                =        OZ-CON 1        =

    Alchemys first major conference for the amiga user. Bring your
    computer for a great night. Entry is $5. This covers the cost
    of renting the rooms and for the demo competition. If more people
    come, the larger the prizes will be. There will be 1st, 2nd and
    3rd prizes. Demos have to be handed in by 11pm. Competition starts
    at midnight.

   AT: Victorian Hot Rod Association Club Rooms
            69 Warrigal Rd,
       It is a two story blue building situated between two other
       buildings, next to Oakleigh train station.  There is plenty of
       car parking out the front. Melways Ref Map 69 F7

                          |       | <-- Warrigal Rd
                          |       |
                         /       /                  ___________
                         |       |                 |
          -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ OVER  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  Oakleigh 
  <--City  | | | | | | | | PASS  | | | TRAIN LINE| |  Station
          -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
                 here|   |       |                 |____________
              _______|   |       |
Carlisle Cres.________   \       \
                      |   |       |
                      | ^ |       |
                       \ \        |
                        \ \ TURN  |
                         \  HERE  |
   WHEN:  Saturday, 26th September, starting at 2pm.
   BRING: Software, ideas, your computer or any other Amiga hardware,
          and most importantly, yourself. You might need a power board
          and an extension cable.
   CONTACT ALCHEMY AT: P.O.Box 188 Southland Centre, Vic 3193
   For more details write or send mail to:
	DreamWeaver:	s915426@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au
	Biggles    :	biggles@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au
   Advance paymets will be taken.  Money to be sent to P.O.Box.  Cash or 
   money orders only.  No Cheques.