//       BC++ Builder 1.X
//       (c) 1997, 1998 THETA GmbH, e-mail theta@atnet.at
//       Visual controll for automatically saving/restoring of form position
//       Use with Borland C++ Builder 1.x
//       This code is Freeware. You may use it as you whish, as long as you
//       supply this file together with your code. Please mail any bugs or 
//       improvement wishes to theta@atnet.at
//       To install exract all files and in BC++ select
//       Component->Install->Add->Browse, and select
//       SavePos.obj	
//       Controll is installed under FreeWare in BC++ Builder palette
//       Usage: Just place controll on form and fill in two properites.
//       Registry key: under what key will adta be saved (allways in
//       HKEY_CURRENT_USER) and registry section. On every form create
//       controll will read window position/size and state from registry
//       and before destroy it will update the info. Keys wll allways begin
//       with parent form name. On first start (no keys yet) form will be
//       placed at (1,1) and size will be limited to screen size.
//       Modification History:
//       1.0: initial release