{ GMSStickyLabel v1.2 Aug/16/97 by Glenn Shukster & Jacques Scoatarin GMS COMPUTING INC. Phone (905)771-6458 53 COLVIN CRES. Fax -6819 THORNHILL, ONT. Compuserve: 72734,123 CANADA L4J 2N7 InternetId:Gms@Shaw.wave.ca http://members.tor.shaw.wave.ca/~gms/ Jacques Scoatarin Phone (357)2-492591 52 Athalassis Ave. (flat 202) Nicosia Cyprus InternetId:j.scoatarin@cytanet.com.cy Purpose: This is a label that will attach, and align(top, left, bottom, right)itself with a specified gap to any TWinControl(TEdit, TDBMemo, TButton etc..) This means it will move in unison when you move the TWinControl. There are other components out there that make a label part of the edit or memo etc. but they tie you too much to that other component. Features: 1) All abilities of TLabel still exist 2) Works with Delphi 1,2,3. 3) _AlignTo: The position it will align to the TWinControl (left, right, top, bottom) 4) _AttachTo: The TWincontrol this label will attach to. 5) _Gap: The space between the two components 6) Right Click: Component editor option realigns all TGMSStickyLabels on the form(owner) to their _AttachTo components 7) Drop Label on any TWinControl and it asks to fill in _AttachTo with that component 8) Move TWinControl: the label will follow the _AttachTo component Files: GMSLabel.pas : This component LblEdit.pas : Component editor for GMSLabel GMSLabel.dcr : In the 16 directory for Delphi 1 GMSLabel.dcr : In the 32 directory for Delphi 2 & 3 Installation: Copy the above pas files and the *.dcr file in the (16 Dir Delphi1) or (32 Dir Delphi 2 & 3) into one of the dirs in your component lib search path. Then install gmslabel.pas & lbledit.pas. Only GMSStickyLabel will appear on your component pallet under GMS. Copyright: This component is free if you keep this comment header. Any damage real or imagined caused by this component is 100% your responsibility not GMS Computing Inc.'s. Thank You This free component is my way of saying thank you to The Delphi Community. People have been more than helpful to me in the forums & newsgroups, especially team B members, Wayne Niddery, and Jacques Scoatarin. As an example of how great a community we have within a day of sending this component out Jacques Scoatarin basically added the lower level api calls to enable features 7 & 8 which make the component much more robust. Enjoy! If you like and use this component e-mail to let me know. P.S. GMS Computing Inc.(which is me) is always looking for new contracts. If you like what you see then contact me. See my web page for more details. VERSION INFO GMSStickyLabel v1.1 July/5/97 by Glenn Shukster & Jacques Scoatarin - Released on public. V 1.2 Aug/14/97 - Thanks to Erik B. Berry <berry@elvis.rhodes.edu> & Jean-Christophe Boggio <cat@gestalt.freenix.fr> who reported the behavior below - Corrected weird behavior that occured when the panel was aligned bottom and then you assign the TGMSStickylabel - Corrected if TGMSStickyLabel is moved from _AttachedTo component back to the same _AttachedTo component it would not realign itself. Now it does. - Corrected when selecting _AttachedTo you could select a component who did not have the same parent with poor results: Added a property editor that only displays TWinControls that have the same parent. }