TktMultiBevel	and	TktBevelButton v2.1b 11/20/97

The	TktMultiBevel	respectivly	TktBevelButton are enhanced	Bevels with	the	possibility	to choose

-	BorderColor,
-	BorderWidth,
-	BevelColor,
-	BevelWidth,
-	Shadows	and	a	new	Shape

*	TktMultiBevel	and	TktBevelButton are completely	FREEWARE.
*	Do what	you	want with	it,	but	use	it at	your own	risk.

*	Comments,	suggestions	and	improvements are welcome.

For	Delphi 1 use the ressource file	*.d16, for Delphi	2	and	3	*.d32.
It's not necessary to	rename it.


v1.0	-	10/04/97 - Initial release
v1.1	-	10/11/97 - Added Shadow	properties,	rebuilt	procedures
v1.15	-	10/13/97 - Added dithered	Shadow
v2.0	-	10/27/97 - Added semitransparent Border, changed property
									 Transparent:	Boolean	to Transparence: TTransparence,
									 Portrait	as new Shape;
									 Added TktBevelButton	{by	suggestion of	Steve	Pinneo from	Vancouver, BC, Canada	}
									 Changed the *.d16 and *.d32 ressource files
v2.1	-	11/19/97 - Added the possibility to	choose the Density of	the	dithered
									 Shadow	and	the	Transparence;
									 Changed the algorithm of	dithering	and	the	calculation	of bevelcolors
									 {from the Colorman.pas	of the Graphics	Pack by
										William	Yang
v2.1b	-	11/20/97 - Bugfix	in bspPortrait painting

Kerstin	Thaler