MSLOGON Domain Logon/off program
MSlogon.exe + src  1.0.2  2-7-97
Author:   John Melendy

Target:   Delphi1 and WFW.
          Winsock and Communications

License:  Freeware/PD - rip it all you want.

Purpose:> Demonstrates programatically logging <
	> on and off a Microsoft NT or LanMan  < 
	> Domain with or without dialog boxes. <

Comments: This code is a real hack and a work in
	  progress, so dont winge about that, 
	  please, I already know. I hope this is
	  useful to people, as there have been a
	  lot of questions in several newsgroups
	  about this. If you have any improvements,
	  helpful suggestions, ;) please send an 
	  email to me.

Revision History: 
1.0.0: 	First Version, lacks function domain 

1.0.2:	Fixed domain enumeration.
	Fixed termination problem (allowed 
	alt-f4 etc. to close.)
	Added command line switch: /ac
	  - removes cancel button ( no exit
	    without logging on !)