Copyright © 1999 by Peter Ivan Dunne all rights reserved 
       Portions Copyright (c) 1995,99 Borland International     

 ever wanted to use image components in your program
  only to find that you had to add the popup menu's & file dialog's
  which should have been part of the component ?
  I wrote TImagePlus & TDBimagePlus so I can forget all that coding and get
  on with the programming

  to use these components you simply install them on your component palette
  and use them as you would tImage or tDbImage
  the new properties are as follows
  Aspect (TImagePlus) like stretch except maintains aspect ratio
  OpenDialog, SaveDialog (Delphi 2)
  OpenPictureDialog, SavePictureDialog (Delphi 3,4,5)
  allows you to specify your own open & save dialogs
  if you do not specify any dialogs they are created as needed

  Note: assigning a popup menu defeats the built-in menu
  if you want to extend the menu then you can access the MENU variable of the
  TImagePlus or TDbImagePlus components

 who am I ?
    Peter Ivan Dunne
    35 year old computer technician
    My Email is
    web site
    Copyright © 1999 Peter Ivan Dunne
    I am interrested in Job offers,  Money,  Free Code ???
May not be used by servants, agents or employees of the governments of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland under any circumstances not even personal use!!

See Licence.Txt for details
  NONE - you use it at your own risk
  The author shall not be held liable for any costs/damages arising from the use
  or inability to use this code

  Email me with requests or bugs and I will try but unless I get paid!!
  Priority will always be given to bug squashing! (I hate em.)

  1996 first version - Unreleased basic cut & paste functions
  1997 rewrite of code and changed the base class due to problems
       implementing the aspect ratio function, also added dialogs for open/save
  1999 rewrite (again) to make it work with Delphi versions 1-4
       also added Twain support using eztwain.dll
  2000 First Public Release
       Re-wrote the twain loading code to load the dll dynamically instead of static

  Things to do
       Recent file list ??
       I am currently working on a set of Language neutral components for Delphi
       which support Unicode and dynamic language support using standardized
       dll files to provide automated translation of messages, captions, hints etc
       when this is ready (currently only working on Delphi 2 due to bugs)
       I will change these components to support full NLS capability
       Also in the pipe-line is an image filter component which makes use of
       the registry to update graphic format support without recompiling
       your application

This version supports Delphi 1 - 4 and C++ Builder (tested with version 1)
to use it is easy, Install it and use it as you would TImage
there is no coding work needed, just right click on the TImagePlus/TDbImagePlus object and use the menu
you can set the options for the built-in dialogs through the DialogOptions property, they are the same options you have for TOpenDialog/TSaveDialog

Want Twain? easy use TImageTwain/TDbImageTwain, Compile, Right click, Select Source, Click Acquire

Known limitations
 the Delphi 1 (16 bit) code uses static linking so if EZTWAIN.DLL is not in your path your application fails
 OnScanError event not implemented although the property exists

 486 or better
 8 MB ram for 16 bit Delphi 1 version
16 MB ram Win 95/98 NT
Installed twain drivers for twain functions.
Inprise/Borland Delphi versions 1 - 4

Delphi 1
 copy the file EZTWAIN.DLL  to your windows\system directory
Delphi 2 up & C++ Builder 
 copy the file EZTW32.DLL to your windows\system directory
 under WINDOWS copy to Windows\system32

 Delphi 1 & 2 and C++ Builder 1 click Component - Install and select REGIMG.PAS
click ok to re-compile the library
Caution you should save a copy of your original component library first!

Delphi 3 Component - Install Packages ADD, select GDA3.DPK 
Delphi 4 Component - Install Packages ADD, select GDA4.DPK