NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: GroupWise 4.1a Support Pack 5 - All Languages TID #: 2941710 README FOR: gw41sp5.txt SUPERSEDES: gwcfc5.exe NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: GroupWise 4.1 Message Server for NLM GroupWise 4.1 Message Server for OS/2 GroupWise 4.1a for Windows GroupWise 4.1 Admin for DOS GroupWise 4.1 API Gateway for NLM Shared Code - GW41AWN GroupWise 4.1 SMTP/MIME Gateway for NLM DS.NLM - v5FT ABSTRACT: Do not download this file (GW41SP5.TXT). Its sole purpose is to provide links to the language-specific files our customers need for Support Pack 5 for GroupWise 4.1a. NOTE: This file was re-released on 11-Dec-98 due to a fix to the Canadian-French file. Support Pack 5 is designed to update multiple GroupWise system components at any/all patch levels of version 4.1a. The following components are updated: Windows 3.1 client, NLM and OS2 servers (agents), AD (DOS Administration tool for configuring and maintaining a GroupWise system), and Ofcheck. No previous patches need be applied prior to applying this group of patches. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the language version you wish to download by clicking on the appropriate link under the "Issues" section of this technical information document. ISSUE: When ready to download, please select the link for the language version you wish to download: 2941628 2945393 2941717 2941720 2941724 2941632 2941651 2941531 2941731 2941631 2941682 2941723 2941722 2941726 2941727 2941729 2941664 2941730 2941683 2941732 ============================================================================== Fixes Implemented in GroupWise 4.1a Support Pack 5 July 10, 1998 ============================================================================== --------------------------------- Contents --------------------------------- Administration Message Servers (Agents) OFCheck Windows 3.1 client ================================================================= Administration ================================================================= 1. Gateway Alias deletions 2. Editing Gateway Aliases and moving users in same step 3. "Memory Errors" when attempting to switch Secondary domains to Primary on large systems 4. Hyphen character is now treated same in AD as in Snap-in 5. Interface change to allow OFCheck 4.1d and later to run from AD.EXE 6. Detect version of Domain DB and abort if 5.x 7. Southern Hemisphere Time Zone shift during edit 8. AD.EXE displays German ك character as "SS" 9. Gateway Alias not retained 10. Busy Search Time setting in AD ================================================================= Message Servers (Agents) - NLM/OS2 ================================================================= NLM 4.1e 1. OFS would report a D107 error and send an Admin message when a PURGE_LIN action was being processed in a Server-Always environment. This was unnecessary since all that was requested was a record to be deleted, which had been deleted already 2. MSIP would stop processing requests at times when running on SMP 3. Fixes semaphore abends when multiple copies of OFS are running on one server. Global semaphores are now used 4. Fixes a logging problem where long lines of text caused an abend NLM 4.1d 1. Upon deleting the last Post Office from a Domain, a Page Fault Processor Exception error would occur on the NGWADS-MaintThrd process. 2. When running a server-based OFCheck on users with extended characters in their UserID, OFS could cause a Page Fault Processor Exception abend in the NGWOFS-Handler process 3. German UserIDs with extended characters were undeliverable if addressed through a Public Group 4. Using a Message Delivery setting of "App Threshold" would not delete all attachments when all users had emptied the message from Trash 5. Resolves problem with Mac attachments that contained a resource fork but no data fork 6. Contains fixes for Daylight Savings Time for southern hemisphere OS/2 4.1e None. OS/2 4.1d 1. Upon deleting the last Post Office from a Domain, a Page Fault Processor Exception error would occur on the NGWADS-MaintThrd process 2. When running a server-based OFCheck on users with extended characters in their UserID, OFS could cause a Page Fault Processor Exception abend in the NGWOFS-Handler process 3. German UserIDs with extended characters were undeliverable if addressed through a Public Group 4. Using a Message Delivery setting of "App Threshold" would not delete all attachments when all users had emptied the message from Trash 5. Resolves problem with Mac attachments that contained a resource fork but no data fork 6. Contains fixes for Daylight Savings Time for southern hemisphere ================================================================= OFCheck ================================================================= OFCheck 4.1e 1. Fixes a problem in which OFCheck would hang when reading the OFFILES directory during a contents check 2. Splash screen now shows "Novell Inc." OFCheck 4.1d 1. D107 problems generated by Auto-dated messages after Expire/Reduce has been used 2. Checks for adequate disk space during execution 3. Fixes "Error 44" when checking UserIDs that contain multinational characters 4. Report DRNs of records generating C037 errors 5. BATCH mode processing requires a password "via /PWD- switch" if the host is password protected 6. Summary Log now shows "GroupWise System Information" instead of "Office System Information" OFCheck 4.1b 1. When using the Expire option for an entire post office (User = "all"), it detects and deletes orphaned records in message databases and orphaned files in the OFFILES directory and recovers wasted storage space 2. Prevents deletions of new attachment files (files created within the last six hours at the time OFCheck checks them). Those files are stored in the OFFILES directory structure 3. Verification record validation - detects and reports security violations (D115 - renamed databases) 4. Detects and deletes extremely large (invalid) notify files in the OFNOTIFY directory 5. Detects and corrects folders linked to themselves instead of valid parent 6. Resolves un-owned files by setting file ownership to Supervisor 7. Turns off database roll-forward logging if accidentally turned on 8. Shows FIDs and DiskIDs for all users during summary stats. 9. Correctly reports recovered records following structural rebuilds 10. Cleans up expired server log files 11. Better timesharing for server execution and callbacks for server termination 12. Fixes low-level database code to ignore encryption bytes in WP headers 13. Fixes low-level database code to delete records in extreme cases 14. Fixes low-level database code to recover additional records during rebuild in extreme cases ================================================================= Windows 3.1 Client ================================================================= Patch 4/ Patch 5 (NOTE: Patch 4 was released to the general public in US-English only (GWUSC4.EXE)) 1. Client would GPF when printing some mail messages that came from the Internet 2. Many Quatro Pro 6.03 files did not display with viewers 3. Added ability to view WP 5.2+ for Unix attachments 4. Added Inside/Out Technology Viewers v. 5.11 which includes the ability to view Office 97 application attachments 5. Remote was not allowing re-connect after disconnecting 6. Out Box Items existing prior to a move-user process are lost when archived after the move 7. Users were unable to edit the path for File Type Associations under Preferences on Windows 95 8. MAPIResolveName: The function MAPIResolveName() failed if you first create an e-mail message (or note or task) and cancel out of it and then run a program that calls MAPIResolveName() 9. Change to MAPI.DLL : Added capability to the MAPIFindNext() function to check for an additional flag in the flFlags parameter. The new flag, MAPI_ROOT_ONLY, if set, will cause MAPIFindNext() to enumerate only the items in the root folder for GroupWise 4.x (for GroupWise 5.x, setting this flag will enumerate only the items in the Mailbox folder) 10. When changing archive directory paths in preferences, the archive files in the old path would be moved. If archive files existed in the new path, they would be overwritten by the files being moved from the old path. Now when the user changes his archive path, the old archive stays in its former path and a new, empty archive will be created. This makes the Windows client work the way the DOS and Macintosh clients do 11. Embedded Excel spreadsheets in WP did not view properly. The numbers were inaccurately rounded 12. Notify tunes would click sometimes when not using a sound card 13. Under rare conditions, some archive items would disappear when unarchived 14. When BC recipient did Reply-to-All to users in other domains, the client would GPF 15. So. Hemisphere TZ problem: Notify alarms were late one hour during DST 16. So. Hemisphere TZ problem: delivery time stamp would be ahead of creation time stamp by one hour though delivered immediately during DST 17. The appt time would display one hour off in the calendar view on the day of the DST change with an autodate appt. where the "by example" or "by formula" methods were used 18. A Message with an expiration date and delayed delivery set would be delivered and deleted on the expiration date 19. Client would GPF when doing a reply-to-all while proxied to a resource 20. Notify would GPF when closing it on NT4 21. The minimize button would not display on the GroupWise views when running on NT4 22. Notify was unable to play .WAV files on NT4 23. A proxy with Read Only rights could drag items to the Trash 24. Removed the print border (introduced with Patch 4) 25. Landscape calendar and attachment printouts would be 75% of their normal size (introduced with Patch 4) ================================================================= Fixes Implemented in Patch 3 for the Client 11/12/96 ================================================================= 1. Remote Client Communications Errors (Async Rewind Problem). Communications problems encountered when uploading large files could result in long delays during which little progress was seen by the user. Improved error handling and recovery have been implemented in the remote client to eliminate these problems. These changes have also been implemented in the Async and X.25 gateways to correct download problems. If errors were encountered while connecting to the gateway, the number of potentially non-productive retries could result in long delays before the error was returned to the user. The number of connection retry attempts has been reduced from 30 to 10 to reduce this delay. 2. Reply Addressing Problems Between External 4.0 Domains. Additional Routing Information (ARI) accumulation on addresses constructed for replies between two External 4.0 domains could result in non-delivery to recipients on the original sender's PO. ARI reduction code has been implemented that simplifies addresses and assures delivery. A forthcoming change to OFS allows further redundant ARI elimination, but is not required to correct non-delivery errors 3. Address Book Name Search Scrolling Problems Under Windows NT. Typing characters to look up a recipient's name in the address book did not select the correct entry. A change was made to accommodate differences in Win16 and WinNT windows API structure handling. This change corrects similar problems in the remote client's configuration selection lists. 4. Outbox Override Send Option Not Cleared on Resend. The hidden send option, outbox override, is now cleared when an outbox item is resent. This problem affected items imported to the outbox through the API gateway's MSG-ACTION=Import-Outbox feature, and resulted in OFS errors for recipients on POs other than the outbox owner's. A similar change was made to OFS to clear the bit as it is stored in the recipient's outbox 5. Autodate Appointment Errors on Day of DST Change. Appointments scheduled for a DST change day using Autodate were scheduled one hour off the intended time due to a midnight-based offset calculation. These calculations now recognize DST days as special cases. Printing the Week calendar view for the week of the DST change resulted in a similar one hour shift 6. "Insert Disk in Drive B:" Message During Network Install. When installing the Windows client to certain network drive letters, this error was encountered. With this change, the administrator may use any network drive letter as the install target. 7. Miscellaneous Archive Problems. "GroupWise Error (8210). File I/O Error" was returned when unarchiving a message with a message body or attachment of 2k or larger in Server Always delivery mode. If a user attempted to change the Archive Directory when it was administratively locked, the archive data would be copied to the new location, the old archive data deleted and the location reset to its original value due to the administrative lock. Loss of archive data would occur if the user attempted to change the path again. Now, if the path archive path is locked, the Archive Directory field is disabled under the Location of Files preference. 8. International Keyboard Lockup. Selecting an International (i.e. non-US) keyboard on fast machines (typically Pentium 133s and faster) running Windows 3.x resulted in a locked keyboard. Using the mouse to change the keyboard repeat rate from the control panel was a common work-around. The fix employs a keyboard reset after the keyboard is initialized by shared code. 9. Personal Groups Deleted on Update (Client, List Server). Under Server Always, personal groups could be lost when updated. Reprioritization of Delete and Add engine calls corrected the problem. Fix also corrects loss of lists in the GroupWise List Server product. 10. Auto update continuously prompts user to update. User continues to get prompted to update even after choosing "Yes" the first time. It is not known as to what environments would cause this to happen, but problems were found in auto update code and corrections were made which should prevent this from being a problem in the future. 11. (Fixed in the release of the "Refresh" CD) User gets "printer initialization error" message when printing to a NetWare 4.1 print queue. 12. (Added in the release of the "Refresh" CD) Added viewers: Envoy, Mac PowerPoint 4.0, Quattro Pro 6, Mac Word 6. Note: The ability to view Word 7 documents is provided by the installation of the latest OLE patch from Microsoft. ================================================================= Fixes Implemented in Patch 2 for the Client 08/28/95 ================================================================= 1. If you use the control bar/mouse combination to quickly scroll up and down through the address book, it cuts and pastes names throughout the display so that they are out of order. 2. The contents of attached files get mixed up when multiple clients send mail at the same time. 3. During macro record, the minimize and maximize buttons disappear, partially re-appear and appear fully. 4. The AddressBookResolve and AddressListAdd tokens were not working properly with some external addresses. 5. MS Access has the user DB modification abilities, but the runtime version doesn't; thus, the GroupWise MAPI.DLL does not work with the runtime version of MS Access 6. Opening attachments from a send dialog causes a GPF in ofwinfil.exe at 0015:185e. 7. The QuickList does not drop down when the right mouse button is held down. You have to release the button before the QuickList displays 8. Workstation Install does not work... it returns the error "Unable to setup working environment for GroupWise. The program could not detect WP Shared Program files." 9. A GPF occurs when the pointer is moved across a macro button on a button bar. OfWINFIL caused a GPF in module SHWIN20.dll at 0032:000005ee 10. Orphaned files left in the OFFILES directories after messages have been purged 11. REMOTE: After a person has moved to a different domain or post office the updated user list will show the person duplicated, where they were before, and where they are now 12. Upgrade expert added to Help 13. Sound stop, pause and scroll bar added for TAS sound view 14. Although other platform filenames are changed to conform to DOS 8.3 standards - when opening, printing, or viewing Macintosh file attachments from the Windows client, the filenames do not conform to the DOS 8.3 filename format 15. When you attempt to print an attachment (from associated application) the file is loaded into the appropriate application but Printing is not invoked 16. Odd characters are displayed (inside of parentheses) in the Info screen because the Mail Envelope information is being displayed on top of the "Mail Envelope Information" prompt such that only part of information is displayed 17. Printing multiple files with WPWin hangs WPWin and GroupWise 18. Changing the archive directory to the same path as the DOS client's archive directory path will delete all items in the DOS client's archive directory 19. Win95: When scheduling an appointment, choose busy search. Then click on the right lower scroll bar arrow. This will lock the program 20. Computer locks when replying to a message, attaching a new attachment and opening it 21. Logging in to WIN95 as a different user while running a shared code program causes a GPF or a computer restart 22. The long prompts are no longer working on macro buttons. The space that should have the macros name as a long prompt is now blank. This does not occur in Windows 3.1 23. ML attachments or other file attachments larger than 4k are not cleaned up properly when sent as routing slips or personal attachments 24. You can send to a foreign domain with: domain:joe@host, but you cannot send to a foreign domain with domain:joe 25. The Info screen now displays sender "LIN" information (message database number where the message resides, etc) 26. WIN95: Improved caption painting. 27. WIN95: Locks computer when putting 66-character paths in location of files entries 28. WIN95: Prompted for network ID whenever shared code loads 29. WIN95: no network button on Open dialog 30. WIN95: DBM pop-up buttons have a top and bottom border problem 31. WIN95: macro recording wart covers buttons 32. PCFTP network driver returns ID from INI file which causes a security breach ================================================================= Fixes Implemented in Patch 1 of the Client 02/22/95 ================================================================= 1. Custom Messages. Under some conditions the DLL associated with custom messages would not load causing custom messages to fail 2. Custom Commands. Under some conditions the DLL associated with custom commands would not load causing the command to not work 3. MAPI. Mapi would not work properly with Microsoft Access. Under some conditions a GPF would occur 4. Calendar Printing. When printing calendar information the printer orientation is changed to match the selected form. This was not happening correctly under some conditions 5. Printing multi-image TIFF and multi-sheet spreadsheet attachments. Formerly, when "Print" was used while viewing a multi-image TIFF file or multi-sheet spreadsheet only the first image or sheet would print. Now, the current viewed image or sheet will print Self-Extracting File Name: gw41sp5.txt Files Included Size Date Time ..\ GW41SP5.TXT (This file) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------