TSplitIt 1.0.3 * 25 August 1998

TSplitIt is a VCL component for Delphi 1, 2, 3 & 4 and C++Builder 1 & 3
Copyright (C) 1996-1998, by Jan Goyvaerts.

Visit http://www.ping.be/jg/ for more excellent VCL components
by the same author.

TSplitIt is splitter component: it allows the user to resize certain parts
within a window, just like an entire window can be resized.
You, as the programmer, simply have to drop TSplitIt on your form, 
set the properties as you like and put the necessary code in the
OnSplit event handler to update the form when the user moves the splitter.

You can split anything with TSplitIt, not just two panels or the like.
Also, TSplitIt does not rely on the Align properties of the controls being split.

You may use this component free of charge in your public domain, freeware
and shareware applications. If you want to include it in a commercial application,
you are kindly requested to contact the author. Expensive applications
should not be built with free components.

Delphi 1 installation

1. Unzip SplitIt1.zip into the directory of your choice. You will probably
   want to use an existing directory as Delphi's Library Path can be no
   longer than 127 characters.
2. Move SplitIt.hlp to your delphi\bin directory and SplitIt.kwf to your
   \delphi\help directory
3. Run delphi\help\helpinst.exe
4. Open delphi\bin\delphi.hdx, add SplitIt.kwf and click on the Save button.
5. Launch Delphi 1 if it isn't already running.
6. Choose Options|Install components... from the menu, click the Add button,
   click the Browse button and select the file SplitIt.dcu in the TSplitIt
   directory selected in step 1.
7. Click Ok to recompile the component library.
8. Have fun!

Delphi 2 installation

1. Unzip SplitIt2.zip into the directory of your choice. You will probably
   want to use an existing directory as Delphi's Library Path can be no
   longer than 127 characters.
2. Move SplitIt.hlp, SplitIt.cnt and SplitIt.kwf to your 
   \delphi 2.0\help directory
3. Run delphi 2.0\help\tools\helpinst.exe
4. Open delphi 2.0\bin\delphi.hdx, add SplitIt.kwf and click on the Save
5. Launch Delphi 2 if it isn't already running.
6. Choose Component|Install... from the menu, click the Add button, click the
   Browse button and select the file SplitIt.dcu in the TSplitIt directory
   created in step 1.
7. Click Ok to recompile the component library.
8. Have fun!

Delphi 3 installation

1. Unzip SplitIt3.zip into the directory of your choice.
2. Move SplitIt.hlp and SplitIt.cnt to your Delphi 3.0\Help directory.
3. Open Delphi 3.0\Help\Delphi3.cfg with a text editor and add the following
   line to the bottom of the file:
     :Link SplitIt.hlp
4. Save Delphi3.cfg, overwriting the old file.
5. Run Delphi 3 if it is not yet running.
6. Install the component into Delphi 3 using one of the following methods:
   a. Open SplitItPack.dpk in Delphi 3 and click on the Install button.
   b. Pick Component|Install component from the menu. Specify SplitIt.dcu as 
      the component unit name. Select the package of your choice and hit OK.
7. Have fun!

Delphi 4 installation

1. Unzip SplitIt4.zip into the directory of your choice.
2. Move SplitIt.hlp and SplitIt.cnt to your Delphi 4.0\Help directory.
3. Run Delphi 3 if it is not yet running.
4. Pick Component|Install component from the menu. Specify SplitIt.dcu as 
     the component unit name. Select the package of your choice and hit OK.
5. Have fun!

C++Builder 1 installation

1. Unzip SplitItC.zip into the directory of your choice. You will probably
   want to use an existing directory as C++Builder's Library Path can be no
   longer than 127 characters.
2. Move SplitIt.hlp and SplitIt.cnt to your CBuilder\Help directory.
3. Run Common Files\Borland\OpenHelp.exe
4. Add SplitIt.hlp and close OpenHelp.
5. Launch C++Builder if it isn't already running.
6. Choose Component|Install... from the menu, click the Add button, click the
   Browse button and select the file SplitIt.obj in the TSplitIt directory
   created in step 1.
7. Click Ok to recompile the component library.
8. Have fun!

C++Builder 3 installation

1. Unzip SplitItC3.zip into the directory of your choice. You will probably
   want to use an existing directory as C++Builder's Library Path can be no
   longer than 127 characters.
2. Move SplitIt.hlp and SplitIt.cnt to your CBuilder3\Help directory.
3. Run Common Files\Borland\OpenHelp.exe
4. Add SplitIt.hlp and close OpenHelp.
5. Launch C++Builder 3 if it isn't already running.
6. Choose Component|Install... from the menu, click the Add button, click the
   Browse button and select the file SplitIt.obj in the TSplitIt directory
   created in step 1.
7. Click Ok to recompile the component library.
8. Have fun!