File-compare for Delphi

The package consists of the following files:

  Delphi-form for comparing two textfiles. Just use the
  method "Dateien_vergleichen".

  A small Delphi-form which can be used for selecting two
  files to be compared.

  Demo-application which uses fc_wahl and fc_form.

How to use

To use fc_form in your application, you have to proceed
as follows:

1) Include fc_form.pas in your project.
2) Call "TDateivergleich.Dateien_vergleichen" and show
   the form via "ShowModal".

If you like, you can use the Dialogbox "TFC_Dateiauswahl"
(fc_wahl.pas/dfm) for selecting the files to be compared.

Armin L. Biernaczyk