     ________________|  t H E  p A Y O F F  oNE oF ...  |________________
    | / /            .              .                   .             \ \|
    |/ /     ________________  _____|\_____        ___________         \ :
    : /      \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/          \|
    |/      tsar1/      \    /      __/     \    /      __/_____         !
    |           /        \  /       |        \\//       l       \        |
    !          /__________\/________|_________\/_____________w^s_\       |
    |                                                                    :
   \|/        ROYAL CONSOLE DHQ  ·  VISAGE DHQ  ·  ACCESSION DHQ        \|/
    |             /\                                                     !
    : _ ___/\    // \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ _________|__
    |_\______\  //   \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/
    /       | \_      \\____ l ____/ /     |    \/     ____/  /     ____/|
   /     ______/       \ /       \  /      |     \       |   /        |  !
  /________| /          /_________\/______________\______|  /_________|  :
    | :     /____________\                                            !  .
    ! | ND#1 +31-70-320-5418 28k8 VFC  DiABLO^MTH^RYL^HNY^RDZ^VSG^ACC |
    : ! ND#2 +31-70-320-8453 28k8 VFC  DELiTE^MTH^RYL^TAB^EDG         :
    . | ND#3 +31-70-327-1427 21k6 DUAL sCARFACe^VSG^OS!^HNY           |
      : ND#4   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    BOLDY^ULC^SLT                  :
      ! ND#5   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    QUiCKSILVER^GLD                |
      | ND#6   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    TRaSH^MTH^OPS^VSG              |
      `-----+                                                   +-----'
            ! uPLOADED bY sCARFACe         ^ * vSG/hNY/-T!/rDZ  !
            :  pASSED hERE oN 11-19-1995, 02:31:03 aT nODE 03   :
            .                                                   .

                .___________ _|_ ______________________________.
                |             |                                |
                :   bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE   |
  . _______ __ _|_ ____             ______           ________  :      _____
 _|_\_    / .   |  .   \_ __  ______\_.   \  ______ _\_.    /__| ___ /  __/__
  |  /   /  |   :  |    /   \|    /   l    \/  .   \   l___/\_ |/   /___    /
  :  \   \______|______/     \   /_________/   |    \________/ /  _/_______/_
 _l______/sc    :    _/    \____/         \__________/  _/     \___)         |
|               .    \_____|                            \______|             |
|                                                              :             |
|      hELLFiRE wHQ! · tRISTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC., lSD & iLS aMIGA eHQ!       |
|       tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE      |
|         dREAMCHARTS, sUNFLEX iNC., dEViOUS dEZiGNS & iNHUMANS dHQ!         |
|            -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ!             |
|                                                                            |
|                                 mASTERS aRE:                               |
|     -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·-     |
|                                                                            |
|     2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
|                                                                            |
|  +31-(o)-548-54O-653        +31-(o)-548-521-716       +31-(o)-548-521-848  |
|    -·>16k8 dUAL<·-            -·>28k8 dUAL<·-           -·>28k8 dUAL<·-    |
|                                                                            |
l_________._ _                                                  _ _._________|
 ________ |   -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·-   | ________
|________||                                                        ||________|
          :        uPLOADEd bY 2fAST            oN nODE #01        :
          .   tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 01:25:40 , 11-19-1995   .

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  ________          ____          ________
_/   _   /____ ____|__  |_ _______\ _ _   \_
|    /__/     \ _    /  _/   _    /\/ _    |
|   /  /      \\/   /   |    /   /\___|    |
¯\_____\_______/   /_.__|    \_____\  |____|
 +-[Contra!]- /______|--|____| ------------+
                                By 2fAST

               _____ _                                 _ _____
             ._) __                                       __ (_.
             |   \/               · 2fAST ·               \/   |
  _______     ________  _________   ________________________ ________ _____
_|      (_____\__    (_/         \_/          _      _      /      _//     |_
\_      .       /    _//          \_         _/      _      \      \/      _/
 |      |      /\    \_.___________/_________\_______/      |\      \      |
 |___________  /\______|-Mo!                        /_______________/______|
             \/ __                                         __  .
             ._ \/                · 2fAST ·                \/ _|
              /_____ _                                 _ _____\


     ___ _
   ._) __         · 2Fast - H2o! - Treach - Stratos ·Stylez - Rapid - Mess ·
   |   \/
      ________  _________  ________ ______          _ ___________
    _/      _/ /         \ \_      \_     |_________\\\    _    (_.
    \       \_//          \_/       /     _        /       _      |
     \       \_._________._/       /     _/      _/ _______/      |
      \________|-Mo!     |________/______\       \_.      /_______|    __  .
                                          \________|                   \/ _|
   · No Motherfuckin' Stick-Up ·                                    _ ___(


             Cream (Prestige Console Division) and Cyberforce

         ______  ______2F_____   ______  _____   ______  ___     ______
        _)    (__)    (__)  _/  _)  __/__)  _/  _)    (__) /_   _)  __/_
       /   /   /   /___/   _/__/\__    /   _/__/   /   /   _/__/\__    /
      /   ____/___/   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /___/   /__ /   /__ /   /
     /____\              \___/   \___/   \___/   /____\  \___/   \___/

                                                                   _ ___
                                              _____                 __ (_.
      ______ _________          ______ ______|    (_.               \/   |
    _|      /         \ _______|     (_)     |      |
    \_    _//          \\      /      .      _      |    · TouchDown ·
     |    \_.__________/      /|      |      |      |
     |______|-Mo!      \_____________________|      |
                         _ _____             |      |       ________
                         \\\_   \   _________|      | ______\_      \_
                     ______ /    \_/         .      ||     (_/       /
 .  __              |     //     _//         |      /\    ._/       /
 |_ \/              |____________\__________________/\  __|________/
   )___ _                                             \/

           -bbs-style inclusive some extra gifts for my worms!-

            an (ontra production (c) 1995 -  All rights reseved

    __     ____  ______     ___     ____      ____   _____
  _/ /_   /    \ \    /____/  /____/  _/    _/    \_/   _/
 /   _/__/      \/   \   _   /   _   _/__  /   /   _   _/
/__ /   ________________/__     /__ /   /  \______/   / ------    -- -----+-.
   \___/                   \___/   \___/         /____\
              ____   _____    ____   ___      ____    ____   ___      _____/_
    2F      _/    \_/     \__/    \__/ /_   _/  _/  _/    \__/ /_   _/  __/_
           /   /____   /   _   /   _   _/__/   _/__/   /   _   _/__/\__    /
 ----- --+/__ /   /\______/___/   /__ /   ___ /   ____/   /__ /   ___ /   / --
             \___/           /____\  \___/   \___/   /____\  \___/   \___/

                o1 - Preface
                o2 - Interception - the BBS-style
                o3 - Commercial break I
                o4 - Incomplete pass - the gifts for my worms
                o5 - Commercial break II
                o6 - Credits, wise words, etc.

               ____    ____    ____    _______     ____    ____
     _______ _/    \__/    \__/  _/  _/  _/   \  _/    \__/  _/ _________
            /   /   /   /___/   _/__/   _/     \/   /___/   _/__
     _____ /   ____/___/   /__ /   /   //_______\_ /   /__ /   / ________
          /____\              \___/____\2F        \___/   \___/

     After feeling worse and lost interests in the ascii-bizz, I am just
      back to give you another life-sign from my side...! Oops... Much
      happened the past weeks... i.e. I joined (ontra! and lost my
      Independent-lable! Mogue! left (ontra for Arclite... so he will
      now rule under this lable! But nevertheless we got our first
      foreign member... Stratos! He will soon release a cool collection,
      till his release you have to enjoy mine! Also Treach is working
      on a new one! The preview, which I saw was f#@kin' superb. But I
      don't wanna nerv you much more...! Enjoy the show and keep on
      voting for us...

   ___ _
 ._) __                 __  ________ _____            _ ___________
 |   \/               __\(__\_      \_    |_ _______ _\\\_        /
                     |   \  |/       /    _/     __///_ _/      _/
   · InterCeption ·  |    ._/       /     /     _\      \       \_.
                     |____|________/      \______________\________|
   ________ ________ _   _ ________|__    |  __   _________  ________
 _/      _//     __///___\\\  _      /    |_ )/_ /         \ \_      \_
 \       \/     _\           _/     /     _/ / _//          \_/       /
  \       \_.__________.     \_____.      |    \_._________._/       /  __  .
   \________|-Mo!      |______|    |_____________|         |________/   \/ _|
                                                                     _ ___(

                             o1 - Amiga
                             o2 - Super Famicom
                             o3 - Super Nintendo
                             o4 - Mega Drive
                             o5 - Genesis
                             o6 - Playstation
                             o7 - Handhelds
                             o8 - Members only
                             o9 - PeeCee
                             1o - Saturn
                             11 - Neo Geo
                             12 - Gameboy
                             13 - Gamegear

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
o1 - Amiga

               ______     ___________        ______   ______
              /      \  _/           \_/\  _/      \_/      \
             /        \/    /    /    /  \/    /    /        \
            /__________\___/____/    /____\__   ___/__________\ 2F
                              /______\       \____/

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
o2 - Super Famicom

    _______   _______    ______    _____     ______
  _/   ___/__/   /   \__/      \__/   _/   _/      \_
 /\___     /    /     /    /    /    _/___/    /____/
/___ /    /__________/    _____/___ /    /____/        2F
    \____/          /_____\        \____/
           __________     ___________        ______    ______    ___________
         _/   _/     \  _/           \_/\  _/      \__/      \__/           \_
        /    _/       \/    /    /    /  \/    /____/    /    /    /    /    /
       /    /__________\___/____/    /____\__ /    /\________/____/____/    / 2F
      /_____\                /_______\       \____/                 /_______\

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
o3 - Super Nintendo

    _______   _______    ______    _____     ______
  _/   ___/__/   /   \__/      \__/   _/   _/      \_
 /\___     /    /     /    /    /    _/___/    /____/
/___ /    /__________/    _____/___ /    /____/
    \____/          /_____\        \____/
      ______        ______    ___       _____     ______  _ ______    ______
    _/      \_/\  _/      \__/  /_    _/   _/   _/      \______   \__/      \_
   /    /    /  \/    /    /    _/___/    _/___/    /    /    /    /    /    /
  /____/    /____\___/    /___ /    /___ /    /____/    /___ /    /\________/ 2F
      /_____\       /_____\   \____/    \____/    /_____\   \____/

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
o4 - Mega Drive

    ___________    _____     ______   ______
  _/           \__/   _/   _/      \_/      \
 /    /    /    /    _/___/    /    /        \
/____/____/    /___ /    /___  ____/__________\
       /_______\   \____/    \____/
                                         _______    ______  /\________ _____
                                       ______   \__/      \_  \      /    _/
                                       /    /    /    /____/   \    /    _/___
                         2F           /___ /    /____/   /______\  /___ /    /
                                          \____/                 \/    \____/

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
o5 - Genesis

          ______    _____     ______    _____     _______     _______
        _/      \__/   _/   _/      \__/   _/   _/   ___/_  _/   ___/_
       /    /    /    _/___/    /    /    _/___/\___     /\/\___     /
      /___  ____/___ /    /____/    /___ /    /___ /    /  \__ /    / 2F
          \____/    \____/    /_____\   \____/    \____/____\ \____/

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
o6 - Playstation

      ____    ___          ____    _____   __           __      ____    ____
    _/    \__/  /___     _/  / \__/  __/__/ /_        _/ /_   _/    \__/    \_
   /   /   /   /   /____/   /   /\__    /   _/_______/   _/__/   /   /   /   /
  /   ____/__     /     \__    /__ /   /__ /   /     \_ /   /\______/___/   /
 /____\      \___/       \/____\  \___/   \___/       \\___/  \        /____\
                /_________\                  /_________\  /____\ 2F

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
o7 - Handhelds

       ____           ____  ______    ____    ____    ___   ______    _____
     _/  / \______  _/    \_____  \__/  / \__/  _/  _/  /_______  \__/  __/_
    /       /     \/   /   /   /   /       /   _/__/   /   /   /   /\__    /
   /___/   /       \__/   /__ /   /___/   /__ /   /__     /__ /   /__ /   /
      /____\________\/____\  \___/   /____\  \___/   \___/   \___/   \___/ 2F

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
o8 - Members Only

          ________    ____    ________  _____     ____    ____    _____
        _/        \__/  _/  _/        \_\   /____/  _/  _/    \__/  __/_
       /   /   /   /   _/__/   /   /   /   \   /   _/__/   /___/\__    /
      /___/___/   /__ /   /___/___/   /_______/__ /   /___/   /__ /   /
            /_____\  \___/      /_____\          \___/           \___/
                 ________    ________    _____       ________
               _/        \__/        \__/    /______/    /   \_
              /     /     /     /     /     /     /     /     / 2F
              \__________/_____/     /____       /_____      /
                              /______\    \_____/     /______\

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
o9 - PeeCee

            ______    _____     _____     ______    _____     _____
          _/      \__/   _/   _/   _/   _/      \__/   _/   _/   _/
         /    /    /    _/___/    _/___/    /____/    _/___/    _/___
        /    _____/___ /    /___ /    /___ /    /___ /    /___ /    / 2F
       /_____\        \____/    \____/    \____/    \____/    \____/

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
1o - Saturn

           _______            ___       ______    ______    ______
         _/   ___/________  _/  /_    _/   /  \__/      \__/      \_
        /\___     /       \/    _/___/    /    /    /____/    /    / 2F
       /___ /    /         \__ /    /_________/____/    /____/    /
           \____/___________\ \____/                        /_____\

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
11 - Neo Geo

    __________    _______       __________
  _/          \__/     _/     _/          \_
 /      /      /      _/_____/      /      /
/______/      /_____ /      /\____________/
      /_______\     \______/
                                   __________    _______       __________
                                 _/          \__/     _/     _/          \_
                                /      /      /      _/_____/      /      / 2F
                               /_____  ______/_____ /      /\____________/
                                     \______/      \______/

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
12 - Gameboy

    ______            ___________    _____  _______      _______    ______
  _/      \_______  _/           \__/   _/  \     /_____/       \__/   /  \_
 /    /    /      \/    /    /    /    _/___/    \    /    /     /    /    /
/___  ____/        \___/____/    /___ /    /_________/\_________/____     / 2F
    \____/__________\    /_______\   \____/                         /_____\

 _____|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _|_  ________                  ______________
|\  /\__,\__/,\  '\__,\__/,\__)\__,|\__/\  / ______ 2F _______\            /__
13 - Gamegear

         ____           ________    ____    ____    ____           ____
       _/    \______  _/        \__/  _/  _/    \__/  _/  _____  _/    \_
      /   /   /     \/   /   /   /   _/__/   /   /   _/__/     \/   /___/
     /__  ___/       \__/___/   /__ /   /__  ___/__ /   /       \__/      2F
        \___/_________\   /_____\  \___/   \___/   \___/_________\

                ______________________________________   __
               _)  ___ ______ _ __ _ ____ ___ ___   __ |  (_
               |   \__,\__/\ | )\ | )\__/,\  '\__,|(__\|   |
               |                                       |   |
               .           _|_ ___ ____  __ |_/_           |
               |_          \__)\  '\__/,(__\|  /    2F    _|

At first let us say something about the artmag:

We  think the guys producing the mag don't really know what it's all about.
They  never  really  joined and lived in asciiscene and know think they are
really  elite,  but  they are just wannabees. The informations given in the
mag  are  often incomplete and that they are not able to do such a job cauz
anyone can look how many collections were released this month and for those
who  are really interested in such things are anyway knowing whats going on
and are even better informed.

Now  we  come  to the so called competition idea by a guy called DEVISTATOR
who  is  unknown  in asciiscene but wants to form an ascii-institution like
this.   I  really  doubt the guys who are really good don't even care about
the compo.
And  the  question appears:  What's happening to the old/real ascii-scene ?
This  is  not  ascii-scene  as  it rooled for years and is still ruling but
never before so many guys wants to get in but are just deplaced there.

Even  the  compo itself is lame.  Devistator, do you really think that guys
from the ancient and ruling scene will support this ?  Probably some of the
newskoolguys  will  do something, who even rip from the oldskool nearly all
their style.
You  want  to  specify  the logo what is to be drawn.  You want to get some
requests  fast  by  a  low price.  Who really cares about 5 mb credz on The
Watershed.   The  really good asciiguys do not have any problems to get the
warez they want.  And do you really think the asciiguys who are spread over
the whole world will call your board ?
But  we must admit it's a nice idea of getting some calls...  and a fucking
lame one.

                                          signed, mogue!/arclite and adon

                                                                      _ ___
                                                                       __ (_.
   __      _______  _____________  ____________ ____          _____    \/   |
 __)/ __ _/     _/ /       .     \/     _     /   _/______  _|     |______
|  /  \_ \      \_//       |     \/    _/    /    |/   __/_ \_     /   __/____
|     |/  \      \_._____________||    \____.     /   _\     |    /   _\     /
|___._/    \_______|-Mo!          |_____|   |_____\__________|____\_________/
    |_______/            _ __________ _ ____________ _______________
                        _\\\  _       \\\    _      /      _      _/
  · Incomplete pasS ·  |     _/     _/       _      \      \      \
 .   __                |     \______\________/      |\      \      \
 |_  \/                |______|             /______________________/
   )___ _

                        o1 - Raveland for H2o
                        o2 - Save our Souls for Xcluzive
                        o3 - Silent Moon for Tolpan
                        o4 - Twisted for Hotwire
                        o5 - Twisted .diz for Hotwire
                        o6 - The Gate for g0!
                        o7 - Data for Data
                        o8 - Black Opium for Data
                        o9 - Ganja for Data
                        1o - On the run for Jazy
                        11 - Hellfire for Jazy
                        12 - Lush Garden for Bird
                        13 - Concrete Roots for Stratos
                        14 - Scarface for Scarface
                        15 - The Payoff for Scarface
                        16 - Boondocks for Sal One
                        17 - Sonic for Sonic
                        18 - Trance for Sonic
                        19 - Repulse for The Silencer

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
o1 - Raveland for H2o

    ______   ____\        /_____     ____     _____     ______  ________
  _/      \_/     \      /    _/   _/   /____/     \  _/      \______   \_
 /    /____/       \    /    _/___/    /    /       \/    /    /    /    /
/____/    /_________\  /___ /    /___      /_________\___/    /___ /    /
      _|____________ \/    \____/    \____/             /_____\   \____/
  2F   |           /_______      ____       ___________         ___     ______

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
o2 - Save our Souls for Xcluzive

  _   _|__________________________ _____
       |             __________        /_____
       _______  _____\        /_____          ______    ______    ______
     _/   ___/_/      \      /    _/        _/      \__/   /  \__/      \_
    /\___     /        \    /    _/___     /    /    /    /    /    /____/
   /___ /    /__________\  /___ /    /     \________/_________/____/
       \____/            \/    \____/ __
 2F                                    /______________________________ _____|_
      ___________   __________    __________    ______        ___________   |
    _/     _____/__/          \__/     /    \__/     /_______/     _____/_
   /\_____       /      /      /      /      /      /      /\_____       /
  /_____ /      /\____________/_____________/_____        /_____ /      /
        \______/                                  \______/      \______/

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
o3 - Silent Moon for Tolpan

    _______       ____      _____     ______    ___
  _/   ___/_/\  _/   /_____/   _/   _/      \__/  /_
 /\___     /  \/    /    /    _/___/    /    /    _/___
/___ /    /    \__      /___ /    /____/    /___ /    /
    \____/______\ \____/    \____/    /_____\   \____/
                          ______________                     2F     ________
                        _/              \__________    ________   _/        \_
                       /     /     /     /         \__/        \_/     /     /
                      /_____/_____/     /     /     /     /     /_____/     /
                              /_________\__________/\__________/     /______\

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
o4 - Twisted for Hotwire

        __       \    /____/_      _______   ___       _____  _________
      _/ /__    _/   /    /  \_  _/   ___/__/  /_    _/   _/  ______   \_
     /    _/___/    /    /    /\/\___     /    _/___/    _/___/    /    /
    /___ /    /______________/  \__ /    /___ /    /___ /    /___ /    /
        \____/              /____\ \____/    \____/    \____/    \____/ 2F

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
o5 - Twisted .diz for Hotwire

                 ____-.___ __ __ __ _____ ___.-_______o.___.
                _)  (__)  |  | _Y__Y    _Y  (__)   __(__)  |
                \_  _/\_  |  | \_ \_  `-\_  _/\_  _/\_     |  
                2|  l  |  |  |  |  |--,  |  l  |  l  |  |  |
                Fl__   l_____   l__l__   l__   l__   l__   |
                    `--'     `--'     `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
o6 - The Gate for g0!

    ______          ____________    ________
  _/     /_       _/      /     \__/      _/
 /       _/______/               /       _/______
/______ /       /_______/       /______ /       /
       \_______/       /________\      \_______/  2F
                                     ________            ____        ______
                                   _/        \_______  _/   /_     _/    _/
                                  /     /     /      \/     _/____/     _/____
                                 /____  _____/        \___ /     /____ /     /
                                      \_____/__________\  \_____/     \_____/

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
o7 - Data for Data

            _______________              ______
             ________      \_________  _/     /_       ________
            /       /       /        \/       _/______/        \
           /______ /       /          \_____ /       /          \ 2F
                  \_______/____________\    \_______/____________\

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
o8 - Black Opium for Data

 ______     ___           ____   \   /
 \    /____/  /_______  _/    \__/  / \_
 /   \   /   /   /    \/   /___/      -/
/_______/__     /      \_ /   /__ /   /
           \___/________\\___/   /____\  2F
                                          ____    ____      ____    ________
                                        _/    \__/    \_  _/  / \__/        \_
                                       /   /   /   /   /\/   /   /   /   /   /
                                       \______/   ____/  \______/___/___/   /
                                             /____\  /____\          /______\

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
o9 - Ganja for Data

                   ______            ______      ______
                 _/      \_______  _/      \_____\_____)_____
                /    /    /      \/    /    /    /    /      \
               /___  ____/        \___/    /___ /    /        \ 2F
                   \____/__________\ /_____\   \____/__________\

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
1o - On the run for Jazy

          ________    ________         ____        ________    ______
        _/        \__/        \_     _/   /_     _/    /   \__/    _/
       /     /     /     /     /    /     _/____/           /     _/____
       \__________/_____/     / 2F /____ /     /_____/     /____ /     /
                       /______\         \_____/     /______\    \_____/
                       ________    ________    ________
                     _/        \__/    /   \__/        \_
                    /     /_____/     /     /     /     /
                   /_____/      \__________/_____/     /

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
11 - Hellfire for Jazy

             ____    ____    ___     ___     ____     ____    ____
           _/  / \__/  _/  _/  /____/  /____/  _/\  _/    \__/  _/
          /       /   _/__/   /   /   /   /   _/  \/   /___/   _/__
         /___/   /__ /   /__     /__     /   //____\__/   /__ /   /
            /____\  \___/   \___/   \___/____\          2F   \___/

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
12 - Lush Garden for Bird

    ___     ____    _____   ____
  _/  /____/  / \__/  __/__/  / \_
 /   /   /   /   /\__    /       /
/__     /\______/__ /   /___/   /
   \___/           \___/   /____\  2F
                                 ____           ____ _______    ____    ____
                               _/    \______  _/    \_____  \__/  _/  _/    \_
                              /   /   /     \/   /___/   /   /   _/__/   /   /
                             /__  ___/       \__/   /__ /   /__ /   /___/   /
                                \___/_________\        \___/   \___/   /____\

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
13 - Concrete Roots for Stratos

          ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    __      ____
        _/    \__/    \__/    \__/    \__/    \__/  _/  _/ /_   _/  _/
       /   /___/   /   /   /   /   /___/   /___/   _/__/   _/__/   _/__
      /__ /   /\______/___/   /__ /   /___/   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /
         \___/           /____\  \___/           \___/   \___/   \___/
      __________    __________    __________ 2F _____         ___________
    _/          \__/          \__/          \__/    /_      _/     _____/_
   /      /______/      /      /      /      /      _/_____/\_____       /
  /______/       \____________/\____________/_____ /      /_____ /      /
                                                  \______/      \______/

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
14 - Scarface for Scarface

             _____   ____           ____    ____        ____    ____
           _/  __/__/    \______  _/    \__/  _/____  _/    \__/  _/
          /\__    /   /___/     \/   /___/   _/     \/   /___/   _/__
         /__ /   /__ /   /       \__/   /   /        \_ /   /__ /   /
            \___/   \___/_________\  2F/____\_________\\___/   \___/

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
15 - The Payoff for Scarface

    ____        ________    ______
  _/   /_     _/    /   \__/    _/
 /     _/____/           /     _/____
/____ /     /_____/     /____ /     /
     \_____/     /______\    \_____/
                              ______            ______    ______    _____ ____
                            _/      \_______  _/   /  \__/      \__/   _/   _/
                           /    /    /      \/    /    /    /    /    _/   _/
                          /    _____/        \___     /\________/    /    /
                         /_____\   /__________\ /_____\        /_____\____\ 2F

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
16 - Boondocks for Sal One

    ______     ____    ____    ____ _______    ____    ____   \   /    _____
    \    /____/    \__/    \__/    \_____  \__/    \__/    \__/  / \__/  __/_
    /   \   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /___/      -/\__    /
   /_______/\______/\______/___/   /__ /   /\______/__ /   /___/   /__ /   /
                              /____\  \___/2F         \___/   /____\  \___/

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
17 - Sonic for Sonic

                    _______   ______    ______      ______
                  _/   ___/__/      \__/      \_  _/      \_
                 /\___     /    /    /    /    /\/    /____/
                /___ /    /\________/____/    /  \__ /    /
                    \____/2F            /_____\___\ \____/

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
18 - Trance for Sonic

                  __      ____           ____    ____    ____
                _/ /_   _/    \______  _/    \__/    \__/  _/
               /   _/__/   /___/     \/   /   /   /___/   _/__
              /__ /   /___/   /       \__/   /__ /   /__ /   /
                 \___/     2F/_________\/____\  \___/   \___/

 _______ ______ _ ___ |____ _|_ ____   ___  __  _   _           ____________
|\  /\__,\__/\ | )\__)|\__/,\__,\__/,  \__)(__\`--.`--.__ 2F ___\          /__
                   \  |                 \      /__|/__|
19 - Repulse for The Silencer

        ______    _____     ______    ______    ____      _______   _____
      _/      \__/   _/   _/      \__/   /  \__/   /_____/   ___/__/   _/
     /    /____/    _/___/    /    /    /    /    /    /\___     /    _/___
    /____/    /___ /    /    _____/\________/___      /___ /    /___ /    /
                  \____/_____\    2F            \____/    \____/    \____/

                ______________________________________   __
               _)  ___ ______ _ __ _ ____ ___ ___   __ |  (_
               |   \__,\__/\ | )\ | )\__/,\  '\__,|(__\|   |
               |                                       |   |
               .           _|_ ___ ____  __ |_/_           |
               |_          \__)\  '\__/,(__\|  /    2F    _|

My opinion about Artmag and the scene around the project...

As I grabbed the first issue of Artmag in around may or june '95 I really
 welcome that new idea...! The issue looked a bit lame, but every first one
 doesn't look such good! But after they released the 2nd and the 3rd one, I
 began to take a deeper look in that kind of mag! They lost the point, they
 wanted to go in the first issue! I thought they wanted to do an release-
 charts mag, like Sneakers is doing such one on console for Super Famicom,
 Sega Genesis and for the Handheld-section... but they only list, which
 group released ?-amount of collections and their names...! Also the inde-
 pendent ones got listed... who cares about an unknown ascii-dude? Not me!
 None from the 'real' scene!

That try from Dvs was a nice one... but who will do such shit! Not me...
 and none from the 'real' scene! If the other ones talk about you, doesn't
 matter if good or bad, and so sometimes bring out quality, and belong tt
 'the scene' for some times, then it will be no problem to get the right
 support... that depends on... how much you like to lick the trader's asses!

                                                           signed 2fAST/(onta!

  _/    \_  _________________________________________________________
 /   /___/____                                                      /___|_
/__ /   /     \______                                                   |
   \___/   /___/   _/
      /___/   /   _/__ _____!_
             /__ /   /_\    |
                \___/   \   |/\    ___
                    \_______|  \  /  /_   ______/_
                           /____\/   _/__/  ___/_
                                /__ /   /\__    /
                                   \___/__ /   /
                            2F            \___/                   t.ouchd.own

  produced & tacked by:  2.f.ast/(!
special appeariance by:  Mogue!/Arclite with Contra  .diz
                                             Contra  .huge
                                             Two fast
                                             Incomplete Pass
                                             and Interception - ascii

                                        recorded & mixed at: seaQuest DSV /ger

 _|___                                          (c) 1995 2fAST a/k/a killa bee
  |  /_________________________________________________________________
                                                                      /___ _

    ____    ____    ____    ____   ___      ______    2F
  _/    \__/    \__/  _/  _/  _/  _/ /_   _/  __/_
 /   /   /   /___/   _/__/   _/__/   _/__/\__    /
/__  ___/___/   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   / to the followin' in no order
   \___/           \___/   \___/   \___/   \___/

                                                    (Mega) Midfit/Anthrox&Swat
                                                    Sigma Seven/Anthrox&Swat
  Special greeted ->                                Fury/Anthrox&Swat/Prestige
                                                    Cascay/Bitch Hunter
  Special greeted ->                                Night Assassin/Sneakers
  Special greeted ->                                Tcb/Cyberforce/Hoodlum
  Special greeted ->                                Sal One/Trsi
  Special greeted ->                                Hotwire/Twisted
  Special greeted ->                                Mogue!/Arclite
                                                    Xcluzive/Save our Souls

                                                    and maybe some more

  |  /__________________________________________________________________
                                                                       /___ _
   ___   ____  __
  /   \_/ _/__/  \_/\  /\
 /    /\_   /  /__/  \/2F\
/____/_ /  /_ /  /____\___\
       \__/  \__/             __    ___   ___   __    ___   __   __     ____
                            _/  \__/ _/ _/ _/__/  \__/ _/ _/  \_/ /_  _/ _/_
                           /  /__/  _/_/\_   /  /  /  _/_/  /__/  _/_/\_   /
                          /__/  /_ /  /_ /  /  ___/_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /
    in no special order:          \__/  \__/___\    \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/

     Arclite · Dezign · Whale · Save our Souls · Art · Twisted · Style
                       and all my maties in (ontra!

  |  /__________________________________________________________________
                                                                       /___ _

        \     /_____ __    ________    ______      ________    ______/_
       _/    /     /   \__/    /   \__/    _/    _/        \__/    _/
      /     /     /     /           /     _/____/     /_____/     _/____
     /_________________/_____/     /____ /     /_____/     /____ /     /
                            /______\    \_____/                 \_____/

                                  ::: ...

             ________           ____        ________    ________
             \      /_____/\  _/   /_     _/        \__/    /   \_
             /     \     /  \/     _/____/     /_____/           /
            /___________/    \___ /     /____ /     /_____/     /
                       /______\  \_____/     \_____/     /______\

                           ______________    ______
                         _/              \__/    _/
                        /     /     /     /     _/____
                       /_____/_____/     /____ /     /
                                /________\    \_____/  2F

                 Uss Enterprise - Cap.P. - +1-8oo-Private!
                 Metal Impact   -  Tcb!  - +32-o1-Private!
                 Brooklyn Zoo   - o.d.b  - +1-8oo-Bitch-Us
                 Spirit of Soul - Mario! - +49-o2-Private!
                 Uss Enterprise - Cap.P. - +1-8oo-Private!
                 Final Impact   - U-man  - +46-o3-Private!
                 Boondocks      - S/\L-1 - +31-o4-Private!
                 No Vegetables  -  Jake  - +31-o5-Private!
                 World of Elite -   Dk   - +31-o6-Private!
                 System One     - Nostr. - +49-o7-Private!
                 The Mansion    - Lineb. - +44-o8-Private!
                 Dial Hard      -  Fury  - +41-o9-Private!
                 Zions Hideout  -  Zion  - +1-8oo-Private!
                 Endless Pain   -   Mo   - +49-1o-Soooooon
                 seaQuest DSV   -   2F   - +49-11-Soooooon

                       or call these (ontra - bbs's:

                 Raveland       -  H2o   - +49-(ontra!-Whq
                 Deep Space 9   - Sisko  - +49-(ontra!-Ehq
                 Homeless       - Slime! - +49-(ontra!-Ghq
                 Punishment Inc - Siegel - +49-(ontra!-Dst

                           or just try this one:

  |  /__________________________________________________________________
                                                                       /___ _


            -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-
 __/  __ __/   _ __/   _ __/   _ __/ ___ __/   _ __/   ____/   / __/   ____/
 \_   _  \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_   _  \_____  \_
  /   / ¯¯/  _/   /  _/   /   /   /  _/   /  _/   /  _/   /   / ¯¯/  _/   /
 /___     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \
 sAl1      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \
   /        \      /________\      /        \      /________\      /
  /          \                    /          \                    /
   [·hELLFIRE wHQ!·]  [·tRISTAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC.·lSD·&·iLS aMIGA eHQ!·]
          [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·]  [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·]

                  --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«--
          ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«---

 -[ +31-(O)-548-54O-653 ]--[ +31-(O)-548-521-716 ]--[ +31-(O)-548-521-848 ]-
      -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-          -[ 28k8 dUAL ]-          -[ 28k8 dUAL ]-

         [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: 2fAST            ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 01 ]]-]   
     [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 01:25:40, 11-19-1995 ]]-]
     ________________|  t H E  p A Y O F F  oNE oF ...  |________________
    | / /            .              .                   .             \ \|
    |/ /     ________________  _____|\_____        ___________         \ :
    : /      \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/          \|
    |/      tsar1/      \    /      __/     \    /      __/_____         !
    |           /        \  /       |        \\//       l       \        |
    !          /__________\/________|_________\/_____________w^s_\       |
    |                                                                    :
   \|/        ROYAL CONSOLE DHQ  ·  VISAGE DHQ  ·  ACCESSION DHQ        \|/
    |             /\                                                     !
    : _ ___/\    // \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ _________|__
    |_\______\  //   \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/
    /       | \_      \\____ l ____/ /     |    \/     ____/  /     ____/|
   /     ______/       \ /       \  /      |     \       |   /        |  !
  /________| /          /_________\/______________\______|  /_________|  :
    | :     /____________\                                            !  .
    ! | ND#1 +31-70-320-5418 28k8 VFC  DiABLO^MTH^RYL^HNY^RDZ^VSG^ACC |
    : ! ND#2 +31-70-320-8453 28k8 VFC  DELiTE^MTH^RYL^TAB^EDG         :
    . | ND#3 +31-70-327-1427 21k6 DUAL sCARFACe^VSG^OS!^HNY           |
      : ND#4   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    BOLDY^ULC^SLT                  :
      ! ND#5   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    QUiCKSILVER^GLD                |
      | ND#6   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    TRaSH^MTH^OPS^VSG              |
      `-----+                                                   +-----'
            ! uPLOADED bY sCARFACe         ^ * vSG/hNY/-T!/rDZ  !
            :  pASSED hERE oN 11-19-1995, 02:31:03 aT nODE 03   :
            .                                                   .