TFxImage and TFxLabel - Delphi Components
                             version 1.1
		Written by Chris Kokkos, August 1995, Greece.                 

These two components derived from TGraphicComponent encapsulate the TImage
and TLabel characteristics along with special effects during painting. 
Absolutely necessary for Multimedia developers and those who want to improve
their applications' splash screens. Especially for splash screens, FxLabel
is a mixture of TLabel and TPanel, it can draw a Border around the caption
but it has now lost its transparency ("Transparent" property). It still 
looks sleek, though. Ah! I almost forgot!, I added a 3D-Text style for the
caption and it now can be drawn raised, recessed or plain (as used to be).

To Install this component set, try "Install Components" and then type 

FREEWARE!!!! - These components are totaly free (in their current version).

Here is some technical info for the new components:

*** TFxImage:
New Properties:   
 - Effect    (Over 40 special effects can be picked from a special property
     editor I created to ease the selection. All are INTERACTIVE!!!).

 - BoxWidth  (This defines the width of each box. The image is divided into
     many many boxes to be handled effectively. Lower the number for slower
     effects, raise the number for faster but more "boxy" effects).

*** TFxLabel 
New Properties:
 - Effect      (Same as above)
 - BoxWidth    (Same as above)
 - BevelInner  (Raised, Lowered or none)
 - BevelOuter  (Raised, Lowered or none)
 - BevelWidth  (Width of the Bevel)
 - BorderWidth (Width of the Border)
 - BorderStyle (Single or None)

*** Effect supported for this version (1.1):

No Effect                  Left To Right           Right To Left
Top To Bottom              Bottom To Top           Horizontal Wipe In
Horizontal Wipe Out        Vertical Wipe In        Vertical Wipe Out
Diagonal TL-BR             Diagonal BL-TR          Diagonal TR-BL
Diagonal BR-TL             Double Diag. TL-BR      Double Diag. TR-BL
Diagonal Out TL-BR         Diagonal Out TR-BL      Diagonal Quad.
Horiz. Interlace           Vert. Interlace         Horiz. Double Pass 2
Vert. Double Pass 2        Horiz. Double Pass      Vert. Double Pass
Random Lines               Horizontal Blind        Vertical Blind
Double Blind               Swirl In                Random Block
Checkerboard               Vertical Stripes        Horizontal Stripes
Vertical Big Stripes       Horizontal Big Stripes  Kaleidoscope
Double Wipe Out            Double Wipe In          Screen Drip
Spray                      Vertical Snake          Horizontal Snake

If you use these components in your applications please include the usual
credits in your "About.." dialog screen.

For any info or suggestions please feel free to write to: