Update: 11 Sept 1998.
Huge unit source released by Ray Lischner with small fix made by Sam Liddicott to match a fix made by Ray in his now out-of-print book "Secrets of Delphi 2".

Ray said:
"The book is out of print, so you might have trouble finding. I attached
the original source code for the Huge unit. The problem is in the
HugeMove procedure--it's easy to find. Feel free to post the source code
and replace my huge14.zip uploads with it."

So, all cheers to Ray for some excellent code I have depended on for years, double cheers for releasing the source, and three cheers for making it so easy to read.

This ZIP archive contains the Huge unit, for implementing
huge pointers and lists in Delphi. Source available separately.

Freeware. Copyright 1995 Tempest Software.

huge.dcu	DCU for the Huge unit
hugeres.res	Resource file for the Huge unit
huge.hlp	Windows Help file
huge.kwf	Delphi help keyword file

readme.txt	This file

hugedemo.dpr	Demo and test project
hugeform.pas	Demo unit source
hugeform.dfm	Demo form