /___ /___/___ _/___/ /___` / ----+ `---/ `---/ `---/ `---/ /____\ `---/ :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Raveland | | Requester: H2o!/Raveland | | Board: Raveland | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | ~ j.UST b.ACK t.O b.REAK y.OUR n.ECK ~ __ _ ___|___ _)_ | ___.___| _ ._) \ |/\ /\ | /\ |\ | (_. _|________________|_ | \ /__\/ \__|/__\ | \_| | _|________________|_ - | | -' | | `- | | - | | | | | | cONTRA wORLD hEADQUARTER | | | | ePSILON dESIGN! gERMAN hEADQUARTER | | | | g^sTYLE eUROPEAN hEADQUARTER | | | | jUICY dILDOS! gERMAN hEADQUARTER | | | | tWISTED gERMAN hEADQUARTER | | | | | | | | nUTS: H2o!/c!/eD/gS/jD/-T- | | | | ExOcEt/aL/aTX | | | | hARALD kRISCHNA/lSD | | | | 2fAST/c!/cF/cRE/hF/jD | | | | | | | | aSCII · aMIGA · aDULT · cONSOLE · pC | | -_|________________|_-. __ .-_|________________|_- | | !_ ___|___ _)_ | ___.___| _! | | (_ \ |/\ /\ | /\ |\ | _) \ /__\/ \__|/__\ | \_| | | 2F :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Rnsc .diz 1 | | Requester: Amigo/Neon/Rnsc | | Board: Made in Germany | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | ____ ._______ _______ ____ ._______. _____ / | Y Y _)__| .___| \ / | l___| | |___ | l | \ 2F __\_ l___| l___| l___' l___ | _/___ `---' `---' `---' :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Rnsc .diz 2 | | Requester: Amigo/Neon/Rnsc | | Board: Made in Germany | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | __|______ ._____ _____ ___ ._____. _____|__ \ | | Y Y _)_| .__| | / | 2F | l__| | |__ | l | | _|______ l__| l__| l__' l__ | _____|_ `--' `--' `--' :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Rnsc .huge | | Requester: Amigo/Neon/Rnsc | | Board: Made in Germany | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | / ø _____ _____ ______ _____/ __ _____ _____ _) \__) \__) __/__) / _) \_) \__) / __ / /___/ / /__ / _/__ / / / / _/__ __ / /___/ /___/ /___' /___` / /___/___/ /___` / / _/ `----\ `---/ `---/ 2F `----\ `---/ :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Sheep Engine | | Requester: Wise-K/Save Our Souls | | Board: via e-mail | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _( __/__( / \__( _/ _( _/ _(__ \_ _________________________________ _ /__ / / _/__/ _/__/ / / /_/ /___' /___/ /___` /___` / ____/ _/ `---/ /____\ `---/ `---/----'____ ____ ____ _ ____ ____ _ _( _/ _(__ \__(__ \__(_\_(__ \__( _/ _ / / _/__/ / / / / / / / _/__ /_ /_________________________ 2F /___` /___/ /___ _/___/___/ /___` / `---/ `----\ `---/ `----\ `---/ :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: The Assassin | | Requester: The Assassin/Hellfire | | Board: Acid Slam | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | __ ____)_._)_ \ \ |\ \ \ | \__ _____ _____ _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _( __/__( __/______ _( __/__( __/__(_\_(__ \_ / \__ /__ / \__ /__ / / / / / /___' /___' / /___' /___' /___/___/ / 2F /_________`---/ `---/_________`---/ `---/ `----\ :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: The Junction | | Requester: Slapshot/Shelter | | Board: Raveland | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | _|_ ._____ __ __ _____. _______________________________________________|_ | | Y | Y __| | | l__| | | _/_ | | l__l__| l__ | | | `--' `--'.__ __ __ _____ _____ _____ __ _____ _____. | | .__| Y | Y Y .__Y Y__Y Y | | _|__ | | | | | | | l l__| | | | | | | __|_ | \______________ l__ l_____l__| l__ | l__l__l_____l__| | _/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' `--'2F `--'_|___|_ | | | | :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Vouck | | Requester: Vouck/Shelter^Phd | | Board: via e-mail | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | ____ ._______________ _____ _____ _____ ____/ / ____________. _|_ _) / \______ _) / \__) / _) / / | | / / / \ / / _/__/ / /_. _|_ |____________ /___ / /_______/___` /____\_____| ____ 2F ____| `----\_______/ `---/ :::. ___ |__ ______._ _|_ _ _______ ___ ___ | :: )__\|) | ()__(`--.)__, )__() () ')_/,)__\| ::: | )__| | 2F :: ::::' _|__________________________________________________|_ | | | Name: Wise-K | | Requester: Wise-K/Save Our Souls | | Board: via e-mail | _|__________________________________________________|_ | | _|________________ .__ __ __ __ ___ _____. .__ __ __________________|_ | | | | Y__Y _)_| __| _ _ | _/ / | | | | | | | |__ | _/_ \\// | \ \_ | | _|____ 2F ______ l_____ l__l__' l__ | l__\__/ _______________|_ | `--' `--' `--' | _|____ ._____ _____ ________ ________ _____ _____ _____ __ _____ ___ _______|_ | | .__Y Y Y Y __Y Y .__Y__Y _ Y (__. | | | l | | | | | | | | | _/_| l__| l | | | l | | | l__ l_____l__| | l__| | l__ l__| l__ l__l__| l__ | | | `--' `--l__| `--l__| `--' `--' `--' `--' | | .--.__ _____ _____ _____ __ __ | | | Y Y __Y _ Y _/ / | _|__ | | | l__| _/_| | \ \_ __|_ | \_________________ l_____l__| l__ l__| l__\__/ __________________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | | | | soon available at your local bulletin board system: | | | | __ __ __ _ _ _____ __ ___ | | _/ /\__/ /__/ /_ / \_/ \____ / /_ _/ _/ | | / / / / / _/_/ / / / / \/ _/_/ _/_ | | /_____/_ /_ / /__/__/__/ // /_ / /_ / / | | _ \__/ \__/ \____\______\__/ \__/ | | __ __ _ ___ __ __ ___ | | ___ _/ /___/ /___/ _/_/ /_ ___ _/ \__/ _/_ | | / \/ / / / /\_ / _/_/ \/ /__/\_ / | | / /_ /_ /_ / /_ / // /__/ /_ / / | | /_______\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/_______\ \__/ | | 2F /_ | | | | | | featuring 100% coolness by | | 2fAST, H2o, Jack^Danielz, Rapid, Stratos, Stylez 'n Treach | | | _|_____________ ._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __.--. ______________|_ | | Y __Y .__Y Y Y | | _|__ 2F | l__| _/_| l | | | l__| | | __|_ | \__________ l__| l__ l__ l_____l__| l_____| ___________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | | most requests of these collection came from these bbs's: | | | | 1. Devils Point ..............................3 requests | | Made in Germany ...........................3 requests | | Raveland...................................3 requests | | via E-Mail.................................3 requests | | 5. Acid Slam..................................2 requests | _|__________________________________________________________|_ | | _|________________ ._____ _____ _____ __.--.__ _____ ___ ___________________|_ | | .__Y Y __Y |__Y Y _)_. | _|__ | l | l__| _/_| | | l__| |__ | __|_ | \_____________ l__ l__| l__ l_____l__| l__l__' | _____________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' 2F `--' _|___|_ | | | | | a.LMOST u.NREAL 3 a/k/a b.EING w.EIRD i.SN'T e.NOUGH | | | | all tackin' and design by 2fAST/Contra! | | | | expect Karma/Arclite with Contra file-id | | Zeus/Style with 2fAST ascii | | and Stz/Style with Contra ascii | | | | recorded at Brooklyn Zoo/Germany | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | _|________________________ ._____ ___ ._____ __ __. _______________________|_ | | _ Y _)_| .__Y__Y__| | | | |__ | l | | | | | l__| l__' l__ l__l__| | | `--' `--' `--' | | ._____ _____ ___ ._____ _____ _____ _____ ___ | | | Y __Y _)_| Y __Y .__Y Y _)_. | _|__ | l__| _/_|__ | | | _/_| l l__| |__ | __|_ | \_________ l__| l__ l__' | .__l__ l__ | l__l__' | ________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--^--' `--' `--'2F `--' _|___|_ | | | | | to the followin' groups: | | | | Arclite | | Art | | Dezign | | Divine Stylers | | Epsilon Design | | House of Style | | Jedi Arts | | Mo'Soul | | Style | | Twisted | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | _|__________ .________ _____ ___ .___ ._____ _____ _____ ___ _____________|_ | | Y __Y _)_| _)_| _ Y _ Y __Y _)_. | _|__ 2F | | | | _/_|__ |__ | |__ | _/_|__ | __|_ | \_______ l__| | l__ l__' l__' l__| l__' l__ l__' | _______/ | _|___|_ `--l__| `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | | Hausfrau/Oma ... Check, what I said to Mogue!... Reach me on | | Endless Pain again. And stop playing with | | your Psx. | | | | The Assassin/Hf ... Kick me or love me. It's an easy decision. | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | _|__________ ._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ _____ _____ ___ _____________|_ | | _ Y Y __Y __Y Y__Y Y _ Y _)_ | _|__ 2F |__ | l__| _/_| _/_l__| | | | |__ |__ | __|_ | \_______ l__' l__| l__ l__ | l__l__l__| l__' l__' | _______/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | | in a-z order | | | | Amblin · Amok · Autopsy · Ayathollah · Baffle · Bbc · Byteandi | | Ecs · Enzo · Fazwonga! · Cascay · Colonel · Cougar · Creep | | Deathknight · Desert · Digiman · Fatal · Fckw · Frb · Fury | | Goldman · Gravedanver · H2o · Hausfrau · Helen Duval · Hotwire | | Hudson Hawk · Jack^Danielz! · Jake · Lance · Magic Max · Mario | | Marky · Mess · Mogue · Night Assassin · Noisy Belch · Nup! | | Popcorn · Punk · Pyro · Radiosity · Rapid · Relief · -Slime! | | Sagor · SalOne · Sarah Young · Shapechanger · Shock-G · Siegel | | Sigma Seven! · Spellfire · Stezotehic · Stratos · Stylez | | Tango · Tcb · Turrican · The Assassin · The White Knight · Tnm | | Tom · Tommy · Treach · U-Man · Vampire · Vouck · Voyage | | Wise-K · Whiz · X/\D · Xcluziwe · Zeus · Zigor · Zinko · Zoltrix | | Zou^Zou! | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | _|_______________ .___ .__ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. ______________|_ | | _)_| | Y Y Y Y Y | | _|__ 2F |__ | | | | | | | | | l__l__| | __|_ | \____________ l__' l_____| .__| .__l_____l__| ___ l__| ___________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | | Hardware: A2ooo/6oMhz, 4.2 Gigabyte HD, Highscreen KP75 | | | | Software: CygnusEd Pro v3.5 by CygnusSoft Software 1987-1993 | | | | Music: 'Celine Dion' with 'Falling Into You' | | 'Sepultura' with 'Roots' | | latest 'Maxi Dance Sensation' | | | | Moral: Cascay - for all the latest videos/cd's in the past | | weeks and for that fab. Italian wine. | | Ramses - for trashtalk and trading. | | H2o! - for trashtalk and the two vhs tapes. | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | call these Contra! Bulletin Board Systems _|___________ ._____ _____ __ __ _____ ___ ._____ _____ __.--. ____________|_ | | Y _ Y | Y __Y (__| _ Y Y | | _|__ 2F | l__| | | | _/_| l | | | | | | __|_ | \________ l__| l__| l__ l__ l__ l__| l__| l_____| _________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | Sysop: H2o! Location: Contra World Headquarter Nodes: One (28k8) Status: Online! _|______ .__ __ _____ __ __ _____ ___ .__.--. __ ._____ __ __ _____. ______|_ | | | Y Y | Y Y (__| | | Y | Y __| | | | | | | | | | | l | | | l__| | | _/_ | | l_____| .__l__| l_____l__ l_____| l__l__| l__ | | | `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' | | .___ ._____ __ __ __. | | | (__| _ Y | | | | _|__ 2F | l | | | | | __|_ | \______________________ l__ l__| l__ | ______________________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' `--l__| _|___|_ | | | | Sysop: Ramses Location: Contra German Headquarter Nodes: Three (1*28k8/2*64kO) Status: Online, savest place to reach me! _|_______ .___ .__ ____ __. _____ ._____ _____ __ __ __ _____ _____. ______|_ | | _)_| _/ / | | | Y Y | | Y __Y | | _|__ 2F |__ | \ \__ | l__| | | | | | | _/_| l__| __|_ | \____ l__' l__\__/_' | ________ l__l_____l_____ l__ l__| ______/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | Sysop: Enzo Location: Contra Denmark Headquarter Nodes: Seven (3*28k8/2*Isdn/2*Telnet) Status: Online! _|___ ._____ __ __ _____ __ ___ .__ __ ________ _____ _____ _____. ________|_ | | Y | Y Y__Y _)_| | Y Y __Y Y | | | | | | | | | | |__ | | | | | _/_| | l__| | | | | .__l_____l__| l__l__' l__| l__| | l__ l__| | l__| | | `--' `--' `--' `--' `--l__| `--' `--' | | .__ _____ _____. | | |__Y Y .__| | _|__ 2F | | | | l | __|_ | \________________________________________________ l__l__| l__ | __/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | Sysop: Siegel Location: Contra Distribution Site Nodes: Two (2*28k8) Status: Online! _|_________ .__ __ __ __ __ _____ _____ _____. _____ ._____ _____. _________|_ | | | | Y | Y __Y Y __| | Y | | | | | | | | _/_| l__| _/_ l__| | | | | | l__ l__| l__ l__| l__ | l__l_____| | | `--l__| `--' `--' `--' | | .--.__ __ _____ _____ __ __. .________ _____. | | | Y__Y Y .__Y | | | Y __| | _|__ 2F | | | l__| | l | | | | | | _/_ __|_ | \________ l_____l__| l__l__ l__| | ____ l__| | l__ | ________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--' `--l__| `--' _|___|_ | | | | | | | | | Acid Slam................................................Digiman | | Devils Point.............................................Vampire | | Endless Pain...............................................Mogue | | Made in Germany........................................Magic Max | | Noisette.............................................Noisy Belch | | Spiritual Reality..........................................Marky | | Uphold the Law............................................Ramses | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | _|____________________ ._____ ________ _____ __ ___ ________________________|_ | | __Y Y _ Y__Y (__. | _|__ 2F | _/_| | | | | | l | __|_ | \_________________ l__ l__| | l__| l__l__ | __________________/ | _|___|_ `--' `--l__| `--' `--' _|___|_ | | | | | | | ahnjn@t-online.de | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | Simply use this for your requests (anim/ascii/ansi amiga or pc) | | or simply for some trashtalk. This is simply the best choise for | | foreign requesters to reach me. | _|__________________________________________________________________|_ | | -[EOF]- . this file has been frozen inside . . : ____ _|_ __ : : \/ \ / \/, : : ______ ______ ______ ____ _____ ______ ______ ______: __) _ (____) __ (____) _ (__) (__ __) /_____) ___( __) _ (__) _ (__ / / _ ( _ __ __/_/ _ / _ __(__/ __ / / \___/ /\____ /\___/ \____ ( \___/ /\____ _____/ \___/ / : )___/gdm-)____/ /____/ )______/ /____/ )____/lkr/____/ )___/: : _ _ : : - - -)_)- P · A · L · A · C · E -(_(- - - : : : `----------------.- t.h.e.n.o.r.t.h.e.r.n.p.a.l.a.c.e -.-----------------' _::_ 3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac _::_ \/ 4040 26mb 3.1gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet \/ motion · royal · traders dream · trsi recordz · dreamchart · hoodlum dkhq style · lsd · data division ehq · polka bros. · puzzle world headquarter! save our souls hq · looker house ehq · royal mac schq · oldskool hq kefrens whq · artwork ehq · rebels whq . - - board dedushka-morozes - - . : : zinko · playmate · sisko · bilbo baggins/m! · neil/flt · deliveryman ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx · fury/psg/m! · black panther/psg : : . -^- - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- - -^- . . . . . _____: . O o O _____|_____. _____ .) |____o [ t . H . E - y . A . R . d ]_o . _| / .|_____/_ /_ : _ | : \ / |/ / _// \ . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . | |____/|____/ /__________\ . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . | /______/ _ _: _____ ______ __________ ________: \\\. / /__________\_ /_/ _ // ._ /. consoles.amiga.graffiti ! / /| / _ \ / / |/ | ascii.hiphop.mp3.ibm/pc |/_____ /____\_______\___\________________| classics.drugs.linux/dd :_ t^/____/ _. zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY | (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______: one of the finest in +49 _ _ ___) (_) : #1 33k6. #2 28k8. #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet #8 telnet