This project has been made by
**  BRETIN David,
**  COUERY Tanguy,
**  GUILHEM Eric,
for a last year project at 

IUP Informatique d'Avignon
84000 Avignon

We have made a lot of Novell Objects for DELPHI 1.0

* Connection (Login, logout... whith a lot of informations)

* File Manager (3 visual objects for: Disk, Directory and File handling
              with the possibility to create, destroy, change attributes...  )

* Communication (TLI, SPX, IPX modes. Very useful, 
               a lot of communication are allowed)

* All Bindery Objects (Very big) 
(Users, printers, groups... with all their properties Read/Write)

* And a NLM wich allows users to use SERVER functions on a PC 
(Very powerful for the bindery)

All objects are given with all sources code and Examples

Finaly we had converted all the C API Functions for DELPHI
and we give you all this functions 
and their Help (WINHELP with .KWF) for 
DELPHI (980 pages functions and stuctures)

We give you also an technical documentation (120 pages .DOC Word 6)
which describe all objects (properties, functions, descriptions...)

All is FREE !!!! (You could send us feed back!)

No Mail (perhaps
We have a training periode (1/04/96 -> 1/08/96)

                                COUERY Tanguy, BRETIN David.

** Our Address: **

BRETIN David (NOVELL Project)
7 Chambord
21 800 Chevigny St Sauveur

COUERY Tanguy (NOVELL Project)
Ferme du Rocq 
02 400 Blesmes 

8 Le Vie, Cardan
33 410 Gadillac / Garonne

My English is very Poor... (I'm sorry)
(Can you translate it ?)