This is to announce the availability of an alpha release of ILU 2.0,
ILU 2.0alpha10.  See to
download the sources for UNIX or Windows or pre-built Windows

The Inter-Language Unification system (ILU) is a multi-language object
interface system.  The object interfaces provided by ILU hide
implementation distinctions between different languages, between
different address spaces, and between operating system types.  ILU can
be used to build multi-lingual object-oriented libraries ("class
libraries") with well-specified language-independent interfaces.  It
can also be used to implement distributed systems.  It can also be
used to define and document interfaces between the modules of
non-distributed programs.  ILU interfaces can be specified in either
the OMG's IDL language, or in ILU's Interface Specification Language,
which allows extensions to the CORBA spec.  Programming languages
supported in 2.0alpha10 are ANSI C, Common Lisp, Java, and Python;
rough C++ support is also present.  Operating systems supported in
2.0alpha10 are all Windows platforms with Win32 and WinSock, and all
UNIX platforms with BSD sockets and minimal POSIX compliance.
2.0alpha10 supports interoperability with ONC RPC services, OMG CORBA
services, World Wide Web HTTP services, and XNS Courier services.
``Plug-in'' extensibility is provided for RPC message formats, message
transport schemes, URL schemes, accounting and authorization identity
types, threading and event loop processing, and various other things.
ILU is provided free for unrestricted use.

Known bugs are listed in the README file.  Despite being an alpha
release, 2.0alpha10 is very stable along a number of dimensions.
Principal areas still under development, and hence unstable, are: the
specific APIs for security, the C++ mapping, the Java mapping, the
mapping of ILU object references to various RPC protocols, the
specific algorithm for automatic generation of type UID fingerprints,
and the specific contents of the ILU profile in the OMG CORBA IOR.

Patches will be appearing in the file

Changes from 2.0alpha9 to 2.0alpha10

   * *Default garbage collection behavior of Python true objects
     changed.* In previous ILU releases, the ILU kernel held an extra
     reference to each Python true object, so that they were never
     garbage collected.  This extra reference has been removed in
     2.0alpha10, so that the application must be careful to maintain
     references to objects which it wishes to preserve.

   * *Aggressive garbage collection of C objects.*  C objects
     (`ILU_C_Object *') are now reference counted.  An application must
     be careful to use `CORBA_Object_duplicate' and
     `CORBA_Object_release' correctly to avoid memory smashes.

   * *Full type information cached.*  If both `--enable-pickle-support'
     and `--enable-corba-iiop' have been selected, full type
     information on all compiled-in or dynamically-loaded ISL types is
     now cached in memory.  This makes it theoretically possible for
     someone to write a CORBA Interface Repository service for ILU (or
     something more useful).  Note changes in `ilu_DefineMethod',
     `ilu_DefineException', and the new function `ilu_DefineMethodArg'.

   * *HTTP persistence supported.*  The `HTTP' protocol may now be
     selected with the string `"http_1_0p"', which causes it to send
     `Connection: "Keep-Alive"' headers, and not close the connection
     between calls (assuming of course that the other end of the
     connection also supports this behavior - fairly common.) The
     programs in examples/httest have been updated accordingly.  In
     addition, it is now possible to use `HTTP' over a boundaried

   * *OMG IDL exceptions with values handled.*  The `idl2isl' compiler
     now, for an OMG IDL exception `E', generates an ISL exception
     called `E', and an ISL type called
     `ilu--prefix-idlExceptionType-E'.  The stubbers handle this type
     variously; the C stubber renames it to `E', as required by the
     CORBA spec; the Python stubber renames it to `E__omgidl_exctype';
     the Lisp stubber folds it into the definition of the `condition'
     `E', and doesn't support the type directly at all.

   * *Java support improved.*  The Java support has been improved, and
     brought closer to the emerging CORBA specification for it.
     Pickles are now supported, and work with IIOP; enumerations are now
     mapped according to the CORBA standard; system exceptions are now
     Java runtime exceptions; interfaces can be specified in OMG IDL;
     works with select-based (BSD) systems as well as poll-based (SVR4)
     systems; holder classes can be mapped the OMG way; many bug fixes.

   * *Common Lisp support improved.*  The Common Lisp work by Joachim
     Achtzehnter has been incorporated, and various other fixes have
     been added, including PICKLE support.  Common Lisp support is
     still missing type registration, but in other respects should be
     fully working.

   * *ilu_Server leaks fixed.*  In previous versions, ILU kernel
     servers which had become empty were not garbage collected.  This
     has been fixed.  The fix also changes the `iluMainLoop' class in
     the old C++ runtime.

   * *Default protocol and transport selected dynamically.*  The default
     protocol and transport are now selected dynamically, so that ILU
     installations without `Sun RPC' can be created.

   * *idl2isl now provided on Win32.*  The `idl2isl' is now part of the
     Windows build.

   * *Python 1.4 now provided on Win32.*  Python 1.4 is now the version
     used on Windows systems.

   * *WINIO no longer part of release.*  WINIO, a subsystem no longer
     needed by ILU on Windows, but included in previous releases, has
     been dropped from the release distribution.